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The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton W. Burgess, XX. BUSTER BEAR CARRIES OFF THE PAIL OF FARMER BROWN'S BOY


The question is, did Buster Bear steal Farmer Brown's boy's pail? To steal is to take something which belongs to some one else. There is no doubt that he stole the berries that were in the pail when he found it, for he deliberately ate them. He knew well enough that some one must have picked them—for whoever heard of blueberries growing in tin pails? So there is no doubt that when Buster took them, he stole them. But with the pail it was different. He took the pail, but he didn't mean to take it. In fact, he didn't want that pail at all. You see it was this way: When Buster found that big tin pail brimming full of delicious berries in the shade of that big bush in the Old Pasture, he didn't stop to think whether or not he had a right to them. Buster is so fond of berries that from the very second that his greedy little eyes saw that pailful, he forgot everything but the feast that was waiting for him right under his very nose. He didn't think anything about the right or wrong of helping himself. There before him were more berries than he had ever seen together at one time in all his life, and all he had to do was to eat and eat and eat. And that is just what he did do. Of course he upset the pail, but he didn't mind a little thing like that. When he had gobbled up all the berries that rolled out, he thrust his nose into the pail to get all that were left in it. Just then he heard a little noise, as if some one were coming. He threw up his head to listen, and somehow, he never did know just how, the handle of the pail slipped back over his ears and caught there.

This was bad enough, but to make matters worse, just at that very minute he heard a shrill, angry voice shout, "Hi, there! Get out of there!" He didn't need to be told whose voice that was. It was the voice of Farmer Brown's boy. Right then and there Buster Bear nearly had a fit. There was that awful pail fast over his head so that he couldn't see a thing. Of course, that meant that he couldn't run away, which was the thing of all things he most wanted to do, for big as he is and strong as he is, Buster is very shy and bashful when human beings are around. He growled and whined and squealed. He tried to back out of the pail and couldn't. He tried to shake it off and couldn't. He tried to pull it off, but somehow he couldn't get hold of it. Then there was another yell. If Buster hadn't been so frightened himself, he might have recognized that second yell as one of fright, for that is what it was. You see Farmer Brown's boy had just discovered Buster Bear. When he had yelled the first time, he had supposed that it was one of the young cattle who live in the Old Pasture all summer, but when he saw Buster, he was just as badly frightened as Buster himself. In fact, he was too surprised and frightened even to run. After that second yell he just stood still and stared.

Buster clawed at that awful thing on his head more frantically than ever. Suddenly it slipped off, so that he could see. He gave one frightened look at Farmer Brown's boy, and then with a mighty "Woof!" he started for the Green Forest as fast as his legs could take him, and this was very fast indeed, let me tell you. He didn't stop to pick out a path, but just crashed through the bushes as if they were nothing at all, just nothing at all. But the funniest thing of all is this—he took that pail with him! Yes, Sir, Buster Bear ran away with the big tin pail of Farmer Brown's boy! You see when it slipped off his head, the handle was still around his neck, and there he was running away with a pail hanging from his neck! He didn't want it. He would have given anything to get rid of it. But he took it because he couldn't help it. And that brings us back to the question, did Buster steal Farmer Brown's boy's pail? What do you think?

