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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 33. I AM AGAIN ALARMED


FIVE or six years had passed, and not another footprint had I seen.

I had gotten over my great fright, and yet I was not so bold as I had been. Any sudden sound would make me start and look around.

I thought that if savage men had been on the island once, they were quite likely to come again. So I kept on the lookout for them all the time.

My flock of goats had now grown to be very large, and I needed another field. I wished to put some of them in a hidden spot where the savages, if they did come, would not find them.

I had already a small flock in one such spot, as I have told you. But now I wished to have another.

In looking for the right kind of place, I went all over the island. I even went far out on a rocky point beyond the place where I kept my canoe.

As I was standing on a rock and looking out to sea, I thought I saw a boat in the distance. I was only a little speck on the water, and it seemed to rise and fall with the waves. It could not be a rock.

I looked at it till my eyes could look no more. I had saved a spyglass out of the ship; but, as luck would have it, I had left it at home. How I wished for it then!

Whether I really saw a boat or not, I do not know. But as I walked back along the shore, I made up my mind never to go out again without my spyglass.

I walked slowly along, thinking of what I had seen. All at once I came upon that which made my heart stand still.

On the sandy, sloping beach of a pleasant little harbor I saw not only one footprint, but hundreds of them.

I stood still, afraid to move.

But the footprints were not all. The beach at one place was covered with bones and bits of flesh, as in a slaughter house. Some of the bones were quite fresh; some had been charred with fire.

"Here the savages have been holding a feast," I said to myself. A little farther on I saw that a pit had been dug in the sand, and here they had had their fire. The ashes were still warm.

I wondered what kind of a feast these wild men had been having. There were savages on the mainland who were said to kill and eat the captives whom they took in war. Cannibals, they were called.

Could this have been a feast of cannibals? And were these the bones and flesh of human beings?

I trembled as I thought of it.

I turned and ran from the place as fast as I could.

I ran until I could go no farther. My breath came fast. I sank down upon the ground.

When I had rested a little while, I looked around and found that I was not very far from my castle. All around me was peaceful and still. I was surely safe from harm.

With tears in my eyes I knelt down and gave thanks to God. I thanked him that he had kept me alive and safe through so many years. I thanked him that I had been cast on the side of the island which was never visited by savages. I thanked him for all the comforts and blessings that were mine.

Then I arose and went home to my castle.

As I sat before my door that evening, I thought the whole matter over, and felt much easier in my mind.

I had been on the island eighteen years before I saw the first footprint. I had been there twenty-three years before I saw any other signs of savages. It was likely that many more years would pass before any harm should come to me.

With these thoughts I lay down in my hammock and slept without fear.

But it was a long time before I went again to the farther shore of the island. I did not even go to look after my canoe.

The days went quietly by. I kept quite close to my castle, and busied myself with my goats and my grain.

I was always on my guard, and never stepped out of doors without first looking around me.

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FIVE or six years had passed, and not another footprint had I seen. Passaram cinco ou seis anos e não vi mais nenhuma pegada. Прошло пять или шесть лет, а я не видел больше ни одного следа. Минуло п'ять чи шість років, а я не бачив жодного сліду.

I had gotten over my great fright, and yet I was not so bold as I had been. ||überwunden|||||||||||mutig|||| |||||||||||||brave|||| Já tinha ultrapassado o meu grande susto e, no entanto, já não era tão ousado como antes. Я оправился от сильного испуга, но все же не был таким смелым, как раньше. Я подолав свій сильний переляк, але все ще не був таким сміливим, як раніше. 我已经克服了我的巨大恐惧,但我并不像以前那样勇敢。 Any sudden sound would make me start and look around. Qualquer som repentino fazia-me levantar e olhar em volta. Любой резкий звук заставлял меня замирать и оглядываться по сторонам. Будь-який раптовий звук змушував мене здригнутися й озирнутися. 任何突然的声音都会让我惊起来四处看看。

