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Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Part 1. Chapter 7.

Part 1. Chapter 7.

On arriving in Moscow by a morning train, Levin had put up at the house of his elder half-brother, Koznishev.

After changing his clothes he went down to his brother's study, intending to talk to him at once about the object of his visit, and to ask his advice; but his brother was not alone. With him there was a well-known professor of philosophy, who had come from Harkov expressly to clear up a difference that had arisen between them on a very important philosophical question. The professor was carrying on a hot crusade against materialists. Sergey Koznishev had been following this crusade with interest, and after reading the professor's last article, he had written him a letter stating his objections. He accused the professor of making too great concessions to the materialists. And the professor had promptly appeared to argue the matter out. The point in discussion was the question then in vogue: Is there a line to be drawn between psychological and physiological phenomena in man? and if so, where? Sergey Ivanovitch met his brother with the smile of chilly friendliness he always had for everyone, and introducing him to the professor, went on with the conversation.

A little man in spectacles, with a narrow forehead, tore himself from the discussion for an instant to greet Levin, and then went on talking without paying any further attention to him.

Levin sat down to wait till the professor should go, but he soon began to get interested in the subject under discussion. Levin had come across the magazine articles about which they were disputing, and had read them, interested in them as a development of the first principles of science, familiar to him as a natural science student at the university.

But he had never connected these scientific deductions as to the origin of man as an animal, as to reflex action, biology, and sociology, with those questions as to the meaning of life and death to himself, which had of late been more and more often in his mind. As he listened to his brother's argument with the professor, he noticed that they connected these scientific questions with those spiritual problems, that at times they almost touched on the latter; but every time they were close upon what seemed to him the chief point, they promptly beat a hasty retreat, and plunged again into a sea of subtle distinctions, reservations, quotations, allusions, and appeals to authorities, and it was with difficulty that he understood what they were talking about.

"I cannot admit it," said Sergey Ivanovitch, with his habitual clearness, precision of expression, and elegance of phrase.

"I cannot in any case agree with Keiss that my whole conception of the external world has been derived from perceptions. The most fundamental idea, the idea of existence, has not been received by me through sensation; indeed, there is no special sense-organ for the transmission of such an idea. "Yes, but they—Wurt, and Knaust, and Pripasov—would answer that your consciousness of existence is derived from the conjunction of all your sensations, that that consciousness of existence is the result of your sensations.

Wurt, indeed, says plainly that, assuming there are no sensations, it follows that there is no idea of existence. "I maintain the contrary," began Sergey Ivanovitch.

But here it seemed to Levin that just as they were close upon the real point of the matter, they were again retreating, and he made up his mind to put a question to the professor.

"According to that, if my senses are annihilated, if my body is dead, I can have no existence of any sort?

he queried. The professor, in annoyance, and, as it were, mental suffering at the interruption, looked round at the strange inquirer, more like a bargeman than a philosopher, and turned his eyes upon Sergey Ivanovitch, as though to ask: What's one to say to him?

But Sergey Ivanovitch, who had been talking with far less heat and one-sidedness than the professor, and who had sufficient breadth of mind to answer the professor, and at the same time to comprehend the simple and natural point of view from which the question was put, smiled and said: "That question we have no right to answer as yet.

"We have not the requisite data," chimed in the professor, and he went back to his argument.

"No," he said; "I would point out the fact that if, as Pripasov directly asserts, perception is based on sensation, then we are bound to distinguish sharply between these two conceptions. Levin listened no more, and simply waited for the professor to go.

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Part 1. Chapter 7. part| Teil 1. Kapitel 7. Primera parte. Capítulo 7. Parte 1. Capitolo 7. 1 dalis. 7 skyrius. Część 1. Rozdział 7. Parte 1. Capítulo 7. Часть 1. Глава 7. 第 1 部分.第 7 章. 第 1 部分.第 7 章.

