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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 31. I LEARN TO BAKE AND AM PROSPEROUS


I HAVE already told you about farming, and of the difficulties under which I did my work. The thing which I wished to do most of all to make good bread.

I tried many plans, but it was several years before I could think of myself as a really good baker.

My barley was very fine. The grains were large and smooth. When boiled a long time with a bit of goat's meat, they made good food. But they did not take the place of bread. Before bread could be made, the grains of barley must be ground into meal.

I tried pounding them with a stone. But that was slow work. The stone crumbled into sand. My meal was worth nothing.

I looked all over the island for a harder stone. All were alike.

So at last I cut a large block of very hard wood. I rounded it on the outside with my hatchet. Then, partly by chopping, partly by burning, I made a hollow place in the end of it.

Out of a piece of ironwood I made a heavy pestle or beater.

I had now a very good little mill. In a short time I had crushed enough barley to make meal for a large loaf.

It was easy to make the dough. I had only to mix the meal with water and knead it with my hands. I must not think of yeast to make the dough light.

The baking part was the main thing, and the hardest to learn.

At first I put my biscuits of dough in the hot ashes and left them there till they were baked. But I did not like these ash cakes very well.

Then I tried another plan.

I made two large earthen vessels. They were broad and shallow. Each was about two feet across and not more than nine inches deep.

These I burned in the fire till they were as hard as rocks and as red as tiles.

I made also a hearth before my fireplace, and paved it with some square tiles of my own making. But, perhaps I ought not to call them square.

The hearth, when finished, was quite level and smooth. It was as pretty as I could have wished.

Next I built a great fire of hard wood. When the wood had burned down, I raked the hot coals out upon my hearth. I left them there till the hearth was hot through and through.

My loaves of dough were all ready. I swept hearth clean and then put the loaves down upon the hottest part of it.

Over each loaf I put one of the large earthen vessels I had made. Then I heaped hot coals on the top of the vessel and all round the sides of it.

In a short time I lifted the vessels and took out my loaves. They were baked as well as the best oven in the world could have baked them.

By trying and trying again, I at last learned to bake almost everything I wanted. I baked cakes and rice pudding fit for a king. But I did not care for pies.

I now felt quite contented and prosperous. For did I not have everything that I needed?

I had two homes on the island. I called them my plantations.

The first of these was my strong castle under the rock. I had enlarged it until my cave contained many rooms, one opening into another.

The largest and driest of these was my storeroom. Here I kept the largest of my earthen pots. Here also were fourteen or fifteen big baskets, all filled with grain.

My sitting room was not large, but it was made for comfort.

As for the wall in front of the castle, it was a wonderful thing. The long stakes which I had driven down had all taken root. They had grown like trees, and were now so big and so thick with branches that it was hard to see between them.

No one passing by would ever think there was a house behind this matted row of trees.

Near this dwelling of mine, but a little farther within the land, were my two barley fields. These I cultivated with care, and from them I reaped a good harvest. As often as I felt the need of more barley I made my fields larger.

Farther away was what I called my country seat. There was my pleasant summer house or bower, where I liked to go for rest.

In the middle of my bower I had my tent always set. It was made of a piece of sail spread over some poles.

Under the tent I had made a soft couch with the skins of animals and a blanket thrown over them. Here, when the weather was fair, I often slept at night.

A little way from the bower was the field in which I kept my cattle—that is to say, my goats.

I had taken great pains to fence and inclose this field. I was so fearful, lest the goats should break out, that I worked many a day planting a hedge all around. The hedge grew to be very tall and was as strong as a wall.

On the shore of the sea, some distance beyond my summer house, was the little inlet where I had laid up my canoe.

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I HAVE already told you about farming, and of the difficulties under which I did my work. ||||||农业|||||||||| Já vos falei da agricultura e das dificuldades com que trabalhei. Я уже рассказывал вам о фермерстве и о трудностях, с которыми мне приходилось сталкиваться в своей работе. The thing which I wished to do most of all to make good bread. A coisa que eu mais queria fazer era fazer um bom pão. Больше всего мне хотелось испечь хороший хлеб.

I tried many plans, but it was several years before I could think of myself as a really good baker. |||||||||||||||||||面包师 |versuchte||||||||||||||||||Bäcker Experimentei muitos planos, mas só ao fim de vários anos é que consegui considerar-me um bom padeiro. Я перепробовал множество планов, но прошло несколько лет, прежде чем я смог считать себя по-настоящему хорошим пекарем.

