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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 42. I TEACH FRIDAY MANY THINGS


WHEN my man Friday had been with me three days I took him out hunting.

As we were going through some woods, I saw a wild goat lying under a tree with two young kids sitting by her. I caught hold of Friday.

"Stop," I said. "Stand still." Then I took aim at one of the kids, shot and killed it.

The noise of the gun so frightened the poor savage that he did not know what to do. He shook like a leaf. He thought that I was going to kill him.

He did not see the kid I had shot. He threw himself at my feet. Although I could not understand a word he said, yet I knew that he was begging me to have pity on him.

And indeed I did pity him—he was so frightened.

I took him by the hand and lifted him up. I laughed at him and pointed to the kid that I had killed. When he saw it and understood me, he ran to fetch it.

Going on through the woods, I saw a big bird sitting on a tree. I thought it was a hawk.

"See there, Friday!" I said, as I pointed to it.

Bang! went my gun. The bird fell to the ground. It was not a hawk, but a parrot.

Friday was amazed. He looked at the gun and trembled.

For a long time he would not touch a gun. He would look at it and talk to it. He would say, in his own language: "O wonderful thing! Do not kill me! Do not kill me!" We found nothing more in the woods that day. Friday carried the kid home, and I took off its skin and dressed it. Then I stewed some of the best pieces and made some good broth.

At dinner I gave some of the broth to my man. He liked it very well, but he could not bear salt in it.

I tried to show him that food was best with a little salt. But he did not think so, and he would never eat meat that was salted.

The next day I set Friday to work. I had him thrash some barley for me and grind the grains into meal as I had always done.

He did his work very well.

Then I let him see me make some bread and bake it. He learned very fast and soon could cook and keep house as well as any one.

Little, by little I taught him how to work on my farm. We fenced another field and sowed more barley. For now there were two mouths to feed instead of one.

Very soon Friday learned to talk quite well. He learned the name of everything he saw. He was very quick, and I took pleasure in teaching him.

I told him all about gunpowder and guns and showed him how to shoot. I gave him a knife, which pleased him not a little. I made him a belt and gave him a hatchet to carry in it.

I told him about the countries on the other side of the great ocean. And I told him something of my own history.

Little by little I explained how my people traded in great ships, and how my own ship had been wrecked on the coast of this island.

Thus, between working and teaching, I forgot all my fears. The days passed by, and every day brought some new delight.

It was the pleasantest year of my life.

I often asked my man Friday to tell me about his own country. He told me all that he knew, and his words made me feel quite sure that the mainland of South America was not far away.

In fact, the low shore that I could see far to the west of my island was part of the coast of that great continent.

Friday told me that white men sometimes went there. He said that they had long, dark beards and were always trying to trade with his people.

I felt quite sure they were Spaniards, and I had a great mind to go over, if I could, and join them. Indeed, my whole mind was set on seeing some of my own people again.

I thought that if I could only get to the mainland, I would find some way to reach England, or at least some place where Englishmen lived.

At last I told Friday that I would give him a boat to go back to his own country. This was part of my plan for getting away from the island.

I took him over to the other side of the island and showed him my canoe.

We cleared it of water and then took a short sail in it. Friday could paddle very well.

"Now, Friday," I said, "shall we paddle across the sea to your own country?" He looked very dull at my saying this, and I saw that he thought the canoe was too small.

"Well," I said, "I have a bigger boat. I will show it to you to-morrow." The next morning, therefore, I took him to see the first boat I had made and which I could not get to the water.

He said it was big enough. But it had been lying on the ground for twenty-three years and was rotten.

"We will make a new boat, Friday," I said. "We will make one as big as this. Then you shall go to your old home in it." He looked very sad.

"Why are you angry with Friday?" he asked. "What has he done?" I told him that I was not angry, and asked him what he meant.

"Not angry! not angry!" he cried. "Then why do you want to send Friday away to his old home?" "Why, Friday," I said, "didn't you say that you wished you were there?" "Yes, yes," said he. "Friday wishes both were there, but not Friday without his master." "But what would I do there?" I asked.

"I could do nothing." "Oh, yes, master," he answered very quickly "You could do much. You could teach wild mans to be tame, to know God, to live right. You could do much." "No, Friday," I said. "You shall go without me. Leave me here to live by myself as I did before." He looked very sad.

Then all at once he ran and picked up a hatchet. He brought it and gave it to me.

