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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 32. I SEE SOMETHING IN THE SAND


WHEN the weather was fine I often went over to the other side of the island to look at my canoe.

Sometimes I spent several days at my summer house. Then, going over to where the canoe was kept, I took short sails along the shore. These little voyages gave me a great deal of pleasure.

One morning as I was going to the canoe a strange thing happened.

I was walking slowly along and looking down, and what do you think I saw?

I saw the print of a man's naked foot in the sand. The sight made me cold all over.

I stood like one that had seen a ghost. I looked around. I listened. I trembled.

I went to the top of a little hill to look farther. Then I walked up the shore and down the shore. I saw no other tracks.

I went back to make sure that I was not dreaming. Yes, there in the sand was the print of man's foot. It showed the toes, the heel, and the sole of the foot. I was not dreaming.

My mind was filled with a thousand thoughts and questions. Where was the man who made that track? Who was he? How did he get there?

I was so frightened that I did not go to the canoe. I turned back and went to my castle as fast as I could.

Whether I went over by the ladder or through the hole in the rock, I do not know. But I shut myself up as quickly as I could and began to get ready to defend myself.

That night I could not sleep. I lay in my hammock, and thought and thought.

The track must have been made by an Indian or some other wild savage. This savage had come perhaps from the land that I had seen far across the sea.

Perhaps he had come to the island alone. Perhaps he had come with many others of his kind. But where was he now?

I was so much afraid that I did not stir out of my castle for three days and nights. I was almost starved, for I had only two or three barley cakes in my kitchen.

Little by little I became brave enough to go out again. I crept softly down to my fields to milk the goats. Poor things! They were glad enough to see me.

But every sound made me start and look around. I fancied that I saw a savage behind every tree. I lived for days like some hunted thing that trembles at its own shadow.

And all because I had seen the print of a foot in the sand!

Little by little I grew bolder, and I made up my mind to strengthen my castle. If savage Indians should indeed come and find me, I would be ready for them.

So I carried out earth and small stones, and piled them up against the castle wall till it was ten feet thick. I have already told you how strong it was at first, and how I had made a dense hedge of trees on the outside. It was now so strong that nothing could break through it.

Through the wall at certain places I made five holes large enough for a man's arm to reach in. In each of these holes I planted a gun; for you will remember that I brought several from the ship.

Each one of these guns was fitted in a frame that could be drawn back and forth. They worked so well in their places that I could shoot off all five of them in less than two minutes.

Many a weary month did I work before I had my wall to my notion. But at last it was finished.

The hedge that was before it grew up so thick and high that no man nor animal could see through it. If you had seen it, you would not have dreamed there was anything inside of it, much less a house.

For two years I lived in fear. All that I did was to make my home stronger and safer.

Far in the woods I built a large pen of logs and stakes. Around it I planted a hedge like that in front of the castle. Then I put a dozen young goats into it, to feed upon the grass and grow.

If savages should come, and if they should kill the other goats, they could not find these; for they were too well hidden in the deep woods.

All these things I did because I had seen the print of a man's foot in the sand.

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WHEN the weather was fine I often went over to the other side of the island to look at my canoe. QUANDO o tempo estava bom, ia muitas vezes até ao outro lado da ilha para ver a minha canoa. Когда стояла хорошая погода, я часто ходил на другую сторону острова, чтобы посмотреть на свое каноэ. КОЛИ була гарна погода, я часто переходив на інший бік острова, щоб подивитися на своє каное. 天气晴朗的时候,我经常去小岛的另一边看我的独木舟。

Sometimes I spent several days at my summer house. Por vezes, passava vários dias na minha casa de verão. 有时我会在我的夏季小屋里呆上几天。 Then, going over to where the canoe was kept, I took short sails along the shore. ||||||||aufbewahrt||||||| |||||||||||short|sails||| Depois, indo até ao local onde a canoa estava guardada, fiz velas curtas ao longo da costa. Затем, подойдя к месту, где хранилось каноэ, я поплыл вдоль берега на коротких парусах. Потім, підійшовши до місця, де стояла байдарка, я пішов короткими вітрилами вздовж берега. 然后,我去存放独木舟的地方,沿岸进行短途航行。 These little voyages gave me a great deal of pleasure. |||||||große Freude|| ||viajes||||||| Estas pequenas viagens deram-me muito prazer. Эти маленькие путешествия доставляли мне огромное удовольствие. 这些小航行给了我很多快乐。

