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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Chapter 13. The Hundred Days (3)

Chapter 13. The Hundred Days (3)

"That is true. Only think what the poor fellow may even now be suffering." Villefort shuddered at the suggestion; but he had gone too far to draw back. Dantes must be crushed to gratify Villefort's ambition. Villefort dictated a petition, in which, from an excellent intention, no doubt, Dantes' patriotic services were exaggerated, and he was made out one of the most active agents of Napoleon's return. It was evident that at the sight of this document the minister would instantly release him. The petition finished, Villefort read it aloud.

"That will do," said he; "leave the rest to me." "Will the petition go soon?" "To-day." "Countersigned by you?" "The best thing I can do will be to certify the truth of the contents of your petition." And, sitting down, Villefort wrote the certificate at the bottom.

"What more is to be done?" "I will do whatever is necessary." This assurance delighted Morrel, who took leave of Villefort, and hastened to announce to old Dantes that he would soon see his son.

As for Villefort, instead of sending to Paris, he carefully preserved the petition that so fearfully compromised Dantes, in the hopes of an event that seemed not unlikely,--that is, a second restoration. Dantes remained a prisoner, and heard not the noise of the fall of Louis XVIII. 's throne, or the still more tragic destruction of the empire. Twice during the Hundred Days had Morrel renewed his demand, and twice had Villefort soothed him with promises. At last there was Waterloo, and Morrel came no more; he had done all that was in his power, and any fresh attempt would only compromise himself uselessly.

Louis XVIII. remounted the throne; Villefort, to whom Marseilles had become filled with remorseful memories, sought and obtained the situation of king's procureur at Toulouse, and a fortnight afterwards he married Mademoiselle de Saint-Meran, whose father now stood higher at court than ever. And so Dantes, after the Hundred Days and after Waterloo, remained in his dungeon, forgotten of earth and heaven. Danglars comprehended the full extent of the wretched fate that overwhelmed Dantes; and, when Napoleon returned to France, he, after the manner of mediocre minds, termed the coincidence, "a decree of Providence." But when Napoleon returned to Paris, Danglars' heart failed him, and he lived in constant fear of Dantes' return on a mission of vengeance. He therefore informed M. Morrel of his wish to quit the sea, and obtained a recommendation from him to a Spanish merchant, into whose service he entered at the end of March, that is, ten or twelve days after Napoleon's return. He then left for Madrid, and was no more heard of.

Fernand understood nothing except that Dantes was absent. What had become of him he cared not to inquire. Only, during the respite the absence of his rival afforded him, he reflected, partly on the means of deceiving Mercedes as to the cause of his absence, partly on plans of emigration and abduction, as from time to time he sat sad and motionless on the summit of Cape Pharo, at the spot from whence Marseilles and the Catalans are visible, watching for the apparition of a young and handsome man, who was for him also the messenger of vengeance. Fernand's mind was made up; he would shoot Dantes, and then kill himself. But Fernand was mistaken; a man of his disposition never kills himself, for he constantly hopes.

During this time the empire made its last conscription, and every man in France capable of bearing arms rushed to obey the summons of the emperor. Fernand departed with the rest, bearing with him the terrible thought that while he was away, his rival would perhaps return and marry Mercedes. Had Fernand really meant to kill himself, he would have done so when he parted from Mercedes. His devotion, and the compassion he showed for her misfortunes, produced the effect they always produce on noble minds--Mercedes had always had a sincere regard for Fernand, and this was now strengthened by gratitude.

"My brother," said she as she placed his knapsack on his shoulders, "be careful of yourself, for if you are killed, I shall be alone in the world." These words carried a ray of hope into Fernand's heart. Should Dantes not return, Mercedes might one day be his.

Mercedes was left alone face to face with the vast plain that had never seemed so barren, and the sea that had never seemed so vast. Bathed in tears she wandered about the Catalan village. Sometimes she stood mute and motionless as a statue, looking towards Marseilles, at other times gazing on the sea, and debating as to whether it were not better to cast herself into the abyss of the ocean, and thus end her woes. It was not want of courage that prevented her putting this resolution into execution; but her religious feelings came to her aid and saved her. Caderousse was, like Fernand, enrolled in the army, but, being married and eight years older, he was merely sent to the frontier. Old Dantes, who was only sustained by hope, lost all hope at Napoleon's downfall. Five months after he had been separated from his son, and almost at the hour of his arrest, he breathed his last in Mercedes' arms. M. Morrel paid the expenses of his funeral, and a few small debts the poor old man had contracted.

