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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 35. I EXPLORE MY CAVE FURTHER


THE next day I brought out with me six big candles.

For you must know that I was a candle maker as well as a baker. Indeed, I made very good candles of goats' tallow, using some bits of old ropes for the wicks. As I have just said, I took six candles with me, for I had made up my mind to learn more about the cave I had found.

I lit two of the candles, and went in. The poor old goat was dead, and it was no easy work to dig a hole right there and bury him.

After this unpleasant task was done, I went into the back part of the cave. The flame of the candles lighted up the darkness, and I could see quite plainly.

The narrow passage of which I have told you was no less than thirty feet long. In one place it was so low that I had to creep through on all fours.

But no sooner was I through this low place than I found myself in a splendid chamber. It was large enough to shelter a hundred men.

Indeed, it seemed like the great hall of some old English castle. I had never seen anything so grand.

The roof was at least twenty feet high. The light from my two candles shone upon the walls and made it look as though covered with thousand of bright stars.

Whether these were diamonds, or gold, or some other precious things, I did not know, and in fact I never learned.

The floor was dry and level. It was covered with white sand, which was very clean.

I was delighted. No better or safer storehouse could I have wished.

When I had looked at the room on every side and found that it was really the end of the cave, I went out and hurried back to my castle.

I found that I still had about sixty pounds of powder. This was the first thing that I carried to my new cavern. I took thither also the lead that I had for making bullets and small shot.

I felt now like one of the wonderful elves that you read about. They live, as you know, in rocks and in caves where none can get at them; and they have hidden treasures of gold and precious stones.

What if a hundred savages should hunt me? They could not come near me here. I was safe from all foes.

I fitted the cave up with whatever was needed to make it comfortable.

If the worst came to the worst, I meant to live there. And yet I did not wish to be obliged to do this.

When everything was safe and snug, I laid some green branches over the entrance and went back to my castle.

I was very glad when I sat down in my old kitchen again. For, after all, no other place was so much like home.

I had now been twenty-three years on this island. If it had not been for fear of savages, I would have been the happiest man in the world.

During all those years I had been very busy. I did not work all the time, as you know, but I amused myself in various ways.

I spent much time with Poll, the parrot. He soon learned to talk so well that it was a pleasure to hear him.

My dog had been my best friend and companion. He lived for sixteen years, and then died of old age.

As for my cats, the woods were full of them. All ran wild except the two that I kept in my castle. These were good mousers and fine pets.

I had also several tame fowls. These I had caught near the seashore when they were young. I cut their wing feathers short and taught them to eat from my hand.

I never knew what kind of birds they were, but they were large, almost as large as chickens. They lived among the hedge trees in front of my castle.

They made their nests there and kept me well supplied with eggs. I did not need to keep any other poultry.

Thus I lived very pleasantly in my island home. I would have been content to live there always if I could have felt safe from savages.

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THE next day I brought out with me six big candles. |||||||||大的|蜡烛 ||||||||||Kerzen Kitą dieną atsinešiau šešias dideles žvakes. No dia seguinte, trouxe comigo seis velas grandes. На следующий день я принес с собой шесть больших свечей.

For you must know that I was a candle maker as well as a baker. |you||||||||||||| ||||||||vela|||||| Juk turite žinoti, kad buvau ne tik kepėjas, bet ir žvakių gamintojas. Pois devem saber que eu era fabricante de velas e também padeiro. Ведь вы должны знать, что я был не только пекарем, но и мастером по изготовлению свечей. 你必须知道,我不仅是一个面包师,还是一个蜡烛制造者。 Indeed, I made very good candles of goats' tallow, using some bits of old ropes for the wicks. ||||||||сала козьего|||||||||фитили ||||||||Ziegentalg||||||alte Seile|||Dochte ||||||||animal fat wax|||||||||candle cores Iš tiesų iš ožkų lajaus pasigaminau labai gerų žvakių, o kaip dagtis panaudojau senų virvių gabalėlius. De facto, fiz velas muito boas com sebo de cabra, utilizando alguns pedaços de cordas velhas como pavios. Действительно, я сделал очень хорошие свечи из козьего сала, используя для фитилей куски старых веревок. 事实上,我用山羊脂做出很好的蜡烛,使用一些旧绳子作芯。 As I have just said, I took six candles with me, for I had made up my mind to learn more about the cave I had found. ||||||||||||||||||чтобы|||||||| Como acabei de dizer, levei seis velas comigo, pois tinha decidido saber mais sobre a gruta que tinha encontrado. Как я уже сказал, я взял с собой шесть свечей, поскольку решил узнать больше о найденной пещере. 正如我刚才所说,我带了六支蜡烛,因为我已经下定决心要了解更多关于我发现的洞穴。