One morning as I was going to the canoe a strange thing happened. ||||||||Kanu|||| Uma manhã, quando estava a ir para a canoa, aconteceu uma coisa estranha. Однажды утром, когда я собирался на каноэ, произошла странная вещь. 有一天早上,当我正要去划船时,发生了一件奇怪的事情。

I was walking slowly along and looking down, and what do you think I saw? Estava a andar devagar e a olhar para baixo, e o que é que acham que vi? Я медленно шел и смотрел вниз, и как вы думаете, что я увидел? 我慢慢地走着,低头看着地面,你猜我看到了什么?

I saw the print of a man's naked foot in the sand. |||印迹||||bare|||| Vi a marca do pé nu de um homem na areia. Я увидел отпечаток голой мужской ноги на песке. 我看到沙滩上一个男人赤脚的印记。 The sight made me cold all over. ||||||überall A visão fez-me arrepiar todo o corpo. Это зрелище заставило меня похолодеть. Від цього видовища я весь похолонув. 这个景象让我浑身发冷。

I stood like one that had seen a ghost. |stand wie versteinert||||||| Fiquei de pé como alguém que tivesse visto um fantasma. Я стоял, как человек, увидевший привидение. 我站在那里,就像见到了鬼魂一样。 I looked around. Olhei em redor. I listened. Eu escutei. Я прислушался. I trembled. |我颤抖了。 |Ich zitterte. Eu tremia. Я задрожала. 我颤抖了。

I went to the top of a little hill to look farther. |||||||||||weiter Fui até ao cimo de uma pequena colina para ver mais longe. Я поднялся на вершину небольшого холма, чтобы посмотреть дальше. 我爬上一座小山顶,往远处看去。 Then I walked up the shore and down the shore. |||toward the shore||shore|||| Depois subi e desci a margem. Затем я прошел по берегу и спустился вниз. 然后我沿岸走上走下。 I saw no other tracks. ||||足迹 ||||Spuren Não vi mais nenhum rasto. Других следов я не видел. 我没有看到其他的踪迹。

I went back to make sure that I was not dreaming. ||||||||||träumte Voltei atrás para me certificar de que não estava a sonhar. Я вернулся назад, чтобы убедиться, что мне это не снится. 我回去确认自己没有在做梦。 Yes, there in the sand was the print of man's foot. Sim, ali na areia estava a marca do pé de um homem. Да, на песке был отпечаток человеческой ноги. 是的,在沙子里有一个人的脚印。 It showed the toes, the heel, and the sole of the foot. |||||발꿈치|||||| |||Zehen||Ferse|||Sohle des Fußes||| |||toes||heel|||底部||| Mostrava os dedos, o calcanhar e a planta do pé. На нем были изображены пальцы, пятка и подошва стопы. 这显示了脚趾、脚后跟和脚底。 I was not dreaming. Я не видел снов. 我并没有在做梦。

My mind was filled with a thousand thoughts and questions. |||充满|||||| A minha mente estava cheia de mil pensamentos e perguntas. В моей голове роились тысячи мыслей и вопросов. 我的心里充满了千千万万的想法和问题。 Where was the man who made that track? Onde é que estava o homem que fez essa faixa? Где был человек, который создал этот трек? Who was he? How did he get there? Como é que ele chegou lá? Как он туда попал?

I was so frightened that I did not go to the canoe. |||scared|||||||| Я так испугалась, что не пошла к каноэ. I turned back and went to my castle as fast as I could. Voltei para trás e dirigi-me para o meu castelo o mais depressa que pude. Я развернулся и как можно быстрее направился к своему замку. 我尽快掉头回到城堡。

Whether I went over by the ladder or through the hole in the rock, I do not know. Ob||||||Leiter||||||||||| ||||||ladder||||hole||||||| ||||||escalera||||||||||| Se passei pela escada ou pelo buraco na rocha, não sei. Пошел ли я по лестнице или через отверстие в скале, я не знаю. Чи я перелізла по драбині, чи через дірку в скелі, я не знаю. 我不知道是走梯子还是穿过石洞。 But I shut myself up as quickly as I could and began to get ready to defend myself. ||verschloss||||||||||||||verteidigen| ||locked||||||||||||||defend| Mas fechei-me o mais depressa possível e comecei a preparar-me para me defender. Но я быстро замолчал и начал готовиться к обороне. 但我尽快关上门,开始准备自卫。