My barley was very fine. A minha cevada era muito fina. Мой ячмень был очень мелким. The grains were large and smooth. Os grãos eram grandes e macios. Зерна были крупными и гладкими. When boiled a long time with a bit of goat's meat, they made good food. |煮很久||||||||||||| |gekocht||||||||||||| |boiling||||||||goat||||| |||||||||염소 고기||||| Quando cozidos durante muito tempo com um pouco de carne de cabra, davam uma boa comida. Если их долго варить с небольшим количеством козьего мяса, они становились отличной едой. But they did not take the place of bread. Mas não substituíram o pão. Но они не заменяли хлеб. Before bread could be made, the grains of barley must be ground into meal. ||||||barley grains||barley|||||flour or meal |||||||||||갈아야 한다|| Antes de se poder fazer pão, os grãos de cevada têm de ser moídos até se transformarem em farinha. Прежде чем испечь хлеб, зерна ячменя нужно перемолоть в муку.

I tried pounding them with a stone. ||用石头砸|||| ||zertrümmern|||| ||때리기|||| Tentei bater-lhes com uma pedra. Я пробовал бить их камнем. But that was slow work. Mas foi um trabalho lento. The stone crumbled into sand. ||碎裂成沙|| ||zerfiel|| ||变成沙子||sand ||부서졌다|| A pedra desfez-se em areia. Камень рассыпался в песок. My meal was worth nothing. |||worthless| |||no valía| A minha refeição não valeu nada. Моя еда ничего не стоила.

I looked all over the island for a harder stone. Procurei por toda a ilha uma pedra mais dura. Я искал по всему острову камень потверже. All were alike. 都一样|都| ||Alle waren gleich. Eram todos iguais. Все они были похожи друг на друга. Всі були однакові. 所有都是一样的。

So at last I cut a large block of very hard wood. |||||||Block|||| |||||||piece|||| Por fim, cortei um grande bloco de madeira muito dura. Наконец я вырезал большой блок из очень твердой древесины. 最后,我切割了一块非常硬的大木块。 I rounded it on the outside with my hatchet. |削圆||||||| |abgerundet||||||| |shaped||||||| Arredondei-o no exterior com o meu machado. Я закруглил его снаружи своим топором. 我用斧头把它的外部打磨圆了。 Then, partly by chopping, partly by burning, I made a hollow place in the end of it. |||hacken|||||||Hohlraum|||||| |部分地|||||burning||||hollow|||||| |||자르는 것||||||||||||| |||cortando||||||||||||| Depois, em parte cortando, em parte queimando, fiz um lugar oco na extremidade do mesmo. Затем, частично рубив, частично сжигая, я проделал на его конце выемку. Потім, частково рубаючи, частково випалюючи, я зробив порожнисте місце в кінці.

Out of a piece of ironwood I made a heavy pestle or beater. |||||铁木|||||杵|| |||||Eisenholz|||||Stößel||Stößel |||||ironwood|||||pestle||beater |||||철목재|||||절구통||막자 ||||||||||пестик||бита Com um pedaço de pau-ferro fiz um pilão pesado ou batedor. Из куска железного дерева я сделал тяжелый пестик или колотушку.

I had now a very good little mill. |||||||kleine Mühle Tinha agora um pequeno moinho muito bom. Тепер у мене був дуже хороший маленький млин. In a short time I had crushed enough barley to make meal for a large loaf. ||||||压碎|||||||||大面包 |||||||||||||||Laib Brot |||||||||||flour||||loaf of bread |||||||||||||||빵 한 덩 |||||||||||||||хлеба Em pouco tempo, tinha esmagado cevada suficiente para fazer farinha para um pão grande. За короткое время я измельчил достаточно ячменя, чтобы сделать муку для большого каравая.

It was easy to make the dough. ||||||面团 ||||||Teig ||||||dough ||||||masa ||||||тесто Foi fácil fazer a massa. Приготовить тесто было очень просто. I had only to mix the meal with water and knead it with my hands. ||||||||||揉捏|||| ||||||||||kneten|||| ||||||||||揉捏|||| ||||||||||замесить|||| Bastava-me misturar a farinha com água e amassá-la com as mãos. Мне оставалось только смешать муку с водой и замесить ее руками. I must not think of yeast to make the dough light. |||||Hefe||||| |||||yeast||||dough| Não devo pensar em fermento para tornar a massa leve. Я не должна думать о дрожжах, чтобы сделать тесто легким.