I lit two of the candles, and went in. |点燃了||||||| |zündete an|||||||hinein I|||||||| Acendi duas velas e entrei. Я зажег две свечи и вошел внутрь. 我点燃了两根蜡烛,然后走了进去。 The poor old goat was dead, and it was no easy work to dig a hole right there and bury him. |||||||||||||||||||begraben| |||||||||||||||||||埋| A pobre cabra estava morta e não foi fácil cavar um buraco ali mesmo e enterrá-la. Бедный старый козел был мертв, и вырыть яму прямо здесь и похоронить его было нелегко. 可怜的老山羊已经死了,在那里挖个坑然后埋葬它并不容易。

After this unpleasant task was done, I went into the back part of the cave. Depois de terminada esta tarefa desagradável, fui para a parte de trás da gruta. После того как эта неприятная задача была выполнена, я отправился в заднюю часть пещеры. 完成这个令人不愉快的任务后,我走进了洞穴的后部。 The flame of the candles lighted up the darkness, and I could see quite plainly. ||||||||||||||स्पष्ट रूप से ||||||||||||||清楚地 ||||||||||||||ganz deutlich |flame||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||claramente A chama das velas iluminava a escuridão e eu conseguia ver muito bem. Пламя свечей осветило темноту, и я смог разглядеть все совершенно отчетливо. 蜡烛的火焰点亮了黑暗,我能够很清楚地看见。

The narrow passage of which I have told you was no less than thirty feet long. A passagem estreita de que vos falei não tinha menos de trinta metros de comprimento. Узкий проход, о котором я вам рассказывал, был длиной не менее тридцати футов. 我告诉过你的狭窄通道长达三十英尺。 In one place it was so low that I had to creep through on all fours. ||||||低|||||||||四肢 Num dos sítios era tão baixo que tive de me arrastar de quatro. В одном месте она была настолько низкой, что мне пришлось пробираться на четвереньках. 其中一个地方的通道很低,我不得不全身爬过去。

But no sooner was I through this low place than I found myself in a splendid chamber. ||刚一|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||prächtig|Kammer |||||||small or narrow||||||||magnificent| ||||||||||||||||câmara esplêndida Mas mal passei por este sítio baixo, dei por mim num quarto esplêndido. Но не успел я пройти через это низкое место, как оказался в великолепных покоях. Але не встиг я пройти це низьке місце, як опинився в розкішній палаті. 但我刚穿过这个低处,我发现自己置身于一个辉煌的大厅。 It was large enough to shelter a hundred men. |||||Schutz bieten||| Era suficientemente grande para albergar uma centena de homens. Он был достаточно велик, чтобы в нем могли укрыться сто человек. 足够容纳一百个人。

Indeed, it seemed like the great hall of some old English castle. De facto, parecia o grande salão de um velho castelo inglês. Действительно, он напоминал большой зал какого-нибудь старинного английского замка. 事实上,它看起来像是某座古老的英格兰城堡的大厅。 I had never seen anything so grand. ||||||宏伟 Nunca tinha visto nada tão grandioso. Я никогда не видел ничего столь грандиозного. 我从未见过如此宏伟的东西。

The roof was at least twenty feet high. |Das Dach|||||| O telhado tinha pelo menos seis metros de altura. Высота крыши составляла не менее двадцати футов. 屋顶至少有二十英尺高。 The light from my two candles shone upon the walls and made it look as though covered with thousand of bright stars. |||||||||||||||als ob|||||| A luz das minhas duas velas brilhava nas paredes e fazia-as parecer cobertas de milhares de estrelas brilhantes. Свет от двух моих свечей освещал стены и создавал впечатление, что они усыпаны тысячами ярких звезд. Світло від двох моїх свічок осявало стіни і робило їх ніби вкритими тисячами яскравих зірок. 我的两支蜡烛的光照在墙上,使它看起来就像被成千上万颗明亮的星星覆盖着。