There was more than benevolence in this action; there was courage; the south was aflame, and to assist, even on his death-bed, the father of so dangerous a Bonapartist as Dantes, was stigmatized as a crime.

Chapter 13. The Hundred Days (3) Kapitel 13. Die Hundert Tage (3) Capítulo 13. Los cien días (3) Chapitre 13. Les cent jours (3) Capítulo 13 - Os Cem Dias (3)

"That is true. Only think what the poor fellow may even now be suffering." Villefort shuddered at the suggestion; but he had gone too far to draw back. Villefort frémit à la suggestion ; mais il était allé trop loin pour reculer. Dantes must be crushed to gratify Villefort's ambition. |||||satisfy|| |||||memnun etmek|| Dantes, Villefort'un hırsını tatmin etmek için ezilmelidir. Villefort dictated a petition, in which, from an excellent intention, no doubt, Dantes' patriotic services were exaggerated, and he was made out one of the most active agents of Napoleon's return. |||||||||||||vatansever||||||||||||||||| Villefort dicta une pétition dans laquelle, par une excellente intention, sans doute, les services patriotiques de Dantès étaient exagérés, et il passait pour un des agents les plus actifs du retour de Napoléon. Villefort, mükemmel bir niyetle şüphesiz, Dantes'in vatanseverlik hizmetlerinin abartıldığı ve onu Napolyon'un dönüşünün en aktif ajanlarından biri olarak gösterildiği bir dilekçe yazdı. It was evident that at the sight of this document the minister would instantly release him. |||||||||belge|||||| Bu belgelerin önünde bakanın hemen onu serbest bırakacağı açıktı. The petition finished, Villefort read it aloud.

"That will do," said he; "leave the rest to me." "Will the petition go soon?" "To-day." "Countersigned by you?" "The best thing I can do will be to certify the truth of the contents of your petition." |||||||||onaylamak|||||||| "Yapabileceğim en iyi şey, dilekçenizin içeriğinin doğruluğunu tasdik etmek olacaktır." And, sitting down, Villefort wrote the certificate at the bottom. ||||||belge||| Ve oturarak, Villefort en alta sertifikayı yazdı.

"What more is to be done?" "Başka ne yapılması gerekiyor?" "I will do whatever is necessary." This assurance delighted Morrel, who took leave of Villefort, and hastened to announce to old Dantes that he would soon see his son.

As for Villefort, instead of sending to Paris, he carefully preserved the petition that so fearfully compromised Dantes, in the hopes of an event that seemed not unlikely,--that is, a second restoration. ||||||||||||||||taviz vermiş|||||||||||||||| Villefort'a gelince, Paris'e göndermek yerine, Dantes'i korkunç bir şekilde tehlikeye atan dilekçeyi dikkatlice sakladı; zira, pek de olasılık dışı görünmeyen bir olay için umut besliyordu - yani, ikinci bir restorasyon. Dantes remained a prisoner, and heard not the noise of the fall of Louis XVIII. Dantes, bir mahkum olarak kalmaya devam etti ve Louis XVIII'in tahtının düşüşü ile ilgili gürültüyü duymadı. 's throne, or the still more tragic destruction of the empire. Ya da imparatorluğun daha da trajik bir şekilde yok oluşunu. Twice during the Hundred Days had Morrel renewed his demand, and twice had Villefort soothed him with promises. |||||||yeniledi|||||||||| At last there was Waterloo, and Morrel came no more; he had done all that was in his power, and any fresh attempt would only compromise himself uselessly. ||||son durak||||||||||||||||||||||| Sonunda Waterloo geldi ve Morrel bir daha gelmedi; elinden gelen her şeyi yapmıştı ve herhangi yeni bir girişim sadece kendini gereksiz yere tehlikeye atmak olurdu.