"What shall I do with this?" I asked.

"You take it. Kill Friday," he said. "Indeed," I said, "and why shall I do that?" "Then why do you send Friday away?" he said "Better kill than send away." The tears stood in his eyes as he spoke. I saw that he loved me and would always stand by me.

So I told him that I would never, never send him away, and that he should always stay with me.

You should have seen his eyes brighten.

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WHEN my man Friday had been with me three days I took him out hunting. ALS mein Mann Freitag drei Tage bei mir gewesen war, nahm ich ihn mit auf die Jagd. QUANDO o meu homem, Sexta-feira, estava comigo há três dias, levei-o a caçar. КОЛИ мій чоловік П'ятниця прожив зі мною три дні, я взяв його на полювання.

As we were going through some woods, I saw a wild goat lying under a tree with two young kids sitting by her. ||||||||||||||||||||sitzend bei ihr|| Als wir durch einige Wälder gingen, sah ich eine wilde Ziege unter einem Baum liegen, mit zwei jungen Zicklein, die neben ihr saßen. Quando estávamos a atravessar um bosque, vi uma cabra selvagem deitada debaixo de uma árvore com dois miúdos sentados ao pé dela. 当我们穿过一片树林时,我看到一只野山羊躺在树下,旁边有两只小山羊坐着。 I caught hold of Friday. |gefangen|festhalten an|| |grabbed||| Ich packte Freitag. Apanhei o Sexta-feira. Я зачепився за п'ятницю. 我抓住了星期五。

"Stop," I said. “停下来,”我说。 "Stand still." "Fica quieto." Then I took aim at one of the kids, shot and killed it. |||aimed||||||shot||| Depois fiz pontaria a um dos miúdos, disparei e matei-o. Потім я прицілився в одного з дітей, вистрілив і вбив його.

The noise of the gun so frightened the poor savage that he did not know what to do. |Lärm|||||ängstlich|||Wilde|||||||| O barulho da arma assustou tanto o pobre selvagem que ele não sabia o que fazer. 枪声吓得可怜的野蛮人不知所措。 He shook like a leaf. Er|zitterte|wie||Blatt |trembled|||a trembling object Tremeu como uma folha. 他像叶子一样颤抖。 He thought that I was going to kill him. Ele pensou que eu o ia matar. 他以为我要杀了他。

He did not see the kid I had shot. Ele não viu o miúdo que eu tinha atingido. 他没有看到我打的那个孩子。 He threw himself at my feet. |threw|||| Ele atirou-se aos meus pés. 他扑到我的脚下。 Although I could not understand a word he said, yet I knew that he was begging me to have pity on him. Obwohl|||||||||||||||anflehen||||Mitleid|| ||||||||||||that he was begging||||me|||compassion|| Embora não conseguisse perceber uma palavra do que ele dizia, sabia que ele estava a pedir-me que tivesse pena dele. Хоча я не розумів жодного його слова, я знав, що він благає мене змилуватися над ним. 虽然我听不懂他说的话,但我知道他在乞求我怜悯他。

And indeed I did pity him—he was so frightened. ||||Mitleid||||| ||||feel sorry||||| E, de facto, tive pena dele - estava tão assustado. І мені справді було його шкода - він був такий переляканий. 我真的很同情他—他很害怕。

I took him by the hand and lifted him up. Peguei-lhe na mão e levantei-o. 我拉着他的手把他扶起来。 I laughed at him and pointed to the kid that I had killed. Ri-me dele e apontei para o miúdo que tinha matado. 我笑着指着我杀死的小山羊嘲笑他。 When he saw it and understood me, he ran to fetch it. ||||||||||holen| ||||||||||to get| Quando o viu e me compreendeu, correu para o ir buscar. Когда он увидел это и понял меня, он побежал за ней. Побачивши його і зрозумівши мене, він побіг за ним.

Going on through the woods, I saw a big bird sitting on a tree. Continuando pelo bosque, vi um grande pássaro sentado numa árvore. 穿过树林,我看到一只大鸟坐在树上。 I thought it was a hawk. ||es|||Ich dachte, es sei ein Falke. |||||hawk Pensei que fosse um falcão. 我以为是一只鹰。

"See there, Friday!" "Até à vista, Sexta-feira!" "看那儿,星期五!" I said, as I pointed to it. disse eu, apontando para ela.

