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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, Chapter 26.

Chapter 26.

"From ocean to ocean"--so say the Americans; and these four words compose the general designation of the "great trunk line" which crosses the entire width of the United States.

The Pacific Railroad is, however, really divided into two distinct lines: the Central Pacific, between San Francisco and Ogden, and the Union Pacific, between Ogden and Omaha. Five main lines connect Omaha with New York. New York and San Francisco are thus united by an uninterrupted metal ribbon, which measures no less than three thousand seven hundred and eighty-six miles.

Between Omaha and the Pacific the railway crosses a territory which is still infested by Indians and wild beasts, and a large tract which the Mormons, after they were driven from Illinois in 1845, began to colonise. The journey from New York to San Francisco consumed, formerly, under the most favourable conditions, at least six months.

It is now accomplished in seven days. It was in 1862 that, in spite of the Southern Members of Congress, who wished a more southerly route, it was decided to lay the road between the forty-first and forty-second parallels.

President Lincoln himself fixed the end of the line at Omaha, in Nebraska. The work was at once commenced, and pursued with true American energy; nor did the rapidity with which it went on injuriously affect its good execution. The road grew, on the prairies, a mile and a half a day. A locomotive, running on the rails laid down the evening before, brought the rails to be laid on the morrow, and advanced upon them as fast as they were put in position. The Pacific Railroad is joined by several branches in Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, and Oregon.

On leaving Omaha, it passes along the left bank of the Platte River as far as the junction of its northern branch, follows its southern branch, crosses the Laramie territory and the Wahsatch Mountains, turns the Great Salt Lake, and reaches Salt Lake City, the Mormon capital, plunges into the Tuilla Valley, across the American Desert, Cedar and Humboldt Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, and descends, viâ Sacramento, to the Pacific,--its grade, even on the Rocky Mountains, never exceeding one hundred and twelve feet to the mile. Such was the road to be traversed in seven days, which would enable Phileas Fogg--at least, so he hoped--to take the Atlantic steamer at New York on the 11th for Liverpool.

The car which he occupied was a sort of long omnibus on eight wheels, and with no compartments in the interior.

It was supplied with two rows of seats, perpendicular to the direction of the train on either side of an aisle which conducted to the front and rear platforms. These platforms were found throughout the train, and the passengers were able to pass from one end of the train to the other. It was supplied with saloon cars, balcony cars, restaurants, and smoking cars; theatre cars alone were wanting, and they will have these some day. Book and news dealers, sellers of edibles, drinkables, and cigars, who seemed to have plenty of customers, were continually circulating in the aisles.

The train left Oakland station at six o'clock.

It was already night, cold and cheerless, the heavens being overcast with clouds which seemed to threaten snow. The train did not proceed rapidly; counting the stoppages, it did not run more than twenty miles an hour, which was a sufficient speed, however, to enable it to reach Omaha within its designated time. There was but little conversation in the car, and soon many of the passengers were overcome with sleep.

Passepartout found himself beside the detective; but he did not talk to him. After recent events, their relations with each other had grown somewhat cold; there could no longer be mutual sympathy or intimacy between them. Fix's manner had not changed; but Passepartout was very reserved, and ready to strangle his former friend on the slightest provocation. Snow began to fall an hour after they started, a fine snow, however, which happily could not obstruct the train; nothing could be seen from the windows but a vast, white sheet, against which the smoke of the locomotive had a greyish aspect.

At eight o'clock a steward entered the car and announced that the time for going to bed had arrived; and in a few minutes the car was transformed into a dormitory.

The backs of the seats were thrown back, bedsteads carefully packed were rolled out by an ingenious system, berths were suddenly improvised, and each traveller had soon at his disposition a comfortable bed, protected from curious eyes by thick curtains. The sheets were clean and the pillows soft. It only remained to go to bed and sleep--which everybody did--while the train sped on across the State of California. The country between San Francisco and Sacramento is not very hilly.

The Central Pacific, taking Sacramento for its starting-point, extends eastward to meet the road from Omaha. The line from San Francisco to Sacramento runs in a north-easterly direction, along the American River, which empties into San Pablo Bay. The one hundred and twenty miles between these cities were accomplished in six hours, and towards midnight, while fast asleep, the travellers passed through Sacramento; so that they saw nothing of that important place, the seat of the State government, with its fine quays, its broad streets, its noble hotels, squares, and churches. The train, on leaving Sacramento, and passing the junction, Roclin, Auburn, and Colfax, entered the range of the Sierra Nevada.

