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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 46. I HAVE AN ANXIOUS DAY


WHILE we were talking we had slowly withdrawn among the trees where we were sheltered from sight.

The captain promised me that if we should succeed in getting control of the ship, he would do anything that I wished. He would carry me to England or to any other part of the world. He would live and die with me.

"Well, then," said I, "if you will all obey my commands, we will see what can be done." I gave each one of them a musket, with powder and shot. I told them to kill as few of the ruffians as they could, and to make prisoners of them all if possible.

Just then we heard some of them awake. In a moment thee men came out of the grove and started down to the shore.

"Are these the ringleaders?" I asked.

"No," answered the captain. "Well, then, let them go," I said; "but if the rest escape, it will be your fault." With a musket in his hand and a pistol in his belt, the captain started forward. I was close at his side, while Friday and the other two men went a little ahead of us.

The mate in his eagerness chanced to step on some dry sticks which broke with a sharp noise beneath his feet. One of the seamen, hearing this, looked out and saw us.

He gave the alarm. The sleeping wretches awoke and sprang to their feet. But it was too late. Our guns were already upon them.

I need not tell you of the fight. It was sharp and short.

At its close the two ruffians who had caused all this trouble were lying dead upon the ground. The three other men, who were but slightly hurt, were our prisoners. As for my little army of five, not one was so much as scratched.

While the captain and I were binding the prisoners, Friday and the mate ran to the boat and brought away the oars and the sails.

Soon the three men who had gone down the shore came hurrying back to see what was the matter.

When they saw how matters stood, they at once gave themselves up and were bound with the rest. So our victory was complete.

We now retired to the castle.

The prisoners were led into the back part of the cave that I had first dug, and were left there with Friday as their guard.

With the captain, the mate, and the passenger, I went into my best room, where we all refreshed ourselves with such food as I had at hand.

We had now time to talk over the past and make plans for the future.

I told the captain my whole history just as I have told it to you. He, in his turn, related to me the story of his voyage from England to the West Indies, and how his crew, wishing to become pirates, had seized upon the ship and made him their prisoner.

"There are still twenty-six men on board," he said. "They are no doubt wondering what has become of their fellows. After a while some of them will be likely to come on shore to find out what is the matter." "Let them come," I said. "We will be ready for them." We therefore went down to the shore where the boat was still lying.

We found in it some rum, a few biscuits, a horn of powder, and five or six pounds of sugar. This last was very welcome to me, for I had not tasted sugar for several years.

All these things we carried on shore. Then we knocked a big hole in the bottom of the boat.

To tell the truth, I had but little hope that we would ever recover the ship. But I thought that after she had sailed away we might repair the boat. Then we could no doubt make our way to the Spanish settlements on the mainland.

About an hour before sunset, we heard a gun fired from the ship.

"It is as I told you," said the captain. We saw a signal waving from the mast. Then several other shots were fired.

At last, when there was no answer either to the signals or to the guns there was a great stir on board, and the other boat was launched.

I watched them with my spyglass.

As the boat neared the shore, we saw that there were ten men in her and that they were all armed with muskets.

The sun shone in their faces and we had a good sight of them as they came.

The captain knew them all. He said that there were three very honest fellows among them who had gone into this business against their will. All the rest, however, were bad men who were ready to do any wicked deed.

We now set free two of our prisoners, for they seemed to be trustworthy men and glad that matters had turned in the captain's favor. "Can we trust them, Captain?" I asked.

"I will stand good for them," said the captain. I gave them each a gun. We had now seven armed men to meet the ten who were coming to the shore.

But we kept ourselves hidden and waited to see what they would do.

As soon as they reached the shore they ran to see the other boat. What was their surprise to find her stripped of everything and a hole in her bottom.

They shouted, but no one answered.

They fired off their muskets, making the woods ring with their echoes. But still there was no answer.

Then they launched their boat again, and all started to the ship.

But on the way they changed their minds. It would never do, they thought, to leave their friends on the island without so much as hunting for them.

They therefore rowed back to the shore. Three men were left with the boat as guards, and the rest started out into the country to seek their lost companions.

We should have been glad if they had come our way, so that we might have fired on them; but this they failed to do.

Night was fast coming on, and they did not dare to go far from the shore.

By and by they came back to the boat again.