Bang! Pum Pum! went my gun. a minha arma. The bird fell to the ground. O pássaro caiu no chão. It was not a hawk, but a parrot. |||||||不是鹰,而是鹦鹉。 |||||||Papagei ||||bird of prey||| |||||||um papagaio Não era um falcão, mas um papagaio. 这不是一只鹰,而是一只鹦鹉。

Friday was amazed. ||Freitag war erstaunt. Sexta-feira ficou espantada. 星期五感到惊讶。 He looked at the gun and trembled. ||||||zitterte ||||||shook with fear Olhou para a arma e tremeu. 他看着枪,颤抖起来。

For a long time he would not touch a gun. Lange Zeit wollte er keine Waffe anfassen. Durante muito tempo, não tocou numa arma. 有很长一段时间他不愿意接触枪支。 He would look at it and talk to it. Er sah sie an und sprach mit ihr. Ele olhava para ela e falava com ela. Він дивився на нього і розмовляв з ним. 他会看着它,与它交谈。 He would say, in his own language: "O wonderful thing! Er würde in seiner eigenen Sprache sagen: "O wunderbares Ding! Ele diria, na sua própria língua: "Que coisa maravilhosa! Do not kill me! Não me mateis! Do not kill me!" We found nothing more in the woods that day. Não encontrámos mais nada na floresta nesse dia. Friday carried the kid home, and I took off its skin and dressed it. |trug||Ziege|||||||||ausgenommen und zubereitet| Sexta-feira levou o miúdo para casa, tirei-lhe a pele e vesti-o. П'ятниця відніс дитину додому, а я зняв з неї шкіру і одягнув. Then I stewed some of the best pieces and made some good broth. ||||||||||||शोरबा ||geschmort||||||||||Brühe ||cooked slowly|||||pieces|||||soup base ||||||||||||caldo Depois cozi alguns dos melhores pedaços e fiz um bom caldo. 然后我炖了一些最好的肉片,并做了一些好的肉汤。

At dinner I gave some of the broth to my man. Ao jantar, dei um pouco do caldo ao meu homem. 晚餐时,我把一些肉汤给了我的男仆。 He liked it very well, but he could not bear salt in it. |||||||||ertragen||| |||||||||tolerate||| Ele gostava muito, mas não suportava o sal. Йому дуже подобалося, але він не переносив сіль у ній. 他很喜欢,但他不能忍受其中有盐。

I tried to show him that food was best with a little salt. Tentei mostrar-lhe que a comida era melhor com um pouco de sal. Я намагався показати йому, що їжу краще підсолювати. 我试图向他展示食物加点盐是最好的。 But he did not think so, and he would never eat meat that was salted. ||||||||||||||salgada Mas ele não pensava assim e nunca comeria carne salgada. 但他不这么认为,他从不吃咸的肉。

The next day I set Friday to work. No dia seguinte, pus a sexta-feira a trabalhar. 第二天,我让星期五开始工作。 I had him thrash some barley for me and grind the grains into meal as I had always done. |||पीटना||||||||||||||| |||dreschen||Gerste||||mahlen||die Körner||Mehl||||| |||to beat||barley grains||||mill||cereal seeds||flour||||| Pedi-lhe que me debulhasse cevada e que moesse os grãos para fazer farinha, como sempre tinha feito. Я попросив його змолоти для мене ячмінь і змолоти зерна на борошно, як я завжди робив. 我让他帮我打了些大麦,并磨碎成面粉,就像我以前总是做的那样。

He did his work very well. Ele fez o seu trabalho muito bem. 他把工作做得很好。

Then I let him see me make some bread and bake it. Depois deixei-o ver-me a fazer pão e a cozê-lo. Потім я дозволила йому подивитися, як я роблю хліб і печу його. 然后我让他看我做面包并把它烤好。 He learned very fast and soon could cook and keep house as well as any one. Aprendeu muito depressa e em breve sabia cozinhar e cuidar da casa tão bem como qualquer outra pessoa. 他学得非常快,很快就能煮饭、打理家务,不比任何人差。