On arriving in Moscow by a morning train, Levin had put up at the house of his elder half-brother, Koznishev. |ankomst||||||||||||||||eldste||| En arrivant à Moscou par un train du matin, Levin s'était installé chez son demi-frère aîné, Koznishev. Приехав в Москву утренним поездом, Левин поселился в доме своего старшего сводного брата Кознишева. Moskova'ya sabah treniyle vardığında Levin, üvey kardeşi Koznişev'in evine konmuştu. 列文乘坐早班火车抵达莫斯科时,已经在他同父异母的哥哥科兹尼舍夫的家中安顿下来。

After changing his clothes he went down to his brother’s study, intending to talk to him at once about the object of his visit, and to ask his advice; but his brother was not alone. |skifte||||||||||med hensikt|||||||||gjenstand|||besøk||||||||||| With him there was a well-known professor of philosophy, who had come from Harkov expressly to clear up a difference that had arisen between them on a very important philosophical question. ||||||||||||||Kharkiv|uttrykkelig|||||||||||||||filosofisk| Il y avait avec lui un professeur de philosophie bien connu, venu de Harkov expressément pour éclaircir une différence qui s'était produite entre eux sur une question philosophique très importante. Kartu su juo buvo gerai žinomas filosofijos profesorius, atvykęs iš Harkovo, kad aiškiai išsiaiškintų skirtumą, kuris kilo tarp jų labai svarbiu filosofiniu klausimu. С ним был известный профессор философии, приехавший из Харкова специально для того, чтобы устранить разногласия, возникшие между ними по одному очень важному философскому вопросу. Yanında, Harkov'dan çok önemli bir felsefi soru üzerine aralarında ortaya çıkan bir farkı açıkça ortaya koymak için gelmiş tanınmış bir felsefe profesörü vardı. 和他在一起的还有一位著名的哲学教授,他从哈尔科夫特意来澄清他们之间在一个非常重要的哲学问题上出现的分歧。 The professor was carrying on a hot crusade against materialists. ||||||intensiv|korstog||materialister Le professeur menait une croisade acharnée contre les matérialistes. Профессор вел горячий крестовый поход против материалистов. Profesör materyalistlere karşı sıcak bir haçlı seferi yürütüyordu. 教授正在对唯物主义者进行激烈的讨伐。 Sergey Koznishev had been following this crusade with interest, and after reading the professor’s last article, he had written him a letter stating his objections. ||||||||||||||||||||||stating|| |||||||||||||professorens|||||||||som angir||innvendinger Сергей Кознищев с интересом следил за этим крестовым походом и, прочитав последнюю статью профессора, написал ему письмо, в котором изложил свои возражения. Sergey Koznishev bu haçlı seferini ilgiyle takip ediyordu ve profesörün son makalesini okuduktan sonra ona itirazlarını belirten bir mektup yazmıştı. 谢尔盖·科兹尼舍夫 (Sergey Koznishev) 一直很感兴趣地关注这场运动,在阅读了教授的上一篇文章后,他给他写了一封信,表达了他的反对意见。 He accused the professor of making too great concessions to the materialists. |anklaget|||||||innrømmelser||| Profesörü materyalistlere çok büyük tavizler vermekle suçladı. 他指责教授对唯物主义者做出了太大的让步。 And the professor had promptly appeared to argue the matter out. ||||quickly immediately|||||| ||||snart|||diskutere||| Et le professeur était rapidement apparu pour discuter de l'affaire. Profesorius nedelsdamas pasirodė ginčytis. И профессор тут же явился спорить по этому поводу. Ve profesör hemen konuyu tartışmaya başladı. 教授很快就出现了争论这件事。 The point in discussion was the question then in vogue: Is there a line to be drawn between psychological and physiological phenomena in man? |||||||||in fashion|||||||||||||| |||||||||mote|||||||||psykologiske||fysiologiske|fenomener|| Le point de discussion était la question alors en vogue: y a-t-il une ligne à tracer entre les phénomènes psychologiques et physiologiques chez l'homme? Diskusijos esmė buvo tada madingas klausimas: ar reikia nubrėžti ribą tarp psichologinių ir fiziologinių žmogaus reiškinių? Дискуссия велась по актуальному в то время вопросу: Существует ли грань между психологическими и физиологическими явлениями в человеке? Tartışılan nokta, o zamanlar moda olan soruydu: İnsandaki psikolojik ve fizyolojik fenomenler arasında çizilecek bir çizgi var mı? 讨论的重点是当时流行的问题:人的心理和生理现象之间是否存在界限? and if so, where? et si oui, où? и если да, то где? Sergey Ivanovitch met his brother with the smile of chilly friendliness he always had for everyone, and introducing him to the professor, went on with the conversation. ||||||||||vennlighet|||||||introduksjonen||||||||| Sergey Ivanovitch rencontra son frère avec le sourire de gentillesse froide qu'il avait toujours eu pour tout le monde, et le présentant au professeur, continua la conversation. Сергей Иванович встретил брата с улыбкой прохладного дружелюбия, с которой он всегда относился ко всем, и, представив его профессору, продолжил разговор. Sergey Ivanovitch, kardeşiyle her zaman herkes için sahip olduğu soğuk dostluğun gülümsemesiyle tanıştı ve onu profesörle tanıştırarak sohbetine devam etti. 谢尔盖·伊万诺维奇带着他一贯对每个人都带着冷酷友好的微笑见到了他的兄弟,并把他介绍给了教授,然后继续谈话。

