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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, Chapter 33.

Chapter 33.

An hour after, the Henrietta passed the lighthouse which marks the entrance of the Hudson, turned the point of Sandy Hook, and put to sea. During the day she skirted Long Island, passed Fire Island, and directed her course rapidly eastward. At noon the next day, a man mounted the bridge to ascertain the vessel's position.

It might be thought that this was Captain Speedy. Not the least in the world. It was Phileas Fogg, Esquire. As for Captain Speedy, he was shut up in his cabin under lock and key, and was uttering loud cries, which signified an anger at once pardonable and excessive. What had happened was very simple.

Phileas Fogg wished to go to Liverpool, but the captain would not carry him there. Then Phileas Fogg had taken passage for Bordeaux, and, during the thirty hours he had been on board, had so shrewdly managed with his bank-notes that the sailors and stokers, who were only an occasional crew, and were not on the best terms with the captain, went over to him in a body. This was why Phileas Fogg was in command instead of Captain Speedy; why the captain was a prisoner in his cabin; and why, in short, the Henrietta was directing her course towards Liverpool. It was very clear, to see Mr. Fogg manage the craft, that he had been a sailor. How the adventure ended will be seen anon.

Aouda was anxious, though she said nothing. As for Passepartout, he thought Mr. Fogg's manœuvre simply glorious. The captain had said "between eleven and twelve knots," and the Henrietta confirmed his prediction. If, then--for there were "ifs" still--the sea did not become too boisterous, if the wind did not veer round to the east, if no accident happened to the boat or its machinery, the Henrietta might cross the three thousand miles from New York to Liverpool in the nine days, between the 12th and the 21st of December. It is true that, once arrived, the affair on board the Henrietta , added to that of the Bank of England, might create more difficulties for Mr. Fogg than he imagined or could desire. During the first days, they went along smoothly enough.

The sea was not very unpropitious, the wind seemed stationary in the north-east, the sails were hoisted, and the Henrietta ploughed across the waves like a real transatlantic steamer. Passepartout was delighted.

His master's last exploit, the consequences of which he ignored, enchanted him. Never had the crew seen so jolly and dexterous a fellow. He formed warm friendships with the sailors, and amazed them with his acrobatic feats. He thought they managed the vessel like gentlemen, and that the stokers fired up like heroes. His loquacious good-humour infected everyone. He had forgotten the past, its vexations and delays. He only thought of the end, so nearly accomplished; and sometimes he boiled over with impatience, as if heated by the furnaces of the Henrietta . Often, also, the worthy fellow revolved around Fix, looking at him with a keen, distrustful eye; but he did not speak to him, for their old intimacy no longer existed. Fix, it must be confessed, understood nothing of what was going on.

The conquest of the Henrietta , the bribery of the crew, Fogg managing the boat like a skilled seaman, amazed and confused him. He did not know what to think. For, after all, a man who began by stealing fifty-five thousand pounds might end by stealing a vessel; and Fix was not unnaturally inclined to conclude that the Henrietta under Fogg's command, was not going to Liverpool at all, but to some part of the world where the robber, turned into a pirate, would quietly put himself in safety. The conjecture was at least a plausible one, and the detective began to seriously regret that he had embarked on the affair. As for Captain Speedy, he continued to howl and growl in his cabin; and Passepartout, whose duty it was to carry him his meals, courageous as he was, took the greatest precautions.

Mr. Fogg did not seem even to know that there was a captain on board. On the 13th they passed the edge of the Banks of Newfoundland, a dangerous locality; during the winter, especially, there are frequent fogs and heavy gales of wind.

Ever since the evening before the barometer, suddenly falling, had indicated an approaching change in the atmosphere; and during the night the temperature varied, the cold became sharper, and the wind veered to the south-east. This was a misfortune.

Mr. Fogg, in order not to deviate from his course, furled his sails and increased the force of the steam; but the vessel's speed slackened, owing to the state of the sea, the long waves of which broke against the stern. She pitched violently, and this retarded her progress. The breeze little by little swelled into a tempest, and it was to be feared that the Henrietta might not be able to maintain herself upright on the waves. Passepartout's visage darkened with the skies, and for two days the poor fellow experienced constant fright.

But Phileas Fogg was a bold mariner, and knew how to maintain headway against the sea; and he kept on his course, without even decreasing his steam. The Henrietta , when she could not rise upon the waves, crossed them, swamping her deck, but passing safely. Sometimes the screw rose out of the water, beating its protruding end, when a mountain of water raised the stern above the waves; but the craft always kept straight ahead. The wind, however, did not grow as boisterous as might have been feared; it was not one of those tempests which burst, and rush on with a speed of ninety miles an hour.

It continued fresh, but, unhappily, it remained obstinately in the south-east, rendering the sails useless. The 16th of December was the seventy-fifth day since Phileas Fogg's departure from London, and the Henrietta had not yet been seriously delayed. Half of the voyage was almost accomplished, and the worst localities had been passed. In summer, success would have been well-nigh certain. In winter, they were at the mercy of the bad season. Passepartout said nothing; but he cherished hope in secret, and comforted himself with the reflection that, if the wind failed them, they might still count on the steam. On this day the engineer came on deck, went up to Mr. Fogg, and began to speak earnestly with him.

Without knowing why--it was a presentiment, perhaps--Passepartout became vaguely uneasy. He would have given one of his ears to hear with the other what the engineer was saying. He finally managed to catch a few words, and was sure he heard his master say, "You are certain of what you tell me? "Certain, sir," replied the engineer.

"You must remember that, since we started, we have kept up hot fires in all our furnaces, and, though we had coal enough to go on short steam from New York to Bordeaux, we haven't enough to go with all steam from New York to Liverpool. "I will consider," replied Mr. Fogg.

Passepartout understood it all; he was seized with mortal anxiety.

The coal was giving out! "Ah, if my master can get over that," muttered he, "he'll be a famous man!" He could not help imparting to Fix what he had overheard. "Then you believe that we really are going to Liverpool?

"Of course.


replied the detective, shrugging his shoulders and turning on his heel. Passepartout was on the point of vigorously resenting the epithet, the reason of which he could not for the life of him comprehend; but he reflected that the unfortunate Fix was probably very much disappointed and humiliated in his self-esteem, after having so awkwardly followed a false scent around the world, and refrained.

And now what course would Phileas Fogg adopt?

It was difficult to imagine. Nevertheless he seemed to have decided upon one, for that evening he sent for the engineer, and said to him, "Feed all the fires until the coal is exhausted. A few moments after, the funnel of the Henrietta vomited forth torrents of smoke. The vessel continued to proceed with all steam on; but on the 18th, the engineer, as he had predicted, announced that the coal would give out in the course of the day. "Do not let the fires go down," replied Mr. Fogg.

"Keep them up to the last. Let the valves be filled. Towards noon Phileas Fogg, having ascertained their position, called Passepartout, and ordered him to go for Captain Speedy.

It was as if the honest fellow had been commanded to unchain a tiger. He went to the poop, saying to himself, "He will be like a madman! In a few moments, with cries and oaths, a bomb appeared on the poop-deck.