The baking part was the main thing, and the hardest to learn. |烘焙部分||||||||最难学的|| |Backen|||||||||| |baking|||||||||| Der Backprozess war das Wichtigste und am schwierigsten zu lernen. A parte da cozedura foi a principal e a mais difícil de aprender. Выпечка была главной и самой трудной частью обучения. Випікання було головним і найскладнішим у навчанні.

At first I put my biscuits of dough in the hot ashes and left them there till they were baked. |||||||||||灰烬中|||||直到||| |||||||Teig|||||||||||| |||||cookies||uncooked mixture||||ashes||||||||cooked through |||||||||||||||||||assados Zuerst legte ich meine Teigstückchen in die heißen Ashen und ließ sie dort, bis sie gebacken waren. No início, colocava os meus biscoitos de massa nas cinzas quentes e deixava-os lá até estarem cozidos. Сначала я положил свои печенья из теста в горячую золу и оставил их там до тех пор, пока они не испеклись. But I did not like these ash cakes very well. ||||||灰烬||| Aber ich mochte diese Aschkekse nicht besonders. Mas não gostei muito destes bolos de cinzas. Но мне не очень понравились эти пепельные пирожные. Але мені ці попелясті коржі не дуже сподобалися.

Then I tried another plan. Depois tentei outro plano.

I made two large earthen vessels. ||||陶土的| |||||Gefäße ||||clay|containers ||||глиняные| Fiz dois grandes recipientes de barro. Я сделал два больших глиняных сосуда. They were broad and shallow. ||宽阔的|| ||breit||flach ||wide||not deep Eram largas e pouco profundas. Они были широкими и мелкими. Вони були широкі і неглибокі. Each was about two feet across and not more than nine inches deep. |||||||||||英寸深| |||||im Durchmesser||||||| Cada um tinha cerca de dois metros de largura e não mais de nove polegadas de profundidade. Каждый был около двух футов в ширину и не более девяти дюймов в глубину.

These I burned in the fire till they were as hard as rocks and as red as tiles. ||烧了||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||Ziegelsteine |||||||||||||||||tiles ||||||||ficaram|||||||||as telhas Queimei-os no fogo até ficarem duros como pedras e vermelhos como telhas. Я сжег их в огне, пока они не стали твердыми, как камни, и красными, как плитка.

I made also a hearth before my fireplace, and paved it with some square tiles of my own making. ||||炉台|||壁炉前的炉床||铺设|||||瓷砖|||| ||||Feuerstelle|||||gepflastert||||quadratischen|Fliesen|||| ||||hearth|||fireplace||laid||||square tiles|tiles|||| ||||난로|||||포장했다||||||||| |||||||lareira||||||||||| Fiz também uma lareira antes da minha lareira e pavimentei-a com alguns azulejos quadrados feitos por mim. Я также сделал очаг перед камином и вымостил его квадратными плитками собственного изготовления. But, perhaps I ought not to call them square. |||应该||||| |||sollte||||| Mas talvez não deva chamar-lhes quadrados. Но, возможно, мне не стоит называть их квадратными.

The hearth, when finished, was quite level and smooth. |||||ziemlich|eben|| |hearth||||||| |hogar||||||| A lareira, quando terminada, estava bastante nivelada e lisa. Очаг, когда он был закончен, получился довольно ровным и гладким. It was as pretty as I could have wished. |||so schön wie||||| Era tão bonito como eu poderia ter desejado. Он был настолько красив, насколько я могла пожелать.

Next I built a great fire of hard wood. De seguida, fiz uma grande fogueira de madeira dura. Затем я развел большой костер из твердых дров. Потім я розпалив велике багаття з твердих дров. When the wood had burned down, I raked the hot coals out upon my hearth. |||||||耙出|||炭火|||| |||||||harkte||||||| |||||||raked|||coals||||fireplace ||||||||||||||lareira |||||||rastré las cenizas|||brasas calientes||||hogar Quando a lenha ardeu, espalhei as brasas na minha lareira. Когда дрова прогорели, я сгреб горячие угли в очаг. I left them there till the hearth was hot through and through. ||||||fireplace||||| Deixei-os lá até a lareira estar completamente quente. Я оставил их там, пока очаг не раскалился добела.