I thought that if savage men had been on the island once, they were quite likely to come again. Pensei que se os homens selvagens já tinham estado na ilha uma vez, era muito provável que voltassem. Я подумал, что если дикари однажды побывали на острове, то вполне вероятно, что они придут сюда снова. 我觉得如果野蛮人曾经来过这个岛,他们很有可能会再次来。 So I kept on the lookout for them all the time. |||||留意||||| |||||сторожке||||| Por isso, estava sempre à procura deles. Поэтому я постоянно следил за ними. Тож я весь час їх шукав. 所以我一直保持警惕,时刻关注它们。

My flock of goats had now grown to be very large, and I needed another field. |Herde|||||||||||||| |herd|||||||||||||| O meu rebanho de cabras já era muito grande e precisava de outro campo. Мое стадо коз стало очень большим, и мне понадобилось еще одно поле. 我的山羊群现在已经变得非常庞大,我需要另一个牧场。 I wished to put some of them in a hidden spot where the savages, if they did come, would not find them. |||||||||concealed|location|||natives|||||||| Queria colocar algumas delas num sítio escondido onde os selvagens, se viessem, não as encontrassem. Я хотел положить некоторые из них в укромное место, где дикари, если они придут, не смогут их найти. Я хотів покласти деякі з них у потаємне місце, де дикуни, якщо вони прийдуть, не знайдуть їх. 我希望把其中一些放在一个隐密的地方,使得野蛮人即使来了也找不到它们。

I had already a small flock in one such spot, as I have told you. ||||||||einem solchen|||||| Eu já tinha um pequeno rebanho num desses locais, como já vos disse. В одном из таких мест у меня уже была небольшая паства, о чем я вам уже рассказывал. 我在一个这样的地方已经有了一小群羊,正如我告诉你的那样。 But now I wished to have another. Mas agora queria ter outro. 但现在我希望再有一群。

In looking for the right kind of place, I went all over the island. Beim||||||||||||| Na procura do sítio certo, percorri toda a ilha. В поисках подходящего места я объездил весь остров. У пошуках потрібного місця я об'їздив весь острів. 在寻找合适地方的过程中,我走遍了整个岛。 I even went far out on a rocky point beyond the place where I kept my canoe. |||||||||jenseits von||||||| Cheguei mesmo a ir até uma ponta rochosa para lá do local onde guardava a minha canoa. Я даже зашел далеко на скалистую точку за тем местом, где хранил свое каноэ. 我甚至走得很远,走到一个岩石尖端,超出了我放独木舟的地方。

As I was standing on a rock and looking out to sea, I thought I saw a boat in the distance. Quando estava em cima de um rochedo e olhava para o mar, pareceu-me ver um barco ao longe. Когда я стоял на скале и смотрел на море, мне показалось, что я вижу вдалеке лодку. 当我站在一块岩石上,朝海面望去时,我似乎看到远处有一艘船。 I was only a little speck on the water, and it seemed to rise and fall with the waves. |||||kleiner Punkt||||||||||||| |||||점||||||||||||| |||||speck||||||||rise||||| Eu era apenas um pequeno ponto na água, que parecia subir e descer com as ondas. Я был всего лишь маленьким пятнышком на воде, и казалось, что оно поднимается и опускается вместе с волнами. 我只是水面上的一点点,它似乎随着波浪的起伏而上下移动。 It could not be a rock. Não pode ser uma pedra. Это не мог быть камень. 它不可能是一块岩石。

I looked at it till my eyes could look no more. Olhei para ela até os meus olhos não conseguirem mais ver. Я смотрел на него до тех пор, пока мои глаза не перестали видеть. 我看着它,直到我的眼睛再也看不见。 I had saved a spyglass out of the ship; but, as luck would have it, I had left it at home. ||||подзорная труба|||||||||||||||| ||||Fernrohr|||||||||||||||| ||||telescope|||||||fate||||||||| ||||망원경|||||||||||||||| Eu tinha guardado um óculo do navio, mas, por sorte, tinha-o deixado em casa. Я прихватил с собой с корабля подзорную трубу, но, как назло, забыл ее дома. Я врятував підзорну трубу з корабля, але, на щастя, залишив її вдома. 我从船上留下了一个望远镜;但是,不巧的是,我把它忘在家里了。 How I wished for it then! Como o desejei nessa altura! Как я тогда мечтал об этом! 当时我多么希望有一只船!

