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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, Chapter 25.

Chapter 25.

It was seven in the morning when Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and Passepartout set foot upon the American continent, if this name can be given to the floating quay upon which they disembarked.

These quays, rising and falling with the tide, thus facilitate the loading and unloading of vessels. Alongside them were clippers of all sizes, steamers of all nationalities, and the steamboats, with several decks rising one above the other, which ply on the Sacramento and its tributaries. There were also heaped up the products of a commerce which extends to Mexico, Chili, Peru, Brazil, Europe, Asia, and all the Pacific islands. Passepartout, in his joy on reaching at last the American continent, thought he would manifest it by executing a perilous vault in fine style; but, tumbling upon some worm-eaten planks, he fell through them.

Put out of countenance by the manner in which he thus "set foot" upon the New World, he uttered a loud cry, which so frightened the innumerable cormorants and pelicans that are always perched upon these movable quays, that they flew noisily away. Mr.

Fogg, on reaching shore, proceeded to find out at what hour the first train left for New York, and learned that this was at six o'clock p.m. ; he had, therefore, an entire day to spend in the Californian capital. Taking a carriage at a charge of three dollars, he and Aouda entered it, while Passepartout mounted the box beside the driver, and they set out for the International Hotel. From his exalted position Passepartout observed with much curiosity the wide streets, the low, evenly ranged houses, the Anglo-Saxon Gothic churches, the great docks, the palatial wooden and brick warehouses, the numerous conveyances, omnibuses, horse-cars, and upon the side-walks, not only Americans and Europeans, but Chinese and Indians.

Passepartout was surprised at all he saw. San Francisco was no longer the legendary city of 1849,--a city of banditti, assassins, and incendiaries, who had flocked hither in crowds in pursuit of plunder; a paradise of outlaws, where they gambled with gold-dust, a revolver in one hand and a bowie-knife in the other: it was now a great commercial emporium. The lofty tower of its City Hall overlooked the whole panorama of the streets and avenues, which cut each other at right-angles, and in the midst of which appeared pleasant, verdant squares, while beyond appeared the Chinese quarter, seemingly imported from the Celestial Empire in a toy-box.

Sombreros and red shirts and plumed Indians were rarely to be seen; but there were silk hats and black coats everywhere worn by a multitude of nervously active, gentlemanly-looking men. Some of the streets--especially Montgomery Street, which is to San Francisco what Regent Street is to London, the Boulevard des Italiens to Paris, and Broadway to New York--were lined with splendid and spacious stores, which exposed in their windows the products of the entire world. When Passepartout reached the International Hotel, it did not seem to him as if he had left England at all.

The ground floor of the hotel was occupied by a large bar, a sort of restaurant freely open to all passers-by, who might partake of dried beef, oyster soup, biscuits, and cheese, without taking out their purses.

Payment was made only for the ale, porter, or sherry which was drunk. This seemed "very American" to Passepartout. The hotel refreshment-rooms were comfortable, and Mr. Fogg and Aouda, installing themselves at a table, were abundantly served on diminutive plates by negroes of darkest hue. After breakfast, Mr. Fogg, accompanied by Aouda, started for the English consulate to have his passport visaed .

As he was going out, he met Passepartout, who asked him if it would not be well, before taking the train, to purchase some dozens of Enfield rifles and Colt's revolvers. He had been listening to stories of attacks upon the trains by the Sioux and Pawnees. Mr. Fogg thought it a useless precaution, but told him to do as he thought best, and went on to the consulate. He had not proceeded two hundred steps, however, when, "by the greatest chance in the world," he met Fix.

The detective seemed wholly taken by surprise. What! Had Mr. Fogg and himself crossed the Pacific together, and not met on the steamer! At least Fix felt honoured to behold once more the gentleman to whom he owed so much, and, as his business recalled him to Europe, he should be delighted to continue the journey in such pleasant company. Mr.

Fogg replied that the honour would be his; and the detective--who was determined not to lose sight of him--begged permission to accompany them in their walk about San Francisco--a request which Mr. Fogg readily granted. They soon found themselves in Montgomery Street, where a great crowd was collected; the side-walks, street, horsecar rails, the shop-doors, the windows of the houses, and even the roofs, were full of people.

Men were going about carrying large posters, and flags and streamers were floating in the wind; while loud cries were heard on every hand. "Hurrah for Camerfield!

"Hurrah for Mandiboy!

It was a political meeting; at least so Fix conjectured, who said to Mr. Fogg, "Perhaps we had better not mingle with the crowd.

There may be danger in it. "Yes," returned Mr. Fogg; "and blows, even if they are political, are still blows.

