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Emma by Jane Austen, Volume 3. Chapter 12.

Volume 3. Chapter 12.

Till now that she was threatened with its loss, Emma had never known how much of her happiness depended on being first with Mr. Knightley, first in interest and affection.--Satisfied that it was so, and feeling it her due, she had enjoyed it without reflection; and only in the dread of being supplanted, found how inexpressibly important it had been.--Long, very long, she felt she had been first; for, having no female connexions of his own, there had been only Isabella whose claims could be compared with hers, and she had always known exactly how far he loved and esteemed Isabella. She had herself been first with him for many years past. She had not deserved it; she had often been negligent or perverse, slighting his advice, or even wilfully opposing him, insensible of half his merits, and quarrelling with him because he would not acknowledge her false and insolent estimate of her own--but still, from family attachment and habit, and thorough excellence of mind, he had loved her, and watched over her from a girl, with an endeavour to improve her, and an anxiety for her doing right, which no other creature had at all shared. In spite of all her faults, she knew she was dear to him; might she not say, very dear?--When the suggestions of hope, however, which must follow here, presented themselves, she could not presume to indulge them. Harriet Smith might think herself not unworthy of being peculiarly, exclusively, passionately loved by Mr. Knightley. She could not. She could not flatter herself with any idea of blindness in his attachment to her . She had received a very recent proof of its impartiality.--How shocked had he been by her behaviour to Miss Bates! How directly, how strongly had he expressed himself to her on the subject!--Not too strongly for the offence--but far, far too strongly to issue from any feeling softer than upright justice and clear-sighted goodwill.--She had no hope, nothing to deserve the name of hope, that he could have that sort of affection for herself which was now in question; but there was a hope (at times a slight one, at times much stronger,) that Harriet might have deceived herself, and be overrating his regard for her .--Wish it she must, for his sake--be the consequence nothing to herself, but his remaining single all his life. Could she be secure of that, indeed, of his never marrying at all, she believed she should be perfectly satisfied.--Let him but continue the same Mr. Knightley to her and her father, the same Mr. Knightley to all the world; let Donwell and Hartfield lose none of their precious intercourse of friendship and confidence, and her peace would be fully secured.--Marriage, in fact, would not do for her. It would be incompatible with what she owed to her father, and with what she felt for him. Nothing should separate her from her father. She would not marry, even if she were asked by Mr. Knightley.

It must be her ardent wish that Harriet might be disappointed; and she hoped, that when able to see them together again, she might at least be able to ascertain what the chances for it were.--She should see them henceforward with the closest observance; and wretchedly as she had hitherto misunderstood even those she was watching, she did not know how to admit that she could be blinded here.--He was expected back every day. The power of observation would be soon given--frightfully soon it appeared when her thoughts were in one course. In the meanwhile, she resolved against seeing Harriet.--It would do neither of them good, it would do the subject no good, to be talking of it farther.--She was resolved not to be convinced, as long as she could doubt, and yet had no authority for opposing Harriet's confidence. To talk would be only to irritate.--She wrote to her, therefore, kindly, but decisively, to beg that she would not, at present, come to Hartfield; acknowledging it to be her conviction, that all farther confidential discussion of one topic had better be avoided; and hoping, that if a few days were allowed to pass before they met again, except in the company of others--she objected only to a tete-a-tete--they might be able to act as if they had forgotten the conversation of yesterday.--Harriet submitted, and approved, and was grateful.

This point was just arranged, when a visitor arrived to tear Emma's thoughts a little from the one subject which had engrossed them, sleeping or waking, the last twenty-four hours--Mrs. Weston, who had been calling on her daughter-in-law elect, and took Hartfield in her way home, almost as much in duty to Emma as in pleasure to herself, to relate all the particulars of so interesting an interview. Mr. Weston had accompanied her to Mrs. Bates's, and gone through his share of this essential attention most handsomely; but she having then induced Miss Fairfax to join her in an airing, was now returned with much more to say, and much more to say with satisfaction, than a quarter of an hour spent in Mrs. Bates's parlour, with all the encumbrance of awkward feelings, could have afforded. A little curiosity Emma had; and she made the most of it while her friend related. Mrs. Weston had set off to pay the visit in a good deal of agitation herself; and in the first place had wished not to go at all at present, to be allowed merely to write to Miss Fairfax instead, and to defer this ceremonious call till a little time had passed, and Mr. Churchill could be reconciled to the engagement's becoming known; as, considering every thing, she thought such a visit could not be paid without leading to reports:--but Mr. Weston had thought differently; he was extremely anxious to shew his approbation to Miss Fairfax and her family, and did not conceive that any suspicion could be excited by it; or if it were, that it would be of any consequence; for "such things," he observed, "always got about." Emma smiled, and felt that Mr. Weston had very good reason for saying so. They had gone, in short--and very great had been the evident distress and confusion of the lady. She had hardly been able to speak a word, and every look and action had shewn how deeply she was suffering from consciousness. The quiet, heart-felt satisfaction of the old lady, and the rapturous delight of her daughter--who proved even too joyous to talk as usual, had been a gratifying, yet almost an affecting, scene. They were both so truly respectable in their happiness, so disinterested in every sensation; thought so much of Jane; so much of every body, and so little of themselves, that every kindly feeling was at work for them. Miss Fairfax's recent illness had offered a fair plea for Mrs. Weston to invite her to an airing; she had drawn back and declined at first, but, on being pressed had yielded; and, in the course of their drive, Mrs. Weston had, by gentle encouragement, overcome so much of her embarrassment, as to bring her to converse on the important subject. Apologies for her seemingly ungracious silence in their first reception, and the warmest expressions of the gratitude she was always feeling towards herself and Mr. Weston, must necessarily open the cause; but when these effusions were put by, they had talked a good deal of the present and of the future state of the engagement. Mrs. Weston was convinced that such conversation must be the greatest relief to her companion, pent up within her own mind as every thing had so long been, and was very much pleased with all that she had said on the subject.

