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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 36. I SEE SAVAGES


EARLY one morning in harvest time I went out to my grain fields to cut down some barley. The days were so very hot that it was pleasanter to rise before daylight and do the heavier part of my work before the sun was high.

On this morning of which I am telling you, I started out while it was still quite dark. I had been to the fields so often that I could have found the way with my eyes shut.

As I went along, I was surprised to see a light far over toward my side of the island. I stopped and looked. It was plainly the light of a blazing fire.

Who could have built a fire there?

Surely none but savages.

I was so much surprised that I stood still and wondered.

What if those savages should find my grain fields?

They would know at once that somebody had planted them, and they would never rest till they should find me.

I could now see the blaze quite plainly. As the day dawned, I could also see the smoke rising above the trees. The fire was not more than two miles away.

I hurried back to my castle as fast as I could run. I made everything on the outside of it look as wild as possible.

I climbed over the wall and pulled up the ladder after me.

I loaded all my cannon, as I called the guns, that I had placed in the wall. I put everything in order for a siege.

Then I waited to see if any enemy would come near.

Two hours, three hours passed, and there was no sight nor sound that was at all uncommon. I began to wonder if, after all, the fire had been kindled by some accident and not by strange men.

At last I could wait no longer. I set up my ladder against the side of the rock and climbed up to a flat place above my castle. I pulled the ladder up after me and then mounted to another landing. I pulled it up a second time, and it now reached to the top of the great rock.

Here was the place I called my lookout.

Very carefully I climbed up. I laid myself down upon the rock and through my spyglass looked over toward the place where I had seen the fire.

I could still see the smoke. Yes, and I could see some naked savages sitting around a small fire.

I counted them, and made out that there were no fewer than nine of the wretches.

They surely did not need a fire to warm themselves by, for the day was very hot. No doubt they were cooking something. Perhaps they were cannibals and were getting ready for one of their horrible feasts.

On the beach not far from them I saw the two canoes in which they had arrived.

The tide was now at its lowest. When it returned and floated the canoes, they would probably go away.

This thought made me feel much easier, for I was sure they would not wander far inland.

I waited and watched till the tide was again at the flood.

Then I saw them all get into the boats and paddle away. They seemed to be going around to the other side of the island.

I could now breathe freely again. As soon as they were well gone, I armed myself and hurried across the land to see if I could get another sight of them.

I carried two guns on my shoulder, two pistols in my belt, and a big sword at my side. You would have been frightened, had you seen me.

It was a long, hard walk. But by and by I came to the hill that overlooked the farther shore of the island.

This I climbed. I scanned sea and land with my spyglass.

Yes, there were the two canoes coming slowly around the coast.

But what was my surprise to see three other boats put off from a cove near by and hasten around to meet them!

It seemed, then, that another party of savages had been feasting at the very spot where I had seen the first footprint in the sand.

I watched the canoes until all five were far out to sea, on their way to the low-lying shore in the distant west.

Then I went down to the place where the savages had been feasting.

What a dreadful sight met my eyes! The sand was covered with blood and bones. No doubt some poor captive had been killed there and eaten.

I made up my mind that if any other savages should ever come to my island for such a feast, I would not let them enjoy it.

I gathered up the bones and buried them in the sand. Then I went slowly and sadly back to my castle.

After that I never felt quite safe at any time. I dared not fire a gun; I dared not build a fire; I dared not walk far from home.

While awake, I was always planning how to escape the savages. While asleep, I was always dreaming of dreadful things.

Yet days and months passed by, and still no other savages came.

