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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 47. I AM CALLED GOVERNOR


BY my orders, Friday and the captain's mate hurried through the woods to the little river where I had landed so long ago with my rafts. When they had reached the place, they shouted as loudly as they could.

The men who were just getting into the boat heard them. They answered, and ran along the shore toward the little river.

The three who had been left in the boat also rowed around toward the same place. Near the mouth of the river, however, they came to land again, and one of them ran along the bank of the stream to meet his fellows.

At this moment I rushed forward with the captain, and seized the boat before the two fellows who were in it could save themselves.

It was now almost dark, and we had nothing to do but wait till the seamen came back to the shore to look for their boat.

Soon Friday and the captain's mate rejoined us, and I stood at the head of my little army, listening to the seamen as they made their way through the bushes. We could hear them calling to one another. We could hear them telling how lame and tired they were. We could hear them saying that they were in an enchanted island where there were witches and other kinds of uncanny things. All this pleased us very much.

By and by they came to the shore, quite close to where we were standing.

One of the men whom they had left in the boat was standing with us. He was one of the honest men whom the captain had pointed out, and he had joined us very gladly.

By my orders he now cried out, "Tom Smith! Tom Smith!" For that was the name of the leader of the company.

Tom Smith answered at once, "Is that you, Robinson?" for he knew the voice.

"Yes," the other answered, "and for God's sake, Tom Smith, throw down your arms and yield, or you will all be dead men the next minute." "To whom must we yield?" cried Tom Smith. "Where are they?" "Here they are," was the answer. "Here's our captain at the head of a whole army of fighting men. The boatswain is dead, and Bill Fry is dead, and all the rest of us are prisoners. If you don't yield, you are lost." "If they'll give us quarters, we'll yield," said Smith. Then the captain himself spoke up. "You, Smith," he said, "you know my voice. If you lay down your arms at once, you shall have your lives—all but Will Atkins." Upon this, Will Atkins cried out: "For God's sake, Captain, give me quarter! What have I done? I have been no worse than the rest." Now this was not true. For it was Will Atkins who had first laid hold of the captain, and it was he who had tied the captain's hands. "Nay, Will Atkins," said the captain. "You know what you have done, and I can promise you nothing. You must lay down your arms and trust to the governor's mercy." By "the governor" he meant me, Robinson Crusoe—for they called me governor. The upshot of the whole matter was that they all laid down their arms and begged for their lives.

Then I sent three of my men to bind them with strong cords, which they did, much to my joy.

After that I sent my great army of fifty men—which, after all, were only five besides the three who already had them in charge—to lead them to prison.

I told the captain that it would be better to put some of our prisoners in one place and some in another, as then they would be less likely to try to escape.

He and Friday therefore took Atkins with two others who were the worst to my cave in the woods. It was a dismal place, but very safe. There the rough fellows were left with their hands and feet tied fast, and the door blocked up with a huge stone.

Late as it was, I sent the rest of them to my bower. As they also were bound, and as the place was fenced in and was very strong, they were quite safe there.

They were all much frightened. For they believed that the island was inhabited by Englishmen, and that the governor had really a large army. They felt that the better they behaved the safer they would be.

The captain went out to talk with them.

"My men," he said, "you all know what a great crime you have committed. You are now in the power of the governor of this island. He will send you to England. There you will be tried, and you will be hanged in chains." At these words they turned pale and groaned. For they were but young men and had been led into this by the four or five ruffians who were the ringleaders.

"Now, my men," the captain went on, "you know that I have always been kind to you." "Certainly you have," said Tom Smith. "Aye, aye!" cried all the rest.

"Well, then," said the captain, "it grieves my heart to see you in this hard case. The ship, as you know, still lies at anchor off the shore. It is still held by some of the ruffians who brought this trouble upon us. If I should persuade the governor to set you free, what say you? Would you help me retake the ship?" "Aye, aye!" they all cried. "We would stand by you to the end, for we should then owe our lives, to you." "Well, then," said the captain, "I will see what I can do. I will go and talk with the governor." The matter was soon arranged.

The captain was to choose five of those he thought would be most faithful. These were to help him retake the ship. But the rest were to stay in prison as hostages.

If the five behaved themselves well, then all were to be set free. If they did not behave, then all were to be put to death.