The bomb was Captain Speedy. It was clear that he was on the point of bursting. "Where are we?" were the first words his anger permitted him to utter. Had the poor man be an apoplectic, he could never have recovered from his paroxysm of wrath. "Where are we?

he repeated, with purple face. "Seven hundred and seven miles from Liverpool," replied Mr. Fogg, with imperturbable calmness.


cried Captain Speedy. "I have sent for you, sir--"


"--sir," continued Mr. Fogg, "to ask you to sell me your vessel.


By all the devils, no! "But I shall be obliged to burn her.

"Burn the Henrietta!

"Yes; at least the upper part of her.

The coal has given out. "Burn my vessel!

cried Captain Speedy, who could scarcely pronounce the words. "A vessel worth fifty thousand dollars! "Here are sixty thousand," replied Phileas Fogg, handing the captain a roll of bank-bills.

This had a prodigious effect on Andrew Speedy. An American can scarcely remain unmoved at the sight of sixty thousand dollars. The captain forgot in an instant his anger, his imprisonment, and all his grudges against his passenger. The Henrietta was twenty years old; it was a great bargain. The bomb would not go off after all. Mr. Fogg had taken away the match. "And I shall still have the iron hull," said the captain in a softer tone.

"The iron hull and the engine.

Is it agreed? "Agreed.

And Andrew Speedy, seizing the bank-notes, counted them and consigned them to his pocket.

During this colloquy, Passepartout was as white as a sheet, and Fix seemed on the point of having an apoplectic fit.

Nearly twenty thousand pounds had been expended, and Fogg left the hull and engine to the captain, that is, near the whole value of the craft! It was true, however, that fifty-five thousand pounds had been stolen from the Bank. When Andrew Speedy had pocketed the money, Mr. Fogg said to him, "Don't let this astonish you, sir.

You must know that I shall lose twenty thousand pounds, unless I arrive in London by a quarter before nine on the evening of the 21st of December. I missed the steamer at New York, and as you refused to take me to Liverpool--" "And I did well!

cried Andrew Speedy; "for I have gained at least forty thousand dollars by it!" He added, more sedately, "Do you know one thing, Captain--" "Fogg.

"Captain Fogg, you've got something of the Yankee about you.

And, having paid his passenger what he considered a high compliment, he was going away, when Mr. Fogg said, "The vessel now belongs to me?

"Certainly, from the keel to the truck of the masts--all the wood, that is.

"Very well.

Have the interior seats, bunks, and frames pulled down, and burn them. It was necessary to have dry wood to keep the steam up to the adequate pressure, and on that day the poop, cabins, bunks, and the spare deck were sacrificed.

On the next day, the 19th of December, the masts, rafts, and spars were burned; the crew worked lustily, keeping up the fires. Passepartout hewed, cut, and sawed away with all his might. There was a perfect rage for demolition. The railings, fittings, the greater part of the deck, and top sides disappeared on the 20th, and the Henrietta was now only a flat hulk. But on this day they sighted the Irish coast and Fastnet Light. By ten in the evening they were passing Queenstown. Phileas Fogg had only twenty-four hours more in which to get to London; that length of time was necessary to reach Liverpool, with all steam on. And the steam was about to give out altogether! "Sir," said Captain Speedy, who was now deeply interested in Mr. Fogg's project, "I really commiserate you.

Everything is against you. We are only opposite Queenstown. "Ah," said Mr. Fogg, "is that place where we see the lights Queenstown?


"Can we enter the harbour?

"Not under three hours.

Only at high tide. "Stay," replied Mr. Fogg calmly, without betraying in his features that by a supreme inspiration he was about to attempt once more to conquer ill-fortune.

Queenstown is the Irish port at which the transatlantic steamers stop to put off the mails.

These mails are carried to Dublin by express trains always held in readiness to start; from Dublin they are sent on to Liverpool by the most rapid boats, and thus gain twelve hours on the Atlantic steamers. Phileas Fogg counted on gaining twelve hours in the same way.

Instead of arriving at Liverpool the next evening by the Henrietta , he would be there by noon, and would therefore have time to reach London before a quarter before nine in the evening. The Henrietta entered Queenstown Harbour at one o'clock in the morning, it then being high tide; and Phileas Fogg, after being grasped heartily by the hand by Captain Speedy, left that gentleman on the levelled hulk of his craft, which was still worth half what he had sold it for. The party went on shore at once.

Fix was greatly tempted to arrest Mr. Fogg on the spot; but he did not. Why? What struggle was going on within him? Had he changed his mind about "his man"? Did he understand that he had made a grave mistake? He did not, however, abandon Mr. Fogg. They all got upon the train, which was just ready to start, at half-past one; at dawn of day they were in Dublin; and they lost no time in embarking on a steamer which, disdaining to rise upon the waves, invariably cut through them. Phileas Fogg at last disembarked on the Liverpool quay, at twenty minutes before twelve, 21st December.

He was only six hours distant from London. But at this moment Fix came up, put his hand upon Mr. Fogg's shoulder, and, showing his warrant, said, "You are really Phileas Fogg?

"I am.

"I arrest you in the Queen's name!

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Chapter 33. Kapitel 33. Capítulo 33. Capitolo 33. 第33章 Hoofdstuk 33. Capítulo 33. Глава 33. 33. Bölüm. Розділ 33. 第33章。 第33章。

An hour after, the  Henrietta passed the lighthouse which marks the entrance of the Hudson, turned the point of Sandy Hook, and put to sea. |||||||beacon of navigation||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||Sandy|gancho|||| An hour after, the Henrietta passed the lighthouse which marks the entrance of the Hudson, turned the point of Sandy Hook, and put to sea. Через час «Генриетта» миновала маяк, обозначающий вход в Гудзон, повернула к мысу Сэнди-Хук и вышла в море. 一小时后,亨丽埃塔号驶过标志着哈德逊河入口的灯塔,转向桑迪胡克角,驶入大海。 During the day she skirted Long Island, passed Fire Island, and directed her course rapidly eastward. ||||navigated around||||||||||| ||||contornou||||||||||| Днем она обогнула Лонг-Айленд, миновала Файер-Айленд и быстро взяла курс на восток. At noon the next day, a man mounted the bridge to ascertain the vessel’s position. |||||||||||feststellen||| |||||||||||||do navio| В полдень следующего дня человек поднялся на мостик, чтобы определить местонахождение судна.

It might be thought that this was Captain Speedy. Not the least in the world. Dünyadaki en az şey değil. It was Phileas Fogg, Esquire. ||||Herr ||||gentleman ||||Senhor C'était Phileas Fogg, écuyer. Это был Филеас Фогг, эсквайр. Phileas Fogg'du, Esquire. As for Captain Speedy, he was shut up in his cabin under lock and key, and was uttering loud cries, which signified an anger at once pardonable and excessive. |||||||||||||||||||||означали|||||прощаемый|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||forgivable|| |||||||||||||||||||||означали|||||вибачливий|| |||||||trancado||||||||||||||indicavam|||||perdoável|| Quant au capitaine Speedy, il était enfermé dans sa cabine sous clé, et poussait de grands cris, ce qui signifiait une colère à la fois pardonnable et excessive. Что касается капитана Спиди, то он был заперт в своей каюте под замком и издавал громкие крики, что означало гнев одновременно простительный и чрезмерный. Kaptan Speedy'ye gelince, kamarasına kilitlenmişti ve hem affedilebilir hem de aşırı bir öfkeye işaret eden yüksek sesli çığlıklar atıyordu. 至於 Speedy 船長,他被鎖在他的艙室裡,大聲哭泣,這表明他的憤怒既可以原諒又過度。 What had happened was very simple.

