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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 38. I MAKE ANOTHER VOYAGE


WITH very great care I steered my canoe out to sea. I kept just within the edge of the current on my right hand. It carried me along at a great rate, but I did not lose control of the canoe.

In about two hours I came up to the wreck. It was a sad sight to look at.

The ship lay partly on her side, and was jammed fast between two great rocks.

She looked like a Spanish ship. She had been badly broken by the waves, and everything on her decks had been swept away.

As I came close to her, a dog looked over her side and barked at me. When I called him he jumped into the sea and swam out to the canoe.

I lifted him on board, and found that he was almost dead with hunger and thirst.

I gave him a barley cake, and he devoured it like a half-starved wolf. I then gave him a little water, but not too much lest he should harm himself. He drank, and then looked up as if asking for more.

After this I went on board. A sad sight met my eyes. For in the cookroom I saw two sailors who had been drowned, with their arms fast around each other.

I suppose that when the ship struck the waves dashed all over her and the men had no way of escape. Those who were not swept overboard were drowned between decks.

Besides the dog there was no other live thing on board.

I found some chests that had belonged to the sailors. With much labor I got two of them into the canoe without stopping to look inside of them.

Besides these chests, I took a fire shovel and tongs, which I needed very much. I found, also, two little brass kettles, a gridiron, and a large copper pot.

The tide was now setting in toward the island again. So, with the few goods I had found and the poor dog, I started for home.

By keeping on the outside of the eddying current I had no trouble in bringing the canoe safe to land. The sun was almost down when I anchored her in a little inlet just off the point of rocks.

I was so tired that I could do nothing more that day. So, after eating my supper, of which I gave the dog a good share, I lay down in the canoe and went to sleep.

I slept very soundly, and did not wake until morning.

In looking over my goods, I made up my mind to store them in my new cave in the woods. For that was much nearer than my home castle.

When I opened the chests I found several things that I was very glad to get.

In one I found two jars of very good sweetmeats. They were so well corked that the salt water had not harmed them. There were two other jars of the same kind; but they were open at the top, and the water had spoiled the sweetmeats.

In the other chest there were some good shirts, which I needed very much. There were also about a dozen and a half of white linen handkerchiefs. I was very glad to find these, for they would be pleasant to wipe my face with on a hot day.

In a secret drawer of the first chest I found three bags of Spanish money. I counted eleven hundred pieces of silver.

At the bottom of one of the bags there were six Spanish gold pieces, each worth about fifteen dollars. These were wrapped up in a piece of paper.

At the bottom of the other bag there were some small bars of gold. I suppose there was at least a pound of these yellow pieces.

After all, I got very little by this voyage. I had no use for the money. It was worth no more to me than the dust under my feet. I would have given it all for a pair of good shoes or some stockings for my feet.

After I had carried everything to my cave I took the canoe back to her old harbor on the farther side of the island. Then I returned to my castle, where I found everything in good order.

And now I began to live easily again. I was as watchful as before, and never went from my castle without looking carefully around.

I seldom went to the other side of the island. When I visited my cave in the woods, or went to see my goats, I took good care to be well armed.

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WITH very great care I steered my canoe out to sea. С большой осторожностью||большой|с большой осторожностью||направил||||| |||mit großer Sorgfalt||gelenkt||||| |||carefulness||navigated||||| Com muito cuidado, conduzi a minha canoa para o mar. С большой осторожностью я направил свое каноэ в море. З великою обережністю я направив каное в море. 我非常小心地把独木舟驶向海面。 I kept just within the edge of the current on my right hand. |||в пределах||край течения||||||| |||inside||||the||||| Mantive-me na margem da corrente na minha mão direita. Я держался по правую руку от края течения. 我保持在右手边的洋流边缘。 It carried me along at a great rate, but I did not lose control of the canoe. |несло||||||скорость||||||||| |||||||großes Tempo|||||die Kontrolle verlieren|||| |||||||speed||||||||| ||||||||mas|||||||| |||||||速度||||||||| Levava-me a grande velocidade, mas não perdi o controlo da canoa. Оно несло меня с огромной скоростью, но я не терял контроля над каноэ. Вона несла мене з великою швидкістю, але я не втрачав контролю над каное. 洋流带着我飞速前进,但我没有失去对独木舟的控制。

