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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, Chapter 37.

Chapter 37.

Yes; Phileas Fogg in person.

The reader will remember that at five minutes past eight in the evening--about five and twenty hours after the arrival of the travellers in London--Passepartout had been sent by his master to engage the services ofthe Reverend Samuel Wilson in a certain marriage ceremony, which was to take place the next day.

Passepartout went on his errand enchanted.

He soon reached the clergyman's house, but found him not at home. Passepartout waited a good twenty minutes, and when he left the reverend gentleman, it was thirty-five minutes past eight. But in what a state he was! With his hair in disorder, and without his hat, he ran along the street as never man was seen to run before, overturning passers-by, rushing over the sidewalk like a waterspout. In three minutes he was in Saville Row again, and staggered back into Mr. Fogg's room.

He could not speak.

"What is the matter?

asked Mr. Fogg. "My master!

gasped Passepartout--"marriage--impossible--" "Impossible?

"Impossible--for to-morrow.

"Why so?

"Because to-morrow--is Sunday!

"Monday," replied Mr. Fogg.

"No--to-day is Saturday.


Impossible! "Yes, yes, yes, yes!

cried Passepartout. "You have made a mistake of one day! We arrived twenty-four hours ahead of time; but there are only ten minutes left! Passepartout had seized his master by the collar, and was dragging him along with irresistible force.

Phileas Fogg, thus kidnapped, without having time to think, left his house, jumped into a cab, promised a hundred pounds to the cabman, and, having run over two dogs and overturned five carriages, reached the Reform Club.

The clock indicated a quarter before nine when he appeared in the great saloon.

Phileas Fogg had accomplished the journey round the world in eighty days!

Phileas Fogg had won his wager of twenty thousand pounds!

How was it that a man so exact and fastidious could have made this error of a day?

How came he to think that he had arrived in London on Saturday, the twenty-first day of December, when it was really Friday, the twentieth, the seventy-ninth day only from his departure? The cause of the error is very simple.

Phileas Fogg had, without suspecting it, gained one day on his journey, and this merely because he had travelled constantly eastward; he would, on the contrary, have lost a day had he gone in the opposite direction, that is, westward.

In journeying eastward he had gone towards the sun, and the days therefore diminished for him as many times four minutes as he crossed degrees in this direction.

There are three hundred and sixty degrees on the circumference of the earth; and these three hundred and sixty degrees, multiplied by four minutes, gives precisely twenty-four hours--that is, the day unconsciously gained. In other words, while Phileas Fogg, going eastward, saw the sun pass the meridian eighty times, his friends in London only saw it pass the meridian seventy-nine times. This is why they awaited him at the Reform Club on Saturday, and not Sunday, as Mr. Fogg thought. And Passepartout's famous family watch, which had always kept London time, would have betrayed this fact, if it had marked the days as well as the hours and the minutes!

Phileas Fogg, then, had won the twenty thousand pounds; but, as he had spent nearly nineteen thousand on the way, the pecuniary gain was small.

His object was, however, to be victorious, and not to win money. He divided the one thousand pounds that remained between Passepartout and the unfortunate Fix, against whom he cherished no grudge. He deducted, however, from Passepartout's share the cost of the gas which had burned in his room for nineteen hundred and twenty hours, for the sake of regularity. That evening, Mr. Fogg, as tranquil and phlegmatic as ever, said to Aouda: "Is our marriage still agreeable to you?

"Mr. Fogg," replied she, "it is for me to ask that question.

You were ruined, but now you are rich again. "Pardon me, madam; my fortune belongs to you.

If you had not suggested our marriage, my servant would not have gone to the Reverend Samuel Wilson's, I should not have been apprised of my error, and--" "Dear Mr.

Fogg!" said the young woman. "Dear Aouda!

replied Phileas Fogg. It need not be said that the marriage took place forty-eight hours after, and that Passepartout, glowing and dazzling, gave the bride away.

Had he not saved her, and was he not entitled to this honour? The next day, as soon as it was light, Passepartout rapped vigorously at his master's door.

Mr. Fogg opened it, and asked, "What's the matter, Passepartout? "What is it, sir?

Why, I've just this instant found out--" "What?

"That we might have made the tour of the world in only seventy-eight days.