Little, by little I taught him how to work on my farm. ||||unterrichtet||||||| Pouco a pouco, ensinei-o a trabalhar na minha quinta. 我一点一点地教他如何在我的农场工作。 We fenced another field and sowed more barley. |eingezäunt||||säten|| |||||planted|| Cercámos outro campo e semeámos mais cevada. Ми обгородили ще одне поле і посіяли більше ячменю. 我们又围起了另一个田地,种下了更多的大麦。 For now there were two mouths to feed instead of one. |||||Mäuler||füttern||| |||||mouths||||| Por agora, havia duas bocas para alimentar em vez de uma. Тепер треба було годувати два роти замість одного. 现在有两张嘴要养活,而不是一张。

Very soon Friday learned to talk quite well. Muito rapidamente, Sexta-feira aprendeu a falar bastante bem. 很快星期五就学会了说话。 He learned the name of everything he saw. Aprendeu o nome de tudo o que viu. 他学会了看到的一切事物的名字。 He was very quick, and I took pleasure in teaching him. |||schnell||||||| |||fast||||||| Ele era muito rápido e eu tinha prazer em ensiná-lo.

I told him all about gunpowder and guns and showed him how to shoot. |||||Schwarzpulver|||||||| |||||gunpowder|||||||| Contei-lhe tudo sobre a pólvora e as armas e mostrei-lhe como se dispara. 我向他讲述了火药和枪支的一切,并向他展示了如何射击。 I gave him a knife, which pleased him not a little. |gab||||||||| ||||||made him happy|||| Ich gab ihm ein Messer, das ihn nicht wenig erfreute. Dei-lhe uma faca, o que o agradou bastante. Я подарував йому ножа, що його неабияк потішило. 我给了他一把小刀,这让他非常高兴。 I made him a belt and gave him a hatchet to carry in it. ||||Gürtel|||||Axt|||| ||||腰带|||||小斧|||| Ich machte ihm einen Gürtel und gab ihm eine Axt, um sie darin zu tragen. Fiz-lhe um cinto e dei-lhe um machado de guerra para transportar. Я зробив йому пояс і дав сокиру, щоб він носив її в ньому. 我给他制作了一条皮带,并给了他一把斧头让他挎在腰上。

I told him about the countries on the other side of the great ocean. Ich erzählte ihm von den Ländern auf der anderen Seite des großen Ozeans. Falei-lhe dos países do outro lado do grande oceano. 我告诉他关于大洋彼岸的国家。 And I told him something of my own history. E contei-lhe um pouco da minha própria história. 我还告诉他一些关于我的历史。

Little by little I explained how my people traded in great ships, and how my own ship had been wrecked on the coast of this island. |||||||||||||||||||zerstört|||||| ||||||||exchanged goods||||||||||||||||| Pouco a pouco, expliquei como o meu povo fazia comércio em grandes navios e como o meu próprio navio tinha naufragado na costa desta ilha. 我逐渐地解释了我的人民如何在巨大的船只中进行贸易,以及我自己的船是如何在这个岛屿的海岸被毁的。

Thus, between working and teaching, I forgot all my fears. Assim, entre o trabalho e o ensino, esqueci todos os meus medos. 因此,在工作和教学之间,我忘记了所有的恐惧。 The days passed by, and every day brought some new delight. ||||||||||Freude ||||||||||prazer Os dias passavam, e cada dia trazia um novo prazer. Минали дні, і кожен день приносив нову насолоду. 日子一天天过去,每一天都带来一些新的快乐。

It was the pleasantest year of my life. |||most enjoyable|||| |foi|||||| Foi o ano mais agradável da minha vida. 那是我生命中最愉快的一年。

I often asked my man Friday to tell me about his own country. Pedi muitas vezes ao meu homem, Sexta-feira, que me falasse do seu próprio país. He told me all that he knew, and his words made me feel quite sure that the mainland of South America was not far away. |||||||||||||||||Festland||||||| |||||||||||||||||continent||||||| Contou-me tudo o que sabia e as suas palavras fizeram-me ter a certeza de que o continente da América do Sul não estava longe. 他告诉我他所知道的一切,他的话让我确信南美大陆并不远。

In fact, the low shore that I could see far to the west of my island was part of the coast of that great continent. |||niedrig||||||||||||||||||||| ||||land||||||||||||||||||||continent De facto, a costa baixa que eu via muito a oeste da minha ilha fazia parte da costa desse grande continente. 事实上,我岛屿以西远处可见的低矮岸边是那个大洲的一部分。