These were the governor's orders. It was then agreed that the captain, with all the men he could trust, should go out to the ship. I and my man Friday were to stay on shore to watch the prisoners.

The hole in the bottom of the long boat was soon mended. Four men, with the passenger as their leader, went out in this. The captain, with five men, went out in the other boat.

It was after midnight when they reached the ship.

The men on board were taken by surprise, for they thought that these were their friends who were but just then returning to the ship.

They even threw a rope to them and helped them on board, never suspecting that anything was wrong.

The whole business was managed well. The second mate and the carpenter, who were among the leaders in the plot, were soon overpowered.

The rebel captain, the worst of the crew, was asleep in his berth. He sprang up and showed fight. He shot three times at the captain's party, wounding the mate but touching no one else. The mate, wounded as he was, raised his musket and fired. The rebel captain fell to the deck with a bullet through his head.

The rest, seeing that they were without leaders, fell upon their knees and begged for their lives.

Thus the captain became again the master of his own ship.

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BY my orders, Friday and the captain's mate hurried through the woods to the little river where I had landed so long ago with my rafts. |||||||le second|se dépêcha|||||||||||atterri||||||radeaux |||||||assistant's assistant|rushed quickly|||||||||||||||||rafts ||||||||eilen|||||||||||||||||Flößen Às minhas ordens, Sexta-feira e o imediato apressaram-se a atravessar o bosque até ao pequeno rio onde eu tinha desembarcado há tanto tempo com as minhas jangadas. За моїм наказом П'ятниця і помічник капітана поспішили через ліс до маленької річки, де я так давно висадився зі своїми плотами. 根据我的命令,星期五和船长的伙伴匆匆穿过树林,来到我很久以前用筏子登陆的小河边。 When they had reached the place, they shouted as loudly as they could. |||||||||aussi fort que||| |||||||yelled||||| Quando chegaram ao local, gritaram o mais alto que puderam. 当他们到达那个地方时,他们尽可能大声地喊叫。

The men who were just getting into the boat heard them. |||||en train de monter||||ont entendu| |||||||the||| ||os homens|||||||| Les hommes qui venaient de monter dans le bateau les ont entendus. Os homens que estavam a entrar no barco ouviram-nos. 正要上船的人听到了他们的喊声。 They answered, and ran along the shore toward the little river. ||||||la rive|vers||| ||||||the edge of the land|in the direction of||| Eles responderam e correram ao longo da margem em direção ao pequeno rio. 他们回答了,沿着岸边朝着小河跑去。

The three who had been left in the boat also rowed around toward the same place. ||||||||||ont ramé||||| ||||||||||ruderten||||| ||||||||||paddled||||| Os três que tinham ficado no barco também remaram em direção ao mesmo local. Троє, що залишилися в човні, також гребли в тому ж напрямку. 留在船上的另外三人也划船朝同一个地方驶去。 Near the mouth of the river, however, they came to land again, and one of them ran along the bank of the stream to meet his fellows. |||||||||||||||||||河岸|||小溪|||| ||||||||||||||||courut|||berge|||ruisseau||||camarades ||Mündung||||||||||||||||||||Bach|||| |||||||||||||||||||bank|||小溪||||companions ||||||||||||||||||||||||||companheiros No entanto, perto da foz do rio, voltaram a aterrar e um deles correu ao longo da margem do rio para se encontrar com os seus companheiros. Однак біля гирла річки вони знову вийшли на сушу, і один з них побіг берегом потоку назустріч своїм товаришам. 然而,在河口附近,他们又上岸,其中一人沿着河岸跑去迎接他的同伴。

At this moment I rushed forward with the captain, and seized the boat before the two fellows who were in it could save themselves. |||je|me précipitai|en avant|||||||||||||||||| ||||stürzte vorwärts||||||ergriff||||||||||||| ||||hurriedly moved||||||||||||||||||| Nesse momento, corri para a frente com o capitão e agarrei o barco antes que os dois homens que lá estavam se pudessem salvar. У цей момент я разом з капітаном кинувся вперед і захопив човен, перш ніж двоє хлопців, які були в ньому, змогли врятуватися. 就在这时,我和船长冲上前去,抓住了那只小船,两个在里面的家伙还来不及救自己。