We feared that they had given up the search and would now return to the ship.

The sun was setting, and darkness would soon cover both land and sea.

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WHILE we were talking we had slowly withdrawn among the trees where we were sheltered from sight. |||||||退到||||||||| |||||||zurückgezogen|||||||vor Blicken geschützt|| Enquanto conversávamos, retirámo-nos lentamente para o meio das árvores, onde estávamos ao abrigo da vista. Поки ми розмовляли, ми повільно відійшли між деревами, де були сховані від сторонніх очей. 我们一边交谈,一边慢慢地在树丛中躲藏起来,不被人看见。

The captain promised me that if we should succeed in getting control of the ship, he would do anything that I wished. ||||||||erfolgen||||||||||||| O capitão prometeu-me que, se conseguíssemos controlar o navio, faria tudo o que eu desejasse. Капітан пообіцяв мені, що якщо нам вдасться отримати контроль над судном, він зробить все, що я забажаю. 船长答应我,如果我们成功控制了船,他将会做任何我愿意的事情。 He would carry me to England or to any other part of the world. Ele levar-me-ia para Inglaterra ou para qualquer outra parte do mundo. 他会把我带到英格兰或世界上的任何地方。 He would live and die with me. Ele viveria e morreria comigo. 他愿与我共生共死。

"Well, then," said I, "if you will all obey my commands, we will see what can be done." ||||||||||命令||||||| ||||||||gehorchen||||||||| "Bem, então", disse eu, "se todos vós obedecerdes às minhas ordens, veremos o que se pode fazer". "Ну що ж, - сказав я, - якщо ви всі будете слухатися моїх наказів, ми подивимося, що можна зробити". "那么,"我说, "如果你们都听从我的命令,我们就看看能做些什么。" I gave each one of them a musket, with powder and shot. |||||||||火药|| |||||||मस्कट बंदूक|||| |||||||Musketen|||| |||||||||pólvora|| Dei a cada um deles um mosquete, com pólvora e munições. 我给了每个人一支带火药和子弹的步枪。 I told them to kill as few of the ruffians as they could, and to make prisoners of them all if possible. |||||||||Schurken|||||||||||| |||||||||thugs|||||||||||| |||||||||os malfeitores|||||||||||| Disse-lhes que matassem o menor número possível de rufiões e que fizessem prisioneiros de todos eles, se possível. 我告诉他们尽量少杀土匪,并尽可能把他们全部俘虏。

Just then we heard some of them awake. |||hörten|||| Nesse momento, ouvimos alguns deles acordarem. І тут ми почули, що деякі з них прокинулися. 就在那时我们听到一些人醒来了。 In a moment thee men came out of the grove and started down to the shore. |||die||kamen||||Hain||begannen|||| |||||||||forest area||||||beach Num instante, três homens saíram do bosque e começaram a descer para a margem. 转眼间,三个人走出树丛,朝岸边走去。

"Are these the ringleaders?" |||Anführer |||main instigators "São estes os líderes?" "Це ватажки?" I asked.

"No," answered the captain. "Não", respondeu o capitão. "Well, then, let them go," I said; "but if the rest escape, it will be your fault." ||||||||||||||||Fehler bem|||||||||||||||| "Bem, então, deixa-os ir", disse eu; "mas se os outros fugirem, a culpa será tua." «Ну, тогда отпустите их», - сказал я; «но если остальные сбегут, это будет твоя вина». “好吧,那就让他们走吧,”我说道;“但如果其余的人逃走了,那就是你的错。” With a musket in his hand and a pistol in his belt, the captain started forward. ||firearm|||||||||waistband|||| Com um mosquete na mão e uma pistola no cinto, o capitão avançou. 船长手持一把火枪,腰间别着一支手枪,开始前进。 I was close at his side, while Friday and the other two men went a little ahead of us. ||||||||||||||||vorwärts|| Eu estava ao lado dele, enquanto Sexta-feira e os outros dois homens iam um pouco à nossa frente. 我紧跟在他身边,而星期五和其他两个人稍微领先我们一些。