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The question is, did Buster Bear steal Farmer Brown's boy's pail? Întrebarea este dacă Buster Bear a furat găleata băiatului lui Farmer Brown? To steal is to take something which belongs to some one else. A fura înseamnă a lua ceva care aparține altcuiva. There is no doubt that he stole the berries that were in the pail when he found it, for he deliberately ate them. Nu există nicio îndoială că a furat boabele care se aflau în găleată atunci când a găsit-o, pentru că le-a mâncat în mod deliberat. He knew well enough that some one must have picked them—for whoever heard of blueberries growing in tin pails? Știa destul de bine că cineva trebuie să le fi cules - căci cine a mai auzit de afine crescând în găleți de tablă? So there is no doubt that when Buster took them, he stole them. Deci nu există nicio îndoială că atunci când Buster le-a luat, le-a furat. But with the pail it was different. Dar cu găleata a fost altfel. He took the pail, but he didn't mean to take it. A luat găleata, dar nu a vrut să o ia. In fact, he didn't want that pail at all. De fapt, el nu voia deloc acea găleată. You see it was this way: When Buster found that big tin pail brimming full of delicious berries in the shade of that big bush in the Old Pasture, he didn't stop to think whether or not he had a right to them. Vous voyez que c'était comme ça : Quand Buster a trouvé ce grand seau en fer blanc débordant de délicieuses baies à l'ombre de ce gros buisson dans le Vieux Pâturage, il n'a pas cessé de se demander s'il y avait droit ou non. Vedeți, așa a fost: Când Buster a găsit acea găleată mare de tablă plină de fructe de pădure delicioase la umbra acelui tufiș mare din pășunea veche, nu s-a oprit să se gândească dacă avea sau nu dreptul la ele. Buster is so fond of berries that from the very second that his greedy little eyes saw that pailful, he forgot everything but the feast that was waiting for him right under his very nose. Buster aime tellement les baies que dès la seconde où ses petits yeux avides ont vu ce seau, il a tout oublié sauf le festin qui l'attendait sous son nez. Lui Buster îi plac atât de mult fructele de pădure, încât din clipa în care ochii lui lacomi au văzut acea găleată plină, a uitat de tot, în afară de festinul care îl aștepta chiar sub nasul lui. He didn't think anything about the right or wrong of helping himself. Nu s-a gândit deloc la ce e bine sau rău în a se ajuta singur. There before him were more berries than he had ever seen together at one time in all his life, and all he had to do was to eat and eat and eat. În fața lui se aflau mai multe fructe de pădure decât văzuse vreodată la un loc în toată viața lui, iar tot ce trebuia să facă era să mănânce, să mănânce și să mănânce. And that is just what he did do. Of course he upset the pail, but he didn't mind a little thing like that. Bineînțeles că a supărat găleata, dar nu l-a deranjat un lucru mărunt ca acesta. When he had gobbled up all the berries that rolled out, he thrust his nose into the pail to get all that were left in it. După ce a înghițit toate boabele care se rostogoleau, și-a băgat nasul în găleată pentru a lua tot ce mai rămăsese în ea. Just then he heard a little noise, as if some one were coming. Chiar atunci a auzit un zgomot mic, ca și cum ar fi venit cineva. He threw up his head to listen, and somehow, he never did know just how, the handle of the pail slipped back over his ears and caught there. Il leva la tête pour écouter, et d'une manière ou d'une autre, il ne sut jamais comment, l'anse du seau glissa sur ses oreilles et s'y accrocha. A ridicat capul ca să asculte și, cumva, nu a știut niciodată cum, mânerul găleții a alunecat înapoi peste urechile lui și s-a prins acolo. Він закинув голову, щоб прислухатися, і якимось чином, він так і не зрозумів, як саме, ручка відра ковзнула назад над його вухами і застрягла там.