It was now almost dark, and we had nothing to do but wait till the seamen came back to the shore to look for their boat. ||||||||||||||||||||plage||||| |||||||||||||||Matrosen|||||||||| Estava quase a escurecer e não tínhamos nada a fazer a não ser esperar que os marinheiros voltassem à costa para procurar o seu barco. 这时天色已经接近黑暗,我们只能等待水手们回到岸边找他们的船。

Soon Friday and the captain's mate rejoined us, and I stood at the head of my little army, listening to the seamen as they made their way through the bushes. ||||||wieder zu uns gestoßen||||stand.|||||||||||||||||||Büsche ||||||joined|||||||||||||||||||||||bushes Em breve, Sexta-Feira e o imediato voltaram a juntar-se a nós, e eu fiquei à frente do meu pequeno exército, a ouvir os marinheiros a abrirem caminho por entre os arbustos. Незабаром до нас приєдналися П'ятниця і помічник капітана, і я став на чолі своєї маленької армії, слухаючи, як моряки пробираються крізь кущі. 很快星期五和船长的助手重新回到我们身边,我站在我的小军队的前面,听着水手们穿过灌木丛的声音。 We could hear them calling to one another. |||||||um ao outro Ouvimo-los a chamar uns pelos outros. Ми чули, як вони кликали один одного. 我们能听到他们彼此呼唤。 We could hear them telling how lame and tired they were. ||||||lahm|||| ||||||exhausted|||| Ouvimo-los a contar como estavam coxos e cansados. Ми чули, як вони розповідали, які вони кульгаві та втомлені. 我们能听到他们说他们多么跛脚和疲惫。 We could hear them saying that they were in an enchanted island where there were witches and other kinds of uncanny things. ||||||||||魔法的||||||||||| ||||||||||verzauberte|||||Hexen|||||unheimliche| ||||||||||magical|||||magical beings|||||strange| Ouvimo-los dizer que estavam numa ilha encantada onde havia bruxas e outras coisas estranhas. 我们能听到他们说他们在一个有女巫和其他各种神秘事物的魔法岛上。 All this pleased us very much. ||made us happy||| Tudo isto nos agradou muito. Все це нас дуже порадувало. 这让我们非常高兴。

By and by they came to the shore, quite close to where we were standing. ||||||||||||||estávamos parados Pouco a pouco, chegaram à margem, muito perto de onde estávamos. 过了一会儿,他们来到岸边,就在我们站的地方附近。

One of the men whom they had left in the boat was standing with us. ||||that|||behind||||||| Um dos homens que tinham deixado no barco estava connosco. Один з чоловіків, яких вони залишили в човні, стояв поруч з нами. 他们留在船上的一个人和我们站在一起。 He was one of the honest men whom the captain had pointed out, and he had joined us very gladly. |||||||||||||||||||avec plaisir |||||||||||||||||||with pleasure Era um dos homens honestos que o capitão tinha indicado e juntou-se a nós de bom grado. Він був одним з тих чесних людей, на яких вказав капітан, і він з радістю приєднався до нас. 他是船长指出的诚实人之一,他非常高兴地加入了我们。

By my orders he now cried out, "Tom Smith! ||||||||Smith ||||||||Tom Smith Por ordem minha, ele gritou: "Tom Smith! За моїм наказом він закричав: "Том Сміт! 根据我的命令,他现在大喊道:“汤姆·史密斯! Tom Smith!" |Smith Tom Smith!" 汤姆·史密斯!” For that was the name of the leader of the company. Porque esse era o nome do líder da empresa. Так звали руководителя компании. Бо так звали керівника компанії. 因为这就是公司领导的名字。

Tom Smith answered at once, "Is that you, Robinson?" Tom Smith respondeu de imediato: "És tu, Robinson?" Том Смит сразу ответил: "Это ты, Робинсон?" 汤姆·史密斯立即回答道,“是你,罗宾逊?” for he knew the voice. ||kannte|| porque ele conhecia a voz. 因为他认出了这个声音。