"On the misery of what she had suffered, during the concealment of so many months," continued Mrs. Weston, "she was energetic. This was one of her expressions. 'I will not say, that since I entered into the engagement I have not had some happy moments; but I can say, that I have never known the blessing of one tranquil hour:'--and the quivering lip, Emma, which uttered it, was an attestation that I felt at my heart." "Poor girl!" said Emma. "She thinks herself wrong, then, for having consented to a private engagement?" "Wrong! No one, I believe, can blame her more than she is disposed to blame herself. 'The consequence,' said she, 'has been a state of perpetual suffering to me; and so it ought. But after all the punishment that misconduct can bring, it is still not less misconduct. Pain is no expiation. I never can be blameless. I have been acting contrary to all my sense of right; and the fortunate turn that every thing has taken, and the kindness I am now receiving, is what my conscience tells me ought not to be.' 'Do not imagine, madam,' she continued, 'that I was taught wrong. Do not let any reflection fall on the principles or the care of the friends who brought me up. The error has been all my own; and I do assure you that, with all the excuse that present circumstances may appear to give, I shall yet dread making the story known to Colonel Campbell. ' " "Poor girl!" said Emma again. "She loves him then excessively, I suppose. It must have been from attachment only, that she could be led to form the engagement. Her affection must have overpowered her judgment." "Yes, I have no doubt of her being extremely attached to him." "I am afraid," returned Emma, sighing, "that I must often have contributed to make her unhappy." "On your side, my love, it was very innocently done. But she probably had something of that in her thoughts, when alluding to the misunderstandings which he had given us hints of before. One natural consequence of the evil she had involved herself in," she said, "was that of making her unreasonable . The consciousness of having done amiss, had exposed her to a thousand inquietudes, and made her captious and irritable to a degree that must have been--that had been--hard for him to bear. 'I did not make the allowances,' said she, 'which I ought to have done, for his temper and spirits--his delightful spirits, and that gaiety, that playfulness of disposition, which, under any other circumstances, would, I am sure, have been as constantly bewitching to me, as they were at first.' She then began to speak of you, and of the great kindness you had shewn her during her illness; and with a blush which shewed me how it was all connected, desired me, whenever I had an opportunity, to thank you--I could not thank you too much--for every wish and every endeavour to do her good. She was sensible that you had never received any proper acknowledgment from herself." "If I did not know her to be happy now," said Emma, seriously, "which, in spite of every little drawback from her scrupulous conscience, she must be, I could not bear these thanks;--for, oh! Mrs. Weston, if there were an account drawn up of the evil and the good I have done Miss Fairfax!--Well (checking herself, and trying to be more lively), this is all to be forgotten. You are very kind to bring me these interesting particulars. They shew her to the greatest advantage. I am sure she is very good--I hope she will be very happy. It is fit that the fortune should be on his side, for I think the merit will be all on hers." Such a conclusion could not pass unanswered by Mrs. Weston. She thought well of Frank in almost every respect; and, what was more, she loved him very much, and her defence was, therefore, earnest. She talked with a great deal of reason, and at least equal affection--but she had too much to urge for Emma's attention; it was soon gone to Brunswick Square or to Donwell; she forgot to attempt to listen; and when Mrs. Weston ended with, "We have not yet had the letter we are so anxious for, you know, but I hope it will soon come," she was obliged to pause before she answered, and at last obliged to answer at random, before she could at all recollect what letter it was which they were so anxious for. "Are you well, my Emma?" was Mrs. Weston's parting question. "Oh! perfectly. I am always well, you know. Be sure to give me intelligence of the letter as soon as possible." Mrs. Weston's communications furnished Emma with more food for unpleasant reflection, by increasing her esteem and compassion, and her sense of past injustice towards Miss Fairfax. She bitterly regretted not having sought a closer acquaintance with her, and blushed for the envious feelings which had certainly been, in some measure, the cause. Had she followed Mr. Knightley's known wishes, in paying that attention to Miss Fairfax, which was every way her due; had she tried to know her better; had she done her part towards intimacy; had she endeavoured to find a friend there instead of in Harriet Smith; she must, in all probability, have been spared from every pain which pressed on her now.