Phileas Fogg wished to go to Liverpool, but the captain would not carry him there. Then Phileas Fogg had taken passage for Bordeaux, and, during the thirty hours he had been on board, had so shrewdly managed with his bank-notes that the sailors and stokers, who were only an occasional crew, and were not on the best terms with the captain, went over to him in a body. ||||||||||||||||||||умело||||||||||кочегары||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||hatte||schlau||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||cleverly||||||||||engine room workers||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||astutamente||||||que||||maquinistas|||||||||||||||||foram|||||| Затем Филеас Фогг отправился в Бордо и за те тридцать часов, что он провел на борту, так ловко распоряжался своими банкнотами, что матросы и кочегары, составлявшие лишь редкую команду и находившиеся не в лучших отношениях с капитаном, перешли к нему в теле. Sonra Phileas Fogg Bordeaux'ya gitmek üzere yola çıktı ve gemide kaldığı otuz saat boyunca elindeki banknotlarla öyle kurnazca hareket etti ki, sadece ara sıra tayfa olan ve kaptanla araları pek iyi olmayan gemiciler ve ateşçiler topluca onun yanına gittiler. 然后菲利亚斯·福格乘船前往波尔多,在他在船上的三十个小时里,他非常精明地处理他的钞票,以至于水手和司炉工,他们只是偶尔的船员,并没有最好的条件带着队长,一起向他走了过去。 然後菲利亞斯·福格乘船前往波爾多,在他在船上的三十個小時裡,他非常精明地處理他的鈔票,以至於水手和司爐工,他們只是偶爾的船員,並沒有最好的條件帶著隊長,一起向他走了過去。 This was why Phileas Fogg was in command instead of Captain Speedy; why the captain was a prisoner in his cabin; and why, in short, the Henrietta was directing her course towards Liverpool. Kaptan Speedy yerine Phileas Fogg'un komuta etmesinin, kaptanın kamarasında tutsak olmasının, kısacası Henrietta'nın rotasını Liverpool'a doğru çevirmesinin nedeni buydu. It was very clear, to see Mr. Fogg manage the craft, that he had been a sailor. |||||||Fogg||||||||| Когда мистер Фогг управлял кораблем, было совершенно ясно, что он когда-то был моряком. How the adventure ended will be seen anon. |||||||bald |||||||soon after como|||terminou|||| On verra bientôt comment l'aventure s'est terminée. Чем закончилось приключение, увидим позже. Maceranın nasıl sona erdiğini birazdan göreceğiz. 冒险如何结束将很快被看到。

Aouda was anxious, though she said nothing. As for Passepartout, he thought Mr. Fogg’s manœuvre simply glorious. |||ele||||manobra|| Passepartout'ya gelince, Bay Fogg'un manevrasının tek kelimeyle muhteşem olduğunu düşünüyordu. The captain had said "between eleven and twelve knots," and the  Henrietta confirmed his prediction. ||||||und||||||||Vorhersage If, then--for there were "ifs" still--the sea did not become too boisterous, if the wind did not veer round to the east, if no accident happened to the boat or its machinery, the  Henrietta might cross the three thousand miles from New York to Liverpool in the nine days, between the 12th and the 21st of December. |||||||||||||||||||ablenken||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||rough and turbulent||||||turn||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||змінити напрямок||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||mudar de direção||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Если бы — а ведь еще существовали «если» — море не стало бы слишком бурным, если бы ветер не изменился на восток, если бы не случилось несчастного случая с лодкой или ее механизмами, «Генриетта» могла бы пересечь три реки. тысяч миль от Нью-Йорка до Ливерпуля за девять дней, между 12 и 21 декабря. O halde -çünkü hâlâ "eğer "ler vardı- deniz çok kabarmazsa, rüzgâr doğuya doğru dönmezse, tekneye ya da makinelerine bir kaza gelmezse, Henrietta New York'tan Liverpool'a kadar olan üç bin mili 12-21 Aralık arasındaki dokuz günde geçebilirdi. It is true that, once arrived, the affair on board the  Henrietta , added to that of the Bank of England, might create more difficulties for Mr. Fogg than he imagined or could desire. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||or could want|| ||||||a (a bordo do Henrietta)|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Верно, что, как только он прибудет, дело на борту «Генриетты» вдобавок к делу с Банком Англии может создать для мистера Фогга больше трудностей, чем он мог себе представить или желать. Henrietta'daki olay, İngiltere Bankası'nınkine eklendiğinde, Bay Fogg için hayal ettiğinden ya da arzuladığından daha fazla zorluk yaratabileceği doğruydu. During the first days, they went along smoothly enough. İlk günler yeterince sorunsuz geçti.

The sea was not very unpropitious, the wind seemed stationary in the north-east, the sails were hoisted, and the  Henrietta ploughed across the waves like a real transatlantic steamer. Это||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||cut through|||||||| |||||好ましくない|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||desfavorável|||||||||||||||||||||||| Море было не очень благоприятным, северо-восточный ветер казался неподвижным, паруса были подняты, и «Генриетта» бороздила волны, как настоящий трансатлантический пароход. Deniz çok elverişsiz değildi, rüzgâr kuzeydoğuda sabit görünüyordu, yelkenler açıldı ve Henrietta gerçek bir transatlantik vapuru gibi dalgaları aştı. Passepartout was delighted.