A little man in spectacles, with a narrow forehead, tore himself from the discussion for an instant to greet Levin, and then went on talking without paying any further attention to him. ||||briller|||smal|panne|revnet|||||||||||||||||betale||||| Un petit homme à lunettes, au front étroit, s'arracha un instant de la discussion pour saluer Levin, puis continua à parler sans lui faire plus attention. Маленький человек в очках, с узким лбом, на мгновение оторвался от беседы, чтобы поприветствовать Левина, а затем продолжил говорить, не обращая на него внимания. Gözlüklü, alnı dar olan küçük bir adam, Levin'i selamlamak için bir an için tartışmadan koptu ve sonra onunla daha fazla ilgilenmeden konuşmaya devam etti. 一个戴着眼镜、额头窄的小个子男人从谈话中抽身而出,向列文打招呼,然后不再理会列文,继续说下去。

Levin sat down to wait till the professor should go, but he soon began to get interested in the subject under discussion. ||||||||||||||||interessert||||| Levin s'assit pour attendre le départ du professeur, mais il commença bientôt à s'intéresser au sujet en discussion. Levin, profesörün gitmesini beklemek için oturdu, ancak çok geçmeden tartışılan konuyla ilgilenmeye başladı. Levin had come across the magazine articles about which they were disputing, and had read them, interested in them as a development of the first principles of science, familiar to him as a natural science student at the university. |||overfor||magasin|artikler|||||diskutere||||||||||||||prinsipper||||||||naturvitenskapelig|naturvitenskap|||| Levin était tombé sur les articles de magazines sur lesquels ils se disputaient, et les avait lus, s'intéressant à eux comme un développement des premiers principes de la science, qui lui était familier en tant qu'étudiant en sciences naturelles à l'université. Левину попались на глаза журнальные статьи, о которых они спорили, и он прочитал их, заинтересовавшись ими как развитием первых принципов науки, знакомых ему как студенту естественного факультета университета. Levin, tartıştıkları dergi makalelerine rastlamış ve üniversitede bir doğa bilimleri öğrencisi olarak bildiği bilimin ilk ilkelerinin bir gelişimi olarak ilgilendikleri dergi makalelerini okumuştu. 列文偶然发现了他们争论的杂志文章,并阅读了这些文章,对它们感兴趣,认为它们是对科学第一原理的发展,作为大学自然科学专业的学生,他对这些文章很熟悉。