"Yes," the other answered, "and for God's sake, Tom Smith, throw down your arms and yield, or you will all be dead men the next minute." ||||||||||放下|||||投降|||||||||| |||||||um Himmels willen|||werfe|||||ergeben|||||||||| |||||||for God's sake||||||||surrender|||||||||| "Oui," répondit l'autre, "et pour l'amour de Dieu, Tom Smith, abandonne tes armes et rends-toi, ou vous serez tous des hommes morts dans la minute suivante." "Sim", respondeu o outro, "e, por amor de Deus, Tom Smith, atira as armas ao chão e rende-te, ou sereis todos homens mortos no minuto seguinte". «Да, - ответил другой, - и ради бога, Том Смит, опускай руки и уступай, иначе в следующую минуту вы все будете мертвецами». "Так, - відповів інший, - і заради Бога, Томе Сміте, кидай зброю і здавайся, інакше наступної хвилини ви всі будете мертві". "是的," 另一个回答道,"求求上帝的仁慈,汤姆·史密斯,放下武器,投降吧,否则你们下一分钟就都会成为死人。" "To whom must we yield?" ||||submit to "À qui devons-nous nous rendre?" "A quem devemos ceder?" "Кому мы должны уступить?" "Кому ми повинні поступитися?" "我们要向谁投降?" cried Tom Smith. cria Tom Smith. 汤姆·史密斯大喊道。 "Where are they?" "Où sont-ils?" "Here they are," was the answer. "Aqui estão eles", foi a resposta. "Here's our captain at the head of a whole army of fighting men. |||||||||||combattants| |||||||||||kämpfende Männer| "Voici notre capitaine à la tête d'une armée entière d'hommes de combat. "Aqui está o nosso capitão à frente de um exército inteiro de homens lutadores. “这是我们的队长率领一整支由战士组成的军队。 The boatswain is dead, and Bill Fry is dead, and all the rest of us are prisoners. |Der Bootsmann||||||||||||||| |船长|||||||||||of us||||prisoners Le bosco est mort, et Bill Fry est mort, et tous les autres sont nos prisonniers. O contramestre está morto, o Bill Fry está morto e todos nós somos prisioneiros. 水手长已经死了,比尔·弗莱也死了,我们剩下的都成了俘虏。 If you don't yield, you are lost." |||nachgeben||| Si vous ne cédez pas, vous êtes perdu." Se não te renderes, estás perdido". Якщо ти не поступишся, ти пропав". 如果你不投降,你就会完蛋。” "If they'll give us quarters, we'll yield," said Smith. ||||住处|||| ||nous donneront|||||| ||||Unterkunft|||| ||||quarters|||spoke| « S'ils nous accordent des quartiers, nous nous rendrons, » a dit Smith. "Se nos derem moedas, nós cedemos", disse Smith. "Якщо вони дадуть нам четвертак, ми поступимося", - сказав Сміт. “如果他们给我们住处,我们会投降,”史密斯说。 Then the captain himself spoke up. ||||voiced his opinion| Puis le capitaine lui-même prit la parole. Depois o próprio capitão falou. Тоді заговорив сам капітан. 然后船长自己开口说。 "You, Smith," he said, "you know my voice. |Smith|||||| "Tu, Smith", disse ele, "conheces a minha voz. “史密斯,”他说,“你知道我的声音。 If you lay down your arms at once, you shall have your lives—all but Will Atkins." ||||||||||||||||Will Atkins ||surrender||||||||||||||Will Atkins Se depuserem as vossas armas imediatamente, terão as vossas vidas - todos menos Will Atkins." Якщо ви негайно складете зброю, ви збережете життя - всі, крім Вілла Аткінса". 如果你立刻放下武器,你们就能保住性命——除了威尔·阿特金斯。" Upon this, Will Atkins cried out: "For God's sake, Captain, give me quarter! ||||||||||||Schonung Perante isto, Will Atkins gritou: "Por amor de Deus, Capitão, dê-me espaço! На це Вілл Аткінс закричав: "Заради Бога, капітане, дайте мені чверть! 听到这里,威尔·阿特金斯大喊道:"上帝的名义,船长,请饶了我! What have I done? O que é que eu fiz? Що я зробив? 我到底做了什么? I have been no worse than the rest." ||||less good||| Não fui pior do que os outros". Я був не гіршим за інших". 我的行为并不比其他人更糟。" Now this was not true. Ora isto não era verdade. Тепер це було неправдою. 现在这并不是真的。 For it was Will Atkins who had first laid hold of the captain, and it was he who had tied the captain's hands. ||||||||festgehalten|gepackt||||||||||gebunden||| ||||||||laid|||||||||||bound||| Porque foi Will Atkins quem primeiro agarrou o capitão, e foi ele quem amarrou as mãos do capitão. Адже саме Вілл Аткінс першим накинувся на капітана, і саме він зв'язав йому руки. 因为是威尔·阿特金斯首先抓住了船长,是他绑住了船长的手。 "Nay, Will Atkins," said the captain. “不,威尔·阿特金斯”||||| Nein||||| "Não, Will Atkins", disse o capitão. "Ні, Вілл Аткінс", - сказав капітан. "You know what you have done, and I can promise you nothing. |||||||||承诺你什么|| |||||||||versprechen|| "Ви знаєте, що ви зробили, і я нічого не можу вам обіцяти. “你知道你做了什么,我可以向你保证什么也不会发生。” You must lay down your arms and trust to the governor's mercy." |||||||||||Gnade ||||||||||governor|compassion Deveis depor as vossas armas e confiar na misericórdia do governador". “你必须放下武器,相信总督的慈悲。” By "the governor" he meant me, Robinson Crusoe—for they called me governor. ||||||||||||Gouverneur |||||||Robinson Crusoe||||| Com "o governador" referia-se a mim, Robinson Crusoe - porque me chamavam governador. Под «губернатором» он имел в виду меня, Робинзона Крузо, потому что они называли меня губернатором. “他所指的‘总督’指的就是我,鲁滨逊克鲁索——因为他们管我叫总督。” The upshot of the whole matter was that they all laid down their arms and begged for their lives. |Das Ergebnis||||||||||||||flehten um ihr Leben|||Leben |conclusion||||||||||||||||| O resultado de tudo isto foi que todos depuseram as armas e imploraram pela vida. В результате все сложили оружие и стали просить о сохранении жизни. У підсумку всі вони склали зброю і благали зберегти їм життя. 整个事情的结果是,他们都放下武器乞求饶命。