Whether these were diamonds, or gold, or some other precious things, I did not know, and in fact I never learned. ||||||||||||||||||||学会了 |||||||||kostbare||||||||||| Se eram diamantes, ou ouro, ou outras coisas preciosas, não sabia, e de facto nunca soube. Были ли это бриллианты, или золото, или какие-то другие драгоценности, я не знал, да и не узнал. 无论这些是钻石,黄金还是其他贵重物品,我不知道,实际上我也从未得知。

The floor was dry and level. 地板||||| |||||eben |||||flat O chão estava seco e nivelado. Пол был сухим и ровным. Підлога була сухою і рівною. 地板干燥而平整。 It was covered with white sand, which was very clean. Estava coberta de areia branca e muito limpa. Он был покрыт белым песком, который был очень чистым. 地板上铺满了洁白的沙子,非常干净。

I was delighted. ||Ich war erfreut. Fiquei muito contente. Я была в восторге. Я був у захваті. 我感到很高兴。 No better or safer storehouse could I have wished. ||||仓库|||| ||||Lagerhaus|||| ||||place to store|||| Não poderia ter desejado um armazém melhor ou mais seguro. Лучшего или более надежного хранилища я и пожелать не мог. 我再也找不到比这更好或更安全的地方了。

When I had looked at the room on every side and found that it was really the end of the cave, I went out and hurried back to my castle. Depois de ter examinado a sala por todos os lados e de ter verificado que era mesmo o fim da gruta, saí e voltei a correr para o meu castelo. Осмотрев комнату со всех сторон и убедившись, что это действительно конец пещеры, я вышел и поспешил обратно в свой замок. Оглянувши кімнату з усіх боків і переконавшись, що це справді кінець печери, я вийшов і поспішив повернутися до свого замку. 当我从各个角度查看了房间,并发现这确实是洞穴的尽头时,我走出去,匆忙回到我的城堡。

I found that I still had about sixty pounds of powder. Descobri que ainda tinha cerca de sessenta quilos de pólvora. Я обнаружил, что у меня осталось около шестидесяти фунтов пороха. 我发现我还有大约六十磅火药。 This was the first thing that I carried to my new cavern. |||||||||||Höhle Esta foi a primeira coisa que levei para a minha nova caverna. Это было первое, что я отнес в свою новую пещеру. Це була перша річ, яку я приніс до своєї нової печери. 这是我搬进新洞穴的第一件东西。 I took thither also the lead that I had for making bullets and small shot. Я||туда|||||||||||| ||dorthin|||Blei||||||Kugeln||| ||to that place|||||||||||| Levei também para lá o chumbo que tinha para fazer balas e chumbos. Туда же я отнес свинец, который у меня был для изготовления пуль и мелкой дроби. Туди ж я взяв свинець, який мав для виготовлення куль і дрібної дробу. 我还带了用来制作子弹和小弹丸的铅。

I felt now like one of the wonderful elves that you read about. ||||||||эльфов|||| ||||||||Elfen|||| Senti-me agora como um dos maravilhosos duendes de que se fala. Теперь я чувствовал себя одним из тех чудесных эльфов, о которых вы читали. Тепер я відчував себе одним з тих чудових ельфів, про яких ви читали. 我现在感觉就像你在读到的那些美妙的精灵之一。 They live, as you know, in rocks and in caves where none can get at them; and they have hidden treasures of gold and precious stones. ||||||||||||||||||||сокровища||||| |||||||||||keiner|||||||||Schätze||||kostbare|Edelsteine Vivem, como sabeis, em rochas e grutas onde ninguém lhes pode chegar; e têm tesouros escondidos de ouro e pedras preciosas. Они живут, как вы знаете, в скалах и пещерах, куда никто не может добраться, и там у них спрятаны сокровища из золота и драгоценных камней. 正如你所知,它们居住在岩石和洞穴中,没有人能接近它们;它们有藏匿的黄金和宝石。