But he had never connected these scientific deductions as to the origin of man as an animal, as to reflex action, biology, and sociology, with those questions as to the meaning of life and death to himself, which had of late been more and more often in his mind. ||||knyttet sammen||vitenskapelige|slutninger|||||||||dyr|||||biologi||sosiologi|||||||mening||||||||||på det siste|||||||| Mais il n'avait jamais mis en relation ces déductions scientifiques sur l'origine de l'homme en tant qu'animal, comme sur l'action réflexe, la biologie et la sociologie, avec ces questions sur le sens de la vie et de la mort pour lui-même, qui étaient de plus en plus présentes ces derniers temps. souvent dans son esprit. Bet jis niekada nesiejo šių mokslinių išvadų apie žmogaus kaip gyvūno kilmę, apie refleksinį veiksmą, biologiją ir sociologiją su klausimais apie gyvenimo ir mirties prasmę sau, kurios vėlai buvo vis daugiau ir daugiau. dažnai jo galvoje. Но он никогда не связывал эти научные выводы о происхождении человека как животного, о рефлекторном действии, биологии и социологии с теми вопросами о смысле жизни и смерти для себя, которые в последнее время все чаще и чаще приходили ему в голову. Ancak, insanın bir hayvan olarak kökenine, refleks eylemine, biyolojiye ve sosyolojiye ilişkin bu bilimsel çıkarımları, kendisi için yaşam ve ölümün anlamıyla ilgili sorularla, son zamanlarda gittikçe daha fazla olan genellikle kafasında. 但他从来没有将这些关于人类作为动物的起源、关于反射行为、生物学和社会学的科学推论与那些关于生与死对他自己的意义的问题联系起来,这些问题最近越来越多。经常在他的脑海里。 As he listened to his brother’s argument with the professor, he noticed that they connected these scientific questions with those spiritual problems, that at times they almost touched on the latter; but every time they were close upon what seemed to him the chief point, they promptly beat a hasty retreat, and plunged again into a sea of subtle distinctions, reservations, quotations, allusions, and appeals to authorities, and it was with difficulty that he understood what they were talking about. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||dove||||||||||||appeals to authorities|||||||||||what|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||raakten aan|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||diskusjon||||||||||||||åndelige|problemer||||||berørte|||||||||||||||||||raskt|trakk seg tilbake||hurtig tilbaketrekning|tilbaketrekning||||||hav||subtile distinksjoner|distinksjoner|forbeholdelser|sitat|henvisninger||henvisninger||myndigheter||||||||||||| As he listened to his brother's argument with the professor, he noticed that they connected these scientific questions with those spiritual problems, that at times they almost touched on the latter; but every time they were close upon what seemed to him the chief point, they promptly beat a hasty retreat, and plunged again into a sea of subtle distinctions, reservations, quotations, allusions, and appeals to authorities, and it was with difficulty that he understood what they were talking about. En écoutant l'argument de son frère avec le professeur, il remarqua qu'ils reliaient ces questions scientifiques à ces problèmes spirituels, que parfois ils touchaient presque à ces derniers; mais chaque fois qu'ils étaient proches de ce qui lui paraissait le point principal, ils battaient aussitôt une retraite précipitée, et se replongeaient dans une mer de subtiles distinctions, réserves, citations, allusions et appels aux autorités, et ce fut avec difficulté qu'il compris de quoi ils parlaient. Слушая спор брата с профессором, он заметил, что они связывают эти научные вопросы с духовными проблемами, что иногда они почти касаются последних, но каждый раз, когда они приближались к тому, что казалось ему главным, они поспешно отступали и снова погружались в море тонких различий, оговорок, цитат, ссылок, апелляций к авторитетам, и он с трудом понимал, о чем они говорят. Kardeşinin profesörle yaptığı tartışmayı dinlerken, bu bilimsel soruları bu manevi problemlerle ilişkilendirdiklerini, zaman zaman neredeyse bunlara değindiklerini fark etti; ama ona ana nokta gibi görünen her yaklaştıklarında, derhal aceleyle geri çekildiler ve yeniden ince ayrımlar, çekinceler, alıntılar, imalar ve yetkililere yapılan çağrılar denizine daldılar ve güçlükle o ne hakkında konuştuklarını anladılar. 当他听着哥哥与教授的争论时,他注意到他们将这些科学问题与那些精神问题联系在一起,有时他们几乎触及了后者;但每次他们接近他认为的主要问题时,他们立即仓促撤退,再次陷入微妙的区别、保留、引用、典故和向当局呼吁的海洋中,他很难明白他们在说什么。