In about two hours I came up to the wreck. Em cerca de duas horas, cheguei ao local do naufrágio. Примерно через два часа я подошел к затонувшему кораблю. Приблизно через дві години я підійшов до затонулого корабля. 大约两个小时后,我到达了沉船现场。 It was a sad sight to look at. |||悲伤的|||| |||грустное зрелище|печальное зрелище||смотреть на| Era um espetáculo triste de se ver. 看到这个场景真是令人悲伤。

The ship lay partly on her side, and was jammed fast between two great rocks. |||частично||||||застряла|крепко застряла|||| |||||||||eingeklemmt|fest|||| |||部分地||||||wedged||||| O navio estava parcialmente deitado de lado e preso entre dois grandes rochedos. Корабль частично лег на бок и оказался зажатым между двумя большими скалами. 船只部分倾斜在一侧,被夹住在两块大岩石之间。

She looked like a Spanish ship. |выглядела|||| Parecia um navio espanhol. Она была похожа на испанский корабль. She had been badly broken by the waves, and everything on her decks had been swept away. |||сильно||||||||||||| |||schwer||||||||||||weggefegt| ||||||||||||decks|||carried off| |||||||||||||||冲走| Tinha sido gravemente quebrado pelas ondas e tudo o que estava no convés tinha sido arrastado. Она была сильно разбита волнами, и все, что находилось на ее палубах, было снесено. 她被浪潮严重摧毁,甲板上的一切都被冲走了。

As I came close to her, a dog looked over her side and barked at me. |||подошёл близко|||||||||||| Quando me aproximei dela, um cão olhou para o lado e ladrou para mim. Когда я приблизился к ней, собака оглянулась и залаяла на меня. Коли я наблизився до неї, собака визирнув з-за її спини і загавкав на мене. 当我靠近她时,一只狗探出身子对着我吠了一声。 When I called him he jumped into the sea and swam out to the canoe. ||||||||||поплыл|||| Quando o chamei, ele saltou para o mar e nadou até à canoa. Когда я позвал его, он прыгнул в море и поплыл к каноэ. 当我叫它时,它跳进海里,游向了独木舟。

I lifted him on board, and found that he was almost dead with hunger and thirst. |поднял|||||обнаружил||||почти||||| ||||||fand heraus|||||||||Durst |raised|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||sede Levantei-o para bordo e verifiquei que estava quase morto de fome e sede. Я поднял его на борт и обнаружил, что он почти умер от голода и жажды. Я підняв його на борт і побачив, що він майже мертвий від голоду і спраги. 我把他拉上船,发现他几乎被饥饿和口渴折磨得快要死了。

I gave him a barley cake, and he devoured it like a half-starved wolf. ||||ячменный||||пожирал|||||полуголодный| ||||||||verschlang|||||halb verhungert| ||||barley||||gobbled up||||half-starved|| ||||||||狼吞虎咽|||||| Dei-lhe um bolo de cevada e ele devorou-o como um lobo meio esfomeado. Я дал ему ячменную лепешку, и он сожрал ее, как полуголодный волк. Я дав йому ячмінний пиріг, і він зжер його, як напівголодний вовк. 我给了他一个大麦饼,他像只半饿狼一样狼吞虎咽地吃下了。 I then gave him a little water, but not too much lest he should harm himself. |||||||||||чтобы не||чтобы не|покалечить себя| ||||||||||||||schaden| |||||||||||to prevent|||hurt| Depois dei-lhe um pouco de água, mas não em demasia para não se magoar. Затем я дал ему немного воды, но не слишком много, чтобы он не навредил себе. 然后我给了他一点水,但不要给太多以免他伤害自己。 He drank, and then looked up as if asking for more. ||||||||прося больше|| Bebeu, e depois olhou para cima como se pedisse mais. Он выпил, а затем поднял глаза, словно прося добавки. 他喝了一口,然后抬起头,仿佛在请求更多。