Louis XVIII. Louis XVIII. remounted the throne; Villefort, to whom Marseilles had become filled with remorseful memories, sought and obtained the situation of king's procureur at Toulouse, and a fortnight afterwards he married Mademoiselle de Saint-Meran, whose father now stood higher at court than ever. |||||||||||regretful|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||pişmanlık dolu|||||||||||Toulouse||||||||||||||||||| tahtı yeniden ele geçirdi; Marseilles'in pişman dolu anılarla dolup taşması Villefort'u, Toulouse'da kralın procurörü olma konumunu aramaya ve elde etmeye itti ve on gün sonra şu anda sarayda her zamankinden daha yüksek bir konumda olan Mademoiselle de Saint-Meran ile evlendi. And so Dantes, after the Hundred Days and after Waterloo, remained in his dungeon, forgotten of earth and heaven. Danglars comprehended the full extent of the wretched fate that overwhelmed Dantes; and, when Napoleon returned to France, he, after the manner of mediocre minds, termed the coincidence, "a decree of Providence." ||||scope|||miserable||||||||||||||||||||||decision|| |||||||||||||||||||||||ortalama||||||kader kararı|| Danglars, Dantes'i saran sefil kaderin tam olarak ne olup bittiğini anladı; ve Napolyon Fransa'ya döndüğünde, sıradan zihinlerin alışkanlığıyla, tesadüfü "bir kader buyruğu" olarak nitelendirdi. But when Napoleon returned to Paris, Danglars' heart failed him, and he lived in constant fear of Dantes' return on a mission of vengeance. |||||||||||||||||||||||revenge Ama Napolyon Paris'e döndüğünde, Danglars'ın kalbi ona dayanamadı ve Dantes'in intikam peşinde geri döneceğinden sürekli bir korku içinde yaşadı. He therefore informed M. Morrel of his wish to quit the sea, and obtained a recommendation from him to a Spanish merchant, into whose service he entered at the end of March, that is, ten or twelve days after Napoleon's return. Bu nedenle M. Morrel'e denizden ayrılma isteğini bildirdi ve onun aracılığıyla Mart ayının sonunda, yani Napolyon'un dönüşünden on veya on iki gün sonra hizmetine girdiği bir İspanyol tüccarından bir tavsiye aldı. He then left for Madrid, and was no more heard of.

Fernand understood nothing except that Dantes was absent. What had become of him he cared not to inquire. Only, during the respite the absence of his rival afforded him, he reflected, partly on the means of deceiving Mercedes as to the cause of his absence, partly on plans of emigration and abduction, as from time to time he sat sad and motionless on the summit of Cape Pharo, at the spot from whence Marseilles and the Catalans are visible, watching for the apparition of a young and handsome man, who was for him also the messenger of vengeance. |||break||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kidnapping|||||||||||||||||||||which||||||||||appearance||||||||||||||| |||ara vermek||||||||||||||||||||||||||||göç||kaçırma|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||görüntü||||||||||||||| Seulement, pendant le répit que lui accordait l'absence de son rival, il réfléchissait, en partie aux moyens de tromper Mercédès sur la cause de son absence, en partie aux projets d'émigration et d'enlèvement, car de temps en temps il s'asseyait triste et immobile sur le sommet du cap Pharo, à l'endroit d'où l'on aperçoit Marseille et les Catalans, guettant l'apparition d'un jeune et bel homme, qui était aussi pour lui le messager de la vengeance. Sadece, rakibinin yokluğunun ona sağladığı dinlenme sırasında, kısmen Mercedes'i yokluğunun nedeni konusunda aldatma yollarını, kısmen de göç ve zorla kaçırma planlarını düşündü, zaman zaman üzgün ve hareketsiz olarak Cape Pharo'nun zirvesinde otururken, Marseilles ve Katalanların görülebileceği yerden, kendisi için de intikamın habercisi olan genç ve yakışıklı bir adamın görünmesini bekliyordu. Fernand's mind was made up; he would shoot Dantes, and then kill himself. Fernand'ın aklı karardı; Dantes'i vuracak ve sonra da kendisini öldürecekti. But Fernand was mistaken; a man of his disposition never kills himself, for he constantly hopes. ||||||||character||||||| Ama Fernand yanılıyordu; onun gibi birinin intihar etmesi mümkün değildir, çünkü sürekli umut taşır.