Then I sent three of my men to bind them with strong cords, which they did, much to my joy. ||||||||||||Schnüre||||||| ||||||||tie up|||strong cords|ropes||||||| Então mandei três dos meus homens amarrá-los com cordas fortes, o que eles fizeram, para minha grande alegria. Тоді я послав трьох своїх людей, щоб зв'язати їх міцними шнурами, що вони й зробили, на превелику мою радість. 然后我派三个人用坚固的绳子将他们捆绑起来,他们做到了,让我非常高兴。

After that I sent my great army of  fifty men—which, after all, were only five besides the three who already had them in charge—to lead them to prison. ||||||||fünfzig||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||group of men||||||||||in addition to||||||||in charge||guide||| Depois disso, enviei o meu grande exército de cinquenta homens - que, afinal, eram apenas cinco para além dos três que já os tinham a seu cargo - para os conduzir à prisão. Після цього я відправив своє велике військо з п'ятдесяти чоловік - яких, зрештою, було лише п'ятеро, окрім трьох, які вже керували ними, - щоб відвести їх до в'язниці. 之后,我派遣了我强大的五十人大军——实际上只有五个人,除了已经掌管他们的另外三个人——把他们带到监狱。

I told the captain that it would be better to put some of our prisoners in one place and some in another, as then they would be less likely to try to escape. |||||||||||||||||||||||dann||||||||| ||||||||||||||prisoners|||||||||||||||||| Я сказав капітану, що було б краще розмістити частину наших в'язнів в одному місці, а частину в іншому, оскільки тоді вони будуть менш схильні до спроб втечі. 我告诉船长最好将我们的囚犯分开放置,这样他们就不太可能试图逃跑。

He and Friday therefore took Atkins with two others who were the worst to my cave in the woods. |||darum||||||||||||Höhle||| |||as a result||Atkins one|||||||the worst|||cave||| Por isso, ele e o Sexta-feira levaram o Atkins com outros dois que eram os piores para a minha gruta na floresta. Тому вони з П'ятницею забрали Аткінса і ще двох найгірших до моєї печери в лісі. 因此,他和星期五带着阿特金斯和另外两个最坏的囚犯来到我在树林里的洞穴。 It was a dismal place, but very safe. |||trist|||| |||gloomy|||| Era um sítio sombrio, mas muito seguro. Це було похмуре місце, але дуже безпечне. 那是一个阴暗的地方,但非常安全。 There the rough fellows were left with their hands and feet tied fast, and the door blocked up with a huge stone. ||rauh|Kerle|||||||||||||||||| ||rough|men|||||||||||||blocked||||| Ali, os rudes companheiros foram deixados com as mãos e os pés amarrados e a porta bloqueada com uma enorme pedra. Там грубих хлопців залишили зі зв'язаними руками і ногами, а двері завалили величезним каменем. 那些粗鲁的家伙被绑住双手和双脚,门被一块巨石挡住。