After this I went on board. |||||the ship Depois disto, embarquei. После этого я отправился на борт. 之后,我登上了船。 A sad sight met my eyes. ||печальное зрелище|предстало передо мной|| Uma visão triste deparou-se aos meus olhos. Моим глазам предстало печальное зрелище. 我看到了让人伤心的景象。 For in the cookroom I saw two sailors who had been drowned, with their arms fast around each other. |||кухня на корабле||||||||утонувшие||||крепко|крепко обнявшись|друг друга|друг друга |||Küche||||||||ertrunken||||fest||| |||kitchen||||||||drowned|||arms|tightly||| |||||||||||afogados||||||| |||||||||||溺死的||||||| Porque na sala de cozinha vi dois marinheiros que se tinham afogado, de braços dados um com o outro. В поварне я увидел двух утонувших матросов, которые крепко обнимали друг друга. Бо в камбузі я побачив двох утоплеників, які міцно обнялися, тримаючись один за одного. 因为在厨房里我看到两名水手已经被淹死了,他们的胳膊紧紧地搂在一起。

I suppose that when the ship struck the waves dashed all over her and the men had no way of escape. |Полагаю|||||натолкнулся на|||обрушились|||||||||||спасения ||||||hit|||crashing||||||||||| Suponho que, quando o navio embateu, as ondas se precipitaram sobre ele e os homens não tiveram forma de escapar. Я полагаю, что когда корабль столкнулся с волнами, они обрушились на него, и у людей не было возможности спастись. Я припускаю, що коли корабель вдарився, хвилі накрили його з головою, і люди не мали можливості врятуватися. 我想当船撞上浪时,波浪冲过船身,人们无法逃生。 Those who were not swept overboard were drowned between decks. Те||||сметены|за борт||утонули между палубами||палубами ||||thrown|over the side||drowned||the levels of a ship aqueles que||||||||| Os que não foram arrastados para o mar afogaram-se entre os conveses. Тех, кого не выбросило за борт, утопили между палубами. Тих, кого не викинуло за борт, втопили між палубами. 那些没有被冲下船的人在甲板之间被淹死。

Besides the dog there was no other live thing on board. Кроме||||||||||на борту Außer|||||||||| |||||||||on| Para além do cão, não havia mais nenhum animal vivo a bordo. Кроме собаки, на борту не было никакой другой живности. Крім собаки, на борту не було жодної живої істоти. 除了狗之外,船上没有其他活物。

I found some chests that had belonged to the sailors. |нашёл|||||принадлежали||| |||Truhen|||||| |||chests|||possessed||| ||||||pertenceram a||| Encontrei alguns baús que tinham pertencido aos marinheiros. Я нашел несколько сундуков, принадлежавших морякам. Я знайшов кілька скринь, які належали морякам. 我找到了一些属于水手的箱子。 With much labor I got two of them into the canoe without stopping to look inside of them. ||||достал|||их|||||не останавливаясь|||внутрь них|| ||||||||||||anzuhalten||||| Com muito trabalho, coloquei dois deles na canoa sem parar para olhar para o seu interior. С большим трудом я затащил две из них в каноэ, не останавливаясь, чтобы заглянуть внутрь. З великими труднощами я затягнув двох з них у каное, не зупиняючись, щоб зазирнути всередину. 我费了很大力气,把其中的两个装进了独木舟,根本没有停下来看里面有什么。

Besides these chests, I took a fire shovel and tongs, which I needed very much. Кроме этих сундуков|этих сундуков|||||каминный совок|совковая лопата|||||очень нуждался|| |||||||Schaufel||Zange||||| ||boxes|||||fire shovel||fire tongs||||| Para além destas arcas, levei uma pá de fogo e uma pinça, que me faziam muita falta. Кроме этих сундуков, я взял пожарную лопату и щипцы, которые мне были очень нужны. Крім цих скринь, я взяв пожежну лопату і щипці, які мені були дуже потрібні. 除了这些箱子,我还拿了一个铲子和一把火钳,这是我非常需要的。 I found, also, two little brass kettles, a gridiron, and a large copper pot. |||||黄铜|水壶||||||| |||||Messing|Kessel||Grillrost||||Kupferkessel|großer Kupfertopf |||||brass|kettles||grill||||copper pot| |||||латунные|||решётка для гриля||||медный котел| Encontrei também duas pequenas chaleiras de latão, um ferro de engomar e uma grande panela de cobre. Я також знайшов два маленьких латунних чайники, решітку і великий мідний казан. 我还发现了两个小铜壶、一个烤架和一个大铜锅。