"I cannot admit it," said Sergey Ivanovitch, with his habitual clearness, precision of expression, and elegance of phrase. ||||||||||klarhet|presisjon||||eleganse||uttrykk "Я не могу этого признать", - сказал Сергей Иванович с привычной ясностью, точностью выражения и изяществом фразы. "Kabul edemem," dedi Sergey Ivanovitch, alışılmış netliği, ifade hassasiyeti ve ifade zarafetiyle. “我不能承认,”谢尔盖·伊凡诺维奇以他一贯的清晰、准确的表达和优雅的措辞说道。

"I cannot in any case agree with Keiss that my whole conception of the external world has been derived from perceptions. |||||enige||Keiss||||oppfatning|||ytre||||||oppfatninger «Je ne peux en aucun cas être d'accord avec Keiss pour dire que toute ma conception du monde extérieur a été dérivée de perceptions. "Я ни в коем случае не могу согласиться с Кейссом в том, что вся моя концепция внешнего мира вытекает из восприятий. "Dış dünya hakkındaki tüm anlayışımın algılardan kaynaklandığı konusunda Keiss ile hiçbir şekilde hemfikir olamam. “在任何情况下,我都不能同意凯斯的观点,即我对外部世界的整个概念都是从感知中得出的。 The most fundamental idea, the idea of existence, has not been received by me through sensation; indeed, there is no special sense-organ for the transmission of such an idea. ||fundamental|||||||||||||følelse|||||||organ|||overføring|||| L'idée la plus fondamentale, l'idée d'existence, ne m'a pas été reçue par la sensation; en effet, il n'y a pas d'organe sensoriel spécial pour la transmission d'une telle idée. Самая фундаментальная идея, идея существования, не была получена мной через ощущения; более того, не существует специального органа чувств для передачи такой идеи. En temel fikir olan varoluş fikri benim tarafımdan duyum yoluyla alınmadı; gerçekten de böyle bir fikrin aktarımı için özel bir duyu organı yoktur. 最基本的观念,即存在的观念,我并没有通过感觉获得;事实上,这种观念的传递并没有特殊的感觉器官。 "Yes, but they—Wurt, and Knaust, and Pripasov—would answer that your consciousness of existence is derived from the conjunction of all your sensations, that that consciousness of existence is the result of your sensations. |||Wurt||Knaust||Pripasov||||||||||||sammenslutning||||||||||||result||| «Oui, mais ils - Wurt, et Knaust, et Pripasov - répondraient que votre conscience d'existence dérive de la conjonction de toutes vos sensations, que cette conscience d'existence est le résultat de vos sensations. „Taip, bet jie - Wurtas, Knaustas ir Pripasovas - atsakytų, kad jūsų egzistencijos sąmonė yra kilusi iš visų jūsų pojūčių jungties, kad ta egzistencijos sąmonė yra jūsų pojūčių rezultatas. "Да, но они - и Вюрт, и Кнауст, и Припасов - ответили бы, что ваше сознание существования вытекает из совокупности всех ваших ощущений, что это сознание существования есть результат ваших ощущений. "Evet, ama onlar - Wurt ve Knaust ve Pripasov - varoluş bilincinizin tüm duyularınızın birleşiminden kaynaklandığını, varoluş bilincinin sizin hislerinizin sonucu olduğunu söyleyecekler. “是的,但是他们——沃特、克瑙斯特和普里帕索夫——会回答说,你的存在意识来自你所有感觉的结合,那个存在意识是你感觉的结果。