--Birth, abilities, and education, had been equally marking one as an associate for her, to be received with gratitude; and the other--what was she?--Supposing even that they had never become intimate friends; that she had never been admitted into Miss Fairfax's confidence on this important matter--which was most probable--still, in knowing her as she ought, and as she might, she must have been preserved from the abominable suspicions of an improper attachment to Mr. Dixon, which she had not only so foolishly fashioned and harboured herself, but had so unpardonably imparted; an idea which she greatly feared had been made a subject of material distress to the delicacy of Jane's feelings, by the levity or carelessness of Frank Churchill's. Of all the sources of evil surrounding the former, since her coming to Highbury, she was persuaded that she must herself have been the worst. She must have been a perpetual enemy. They never could have been all three together, without her having stabbed Jane Fairfax's peace in a thousand instances; and on Box Hill, perhaps, it had been the agony of a mind that would bear no more. The evening of this day was very long, and melancholy, at Hartfield. The weather added what it could of gloom. A cold stormy rain set in, and nothing of July appeared but in the trees and shrubs, which the wind was despoiling, and the length of the day, which only made such cruel sights the longer visible.

The weather affected Mr. Woodhouse, and he could only be kept tolerably comfortable by almost ceaseless attention on his daughter's side, and by exertions which had never cost her half so much before. It reminded her of their first forlorn tete-a-tete, on the evening of Mrs. Weston's wedding-day; but Mr. Knightley had walked in then, soon after tea, and dissipated every melancholy fancy. Alas! such delightful proofs of Hartfield's attraction, as those sort of visits conveyed, might shortly be over. The picture which she had then drawn of the privations of the approaching winter, had proved erroneous; no friends had deserted them, no pleasures had been lost.--But her present forebodings she feared would experience no similar contradiction. The prospect before her now, was threatening to a degree that could not be entirely dispelled--that might not be even partially brightened. If all took place that might take place among the circle of her friends, Hartfield must be comparatively deserted; and she left to cheer her father with the spirits only of ruined happiness.

The child to be born at Randalls must be a tie there even dearer than herself; and Mrs. Weston's heart and time would be occupied by it. They should lose her; and, probably, in great measure, her husband also.--Frank Churchill would return among them no more; and Miss Fairfax, it was reasonable to suppose, would soon cease to belong to Highbury. They would be married, and settled either at or near Enscombe. All that were good would be withdrawn; and if to these losses, the loss of Donwell were to be added, what would remain of cheerful or of rational society within their reach? Mr. Knightley to be no longer coming there for his evening comfort!--No longer walking in at all hours, as if ever willing to change his own home for their's!--How was it to be endured? And if he were to be lost to them for Harriet's sake; if he were to be thought of hereafter, as finding in Harriet's society all that he wanted; if Harriet were to be the chosen, the first, the dearest, the friend, the wife to whom he looked for all the best blessings of existence; what could be increasing Emma's wretchedness but the reflection never far distant from her mind, that it had been all her own work? When it came to such a pitch as this, she was not able to refrain from a start, or a heavy sigh, or even from walking about the room for a few seconds--and the only source whence any thing like consolation or composure could be drawn, was in the resolution of her own better conduct, and the hope that, however inferior in spirit and gaiety might be the following and every future winter of her life to the past, it would yet find her more rational, more acquainted with herself, and leave her less to regret when it were gone.

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Volume 3. Chapter 12. Band 3. Kapitel 12. Volumen 3. Capítulo 12.