The mate in his eagerness chanced to step on some dry sticks which broke with a sharp noise beneath his feet. ||||急切之情|碰巧踩到||||||||||||||| ||||Eifer|trat zufällig|||||||||||scharfem||unter|| O companheiro, na sua ânsia, pisou por acaso uns paus secos que se partiram com um ruído agudo sob os seus pés. Напарник в своем рвении случайно наступил на сухие палки, которые с резким звуком сломались у него под ногами. У поспіху він наступив на сухі палиці, які з різким звуком зламалися під його ногами. 这位船员急切地踩到了一些干枯的树枝,树枝在他脚底下发出了尖锐的声音。 One of the seamen, hearing this, looked out and saw us. |||Einer der Matrosen||||||| Um dos marinheiros, ao ouvir isto, olhou para fora e viu-nos. 其中一名水手听到声音后,朝外看了一眼,看见了我们。

He gave the alarm. |||Er gab Alarm. Ele deu o alarme. 他发出了警报。 The sleeping wretches awoke and sprang to their feet. ||सोए हुए दुष्ट|||||| ||Die schlafenden Elenden erwachten und sprangen auf.|||||| ||||||||os pés Os infelizes adormecidos acordaram e puseram-se de pé. Сплячі нещасні прокинулися і схопилися на ноги. 沉睡的可怜人们醒来,跳了起来。 But it was too late. Mas já era demasiado tarde. 但为时已晚。 Our guns were already upon them. As nossas armas já estavam sobre eles. 我们的枪已经对准了他们。

I need not tell you of the fight. Não preciso de vos falar do combate. 我不必告诉你这场打斗。 It was sharp and short. ||scharf|| Era afiado e curto. Він був різким і коротким. 这场打斗激烈而短暂。

At its close the two ruffians who had caused all this trouble were lying dead upon the ground. |||||गुंडे|||||||||||| Am|||||Raufbolde|||||||||||| No final, os dois rufiões que tinham causado todo este problema jaziam mortos no chão. На завершення двоє розбишак, які спричинили всі ці неприємності, лежали мертві на землі. 当一切结束时,这两个恶棍都倒在地上,死了。 The three other men, who were but slightly hurt, were our prisoners. |||||||轻微地|||| |||||||leicht|||| Os outros três homens, que estavam apenas ligeiramente feridos, foram nossos prisioneiros. 另外三名受了轻伤的男子是我们的囚犯。 As for my little army of five, not one was so much as scratched. |||||||||||||受伤 |||||||||||auch nur||verletzt |||||||||||||arranhado Quanto ao meu pequeno exército de cinco pessoas, nem um foi sequer arranhado. Що стосується моєї маленької армії з п'яти чоловік, жоден з них не був навіть подряпаний. 至于我的五个小军队,一个人也没有受伤。

While the captain and I were binding the prisoners, Friday and the mate ran to the boat and brought away the oars and the sails. |||||||||||||||||||||Ruder||| Enquanto o capitão e eu estávamos a amarrar os prisioneiros, Sexta-Feira e o imediato correram para o barco e levaram os remos e as velas. Поки ми з капітаном зв'язували в'язнів, П'ятниця з помічником побігли до човна і принесли весла та вітрила. 当船长和我绑住囚犯时,弗赖戴和副船长跑去船那儿,把桨和帆都带了回来。

Soon the three men who had gone down the shore came hurrying back to see what was the matter. Em breve, os três homens que tinham descido a margem voltaram a correr para ver o que se passava. Незабаром троє чоловіків, які спустилися на берег, поспішили повернутися, щоб дізнатися, в чому справа. 很快,那三个下到岸边的人匆忙赶回来看发生了什么事。

When they saw how matters stood, they at once gave themselves up and were bound with the rest. Quando viram a situação, entregaram-se de imediato e foram presos com os outros. Коли вони побачили, в якому стані перебувають справи, то одразу ж здалися і були пов'язані з рештою. 当他们看到事情的情况后,他们立即投降,并与其他人一起被绑了起来。 So our victory was complete. ||Unser Sieg war vollständig.|| Assim, a nossa vitória foi completa. 所以我们的胜利是完全的。

We now retired to the castle. Retirámo-nos para o castelo. Ми повернулися до замку. 我们现在退到了城堡。

The prisoners were led into the back part of the cave that I had first dug, and were left there with Friday as their guard. Os prisioneiros foram levados para a parte de trás da caverna que eu tinha escavado primeiro e foram deixados lá com Sexta-feira como guarda. В'язнів відвели в задню частину печери, яку я викопав першою, і залишили там з П'ятницею в якості охоронця. 囚犯被带到了我最初挖的洞穴的后部,留在那里与星期五一起监视。