Wurt, indeed, says plainly that, assuming there are no sensations, it follows that there is no idea of existence. |||åpenbart||forutsatt||||||følger||||||| Wurt, en effet, dit clairement que, à supposer qu'il n'y ait pas de sensations, il s'ensuit qu'il n'y a pas d'idée d'existence. Вюрт, правда, прямо говорит, что, если предположить, что ощущений нет, то из этого следует, что нет и идеи существования. Aslında Wurt, hiçbir duyum olmadığını varsayarak, varoluş fikrinin olmadığı sonucunu açıkça söylüyor. 事实上,沃特明确地说,假设没有感觉,那么就没有存在的概念。 "I maintain the contrary," began Sergey Ivanovitch. |opprettholder||||| "Я утверждаю обратное, - начал Сергей Иванович.

But here it seemed to Levin that just as they were close upon the real point of the matter, they were again retreating, and he made up his mind to put a question to the professor. ||||||||||||||||||||||tilbakeholdende||||||||||||| Mais ici, il sembla à Levin que, au moment où ils étaient proches du vrai point de l'affaire, ils se retiraient à nouveau, et il se décida à poser une question au professeur. Но тут Левину показалось, что как раз в тот момент, когда они вплотную подошли к сути дела, они снова отступают, и он решил задать вопрос профессору. Ama burada Levin, meselenin gerçek noktasına yaklaştıkları anda yeniden geri çekildiklerini ve profesöre bir soru sormaya karar verdiğini düşünüyordu. 但是在列文看来,就在他们接近问题的实质的时候,他们又退缩了,他决定向教授提出一个问题。

"According to that, if my senses are annihilated, if my body is dead, I can have no existence of any sort? |||||sanser||utslettet||||||||||||| «D'après cela, si mes sens sont anéantis, si mon corps est mort, je ne peux avoir aucune existence d'aucune sorte? "Согласно этому, если мои органы чувств уничтожены, если мое тело мертво, то я не могу иметь никакого существования? "Buna göre, duyularım yok edilirse, bedenim ölürse, hiçbir şekilde varlığım olamaz mı? “这么说来,如果我的感官消失了,如果我的身体死了,我就没有任何存在了?

he queried. |spurte questionna-t-il. спросил он. The professor, in annoyance, and, as it were, mental suffering at the interruption, looked round at the strange inquirer, more like a bargeman than a philosopher, and turned his eyes upon Sergey Ivanovitch, as though to ask: What’s one to say to him? ||||||||||||||||||||||boatman|||||||||||||||||||| |||irritasjon|||||||||avbrytelse||||||spørgeren||||båtfører|||||||||||||||||||| Le professeur, agacé et pour ainsi dire souffrant de la souffrance mentale de l'interruption, regarda l'étrange enquêteur, plus comme un marchand que comme un philosophe, et tourna les yeux sur Sergey Ivanovitch, comme pour demander: Que dire? à lui? Profesorius, susierzinęs ir, tarsi, psichikos kančia dėl pertraukos, apsižvalgė keistame pasiteiravime, labiau panašiame į baržą, o ne į filosofą, ir nukreipė akis į Sergejų Ivanovičių, tarsi norėdamas paklausti: Ką reikia pasakyti jam? Профессор, в досаде и, как бы, душевных страданиях от прерванного разговора, оглядел странного дознавателя, больше похожего на барсеточника, чем на философа, и перевел взгляд на Сергея Ивановича, как бы спрашивая: что ему ответить? Profesör, rahatsızlık içinde ve kesinti sırasında zihinsel acı çekiyor, garip araştırıcıya bir filozoftan çok bir pazarlıkçıymış gibi baktı ve sormak istercesine gözlerini Sergey İvanovitch'e çevirdi: Söylenecek ne var? ona? 教授很恼火,好像被打断了精神一样痛苦,他转过身来看看这个奇怪的询问者,更像是一个驳船而不是哲学家,然后把目光转向谢尔盖·伊万诺维奇,好像在问:有什么好说的给他?