Cisco was reached at seven in the morning; and an hour later the dormitory was transformed into an ordinary car, and the travellers could observe the picturesque beauties of the mountain region through which they were steaming. The railway track wound in and out among the passes, now approaching the mountain sides, now suspended over precipices, avoiding abrupt angles by bold curves, plunging into narrow defiles, which seemed to have no outlet. The locomotive, its great funnel emitting a weird light, with its sharp bell, and its cow-catcher extended like a spur, mingled its shrieks and bellowings with the noise of torrents and cascades, and twined its smoke among the branches of the gigantic pines. There were few or no bridges or tunnels on the route.

The railway turned around the sides of the mountains, and did not attempt to violate nature by taking the shortest cut from one point to another. The train entered the State of Nevada through the Carson Valley about nine o'clock, going always north-easterly; and at midday reached Reno, where there was a delay of twenty minutes for breakfast.

From this point the road, running along Humboldt River, passed northward for several miles by its banks; then it turned eastward, and kept by the river until it reached the Humboldt Range, nearly at the extreme eastern limit of Nevada.

Having breakfasted, Mr. Fogg and his companions resumed their places in the car, and observed the varied landscape which unfolded itself as they passed along; the vast prairies, the mountains lining the horizon, and the creeks, with their frothy, foaming streams.

Sometimes a great herd of buffaloes, massing together in the distance, seemed like a moveable dam. These innumerable multitudes of ruminating beasts often form an insurmountable obstacle to the passage of the trains; thousands of them have been seen passing over the track for hours together, in compact ranks. The locomotive is then forced to stop and wait till the road is once more clear. This happened, indeed, to the train in which Mr. Fogg was travelling.

About twelve o'clock a troop of ten or twelve thousand head of buffalo encumbered the track. The locomotive, slackening its speed, tried to clear the way with its cow-catcher; but the mass of animals was too great. The buffaloes marched along with a tranquil gait, uttering now and then deafening bellowings. There was no use of interrupting them, for, having taken a particular direction, nothing can moderate and change their course; it is a torrent of living flesh which no dam could contain. The travellers gazed on this curious spectacle from the platforms; but Phileas Fogg, who had the most reason of all to be in a hurry, remained in his seat, and waited philosophically until it should please the buffaloes to get out of the way.

Passepartout was furious at the delay they occasioned, and longed to discharge his arsenal of revolvers upon them.

"What a country!

cried he. "Mere cattle stop the trains, and go by in a procession, just as if they were not impeding travel! Parbleu! I should like to know if Mr. Fogg foresaw this mishap in his programme! And here's an engineer who doesn't dare to run the locomotive into this herd of beasts! The engineer did not try to overcome the obstacle, and he was wise.

He would have crushed the first buffaloes, no doubt, with the cow-catcher; but the locomotive, however powerful, would soon have been checked, the train would inevitably have been thrown off the track, and would then have been helpless. The best course was to wait patiently, and regain the lost time by greater speed when the obstacle was removed.

The procession of buffaloes lasted three full hours, and it was night before the track was clear. The last ranks of the herd were now passing over the rails, while the first had already disappeared below the southern horizon. It was eight o'clock when the train passed through the defiles of the Humboldt Range, and half-past nine when it penetrated Utah, the region of the Great Salt Lake, the singular colony of the Mormons.

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Chapter 26. Kapitel 26. Capítulo 26. Capitolo 26. 第26章 26장. Capítulo 26. Глава 26. Bölüm 26. Розділ 26. 第26章 第26章。

"From ocean to ocean"--so say the Americans; and these four words compose the general designation of the "great trunk line" which crosses the entire width of the United States. |||||||||these||||||title|||||||spans||||||| «D'un océan à l'autre», disent les Américains; et ces quatre mots composent la désignation générale de la «grande ligne de tronc» qui traverse toute la largeur des États-Unis. «От океана до океана» — так говорят американцы; и эти четыре слова составляют общее обозначение «большой магистрали», пересекающей всю ширину Соединенных Штатов. "Okyanustan okyanusa"- Amerikalılar böyle der; ve bu dört kelime Birleşik Devletler'in tüm genişliğini geçen "büyük ana hattın" genel tanımını oluşturur. “从海洋到海洋”-美国人这么说;这四个词构成了横跨美国整个宽度的“大主干线”的总称。

The Pacific Railroad is, however, really divided into two distinct lines: the Central Pacific, between San Francisco and Ogden, and the Union Pacific, between Ogden and Omaha. Однако Тихоокеанская железная дорога на самом деле разделена на две отдельные линии: Центрально-Тихоокеанскую, между Сан-Франциско и Огденом, и Юнион-Пасифик, между Огденом и Омахой. Ancak Pasifik Demiryolu gerçekte iki ayrı hatta bölünmüştür: San Francisco ile Ogden arasındaki Central Pacific ve Ogden ile Omaha arasındaki Union Pacific. Five main lines connect Omaha with New York. New York and San Francisco are thus united by an uninterrupted metal ribbon, which measures no less than three thousand seven hundred and eighty-six miles. ||||||||||||strip||||||||||||| Böylece New York ve San Francisco, en az üç bin yedi yüz seksen altı mil uzunluğunda kesintisiz bir metal şeritle birleşmiş olur.