My loaves of dough were all ready. |батоны||||| |loaves||||| |Meine Brote||||| |빵 덩어||||| |面包坯||面团||| |panes||masa||| Os meus pães de massa estavam prontos. Мои буханки теста были готовы. I swept hearth clean and then put the loaves down upon the hottest part of it. |打扫|||||||||||||| |fegte|||||||||||||| |cleaned|the fireplace||||||loaves||||hottest||| |청소했다|||||||||||가장 뜨거||| ||||||||буханки||||||| Varri a lareira e depois coloquei os pães na parte mais quente da mesma. Я вычистил очаг, а затем положил хлеб на самую горячую его часть.

Over each loaf I put one of the large earthen vessels I had made. ||रोटी||||||||||| ||Laib||||||||||| ||loaf||||||||containers||| ||pan de masa||||||||||| Por cima de cada pão, coloquei um dos grandes recipientes de barro que tinha feito. На каждый каравай я поставил один из больших глиняных сосудов, которые я сделал. Then I heaped hot coals on the top of the vessel and all round the sides of it. ||||炭火|||||||||||侧面|| ||häufte auf||||||||Behälter||||||| ||piled up||||||||||||||| Em seguida, amontoei brasas no topo do recipiente e à volta de todos os lados. Затем я насыпал горячие угли на верхнюю часть сосуда и по всем его сторонам. 然后我把热煤堆在容器的顶部和周围的侧面。

In a short time I lifted the vessels and took out my loaves. |||||raised|||||||loaves of bread Em pouco tempo, levantei as vasilhas e tirei os meus pães. Через некоторое время я поднял сосуды и достал свои хлебы. 过了一会儿,我把容器拿起来,取出我的面包。 They were baked as well as the best oven in the world could have baked them. |||처럼|||||||||||| Foram cozinhados tão bem como o melhor forno do mundo os poderia ter cozinhado. Они были испечены так хорошо, как не испекла бы самая лучшая печь в мире. 它们烤得和世界上最好的烤箱一样好。

By trying and trying again, I at last learned to bake almost everything I wanted. Tentando e tentando de novo, aprendi finalmente a cozinhar quase tudo o que queria. Пробуя и пробуя снова, я наконец научилась печь почти все, что хотела. 通过不断尝试,我终于学会了几乎所有我想做的烘焙食物。 I baked cakes and rice pudding fit for a king. |||||布丁|适合||| |||||왕을 위한 푸|||| Fiz bolos e arroz doce dignos de um rei. Я пекла пироги и рисовый пудинг, достойные короля. Я пекла торти і рисові пудинги, гідні короля. 我烤了适合国王的蛋糕和米布丁。 But I did not care for pies. ||||||Torten ||||||파이 Mas eu não gostava de tartes. Но я не любил пироги. Але я не любила пироги. 但我不喜欢馅饼。

I now felt quite contented and prosperous. ||||满足的|| ||||zufrieden||wohlhabend ||||satisfied||successful and thriving ||||만족스러운|| ||||||próspero Sentia-me agora bastante satisfeito e próspero. Теперь я чувствовал себя вполне довольным и благополучным. 我现在感到非常满足和富裕。 For did I not have everything that I needed? Pois não tinha eu tudo o que precisava? Разве у меня нет всего, что мне нужно? Бо хіба у мене не було всього, що мені було потрібно? 因为我不是已经拥有了我所需要的一切吗?

I had two homes on the island. Eu tinha duas casas na ilha. У меня было два дома на острове. 我在岛上有两个家。 I called them my plantations. ||||我称它们为我的种植园。 ||||meine Plantagen ||||plantations Chamava-lhes as minhas plantações. Я называл их своими плантациями.