But Sergey Ivanovitch, who had been talking with far less heat and one-sidedness than the professor, and who had sufficient breadth of mind to answer the professor, and at the same time to comprehend the simple and natural point of view from which the question was put, smiled and said: |||||||||||||||||||||bread||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||ensidighet|||||||tilstrekkelig|bredde av sinn|||||||||||||forstå||enkel|||||||||||||| Mais Sergey Ivanovitch, qui avait parlé avec beaucoup moins de chaleur et de partialité que le professeur, et qui avait suffisamment d'esprit pour répondre au professeur, et en même temps pour comprendre le point de vue simple et naturel à partir duquel la question a été mis, a souri et a dit: Bet Sergejus Ivanovičius, kalbėjęs kur kas mažiau karščio ir vienpusiškumo nei profesorius, turėjęs pakankamai proto atsakyti profesoriui ir tuo pačiu suprasti paprastą ir natūralų požiūrį, iš kurio kilo klausimas buvo įdėtas, nusišypsojo ir pasakė: Но Сергей Иванович, говоривший с гораздо меньшим жаром и односторонностью, чем профессор, и обладавший достаточной широтой мысли, чтобы ответить профессору и в то же время понять простую и естественную точку зрения, с которой был поставлен вопрос, улыбнулся и сказал: Ancak profesörden çok daha az ateşli ve tek yanlı konuşan, profesöre cevap verecek kadar zihin genişliğine sahip olan ve aynı zamanda sorunun basit ve doğal bakış açısını kavrayabilen Sergey İvanoviç konuldu, gülümsedi ve şöyle dedi: 但是谢尔盖·伊万诺维奇,他说话的热情和片面性远不及教授,他有足够的胸襟来回答教授,同时也能理解提出问题的简单而自然的观点。被放了,笑着说: "That question we have no right to answer as yet. "Cette question, nous n'avons pas encore le droit de répondre. „Į šį klausimą dar neturime teisės atsakyti. "На этот вопрос мы пока не имеем права отвечать. "Bu soruyu henüz cevaplamaya hakkımız yok. “这个问题我们目前还无权回答。

"We have not the requisite data," chimed in the professor, and he went back to his argument. ||||||interjected|||||||||| ||||nødvendige||kommenterte|||||||||| "Nous n'avons pas les données nécessaires", a sonné le professeur, et il est revenu à son argumentation. "У нас нет необходимых данных", - возразил профессор и вернулся к своему аргументу. Profesör, "Gerekli verilere sahip değiliz" diye bağırdı ve argümanına geri döndü. “我们没有必要的数据,”教授附和道,然后他又回到了他的论点。

"No," he said; "I would point out the fact that if, as Pripasov directly asserts, perception is based on sensation, then we are bound to distinguish sharply between these two conceptions. ||||||||||||||påstår|oppfatning||||||||forpliktet||skille|skarpt||||begreper "Non," dit-il; "Je voudrais souligner le fait que si, comme Pripasov l'affirme directement, la perception est basée sur la sensation, alors nous sommes obligés de distinguer nettement entre ces deux conceptions. - Ne, - tarė jis; „Norėčiau atkreipti dėmesį į tai, kad jei, kaip tiesiogiai tvirtina Pripasovas, suvokimas remiasi sensacija, tai mes privalome ryškiai atskirti šias dvi sampratas. "Нет, - сказал он, - я бы обратил внимание на то, что если, как прямо утверждает Припасов, восприятие основано на ощущении, то мы обязаны резко различать эти два понятия. "Hayır" dedi; "Pripasov'un doğrudan ileri sürdüğü gibi, algı duyuma dayanıyorsa, o zaman bu iki kavram arasında keskin bir ayrım yapmamız gerektiğine işaret edeceğim. “不,”他说。 “我要指出一个事实,如果正如普里帕索夫直接断言的那样,知觉是基于感觉的,那么我们必然会明确区分这两个概念。 Levin listened no more, and simply waited for the professor to go. Левин больше ничего не слушал и просто ждал, когда профессор уйдет. Levin artık dinlemedi ve sadece profesörün gitmesini bekledi. 列文没有再听,只是等着教授走。