The tide was now setting in toward the island again. |Прилив|||направляться||||| |潮水|||||||| A maré estava agora a subir novamente em direção à ilha. 潮水现在又开始朝向岛屿流去。 So, with the few goods I had found and the poor dog, I started for home. ||||товары|||нашёл|||||||| |||||||||||||began my journey|| Assim, com os poucos objectos que tinha encontrado e o pobre cão, parti para casa. Так что, взяв с собой немногочисленные пожитки и бедную собаку, я отправился домой. 所以,带着我找到的少量货物和可怜的狗,我开始回家了。

By keeping on the outside of the eddying current I had no trouble in bringing the canoe safe to land. |удерживаясь||||||водоворотного течения|течение||||трудностей||доставить|||||берег |||||||wirbelnden|||||||||||| |||||||旋转的|||||||||||| Mantendo-me do lado de fora da corrente, não tive dificuldade em trazer a canoa para terra. Держась в стороне от вихревого течения, я без труда вывел каноэ на сушу. 通过保持在涡流外侧,我毫无困难地将独木舟安全地划到岸边。 The sun was almost down when I anchored her in a little inlet just off the point of rocks. |||почти||||бросил якорь|||||бухточка|||||| ||||||||||||kleine Bucht|||||| |||||||moored|||||small bay|||||| O sol estava quase a pôr-se quando ancorei o barco numa pequena enseada junto à ponta das rochas. Солнце уже почти село, когда я поставил ее на якорь в маленькой бухте недалеко от скал. 太阳快要落山时,我将她停泊在一个小海湾,就在岩石的尖端处。

I was so tired that I could do nothing more that day. Estava tão cansada que não consegui fazer mais nada nesse dia. Я так устал, что больше ничего не мог делать в тот день. So, after eating my supper, of which I gave the dog a good share, I lay down in the canoe and went to sleep. ||поев ужин||ужин||||||||хорошую долю|долю|||||||||| ||||Abendessen|||||||||Anteil|||||||||| ||||रात का खाना||||||||||||||||||| ||||dinner||||||||||||||||||| Assim, depois de comer o meu jantar, do qual dei uma boa parte ao cão, deitei-me na canoa e adormeci. Поэтому, съев свой ужин, из которого я дал собаке изрядную долю, я лег в каноэ и заснул. 所以,吃过晚饭后,我把很多分给了狗,然后躺在独木舟里睡着了。

I slept very soundly, and did not wake until morning. |||酣睡|||||| |||tief|||||| |||深沉地|||||| |||крепко|||||до| Dormi muito bem e só acordei de manhã. 我睡得很香,直到早上都没有醒来。

In looking over my goods, I made up my mind to store them in my new cave in the woods. В процессе|осматривая|осматривая||товары|||||принял решение||хранить|их||||||| |||||||||||put away|||||||| Ao examinar os meus bens, decidi guardá-los na minha nova caverna na floresta. Осмотрев свои вещи, я решил хранить их в своей новой пещере в лесу. 检查过我的货物后,我决定把它们储存在我在树林里的新洞穴里。 For that was much nearer than my home castle. |||гораздо|ближе|||| Porque era muito mais perto do que o meu castelo natal. Ведь это было гораздо ближе, чем мой родной замок. 因为那比我家城堡更近。

When I opened the chests I found several things that I was very glad to get. |||||||несколько||||||рад||получить ||||chests||||||||||| Quando abri os baús, encontrei várias coisas que fiquei muito contente por ter recebido. Открыв сундуки, я нашел несколько вещей, которым был очень рад. 当我打开箱子时,我发现了几样我非常高兴得到的东西。