"No doubt," returned Mr. Fogg, "by not crossing India.

But if I had not crossed India, I should not have saved Aouda; she would not have been my wife, and--" Mr.

Fogg quietly shut the door. Phileas Fogg had won his wager, and had made his journey around the world in eighty days.

To do this he had employed every means of conveyance--steamers, railways, carriages, yachts, trading-vessels, sledges, elephants. The eccentric gentleman had throughout displayed all his marvellous qualities of coolness and exactitude. But what then? What had he really gained by all this trouble? What had he brought back from this long and weary journey? Nothing, say you?

Perhaps so; nothing but a charming woman, who, strange as it may appear, made him the happiest of men! Truly, would you not for less than that make the tour around the world?


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Chapter 37. Kapitel 37. Capítulo 37. Chapitre 37. Capitolo 37. 第37章 37장. Hoofdstuk 37. Capítulo 37. Глава 37. 37. Bölüm. Розділ 37. 第37章。

Yes; Phileas Fogg in person. Evet; Phileas Fogg'un ta kendisi.

The reader will remember that at five minutes past eight in the evening--about five and twenty hours after the arrival of the travellers in London--Passepartout had been sent by his master to engage the services ofthe Reverend Samuel Wilson in a certain marriage ceremony, which was to take place the next day. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||do (Reverendo Samuel Wilson)||||||||||||realizar|||| |||||||хвилин||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||священика|||||||||||||||| Читатель помнит, что в пять минут девятого вечера — примерно через двадцать пять часов после прибытия путешественников в Лондон — Паспарту был послан своим хозяином, чтобы воспользоваться услугами преподобного Сэмюэля Уилсона для некой брачной церемонии. , который должен был состояться на следующий день. Okuyucu, akşam sekizi beş geçe -yolcuların Londra'ya varışından yaklaşık beş yirmi saat sonra- Passepartout'un efendisi tarafından ertesi gün gerçekleşecek olan bir evlilik töreninde Rahip Samuel Wilson'ın hizmetini almak üzere gönderildiğini hatırlayacaktır.

Passepartout went on his errand enchanted. ||||task| Passepartout|||||encantado Паспарту, очарованный, отправился выполнять свое поручение. Passepartout büyülenmiş bir şekilde işine devam etti. 路路通繼續他的差事迷住了。

He soon reached the clergyman’s house, but found him not at home. ||||священника||||||| ||||do clérigo||||||| ||||будинок священика||||||| Çok geçmeden din adamının evine ulaştı ama onu evde bulamadı. Passepartout waited a good twenty minutes, and when he left the reverend gentleman, it was thirty-five minutes past eight. |||||||||||clergyman|||||||| Паспарту прождал добрых двадцать минут, а когда ушел от преподобного джентльмена, было тридцать пять минут восьмого. Passepartout yirmi dakika kadar bekledi ve saygıdeğer beyefendinin yanından ayrıldığında saat sekizi otuz beş geçiyordu. But in what a state he was! Ama ne durumdaydı! With his hair in disorder, and without his hat, he ran along the street as never man was seen to run before, overturning passers-by, rushing over the sidewalk like a waterspout. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||водяной смерч |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Wasserspout |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||water spout ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||calçada|||redemoinho de água Les cheveux en désordre et sans chapeau, il courut dans la rue comme on ne l'a jamais vu courir auparavant, renversant les passants, se précipitant sur le trottoir comme une trombe. С растрепанными волосами и без шапки, он бежал по улице, как никогда еще не бывало бегущего человека, опрокидывая прохожих, мчась по тротуару, как смерч. Saçları dağınık ve şapkasız bir halde, daha önce hiç kimsenin koşmadığı kadar hızlı bir şekilde caddede koşuyor, yoldan geçenleri deviriyor, kaldırımın üzerinden bir su hortumu gibi akıyordu. In three minutes he was in Saville Row again, and staggered back into Mr. Fogg’s room. ||||||||||пошатываясь вернулся||||| ||||||||||cambaleou|de volta|||| Через три минуты он снова был на Сэвилл-роу и, пошатываясь, вернулся в комнату мистера Фогга.

He could not speak.

"What is the matter?

asked Mr. Fogg. "My master!

gasped Passepartout--"marriage--impossible--" "Impossible?