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EARLY one morning in harvest time I went out to my grain fields to cut down some barley. ||||收获季节||||||||||||| ||||Erntezeit|||||||||||||Gerste Numa manhã cedo, na altura das colheitas, saí para os meus campos de cereais para cortar cevada. Однажды рано утром в пору жатвы я вышел на свои зерновые поля, чтобы скосить ячмень. 在收获季节的一个清早,我出门去我的谷物田里割一些大麦。 The days were so very hot that it was pleasanter to rise before daylight and do the heavier part of my work before the sun was high. |||||||||||вставать||||||более тяжелую||||||||| |||||||||||aufstehen||||||schwereren||||||||| Os dias eram tão quentes que era mais agradável levantar-me antes do nascer do dia e fazer a parte mais pesada do meu trabalho antes do sol nascer. Дни стояли очень жаркие, поэтому приятнее было вставать до рассвета и выполнять более тяжелую часть работы, пока солнце еще не поднялось. 天气非常炎热,天亮前起床,日头升起前完成较重的工作更为愉快。

On this morning of which I am telling you, I started out while it was still quite dark. ||||||||||||||||ziemlich| Nesta manhã de que vos falo, comecei a andar quando ainda estava escuro. В то утро, о котором я вам рассказываю, я отправился в путь, когда было еще совсем темно. 在我所讲述的这个清晨,我在天还很黑的时候就出发了。 I had been to the fields so often that I could have found the way with my eyes shut. ||||||||||||||||||geschlossen ||||||||||||||||||fechadas Já tinha ido tantas vezes aos campos que poderia ter encontrado o caminho de olhos fechados. Я так часто бывал в этих полях, что мог бы найти дорогу с закрытыми глазами. Я так часто бував у полях, що міг би знайти дорогу з заплющеними очима. 我去过田野那么多次,我闭上眼睛也能找到路。

As I went along, I was surprised to see a light far over toward my side of the island. |||||||||||||auf meiner Seite||||| À medida que avançava, fiquei surpreendido ao ver uma luz muito longe, do meu lado da ilha. Когда я шел по дороге, то с удивлением заметил свет далеко в стороне от моего острова. Коли я йшов, я здивувався, побачивши світло далеко на моєму боці острова. 走着走着,我惊讶地看到岛的这边有一束光。 I stopped and looked. Parei e olhei. Я остановился и посмотрел. 我停下来看了看。 It was plainly the light of a blazing fire. |||||||熊熊燃烧的| ||offensichtlich|||||lodernden| |||||||пылающего| Era claramente a luz de uma fogueira a arder. Era clar lumina unui foc aprins. Очевидно, это был свет пылающего костра. 那显然是熊熊燃烧的火光。

Who could have built a fire there? Quem poderia ter feito uma fogueira ali? Кто мог развести там костер? 谁会在那里生火呢?

Surely none but savages. |肯定没有|| Sicherlich||| Certamente, nada mais do que selvagens. Конечно, никто, кроме дикарей. 肯定只有野蛮人才会。

I was so much surprised that I stood still and wondered. Fiquei tão surpreendido que fiquei parado a pensar. Я был так удивлен, что замер на месте и задумался. 我感到非常惊讶,所以我站在原地想了一会儿。

What if those savages should find my grain fields? E se esses selvagens encontrarem os meus campos de cereais? 要是那些野蛮人找到我的谷物田怎么办?

They would know at once that somebody had planted them, and they would never rest till they should find me. Saberiam imediatamente que alguém as tinha plantado e não descansariam enquanto não me encontrassem. Они сразу поймут, что кто-то их подбросил, и не успокоятся, пока не найдут меня. 他们一定会立刻知道有人种植了它们,而且他们绝不会停止直到找到我。

I could now see the blaze quite plainly. |||||Feuerschein||deutlich Agora já conseguia ver a chama com toda a clareza. Теперь я мог видеть пламя совершенно отчетливо. 我现在可以很清楚地看到火焰了。 As the day dawned, I could also see the smoke rising above the trees. |||dämmerte|||||||aufsteigen||| |||开始|||||||||| Quando o dia amanheceu, também pude ver o fumo a subir por cima das árvores. Pe măsură ce a răsărit ziua, am putut să văd și fumul care se ridica deasupra copacilor. На світанку я також побачив дим, що здіймався над деревами. 当天色渐渐亮起,我也能看到烟雾从树林上升起。 The fire was not more than two miles away. O incêndio não estava a mais de dois quilómetros de distância. До пожара оставалось не более двух миль. 火灾离这里不超过两英里。