Whether I really saw a boat or not, I do not know. Se vi mesmo um barco ou não, não sei. Действительно ли я видел лодку или нет, я не знаю. 我真的看见一只船还是没看见,我不知道。 But as I walked back along the shore, I made up my mind never to go out again without my spyglass. ||||||||||||||||||||Fernglas Mas enquanto caminhava de volta ao longo da costa, decidi nunca mais sair sem o meu óculo. Но когда я шел обратно по берегу, то решил никогда больше не выходить на улицу без подзорной трубы. 但当我沿着岸边走回时,我下定决心再也不出门不带着我的望远镜。

I walked slowly along, thinking of what I had seen. Caminhei lentamente, pensando no que tinha visto. Я медленно шел, размышляя об увиденном. 我慢慢走着,想着我所看到的一切。 All at once I came upon that which made my heart stand still. |||||||||||stillstehen| De repente, deparei-me com aquilo que fez o meu coração parar. В один момент я наткнулся на то, что заставило мое сердце замереть. І раптом я натрапив на те, що змусило моє серце завмерти. 突然间,我看见了让我的心跳停止的东西。

On the sandy, sloping beach of a pleasant little harbor I saw not only one footprint, but hundreds of them. |||пологом|||||||||||||||| ||sandigen|abfallend||||angenehm||Hafen|||||||||| ||sandy|倾斜的||||charming||harbor|||||||||| |||경사진|||||||||||||||| Na praia arenosa e inclinada de um pequeno e agradável porto, vi não apenas uma pegada, mas centenas delas. На песчаном, покатом пляже маленькой приятной гавани я увидел не один отпечаток, а сотни. На піщаному, похилому пляжі приємної маленької гавані я побачив не один слід, а сотні слідів. 在一个宜人的小港口的沙滩上,我不仅看到了一个脚印,还看到了成百上千个脚印。

I stood still, afraid to move. Fiquei imóvel, com medo de me mexer. 我站在原地,害怕移动。

But the footprints were not all. Mas as pegadas não eram tudo. Но следы - это еще не все. 但足迹并非全是。 The beach at one place was covered with bones and bits of flesh, as in a slaughter house. ||||||||||||||||бойня| ||||||||||Stücke||Fleischstücke||||Schlachthaus| ||||||||bones||||meat||||slaughterhouse| ||||||||||||||||도축장| A praia, num determinado local, estava coberta de ossos e pedaços de carne, como num matadouro. В одном месте пляж был усыпан костями и кусками плоти, как на скотобойне. Пляж в одному місці був вкритий кістками і шматками плоті, як на бойні. 沙滩某处布满了骨头和碎肉,就像屠宰场一样。 Some of the bones were quite fresh; some had been charred with fire. ||||||||||烧焦的|| ||||||||||verkohlt|| |||bones|||||||burned|| ||||||||||불에 탄|| Alguns dos ossos estavam bem frescos; outros tinham sido carbonizados pelo fogo. Некоторые кости были совсем свежими, другие - обугленными огнем. 有些骨头是相当新鲜的;有些被火烧焦了。

"Here the savages have been holding a feast," I said to myself. |||||||Festmahl|||| ||savages|||||盛宴|||| "Aqui os selvagens estiveram a fazer um banquete", disse para mim próprio. "Здесь дикари устроили пиршество", - сказал я себе. "Тут дикуни влаштували бенкет", - сказав я собі. “这里野蛮人举办过宴会,”我心里说。 A little farther on I saw that a pit had been dug in the sand, and here they had had their fire. ||||||||Grube|||gegraben worden|||||||||| ||further||||||pit||||||sand||||||| ||조금 더 멀리||||||구덩이||||||||||||| Um pouco mais à frente, vi que tinham cavado um poço na areia e que aí tinham feito a sua fogueira. Чуть дальше я увидел, что в песке была вырыта яма, и здесь они развели костер. Трохи далі я побачив, що в піску була вирита яма, і тут вони розводили багаття. 再往前走一点,我看到沙地上挖了一个坑,他们在这里生火过。 The ashes were still warm. As cinzas ainda estavam quentes. 余烬仍然温暖。