"Impossible--for to-morrow.

"Why so?

"Because to-morrow--is Sunday!

"Monday," replied Mr. Fogg.

"No--to-day is Saturday.


Impossible! "Yes, yes, yes, yes!

cried Passepartout. "You have made a mistake of one day! |||||de|| "Bir günlük bir hata yaptınız! We arrived twenty-four hours ahead of time; but there are only ten minutes left! Nós|||||||||||||| Zamanından yirmi dört saat önce geldik; ama sadece on dakika kaldı! Passepartout had seized his master by the collar, and was dragging him along with irresistible force. |||||||за воротник|||||||| ||||||||||arrastando||||| Паспарту схватил своего господина за воротник и с непреодолимой силой потащил его за собой. Passepartout efendisini yakasından tutmuş, karşı konulmaz bir güçle sürüklüyordu.

Phileas Fogg, thus kidnapped, without having time to think, left his house, jumped into a cab, promised a hundred pounds to the cabman, and, having run over two dogs and overturned five carriages, reached the Reform Club. |||sequestrado|||||||||||||||||||||||||||capotado|||||| |||викрадений|||||||||||||||||||||||||||перекинув|||||| Bu şekilde kaçırılan Phileas Fogg, düşünmeye vakit bulamadan evinden çıktı, bir taksiye atladı, taksiciye yüz pound vaat etti ve iki köpeği ezip beş arabayı devirerek Reform Kulübü'ne ulaştı. Викрадений таким чином Філеас Фогг, не встигнувши подумати, покинув свій будинок, стрибнув у кеб, пообіцяв візнику сто фунтів і, переїхавши двох собак і перевернувши п'ять екіпажів, дістався Реформ-клубу.

The clock indicated a quarter before nine when he appeared in the great saloon.

Phileas Fogg had accomplished the journey round the world in eighty days!

Phileas Fogg had won his wager of twenty thousand pounds!

How was it that a man so exact and fastidious could have made this error of a day? |||||||||привередливый|||||||| |||||||||pingelig|||||||| |||||||||meticulous particular|||||||| |||||||||meticuloso|||||||| |||||||||прискіпливий|||||||| Bu kadar titiz ve titiz bir adam nasıl oldu da bir günde böyle bir hata yapabildi?

How came he to think that he had arrived in London on Saturday, the twenty-first day of December, when it was really Friday, the twentieth, the seventy-ninth day only from his departure? The cause of the error is very simple. 错误原因很简单。

Phileas Fogg had, without suspecting it, gained one day on his journey, and this merely because he had travelled constantly  eastward; he would, on the contrary, have lost a day had he gone in the opposite direction, that is, westward. Филеас Фогг, сам того не подозревая, выиграл один день в своем путешествии, и то только потому, что он постоянно путешествовал на восток; он, напротив, потерял бы день, если бы пошел в противоположном направлении, т. е. на запад. Phileas Fogg 毫无疑问地在他的旅程中多了一天,而这仅仅是因为他一直在向东旅行;相反,如果他朝相反的方向,即向西走,他会浪费一天的时间。

In journeying eastward he had gone towards the sun, and the days therefore diminished for him as many times four minutes as he crossed degrees in this direction. |||ele|||||||||||||||||||||||| Путешествуя на восток, он направлялся к солнцу, и поэтому дни сокращались для него во столько же раз по четыре минуты, сколько он проходил градусов в этом направлении. Doğuya doğru yolculuk ederken güneşe doğru gitmişti ve bu nedenle günler onun için bu yönde dereceleri geçtikçe dört dakika kadar azaldı.

There are three hundred and sixty degrees on the circumference of the earth; and these three hundred and sixty degrees, multiplied by four minutes, gives precisely twenty-four hours--that is, the day unconsciously gained. ||||||||||||||||||||умноженные|||||||||||||| |||||sessenta||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| На окружности земли триста шестьдесят градусов; и эти триста шестьдесят градусов, умноженные на четыре минуты, дают ровно двадцать четыре часа, т. е. бессознательно выигранные сутки. In other words, while Phileas Fogg, going eastward, saw the sun pass the meridian  eighty times, his friends in London only saw it pass the meridian  seventy-nine times. This is why they awaited him at the Reform Club on Saturday, and not Sunday, as Mr. Fogg thought. And Passepartout’s famous family watch, which had always kept London time, would have betrayed this fact, if it had marked the days as well as the hours and the minutes! Ve Passepartout'nun her zaman Londra saatini tutmuş olan ünlü aile saati, saat ve dakikaların yanı sıra günleri de gösterseydi bu gerçeği ele verirdi! І знаменитий сімейний годинник Паспарту, який завжди показував лондонський час, видав би цей факт, якби він відзначав дні, а також години та хвилини!