In one I found two jars of very good sweetmeats. |||||||||сладости |||||Gläser||||Süßigkeiten |||||||||candied fruits |||||||||doces conservas Num deles encontrei dois frascos de doces muito bons. В одной из них я нашел две банки очень вкусного сладкого печенья. В одному з них я знайшов дві баночки дуже смачних цукерок. 在其中一个里我发现了两罐非常好吃的糖果。 They were so well corked that the salt water had not harmed them. |были|||плотно закупорены|||солёная вода||||повредила| ||||verkorkt|||||||| ||||sealed tightly|||||||damaged| Estavam tão bem arrolhadas que a água salgada não as tinha afetado. Они были так хорошо закупорены, что соленая вода не причинила им вреда. 它们被塞得很好,盐水没有伤害到它们。 There were two other jars of the same kind; but they were open at the top, and the water had spoiled the sweetmeats. |||||||такого же|типа||||||||||||испортила|| ||||||||||||||||||||ruined||candied fruits ||||||||||||||||||||||doces conservados Havia mais dois frascos do mesmo género; mas estavam abertos em cima e a água tinha estragado os doces. Там было еще два таких же кувшина, но они были открыты сверху, и вода испортила сладости. 另外有两个同样类型的罐子;但它们顶部是开着的,水已经弄坏了糖果。

In the other chest there were some good shirts, which I needed very much. ||||||||рубашки|||нуждался в|| ||||||||Hemden||||| No outro baú havia algumas camisas boas, que me faziam muita falta. В другом сундуке было несколько хороших рубашек, которые мне были очень нужны. 另一个箱子里有一些我非常需要的好衬衫。 There were also about a dozen and a half of white linen handkerchiefs. |||||||||||льняные ткани|носовые платки |||||Dutzend|||||||weiße Leinen-Taschentücher |||||a dozen||||||linen|handkerchiefs ||||||||||||lenços de pano ||||||||||||手帕 Havia também cerca de uma dúzia e meia de lenços de linho branco. Также было около полутора десятков белых льняных носовых платков. 还有大约一打半白色亚麻手帕。 I was very glad to find these, for they would be pleasant to wipe my face with on a hot day. |||рад||||||||приятно||||||||| |||||||||||angenehm||abwischen||||||| Fiquei muito contente por as ter encontrado, pois seriam muito agradáveis para limpar a cara num dia de calor. Я был очень рад, что нашел их, ведь ими приятно вытирать лицо в жаркий день. 我很高兴找到了这些,因为它们在炎热的日子里可以用来擦拭我的脸。

In a secret drawer of the first chest I found three bags of Spanish money. |||секретный ящик|||первого|||||||| |||Geheimfach||||||||||| |||drawer||||chest||||||| Numa gaveta secreta da primeira arca encontrei três sacos de dinheiro espanhol. В потайном ящике первого сундука я нашел три мешка испанских денег. 在第一个箱子的秘密抽屉里,我找到了三袋西班牙钱。 I counted eleven hundred pieces of silver. ||||кусков|| Contei mil e cem moedas de prata. Я насчитал одиннадцать сотен серебреников. 我数了一千一百块银币。

At the bottom of one of the bags there were six Spanish gold pieces, each worth about fifteen dollars. ||на дне|||||||||||монеты|каждая|стоимостью||пятнадцать долларов| No fundo de um dos sacos havia seis moedas de ouro espanholas, cada uma no valor de cerca de quinze dólares. На дне одной из сумок лежало шесть испанских золотых монет, каждая из которых стоила около пятнадцати долларов. 在其中一个袋子的底部有六枚西班牙金币,每枚价值约十五美元。 These were wrapped up in a piece of paper. Эти||завёрнуты|||||| ||eingewickelt|||||| ||包裹|||||| Estes estavam embrulhados num pedaço de papel. 这些金币包在一张纸里。