Till now that she was threatened with its loss, Emma had never known how much of her happiness depended on being  first with Mr. Knightley, first in interest and affection.--Satisfied that it was so, and feeling it her due, she had enjoyed it without reflection; and only in the dread of being supplanted, found how inexpressibly important it had been.--Long, very long, she felt she had been first; for, having no female connexions of his own, there had been only Isabella whose claims could be compared with hers, and she had always known exactly how far he loved and esteemed Isabella. 直到現在她受到失去它的威脅,艾瑪才知道她的幸福在多大程度上取決於首先與奈特利先生在一起,首先是興趣和感情。——她對事實如此感到滿意,並感到這是她應得的,她已經不假思索地享受它;只有在害怕被取代的時候,才發現它有多麼難以言喻的重要。--很長一段時間,很長一段時間,她覺得自己一直是第一;因為,他自己沒有女性關係,只有伊莎貝拉的主張可以與她的主張相提並論,而她一直清楚地知道他有多愛和尊重伊莎貝拉。 She had herself been first with him for many years past. She had not deserved it; she had often been negligent or perverse, slighting his advice, or even wilfully opposing him, insensible of half his merits, and quarrelling with him because he would not acknowledge her false and insolent estimate of her own--but still, from family attachment and habit, and thorough excellence of mind, he had loved her, and watched over her from a girl, with an endeavour to improve her, and an anxiety for her doing right, which no other creature had at all shared. In spite of all her faults, she knew she was dear to him; might she not say, very dear?--When the suggestions of hope, however, which must follow here, presented themselves, she could not presume to indulge them. 儘管她有種種缺點,但她知道她對他很親愛。她不會說,親愛的嗎?——然而,當隨之而來的希望的暗示出現時,她不敢放縱它們。 Harriet Smith might think herself not unworthy of being peculiarly, exclusively, passionately loved by Mr. Knightley. 哈麗特史密斯可能認為自己值得奈特利先生特別、專一、熱烈的愛。 She could not. She could not flatter herself with any idea of blindness in his attachment to  her . 她無法相信他對她的依戀是盲目的。 She had received a very recent proof of its impartiality.--How shocked had he been by her behaviour to Miss Bates! 她最近收到了一份證明其公正性的證據。——她對貝茨小姐的行為讓他感到多麼震驚! How directly, how strongly had he expressed himself to her on the subject!--Not too strongly for the offence--but far, far too strongly to issue from any feeling softer than upright justice and clear-sighted goodwill.--She had no hope, nothing to deserve the name of hope, that he could have that sort of affection for herself which was now in question; but there was a hope (at times a slight one, at times much stronger,) that Harriet might have deceived herself, and be overrating his regard for  her .--Wish it she must, for his sake--be the consequence nothing to herself, but his remaining single all his life. 他在這個問題上向她表達了多麼直接、多麼強烈的想法!——對於冒犯來說,不算太強烈——但對於任何比正直的正義和清晰的善意更柔和的感覺來說,太強烈了。——她已經沒有希望,沒有任何值得稱得上希望的名字,他可以對她自己有現在所懷疑的那種感情。但有一種希望(有時微乎其微,有時強烈得多),哈麗特可能欺騙了自己,高估了他對她的重視。——希望她一定,為了他——結果沒有什麼她自己,但他一生單身。 Could she be secure of that, indeed, of his never marrying at all, she believed she should be perfectly satisfied.--Let him but continue the same Mr. Knightley to her and her father, the same Mr. Knightley to all the world; let Donwell and Hartfield lose none of their precious intercourse of friendship and confidence, and her peace would be fully secured.--Marriage, in fact, would not do for her. 事實上,如果她確信他永遠不會結婚,她相信她應該完全滿意。——讓他繼續對她和她的父親保持同樣的奈特利先生,對全世界保持同樣的奈特利先生;讓唐威爾和哈特菲爾德不失去他們寶貴的友誼和信任,她的平安就會完全得到保證。——事實上,婚姻對她來說並不合適。 It would be incompatible with what she owed to her father, and with what she felt for him. 這與她對父親的虧欠以及她對父親的感情是不相容的。 Nothing should separate her from her father. She would not marry, even if she were asked by Mr. Knightley.

It must be her ardent wish that Harriet might be disappointed; and she hoped, that when able to see them together again, she might at least be able to ascertain what the chances for it were.--She should see them henceforward with the closest observance; and wretchedly as she had hitherto misunderstood even those she was watching, she did not know how to admit that she could be blinded here.--He was expected back every day. 她一定熱切地希望哈麗特會失望;她希望,當能夠再次見到他們在一起時,她至少能夠確定他們在一起的機會是什麼。——從今往後,她應該以最嚴格的遵守來見到他們;她希望他們能夠在一起。可悲的是,到目前為止,她甚至誤解了她正在觀察的人,她不知道如何承認她可能會在這裡失明。——每天都盼著他回來。 The power of observation would be soon given--frightfully soon it appeared when her thoughts were in one course. 觀察力很快就會被賦予——可怕的是,當她的思想集中在一個方向上時,它很快就會出現。 