Late as it was, I sent the rest of them to my bower. ||||||||||||Laube as it was||||||||||||garden house ||||||||||||casa de campo Como já era tarde, mandei os restantes para o meu caramanchão. Було вже пізно, і я відправив решту до себе в альтанку. 虽然很晚了,但我还是把剩下的人送到了我的凉亭里。 As they also were bound, and as the place was fenced in and was very strong, they were quite safe there. ||||被困住|||||||||||||||| ||||gebunden||||||eingezäunt|||||||||| ||||obligated||||||enclosed|||||||||| Como eles também estavam presos, e como o lugar estava cercado e era muito forte, eles estavam bem seguros ali. Оскільки вони також були зв'язані, а місце було огороджене і дуже міцне, вони були в цілковитій безпеці. 因为他们也被捆绑着,而且这个地方被围栏围住,非常坚固,他们在那里非常安全。

They were all much frightened. ||||very scared Estavam todos muito assustados. Вони всі були дуже налякані. 他们都非常害怕。 For they believed that the island was inhabited by Englishmen, and that the governor had really a large army. |||||||bewohnt||||||||||| |||||||occupied by people|||||||||||military force Porque acreditavam que a ilha era habitada por ingleses e que o governador tinha realmente um grande exército. Бо вони вірили, що острів заселений англійцями, і що губернатор має справді велике військо. 因为他们相信这个岛上是有英国人居住的,而且州长确实有一支庞大的军队。 They felt that the better they behaved the safer they would be. ||||||sich benahmen||||| ||||||acted||||| ||||||se comportavam||||| Sentiam que quanto melhor se comportassem, mais seguros estariam. Вони відчували, що чим краще вони поводитимуться, тим у більшій безпеці будуть. 他们觉得自己行为越好,就会越安全。

The captain went out to talk with them. O capitão saiu para falar com eles. 船长走出去和他们谈话。

"My men," he said, "you all know what a great crime you have committed. |||||||||||||begangen ||||||||||offense|||committed "Meus homens", disse ele, "todos vós sabeis o grande crime que cometestes. "Мої люди, - сказав він, - ви всі знаєте, який великий злочин ви скоїли. “我的人”,他说,“你们都知道你们犯下了多大的罪过。” You are now in the power of the governor of this island. Estás agora sob o poder do governador desta ilha. 你现在处于这个岛屿的总督的权力之下。 He will send you to England. 他会送你去英格兰。 There you will be tried, and you will be hanged in chains." ||||verurteilt werden|||||||Ketten |||||||||executed by hanging||with restraints Aí serás julgado e serás enforcado com correntes". Там вас судитимуть, і вас повісять у кайданах". 在那里你将接受审判,并将被吊死在锁链上。 At these words they turned pale and groaned. |||||blass||stöhnten |||||pale in color|and then|expressed discomfort |||||||gemeram de dor Perante estas palavras, empalideceram e gemeram. Від цих слів вони зблідли і застогнали. 听到这些话,他们变得苍白,呻吟起来。 For they were but young men and had been led into this by the four or five ruffians who were the ringleaders. |||||||||||||||||गुंडों||||मुख्य सरगना |||||||||||||||||Rowdys|||| ||||young|||||guided||||||||thugs||||leaders of the group |||||||||||||||||||||os cabecilhas Porque não passavam de jovens e tinham sido levados a isso pelos quatro ou cinco rufiões que eram os chefes de fila. Адже вони були ще молодими хлопцями, і їх втягнули в це четверо чи п'ятеро розбишак, які були їхніми ватажками. 因为他们只是年轻人,是被那四五个头目领着的流氓引诱进来的。

"Now, my men," the captain went on, "you know that I have always been kind to you." "Agora, meus homens", prosseguiu o capitão, "sabem que sempre fui bondoso convosco". “现在,我的人,”船长接着说,“你们知道我一直对你们很仁慈。” "Certainly you have," said Tom Smith. Of course||||| "Certamente que sim", disse Tom Smith. "Звісно, що так, - сказав Том Сміт. "Aye, aye!" Ja ja| "Aye, aye!" cried all the rest. |||o resto chorou tudo o resto.

