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Therese Raquin by Émile Zola, PREFACE


This volume, "Therese Raquin," was Zola's third book, but it was the one that first gave him notoriety, and made him somebody, as the saying goes. While still a clerk at Hachette's at eight pounds a month, engaged in checking and perusing advertisements and press notices, he had already in 1864 published the first series of "Les Contes a Ninon"—a reprint of short stories contributed to various publications; and, in the following year, had brought out "La Confession de Claude." Both these books were issued by Lacroix, a famous go-ahead publisher and bookseller in those days, whose place of business stood at one of the corners of the Rue Vivienne and the Boulevard Montmartre, and who, as Lacroix, Verboeckhoven et Cie., ended in bankruptcy in the early seventies.

"La Confession de Claude" met with poor appreciation from the general public, although it attracted the attention of the Public Prosecutor, who sent down to Hachette's to make a few inquiries about the author, but went no further. When, however, M. Barbey d'Aurevilly, in a critical weekly paper called the "Nain Jaune," spitefully alluded to this rather daring novel as "Hachette's little book," one of the members of the firm sent for M. Zola, and addressed him thus: "Look here, M. Zola, you are earning eight pounds a month with us, which is ridiculous for a man of your talent. Why don't you go into literature altogether? It will bring you wealth and glory." Zola had no choice but to take this broad hint, and send in his resignation, which was at once accepted. The Hachettes did not require the services of writers of risky, or, for that matter, any other novels, as clerks; and, besides, as Zola has told us himself, in an interview with my old friend and employer,[*] the late M. Fernand Xau, Editor of the Paris "Journal," they thought "La Confession de Claude" a trifle stiff, and objected to their clerks writing books in time which they considered theirs, as they paid for it. Zola, cast, so to say, adrift, with "Les Contes a Ninon" and "La Confession de Claude" as scant literary baggage, buckled to, and set about "Les Mysteres de Marseille" and "Therese Raquin," while at the same time contributing art criticisms to the "Evenement"—a series of articles which raised such a storm that painters and sculptors were in the habit of purchasing copies of the paper and tearing it up in the faces of Zola and De Villemessant, the owner, whenever they chanced to meet them. Nevertheless it was these articles that first drew attention to Manet, who had hitherto been regarded as a painter of no account, and many of whose pictures now hang in the Luxembourg Gallery.

"Therese Raquin" originally came out under the title of "A Love Story" in a paper called the "Artiste," edited by that famous art critic and courtier of the Second Empire, Arsene Houssaye, author of "Les Grandes Dames," as well as of those charming volumes "Hommes et Femmes du 18eme Siecle," and many other works. Zola received no more than twenty-four pounds for the serial rights of the novel, and he consented at the insistence of the Editor, who pointed out to him that the periodical was read by the Empress Eugenie, to draw his pen through certain passages, which were reinstated when the story was published in volume form. I may say here that in this translation, I have adopted the views of the late M. Arsene Houssaye; and, if I have allowed the appalling description of the Paris Morgue to stand, it is, first of all, because it constitutes a very important factor in the story; and moreover, it is so graphic, so true to life, as I have seen the place myself, times out of number, that notwithstanding its horror, it really would be a loss to pass it over.

Well, "Therese Raquin" having appeared as "A Love Story" in the "Artiste," was then published as a book, in 1867, by that same Lacroix as had issued Zola's preceding efforts in novel writing. I was living in Paris at the time, and I well recall the yell of disapprobation with which the volume was received by the reviewers. Louis Ulbach, then a writer on the "Figaro," to which Zola also contributed, and who subsequently founded and edited a paper called "La Cloche," when Zola, curiously enough, became one of his critics, made a particularly virulent attack on the novel and its author. Henri de Villemessant, the Editor, authorised Zola to reply to him, with the result that a vehement discussion ensued in print between author and critic, and "Therese Raquin" promptly went into a second edition, to which Zola appended a preface. I have not thought it necessary to translate this preface, which is a long and rather tedious reply to the reviewers of the day. It will suffice to say, briefly, that the author meets the strictures of his critics by pointing out and insisting on the fact, that he has simply sought to make an analytic study of temperament and not of character.