What if a hundred savages should hunt me? E se uma centena de selvagens me perseguisse? Что, если сотня дикарей будет охотиться на меня? 要是一百个野蛮人来追捕我呢? They could not come near me here. Eles não podem aproximar-se de mim aqui. Здесь они не могли подойти ко мне. 他们无法靠近我这里。 I was safe from all foes. |||||врагов |||||Feinde |||||inimigos Estava a salvo de todos os inimigos. Я был защищен от всех врагов. Я був у безпеці від усіх ворогів. 我远离了所有的敌人。

I fitted the cave up with whatever was needed to make it comfortable. |eingerichtet||||||||||| Equipei a gruta com tudo o que era necessário para a tornar confortável. Я оборудовал пещеру всем необходимым для удобства. Я обладнав печеру всім необхідним, щоб зробити її комфортною. 我把洞穴布置得舒适,并配备了所需的一切。

If the worst came to the worst, I meant to live there. ||schlimmste||||schlimmste||beabsichtigte||| Im schlimmsten Fall wollte ich dort leben. Se o pior acontecesse, eu tencionava viver lá. Если случится худшее, я намеревался жить там. 即便最坏的情况发生,我打算在那里生活。 And yet I did not wish to be obliged to do this. ||||||||verpflichtet||| ||||||||forced||| E, no entanto, não queria ser obrigado a fazê-lo. И все же я не хотел быть обязанным это делать. І все ж я не хотів, щоб мене до цього зобов'язували. 但我并不希望被迫这样做。

When everything was safe and snug, I laid some green branches over the entrance and went back to my castle. |||||уютно|||||||||||||| |||||sicher und gemütlich|||||Zweige|||Eingang|||||| |||||comfortable and secure|||||||||||||| Quando tudo estava seguro e confortável, coloquei alguns ramos verdes sobre a entrada e regressei ao meu castelo. Когда все было в целости и сохранности, я положил несколько зеленых веток над входом и вернулся в свой замок. 当一切都安全而舒适时,我在入口处铺上一些绿枝,然后回到我的城堡里。

I was very glad when I sat down in my old kitchen again. Fiquei muito contente quando me voltei a sentar na minha antiga cozinha. Я был очень рад, когда снова сел на свою старую кухню. 当我再次坐在我的老厨房里时,我感到非常高兴。 For, after all, no other place was so much like home. Porque, afinal, nenhum outro lugar era tão parecido com a nossa casa. Ведь ни одно другое место не было так похоже на дом. 因为毕竟,没有其他地方能像家一样。

I had now been twenty-three years on this island. Há vinte e três anos que estou nesta ilha. Я прожил на этом острове уже двадцать три года. Я жив на цьому острові вже двадцять три роки. 我现在已在这个岛上度过了二十三年。 If it had not been for fear of savages, I would have been the happiest man in the world. Se não fosse o medo dos selvagens, eu teria sido o homem mais feliz do mundo. Если бы не страх перед дикарями, я был бы самым счастливым человеком на свете. Якби не страх перед дикунами, я був би найщасливішою людиною у світі. 要不是因为对野蛮人的恐惧,我本可以是世界上最幸福的人。

During all those years I had been very busy. ||||||||ocupado Durante todos estes anos, estive muito ocupado. Все эти годы я был очень занят. 在那些年里,我一直非常忙碌。 I did not work all the time, as you know, but I amused myself in various ways. ||||||||||||消遣自己|||| ||||||||||||amüsierte mich|||| ||||||||||||||||formas Como sabem, não estava sempre a trabalhar, mas divertia-me de várias maneiras. Я не работал все время, как вы знаете, но развлекал себя разными способами. 正如你所知,我并不是一直在工作,而是以各种方式自娱自乐。

I spent much time with Poll, the parrot. |||||||o papagaio Passei muito tempo com Poll, o papagaio. Я много времени проводил с попугаем Поллом. He soon learned to talk so well that it was a pleasure to hear him. Em breve aprendeu a falar tão bem que era um prazer ouvi-lo. Вскоре он научился говорить так хорошо, что слушать его было одно удовольствие. 他很快学会了说话,说话说得这么好,听起来真是一种乐趣。