The first of these was my strong castle under the rock. A primeira delas foi o meu castelo forte debaixo da rocha. Первым из них был мой крепкий замок под скалой. 这些中的第一样是我在岩石下的坚固城堡。 I had enlarged it until my cave contained many rooms, one opening into another. ||vergrößert||||||||||| ||확장했다||||||||||| ||made larger||||||||||| Tinha-a aumentado até que a minha gruta tinha muitas salas, uma abrindo para outra. Я увеличил ее, пока моя пещера не стала состоять из множества комнат, одна из которых переходила в другую. 我将它扩大,直到我的洞穴里有许多房间,一个通往另一个。

The largest and driest of these was my storeroom. |||最干燥的||||| |||trockensten|||||Lagerraum |||most arid||||| |||가장 건조한||||| O maior e mais seco destes locais era o meu armazém. Самой большой и сухой из них была моя кладовая. 其中最大和最干燥的是我的储藏室。 Here I kept the largest of my earthen pots. Aqui guardei o maior dos meus vasos de barro. Здесь я держал самый большой из моих глиняных горшков. Here also were fourteen or fifteen big baskets, all filled with grain. |||||||||||cereal crops Também aqui havia catorze ou quinze cestos grandes, todos cheios de cereais. Здесь также были четырнадцать или пятнадцать больших корзин, все наполненные зерном. 这里还有十四或十五个大篮子,都装满了粮食。

My sitting room was not large, but it was made for comfort. A minha sala de estar não era grande, mas foi feita para o conforto. Моя гостиная была не большой, но она была сделана для комфорта. 我的客厅不大,但舒适度很好。

As for the wall in front of the castle, it was a wonderful thing. Quanto à muralha em frente ao castelo, era uma coisa maravilhosa. Что касается стены перед замком, то это была чудесная вещь. 至于城堡前面的墙,实在是一件了不起的事情。 The long stakes which I had driven down had all taken root. ||||||打入||||| |||||||||||Wurzeln geschlagen ||posts||||pushed|||||rooted As longas estacas que eu tinha espetado tinham todas criado raízes. Все длинные колья, которые я забил, пустили корни. Довгі кілки, які я вбила, вкоренилися. 我曾插下的长桩都生根了。 They had grown like trees, and were now so big and so thick with branches that it was hard to see between them. ||grown||||||||||dense||branches|||||||| ||||||||||||||ramas|||||||| Tinham crescido como árvores, e eram agora tão grandes e tão espessas com ramos que era difícil ver entre elas. Они разрослись, как деревья, и теперь были такими большими и густыми, что между ними трудно было что-то разглядеть. 它们长得像树一样,现在又大又密,树枝很多,很难看到它们之间。

No one passing by would ever think there was a house behind this matted row of trees. ||经过|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||verfilzten||| ||||||believe|||||||dense|row of trees|| |||||||||||||엉킨||| |||||||||||||запутанных||| Ninguém que passasse por ali pensaria que havia uma casa por detrás desta fileira de árvores emaranhadas. Никому из прохожих и в голову не придет, что за этой чередой деревьев стоит дом. 路过的人永远不会想到在这一排交缠在一起的树后面有一座房子。

Near this dwelling of mine, but a little farther within the land, were my two barley fields. ||Wohnstätte|||||||||||||| ||house||||||further|inside||||||barley fields| Perto desta minha casa, mas um pouco mais para dentro da terra, estavam os meus dois campos de cevada. Рядом с этим моим жилищем, но немного дальше в пределах земли, находились два моих ячменных поля. 在我住所附近,但稍微靠里一点的地方,有我的两块大麦田。 These I cultivated with care, and from them I reaped a good harvest. |||||||||собрал||| ||tended||||from them|those||harvested|||crop yield ||||||||||||colheita boa |||||||||erntete||| ||재배했다|||||||거두었다||| ||精心培育|||||||||| Cultivei-as com cuidado, e delas fiz uma boa colheita. Я заботливо возделывал их и собрал с них хороший урожай. 我精心耕种它们,从中获得了丰收。 As often as I felt the need of more barley I made my fields larger. |||||||||barley||||| |||||||||||||campos|más grandes Sempre que sentia a necessidade de mais cevada, aumentava os meus campos. Как только мне требовалось больше ячменя, я увеличивал свои поля. 每当我需要更多大麦时,我就把自己的田地扩大。

Farther away was what I called my country seat. ||||||||乡间别墅 |||||||Landgut|Landhaus Mais longe ficava o que eu chamava a minha casa de campo. Еще дальше находилось то, что я называл своим загородным местом. 更远处是我所谓的乡间别墅。 There was my pleasant summer house or bower, where I liked to go for rest. |||angenehm||||Laube||||||| |||pleasant||||||||||| |||||||cabaña||||||| Ali estava a minha agradável casa de verão ou caramanchão, onde gostava de ir descansar. Там был мой приятный летний домик или беседка, куда я любила ходить отдыхать. 那里是我愉快的夏日小屋或凉亭,我喜欢去那里休息。