Between Omaha and the Pacific the railway crosses a territory which is still infested by Indians and wild beasts, and a large tract which the Mormons, after they were driven from Illinois in 1845, began to colonise. |||||||||||||overrun by|||||||||area of land|||Mormon settlers|||||||||| |||||||||||||侵略された|||||||||||||||||||||| Между Омахой и Тихим океаном железная дорога пересекает территорию, которая до сих пор кишит индейцами и дикими зверями, и большую территорию, которую мормоны, изгнанные из Иллинойса в 1845 году, начали колонизировать. Omaha ile Pasifik arasında demiryolu, hala Kızılderililer ve vahşi hayvanlar tarafından istila edilen bir bölgeden ve Mormonların 1845'te Illinois'den sürüldükten sonra kolonileşmeye başladıkları geniş bir araziden geçmektedir. The journey from New York to San Francisco consumed, formerly, under the most favourable conditions, at least six months. New York'tan San Francisco'ya yolculuk, eskiden en uygun koşullar altında en az altı ay sürüyordu.

It is now accomplished in seven days. Теперь это делается за семь дней. It was in 1862 that, in spite of the Southern Members of Congress, who wished a more southerly route, it was decided to lay the road between the forty-first and forty-second parallels. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||latitude lines В 1862 году, несмотря на то, что южные члены Конгресса желали более южного маршрута, было решено проложить дорогу между сорок первой и сорок второй параллелями. 1862 yılında, daha güneyde bir güzergah isteyen Güneyli Kongre Üyelerine rağmen, yolun kırk birinci ve kırk ikinci paraleller arasında döşenmesine karar verildi.

President Lincoln himself fixed the end of the line at Omaha, in Nebraska. President Lincoln himself fixed the end of the line at Omaha, in Nebraska. 林肯總統親自在內布拉斯加州的奧馬哈修好了線路的終點。 The work was at once commenced, and pursued with true American energy; nor did the rapidity with which it went on injuriously affect its good execution. |||||||||||||||||||||schädlich|||| |||||||||||||||||||||harmfully|||| |||||||||||||||||||||шкідливо вплинути на|||| L'œuvre fut aussitôt commencée et poursuivie avec la véritable énergie américaine; et la rapidité avec laquelle il se poursuivit n'affecta pas non plus sa bonne exécution. Работа была немедленно начата и продолжена с истинно американской энергией; и быстрота, с которой оно продолжалось, не повлияла на его хорошее исполнение. İş hemen başlatıldı ve gerçek Amerikan enerjisiyle sürdürüldü; ne de devam ettiği hız, iyi yürütülmesini olumsuz etkiledi. 這項工作立即開始,並以真正的美國精力進行;它進行的速度也沒有有害地影響它的良好執行。 The road grew, on the prairies, a mile and a half a day. |||||grasslands||||||| Дорога росла по прериям на полторы мили в день. Yol, bozkırlarda günde bir buçuk kilometre uzuyordu. A locomotive, running on the rails laid down the evening before, brought the rails to be laid on the morrow, and advanced upon them as fast as they were put in position. Bir önceki akşam döşenen raylar üzerinde çalışan bir lokomotif, yarın döşenecek rayları getirdi ve raylar yerleştirilir yerleştirilmez rayların üzerinde ilerledi. 一輛機車在前一天晚上鋪設的鐵軌上運行,帶著明天鋪設的鐵軌,並在它們就位時以最快的速度前進。 The Pacific Railroad is joined by several branches in Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, and Oregon.

On leaving Omaha, it passes along the left bank of the Platte River as far as the junction of its northern branch, follows its southern branch, crosses the Laramie territory and the Wahsatch Mountains, turns the Great Salt Lake, and reaches Salt Lake City, the Mormon capital, plunges into the Tuilla Valley, across the American Desert, Cedar and Humboldt Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, and descends,  viâ Sacramento, to the Pacific,--its grade, even on the Rocky Mountains, never exceeding one hundred and twelve feet to the mile. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||enters||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||занурюється в||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Omaha'dan ayrıldıktan sonra Platte Nehri'nin sol kıyısı boyunca kuzey kolunun birleştiği yere kadar ilerler, güney kolunu takip eder, Laramie bölgesini ve Wahsatch Dağlarını geçer, Büyük Tuz Gölü'nü döner ve Salt Lake City'ye ulaşır, Mormon başkenti, Tuilla Vadisi'ne dalar, Amerikan Çölü'nü, Cedar ve Humboldt Dağları'nı, Sierra Nevada'yı geçer ve Sacramento'dan Pasifik'e iner; Rocky Dağları'nda bile eğimi mil başına yüz on iki metreyi geçmez. Such was the road to be traversed in seven days, which would enable Phileas Fogg--at least, so he hoped--to take the Atlantic steamer at New York on the 11th for Liverpool. Phileas Fogg'un -en azından öyle umuyordu- ayın 11'inde New York'tan Atlantik vapuruna binip Liverpool'a gitmesini sağlayacak olan yedi günlük yol böyle geçilecekti.