"I have selected persons," says he, "absolutely swayed by their nerves and blood, deprived of free will, impelled in every action of life, by the fatal lusts of the flesh. Therese and Laurent are human brutes, nothing more. I have sought to follow these brutes, step by step, in the secret labour of their passions, in the impulsion of their instincts, in the cerebral disorder resulting from the excessive strain on their nerves." EDWARD VIZETELLY SURBITON, 1 December, 1901.


[*] He sent me to Hamburg for ten days in 1892 to report on the appalling outbreak of cholera in that city, with the emoluments of ten pounds a day, besides printing several articles from my pen on Parisian topics.—E. V.

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This volume, "Therese Raquin," was Zola's third book, but it was the one that first gave him notoriety, and made him somebody, as the saying goes. This volume, "Therese Raquin," was Zola's third book, but it was the one that first gave him notoriety, and made him somebody, as the saying goes. この巻「テレーズ・ラカン」はゾラの3冊目の本でしたが、ことわざにあるように、最初に彼に悪評を与え、彼を誰かにしたものでした。 یہ جلد، "تھریس راکین" زولا کی تیسری کتاب تھی، لیکن یہ وہی تھی جس نے اسے سب سے پہلے بدنام کیا، اور اسے کسی نے بنا دیا، جیسا کہ کہاوت ہے۔ 這本書《特蕾莎·拉奎因》是佐拉的第三本書,但正如俗話所說,正是這本書讓他第一次聲名狼藉,並使他成為了名人。 While still a clerk at Hachette's at eight pounds a month, engaged in checking and perusing advertisements and press notices, he had already in 1864 published the first series of "Les Contes a Ninon"—a reprint of short stories contributed to various publications; and, in the following year, had brought out "La Confession de Claude." Alors qu'il était encore commis chez Hachette à huit livres par mois, chargé de vérifier et de parcourir les publicités et les avis de presse, il avait déjà publié en 1864 la première série des «Contes à Ninon» - réimpression de nouvelles contribuées à diverses publications; et, l'année suivante, avait sorti «La Confession de Claude». Hachette'sの店員は月に8ポンドで、広告や報道通知の確認と閲覧に従事していましたが、1864年にすでに「LesContes a Ninon」の最初のシリーズを出版していました。これは、さまざまな出版物に貢献した短編小説の復刻版です。そして、翌年には「ラ・コンフェッション・ド・クロード」を発表しました。 Both these books were issued by Lacroix, a famous go-ahead publisher and bookseller in those days, whose place of business stood at one of the corners of the Rue Vivienne and the Boulevard Montmartre, and who, as Lacroix, Verboeckhoven et Cie., ended in bankruptcy in the early seventies. Ces deux livres ont été publiés par Lacroix, célèbre éditeur et libraire de l'époque, dont l'établissement se situait à l'un des coins de la rue Vivienne et du boulevard Montmartre, et qui, comme Lacroix, Verboeckhoven et Cie., s'est terminée par une faillite au début des années soixante-dix. ये दोनों पुस्तकें लैक्रोइक्स द्वारा प्रकाशित की गई थीं, जो उन दिनों के एक प्रसिद्ध प्रकाशक और पुस्तक विक्रेता थे, जिनका व्यवसाय रुए विविएन और बुलेवार्ड मोंटमार्ट्रे के एक कोने पर था, और जो लैक्रोइक्स, वर्बोएकहोवन एट सी के रूप में सत्तर के दशक के प्रारंभ में दिवालिया हो गए थे। これらの本は両方とも、当時有名な著名な出版社であり書店であったLacroixによって発行されました。その事業所は、RueVivienneとBoulevardMontmartreの角の1つにあり、LacroixとしてVerboeckhovenetCie。 70年代初頭に破産した。 Обе эти книги были выпущены Лакруа, известным в те времена издателем и книготорговцем, чье предприятие находилось на одном из углов улицы Вивьен и бульвара Монмартр и которое, как Lacroix, Verboeckhoven et Cie., обанкротилось в начале семидесятых годов.

