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Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Chapter 5 (3)

Chapter 5 (3)

Cedric crossed the threshold into the room. It was a very large and splendid room, with massive carven furniture in it, and shelves upon shelves of books; the furniture was so dark, and the draperies so heavy, the diamond-paned windows were so deep, and it seemed such a distance from one end of it to the other, that, since the sun had gone down, the effect of it all was rather gloomy. For a moment Cedric thought there was nobody in the room, but soon he saw that by the fire burning on the wide hearth there was a large easy-chair and that in that chair some one was sitting--some one who did not at first turn to look at him.

But he had attracted attention in one quarter at least. On the floor, by the arm-chair, lay a dog, a huge tawny mastiff, with body and limbs almost as big as a lion's; and this great creature rose majestically and slowly, and marched toward the little fellow with a heavy step. Then the person in the chair spoke. "Dougal," he called, "come back, sir." But there was no more fear in little Lord Fauntleroy's heart than there was unkindness--he had been a brave little fellow all his life. He put his hand on the big dog's collar in the most natural way in the world, and they strayed forward together, Dougal sniffing as he went. And then the Earl looked up. What Cedric saw was a large old man with shaggy white hair and eyebrows, and a nose like an eagle's beak between his deep, fierce eyes. What the Earl saw was a graceful, childish figure in a black velvet suit, with a lace collar, and with love-locks waving about the handsome, manly little face, whose eyes met his with a look of innocent good-fellowship. If the Castle was like the palace in a fairy story, it must be owned that little Lord Fauntleroy was himself rather like a small copy of the fairy prince, though he was not at all aware of the fact, and perhaps was rather a sturdy young model of a fairy. But there was a sudden glow of triumph and exultation in the fiery old Earl's heart as he saw what a strong, beautiful boy this grandson was, and how unhesitatingly he looked up as he stood with his hand on the big dog's neck. It pleased the grim old nobleman that the child should show no shyness or fear, either of the dog or of himself.

Cedric looked at him just as he had looked at the woman at the lodge and at the housekeeper, and came quite close to him.

"Are you the Earl?" he said.

"I'm your grandson, you know, that Mr. Havisham brought. I'm Lord Fauntleroy." He held out his hand because he thought it must be the polite and proper thing to do even with earls. "I hope you are very well," he continued, with the utmost friendliness. "I'm very glad to see you." The Earl shook hands with him, with a curious gleam in his eyes; just at first, he was so astonished that he scarcely knew what to say. He stared at the picturesque little apparition from under his shaggy brows, and took it all in from head to foot.

"Glad to see me, are you?" he said.

"Yes," answered Lord Fauntleroy, "very." There was a chair near him, and he sat down on it; it was a high-backed, rather tall chair, and his feet did not touch the floor when he had settled himself in it, but he seemed to be quite comfortable as he sat there, and regarded his august relative intently but modestly.

"I've kept wondering what you would look like," he remarked. "I used to lie in my berth in the ship and wonder if you would be anything like my father." "Am I?" asked the Earl.

"Well," Cedric replied, "I was very young when he died, and I may not remember exactly how he looked, but I don't think you are like him." "You are disappointed, I suppose?" suggested his grandfather.

"Oh, no," responded Cedric politely. "Of course you would like any one to look like your father; but of course you would enjoy the way your grandfather looked, even if he wasn't like your father. You know how it is yourself about admiring your relations."

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Chapter 5 (3) Kapitel 5 (3) Chapitre 5 (3) Розділ 5 (3) 第五章(3)

Cedric crossed the threshold into the room. It was a very large and splendid room, with massive carven furniture in it, and shelves upon shelves of books; the furniture was so dark, and the draperies so heavy, the diamond-paned windows were so deep, and it seemed such a distance from one end of it to the other, that, since the sun had gone down, the effect of it all was rather gloomy. ||||||||||조각된|||||||||||||||||커튼|||||다이아몬드||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Era una stanza molto grande e splendida, con mobili massicci e intagliati e scaffali su scaffali di libri; i mobili erano così scuri e i drappeggi così pesanti, le finestre con i vetri a diamante erano così profonde e sembrava che ci fosse una tale distanza da un capo all'altro, che, dal momento che il sole era tramontato, l'effetto di tutto ciò era piuttosto cupo. For a moment Cedric thought there was nobody in the room, but soon he saw that by the fire burning on the wide hearth there was a large easy-chair and that in that chair some one was sitting--some one who did not at first turn to look at him. Per un attimo Cedric pensò che non ci fosse nessuno nella stanza, ma subito vide che accanto al fuoco che ardeva sull'ampio focolare c'era una grande poltrona e che su quella poltrona era seduto qualcuno, qualcuno che all'inizio non si voltò a guardarlo.