My dog had been my best friend and companion. ||||||||companheiro O meu cão tinha sido o meu melhor amigo e companheiro. Моя собака была моим лучшим другом и компаньоном. 我的狗是我最好的朋友和伴侣。 He lived for sixteen years, and then died of old age. Viveu dezasseis anos e morreu de velhice. Он прожил шестнадцать лет, а затем умер от старости. 它活了十六年,然后死于老年。

As for my cats, the woods were full of them. Quanto aos meus gatos, os bosques estavam cheios deles. Что касается моих кошек, то в лесу их было полно. 至于我的猫,树林里到处都是它们。 All ran wild except the two that I kept in my castle. Todos fugiram, exceto os dois que guardei no meu castelo. Все они разбежались, кроме двух, которых я держал в своем замке. Всі вони здичавіли, крім двох, яких я тримав у своєму замку. 所有的猫都很野,除了两只我留在城堡里的。 These were good mousers and fine pets. |||捕鼠能手||| |||Mäusefänger||| |||捕鼠者||| |||мышеловы||| Estes animais eram bons ratos e óptimos animais de estimação. Они были хорошими мышеловами и прекрасными домашними животными. 它们是很好的捉老鼠的猫,也是很好的宠物。

I had also several tame fowls. 我||||| ||||zahm|zahme Hühner |||||birds |||||птицы Tinha também várias galinhas domesticadas. У меня также было несколько прирученных птиц. У мене також було кілька ручних птахів. 我还养了几只温顺的家禽。 These I had caught near the seashore when they were young. Estes, apanhei-os perto da praia quando eram jovens. Их я поймал у берега моря, когда они были еще маленькими. 这些是我在它们年幼时从海滩附近捉到的。 I cut their wing feathers short and taught them to eat from my hand. ||||Flügelfedern|||beibrachte|||||| Cortei-lhes as penas das asas e ensinei-os a comer da minha mão. Я коротко обрезал им перья на крыльях и научил их есть с моей руки. 我把它们的翅膀羽毛修剪短,并教会它们从我的手中吃东西。

I never knew what kind of birds they were, but they were large, almost as large as chickens. Nunca soube que tipo de aves eram, mas eram grandes, quase tão grandes como as galinhas. Я так и не узнал, что это были за птицы, но они были большими, почти как куры. 我从来不知道它们是什么鸟,但它们很大,几乎和鸡一样大。 They lived among the hedge trees in front of my castle. They lived among the hedge trees in front of my castle. Viviam entre as sebes em frente ao meu castelo. Они жили среди живых изгородей перед моим замком. 它们生活在我城堡前的篱笆树间。

They made their nests there and kept me well supplied with eggs. |||||||||提供|| |||||||||provided|| Fizeram aí os seus ninhos e mantiveram-me bem abastecido de ovos. Они свили там гнезда и снабжали меня яйцами. 它们在那里筑巢,给我供应充足的鸟蛋。 I did not need to keep any other poultry. ||||||||家禽 ||||||||Geflügel ||||||||家禽 ||||||||птица Não precisei de criar mais nenhuma ave. Мне не нужно было держать другую домашнюю птицу. 我不需要饲养其他家禽。

Thus I lived very pleasantly in my island home. So|||||||| Assim, vivi muito agradavelmente na minha casa na ilha. Таким образом, я очень приятно жил в своем островном доме. 因此,我在我的岛屿家中过得非常愉快。 I would have been content to live there always if I could have felt safe from savages. ||||满足|||||||||||| ||||zufrieden|||||||||||| Ich wäre damit zufrieden gewesen, immer dort zu leben, wenn ich mich vor Wilden hätte sicher fühlen können. Ter-me-ia contentado em viver sempre ali, se me pudesse sentir a salvo dos selvagens. Я был бы рад жить там всегда, если бы мог чувствовать себя в безопасности от дикарей. Я був би задоволений жити там завжди, якби міг відчувати себе в безпеці від дикунів. 如果我能够远离野蛮人并感到安全,我会愿意永远在那里生活。