Friday told me that white men sometimes went there. Sexta-feira disse-me que os homens brancos às vezes iam lá. 星期五告诉我有时会有白人去那里。 He said that they had long, dark beards and were always trying to trade with his people. |||||||Bärte||||||||| ||||||black|beards||||||||| |||||||||eram||||||| Disse que tinham barbas longas e escuras e que estavam sempre a tentar negociar com o seu povo. 他说他们长着浓密的黑胡子,总是试图与他的人民交易。

I felt quite sure they were Spaniards, and I had a great mind to go over, if I could, and join them. ||||||Spanier||||||Lust||||||||| ||||||Spanish people||||||||||||||| Tinha a certeza de que eram espanhóis e estava com muita vontade de lá ir, se pudesse, e juntar-me a eles. 我确信他们是西班牙人,我很想过去,如果可以的话,加入他们。 Indeed, my whole mind was set on seeing some of my own people again. De facto, a minha vontade era voltar a ver alguns dos meus conterrâneos. Дійсно, весь мій розум був налаштований на те, щоб знову побачити когось із моїх рідних. 实际上,我整个心思都放在再次见到我的同胞上。

I thought that if I could only get to the mainland, I would find some way to reach England, or at least some place where Englishmen lived. Pensei que, se conseguisse chegar ao continente, encontraria uma forma de chegar a Inglaterra, ou pelo menos a um sítio onde vivessem ingleses. 我想,如果我能够到达大陆,我一定会找到一些方法去抵达英格兰,或者至少是一些居住着英国人的地方。

At last I told Friday that I would give him a boat to go back to his own country. |||||||||||a boat||||||| Por fim, disse a Sexta-feira que lhe daria um barco para regressar ao seu país. Нарешті я сказав П'ятниці, що дам йому човен, щоб він міг повернутися до своєї країни. 最后,我告诉弗莱迪,我会给他一艘船让他回到自己的国家。 This was part of my plan for getting away from the island. Isto fazia parte do meu plano para me afastar da ilha. Це було частиною мого плану втечі з острова. 这是我脱离这个岛的计划的一部分。

I took him over to the other side of the island and showed him my canoe. Levei-o para o outro lado da ilha e mostrei-lhe a minha canoa. 我带他去了岛的另一边,向他展示了我的独木舟。

We cleared it of water and then took a short sail in it. Limpámos a água e depois fizemos uma pequena viagem de barco. Ми очистили його від води, а потім трохи поплавали на ньому. 我们把水舀干净后,就在里面短暂地划船了一下。 Friday could paddle very well. ||verb|| Sexta-feira poderia remar muito bem. П'ятниця може веслувати дуже добре. 星期五划船非常好。

"Now, Friday," I said, "shall we paddle across the sea to your own country?" ||||||row a boat||||||| "Agora, Sexta-feira", disse eu, "vamos atravessar o mar a remo até ao teu país?" “现在,星期五,"我说,"我们划船穿过海洋到你的祖国吗?" He looked very dull at my saying this, and I saw that he thought the canoe was too small. |||trübsinnig||||||||||||||| |||uninterested||||||||||||||| Ele ficou muito aborrecido quando eu disse isto e vi que ele achava que a canoa era demasiado pequena. 他听到我的话显得很沮丧,我看到他认为独木舟太小。

"Well," I said, "I have a bigger boat. "Bem", disse eu, "tenho um barco maior. “好吧,"我说,"我有一艘更大的船。” I will show it to you to-morrow." Amanhã mostro-lha". The next morning, therefore, I took him to see the first boat I had made and which I could not get to the water. |||因此|||||||||||||||||||| |||portanto|||||||||||||||||||| Por isso, na manhã seguinte, levei-o a ver o primeiro barco que tinha feito e que não conseguia pôr na água. 第二天早上,所以我带他去看我做的第一艘船,但无法将其送到水中。

He said it was big enough. Ele disse que era suficientemente grande. Він сказав, що вона досить велика. 他说船已经够大了。 But it had been lying on the ground for twenty-three years and was rotten. ||||||||||||||verrottet ||||||||||||||decayed Mas estava deitada no chão há vinte e três anos e estava podre. Але він пролежав на землі двадцять три роки і згнив. 但这艘船已经躺在地上二十三年了,已经腐烂了。

"We will make a new boat, Friday," I said. "Vamos fazer um barco novo, sexta-feira", disse eu. "We will make one as big as this. Then you shall go to your old home in it." Então irás para a tua antiga casa nele". He looked very sad. Ele parecia muito triste. Він виглядав дуже сумним.