During this time the empire made its last conscription, and every man in France capable of bearing arms rushed to obey the summons of the emperor. ||||||||||||||||||||||çağrı||| Fernand departed with the rest, bearing with him the terrible thought that while he was away, his rival would perhaps return and marry Mercedes. Had Fernand really meant to kill himself, he would have done so when he parted from Mercedes. Fernand gerçekten kendini öldürmeyi mi kastetmişti, o zaman Mercedes'den ayrıldığında bunu yapardı. His devotion, and the compassion he showed for her misfortunes, produced the effect they always produce on noble minds--Mercedes had always had a sincere regard for Fernand, and this was now strengthened by gratitude. ||||empathy|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||güçlendirildi|| Son dévouement et la compassion qu'il montra pour ses malheurs produisirent l'effet qu'ils produisent toujours sur les nobles esprits : Mercedes avait toujours eu une estime sincère pour Fernand, et celle-ci était maintenant renforcée par la gratitude. Onun bağlılığı ve ona olan kötü şansları için gösterdiği merhamet, her zaman soylu zihinler üzerinde etkili olan etkiyi yarattı - Mercedes her zaman Fernand'a samimi bir ilgi duymuştu ve bu şimdi minnetle güçlendi.

"My brother," said she as she placed his knapsack on his shoulders, "be careful of yourself, for if you are killed, I shall be alone in the world." ||||||||backpack||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||sırt çantası||||||||||||||||||| "Kardeşim," dedi, sırt çantasını omuzlarına yerleştirirken, "kendine dikkat et, çünkü eğer ölürsen, dünya üzerinde yalnız kalacağım." These words carried a ray of hope into Fernand's heart. ||||ışık||||| Should Dantes not return, Mercedes might one day be his. Dantes dönmezse, Mercedes bir gün onun olabilir.

Mercedes was left alone face to face with the vast plain that had never seemed so barren, and the sea that had never seemed so vast. ||||||||||||||||empty||||||||| |||||||||geniş|||||||||||||||| Mercedes, hiç bu kadar ıssız görünmemiş geniş ova ve hiç bu kadar engin görünmemiş denizle yüz yüze yalnız kaldı. Bathed in tears she wandered about the Catalan village. Gözyaşlarıyla yıkanmış|||||||| Baignée de larmes, elle errait dans le village catalan. Gözyaşları içinde, Katalan köyünde dolaştı. Sometimes she stood mute and motionless as a statue, looking towards Marseilles, at other times gazing on the sea, and debating as to whether it were not better to cast herself into the abyss of the ocean, and thus end her woes. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||in this way||| ||||||||||||||||||||tartışarak|gibi|||||||||||||||||||| Bazen heykel gibi sessiz ve hareketsiz durarak Marsilya'ya bakıyordu, diğer zamanlarda denize dalarak kendisini okyanusun dibine atmanın daha iyi olup olmadığını tartışıyordu. It was not want of courage that prevented her putting this resolution into execution; but her religious feelings came to her aid and saved her. |||||||||||||uygulama aşaması||||||||||| Bu kararı hayata geçirmesini engelleyen cesaret eksikliği değildi; fakat dini duyguları ona yardım etti ve onu kurtardı. Caderousse was, like Fernand, enrolled in the army, but, being married and eight years older, he was merely sent to the frontier. |||||||||||||||||||||sınır Caderousse, Fernand gibi askere yazılmıştı, ancak evli ve sekiz yaş daha büyük olması nedeniyle sadece sınırda görevlendirildi. Old Dantes, who was only sustained by hope, lost all hope at Napoleon's downfall. |||||sürdürülen|||||||| Sadece umutla ayakta kalan yaşlı Dantes, Napoleon'un düşüşünde tüm umudunu kaybetti. Five months after he had been separated from his son, and almost at the hour of his arrest, he breathed his last in Mercedes' arms. Oğlundan ayrıldığı beş ay sonra ve neredeyse tutuklanma saati sırasında, Mercedes'in kollarında son nefesini verdi. M. Morrel paid the expenses of his funeral, and a few small debts the poor old man had contracted. |||||||cenaze||||||||||| M. Morrel, cenaze masraflarını ve zavallı yaşlı adamın üstlendiği birkaç küçük borcu ödedi.

There was more than benevolence in this action; there was courage; the south was aflame, and to assist, even on his death-bed, the father of so dangerous a Bonapartist as Dantes, was stigmatized as a crime. ||||goodwill|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||alevler içinde|||||||||||||||||||damgalanmış||| Il y avait plus que de la bienveillance dans cette action ; il y avait du courage; le midi était en feu, et assister jusqu'à son lit de mort le père d'un bonapartiste aussi dangereux que Dantès était stigmatisé comme un crime. Bu eylemde sadece iyilik yoktu; cesaret de vardı; güney alev alev yanıyordu ve bu kadar tehlikeli bir Bonapartçı olan Dantes'in babasına, hatta ölüm yatağında bile yardım etmek bir suç olarak damgalanıyordu.