His master’s last exploit, the consequences of which he ignored, enchanted him. seu||||||||||encantado| Последний подвиг своего хозяина, последствия которого он игнорировал, очаровал его. Efendisinin, sonuçlarını görmezden geldiği son istismarı onu büyüledi. Never had the crew seen so jolly and dexterous a fellow. ||||||||ловкий|| ||||||||geschickt|| ||||||||skillful|| ||||||alegre||habilidoso|| Никогда экипаж не видел такого веселого и ловкого парня. He formed warm friendships with the sailors, and amazed them with his acrobatic feats. |||||||||||||stunts |||||||||||||feitos Он подружился с моряками и поразил их своими акробатическими трюками. He thought they managed the vessel like gentlemen, and that the stokers fired up like heroes. His loquacious good-humour infected everyone. |болтливый добродушие|||| |gesprächig|||| |talkative cheerful nature|||| |Його балакучий добрий настрій заразив усіх.|||| |loquaz|||| Его болтливое добродушие заражало всех. Konuşkan güler yüzü herkesi etkiledi. He had forgotten the past, its vexations and delays. ||||||досады|| ||||||Ärgernisse|| ||||||annoyances|| ||||||докучання та затримки|| ||||||aborrecimentos|| Geçmişi, onun sıkıntılarını ve gecikmelerini unutmuştu. He only thought of the end, so nearly accomplished; and sometimes he boiled over with impatience, as if heated by the furnaces of the  Henrietta . |||||||||||||||||||||печи||| ||||||||||||ferver|||||||||fornos||| Он думал только о конце, столь близком к свершившемуся; а иногда он закипал от нетерпения, словно раскаленный печами Генриетты. 他只想到結局,如此接近完成;有時他不耐煩地沸騰起來,好像被亨麗埃塔的熔爐加熱了一樣。 Often, also, the worthy fellow revolved around Fix, looking at him with a keen, distrustful eye; but he did not speak to him, for their old intimacy no longer existed. |||||вращался|||||||||недоверчивый||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||недовірливий||||||||||||||| frequentemente||||||||||||||desconfiado||||||||||||||| Нередко и порядочный малый вертелся вокруг Фикса, глядя на него зорким, недоверчивым взглядом; но он не говорил с ним, потому что их прежней близости больше не существовало. Bu değerli adam da sık sık Fix'in etrafında dönüyor, ona keskin ve kuşkulu gözlerle bakıyordu; ama onunla konuşmuyordu, çünkü aralarındaki eski yakınlık artık yoktu. 這位可敬的人也經常圍著菲克斯轉,用敏銳、懷疑的眼光看著他。但他沒有和他說話,因為他們過去的親密關係已不復存在。 Fix, it must be confessed, understood nothing of what was going on. Fix||||||||||| Фикс, надо признаться, ничего не понимал в том, что происходит.

The conquest of the  Henrietta , the bribery of the crew, Fogg managing the boat like a skilled seaman, amazed and confused him. ||||||взятка||||||||||||||| ||||||Bestechung||||||||||||||| ||||||підкуп команди||||||||||||||| |a conquista||a (conquista da Henrietta, o suborno da tripulação, Fogg manejando o barco como um marinheiro habilidoso, o deixou surpreso e confuso.)|||suborno|||||||||||marinheiro|||| Henrietta'nın fethi, mürettebatın rüşvet alması, Fogg'un gemiyi usta bir denizci gibi yönetmesi onu şaşırtmış ve kafasını karıştırmıştı. He did not know what to think. For, after all, a man who began by stealing fifty-five thousand pounds might end by stealing a vessel; and Fix was not unnaturally inclined to conclude that the  Henrietta under Fogg’s command, was not going to Liverpool at all, but to some part of the world where the robber, turned into a pirate, would quietly put himself in safety. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||делать вывод||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The conjecture was at least a plausible one, and the detective began to seriously regret that he had embarked on the affair. ||||||правдоподобный||||||||||||||| |Vermutung|||||||||||||||||||| Догадка была, по крайней мере, правдоподобной, и сыщик начал всерьез сожалеть, что взялся за это дело. Bu varsayım en azından akla yatkındı ve dedektif bu işe kalkıştığı için ciddi ciddi pişmanlık duymaya başladı. As for Captain Speedy, he continued to howl and growl in his cabin; and Passepartout, whose duty it was to carry him his meals, courageous as he was, took the greatest precautions. |||||||||рычать|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||knurren|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||bring food||||||||||| |||||||uivar||rosnar|||||||||||||||||||||| Что касается капитана Спиди, то он продолжал выть и рычать в своей каюте; и Паспарту, обязанностью которого было приносить ему еду, при всей храбрости принимал величайшие меры предосторожности. Kaptan Speedy'ye gelince, kamarasında ulumaya ve hırlamaya devam ediyordu; görevi ona yemek götürmek olan Passepartout ise, ne kadar cesur olsa da, en büyük önlemleri alıyordu.

Mr. Fogg did not seem even to know that there was a captain on board. Sr.|||||||saber||||||| Мистер Фогг, похоже, даже не знал, что на борту есть капитан. On the 13th they passed the edge of the Banks of Newfoundland, a dangerous locality; during the winter, especially, there are frequent fogs and heavy gales of wind. |||||||||||Banks of Newfoundland||||||||||||||strong winds|| |||||||||||Terra Nova||||||||||frequentes|||||| Ayın 13'ünde tehlikeli bir bölge olan Newfoundland Kıyıları'nın kenarından geçtiler; özellikle kış aylarında sık sık sis ve şiddetli rüzgâr olur.

Ever since the evening before the barometer, suddenly falling, had indicated an approaching change in the atmosphere; and during the night the temperature varied, the cold became sharper, and the wind veered to the south-east. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||mais frio|||||||| Еще накануне вечером барометр, внезапно упав, указывал на приближающееся изменение атмосферы; а ночью температура менялась, холод становился резче, а ветер поворачивал на юго-восток. Bir önceki akşamdan beri aniden düşen barometre, atmosferde yaklaşan bir değişikliğe işaret ediyordu; gece boyunca sıcaklık değişti, soğuk keskinleşti ve rüzgâr güneydoğuya yöneldi. 自從前一天晚上,晴雨表突然下降,就表明大氣層即將發生變化。夜裡氣溫變化很大,天氣更冷,風也轉向東南。 This was a misfortune.

Mr. Fogg, in order not to deviate from his course, furled his sails and increased the force of the steam; but the vessel’s speed slackened, owing to the state of the sea, the long waves of which broke against the stern. ||||||отклоняться|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Heck ||||||||||||||||||||||||decreased||||||||||||||||rear of the ship ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||の|||| ||||||desviar||||||||||||||||||||||||||do||||||||popa Мистер Фогг, чтобы не отклоняться от курса, свернул паруса и увеличил силу пара; но скорость корабля уменьшилась из-за состояния моря, длинные волны которого разбивались о корму. Bay Fogg rotasından sapmamak için yelkenlerini açtı ve buharın gücünü artırdı; ancak uzun dalgaları kıç tarafına çarpan denizin durumu nedeniyle geminin hızı azaldı. She pitched violently, and this retarded her progress. |swung violently|||||| Ela|lançou|||||| Она сильно качалась, и это замедляло ее продвижение. Şiddetli bir şekilde tökezledi ve bu da ilerlemesini geciktirdi. The breeze little by little swelled into a tempest, and it was to be feared that the  Henrietta might not be able to maintain herself upright on the waves. ||||||||Sturm|||||||||||||||||||| |||||grew stronger||||||||||||||||||||||| Ветер мало-помалу превратился в бурю, и надо было опасаться, что «Генриетта» не сможет удержаться на волнах прямо. Esinti yavaş yavaş fırtınaya dönüştü ve Henrietta'nın dalgaların üzerinde dik duramayacağından korkuluyordu. Passepartout’s visage darkened with the skies, and for two days the poor fellow experienced constant fright. |||||||||||||||Angst ||escureceu|||céus|||||||||| Лицо Паспарту потемнело вместе с небом, и два дня бедняга испытывал постоянный страх. Passepartout'un yüzü gökyüzüyle birlikte karardı ve zavallı adam iki gün boyunca sürekli korku yaşadı.