In the middle of my bower I had my tent always set. 在||||||||||| |||||Laube||||Zelt||aufgestellt ||||||||||siempre instalada| No meio do meu caramanchão tinha a minha tenda sempre montada. В центре моей беседки всегда стоял мой шатер. Посеред альтанки завжди стояв мій намет. 在我的凉亭中间,我总是搭起帐篷。 It was made of a piece of sail spread over some poles. ||||||||ausgebreitet|||Stangen |||||||sailcloth|stretched out|||poles Era feito de um pedaço de vela estendido sobre alguns postes. Он был сделан из куска паруса, накинутого на несколько жердей. 它是用一块铺在一些竿子上的风帆做成的。

Under the tent I had made a soft couch with the skins of animals and a blanket thrown over them. ||||||||||||||||Decke|geworfen|| ||||||||couch|||animal hides||animals||||placed|| ||toldo||||||||||||||||| Debaixo da tenda, tinha feito um sofá macio com peles de animais e um cobertor por cima. Под палаткой я устроил мягкую кушетку из шкур животных и наброшенного на них одеяла. 帐篷下面,我用动物皮和一条毯子做了一个软床。 Here, when the weather was fair, I often slept at night. |||||天气晴朗||||| |||||good||||| ||||||||||à noite Aqui, quando o tempo estava bom, dormia muitas vezes à noite. Здесь, когда стояла хорошая погода, я часто спал по ночам. 在这里,天气晴朗的时候,我经常晚上睡觉。

A little way from the bower was the field in which I kept my cattle—that is to say, my goats. ||||||||||||||Vieh (Ziegen)|||||| |||||गज़ेबो|||||||||||||यानी कि|| ||||||||||||||가축|||||| ||||||||||||||goats|||||| A pouca distância do caramanchão ficava o campo onde eu guardava o meu gado, ou seja, as minhas cabras. В нескольких шагах от беседки находилось поле, на котором я держал свой скот - то есть коз. 凉亭离我放牧的地方有些距离,也就是说,我的山羊。

I had taken great pains to fence and inclose this field. ||||||||огородить|| ||||efforts||enclose||enclose|| ||||große Mühe||||umzäunen und einschließen|| ||||||||둘러싸다|| ||||||||围住|| ||||esfuerzos||cercar|||| Eu tinha-me esforçado muito para cercar e fechar este campo. Я приложил огромные усилия, чтобы ограждать и огораживать это поле. Я доклав чимало зусиль, щоб обгородити і засадити це поле. 我花了很大的力气来围起和封闭这块田地。 I was so fearful, lest the goats should break out, that I worked many a day planting a hedge all around. |||害怕||||||||||||||||| ||||dass nicht||||||||||||||Hecke|| ||||in case||||escape||||||||planting||fence or bush|| ||||||||||||||||||seto|| Tinha tanto medo de que as cabras fugissem, que trabalhei muitos dias a plantar uma sebe à volta. Я так боялся, как бы козы не вырвались на свободу, что много дней работал, высаживая живую изгородь по всему периметру. Я так боявся, щоб кози не вирвалися на волю, що працював багато днів, саджаючи живопліт навколо. 我非常担心,生怕山羊们会冲出去,所以我辛辛苦苦地花了很多天种植一圈篱笆。 The hedge grew to be very tall and was as strong as a wall. |树篱|||||||||||| ||||||hoch||||||| |||||||||||||벽 A sebe tornou-se muito alta e era tão forte como uma muralha. Живая изгородь стала очень высокой и прочной, как стена. 篱笆长得很高,坚固得像一堵墙一样。

On the shore of the sea, some distance beyond my summer house, was the little inlet where I had laid up my canoe. ||||||||jenseits von|||||||kleine Bucht||||abgestellt||| ||shore|||||a short distance||||||||小海湾||||||| ||||||||내 여름 집을|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||inlet marítimo||||||| Na margem do mar, a alguma distância da minha casa de verão, ficava a pequena enseada onde eu tinha deixado a minha canoa. На берегу моря, на некотором расстоянии от моего летнего домика, находилась небольшая бухта, где я положил свое каноэ. 在离我的夏室有一段距离的海岸上,有一个小海湾,那里就是我停放独木舟的地方。