That night I could not sleep. Nessa noite, não consegui dormir. I lay in my hammock, and thought and thought. ||||झूला|||| ||||hammock|||| ||||rede de descanso|||| Deitei-me na minha cama de rede e pensei e pensei. Я лежал в своем гамаке и думал, думал, думал. 我躺在吊床上,绞尽脑汁地思考。

The track must have been made by an Indian or some other wild savage. |Spur|||||||Inder||||| |footprint|||||||||||uncivilized|wild savage ||||||||||||selvagem indomado| O rasto deve ter sido feito por um índio ou outro selvagem. След, должно быть, проложил индеец или другой дикарь. 这条足迹一定是印第安人或其他野蛮人造成的。 This savage had come perhaps from the land that I had seen far across the sea. |Wilder||||||||||||weit über|| Este selvagem tinha vindo talvez da terra que eu tinha visto do outro lado do mar. Этот дикарь, возможно, пришел из земель, которые я видел далеко за морем. 这个野蛮人可能是从我在海的那一端远远看到的地方来的。

Perhaps he had come to the island alone. Talvez tivesse vindo sozinho para a ilha. Perhaps he had come with many others of his kind. |||||||||종족 Talvez tenha vindo com muitos outros da sua espécie. Возможно, он пришел вместе со многими другими ему подобными. But where was he now? Mas onde é que ele estava agora? Но где он был сейчас?

I was so much afraid that I did not stir out of my castle for three days and nights. |||||||||离开||||||||| |||||||||verlassen||||||||| |||||||||salí||||||||| Tive tanto medo que não saí do meu castelo durante três dias e três noites. Я был так напуган, что три дня и ночи не выходил из своего замка. Я був так наляканий, що три дні і ночі не виходив зі свого замку. 我非常害怕,连续三天三夜都不敢离开我的城堡。 I was almost starved, for I had only two or three barley cakes in my kitchen. |||голодал|||||||||||| |||hungry|||||||||||| ||fast|fast verhungert|||||||||||| |||굶주렸다|||||||||||| |||饿坏了|||||||||||| |||hambriento|||||||||||| Estava quase a morrer de fome, pois só tinha dois ou três bolos de cevada na minha cozinha. Я почти умирал от голода, ведь у меня на кухне было всего две или три ячменные лепешки. 我几乎被饿死了,因为厨房里只有两三个大麦饼。

Little by little I became brave enough to go out again. |||||mutig||||| Pouco a pouco, ganhei coragem para voltar a sair. Постепенно я стал достаточно смелым, чтобы снова выйти на улицу. 渐渐地,我变得足够勇敢再次外出。 I crept softly down to my fields to milk the goats. ||轻轻地|||||||| |schlich||||||||| |moved quietly||||||||| |me deslicé||||||||| Desci suavemente até aos meus campos para ordenhar as cabras. Я тихонько спустился на поля, чтобы подоить коз. Я тихенько скрадалася до своїх полів, щоб подоїти кіз. 我悄悄地走到田地去给山羊挤奶。 Poor things! coitadas| Coitadinhos! Бедняжки! 可怜的小家伙们! They were glad enough to see me. Ficaram muito contentes por me verem. Они были очень рады меня видеть. 它们见到我很高兴。

But every sound made me start and look around. |||||zusammenzucken||| Mas todos os sons faziam-me levantar e olhar em volta. Но каждый звук заставлял меня замирать и оглядываться по сторонам. 但每一声音都让我惊起来四处张望。 I fancied that I saw a savage behind every tree. |glaubte|||||Wilderer||| |생각했다|||||||| |imaginaba que|||||||| |imagined|||||||| Tinha a impressão de ver um selvagem atrás de cada árvore. Мне казалось, что за каждым деревом стоит дикарь. Мені здавалося, що за кожним деревом я бачу дикуна. 我想象自己看到每棵树后面都有一个野人。 I lived for days like some hunted thing that trembles at its own shadow. |||||||||颤抖|||| |||||||||zittert|||| |||||||||trembles|||| |||||||||떨리는|||| |||||||||дрожит|||| Vivi durante dias como uma coisa perseguida que treme perante a sua própria sombra. Я жил несколько дней, как охотник, который дрожит перед собственной тенью. 我生活在像某种被追捕的动物一样的日子里,害怕自己的影子。

And all because I had seen the print of a foot in the sand! E tudo porque tinha visto a marca de um pé na areia! И все потому, что я увидел отпечаток ноги на песке! 都是因为我在沙滩上看到了脚印!