This was bad enough, but to make matters worse, just at that very minute he heard a shrill, angry voice shout, "Hi, there! Asta era deja destul de rău, dar ca să înrăutățească lucrurile, chiar în acel moment a auzit o voce stridentă și furioasă strigând: "Bună, acolo! Get out of there!" Ieșiți de acolo!" He didn't need to be told whose voice that was. Il n'avait pas besoin qu'on lui dise à qui appartenait cette voix. Nu avea nevoie să i se spună a cui era vocea. It was the voice of Farmer Brown's boy. Right then and there Buster Bear nearly had a fit. À ce moment-là, Buster Bear a failli faire une crise. În acel moment, Buster Bear aproape că a făcut o criză. There was that awful pail fast over his head so that he couldn't see a thing. Avea o găleată îngrozitoare deasupra capului, așa că nu putea vedea nimic. Of course, that meant that he couldn't run away, which was the thing of all things he most wanted to do, for big as he is and strong as he is, Buster is very shy and bashful when human beings are around. Bineînțeles, asta însemna că nu putea fugi, ceea ce era lucrul pe care și-l dorea cel mai mult, pentru că, oricât de mare și puternic ar fi, Buster este foarte timid și timid când sunt oameni în preajmă. He growled and whined and squealed. Il grogna, gémit et cria. A mârâit, s-a plâns și a guițat. He tried to back out of the pail and couldn't. A încercat să se dea înapoi din găleată și nu a putut. He tried to shake it off and couldn't. A încercat să se scuture și nu a putut. He tried to pull it off, but somehow he couldn't get hold of it. A încercat să o scoată, dar cumva nu reușea să o prindă. Then there was another yell. Apoi s-a auzit un alt strigăt. If Buster hadn't been so frightened himself, he might have recognized that second yell as one of fright, for that is what it was. Si Buster n'avait pas été aussi effrayé lui-même, il aurait peut-être reconnu ce deuxième cri comme un cri de peur, car c'était bien de cela qu'il s'agissait. Dacă Buster nu ar fi fost el însuși atât de speriat, ar fi putut să recunoască acel al doilea țipăt ca fiind unul de spaimă, căci asta era. You see Farmer Brown's boy had just discovered Buster Bear. When he had yelled the first time, he had supposed that it was one of the young cattle who live in the Old Pasture all summer, but when he saw Buster, he was just as badly frightened as Buster himself. Lorsqu'il avait crié la première fois, il avait supposé que c'était l'un des jeunes bovins qui vivaient dans le Vieux Pâturage tout l'été, mais quand il a vu Buster, il a été tout aussi effrayé que Buster lui-même. Când a țipat prima dată, a crezut că era una dintre vitele tinere care trăiesc toată vara pe pășunea veche, dar când l-a văzut pe Buster, s-a speriat la fel de tare ca și Buster însuși. In fact, he was too surprised and frightened even to run. De fapt, a fost prea surprins și speriat chiar și pentru a fugi. After that second yell he just stood still and stared. După acest al doilea strigăt, a rămas nemișcat și a privit fix.

Buster clawed at that awful thing on his head more frantically than ever. Buster agrippa cette chose horrible sur sa tête plus frénétiquement que jamais. Buster se zgâria la chestia aia îngrozitoare de pe capul lui mai frenetic ca niciodată. Suddenly it slipped off, so that he could see. Dintr-o dată a alunecat, ca să poată vedea. He gave one frightened look at Farmer Brown's boy, and then with a mighty "Woof!" S-a uitat speriat la băiatul fermierului Brown și apoi a scos un "Uau!" puternic. he started for the Green Forest as fast as his legs could take him, and this was very fast indeed, let me tell you. a pornit spre Pădurea Verde atât de repede cât îl puteau duce picioarele, și asta a fost foarte repede, să vă spun. He didn't stop to pick out a path, but just crashed through the bushes as if they were nothing at all, just nothing at all. Il ne s'est pas arrêté pour choisir un chemin, mais s'est juste écrasé à travers les buissons comme s'ils n'étaient rien du tout, juste rien du tout. Nu s-a oprit să își aleagă o potecă, ci doar s-a izbit de tufișuri ca și cum n-ar fi fost nimic, pur și simplu nimic. But the funniest thing of all is this—he took that pail with him! Dar cel mai amuzant lucru este că a luat găleata cu el! Yes, Sir, Buster Bear ran away with the big tin pail of Farmer Brown's boy! Oui, monsieur, Buster Bear s'est enfui avec le grand seau en fer blanc du fils du fermier Brown ! Da, domnule, Buster Bear a fugit cu găleata mare de tinichea a băiatului fermierului Brown! You see when it slipped off his head, the handle was still around his neck, and there he was running away with a pail hanging from his neck! Vous voyez, quand il a glissé de sa tête, la poignée était toujours autour de son cou, et le voilà qui s'enfuyait avec un seau suspendu à son cou ! Vedeți, când i-a alunecat de pe cap, mânerul era încă în jurul gâtului său, și iată-l fugind cu o găleată atârnată de gât! He didn't want it. He would have given anything to get rid of it. Ar fi dat orice ca să scape de ea. But he took it because he couldn't help it. Dar a luat-o pentru că nu s-a putut abține. And that brings us back to the question, did Buster steal Farmer Brown's boy's pail? Și asta ne aduce înapoi la întrebarea: a furat Buster găleata băiatului fermierului Brown? What do you think?