Phileas Fogg, then, had won the twenty thousand pounds; but, as he had spent nearly nineteen thousand on the way, the pecuniary gain was small. |||||||||||||||||||||денежный||| |||||||||||||||||||||finanzieller||| ||||||||||||||almost|||||||financial||| |||||||||||||||||||||pecuniário||| |||||||||||||||||||||грошовий||| Итак, Филеас Фогг выиграл двадцать тысяч фунтов; но так как он истратил в пути почти девятнадцать тысяч, денежная выгода была невелика. O halde Phileas Fogg yirmi bin poundu kazanmıştı; ama yolda yaklaşık on dokuz bin pound harcadığı için maddi kazancı azdı. Отже, Філеас Фоґґ виграв двадцять тисяч фунтів; але оскільки він витратив на дорогу майже дев'ятнадцять тисяч, грошова вигода була невеликою.

His object was, however, to be victorious, and not to win money. He divided the one thousand pounds that remained between Passepartout and the unfortunate Fix, against whom he cherished no grudge. |||||||||||||||||лелеял||злобу |||||||||||||||||hegte||Groll |||||||||||||||||||resentment |||||||||Passepartout||||||||||ressentimento Оставшуюся тысячу фунтов он поделил между Паспарту и несчастным Фиксом, на которого не держал зла. Geriye kalan bin poundu Passepartout ile kin beslemediği talihsiz Fix arasında paylaştırdı. Тисячу фунтів, що залишилася, він розділив між Паспарту та нещасним Фіксом, на якого не плекав зла. 他把剩下的一千英镑分给了路路通和不幸的菲克斯,他对他并不怀恨在心。 He deducted, however, from Passepartout’s share the cost of the gas which had burned in his room for nineteen hundred and twenty hours, for the sake of regularity. |вычел|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Однако он вычел из доли Паспарту стоимость газа, который горел в его комнате в течение тысяча девятьсот двадцать часов, ради упорядоченности. Bununla birlikte, Passepartout'un payından, düzenlilik adına, odasında bin dokuz yüz yirmi saat boyunca yanan gazın maliyetini düşmüştür. Проте він відняв із частки Паспарту вартість газу, який горів у його кімнаті тисячу дев'ятсот двадцять годин, заради регулярності. 然而,為了規律起見,他從路路通的分擔中扣除了在他房間裡燃燒了一千九百二十小時的煤氣費。 That evening, Mr. Fogg, as tranquil and phlegmatic as ever, said to Aouda: "Is our marriage still agreeable to you? |||||спокойный|||||||||||||| |||||||flegmático||||||||||agradável|| O akşam Bay Fogg her zamanki gibi sakin ve soğukkanlı bir tavırla Aouda'ya şöyle dedi "Evliliğimiz hâlâ senin için uygun mu?

"Mr. Fogg," replied she, "it is for me to ask that question. -- Мистер Фогг, -- ответила она, -- этот вопрос должна задать я.

You were ruined, but now you are rich again. "Pardon me, madam; my fortune belongs to you. «Простите меня, мадам, мое состояние принадлежит вам.

If you had not suggested our marriage, my servant would not have gone to the Reverend Samuel Wilson’s, I should not have been apprised of my error, and--" |||||||||||||||||||||||informed|||| |||||||||||teriam|||||||||||||||| Si vous n'aviez pas suggéré notre mariage, mon serviteur ne serait pas allé chez le révérend Samuel Wilson, je n'aurais pas dû être informé de mon erreur, et ... " Если бы вы не предложили нам пожениться, моя служанка не пошла бы к преподобному Сэмюэлю Уилсону, мне не сообщили бы о моей ошибке и... Eğer evlenmemizi önermemiş olsaydınız, uşağım Peder Samuel Wilson'a gitmeyecekti, hatamdan haberdar edilmeyecektim ve--" "Dear Mr.