Little by little I grew bolder, and I made up my mind to strengthen my castle. |||||더 대담해졌다|||||||||| ||||wurde|mutiger||||||||verstärken|| ||||became|more confident||||to||||fortify|| |||||||||||||fortalecer|| Pouco a pouco, tornei-me mais corajoso e decidi reforçar o meu castelo. Постепенно я становился все смелее и решился на укрепление своего замка. 渐渐地,我变得更加勇敢,决定加固我的城堡。 If savage Indians should indeed come and find me, I would be ready for them. Se os índios selvagens viessem à minha procura, eu estaria preparado para eles. Если дикие индейцы действительно придут и найдут меня, я буду готов к встрече с ними. 如果野蛮的印第安人真的来了,我会准备迎接他们。

So I carried out earth and small stones, and piled them up against the castle wall till it was ten feet thick. |||||||||aufgeschichtet|||||||||||| |||||||||stacked|||against|||||||||in height Então, peguei em terra e em pequenas pedras e empilhei-as contra a muralha do castelo até ficar com três metros de espessura. Я натаскал земли и мелких камней и навалил их на стену замка, пока она не стала толщиной в десять футов. 我把泥土和小石头搬过来,堆积在城堡墙边,直到有十英尺厚。 I have already told you how strong it was at first, and how I had made a dense hedge of trees on the outside. |||||||||||||||||dicht|dichte Hecke||||| |||||||||||||||||thick|hedge of trees||||| ||||||||||||||||||seto||||| Já vos contei como era forte no início e como eu tinha feito uma densa sebe de árvores no exterior. Я уже рассказывал вам, каким сильным он был вначале и как я сделал плотную изгородь из деревьев снаружи. Я вже розповідав вам, наскільки сильним він був спочатку, і як я зробив густу огорожу з дерев ззовні. 我已经告诉过你,最初它是多么坚固,我在外面种植了密密的树篱。 It was now so strong that nothing could break through it. ||||||||break through|| Era agora tão forte que nada a podia atravessar. Теперь она была настолько прочной, что ничто не могло ее пробить. 现在它已经如此坚固,没有什么能够冲破它。

Through the wall at certain places I made five holes large enough for a man's arm to reach in. ||||特定的|||||||||||||| |||||||||Löcher||||||||| ||the wall|||||||holes||||||||| Em certos sítios da parede, fiz cinco buracos suficientemente grandes para o braço de um homem entrar. В стене в некоторых местах я проделал пять отверстий, достаточно больших, чтобы туда могла просунуться рука человека. У стіні в певних місцях я зробив п'ять отворів, достатньо великих, щоб туди могла пролізти рука людини. 在某些地方,我在墙上开了五个足够大让一只人的手伸进去的洞。 In each of these holes I planted a gun; for you will remember that I brought several from the ship. |||||||||||||||brachte|||| ||||||||firearm||||||||||| Em cada um desses buracos coloquei uma arma, pois lembrar-se-ão que trouxe várias do navio. В каждое из этих отверстий я вложил по пистолету, ведь вы помните, что я взял с собой несколько с корабля. 在这些洞的每一个里面,我种了一把枪;因为你会记得我从船上带来了几把枪。

Each one of these guns was fitted in a frame that could be drawn back and forth. ||||||eingebaut|||Rahmen|der|||hin- und herbewegt|||hin und her ||||||mounted|||structure||that was||pulled|back|and|back and forth ||||||||||||||||para frente e para trás ||||||encajada|||||||||| Cada uma destas pistolas estava instalada numa armação que podia ser puxada para trás e para a frente. Каждое из этих орудий было помещено в раму, которую можно было выдвигать вперед и назад. Кожна з цих гармат була вмонтована в раму, яку можна було пересувати вперед і назад. 每一把枪都装在一个可以来回拉动的框架里。 They worked so well in their places that I could shoot off all five of them in less than two minutes. Funcionaram tão bem nos seus lugares que consegui disparar os cinco em menos de dois minutos. Они так хорошо работали на своих местах, что я смог отстрелять все пять штук менее чем за две минуты. 他们在各自的岗位上工作得很好,以至于我在不到两分钟的时间内就可以将它们全部射击掉。