I wondered what kind of a feast these wild men had been having. ||||||||जंगली|||| ||||||Festmahl|||||| Perguntei-me que tipo de festa estariam a fazer estes homens selvagens. Мне стало интересно, что за пир устроили эти дикари. 我想知道这些野人正在享受什么样的盛宴。 There were savages on the mainland who were said to kill and eat the captives whom they took in war. ||||||||||||||пленники||||| |||||Festland|||||||||Gefangene||||| ||||||||||||||prisoners of war||||| ||||||||||||||포로들||||| Havia selvagens no continente que, segundo se dizia, matavam e comiam os cativos que levavam para a guerra. На материке жили дикари, которые, как говорят, убивали и ели пленников, захваченных ими во время войны. 在大陆上有些野蛮人据说会杀死战俘并将其吃掉。 Cannibals, they were called. Cannibals||| 식인종들||| os canibais||| Chamavam-lhes canibais. Их называли каннибалами.

Could this have been a feast of cannibals? |||||||canibais Terá sido um banquete de canibais? Может быть, это был пир каннибалов? 这难道是食人族的盛宴吗? And were these the bones and flesh of human beings? E seriam estes ossos e carne de seres humanos? И были ли это кости и плоть человеческих существ? 这些是人类的骨头和肉吗?

I trembled as I thought of it. ||当|||想到| |zitterte||||| Tremi ao pensar nisso. При мысли об этом я содрогнулся. 一想到这些,我就不寒而栗。

I turned and ran from the place as fast as I could. Virei-me e fugi do local o mais depressa que pude. Я повернулся и побежал прочь от этого места так быстро, как только мог. 我转身尽可能快地从那个地方跑开。

I ran until I could go no farther. |दौड़ा|||||| Corri até não poder ir mais longe. Я бежал до тех пор, пока не смог идти дальше. 我一直跑到无法再前进。 My breath came fast. A minha respiração ficou acelerada. Мое дыхание участилось. 我喘息急促。 I sank down upon the ground. |sat down|||| |주저앉았다|||| Afundei-me no chão. Я опустился на землю. Я опустився на землю. 我沉下来坐在地上。

When I had rested a little while, I looked around and found that I was not very far from my castle. |||||||||umher||||||||||| Depois de ter descansado um pouco, olhei à minha volta e vi que não estava muito longe do meu castelo. Немного отдохнув, я осмотрелся и обнаружил, что нахожусь не так уж далеко от своего замка. 我稍微休息一下后,环顾四周发现自己离城堡并不远。 All around me was peaceful and still. Tudo à minha volta era calmo e tranquilo. Вокруг меня все было спокойно и безмятежно. 我周围一切都是宁静且静谧的。 I was surely safe from harm. |||||伤害 |||||Schaden |||||danger Estava seguramente a salvo de qualquer perigo. Я был уверен, что мне не грозит опасность. Я був упевнений, що мені нічого не загрожує. 我肯定是免受伤害的。

With tears in my eyes I knelt down and gave thanks to God. ||||||kniete nieder|||||| ||||||knelt down|||||| Com lágrimas nos olhos, ajoelhei-me e dei graças a Deus. 眼泪在我的眼睛里流下,我跪下向上帝表示感谢。 I thanked him that he had kept me alive and safe through so many years. Agradeci-lhe por me ter mantido vivo e seguro durante tantos anos. 我感谢他在这么多年里保持我活着和安全。 I thanked him that I had been cast on the side of the island which was never visited by savages. |||||||angeschwemmt worden|||||||||||| |||||||placed|||||||||||| Agradeci-lhe por ter sido lançado no lado da ilha que nunca foi visitado por selvagens. Я поблагодарил его за то, что меня забросило на ту часть острова, которую никогда не посещали дикари. 我感谢他,我被投在一个从未被野蛮人访问过的岛的那一边。 I thanked him for all the comforts and blessings that were mine. ||||||||Segnungen||| ||||||||축복들||| Agradeci-lhe por todos os confortos e bênçãos que eram meus. Я поблагодарил его за все удобства и благословения, которые были у меня. 我为我拥有的所有舒适和福祉感谢他。