The car which he occupied was a sort of long omnibus on eight wheels, and with no compartments in the interior. |||||||||||||||||sections||| Вагон, в котором он сидел, был чем-то вроде длинного омнибуса на восьми колесах, без купе внутри. İçinde bulunduğu araba sekiz tekerlekli ve içinde hiçbir bölme bulunmayan bir tür uzun omnibüstü. 他乘坐的汽車是一種長長的八輪公共汽車,內部沒有隔間。

It was supplied with two rows of seats, perpendicular to the direction of the train on either side of an aisle which conducted to the front and rear platforms. Ön ve arka platformlara giden bir koridorun her iki yanında trenin yönüne dik iki sıra koltuk bulunuyordu. 它有兩排座位,垂直於火車的方向,位於通往前後站台的過道的兩側。 These platforms were found throughout the train, and the passengers were able to pass from one end of the train to the other. Эти платформы были расположены по всему поезду, и пассажиры могли переходить из одного конца поезда в другой. It was supplied with saloon cars, balcony cars, restaurants, and smoking cars; theatre cars alone were wanting, and they will have these some day. It was supplied with saloon cars, balcony cars, restaurants, and smoking cars; theatre cars alone were wanting, and they will have these some day. Salon arabaları, balkon arabaları, restoranlar ve sigara içilen arabalarla donatıldı; sadece tiyatro arabaları eksikti ve bir gün bunlara da sahip olacaklar. 它配備了轎車、陽台車、餐廳和吸煙車;光是劇院車就不夠了,總有一天他們會有的。 Book and news dealers, sellers of edibles, drinkables, and cigars, who seemed to have plenty of customers, were continually circulating in the aisles. ||||||їстівні продукти|напої||||||||||||||| Les marchands de livres et de journaux, les vendeurs de produits comestibles, de boissons et de cigares, qui semblaient avoir beaucoup de clients, circulaient continuellement dans les allées. Торговцы книгами и новостями, продавцы еды, напитков и сигар, у которых, казалось, было много покупателей, постоянно ходили по проходам. Kitap ve gazete satıcıları, çok sayıda müşterisi olduğu anlaşılan yiyecek, içecek ve puro satıcıları koridorlarda sürekli dolaşıyordu.

The train left Oakland station at six o’clock.

It was already night, cold and cheerless, the heavens being overcast with clouds which seemed to threaten snow. ||||||безрадісний||||||||||| Il faisait déjà nuit, froid et sans joie, le ciel étant couvert de nuages qui semblaient menacer la neige. Была уже ночь, холодная и унылая, небо было затянуто тучами, которые, казалось, грозили снегом. Çoktan gece olmuştu, soğuk ve neşesizdi, gökyüzü kar yağacakmış gibi görünen bulutlarla kaplıydı. The train did not proceed rapidly; counting the stoppages, it did not run more than twenty miles an hour, which was a sufficient speed, however, to enable it to reach Omaha within its designated time. ||||||||stops|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||зупинки|||||||||||||||||||||||||| There was but little conversation in the car, and soon many of the passengers were overcome with sleep. В машине почти не разговаривали, и вскоре многие пассажиры уснули. Arabada çok az konuşma oldu ve kısa süre içinde yolcuların çoğu uykuya yenik düştü.