I hurried back to my castle as fast as I could run. Voltei a correr para o meu castelo o mais depressa que pude. 我以我所能的速度匆匆赶回了我的城堡。 I made everything on the outside of it look as wild as possible. Fiz com que tudo no exterior parecesse o mais selvagem possível. Я сделал так, чтобы все снаружи выглядело как можно более дико. 我让城堡外面的一切看起来尽可能地野性。

I climbed over the wall and pulled up the ladder after me. |kletterte||||||||Leiter|| Trepei o muro e puxei a escada atrás de mim. 我爬过墙,把梯子拉了上来。

I loaded all my cannon, as I called the guns, that I had placed in the wall. ||||大炮|||||||||||| ||||Kanonen|||||||||||| ||||大炮|||||||||||| Carreguei todos os meus canhões, como eu chamava às armas, que tinha colocado na muralha. Я зарядил все свои пушки, как я их называл, которые разместил на стене. Я зарядив усі свої гармати, як я називав гармати, які розмістив у стіні. 我装载了所有的大炮,就我所称的那些放置在城墙上的火炮。 I put everything in order for a siege. |||||||Belagerung |||||||围攻 Coloquei tudo em ordem para um cerco. Я привел все в порядок для осады. Я привів усе в порядок для облоги. 我准备好了一切,准备应对围攻。

Then I waited to see if any enemy would come near. |||||||Feind||| Depois esperei para ver se algum inimigo se aproximava. Затем я стал ждать, не появится ли поблизости какой-нибудь враг. 然后我等待看看是否会有敌人靠近。

Two hours, three hours passed, and there was no sight nor sound that was at all uncommon. ||||||||||||||||不寻常的 ||||||||||||||||ungewöhnlich Passaram-se duas horas, três horas, e não se via nem se ouvia nada de invulgar. Прошло два часа, три часа, но не было ни одного необычного вида или звука. 经过两个小时,三个小时,没有任何不寻常的迹象或声音。 I began to wonder if, after all, the fire had been kindled by some accident and not by strange men. |||||||||||点燃了|||||||| |||||||||||entzündet worden|||Unfall||||fremde| |||||||||||ignited|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||homens estranhos |||||||||||разожжена|||||||| Comecei a interrogar-me se, afinal, o fogo teria sido provocado por um acidente e não por homens estranhos. Am început să mă întreb dacă, până la urmă, focul a fost aprins de un accident și nu de oameni ciudați. Я начал сомневаться, что огонь возник случайно, а не по вине незнакомых людей. Я почала сумніватися, що вогонь був розпалений випадково, а не незнайомими людьми. 我开始想,毕竟,火可能是由意外引起的,而不是由陌生人引起的。

At last I could wait no longer. Endlich|||||| Endlich konnte ich nicht länger warten. Por fim, não podia esperar mais. Наконец, я больше не мог ждать. 最后我再也等不下去了。 I set up my ladder against the side of the rock and climbed up to a flat place above my castle. ||||||||||||||||||oberhalb von|| Ich stellte meine Leiter gegen die Seite des Felsens und kletterte an einen flachen Platz über meinem Schloss. Coloquei a minha escada contra o lado da rocha e subi para um sítio plano por cima do meu castelo. Я приставил лестницу к краю скалы и взобрался на ровное место над своим замком. Я приставив драбину до краю скелі і піднявся на рівне місце над своїм замком. 我把梯子搭在岩石旁,爬到了我城堡上方的一个平台上。 I pulled the ladder up after me and then mounted to another landing. |||||hinter mir||||stieg hinauf||| ||||||||||||patamar Ich zog die Leiter nach mir hoch und stieg dann zu einem weiteren Absatz hinauf. Puxei a escada atrás de mim e depois subi para outro patamar. Я подтянул за собой лестницу и поднялся на другую площадку. Я витягнув драбину за собою, а потім переліз на іншу площадку. 我把梯子拉了上来,然后又爬到另一个平台上。 I pulled it up a second time, and it now reached to the top of the great rock. Puxei-o para cima uma segunda vez, e agora chegava ao topo da grande rocha. Я подтянул его во второй раз, и теперь он доставал до вершины огромной скалы. Я підтягнув його вдруге, і тепер він сягав вершини великої скелі. 我又把它拉起来,这次已经伸到了巨大岩石的顶部。

Here was the place I called my lookout. |||||||Aussichtspunkt |||||||ponto de observação Este era o sítio a que chamava a minha vigia. Здесь находилось место, которое я называл своей смотровой площадкой. Це було місце, яке я назвав своїм спостережним пунктом.