"La Confession de Claude" met with poor appreciation from the general public, although it attracted the attention of the Public Prosecutor, who sent down to Hachette's to make a few inquiries about the author, but went no further. "La Confession de Claude" a rencontré une mauvaise appréciation du grand public, bien qu'elle ait attiré l'attention du procureur de la République, qui s'est rendu chez Hachette pour faire quelques recherches sur l'auteur, mais n'est pas allé plus loin. Книга "La Confession de Claude" не получила должной оценки у широкой публики, хотя и привлекла внимание прокурора, который направил в издательство Hachette несколько запросов об авторе, но дальше этого дело не пошло. When, however, M. Barbey d'Aurevilly, in a critical weekly paper called the "Nain Jaune," spitefully alluded to this rather daring novel as "Hachette's little book," one of the members of the firm sent for M. Zola, and addressed him thus: Cependant, lorsque M. Barbey d'Aurevilly, dans un hebdomadaire critique appelé le «Nain Jaune», fit allusion à ce roman plutôt audacieux comme «le petit livre d'Hachette», l'un des membres de la firme fit venir M. Zola, et s'adressa à lui ainsi: "Look here, M. Zola, you are earning eight pounds a month with us, which is ridiculous for a man of your talent. Why don't you go into literature altogether? Pourquoi ne vous lancez pas complètement dans la littérature? It will bring you wealth and glory." Zola had no choice but to take this broad hint, and send in his resignation, which was at once accepted. Zola n'eut d'autre choix que de prendre ce large indice et d'envoyer sa démission, qui fut aussitôt acceptée. The Hachettes did not require the services of writers of risky, or, for that matter, any other novels, as clerks; and, besides, as Zola has told us himself, in an interview with my old friend and employer,[*] the late M. Fernand Xau, Editor of the Paris "Journal," they thought "La Confession de Claude" a trifle stiff, and objected to their clerks writing books in time which they considered theirs, as they paid for it. Les Hachettes n'avaient pas besoin des services d'écrivains de romans risqués ou, d'ailleurs, de tout autre roman, comme commis; et d'ailleurs, comme Zola nous l'a dit lui-même, dans un entretien avec mon vieil ami et employeur, [*] feu M. Fernand Xau, rédacteur en chef du «Journal» de Paris, ils trouvaient «La Confession de Claude» un peu raide , et se sont opposés à ce que leurs commis écrivent des livres à temps qu'ils considéraient comme les leurs, car ils les payaient. Zola, cast, so to say, adrift, with "Les Contes a Ninon" and "La Confession de Claude" as scant literary baggage, buckled to, and set about "Les Mysteres de Marseille" and "Therese Raquin," while at the same time contributing art criticisms to the "Evenement"—a series of articles which raised such a storm that painters and sculptors were in the habit of purchasing copies of the paper and tearing it up in the faces of Zola and De Villemessant, the owner, whenever they chanced to meet them. Zola, jeté, pour ainsi dire, à la dérive, avec "Les Contes à Ninon" et "La Confession de Claude" comme bagage littéraire maigre, s'est attaché et s'est mis à "Les Mystères de Marseille" et "Thérèse Raquin", alors qu'il était au en même temps en contribuant des critiques d'art à l '«Evenement» - une série d'articles qui a soulevé une telle tempête que les peintres et les sculpteurs avaient l'habitude d'acheter des copies du papier et de le déchirer aux visages de Zola et De Villemessant, le propriétaire, chaque fois qu'ils ont eu l'occasion de les rencontrer. Nevertheless it was these articles that first drew attention to Manet, who had hitherto been regarded as a painter of no account, and many of whose pictures now hang in the Luxembourg Gallery.