Passepartout found himself beside the detective; but he did not talk to him. After recent events, their relations with each other had grown somewhat cold; there could no longer be mutual sympathy or intimacy between them. После недавних событий их отношения друг к другу несколько охладели; между ними уже не могло быть ни взаимной симпатии, ни близости. Son olaylardan sonra birbirleriyle olan ilişkileri biraz soğumuştu; artık aralarında karşılıklı sempati ya da yakınlık olamazdı. 經過最近的事情,他們之間的關係變得有些冷淡了。他們之間不可能再有相互的同情或親密。 Fix’s manner had not changed; but Passepartout was very reserved, and ready to strangle his former friend on the slightest provocation. |||||||||||||choke|||||||stimulus ||||||||||||||||||||挑発 |||||||||||||задушити||||||| Манера Фикса не изменилась; но Паспарту был очень сдержан и готов задушить своего бывшего друга по малейшему поводу. Fix'in tavrı değişmemişti; ama Passepartout çok çekingendi ve en ufak bir kışkırtma karşısında eski arkadaşını boğmaya hazırdı. 菲克斯的態度沒有改變;但是路路通非常矜持,稍有挑釁就準備勒死他以前的朋友。 Snow began to fall an hour after they started, a fine snow, however, which happily could not obstruct the train; nothing could be seen from the windows but a vast, white sheet, against which the smoke of the locomotive had a greyish aspect. Снег пошел через час после того, как они тронулись, но мелкий снег, который, к счастью, не мог затруднить движение поезда; из окон ничего не было видно, кроме широкой белой простыни, на фоне которой дым паровоза казался сероватым. Yola çıktıktan bir saat sonra kar yağmaya başladı; ince bir kar yağışı olmasına rağmen ne mutlu ki treni engelleyemedi; pencerelerden, lokomotifin dumanının grimsi bir görünüm aldığı geniş, beyaz bir örtüden başka bir şey görünmüyordu. 開動一小時後開始下雪,而且是細雪,還好沒有擋住火車。從窗戶裡什麼也看不見,只有一張巨大的白床單,機車冒出的煙在它的襯托下呈現出淡淡的灰色。

At eight o’clock a steward entered the car and announced that the time for going to bed had arrived; and in a few minutes the car was transformed into a dormitory. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||спальне купе В восемь часов в вагон вошел стюард и объявил, что пора ложиться спать; и за несколько минут машина превратилась в общежитие. Saat sekizde bir görevli vagona girerek yatma vaktinin geldiğini duyurdu ve birkaç dakika içinde vagon yatakhaneye dönüştü.

The backs of the seats were thrown back, bedsteads carefully packed were rolled out by an ingenious system, berths were suddenly improvised, and each traveller had soon at his disposition a comfortable bed, protected from curious eyes by thick curtains. ||||||||bed frames|||||||||||||quickly created||||||||disposal|||||||||| ||||||||ліжкові рами||||||||||спальні місця||||||||||||||||||||| Les dossiers des sièges étaient rabattus, les sommiers soigneusement garnis étaient déroulés par un ingénieux système, les couchettes étaient soudainement improvisées, et chaque voyageur avait bientôt à sa disposition un lit confortable, protégé des regards curieux par d'épais rideaux. Спинки сидений были откинуты, тщательно сложенные кровати были выдвинуты хитроумной системой, спальные места были внезапно импровизированы, и вскоре каждый путешественник имел в своем распоряжении удобную кровать, защищенную от любопытных глаз плотными занавесками. Koltukların arkalıkları geriye atıldı, özenle paketlenmiş karyolalar ustaca bir sistemle açıldı, ranzalar aniden doğaçlama yapıldı ve her yolcunun kısa sürede kalın perdelerle meraklı gözlerden korunan rahat bir yatağı oldu. 座椅的靠背向後傾斜,精心包裝的床架由一個巧妙的系統展開,舖位突然臨時搭建起來,每位旅客很快就擁有了一張舒適的床,床被厚厚的窗簾擋住了好奇的眼睛。 The sheets were clean and the pillows soft. It only remained to go to bed and sleep--which everybody did--while the train sped on across the State of California. |||||||||||||||avançava rápido|||||| Оставалось только лечь и поспать, что и сделали все, пока поезд мчался по штату Калифорния. Geriye sadece yatağa girip uyumak kalmıştı - ki herkes öyle yaptı - tren Kaliforniya Eyaleti boyunca hızla ilerlerken. 剩下的就是上床睡覺了——每個人都這樣做了——火車在加利福尼亞州疾馳而過。 The country between San Francisco and Sacramento is not very hilly. |region||||||||| ||||||||||montanhosa Местность между Сан-Франциско и Сакраменто не очень холмистая.

The Central Pacific, taking Sacramento for its starting-point, extends eastward to meet the road from Omaha. The line from San Francisco to Sacramento runs in a north-easterly direction, along the American River, which empties into San Pablo Bay. Линия из Сан-Франциско в Сакраменто проходит в северо-восточном направлении вдоль реки Американ, впадающей в залив Сан-Пабло. San Francisco'dan Sacramento'ya uzanan hat, San Pablo Körfezi'ne dökülen Amerikan Nehri boyunca kuzey-doğu yönünde uzanmaktadır. The one hundred and twenty miles between these cities were accomplished in six hours, and towards midnight, while fast asleep, the travellers passed through Sacramento; so that they saw nothing of that important place, the seat of the State government, with its fine quays, its broad streets, its noble hotels, squares, and churches. Сто двадцать миль между этими городами были пройдены за шесть часов, и около полуночи, крепко уснув, путешественники прошли через Сакраменто; так что они ничего не видели в этом важном месте, резиденции правительства штата, с его прекрасными набережными, его широкими улицами, его роскошными отелями, площадями и церквями. Bu kentler arasındaki yüz yirmi millik yol altı saatte tamamlandı ve gece yarısına doğru, yolcular uykudayken Sacramento'dan geçtiler; böylece güzel rıhtımları, geniş caddeleri, soylu otelleri, meydanları ve kiliseleriyle Eyalet hükümetinin merkezi olan bu önemli yer hakkında hiçbir şey görmediler. The train, on leaving Sacramento, and passing the junction, Roclin, Auburn, and Colfax, entered the range of the Sierra Nevada. Поезд, покинув Сакраменто и проехав перекресток Роклин, Оберн и Колфакс, вошел в полосу Сьерра-Невады. Tren Sacramento'dan ayrılıp Roclin, Auburn ve Colfax kavşaklarını geçtikten sonra Sierra Nevada sıradağlarına girdi.