"Why are you angry with Friday?" "Porque é que estás zangado com a sexta-feira?" "Чому ти злишся на П'ятницю?" he asked. "What has he done?" "O que é que ele fez?" I told him that I was not angry, and asked him what he meant. |||||||||||||intended Disse-lhe que não estava zangado e perguntei-lhe o que queria dizer.

"Not angry! "Não estou zangado! not angry!" he cried. exclamou. "Then why do you want to send Friday away to his old home?" "Então porque queres mandar o Sexta-feira para a sua antiga casa?" "Why, Friday," I said, "didn't you say that you wished you were there?" |星期五|||没有|||||希望||| "Porquê, Sexta-feira", disse eu, "não disseste que desejavas estar lá?" "Чому, П'ятнице, - запитав я, - хіба ти не казав, що хотів би бути там?" “为什么,星期五,”我说,“你不是说你希望你在那里吗?” "Yes, yes," said he. "Sim, sim", disse ele. “是的,是的,”他说。 "Friday wishes both were there, but not Friday without his master." "Sexta-feira gostaria que ambos estivessem lá, mas não Sexta-feira sem o seu mestre." "П'ятниця бажає, щоб були обидва, але не п'ятниця без свого господаря". “星期五希望我们两个都在那里,但没有主人的星期五。” "But what would I do there?" "Mas o que é que eu faria lá?" "Але що мені там робити?" “但是我在那里能做什么呢?” I asked. perguntei. 我问道。

"I could do nothing." "Eu não podia fazer nada." "Я нічого не міг зробити". “我什么也不能做。” "Oh, yes, master," he answered very quickly "You could do much. "Oh, sim, mestre", respondeu ele muito rapidamente, "podeis fazer muito. "О, так, учителю, - відповів він дуже швидко, - ти міг би багато чого зробити. You could teach wild mans to be tame, to know God, to live right. |||||||विनम्र बनाना|||||| |||||||zahm machen|||Gott||| |||wild||||gentle|||||| Podias ensinar os homens selvagens a serem domesticados, a conhecerem Deus, a viverem corretamente. Ви могли б навчити диких людей бути прирученими, пізнавати Бога, жити правильно. 你可以教野人变得温顺,认识上帝,过正当的生活。 You could do much." Podias fazer muito". 你能做很多事情。" "No, Friday," I said. "Não, sexta-feira", disse eu. "不,星期五,"我说。 "You shall go without me. 你|||| "Ireis sem mim. Leave me here to live by myself as I did before." deixa||||||||||antes Deixai-me aqui a viver sozinho como antes". 让我留在这里独自生活,就像以前一样。 He looked very sad. Ele parecia muito triste. 他看起来很伤心。

Then all at once he ran and picked up a hatchet. |||||||aufhob||| ||||||||||a small axe Depois, de repente, correu e pegou num machado. Потім раптом побіг і схопив сокиру. 突然间,他跑过去,拿起一把斧头。 He brought it and gave it to me. Ele trouxe-o e deu-mo. Він приніс її і віддав мені. 他拿来给了我。

"What shall I do with this?" "O que hei-de fazer com isto?" "我该怎么办?" I asked. 我问道。

"You take it. "Toma-o tu. Kill Friday," he said. Matar sexta-feira", disse ele. "Indeed," I said, "and why shall I do that?" in fact|||||||| "Дійсно, - сказав я, - і навіщо мені це робити?" "Then why do you send Friday away?" "Então porque é que mandas a sexta-feira embora?" he said "Better kill than send away." ele disse: "É melhor matar do que mandar embora". The tears stood in his eyes as he spoke. as lágrimas|||||||| As lágrimas saltaram-lhe aos olhos enquanto falava. 当他说话时,眼泪在他眼中流动。 I saw that he loved me and would always stand by me. Vi que ele me amava e que estaria sempre ao meu lado. 我看到他爱我,并且会永远支持我。

So I told him that I would never, never send him away, and that he should always stay with me. Então, disse-lhe que nunca, nunca o mandaria embora e que ele deveria ficar sempre comigo. 所以我告诉他,我绝对不会把他赶走,他应该永远和我在一起。

You should have seen his eyes brighten. ||||||aufleuchten ||||||light up Deviam ter visto os olhos dele a brilhar. Ви б бачили, як прояснилися його очі.