But Phileas Fogg was a bold mariner, and knew how to maintain headway against the sea; and he kept on his course, without even decreasing his steam. ||||||||||||||||||||||||уменьшающийся|| |||||kühn|||||||Fortschritt|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||forward motion|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||diminuindo|| ||||||мореплавець||||||просування вперед|||||||||||||| Но Филеас Фогг был смелым мореплавателем и умел держать курс против моря; и он продолжал свой курс, даже не уменьшая своего пара. Ama Phileas Fogg cesur bir denizciydi ve denize karşı nasıl ilerleyeceğini biliyordu; buharını bile azaltmadan rotasında ilerlemeye devam etti. The Henrietta , when she could not rise upon the waves, crossed them, swamping her deck, but passing safely. ||||||||||||flooding||||| ||||||||||||затоплюючи||||| ||||||||||||inundando|||mas|passagem| L'Henrietta, alors qu'elle ne pouvait pas monter sur les flots, les traversa, submergeant son pont, mais passant sans encombre. «Генриетта», когда она не могла подняться на волны, пересекла их, затопив палубу, но пройдя благополучно. Henrietta, dalgaların üzerine çıkamayınca onları aştı, güvertesini batırdı ama güvenli bir şekilde geçti. Sometimes the screw rose out of the water, beating its protruding end, when a mountain of water raised the stern above the waves; but the craft always kept straight ahead. Sometimes the screw rose out of the water, beating its protruding end, when a mountain of water raised the stern above the waves; but the craft always kept straight ahead. Иногда винт поднимался из воды, ударяя своим выступающим концом, когда гора воды поднимала корму над волнами; но судно всегда держалось прямо. Bazen bir su dağı kıç tarafını dalgaların üzerine çıkardığında, vida çıkıntılı ucunu vurarak sudan yükseliyordu; ama tekne her zaman dümdüz ilerliyordu. 有时,当一座水山将船尾抬高到海浪之上时,螺旋桨会升出水面,敲打它突出的一端;但飞船始终保持直线前进。 有時,當一座水山將船尾抬高到海浪之上時,螺旋槳會升出水面,敲打它突出的一端;但飛船始終保持直線前進。 The wind, however, did not grow as boisterous as might have been feared; it was not one of those tempests which burst, and rush on with a speed of ninety miles an hour. |||||||||||||||||||штормы||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||e|||||||||| The wind, however, did not grow as boisterous as might have been feared; it was not one of those tempests which burst, and rush on with a speed of ninety miles an hour. Ветер, однако, не стал таким сильным, как можно было опасаться; это не была одна из тех бурь, которые разразятся и мчатся со скоростью девяносто миль в час. Ancak rüzgâr korkulduğu kadar şiddetli değildi; saatte doksan mil hızla esip geçen fırtınalardan biri değildi. 然而,風並沒有像人們擔心的那樣狂暴。它不是那些突然爆發並以每小時九十英里的速度猛衝的暴風雨之一。

It continued fresh, but, unhappily, it remained obstinately in the south-east, rendering the sails useless. ||||||||||||делая||| isso||||||||||||tornando||| Il a continué frais, mais, malheureusement, il est resté obstinément dans le sud-est, rendant les voiles inutiles. Он продолжал двигаться свежим, но, к сожалению, упорно оставался на юго-востоке, делая паруса бесполезными. Hava serinlemeye devam etti, ama ne yazık ki güneydoğuda inatla kaldı ve yelkenleri işe yaramaz hale getirdi. 它繼續新鮮,但不幸的是,它頑固地留在東南方,使帆變得無用。 The 16th of December was the seventy-fifth day since Phileas Fogg’s departure from London, and the  Henrietta had not yet been seriously delayed. Half of the voyage was almost accomplished, and the worst localities had been passed. Половина пути была почти пройдена, и самые опасные места были пройдены. In summer, success would have been well-nigh certain. |||||||nahezu fast| |||||||almost entirely| |no verão||||||quase|certa Летом успех был бы почти гарантирован. Yaz aylarında başarı neredeyse kesin olurdu. In winter, they were at the mercy of the bad season. In winter, they were at the mercy of the bad season. 在冬天,他們任憑壞季節擺佈。 Passepartout said nothing; but he cherished hope in secret, and comforted himself with the reflection that, if the wind failed them, they might still count on the steam. |||||acalentava|||||||||||||||||||||| Паспарту ничего не сказал; но он втайне лелеял надежду и утешал себя мыслью, что, если ветер не подведет их, они все же могут рассчитывать на пар. Passepartout hiçbir şey söylemedi; ama gizliden gizliye umut besliyor ve rüzgâr onları yarı yolda bırakırsa, hâlâ buhara güvenebileceklerini düşünerek kendini teselli ediyordu. On this day the engineer came on deck, went up to Mr. Fogg, and began to speak earnestly with him. |||||||||||||||||seriously|| |||||||||||||||||sinceramente|| В этот день инженер поднялся на палубу, подошел к мистеру Фоггу и стал с ним серьезно разговаривать.

Without knowing why--it was a presentiment, perhaps--Passepartout became vaguely uneasy. ||||||||||vagamente|inquieto Сам не зная почему — быть может, это было предчувствие, — Паспарту почувствовал смутное беспокойство. He would have given one of his ears to hear with the other what the engineer was saying. Mühendisin söylediklerini diğer kulağıyla duymak için bir kulağını verebilirdi. He finally managed to catch a few words, and was sure he heard his master say, "You are certain of what you tell me? "Certain, sir," replied the engineer.

"You must remember that, since we started, we have kept up hot fires in all our furnaces, and, though we had coal enough to go on short steam from New York to Bordeaux, we haven’t enough to go with all steam from New York to Liverpool. ||||||||||||||||Öfen||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| "I will consider," replied Mr. Fogg. |vou|||| — Я подумаю, — ответил мистер Фогг.

Passepartout understood it all; he was seized with mortal anxiety. |||tudo|||||| Паспарту все понял; его охватила смертельная тревога.

The coal was giving out! |||acabando| Kömür tükeniyordu! "Ah, if my master can get over that," muttered he, "he’ll be a famous man!" “啊,如果我的主人能克服这一点,”他喃喃地说,“他会成为一个有名的人!” He could not help imparting to Fix what he had overheard. ||||сообщая|||||| ||||conveying|||||| ||||передати|||||| ||||transmitindo|||||| Il ne pouvait s'empêcher de communiquer à Fix ce qu'il avait entendu. Он не мог не сообщить Фиксу то, что подслушал. Kulak misafiri olduğu şeyleri Fix'e anlatmaktan kendini alamadı. Він не міг не повідомити Фіксу те, що випадково почув. "Then you believe that we really are going to Liverpool? “那你相信我们真的会去利物浦吗?

"Of course.