Cisco was reached at seven in the morning; and an hour later the dormitory was transformed into an ordinary car, and the travellers could observe the picturesque beauties of the mountain region through which they were steaming. С Циско связались в семь утра; а через час общежитие превратилось в обычный автомобиль, и путешественники могли наблюдать за живописными красотами горного края, по которому они плыли. Cisco'ya sabah yedide ulaşıldı; bir saat sonra yatakhane sıradan bir arabaya dönüştürüldü ve yolcular içinden geçmekte oldukları dağlık bölgenin pitoresk güzelliklerini gözlemleyebildiler. The railway track wound in and out among the passes, now approaching the mountain sides, now suspended over precipices, avoiding abrupt angles by bold curves, plunging into narrow defiles, which seemed to have no outlet. ||||||||||||||||||Abgründe|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||cliffs or steep drops|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||прірви|||||||||||||||| Железнодорожный путь петлял между перевалами, то подходя к горным склонам, то зависая над пропастями, избегая резких поворотов смелыми поворотами, уходя в узкие дефиле, у которых, казалось, не было выхода. Demiryolu hattı geçitlerin arasında bir içeri bir dışarı kıvrılıyor, şimdi dağ yamaçlarına yaklaşıyor, şimdi uçurumların üzerinde asılı kalıyor, cesur kıvrımlarla keskin açılardan kaçınıyor, çıkışı yokmuş gibi görünen dar çukurlara dalıyordu. The locomotive, its great funnel emitting a weird light, with its sharp bell, and its cow-catcher extended like a spur, mingled its shrieks and bellowings with the noise of torrents and cascades, and twined its smoke among the branches of the gigantic pines. |||||||||||||||||||||||Schreie|||||||||||gewunden||||||||| |||||||||||||||safety device|cow-catcher||||protrusion|||screams||roars|||||rushing water||waterfalls||wrapped around||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||うなり声|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||ревіння|||||||||||||||||| The locomotive, its great funnel emitting a weird light, with its sharp bell, and its cow-catcher extended like a spur, mingled its shrieks and bellowings with the noise of torrents and cascades, and twined its smoke among the branches of the gigantic pines. La locomotive, son grand entonnoir émettant une étrange lumière, avec sa cloche acérée, et son attrape-vache allongé comme un éperon, mêlait ses cris et ses hurlements au bruit des torrents et des cascades, et enroulait sa fumée parmi les branches des pins gigantesques. . Локомотив с его огромной трубой, испускающей странный свет, с его острым колоколом и с протянутым, как шпора, коровоуловителем, смешивал свои крики и мычание с шумом потоков и каскадов, и клубил свой дым среди ветвей гигантских сосен. . Büyük hunisi tuhaf bir ışık saçan lokomotif, keskin çanı ve mahmuz gibi uzatılmış inek yakalayıcısı ile çığlıklarını ve böğürmelerini sellerin ve çağlayanların gürültüsüne karıştırıyor ve dumanını devasa çamların dalları arasında dolaştırıyordu. 火車頭,巨大的漏斗發出怪異的光芒,喇叭發出尖銳的喇叭聲,它的捕牛器像馬刺一樣伸展開來,它的尖叫聲和吼叫聲與激流和瀑布的噪音交織在一起,它的煙霧在巨大的松樹的樹枝間纏繞. There were few or no bridges or tunnels on the route. 這條路線上幾乎沒有或沒有橋樑或隧道。

The railway turned around the sides of the mountains, and did not attempt to violate nature by taking the shortest cut from one point to another. Железная дорога обогнула склоны гор и не пыталась нарушить природу, идя кратчайшим путем из одной точки в другую. Demiryolu, dağların kenarlarından dönmüş ve bir noktadan diğerine en kısa yoldan giderek doğayı ihlal etmeye çalışmamıştır. The train entered the State of Nevada through the Carson Valley about nine o’clock, going always north-easterly; and at midday reached Reno, where there was a delay of twenty minutes for breakfast.