Many a weary month did I work before I had my wall to my notion. ||疲惫的|||||||||||| ||mühsam||||||||||||Vorstellung ||tiring||||||||||||idea ||지친|||||||||||| Trabalhei muitos meses cansados antes de ter a minha parede à minha disposição. Много томительных месяцев я проработал, прежде чем получил стену для своих представлений. Багато виснажливих місяців я працював, перш ніж у мене з'явилася стіна для моєї ідеї. 在我按照自己的想法修建墙之前,我辛苦地工作了很多个月。 But at last it was finished. Mas, por fim, ficou concluída. Но, наконец, он был закончен. 但最终,它终于完成了。

The hedge that was before it grew up so thick and high that no man nor animal could see through it. |Die Hecke||||||||||||||||||| |hedge||||||||||||||||||| A sebe que estava à sua frente cresceu tão espessa e alta que nem os homens nem os animais conseguiam ver através dela. Живая изгородь, которая была перед ним, выросла такой густой и высокой, что ни человек, ни животное не могли сквозь нее видеть. 它前面的树篱长得又厚又高,没人和动物能看穿它。 If you had seen it, you would not have dreamed there was anything inside of it, much less a house. ||||||||||||etwas||||geschweige denn||| Se a tivéssemos visto, não sonharíamos que havia algo lá dentro, muito menos uma casa. Если бы вы увидели его, то и не подумали бы, что внутри него что-то есть, тем более дом. 如果你看见过它,你绝对想不到里面会有任何东西,更别提一个房子了。

For two years I lived in fear. ||||||fear ||||||miedo Durante dois anos vivi com medo. Два года я жила в страхе. Два роки я жила в страху. 两年来,我生活在恐惧之中。 All that I did was to make my home stronger and safer. Tudo o que fiz foi para tornar a minha casa mais forte e mais segura. Все, что я сделал, - это сделал свой дом крепче и безопаснее. 我所做的一切只是为了让我的家更加坚固和安全。

Far in the woods I built a large pen of logs and stakes. ||||||||Gehege||Baumstämme||Pfosten Deep||||||||||logs||posts No meio da floresta, construí um grande curral com troncos e estacas. Далеко в лесу я построил большой загон из бревен и кольев. Далеко в лісі я побудував великий загон з колод і кілків. 在树林深处,我用原木和栅栏建了一个大围栏。 Around it I planted a hedge like that in front of the castle. |||||울타리||||||| À sua volta, plantei uma sebe como a que existe em frente ao castelo. Вокруг него я посадил живую изгородь, как перед замком. 围栏周围我种了一道像城堡前那样的篱笆。 Then I put a dozen young goats into it, to feed upon the grass and grow. ||||twelve||||||||||| Depois pus lá uma dúzia de cabritos, para se alimentarem da erva e crescerem. Затем я поместил в него дюжину молодых козлят, чтобы они питались травой и росли. Потім я посадив туди десяток молодих козенят, щоб вони харчувалися травою і росли. 然后我把一打小山羊放进去,让它们吃草长大。

If savages should come, and if they should kill the other goats, they could not find these; for they were too well hidden in the deep woods. Se os selvagens viessem, e se matassem as outras cabras, não conseguiriam encontrar estas, pois estavam demasiado bem escondidas nas profundezas do bosque. Если бы дикари пришли и убили остальных коз, они не смогли бы найти этих, потому что они были слишком хорошо спрятаны в глубине леса. 如果野蛮人来了,如果他们杀了其他山羊,他们也找不到这些山羊;因为它们藏得太好了,深藏在森林中。

All these things I did because I had seen the print of a man's foot in the sand. 所有的||||||||||||||||| Fiz tudo isto porque tinha visto a marca do pé de um homem na areia. Все это я делал потому, что видел на песке отпечаток мужской ноги. 我做了所有这些事情,是因为看到了沙滩上一个人的脚印。