"Ass! buttocks exclamation

replied the detective, shrugging his shoulders and turning on his heel. |||with a shrug||||||| ||||||||||calcanhar — ответил сыщик, пожимая плечами и поворачиваясь на каблуках. dedektif omuzlarını silkerek ve topuklarının üzerinde dönerek cevap verdi. 侦探回答说,耸了耸肩,转过身来。 偵探回答說,聳了聳肩,轉過身來。 Passepartout was on the point of vigorously resenting the epithet, the reason of which he could not for the life of him comprehend; but he reflected that the unfortunate Fix was probably very much disappointed and humiliated in his self-esteem, after having so awkwardly followed a false scent around the world, and refrained. |||||||возмущаться||эпитет прозвище|||||||||||||||||||||||||||унижен|||||||||||||||||воздержался |||||||||descriptive term||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||held back Passepartout|||||||ressentindo||epíteto||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||absteve |||||||||Begriff|||||||||||||||||||||||||||erniedrigt|||||||||||||||||hielt sich zurück |||||||обурюватися|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||侮辱的な|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Паспарту чуть было не возмутился этим эпитетом, причины которого он не мог понять ни за что; но он сообразил, что несчастный Фикс, вероятно, был очень сильно разочарован и унижен в своем самолюбии, после того как так неловко пошел по ложному следу по свету, и воздержался. Passepartout, nedenini bir türlü anlayamadığı bu yakıştırmaya şiddetle içerlemek üzereydi; ama talihsiz Fix'in dünyada sahte bir kokunun peşinden bu kadar garip bir şekilde gittikten sonra muhtemelen büyük bir hayal kırıklığına uğradığını ve kendine olan saygısının aşağılandığını düşündü ve bundan kaçındı. 路路通快要極度反感這個稱呼了,他終究無法理解其中的原因;但他想,不幸的菲克斯可能對他的自尊心感到非常失望和羞辱,因為他笨拙地在世界各地跟踪一種虛假的氣味,並克制住了。

And now what course would Phileas Fogg adopt? Peki şimdi Phileas Fogg nasıl bir yol izleyecek?

It was difficult to imagine. Nevertheless he seemed to have decided upon one, for that evening he sent for the engineer, and said to him, "Feed all the fires until the coal is exhausted. Тем не менее он, кажется, остановился на одном, потому что в тот же вечер он послал за инженером и сказал ему: «Подкармливайте все костры, пока не кончится уголь. A few moments after, the funnel of the  Henrietta vomited forth torrents of smoke. |||||||||извергнул|||| |||||||||vomitou||torrentes|| Через несколько мгновений из трубы «Генриетты» вырвались потоки дыма. Birkaç dakika sonra Henrietta'nın bacasından dumanlar yükselmeye başladı. 片刻之后,亨丽埃塔号的漏斗喷出滚滚浓烟。 The vessel continued to proceed with all steam on; but on the 18th, the engineer, as he had predicted, announced that the coal would give out in the course of the day. ||||||||||||||||||||||||acabar||em||||| "Do not let the fires go down," replied Mr. Fogg.

"Keep them up to the last. Let the valves be filled. Пусть клапаны будут заполнены. Towards noon Phileas Fogg, having ascertained their position, called Passepartout, and ordered him to go for Captain Speedy. |||||festgestellt|||||||||||| |||||constatado|||||||||||| К полудню Филеас Фогг, выяснив их позицию, позвал Паспарту и приказал ему идти за капитаном Спиди.

It was as if the honest fellow had been commanded to unchain a tiger. |||||||||||освободить|| |||||||||||звільнити від кайданів|| |||||||tivesse||||soltar|| Sanki dürüst adama bir kaplanın zincirlerini çözmesi emredilmiş gibiydi. He went to the poop, saying to himself, "He will be like a madman! ||||какашки||||||||| ||||Kacken|||||wird||||Verrückter ||||bathroom||||||||| ||||convés||||||||| Он пошел на ют, говоря себе: «Он будет как сумасшедший! Kendi kendine, "Deli gibi olacak!" diyerek kakaya gitti. 他走到船尾,对自己说:“他会像个疯子一样! In a few moments, with cries and oaths, a bomb appeared on the poop-deck. |||||||||бомба||||| |||||||||||||stern| Через несколько мгновений с криками и ругательствами на юте появилась бомба. Birkaç dakika içinde, çığlıklar ve yeminler eşliğinde, güvertede bir bomba belirdi. 片刻之後,在一片叫喊聲和咒罵聲中,一枚炸彈出現在尾樓甲板上。

The bomb was Captain Speedy. 炸弹是斯皮迪船长。 It was clear that he was on the point of bursting. ||||||||||prestes a explodir Было ясно, что он вот-вот взорвется. "Where are we?" were the first words his anger permitted him to utter. Had the poor man be an apoplectic, he could never have recovered from his paroxysm of wrath. ||||||апоплексический|||||||||| ||||||apoplektisch|||||||||| ||||||apopleptic||||||||fit of anger||anger ||||||apoplético||||||||paroxismo||ira Si le pauvre homme avait été apoplectique, il n'aurait jamais pu se remettre de son paroxysme de colère. Если бы у бедняги случился апоплексический удар, он бы никогда не оправился от припадка гнева. Zavallı adam bir apoplectic olsaydı, öfke paroksizminden asla kurtulamazdı. 如果这个可怜的人中风了,他就永远无法从愤怒的发作中恢复过来。 如果這個可憐的人中風了,他就永遠無法從憤怒的發作中恢復過來。 "Where are we?

he repeated, with purple face. — повторил он с багровым лицом. "Seven hundred and seven miles from Liverpool," replied Mr. Fogg, with imperturbable calmness. |||||||||||невозмутимое спокойствие| |||||||||||unerschütterlicher| |||||||||||unflappable composure| |||||||||||com calma imperturbável|


cried Captain Speedy. "I have sent for you, sir--" "Sizi çağırttım, efendim--"

"Pickaroon! пикарун Pickaroon Logging tool "Pickaroon!" "Pickaroon! "Пикарун!

"--sir," continued Mr. Fogg, "to ask you to sell me your vessel.


By all the devils, no! |||diabos| Tüm şeytanlar adına, hayır! 所有的魔鬼,不! "But I shall be obliged to burn her. ||||||queimar| "But I shall be obliged to burn her. "Но я буду вынужден сжечь ее. “但我将不得不烧掉她。 “但我將不得不燒掉她。

"Burn the  Henrietta!

"Yes; at least the upper part of her. -- Да, по крайней мере, ее верхняя часть.

The coal has given out. "Burn my vessel!

cried Captain Speedy, who could scarcely pronounce the words. diye bağırdı Kaptan Speedy, kelimeleri zorlukla telaffuz edebiliyordu. "A vessel worth fifty thousand dollars! «Судно стоимостью пятьдесят тысяч долларов! "Here are sixty thousand," replied Phileas Fogg, handing the captain a roll of bank-bills. — Вот шестьдесят тысяч, — ответил Филеас Фогг, протягивая капитану пачку банковских билетов. — Ось шістдесят тисяч, — відповів Філеас Фоґґ, подаючи капітанові згорток банківських векселів.