"Therese Raquin" originally came out under the title of "A Love Story" in a paper called the "Artiste," edited by that famous art critic and courtier of the Second Empire, Arsene Houssaye, author of "Les Grandes Dames," as well as of those charming volumes "Hommes et Femmes du 18eme Siecle," and many other works. Zola received no more than twenty-four pounds for the serial rights of the novel, and he consented at the insistence of the Editor, who pointed out to him that the periodical was read by the Empress Eugenie, to draw his pen through certain passages, which were reinstated when the story was published in volume form. Zola n'a reçu que vingt-quatre livres pour les droits de feuilleton du roman, et il a consenti, sur l'insistance de l'éditeur, qui lui a fait remarquer que le périodique était lu par l'impératrice Eugénie, de tirer sa plume à travers certains passages, qui ont été rétablis lorsque l'histoire a été publiée sous forme de volume. I may say here that in this translation, I have adopted the views of the late M. Arsene Houssaye; and, if I have allowed the appalling description of the Paris Morgue to stand, it is, first of all, because it constitutes a very important factor in the story; and moreover, it is so graphic, so true to life, as I have seen the place myself, times out of number, that notwithstanding its horror, it really would be a loss to pass it over. Je puis dire ici que dans cette traduction, j'ai adopté les vues de feu M. Arsène Houssaye ; et, si j'ai laissé subsister l'effroyable description de la Morgue de Paris, c'est d'abord parce qu'elle constitue un élément très important de l'histoire ; et en plus, c'est tellement graphique, tellement vrai, comme j'ai vu l'endroit moi-même, des fois hors de nombre, que malgré son horreur, ce serait vraiment une perte de passer outre.

Well, "Therese Raquin" having appeared as "A Love Story" in the "Artiste," was then published as a book, in 1867, by that same Lacroix as had issued Zola's preceding efforts in novel writing. I was living in Paris at the time, and I well recall the yell of disapprobation with which the volume was received by the reviewers. Louis Ulbach, then a writer on the "Figaro," to which Zola also contributed, and who subsequently founded and edited a paper called "La Cloche," when Zola, curiously enough, became one of his critics, made a particularly virulent attack on the novel and its author. Louis Ulbach, alors écrivain sur le "Figaro", auquel Zola a également contribué, et qui a par la suite fondé et édité un journal appelé "La Cloche", lorsque Zola, assez curieusement, est devenu l'un de ses critiques, a lancé une attaque particulièrement le roman et son auteur. Henri de Villemessant, the Editor, authorised Zola to reply to him, with the result that a vehement discussion ensued in print between author and critic, and "Therese Raquin" promptly went into a second edition, to which Zola appended a preface. Henri de Villemessant, l'éditeur, autorisa Zola à lui répondre, de sorte qu'une discussion véhémente s'ensuivit dans la presse écrite entre l'auteur et le critique, et « Thérèse Raquin » entra aussitôt dans une seconde édition, à laquelle Zola ajouta une préface. I have not thought it necessary to translate this preface, which is a long and rather tedious reply to the reviewers of the day. It will suffice to say, briefly, that the author meets the strictures of his critics by pointing out and insisting on the fact, that he has simply sought to make an analytic study of temperament and not of character. Il suffira de dire, brièvement, que l'auteur répond aux contraintes de ses critiques en signalant et en insistant sur le fait qu'il a simplement cherché à faire une étude analytique du tempérament et non du caractère.

"I have selected persons," says he, "absolutely swayed by their nerves and blood, deprived of free will, impelled in every action of life, by the fatal lusts of the flesh. « J'ai choisi des personnes, dit-il, absolument influencées par leurs nerfs et leur sang, privées de libre arbitre, poussées dans toutes les actions de la vie, par les funestes convoitises de la chair. Therese and Laurent are human brutes, nothing more. I have sought to follow these brutes, step by step, in the secret labour of their passions, in the impulsion of their instincts, in the cerebral disorder resulting from the excessive strain on their nerves." EDWARD VIZETELLY SURBITON, 1 December, 1901.


[*] He sent me to Hamburg for ten days in 1892 to report on the appalling outbreak of cholera in that city, with the emoluments of ten pounds a day, besides printing several articles from my pen on Parisian topics.—E. V.