"Well, then," said the captain, "it grieves my heart to see you in this hard case. ||||||betrübt||||||||| ||||||saddens||||||||| "Bem, então", disse o capitão, "entristece-me o coração ver-vos neste caso difícil. "Що ж, - сказав капітан, - мені боляче бачити вас у цій важкій справі". “那么,”船长说,“看到你陷入这种困境,我感到心痛。 The ship, as you know, still lies at anchor off the shore. ||||||liegt||||| ||||||is||at anchor||| O navio, como sabem, ainda está ancorado ao largo da costa. 你知道,船还停泊在岸边。 It is still held by some of the ruffians who brought this trouble upon us. ||||||||Raufbolde|||||| |||believed|||||troublemakers|||||| Ainda é detida por alguns dos rufiões que nos trouxeram este problema. 它仍然被一些带来这些麻烦的恶棍控制着。 If I should persuade the governor to set you free, what say you? |||überreden||||||||| |||convince||||||||| Se eu persuadir o governador a libertar-vos, o que dizeis? Would you help me retake the ship?" ||||recapture|| Ajudas-me a retomar o navio?" "Aye, aye!" they all cried. "We would stand by you to the end, for we should then owe our lives, to you." ||||||||||||verdanken|||| ||||||||||||owe our lives|||| "Ficaríamos ao vosso lado até ao fim, pois deveríamos então a nossa vida a vós." “我们会与你们站在一起直到最后,因为我们的生命是欠你们的。” "Well, then," said the captain, "I will see what I can do. "Bem, então", disse o capitão, "vou ver o que posso fazer. “好的,”船长说,“我会看看我能做些什么。” I will go and talk with the governor." |||||||州长 Eu vou falar com o governador". “我会去和总督谈谈。” The matter was soon arranged. |Die Angelegenheit||| ||||settled or organized O assunto foi rapidamente resolvido. Незабаром справу було влаштовано. 很快事情就安排好了。

The captain was to choose five of those he thought would be most faithful. |||||||||||||treu |||||||people||||||loyal |||||||||||||fieis O capitão devia escolher cinco dos que considerava mais fiéis. Капітан повинен був вибрати п'ятьох з тих, хто, на його думку, буде найбільш вірним. 船长要选择他认为最忠诚的五个人。 These were to help him retake the ship. |||||regain control of|| Estes eram para o ajudar a retomar o navio. 他们要帮助他夺回船只。 But the rest were to stay in prison as hostages. |||||||||Geiseln |||||||||prisoners for leverage Mas os restantes ficaram na prisão como reféns. Але решта мали залишитися у в'язниці як заручники. 但其余人将留在监狱作为人质。

If the five behaved themselves well, then all were to be set free. Se os cinco se comportassem bem, todos seriam libertados. Если пятеро будут вести себя хорошо, то все будут освобождены. Якщо п'ятеро поводилися добре, то всіх мали відпустити на волю. 如果这五人表现良好,那么所有人将被释放。 If they did not behave, then all were to be put to death. Se não se comportassem, seriam todos condenados à morte. 如果他们不表现良好,那么所有人都将被处死。

These were the governor's orders. Estas eram as ordens do governador. 这些是总督的命令。 It was then agreed that the captain, with all the men he could trust, should go out to the ship. Foi então acordado que o capitão, com todos os homens da sua confiança, deveria sair para o navio. 随后大家商定,船长和他认为可信赖的所有人应该前往船上。 I and my man Friday were to stay on shore to watch the prisoners. Eu e o meu homem, Sexta-feira, ficámos em terra para vigiar os prisioneiros. 我和我的仆人星期五留在岸上看守囚犯。

The hole in the bottom of the long boat was soon mended. |||||||||||geflickt |hole||||||||||repaired O buraco no fundo do barco longo foi rapidamente reparado. Дірку в днищі довгого човна невдовзі залатали. 长船底部的洞很快被修补好。 Four men, with the passenger as their leader, went out in this. Quatro homens, com o passageiro como líder, saíram neste. Четверо чоловіків, а пасажир був їхнім лідером, виїхали на ньому на вулицю. 四名男子,以乘客为首,乘坐其中一艘船出海。 The captain, with five men, went out in the other boat. O capitão, com cinco homens, saiu no outro barco. 船长和另外五名水手乘另一艘船出海。

It was after midnight when they reached the ship. Já passava da meia-noite quando chegaram ao navio.