With the captain, the mate, and the passenger, I went into my best room, where we all refreshed ourselves with such food as I had at hand. |||||||||||||||||恢复精力||||||||| |||||||o passageiro||||||||||||||||||| Com o capitão, o imediato e o passageiro, fui para o meu melhor quarto, onde nos refrescámos todos com a comida que eu tinha à mão. 船长、副船长和乘客和我一起走进我的最好的房间,我们都用我手边有的食物恢复了自己。

We had now time to talk over the past and make plans for the future. Tivemos agora tempo para falar sobre o passado e fazer planos para o futuro. 我们现在有时间回顾过去并为未来制定计划。

I told the captain my whole history just as I have told it to you. ||||||Geschichte|||||||| Contei ao capitão toda a minha história tal como a contei a si. Я рассказал капитану всю свою историю точно так же, как рассказал ее вам. 我向船长讲述了我的全部经历,就像我告诉你的一样。 He, in his turn, related to me the story of his voyage from England to the West Indies, and how his crew, wishing to become pirates, had seized upon the ship and made him their prisoner. |||||||||||||||||||||船员||||||||||||||囚犯 |||||||||||||||||||||||||समुद्री डाकू|||||||||| |||seinerseits||||||||||||||||||Besatzung||||||übernommen|||||||| |||||||||||||||||Índias Ocident|||||||||||||||||| Ele, por sua vez, contou-me a história da sua viagem de Inglaterra para as Índias Ocidentais e como a sua tripulação, desejosa de se tornar pirata, tinha tomado o navio e o tinha feito prisioneiro. Он, в свою очередь, рассказал мне историю своего путешествия из Англии в Вест-Индию и о том, как его команда, желая стать пиратами, схватила корабль и сделала его своим пленником. 他又向我讲述了他从英国到西印度群岛的航行经历,以及他的船员想要成为海盗,便抢夺了船只并将他囚禁的故事。

"There are still twenty-six men on board," he said. "Ainda há vinte e seis homens a bordo", disse ele. 他说:“船上还有二十六个人。” "They are no doubt wondering what has become of their fellows. ||||||||||Gefährten ||||||||||companheiros "Estão sem dúvida a perguntar-se o que terá acontecido aos seus companheiros. “他们肯定在想他们的同伴出了什么事。 After a while some of them will be likely to come on shore to find out what is the matter." ||||||||||||||descobrirá||||| Passado algum tempo, é provável que alguns deles venham a terra para saber o que se passa". Через деякий час деякі з них, ймовірно, вийдуть на берег, щоб дізнатися, в чому справа". 不久后,他们中的一些人可能会上岸查明情况。" "Let them come," I said. "Deixa-os vir", disse eu. "We will be ready for them." "Estaremos preparados para eles". “我们会准备好迎接他们。” We therefore went down to the shore where the boat was still lying. Por isso, descemos até à margem onde o barco ainda estava deitado. Тому ми спустилися до берега, де все ще лежав човен. 因此我们来到海岸,船仍停在那里。

We found in it some rum, a few biscuits, a horn of powder, and five or six pounds of sugar. |||||Rum|||||||||||||| Encontrámos lá dentro algum rum, alguns biscoitos, um corno de pólvora e cinco ou seis libras de açúcar. Мы нашли в нем немного рома, несколько печений, рог пудры и пять или шесть фунтов сахара. 我们在船里找到了一些朗姆酒、几块饼干、一角火药和五六磅糖。 This last was very welcome to me, for I had not tasted sugar for several years. Esta última foi muito bem-vinda para mim, pois há vários anos que não provava açúcar. 对我来说,这最后一样非常受欢迎,因为我已经好几年没尝过糖了。

All these things we carried on shore. Levámos tudo isto para terra. 我们把所有这些东西带上岸。 Then we knocked a big hole in the bottom of the boat. ||schlugen||||||||| Depois fizemos um grande buraco no fundo do barco. 然后我们在船底打了个大洞。