Fogg!" said the young woman. "Dear Aouda!

replied Phileas Fogg. It need not be said that the marriage took place forty-eight hours after, and that Passepartout, glowing and dazzling, gave the bride away. |||||||||||||||||сияющий||ослепительный|||| |||||||||||||||||radiant and proud|||||| |||||||||||||||||radiante|||deu||| Нечего и говорить, что бракосочетание состоялось через сорок восемь часов и что Паспарту, сияя и ослепляя, выдал невесту. Evliliğin kırk sekiz saat sonra gerçekleştiğini ve Passepartout'un gözleri ışıl ışıl parlayarak gelini teslim ettiğini söylemeye gerek yok. Не варто говорити, що вінчання відбулося через сорок вісім годин і що Паспарту, сяючи й сліпуче, віддав наречену. 不用說,婚禮是在四十八小時後舉行的,路路通閃閃發光,把新娘送走了。

Had he not saved her, and was he not entitled to this honour? |||||||||merecido||| Onu kurtarmamış mıydı ve bu onuru hak etmiyor muydu? 难道他没有救过她,就没有这个荣幸吗? 難道他沒有救過她,就沒有這個榮幸嗎? The next day, as soon as it was light, Passepartout rapped vigorously at his master’s door. ||||||||||klopfte||||| ||||||||||knocked loudly||||| ||||||||||постукав||||| На следующий день, как только рассвело, Паспарту энергично постучал в дверь своего хозяина. Ertesi gün hava aydınlanır aydınlanmaz Passepartout efendisinin kapısını şiddetle çaldı.

Mr. Fogg opened it, and asked, "What’s the matter, Passepartout? |||||perguntou|||| Мистер Фогг открыл ее и спросил: «В чем дело, Паспарту? "What is it, sir?

Why, I’ve just this instant found out--" |acabei de||||| Ведь я только что узнал... Neden, şu anda öğrendim--" 怎么,我这会儿才发现——” "What?

"That we might have made the tour of the world in only seventy-eight days. «Щоб ми здійснили навколосвітню подорож лише за сімдесят вісім днів. “我们可能只用七十八天就环游世界。

"No doubt," returned Mr. Fogg, "by not crossing India. |||||por||| -- Без сомнения, -- ответил мистер Фогг, -- тем, что не пересекал Индию. “毫无疑问,”福格先生回答说,“因为没有穿越印度。

But if I had not crossed India, I should not have saved Aouda; she would not have been my wife, and--" Mr.

Fogg quietly shut the door. Phileas Fogg had won his wager, and had made his journey around the world in eighty days.

To do this he had employed every means of conveyance--steamers, railways, carriages, yachts, trading-vessels, sledges, elephants. |||||||||||||||торговые суда|| |||||||||Transportmittel|||||||| |||||||||transportation methods|||||||| ||||||||||||||||trenós| Для этого он использовал все средства передвижения: пароходы, железные дороги, кареты, яхты, торговые суда, сани, слонов. The eccentric gentleman had throughout displayed all his marvellous qualities of coolness and exactitude. Эксцентричный джентльмен во всем проявил все свои замечательные качества хладнокровия и аккуратности. Eksantrik beyefendi baştan sona tüm olağanüstü soğukkanlılık ve titizlik özelliklerini sergilemişti. 這位古怪的紳士自始至終都展示了他冷靜和嚴謹的所有非凡品質。 But what then? What had he really gained by all this trouble? ||||ganho|||| What had he brought back from this long and weary journey? Что он привез из этого долгого и утомительного путешествия? Nothing, say you?

Perhaps so; nothing but a charming woman, who, strange as it may appear, made him the happiest of men! Quizás; nada más que una mujer encantadora que, por extraño que parezca, ¡lo convirtió en el más feliz de los hombres! Можливо, так; не що інше, як чарівна жінка, яка, як це не дивно, зробила його найщасливішим із чоловіків! Truly, would you not for less than that make the tour around the world? verdadeiramente||||||do que||||||| De verdad, ¿no harías por menos de eso la gira alrededor del mundo? Правда, разве за меньшую сумму вы бы не совершили кругосветное турне?

THE END. 结束。