At the bottom of the other bag there were some small bars of gold. Внизу||на дне|||||||||слитки золота|| |||||||||||bars|| No fundo do outro saco havia algumas pequenas barras de ouro. На дне другой сумки лежало несколько небольших слитков золота. 在另一个袋子的底部有一些小金条。 I suppose there was at least a pound of these yellow pieces. |Полагаю||||по крайней мере||фунт|||| Suponho que havia pelo menos um quilo destas peças amarelas. Я полагаю, что этих желтых кусочков было не меньше фунта. 我想至少有一磅这些黄色小块。

After all, I got very little by this voyage. |||получил||очень мало||| ||||||||viagem Schließlich habe ich von dieser Reise nur sehr wenig mitgenommen. Afinal de contas, ganhei muito pouco com esta viagem. В конце концов, я мало что получил от этого путешествия. Зрештою, я дуже мало отримав від цієї подорожі. 毕竟,通过这次航行,我获得的收益很少。 I had no use for the money. Деньги мне были ни к чему. Гроші мені були ні до чого. 我对这笔钱没有用处。 It was worth no more to me than the dust under my feet. ||стоило|||||||пыль||| Para mim, não valia mais do que o pó debaixo dos meus pés. 它对我来说不比脚底下的尘土更有价值。 I would have given it all for a pair of good shoes or some stockings for my feet. |||отдал бы|||||пара||||||чулки||| ||||||||||||||Strümpfe||| ||||||||||||||stockings||| Teria dado tudo por um par de bons sapatos ou umas meias para os meus pés. Я бы все отдала за пару хороших туфель или чулки для моих ног. 我愿意拿它换一双好鞋或是为我的脚买些袜子。

After I had carried everything to my cave I took the canoe back to her old harbor on the farther side of the island. |||перенёс|||||||||||||гавань||||||| |||||||||||||||||||entfernteren|||| |||||||||||डोंगी|||||||||||| Depois de levar tudo para a minha caverna, levei a canoa de volta ao seu antigo porto, no lado mais afastado da ilha. Перенеся все в свою пещеру, я отнес каноэ обратно в старую гавань на дальней стороне острова. 把所有东西搬到山洞后,我把独木舟拉回到了岛的另一边的旧港口。 Then I returned to my castle, where I found everything in good order. ||вернулся||||||нашёл||||порядке ||||||||||||condition Depois regressei ao meu castelo, onde encontrei tudo em ordem. Затем я вернулся в свой замок, где все было в полном порядке. Потім я повернувся до свого замку, де все було в повному порядку. 然后我回到城堡,发现一切都井然有序。

And now I began to live easily again. ||||||снова спокойно| E agora comecei a viver facilmente outra vez. И теперь мне снова стало легко жить. 现在我又开始过上舒适的生活了。 I was as watchful as before, and never went from my castle without looking carefully around. |||бдительный|||||||||||внимательно| |||wachsam|||||||||||| |||alert|||||||||||| Estava tão vigilante como antes e nunca saía do meu castelo sem olhar cuidadosamente à minha volta. Я был так же бдителен, как и прежде, и не выходил из своего замка, не осмотревшись. 我和以前一样警惕,从未在没有仔细四周查看的情况下离开我的城堡。

I seldom went to the other side of the island. 我|很少|||||||| |rarely|||||||| |Я редко|||||||| Raramente ia para o outro lado da ilha. Я редко бывал на другой стороне острова. 我很少去岛的另一侧。 When I visited my cave in the woods, or went to see my goats, I took good care to be well armed. ||посетил|||||||||||||||позаботился|||хорошо вооружён|вооружённый |||||||||||||||||||||bewaffnet |||||||||||||||||||||armed ||||||||||||||我||||||| Quando visitava a minha gruta na floresta, ou ia ver as minhas cabras, tinha o cuidado de estar bem armado. Когда я посещал свою пещеру в лесу или ходил к козам, я заботился о том, чтобы быть хорошо вооруженным. Коли я відвідував свою печеру в лісі або йшов до своїх кіз, я дбав про те, щоб бути добре озброєним. 当我去树林里的洞穴或去看我的山羊时,我小心翼翼地做好充分武装。