But he had attracted attention in one quarter at least. Ma aveva attirato l'attenzione almeno in un quartiere. On the floor, by the arm-chair, lay a dog, a huge tawny mastiff, with body and limbs almost as big as a lion's; and this great creature rose majestically and slowly, and marched toward the little fellow with a heavy step. Sul pavimento, accanto alla poltrona, giaceva un cane, un enorme mastino fulvo, con il corpo e le membra grandi quasi come quelle di un leone; questa grande creatura si alzò maestosamente e lentamente, e marciò verso il piccolo con passo pesante. Then the person in the chair spoke. "Dougal," he called, "come back, sir." "Dougal", chiamò, "torna indietro, signore". But there was no more fear in little Lord Fauntleroy's heart than there was unkindness--he had been a brave little fellow all his life. Ma nel cuore del piccolo Lord Fauntleroy non c'era più paura di quanta ne avesse la scortesia: era stato un bambino coraggioso per tutta la vita. He put his hand on the big dog's collar in the most natural way in the world, and they strayed forward together, Dougal sniffing as he went. Mise la mano sul collare del cagnone nel modo più naturale del mondo e si allontanarono insieme, annusando Dougal mentre andava avanti. And then the Earl looked up. What Cedric saw was a large old man with shaggy white hair and eyebrows, and a nose like an eagle's beak between his deep, fierce eyes. Cedric vide un grande vecchio con capelli e sopracciglia bianche e ispide e un naso come un becco d'aquila tra gli occhi profondi e feroci. What the Earl saw was a graceful, childish figure in a black velvet suit, with a lace collar, and with love-locks waving about the handsome, manly little face, whose eyes met his with a look of innocent good-fellowship. Il conte vide una figura graziosa e infantile in un abito di velluto nero, con un colletto di pizzo, e con le ciocche d'amore che ondeggiavano sul viso bello e virile, i cui occhi incontrarono i suoi con uno sguardo di innocente benevolenza. If the Castle was like the palace in a fairy story, it must be owned that little Lord Fauntleroy was himself rather like a small copy of the fairy prince, though he was not at all aware of the fact, and perhaps was rather a sturdy young model of a fairy. Se il castello era come il palazzo di una fiaba, bisogna ammettere che il piccolo Lord Fauntleroy era lui stesso una piccola copia del principe delle fate, anche se non ne era affatto consapevole, e forse era piuttosto un robusto giovane modello di fata. But there was a sudden glow of triumph and exultation in the fiery old Earl's heart as he saw what a strong, beautiful boy this grandson was, and how unhesitatingly he looked up as he stood with his hand on the big dog's neck. Ma un improvviso bagliore di trionfo e di esultanza si accese nel cuore del vecchio e focoso Conte quando vide che ragazzo forte e bello era questo nipote, e come senza esitazione guardò in alto mentre stava con la mano sul collo del grosso cane. It pleased the grim old nobleman that the child should show no shyness or fear, either of the dog or of himself. Al vecchio e arcigno nobiluomo piaceva che il bambino non mostrasse timidezza o paura, né del cane né di se stesso.

Cedric looked at him just as he had looked at the woman at the lodge and at the housekeeper, and came quite close to him.

"Are you the Earl?" he said.

"I'm your grandson, you know, that Mr. Havisham brought. "Sono vostro nipote, sapete, che il signor Havisham ha portato. I'm Lord Fauntleroy." He held out his hand because he thought it must be the polite and proper thing to do even with earls. "I hope you are very well," he continued, with the utmost friendliness. "Spero che tu stia molto bene", continuò, con la massima cordialità. "I'm very glad to see you." The Earl shook hands with him, with a curious gleam in his eyes; just at first, he was so astonished that he scarcely knew what to say. Il conte gli strinse la mano, con un curioso luccichio negli occhi; solo all'inizio, era così stupito che non sapeva quasi cosa dire. He stared at the picturesque little apparition from under his shaggy brows, and took it all in from head to foot. Fissò la piccola e pittoresca apparizione da sotto le sopracciglia arruffate e la osservò da capo a piedi.

"Glad to see me, are you?" "Sei contento di vedermi, vero?". he said.

"Yes," answered Lord Fauntleroy, "very." There was a chair near him, and he sat down on it; it was a high-backed, rather tall chair, and his feet did not touch the floor when he had settled himself in it, but he seemed to be quite comfortable as he sat there, and regarded his august relative intently but modestly.

"I've kept wondering what you would look like," he remarked. "Mi sono sempre chiesto che aspetto avresti avuto", ha osservato. "I used to lie in my berth in the ship and wonder if you would be anything like my father." "Ero solito stare nella mia cuccetta sulla nave e chiedermi se saresti stato come mio padre". "Am I?" asked the Earl.

"Well," Cedric replied, "I was very young when he died, and I may not remember exactly how he looked, but I don't think you are like him." "You are disappointed, I suppose?" suggested his grandfather.

"Oh, no," responded Cedric politely. "Of course you would like any one to look like your father; but of course you would enjoy the way your grandfather looked, even if he wasn't like your father. You know how it is yourself about admiring your relations." Sai com'è l'ammirazione per i tuoi parenti".