In the meanwhile, she resolved against seeing Harriet.--It would do neither of them good, it would do the subject no good, to be talking of it farther.--She was resolved not to be convinced, as long as she could doubt, and yet had no authority for opposing Harriet's confidence. 同時,她決定不再去見哈麗特。——進一步談論這件事對他們倆都沒有好處,對這個話題也沒有好處。——她決定不被說服,只要她能做到。懷疑,但沒有權力反對哈麗特的信心。 To talk would be only to irritate.--She wrote to her, therefore, kindly, but decisively, to beg that she would not, at present, come to Hartfield; acknowledging it to be her conviction, that all farther confidential discussion of  one topic had better be avoided; and hoping, that if a few days were allowed to pass before they met again, except in the company of others--she objected only to a tete-a-tete--they might be able to act as if they had forgotten the conversation of yesterday.--Harriet submitted, and approved, and was grateful. 說話只會激怒她。——因此,她親切而果斷地寫信給她,懇求她目前不要來哈特菲爾德;因為她不想去哈特菲爾德。承認她的信念是,最好避免對某一主題進行所有進一步的秘密討論;她希望,如果在他們再次見面之前允許幾天的時間,除了在其他人的陪伴下——她只反對面對面的交談——他們也許能夠表現得好像他們已經忘記了談話昨天的事。--哈麗特提交並批准了,並且很感激。

This point was just arranged, when a visitor arrived to tear Emma's thoughts a little from the one subject which had engrossed them, sleeping or waking, the last twenty-four hours--Mrs. Weston, who had been calling on her daughter-in-law elect, and took Hartfield in her way home, almost as much in duty to Emma as in pleasure to herself, to relate all the particulars of so interesting an interview. 這一點剛剛安排好,這時一位訪客到來,將艾瑪的思緒從過去二十四小時裡無論是睡著還是醒著全神貫注的一個話題上轉移開來——艾瑪太太。韋斯頓一直在拜訪她的當選兒媳,她帶著哈特菲爾德回家,幾乎既出於對艾瑪的責任,又出於對自己的快樂,講述了這次如此有趣的採訪的所有細節。 Mr. Weston had accompanied her to Mrs. Bates's, and gone through his share of this essential attention most handsomely; but she having then induced Miss Fairfax to join her in an airing, was now returned with much more to say, and much more to say with satisfaction, than a quarter of an hour spent in Mrs. Bates's parlour, with all the encumbrance of awkward feelings, could have afforded. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||burden of|||||| A little curiosity Emma had; and she made the most of it while her friend related. Mrs. Weston had set off to pay the visit in a good deal of agitation herself; and in the first place had wished not to go at all at present, to be allowed merely to write to Miss Fairfax instead, and to defer this ceremonious call till a little time had passed, and Mr. Churchill could be reconciled to the engagement's becoming known; as, considering every thing, she thought such a visit could not be paid without leading to reports:--but Mr. Weston had thought differently; he was extremely anxious to shew his approbation to Miss Fairfax and her family, and did not conceive that any suspicion could be excited by it; or if it were, that it would be of any consequence; for "such things," he observed, "always got about." |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||approval||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 韋斯頓太太自己也十分激動地出發去拜訪。首先,他本來希望現在根本不去,只希望能夠寫信給費爾法克斯小姐,並將這次隆重的拜訪推遲到過了一會兒,邱吉爾先生也能接受這樁婚事的發生。已知;因為,考慮到所有事情,她認為這樣的訪問不可能在沒有引起報告的情況下進行:——但韋斯頓先生有不同的想法;他非常急於向費爾法克斯小姐和她的家人表達他的認可,並且不認為這會引起任何懷疑。或者如果是的話,將會產生任何後果;他觀察到,「這樣的事情總是發生」。 Emma smiled, and felt that Mr. Weston had very good reason for saying so. They had gone, in short--and very great had been the evident distress and confusion of the lady. 簡而言之,他們走了——這位女士顯然感到痛苦和困惑。 She had hardly been able to speak a word, and every look and action had shewn how deeply she was suffering from consciousness. 她幾乎說不出話來,每一個眼神、每一個動作都顯示她的意識受到了多麼嚴重的折磨。 The quiet, heart-felt satisfaction of the old lady, and the rapturous delight of her daughter--who proved even too joyous to talk as usual, had been a gratifying, yet almost an affecting, scene. 老太太安靜而發自內心的滿足,以及她女兒的欣喜若狂——她甚至像平常一樣高興得說不出話來,這是一個令人欣慰的,但幾乎是一個感人的場景。 They were both so truly respectable in their happiness, so disinterested in every sensation; thought so much of Jane; so much of every body, and so little of themselves, that every kindly feeling was at work for them. 他們兩人的幸福都是那麼令人尊敬,對每一種感覺都那麼漠不關心。很想念簡;每個人的力量都如此之大,而他們自己卻如此之少,以至於每一種善意的感覺都在為他們發揮作用。 Miss Fairfax's recent illness had offered a fair plea for Mrs. Weston to invite her to an airing; she had drawn back and declined at first, but, on being pressed had yielded; and, in the course of their drive, Mrs. Weston had, by gentle encouragement, overcome so much of her embarrassment, as to bring her to converse on the important subject. 