The men on board were taken by surprise, for they thought that these were their friends who were but just then returning to the ship. |||on the ship||||||||||||||||||||| Os homens a bordo foram apanhados de surpresa, pois pensavam que se tratava dos seus amigos que só agora regressavam ao navio. 船上的人们大吃一惊,因为他们以为这些人是他们的朋友,正好在这时返回船上。

They even threw a rope to them and helped them on board, never suspecting that anything was wrong. ||warfen||Seil||||||||||||| ||tossed||line of cord|||||||||believing|||| Até lhes atiraram uma corda e ajudaram-nos a subir a bordo, sem nunca suspeitarem de nada de errado. Они даже накинули им веревку и помогли подняться на борт, никогда не подозревая, что что-то не так. 他们甚至向他们投掷绳索,帮助他们登船,从未怀疑有什么不对劲。

The whole business was managed well. Toda a atividade foi bem gerida. Всем бизнесом управляли хорошо. Весь бізнес був добре керований. 整个事务管理得很好。 The second mate and the carpenter, who were among the leaders in the plot, were soon overpowered. |||||||||||||阴谋||| |||||Zimmermann||||||||Verschwörung|||überwältigt ||officer|||the ship's carpenter|||part of|||||conspiracy|||overcome ||||||||||||||||dominados O segundo imediato e o carpinteiro, que se encontravam entre os líderes da conspiração, foram rapidamente dominados. Другий помічник капітана і тесля, які були одними з лідерів змови, незабаром були переможені. 共谋中的次副船长和木匠很快就被制服了。

The rebel captain, the worst of the crew, was asleep in his berth. |叛军队长||||||||||| ||||||||||||Koje |rebel|||most undesirable|||crew members|||||bunk O capitão rebelde, o pior da tripulação, estava a dormir no seu beliche. Капітан-повстанець, найгірший з екіпажу, спав у своїй койці. 造反的船长,是船员中最坏的一个,正在舱室里睡觉。 He sprang up and showed fight. ||||zeigte| |leaped|||| |||||disposição para lutar Ele levantou-se e deu luta. Він піднявся і показав бій. 他突然站起来表示要反抗。 He shot three times at the captain's party, wounding the mate but touching no one else. ||||||||||大副||||| ||||||||verwundete||Maat||||| ||||||||injuring||||||| ||||||||||||atingindo|nenhum outro|| Disparou três vezes contra o grupo do capitão, ferindo o imediato mas não tocando em mais ninguém. Він тричі вистрілив у капітана, поранивши його помічника, але більше нікого не зачепивши. 他对船长一行开枪三次,打伤了大副,但没有打中其他人。 The mate, wounded as he was, raised his musket and fired. ||verwundet||||||||abfeuerte ||injured||||||rifle|| O companheiro, ferido como estava, levantou o mosquete e disparou. Товариш, поранений, підняв мушкет і вистрілив. 即使大副受伤,他也举起火枪开火。 The rebel captain fell to the deck with a bullet through his head. |||fiel||||||Kugel||| |revolutionary|||||floor of the ship|||bullet||| O capitão rebelde caiu no convés com uma bala na cabeça. 造反的船长被一颗子弹击中头部倒在甲板上。

The rest, seeing that they were without leaders, fell upon their knees and begged for their lives. ||als sie sahen|||||||||||||| Os restantes, vendo que não tinham líderes, ajoelharam-se e imploraram pelas suas vidas. 其他人看到没有领袖后,跪在地上乞求饶命。

Thus the captain became again the master of his own ship. 因此|||||||||| So|||||||||| Assim, o capitão voltou a ser o mestre do seu próprio navio. Таким чином капітан знову став господарем власного корабля. 于是船长再次成为自己船舶的主人。