Very carefully I climbed up. Subi com muito cuidado. Очень осторожно я взобрался наверх. 我小心翼翼地爬了上去。 I laid myself down upon the rock and through my spyglass looked over toward the place where I had seen the fire. ||||||||||Fernrohr||||||||||| Deitei-me na rocha e, através do meu óculo, olhei para o local onde tinha visto o fogo. Я опустился на камень и через подзорную трубу посмотрел в сторону того места, где я видел огонь. 我躺在岩石上,透过望远镜朝我看到火的地方看去。

I could still see the smoke. Ainda conseguia ver o fumo. 我依然能看到烟。 Yes, and I could see some naked savages sitting around a small fire. Sim, e pude ver alguns selvagens nus sentados à volta de uma pequena fogueira. Да, и я увидел несколько голых дикарей, сидящих вокруг небольшого костра. 是的,我看到一些赤裸的野蛮人围坐在一个小火堆旁。

I counted them, and made out that there were no fewer than nine of the wretches. |||||||||||||||可怜虫 |||||||||||||||Elenden ||||||||||no fewer|||||wretches |||||||||||||||desgraçados |||||||||||||||негодяев Contei-os e verifiquei que eram nada menos do que nove desgraçados. Я пересчитал их и понял, что несчастных было не меньше девяти. Я порахував їх і з'ясував, що нещасних було не менше дев'яти. 我数了数,发现这些可怜人不下于九个。

They surely did not need a fire to warm themselves by, for the day was very hot. Não precisavam certamente de uma fogueira para se aquecerem, pois o dia estava muito quente. Им, конечно, не нужен был костер, чтобы согреться, ведь день был очень жарким. 他们显然不需要用火取暖,因为当时天气非常炎热。 No doubt they were cooking something. Sem dúvida que estavam a cozinhar alguma coisa. Несомненно, они что-то готовили. Perhaps they were cannibals and were getting ready for one of their horrible feasts. |||||||||||||盛宴 |||||||||||||Feste |||||||||||||пиров Talvez fossem canibais e estivessem a preparar-se para um dos seus horríveis banquetes. Возможно, они были каннибалами и готовились к одному из своих ужасных пиршеств.

On the beach not far from them I saw the two canoes in which they had arrived. На пляже неподалеку от них я увидел два каноэ, на которых они приплыли. 在离他们不远的海滩上,我看到了他们乘坐的两只独木舟。

The tide was now at its lowest. |Die Flut|||||niedrigsten Punkt A maré estava agora no seu ponto mais baixo. Прилив был на самом низком уровне. 现在潮水已经退到最低点。 When it returned and floated the canoes, they would probably go away. ||||приплыли к||||||| |||||||elas ou eles|||| Quando regressasse e fizesse flutuar as canoas, elas provavelmente iriam embora. Когда он вернулся и выплыл на каноэ, они, вероятно, уплыли. 当潮水返回并漂浮着独木舟时,它们可能会离开。

This thought made me feel much easier, for I was sure they would not wander far inland. |Gedanke|||||||||||||umherirren|| ||||||mais tranquilo|||||||||| Este pensamento tranquilizou-me muito, pois tinha a certeza de que não iriam para o interior. От этой мысли мне стало намного легче, ведь я был уверен, что они не забредут далеко вглубь страны. 这个想法让我感觉轻松多了,因为我确信它们不会远离陆地。

I waited and watched till the tide was again at the flood. |||||||||||Hochwasser Esperei e observei até que a maré voltasse a encher. Я ждал и наблюдал, пока прилив снова не вошел в половодье. 我等待观望,直到潮水再次涨起。