This had a prodigious effect on Andrew Speedy. |||gewaltigen|||| |||enormous|||| |||prodigioso|||| An American can scarcely remain unmoved at the sight of sixty thousand dollars. |||||незворушним||||||| um|||||indiferente||||||| Американец едва ли может остаться равнодушным при виде шестидесяти тысяч долларов. Bir Amerikalı, altmış bin doları gördüğünde neredeyse hiç etkilenmeden duramaz. The captain forgot in an instant his anger, his imprisonment, and all his grudges against his passenger. |||||||||||||обиды||| |||||||||||||resentments||| |||||||||||||образи||| |||||||||||||ressentimentos||| Капитан в одно мгновение забыл свой гнев, свое заточение и все свои обиды на пассажира. Капітан миттєво забув свій гнів, своє ув'язнення і всю свою образу на свого пасажира. The  Henrietta was twenty years old; it was a great bargain. The bomb would not go off after all. Бомба все равно не взорвется. Mr. Fogg had taken away the match. Bay Fogg kibriti almıştı. "And I shall still have the iron hull," said the captain in a softer tone. |||||||||||||sanfter| |||||||||||||mais suave| "И я все еще буду иметь железный корпус," сказал капитан более мягким тоном.

"The iron hull and the engine. o||||| "Железный корпус и двигатель. "Demir gövde ve motor.

Is it agreed? Anlaştık mı? "Agreed.

And Andrew Speedy, seizing the bank-notes, counted them and consigned them to his pocket. А Эндрю Спиди, схватив банкноты, пересчитал их и сунул в карман.

During this colloquy, Passepartout was as white as a sheet, and Fix seemed on the point of having an apoplectic fit. в течение|||||||||||||||||||| ||会話|||||||||||||||||| Bu konuşma sırasında Passepartout bembeyaz kesilmişti ve Fix de apoplectic bir kriz geçirme noktasına gelmiş gibiydi.

Nearly twenty thousand pounds had been expended, and Fogg left the hull and engine to the captain, that is, near the whole value of the craft! Было израсходовано почти двадцать тысяч фунтов, и Фогг оставил корпус и двигатель капитану, то есть почти всю стоимость корабля! It was true, however, that fifty-five thousand pounds had been stolen from the Bank. |||||||thousand||||||| 然而,确实有五万五千英镑从银行被盗。 When Andrew Speedy had pocketed the money, Mr. Fogg said to him, "Don’t let this astonish you, sir. ||||положил в карман||||||||||||| ||||colocado no bolso|||||||||||espante|| When Andrew Speedy had pocketed the money, Mr. Fogg said to him, "Don't let this astonish you, sir. Когда Эндрю Спиди прикарманил деньги, мистер Фогг сказал ему: «Пусть вас это не удивляет, сэр. Andrew Speedy parayı cebe indirdiğinde Bay Fogg ona, "Bu sizi şaşırtmasın efendim. 当安德鲁·斯比迪把钱装进口袋时,福格先生对他说:“先生,别让这让你吃惊。

You must know that I shall lose twenty thousand pounds, unless I arrive in London by a quarter before nine on the evening of the 21st of December. I missed the steamer at New York, and as you refused to take me to Liverpool--" "And I did well! "А я хорошо справился! «І я добре зробив! “而且我做得很好!

cried Andrew Speedy; "for I have gained at least forty thousand dollars by it!" cried Andrew Speedy; "for I have gained at least forty thousand dollars by it!" — воскликнул Эндрю Спиди. "ибо я получил по крайней мере сорок тысяч долларов на этом!" — скрикнув Ендрю Спіді; "бо я заробив на цьому щонайменше сорок тисяч доларів!" 安德鲁·斯比迪叫道; “因为我至少赚了四万美元!” He added, more sedately, "Do you know one thing, Captain--" |||спокойно|||||| |||ruhig|||||| |||calmly|||||| |||спокійніше|||||| |||com mais seriedade|||||| Он добавил более степенно: «Знаете ли вы одну вещь, капитан…» Він додав більш спокійно: «Ви знаєте одну річ, капітане…» "Fogg.

"Captain Fogg, you’ve got something of the Yankee about you. «Капитан Фогг, в вас есть что-то от янки. "Yüzbaşı Fogg, sizde bir Yankee havası var. «Капітане Фогґ, у вас є щось янкі. “福格船长,你有点像北方佬。 “福格船長,你有點像北方佬。

And, having paid his passenger what he considered a high compliment, he was going away, when Mr. Fogg said, "The vessel now belongs to me? І, зробивши своєму пасажирові те, що він вважав високим компліментом, він збирався йти геть, коли містер Фогг сказав: «Судно тепер належить мені?

"Certainly, from the keel to the truck of the masts--all the wood, that is. |||keel|||top|||||||| |||quilha||||||||||| Ciertamente, desde la quilla hasta el camión de los mástiles, es decir, toda la madera. "Конечно, от киля до тележки мачт, то есть все из дерева.

"Very well.

Have the interior seats, bunks, and frames pulled down, and burn them. ||||койки||рамы||||| ||||койки||||||| ||||beliches||||||| Снесите внутренние сиденья, койки и рамы и сожгите их. İç koltukları, ranzaları ve çerçeveleri söktürün ve yakın. It was necessary to have dry wood to keep the steam up to the adequate pressure, and on that day the poop, cabins, bunks, and the spare deck were sacrificed. |||||||||||||||||||||a casa de máquinas|||||||| Нужны были сухие дрова, чтобы поддерживать давление пара, и в этот день были принесены в жертву ют, каюты, койки и запасная палуба. Buharı yeterli basınçta tutmak için kuru oduna ihtiyaç vardı ve o gün kıç taraf, kamaralar, ranzalar ve yedek güverte feda edildi.

On the next day, the 19th of December, the masts, rafts, and spars were burned; the crew worked lustily, keeping up the fires. ||||||||||||spars|||||||||| ||||||||||||||gebrannt||||eifrig|||die| ||||||||||floating platforms||poles||||||with enthusiasm|||| ||||||||||||щогли та рейки|||||||||| ||||||||||jangadas||mastros||||||vigorosamente|||| На следующий день, 19 декабря, сгорели мачты, плоты и рангоуты; Бригада работала усердно, поддерживая костры. Ertesi gün, 19 Aralık'ta direkler, sallar ve serenler yakıldı; mürettebat ateşi söndürmek için canla başla çalıştı. Passepartout hewed, cut, and sawed away with all his might. |hieb|||||||| |chopped|||||||| |cortou|||serrava||||| Passepartout a taillé, coupé et scié de toutes ses forces. Паспарту рубил, резал и пилил изо всех сил. Passepartout tüm gücüyle yonttu, kesti ve testereyle kesti. There was a perfect rage for demolition. ||||||demolizione ||||fury|| ||||||руйнування There was a perfect rage for demolition. Была совершенная ярость для сноса. Yıkım için mükemmel bir öfke vardı. The railings, fittings, the greater part of the deck, and top sides disappeared on the 20th, and the  Henrietta was now only a flat hulk. ||fittings|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||hull ||||||||||||||||||||||||плоский корпус ||acessórios||||||||||||||||||||||casco The railings, fittings, the greater part of the deck, and top sides disappeared on the 20th, and the Henrietta was now only a flat hulk. Перила, арматура, большая часть палубы и верхние борта исчезли 20-го числа, и теперь «Генриетта» представляла собой лишь плоский корпус. Korkuluklar, donanımlar, güvertenin büyük bir kısmı ve üst taraflar ayın 20'sinde yok oldu ve Henrietta artık sadece düz bir hulktu. 欄杆、配件、甲板的大部分和頂部在 20 日消失了,Henrietta 現在只是一個扁平的船體。 But on this day they sighted the Irish coast and Fastnet Light. ||||||||||Fastnet| Но в этот день они увидели ирландское побережье и маяк Фастнет. Ancak o gün İrlanda kıyılarını ve Fastnet Işığını gördüler. Але цього дня вони побачили ірландське узбережжя та Fastnet Light. By ten in the evening they were passing Queenstown. К десяти вечера они проезжали Квинстаун. Phileas Fogg had only twenty-four hours more in which to get to London; that length of time was necessary to reach Liverpool, with all steam on. And the steam was about to give out altogether! |the definite article||||||| Ve buhar tamamen dışarı çıkmak üzereydi! "Sir," said Captain Speedy, who was now deeply interested in Mr. Fogg’s project, "I really commiserate you. |||||||||||||||commiserate| |||||||||||||||sympathize with| |||||||||||||||lamento| |||||||||||||||mitfühlen| |||||||||||||||співчуваю вам| |||||||||||||||同情します| «Monsieur,» dit le capitaine Speedy, qui était maintenant profondément intéressé par le projet de M. Fogg, «je vous compatis vraiment. — Сэр, — сказал капитан Спиди, который теперь глубоко заинтересовался проектом мистера Фогга, — я искренне вам сочувствую. Artık Bay Fogg'un projesiyle yakından ilgilenen Kaptan Speedy, "Efendim," dedi, "sizi gerçekten anlıyorum.