To tell the truth, I had but little hope that we would ever recover the ship. |||||||||||||wiederfinden|| Para dizer a verdade, tinha poucas esperanças de que alguma vez recuperássemos o navio. По правді кажучи, у мене було мало надії на те, що ми коли-небудь повернемо корабель. 说实话,我几乎没有希望我们能找回那艘船。 But I thought that after she had sailed away we might repair the boat. Mas pensei que, depois de ela se ter ido embora, podíamos reparar o barco. Але я подумав, що після того, як вона відпливе, ми зможемо відремонтувати човен. 但是我想她航行后我们可以修理船。 Then we could no doubt make our way to the Spanish settlements on the mainland. |||||||||||西班牙殖民地||| |||||||||||spanischen Siedlungen||| Depois, sem dúvida, poderíamos dirigir-nos para as colónias espanholas no continente. Тоді ми, без сумніву, могли б дістатися до іспанських поселень на материку. 然后我们毫无疑问可以前往大陆上的西班牙定居点。

About an hour before sunset, we heard a gun fired from the ship. Cerca de uma hora antes do pôr do sol, ouvimos um tiro de canhão disparado do navio. 日落前大约一小时,我们听到船上开了一枪。

"It is as I told you," said the captain. "É como vos disse", disse o capitão. "Все так, як я вам і казав", - відповів капітан. We saw a signal waving from the mast. Vimos um sinal a acenar do mastro. Ми побачили сигнал, що махав зі щогли. 我们看到一只信号旗在桅杆上飘荡。 Then several other shots were fired. De seguida, foram disparados vários outros tiros. 接着又开了几枪。

At last, when there was no answer either to the signals or to the guns there was a great stir on board, and the other boat was launched. |||||||||||||||||||Bewegung||||||||ins Wasser gelassen Por fim, quando não houve resposta nem aos sinais nem aos canhões, houve uma grande agitação a bordo e o outro barco foi lançado. 最后,当信号和炮声都得不到回答时,船上掀起了一阵骚动,另一只小船被推下水。

I watched them with my spyglass. Observei-os com a minha luneta. 我用望远镜观察他们。

As the boat neared the shore, we saw that there were ten men in her and that they were all armed with muskets. À medida que|||||||||||||||||||||| Quando o barco se aproximou da costa, vimos que havia dez homens dentro dele e que estavam todos armados com mosquetes. 随着小船靠岸,我们看到她上面有十个人,而且他们全都拿着火枪。

The sun shone in their faces and we had a good sight of them as they came. O sol brilhava nos seus rostos e nós vimo-los bem à medida que iam chegando. 太阳照在他们的脸上,当他们走过来时,我们看得很清楚。

The captain knew them all. 船长认识他们所有人。 He said that there were three very honest fellows among them who had gone into this business against their will. |||||||ehrliche Burschen|||||||||||| Disse que havia três pessoas muito honestas entre eles que se tinham metido neste negócio contra a sua vontade. Він розповів, що серед них було троє дуже чесних хлопців, які пішли в цей бізнес не по своїй волі. 他说其中有三个非常诚实的家伙不情愿地卷入了这场生意。 All the rest, however, were bad men who were ready to do any wicked deed. ||||||||waren|||||böse|böse Tat Todos os outros, porém, eram homens maus, prontos a cometer qualquer ato perverso. 然而,其他所有人都是坏人,愿意做任何邪恶的事。

We now set free two of our prisoners, for they seemed to be trustworthy men and glad that matters had turned in the captain's favor. Libertámos agora dois dos nossos prisioneiros, que pareciam ser homens de confiança e que estavam contentes por a situação ter mudado a favor do capitão. Тепер ми звільнили двох наших полонених, оскільки вони здавалися людьми, яким можна довіряти, і були раді, що справа обернулася на користь капітана. 现在我们释放了两名囚犯,因为他们似乎是值得信赖的人,而且很高兴事情朝着船长有利的方向发展。 "Can we trust them, Captain?" "Podemos confiar neles, Capitão?" “我们能相信他们吗,船长?” I asked. 我问道。

"I will stand good for them," said the captain. "Eu vou ficar bem por eles", disse o capitão. "Я буду стояти за них", - сказав капітан. “我会为他们负责的,”船长说。 I gave them each a gun. Dei-lhes uma arma a cada um. 我给他们每人一支枪。 We had now seven armed men to meet the ten who were coming to the shore. Tínhamos agora sete homens armados para enfrentar os dez que estavam a chegar à costa. 现在我们有七个武装的人来迎接即将到岸的十个人。