From this point the road, running along Humboldt River, passed northward for several miles by its banks; then it turned eastward, and kept by the river until it reached the Humboldt Range, nearly at the extreme eastern limit of Nevada. Bu noktadan itibaren Humboldt Nehri boyunca uzanan yol, nehrin kıyısından kuzeye doğru birkaç mil ilerledi; daha sonra doğuya döndü ve Nevada'nın neredeyse en doğu sınırındaki Humboldt Sıradağları'na ulaşana kadar nehirden ayrılmadı. З цього місця дорога, що йшла вздовж річки Гумбольдт, проходила на північ на кілька миль її берегами; потім він повернув на схід і тримався біля річки, поки не досяг хребта Гумбольдта, майже на крайній східній межі Невади.

Having breakfasted, Mr. Fogg and his companions resumed their places in the car, and observed the varied landscape which unfolded itself as they passed along; the vast prairies, the mountains lining the horizon, and the creeks, with their frothy, foaming streams. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||small rivers|||bubbly|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||小川||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||espumosas e borbulhantes|| Позавтракав, мистер Фогг и его спутники заняли свои места в машине и стали наблюдать за разнообразным пейзажем, который открывался по мере их движения; бескрайние прерии, горы на горизонте и ручьи с их пенистыми, пенящимися потоками. Bay Fogg ve arkadaşları kahvaltılarını yaptıktan sonra arabadaki yerlerine döndüler ve geçerken karşılarına çıkan değişik manzarayı seyrettiler; uçsuz bucaksız çayırlar, ufku kaplayan dağlar ve köpüklü dereleriyle dereler.

Sometimes a great herd of buffaloes, massing together in the distance, seemed like a moveable dam. ||||||збираючись разом||||||||рухомий| Иногда огромное стадо буйволов, сбившееся в кучу вдали, казалось подвижной плотиной. Bazen uzakta bir araya toplanmış büyük bir bufalo sürüsü, hareketli bir baraj gibi görünüyordu. These innumerable multitudes of ruminating beasts often form an insurmountable obstacle to the passage of the trains; thousands of them have been seen passing over the track for hours together, in compact ranks. |||||||||unüberwindbares Hindernis||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||chewing cud|||||impossible to overcome||||||||||||have||||||||||| ||||жуйних тварин|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Эти бесчисленные множества жвачных зверей часто образуют непреодолимое препятствие для движения поездов; тысячи из них были замечены проходящими по трассе в течение нескольких часов вместе, компактными рядами. Bu sayısız geviş getiren hayvan sürüsü çoğu zaman trenlerin geçişi önünde aşılmaz bir engel oluşturmaktadır; binlercesinin saatlerce bir arada, sıkışık sıralar halinde rayların üzerinden geçtiği görülmüştür. 這些數不勝數的反芻動物,常常成為火車通行的不可逾越的障礙;數以千計的人排成緊湊的隊伍,一起在賽道上經過數小時。 The locomotive is then forced to stop and wait till the road is once more clear. 然後機車被迫停下來等待道路再次暢通無阻。 This happened, indeed, to the train in which Mr. Fogg was travelling.

About twelve o’clock a troop of ten or twelve thousand head of buffalo encumbered the track. |||||||||||||blocked the path|| |||||||||||||obstruía|| Por volta das doze horas, uma tropa de dez ou doze mil cabeças de búfalos atrapalhou a trilha. Около двенадцати часов стадо из десяти или двенадцати тысяч голов буйволов загромождало дорогу. Saat on ikiye doğru, on ya da on iki bin baş bufalodan oluşan bir birlik yolu kapattı. The locomotive, slackening its speed, tried to clear the way with its cow-catcher; but the mass of animals was too great. ||||||||||||catcher||||||||| The locomotive, slackening its speed, tried to clear the way with its cow-catcher; but the mass of animals was too great. Локомотив, сбавив ход, попытался расчистить дорогу скотоуловителем; но масса животных была слишком велика. Lokomotif hızını keserek inek yakalayıcısıyla yolu açmaya çalıştı; ancak hayvan yığını çok büyüktü. 機車放慢了速度,試圖用它的捕牛器開路。但是動物的數量太多了。 The buffaloes marched along with a tranquil gait, uttering now and then deafening bellowings. ||||||||lauten Geräuschen||||| |||||||passo tranquilo|||||| Буйволы шли спокойной походкой, издавая то и дело оглушительное мычание. Mandalar sakin bir yürüyüşle ilerliyor, ara sıra kulakları sağır eden böğürtüler çıkarıyorlardı. 水牛邁著平靜的步伐向前走,不時發出震耳欲聾的吼叫聲。 There was no use of interrupting them, for, having taken a particular direction, nothing can moderate and change their course; it is a torrent of living flesh which no dam could contain. Их бесполезно прерывать, ибо, приняв определенное направление, ничто не может смягчить и изменить их ход; это поток живой плоти, который не может удержать никакая плотина. Onları durdurmanın bir yararı yoktu, çünkü belirli bir yöne girdikten sonra hiçbir şey onların rotasını değiştiremezdi; bu, hiçbir barajın tutamayacağı canlı bir et seliydi. The travellers gazed on this curious spectacle from the platforms; but Phileas Fogg, who had the most reason of all to be in a hurry, remained in his seat, and waited philosophically until it should please the buffaloes to get out of the way. Путешественники смотрели на это любопытное зрелище с платформ; но Филеас Фогг, у которого больше всего причин было торопиться, остался на своем месте и философски ждал, пока бизоны не соизволят убраться с дороги. Yolcular platformlardan bu ilginç manzarayı seyrediyorlardı; ama acele etmek için en çok nedeni olan Phileas Fogg oturduğu yerde kaldı ve bufaloların yoldan çekilmesini felsefi bir şekilde bekledi.