Then I saw them all get into the boats and paddle away. Depois vi-os todos a entrar nos barcos e a remar para longe. Потом я увидел, как все они сели в лодки и отчалили. 然后,我看到它们都上船划走了。 They seemed to be going around to the other side of the island. Parecia que estavam a dar a volta ao outro lado da ilha. Они, похоже, собирались обойти остров с другой стороны. 他们似乎在绕到岛的另一边。

I could now breathe freely again. ||||without restriction| Já podia respirar livremente. Теперь я снова мог свободно дышать. Тепер я знову міг вільно дихати. 我现在可以自由地呼吸了。 As soon as they were well gone, I armed myself and hurried across the land to see if I could get another sight of them. ||||||||bewaffnete mich|||||||||||||||| Assim que se afastaram, armei-me e apressei-me a atravessar a terra para ver se os conseguia ver de novo. Как только они удалились, я вооружился и поспешил по земле, чтобы еще раз увидеть их. 他们一走远,我便武装起来,匆忙穿过陆地,想看看能否再次看到他们。

I carried two guns on my shoulder, two pistols in my belt, and a big sword at my side. |||||||||||Gürtel||||||| Trazia duas armas ao ombro, duas pistolas no cinto e uma espada grande ao lado do corpo. Я носил два ружья на плече, два пистолета на поясе и большой меч на боку. 我肩上带着两支枪,腰带里插着两支手枪,腰间挂着一把大剑。 You would have been frightened, had you seen me. Teria ficado assustado, se me tivesse visto. Вы бы испугались, если бы увидели меня. Ви б злякалися, якби побачили мене. 如果你看到我,你一定会感到恐惧。

It was a long, hard walk. Foi uma caminhada longa e difícil. Это была долгая, трудная прогулка. 这是一段漫长而艰难的行走。 But by and by I came to the hill that overlooked the farther shore of the island. ||||||||||俯瞰|||||| ||||||||||||weiter entfernten|||| Mas, pouco a pouco, cheguei à colina que dava para a costa mais distante da ilha. Но вот я подошел к холму, с которого открывался вид на дальний берег острова. 但不久我来到了俯瞰岛屿远岸的山丘。

This I climbed. Foi aqui que subi. Я забрался на него. На це я вилізла. 我爬了上去。 I scanned sea and land with my spyglass. |durchsuchte|||||| |||||||luneta Sondei o mar e a terra com o meu óculo. Я сканировал море и сушу с помощью подзорной трубы. 我用望远镜扫视海域和陆地。

Yes, there were the two canoes coming slowly around the coast. Sim, lá estavam as duas canoas a contornar lentamente a costa. Да, это были два каноэ, медленно идущие вдоль берега. 是的,有两只独木舟慢慢地绕过海岸。

But what was my surprise to see three other boats put off from a cove near by and hasten around to meet them! ||||||||||||||खाड़ी|||||||| |||meine|||||||||||Bucht||||sich beeilen|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||elas Mas qual não foi o meu espanto ao ver três outros barcos partirem de uma enseada próxima e apressarem-se a dar a volta para os encontrar! Но каково же было мое удивление, когда я увидел три другие лодки, вышедшие из бухты неподалеку, и поспешил к ним на встречу! Але яким же було моє здивування, коли я побачив, як три інші човни відчалили від бухти неподалік і поспішають їм назустріч! 但让我惊讶的是,我看到另外三只小船从附近的一个海湾启程,急忙绕过来迎接它们!