費爾法克斯小姐最近生病了,韋斯頓夫人有理由邀請她參加節目。起初,她退縮了,拒絕了,但在逼迫下,她屈服了。在他們開車的過程中,韋斯頓夫人在溫和的鼓勵下,克服了她的尷尬,讓她就這個重要的話題進行了交談。 Apologies for her seemingly ungracious silence in their first reception, and the warmest expressions of the gratitude she was always feeling towards herself and Mr. Weston, must necessarily open the cause; but when these effusions were put by, they had talked a good deal of the present and of the future state of the engagement. 為她在第一次接待中看似不禮貌的沉默而道歉,以及她對自己和韋斯頓先生一直懷著的最熱烈的感激之情,必然會開啟事業;但當這些熱情洋溢結束後,他們就訂婚的當前和未來狀況談論了很多。 Mrs. Weston was convinced that such conversation must be the greatest relief to her companion, pent up within her own mind as every thing had so long been, and was very much pleased with all that she had said on the subject. 韋斯頓夫人確信,這樣的談話對她的同伴來說一定是最大的解脫,她的同伴一直被壓抑在自己的腦海裡,就像所有的事情一樣,她對她就這個問題所說的一切感到非常滿意。

"On the misery of what she had suffered, during the concealment of so many months," continued Mrs. Weston, "she was energetic. 「在隱瞞了這麼多個月的時間裡,她所遭受的痛苦,」韋斯頓夫人繼續說道,「她精力充沛。 This was one of her expressions. 'I will not say, that since I entered into the engagement I have not had some happy moments; but I can say, that I have never known the blessing of one tranquil hour:'--and the quivering lip, Emma, which uttered it, was an attestation that I felt at my heart." 'Ik zal niet zeggen, dat ik sinds het aangaan van de verloving geen gelukkige momenten heb gehad; maar ik kan zeggen dat ik nooit de zegen van een rustig uur heb gekend: '-en de trillende lip, Emma, die het uitsprak, was een bevestiging die ik in mijn hart voelde.' 「我不會說,自從我訂婚以來,我就沒有經歷過一些快樂的時刻;但我可以說,我從來不知道一個寧靜時刻的祝福:’——艾瑪顫抖的嘴唇說出這句話,證明了我內心的感受。” "Poor girl!" said Emma. "She thinks herself wrong, then, for having consented to a private engagement?" “那麼,她認為自己同意私人訂婚是錯的嗎?” "Wrong! No one, I believe, can blame her more than she is disposed to blame herself. 我相信,沒有人能比她自責更能怪她。 'The consequence,' said she, 'has been a state of perpetual suffering to me; and so it ought. |||||||||constant||||||| 「結果,」她說,「對我來說就是一種永久的痛苦;應該如此。 But after all the punishment that misconduct can bring, it is still not less misconduct. 但畢竟不當行為可能帶來的懲罰,仍不輕。 Pain is no expiation. |||atonement for suffering 痛苦並不能彌補。 I never can be blameless. I have been acting contrary to all my sense of right; and the fortunate turn that every thing has taken, and the kindness I am now receiving, is what my conscience tells me ought not to be.' 我的行為違背了我所有的正義感;一切都發生了幸運的轉變,我現在所受到的善意,是我的良心告訴我不該有的。 'Do not imagine, madam,' she continued, 'that I was taught wrong. Do not let any reflection fall on the principles or the care of the friends who brought me up. 不要讓任何反思落在養育我的朋友的原則或關懷上。 The error has been all my own; and I do assure you that, with all the excuse that present circumstances may appear to give, I shall yet dread making the story known to Colonel Campbell. ' " "Poor girl!" said Emma again. "She loves him then excessively, I suppose. It must have been from attachment only, that she could be led to form the engagement. 肯定只是出於依戀,她被迫訂婚。 Her affection must have overpowered her judgment." "Yes, I have no doubt of her being extremely attached to him." "I am afraid," returned Emma, sighing, "that I must often have contributed to make her unhappy." “恐怕,”艾瑪嘆了口氣,回答道,“我一定經常讓她不高興。” "On your side, my love, it was very innocently done. But she probably had something of that in her thoughts, when alluding to the misunderstandings which he had given us hints of before. 但當她提到他之前向我們暗示過的誤會時,她心裡可能也有這樣的想法。 One natural consequence of the evil she had involved herself in," she said, "was that of making her  unreasonable . The consciousness of having done amiss, had exposed her to a thousand inquietudes, and made her captious and irritable to a degree that must have been--that had been--hard for him to bear. ||||||||||||||||critical and picky||||||||||||||||| 意識到自己做錯了事,讓她感到千百種不安,讓她變得挑剔和易怒,以至於他一定——確實——難以忍受。 'I did not make the allowances,' said she, 'which I ought to have done, for his temper and spirits--his delightful spirits, and that gaiety, that playfulness of disposition, which, under any other circumstances, would, I am sure, have been as constantly bewitching to me, as they were at first.' 「我沒有考慮到他的脾氣和精神,」她說,「我應該考慮到他的脾氣和精神——他愉快的精神,以及那種快樂、那種頑皮的性情,在任何其他情況下,我都會這樣做。”