But we kept ourselves hidden and waited to see what they would do. Mas mantivemo-nos escondidos e esperámos para ver o que eles fariam. 但我们把自己隐藏起来,等待看看他们会做什么。

As soon as they reached the shore they ran to see the other boat. Assim que chegaram à margem, correram para ver o outro barco. 他们一到岸边就跑去看其他船。 What was their surprise to find her stripped of everything and a hole in her bottom. |||||||剥光|||||||| |||||||ausgeraubt|||||||| |||||||||||||||fundo Qual não foi a surpresa deles ao encontrá-la despida de tudo e com um buraco no rabo. Каково было их удивление, обнаружив, что она лишена всего и имеет дырку в заднице. Яким же було їхнє здивування, коли вони побачили її роздягненою догола і з діркою в сідницях. 他们惊讶地发现她被剥光了一切,底部有个洞。

They shouted, but no one answered. Gritaram, mas ninguém respondeu. Они кричали, но никто не отвечал.

They fired off their muskets, making the woods ring with their echoes. |||||||Wald|erklingen lassen||| Dispararam os seus mosquetes, fazendo os bosques ressoar com os seus ecos. Вони вистрілили з мушкетів, і відлуння від них задзвеніло в лісі. 他们开枪,使树林里的回声回荡。 But still there was no answer. 但仍然没有回应。

Then they launched their boat again, and all started to the ship. Depois, voltaram a lançar o barco e todos se dirigiram para o navio. Потім вони знову спустили човен на воду, і всі вирушили на корабель. 然后他们再次启动了他们的小船,所有人都朝着船前进。

But on the way they changed their minds. Mas, pelo caminho, mudaram de ideias. 但在回去的路上,他们改变了主意。 It would never do, they thought, to leave their friends on the island without so much as hunting for them. |||||||||||||||||寻找|| ||niemals||||||||||||||||| Nunca seria bom, pensavam eles, deixar os seus amigos na ilha sem sequer os procurar. Вони думали, що не можна залишати друзів на острові без того, щоб не полювати на них. 他们认为,不能就这样把朋友留在岛上不管不顾。

They therefore rowed back to the shore. 他们|因此||||| |deshalb|ruderten|||| Por conseguinte, voltaram a remar para a margem. Поэтому они поплыли обратно к берегу. 因此,他们划船回到岸边。 Three men were left with the boat as guards, and the rest started out into the country to seek their lost companions. ||||||||||||||||||suchen|||Gefährten Três homens foram deixados com o barco como guardas e os restantes partiram para o campo à procura dos seus companheiros perdidos. Трое мужчин остались с лодкой в качестве охранников, а остальные отправились в деревню искать своих пропавших товарищей. Троє чоловіків залишилися біля човна як охоронці, а решта вирушили вглиб країни на пошуки своїх загублених товаришів. 三名男子留在船上把守,其余人开始走出乡村寻找他们失散的同伴。

We should have been glad if they had come our way, so that we might have fired on them; but this they failed to do. ||||||||||||||||||||||versagt|| Teríamos ficado contentes se eles tivessem vindo na nossa direção, para que pudéssemos disparar sobre eles; mas não o fizeram. Ми були б раді, якби вони пішли в наш бік, і ми могли б їх обстріляти, але вони цього не зробили. 如果他们走的路经这里,我们本来会很高兴的,这样我们就可以向他们开火;但他们没有这么做。

Night was fast coming on, and they did not dare to go far from the shore. |||||||||wagten|||||| A noite estava a chegar e eles não se atreviam a afastar-se muito da margem. 夜幕降临,他们不敢离岸太远。

By and by they came back to the boat again. nach und nach||||||||| Pouco a pouco, regressaram ao barco.

We feared that they had given up the search and would now return to the ship. |temíamos|||||||||||||| Receámos que tivessem desistido da busca e que regressassem ao navio. Ми боялися, що вони припинили пошуки і повернуться на корабель. 我们担心他们放弃了搜寻,现在会回船上。

The sun was setting, and darkness would soon cover both land and sea. O sol estava a pôr-se e a escuridão cobriria em breve a terra e o mar. 太阳正在落山,黑暗很快就会笼罩住陆地和海洋。