Passepartout was furious at the delay they occasioned, and longed to discharge his arsenal of revolvers upon them. Паспарту был в ярости из-за вызванной ими задержки и страстно желал разрядить по ним свой арсенал револьверов. Passepartout onların neden olduğu gecikmeye çok sinirlenmiş ve cephaneliğindeki tabancaları üzerlerine boşaltmak istemişti.

"What a country!

cried he. "Mere cattle stop the trains, and go by in a procession, just as if they were not impeding travel! |Vieh||||||||||||||||| «Простые быки останавливают поезда и проходят процессией, как будто они не мешают движению! "Sadece sığırlar trenleri durduruyor ve sanki seyahati engellemiyorlarmış gibi bir alay halinde geçip gidiyorlar! Parbleu! I should like to know if Mr. Fogg foresaw  this mishap in his programme! ||||||||||Missgeschick||| ||||||||||incident||| ||||||||||contratempo||| Я хотел бы знать, предвидел ли г-н Фогг в своей программе эту неудачу! Bay Fogg'un programında bu aksiliği öngörüp öngörmediğini bilmek isterdim! And here’s an engineer who doesn’t dare to run the locomotive into this herd of beasts! А вот машинист не посмеет врезаться паровозом в это стадо зверей! The engineer did not try to overcome the obstacle, and he was wise. Инженер не пытался преодолеть препятствие, и он был мудр.

He would have crushed the first buffaloes, no doubt, with the cow-catcher; but the locomotive, however powerful, would soon have been checked, the train would inevitably have been thrown off the track, and would then have been helpless. Ele teria esmagado os primeiros búfalos, sem dúvida, com o caçador de vacas; mas a locomotiva, por mais potente que fosse, logo seria verificada, o trem inevitavelmente teria sido jogado para fora dos trilhos e ficaria desamparado. Без сомнения, он раздавил бы первых буйволов скотоловом; но паровоз, какой бы мощный он ни был, вскоре был бы остановлен, поезд неизбежно слетел бы с пути и тогда оказался бы беспомощным. Kuşkusuz ilk bufaloları inek yakalayıcıyla ezebilirdi; ama lokomotif ne kadar güçlü olursa olsun, kısa sürede kontrol altına alınır, tren kaçınılmaz olarak raydan çıkar ve o zaman çaresiz kalırdı. The best course was to wait patiently, and regain the lost time by greater speed when the obstacle was removed. ||||||||wiedergewinnen||||||||||| Лучше всего было терпеливо ждать и отыграть потерянное время с большей скоростью, когда препятствие будет устранено.

The procession of buffaloes lasted three full hours, and it was night before the track was clear. The procession of buffaloes lasted three full hours, and it was night before the track was clear. 水牛的遊行持續了整整三個小時,直到晚上,賽道才暢通無阻。 The last ranks of the herd were now passing over the rails, while the first had already disappeared below the southern horizon. Sürünün son safları şimdi rayların üzerinden geçerken, ilk saflar çoktan güney ufkunun altında kaybolmuştu. It was eight o’clock when the train passed through the defiles of the Humboldt Range, and half-past nine when it penetrated Utah, the region of the Great Salt Lake, the singular colony of the Mormons. Nyolc óra volt, amikor a vonat áthaladt a Humboldt-hegység dombvidékén, és fél tíz, amikor behatolt Utahba, a Nagy Sós-tó vidékére, a mormonok egyedülálló kolóniájába. Было восемь часов, когда поезд миновал ущелья хребта Гумбольдта, и половина девятого, когда он въехал в Юту, район Большого Соленого озера, своеобразную колонию мормонов. 火车穿过洪堡山脉的峡谷时是八点钟,九点半时火车穿过犹他州,大盐湖地区,摩门教徒的独特聚居地。