我敢肯定,就像最初一樣,它們一直讓我著迷。” She then began to speak of you, and of the great kindness you had shewn her during her illness; and with a blush which shewed me how it was all connected, desired me, whenever I had an opportunity, to thank you--I could not thank you too much--for every wish and every endeavour to do her good. 然後她開始談論你,以及你在她生病期間對她表現出的巨大善意。她臉紅了,讓我知道這一切是如何聯繫在一起的,希望我一有機會就感謝你——我不知道怎麼感謝你太多——感謝你為她做好事的每一個願望和每一次努力。 She was sensible that you had never received any proper acknowledgment from herself." 她很清楚你從未得到她的任何適當的承認。” "If I did not know her to be happy now," said Emma, seriously, "which, in spite of every little drawback from her scrupulous conscience, she must be, I could not bear these thanks;--for, oh! 「如果我不知道她現在很幸福,」愛瑪嚴肅地說,「儘管她出於良心,儘管有一些小小的缺點,但她一定是幸福的,我就無法承受這些感謝;——因為,哦! Mrs. Weston, if there were an account drawn up of the evil and the good I have done Miss Fairfax!--Well (checking herself, and trying to be more lively), this is all to be forgotten. 韋斯頓夫人,如果有一個關於我對費爾法克斯小姐所做的惡和善的記錄的話!——好吧(檢查自己,並試圖變得更生動),這一切都應該被忘記。 You are very kind to bring me these interesting particulars. They shew her to the greatest advantage. I am sure she is very good--I hope she will be very happy. It is fit that the fortune should be on his side, for I think the merit will be all on hers." Such a conclusion could not pass unanswered by Mrs. Weston. She thought well of Frank in almost every respect; and, what was more, she loved him very much, and her defence was, therefore, earnest. She talked with a great deal of reason, and at least equal affection--but she had too much to urge for Emma's attention; it was soon gone to Brunswick Square or to Donwell; she forgot to attempt to listen; and when Mrs. Weston ended with, "We have not yet had the letter we are so anxious for, you know, but I hope it will soon come," she was obliged to pause before she answered, and at last obliged to answer at random, before she could at all recollect what letter it was which they were so anxious for. 她說話時充滿了理性,至少也充滿了感情──但她有太多東西需要吸引艾瑪的注意;它很快就開往布倫瑞克廣場或唐威爾。她忘記嘗試傾聽;當韋斯頓夫人最後說:「你知道,我們還沒有收到我們如此焦急的那封信,但我希望它很快就會來。」她在回答之前不得不停頓下來,最後不得不在隨機的,在她完全想起來他們如此急切地想要哪封信之前。 "Are you well, my Emma?" was Mrs. Weston's parting question. 這是韋斯頓夫人臨別時提出的問題。 "Oh! perfectly. I am always well, you know. Be sure to give me intelligence of the letter as soon as possible." 請務必盡快向我提供這封信的情報。” Mrs. Weston's communications furnished Emma with more food for unpleasant reflection, by increasing her esteem and compassion, and her sense of past injustice towards Miss Fairfax. 韋斯頓夫人的交流增加了艾瑪的尊重和同情心,以及過去對費爾法克斯小姐不公正的感覺,為她提供了更多不愉快的反思的素材。 She bitterly regretted not having sought a closer acquaintance with her, and blushed for the envious feelings which had certainly been, in some measure, the cause. 她非常後悔沒有尋求與她更進一步的了解,並因為嫉妒的感覺而臉紅,這在某種程度上肯定是原因。 Had she followed Mr. Knightley's known wishes, in paying that attention to Miss Fairfax, which was every way her due; had she tried to know her better; had she done her part towards intimacy; had she endeavoured to find a friend there instead of in Harriet Smith; she must, in all probability, have been spared from every pain which pressed on her now.--Birth, abilities, and education, had been equally marking one as an associate for her, to be received with gratitude; and the other--what was she?--Supposing even that they had never become intimate friends; that she had never been admitted into Miss Fairfax's confidence on this important matter--which was most probable--still, in knowing her as she ought, and as she might, she must have been preserved from the abominable suspicions of an improper attachment to Mr. Dixon, which she had not only so foolishly fashioned and harboured herself, but had so unpardonably imparted; an idea which she greatly feared had been made a subject of material distress to the delicacy of Jane's feelings, by the levity or carelessness of Frank Churchill's. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||frivolity||||| Of all the sources of evil surrounding the former, since her coming to Highbury, she was persuaded that she must herself have been the worst. 在所有圍繞前者的邪惡來源中,自從她來到海布里以來,她確信自己一定是最糟糕的。 She must have been a perpetual enemy. 她一定是永遠的敵人。 They never could have been all three together, without her having stabbed Jane Fairfax's peace in a thousand instances; and on Box Hill, perhaps, it had been the agony of a mind that would bear no more. 如果沒有她上千次刺傷簡·費爾法克斯的平靜,他們三人不可能在一起。在博克斯山,也許,這是心靈無法再承受的痛苦。 The evening of this day was very long, and melancholy, at Hartfield. 這一天的夜晚在哈特菲爾德非常漫長而憂鬱。 The weather added what it could of gloom. 天氣增添了一絲陰沉。 A cold stormy rain set in, and nothing of July appeared but in the trees and shrubs, which the wind was despoiling, and the length of the day, which only made such cruel sights the longer visible. |||||||||||||||||||||stripping bare||||||||||||||| 一場寒冷的暴風雨來臨了,七月的一切都消失了,除了樹木和灌木叢,它們都被風吹壞了,而白晝的長度也讓這種殘酷的景象變得更加可見。