Then I arose and went home to my castle. ||erhob mich|||||| ||got up|||||| Depois levantei-me e fui para casa, para o meu castelo. Затем я встал и отправился домой, в свой замок. 然后我起身回家去我的城堡。

As I sat before my door that evening, I thought the whole matter over, and felt much easier in my mind. |||||||||dachte nach||||||||||| |||||||||||entire||||||||| Nessa noite, sentado diante da minha porta, reflecti sobre o assunto e senti-me muito mais tranquilo. Сидя вечером перед своей дверью, я обдумал весь этот вопрос, и мне стало намного легче на душе. Сидячи перед своїми дверима того вечора, я обдумував усе це, і мені стало набагато легше на душі. 那天晚上,当我坐在门前时,我仔细考虑了整个事情,心里感到轻松多了。

I had been on the island eighteen years before I saw the first footprint. ||||||восемнадцать||||||| Ich||||||||||||| Já estava na ilha há dezoito anos quando vi a primeira pegada. Я прожил на острове восемнадцать лет, прежде чем увидел первый след. Я був на острові вісімнадцять років, перш ніж побачив перший слід. 我在那个岛上待了十八年,直到看到第一只脚印。 I had been there twenty-three years before I saw any other signs of savages. |||||||||||其他的||| Estive lá vinte e três anos antes de ver qualquer outro sinal de selvagens. Я прожил там двадцать три года, прежде чем увидел какие-либо другие признаки присутствия дикарей. Я був там двадцять три роки, перш ніж побачив інші ознаки дикунів. 我在那里待了二十三年,直到看到其他土著的迹象。 It was likely that many more years would pass before any harm should come to me. |||||||||||Schaden|||| Era provável que passassem muitos mais anos antes que me acontecesse algum mal. Скорее всего, пройдет еще много лет, прежде чем мне будет причинен какой-либо вред. Цілком ймовірно, що пройде ще багато років, перш ніж мені завдадуть якоїсь шкоди. 可能还要过许多年,才会发生对我有害的事情。

With these thoughts I lay down in my hammock and slept without fear. ||||||||hammock|||| Com estes pensamentos, deitei-me na minha rede e dormi sem medo. С этими мыслями я улегся в свой гамак и заснул без страха. 想到这些,我躺在吊床上,毫无恐惧地入睡了。

But it was a long time before I went again to the farther shore of the island. Mas demorou muito tempo até eu voltar à costa mais distante da ilha. Но прошло немало времени, прежде чем я снова отправился на дальний берег острова. 但在再次去小岛的远端之前,还要过很长一段时间。 I did not even go to look after my canoe. Nem sequer fui cuidar da minha canoa. Я даже не стал присматривать за своим каноэ. 我甚至都没有去看我的独木舟。

The days went quietly by. Os dias passavam calmamente. Дни проходили незаметно. Дні минали непомітно. 日子在安静地流逝。 I kept quite close to my castle, and busied myself with my goats and my grain. ||||||||занимал себя||||||| ||||||||व्यस्त रहा||||||| Fiquei bem perto do meu castelo e ocupei-me das minhas cabras e dos meus cereais. Я держался совсем близко от своего замка и занимался своими козами и зерном. Я тримався недалеко від свого замку і займався своїми козами та зерном. 我一直呆在我城堡附近,忙着照顾我的山羊和收割谷物。

I was always on my guard, and never stepped out of doors without first looking around me. |||||guard|||went|||||||| Estava sempre atento e nunca saía de casa sem antes olhar à minha volta. Я всегда был начеку и никогда не выходил за дверь, не оглядевшись вокруг. 我总是保持警惕,从不在未查看周围情况的情况下出门。