It seemed, then, that another party of savages had been feasting at the very spot where I had seen the first footprint in the sand. ||||||||||gefeiert|||||||||||||| Parecia, então, que outro grupo de selvagens estava a banquetear-se no mesmo local onde eu tinha visto a primeira pegada na areia. Похоже, что на том самом месте, где я увидел первый след на песке, пировала другая группа дикарей. Здавалося, що на тому самому місці, де я побачив перший слід на піску, бенкетувала ще одна група дикунів. 看来,另一群野人曾在我看到第一只脚印的沙滩上聚餐。

I watched the canoes until all five were far out to sea, on their way to the low-lying shore in the distant west. |||||||||||||||||निम्न-स्थित|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||oeste distante Observei as canoas até que todas as cinco estivessem longe no mar, a caminho da costa baixa no oeste distante. Я наблюдал за каноэ, пока все пять не ушли далеко в море, направляясь к низменному берегу на далеком западе. Я спостерігав за каное, поки всі п'ять не опинилися далеко в морі, на шляху до низинного берега на далекому заході. 我看着独木舟,直到所有五只都远远驶向海洋,前往遥远西部的低洼海岸。

Then I went down to the place where the savages had been feasting. Depois desci até ao local onde os selvagens tinham estado a festejar. Затем я спустился к тому месту, где пировали дикари. 然后我走到那些野蛮人盛宴的地方。

What a dreadful sight met my eyes! 多么||可怕的|||| ||Was für ein schrecklicher Anblick!|||| Que visão terrível se deparou aos meus olhos! Какое ужасное зрелище предстало перед моими глазами! 我看到了多么可怕的景象! The sand was covered with blood and bones. |||||||ossos A areia estava coberta de sangue e ossos. Песок был покрыт кровью и костями. 沙滩上布满了血迹和骨头。 No doubt some poor captive had been killed there and eaten. ||||俘虏|||||| ||||Gefangener|||||| ||||узник|||||| Sem dúvida que algum pobre cativo tinha sido morto ali e comido. Несомненно, там был убит и съеден какой-нибудь несчастный пленник. 毫无疑问,那里曾经有一名可怜的俘虏被杀害并被吃掉。

I made up my mind that if any other savages should ever come to my island for such a feast, I would not let them enjoy it. Decidi que, se algum outro selvagem viesse à minha ilha para uma festa destas, não o deixaria desfrutar dela. Я решил, что если еще какие-нибудь дикари прибудут на мой остров на такой праздник, я не позволю им насладиться им. 我下定决心,如果其他野蛮人再来我的岛上举行这样的盛宴,我不会让他们享受到。

I gathered up the bones and buried them in the sand. |sammelte|||||vergrub|||| Apanhei os ossos e enterrei-os na areia. Я собрал кости и закопал их в песок. 我把骨头收拾起来埋在沙子里。 Then I went slowly and sadly back to my castle. Depois, regressei lenta e tristemente ao meu castelo. Затем я медленно и печально вернулся в свой замок. 然后我慢慢伤心地回到了我的城堡。

After that I never felt quite safe at any time. |||再也没有|||||| Depois disso, nunca mais me senti segura em nenhum momento. После этого я никогда не чувствовал себя в полной безопасности. 此后,我任何时候都感到不安全。 I dared not fire a gun; I dared not build a fire; I dared not walk far from home. |敢于||||||||||||||||| |wagte||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||casa Não me atrevi a disparar uma arma; não me atrevi a fazer uma fogueira; não me atrevi a andar longe de casa. Я не смел стрелять из ружья, не смел разводить костер, не смел уходить далеко от дома. Я не наважувався стріляти з рушниці, не наважувався розпалювати вогонь, не наважувався відходити далеко від дому. 我不敢开枪;我不敢生火;我不敢远离家。

While awake, I was always planning how to escape the savages. |wach|||||||entkommen|| Enquanto estava acordado, estava sempre a planear como escapar aos selvagens. Пока я не спал, я постоянно планировал, как спастись от дикарей. Коли я не спав, то постійно планував, як втекти від дикунів. 醒着时,我总是在计划如何逃离野蛮人。 While asleep, I was always dreaming of dreadful things. |||||||schrecklich| |||||||भयानक| Enquanto dormia, estava sempre a sonhar com coisas terríveis. Во время сна мне постоянно снились страшные вещи. 当我睡着时,总是梦到可怕的事情。

Yet days and months passed by, and still no other savages came. No entanto, passavam-se dias e meses e não apareciam outros selvagens. Проходили дни и месяцы, а дикари все не появлялись. 然而,日子和月份过去了,仍然没有其他野蛮人到来。