The weather affected Mr. Woodhouse, and he could only be kept tolerably comfortable by almost ceaseless attention on his daughter's side, and by exertions which had never cost her half so much before. It reminded her of their first forlorn tete-a-tete, on the evening of Mrs. Weston's wedding-day; but Mr. Knightley had walked in then, soon after tea, and dissipated every melancholy fancy. ||||||sad|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 這讓她想起了韋斯頓夫人結婚當晚他們第一次的孤獨的面對面。但喝完茶不久,奈特利先生就走了進來,驅散了所有憂鬱的幻想。 Alas! such delightful proofs of Hartfield's attraction, as those sort of visits conveyed, might shortly be over. 正如這些訪問所傳達的那樣,哈特菲爾德的吸引力的這種令人愉快的證據可能很快就會結束。 The picture which she had then drawn of the privations of the approaching winter, had proved erroneous; no friends had deserted them, no pleasures had been lost.--But her present forebodings she feared would experience no similar contradiction. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||premonitions||||||| 她當時對即將到來的冬天的貧困所描繪的景像被證明是錯誤的。沒有朋友拋棄他們,沒有失去快樂。——但她擔心目前的預感不會經歷類似的矛盾。 The prospect before her now, was threatening to a degree that could not be entirely dispelled--that might not be even partially brightened. 現在擺在她面前的前景,威脅到了無法完全消除的程度——甚至可能無法部分地變得明亮。 If all took place that might take place among the circle of her friends, Hartfield must be comparatively deserted; and she left to cheer her father with the spirits only of ruined happiness. 如果所有可能發生在她朋友圈裡的事情發生的話,哈特菲爾德一定是比較冷清的。她帶著破碎的幸福離開了,去給父親加油。

The child to be born at Randalls must be a tie there even dearer than herself; and Mrs. Weston's heart and time would be occupied by it. They should lose her; and, probably, in great measure, her husband also.--Frank Churchill would return among them no more; and Miss Fairfax, it was reasonable to suppose, would soon cease to belong to Highbury. 他們應該失去她;而且,在很大程度上,很可能還有她的丈夫。--法蘭克邱吉爾再也不會回到他們中間了;可以合理地推測,費爾法克斯小姐很快就會不再屬於海布里。 They would be married, and settled either at or near Enscombe. All that were good would be withdrawn; and if to these losses, the loss of Donwell were to be added, what would remain of cheerful or of rational society within their reach? 一切美好的事物都會被撤回;如果在這些損失中加上唐威爾的損失,那麼在他們力所能及的範圍內,快樂或理性的社會還剩下什麼呢? Mr. Knightley to be no longer coming there for his evening comfort!--No longer walking in at all hours, as if ever willing to change his own home for their's!--How was it to be endured? 奈特利先生不再來這裡享受晚間的舒適!--不再全天候走進去,彷彿永遠願意將自己的家換成他們的家!--這要如何忍受? And if he were to be lost to them for Harriet's sake; if he were to be thought of hereafter, as finding in Harriet's society all that he wanted; if Harriet were to be the chosen, the first, the dearest, the friend, the wife to whom he looked for all the best blessings of existence; what could be increasing Emma's wretchedness but the reflection never far distant from her mind, that it had been all her own work? 如果他們因為哈麗特的緣故而失去了他;如果他以後被認為在哈麗特的社交中找到了他想要的一切?如果哈麗雅特是他所選擇的、第一位的、最親愛的、朋友、妻子,他向她尋求生命中最好的祝福;除了始終縈繞在心頭的念頭——這一切都是她自己造成的——之外,還有什麼能讓艾瑪更加悲慘呢? When it came to such a pitch as this, she was not able to refrain from a start, or a heavy sigh, or even from walking about the room for a few seconds--and the only source whence any thing like consolation or composure could be drawn, was in the resolution of her own better conduct, and the hope that, however inferior in spirit and gaiety might be the following and every future winter of her life to the past, it would yet find her more rational, more acquainted with herself, and leave her less to regret when it were gone. ||||||situation|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 當遇到這樣的情況時,她忍不住驚愕,或者重重地嘆了口氣,甚至在房間裡走動了幾秒鐘——這是任何安慰或鎮靜之類的唯一來源。她之所以被吸引,是因為她下定決心要採取更好的行為,並希望,無論她接下來的生活和未來的每個冬天在精神和歡樂方面可能不如過去,但她仍然會發現她更加理性,更加熟悉她自己,讓她在失去時不那麼後悔。