Everything is against you. We are only opposite Queenstown. We are only opposite Queenstown. Queenstown'un tam karşısındayız. 我們就在皇后鎮對面。 "Ah," said Mr. Fogg, "is that place where we see the lights Queenstown? -- А, -- сказал мистер Фогг, -- это то место, где мы видим огни Квинстауна?


"Can we enter the harbour? «Можем ли мы войти в гавань?

"Not under three hours. "Не меньше трех часов.

Only at high tide. "Stay," replied Mr. Fogg calmly, without betraying in his features that by a supreme inspiration he was about to attempt once more to conquer ill-fortune. ||||||||||que||||||||||||||a adversidade| — Оставайтесь, — спокойно ответил мистер Фогг, не выдавая в своих чертах того, что в великом порыве он собирается еще раз попытаться победить несчастье. Bay Fogg, yüz hatlarında yüce bir ilhamla talihsizliği bir kez daha yenmeye kalkışmak üzere olduğunu belli etmeden, sakince, "Kal," diye cevap verdi. — Залишайтеся, — спокійно відповів містер Фоґґ, не видаючи рисами свого обличчя того, що через найвище натхнення він збирається ще раз спробувати перемогти нещастя.

Queenstown is the Irish port at which the transatlantic steamers stop to put off the mails. Queenstown, transatlantik vapurlarının postaları bırakmak için durdukları İrlanda limanıdır.

These mails are carried to Dublin by express trains always held in readiness to start; from Dublin they are sent on to Liverpool by the most rapid boats, and thus gain twelve hours on the Atlantic steamers. |malas||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bu postalar her zaman kalkışa hazır halde bekletilen ekspres trenlerle Dublin'e taşınır; Dublin'den de en hızlı gemilerle Liverpool'a gönderilir ve böylece Atlantik vapurlarında on iki saat kazanılmış olur. Phileas Fogg counted on gaining twelve hours in the same way. Філеас Фоґґ розраховував таким же чином виграти дванадцять годин.

Instead of arriving at Liverpool the next evening by the  Henrietta , he would be there by noon, and would therefore have time to reach London before a quarter before nine in the evening. The  Henrietta entered Queenstown Harbour at one o’clock in the morning, it then being high tide; and Phileas Fogg, after being grasped heartily by the hand by Captain Speedy, left that gentleman on the levelled hulk of his craft, which was still worth half what he had sold it for. |||||||o'clock|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||hoch|||||||gegriffen|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||após|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| «Генриетта» вошла в гавань Квинстауна в час ночи, когда был прилив; и Филеас Фогг, после того как капитан Спиди крепко схватил его за руку, оставил этого джентльмена на выровненной туше своего корабля, который все еще стоил половину той цены, за которую он ее продал. «Генрієтта» увійшла в гавань Квінстауна о першій годині ночі, тоді був високий приплив; і Філеас Фоґґ, після того як його щиро схопив за руку капітан Спіді, залишив того джентльмена на розбитому кущі свого корабля, який усе ще коштував половину того, за що він його продав. 亨利埃塔号于凌晨一点进入皇后镇港,当时正值涨潮;菲利亚斯·福格在被斯比迪船长热情地拉住手之后,把那位绅士留在了他那艘平整的船体上,这艘船仍然值他卖掉它时的一半。 The party went on shore at once. A (A festa desembarcou imediatamente.)||desembarcou||||

Fix was greatly tempted to arrest Mr. Fogg on the spot; but he did not. У Фикса возникло сильное искушение арестовать мистера Фогга на месте; но он этого не сделал. Fix, Bay Fogg'u oracıkta tutuklamak için çok istekliydi; ama yapmadı. Фікс відчував велику спокусу заарештувати містера Фоґга на місці; але він цього не зробив. Why? What struggle was going on within him? |||||dentro| Яка боротьба точилася в ньому? Had he changed his mind about "his man"? Невже він змінив свою думку про «свою людину»? Did he understand that he had made a grave mistake? ||||||||serious| Чи розумів він, що зробив серйозну помилку? He did not, however, abandon Mr. Fogg. ||||verlassen|| Однако он не бросил мистера Фогга. Однак він не покинув містера Фоґга. They all got upon the train, which was just ready to start, at half-past one; at dawn of day they were in Dublin; and they lost no time in embarking on a steamer which, disdaining to rise upon the waves, invariably cut through them. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||disdaining||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||verachtend||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||rejecting||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||зневажаючи||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||desprezando||||||||| Все они сели в поезд, который как раз готовился к отъезду, в половине второго; на рассвете они были в Дублине; и они, не теряя времени, сели на пароход, который, не желая подниматься на волны, неизменно рассекал их. Hepsi de saat bir buçukta kalkmaya hazır olan trene bindiler; gün ağarırken Dublin'deydiler ve dalgaların üzerinde yükselmeyi reddederek her zaman onları kesen bir vapura binmek için hiç zaman kaybetmediler. О пів на першу вони всі сіли в потяг, який щойно був готовий відправитися; на світанку вони були в Дубліні; і вони не втрачали часу, щоб сісти на пароплав, який, зневажливо піднімаючись на хвилі, незмінно розрізав їх. Phileas Fogg at last disembarked on the Liverpool quay, at twenty minutes before twelve, 21st December. Филеас Фогг, наконец, высадился на ливерпульской набережной без двадцати минут первого 21 декабря.

He was only six hours distant from London. But at this moment Fix came up, put his hand upon Mr. Fogg’s shoulder, and, showing his warrant, said, "You are really Phileas Fogg?

"I am.

"I arrest you in the Queen’s name! “我以女王的名义逮捕你!