Fix smiled at this remark; and, in order to be able to see without being jostled about, the party took up a position on the top of a flight of steps situated at the upper end of Montgomery Street.

Opposite them, on the other side of the street, between a coal wharf and a petroleum warehouse, a large platform had been erected in the open air, towards which the current of the crowd seemed to be directed. For what purpose was this meeting?

What was the occasion of this excited assemblage? Phileas Fogg could not imagine. Was it to nominate some high official--a governor or member of Congress? It was not improbable, so agitated was the multitude before them. Just at this moment there was an unusual stir in the human mass.

All the hands were raised in the air. Some, tightly closed, seemed to disappear suddenly in the midst of the cries--an energetic way, no doubt, of casting a vote. The crowd swayed back, the banners and flags wavered, disappeared an instant, then reappeared in tatters. The undulations of the human surge reached the steps, while all the heads floundered on the surface like a sea agitated by a squall. Many of the black hats disappeared, and the greater part of the crowd seemed to have diminished in height. "It is evidently a meeting," said Fix, "and its object must be an exciting one.

I should not wonder if it were about the Alabama , despite the fact that that question is settled. "Perhaps," replied Mr. Fogg, simply.

"At least, there are two champions in presence of each other, the Honourable Mr. Camerfield and the Honourable Mr.

Mandiboy. Aouda, leaning upon Mr. Fogg's arm, observed the tumultuous scene with surprise, while Fix asked a man near him what the cause of it all was.

Before the man could reply, a fresh agitation arose; hurrahs and excited shouts were heard; the staffs of the banners began to be used as offensive weapons; and fists flew about in every direction. Thumps were exchanged from the tops of the carriages and omnibuses which had been blocked up in the crowd. Boots and shoes went whirling through the air, and Mr. Fogg thought he even heard the crack of revolvers mingling in the din, the rout approached the stairway, and flowed over the lower step. One of the parties had evidently been repulsed; but the mere lookers-on could not tell whether Mandiboy or Camerfield had gained the upper hand. "It would be prudent for us to retire," said Fix, who was anxious that Mr. Fogg should not receive any injury, at least until they got back to London.

"If there is any question about England in all this, and we were recognised, I fear it would go hard with us. "An English subject--" began Mr. Fogg.

He did not finish his sentence; for a terrific hubbub now arose on the terrace behind the flight of steps where they stood, and there were frantic shouts of, "Hurrah for Mandiboy!

Hip, hip, hurrah! It was a band of voters coming to the rescue of their allies, and taking the Camerfield forces in flank.

Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and Fix found themselves between two fires; it was too late to escape. The torrent of men, armed with loaded canes and sticks, was irresistible. Phileas Fogg and Fix were roughly hustled in their attempts to protect their fair companion; the former, as cool as ever, tried to defend himself with the weapons which nature has placed at the end of every Englishman's arm, but in vain. A big brawny fellow with a red beard, flushed face, and broad shoulders, who seemed to be the chief of the band, raised his clenched fist to strike Mr. Fogg, whom he would have given a crushing blow, had not Fix rushed in and received it in his stead. An enormous bruise immediately made its appearance under the detective's silk hat, which was completely smashed in. "Yankee!

exclaimed Mr. Fogg, darting a contemptuous look at the ruffian. "Englishman!

returned the other. "We will meet again! "When you please.

"What is your name?

"Phileas Fogg.

And yours? "Colonel Stamp Proctor.

The human tide now swept by, after overturning Fix, who speedily got upon his feet again, though with tattered clothes.

Happily, he was not seriously hurt. His travelling overcoat was divided into two unequal parts, and his trousers resembled those of certain Indians, which fit less compactly than they are easy to put on. Aouda had escaped unharmed, and Fix alone bore marks of the fray in his black and blue bruise. "Thanks," said Mr. Fogg to the detective, as soon as they were out of the crowd.

"No thanks are necessary," replied.

Fix; "but let us go. "Where?

"To a tailor's.

Such a visit was, indeed, opportune.

The clothing of both Mr. Fogg and Fix was in rags, as if they had themselves been actively engaged in the contest between Camerfield and Mandiboy. An hour after, they were once more suitably attired, and with Aouda returned to the International Hotel. Passepartout was waiting for his master, armed with half a dozen six-barrelled revolvers.

When he perceived Fix, he knit his brows; but Aouda having, in a few words, told him of their adventure, his countenance resumed its placid expression. Fix evidently was no longer an enemy, but an ally; he was faithfully keeping his word. Dinner over, the coach which was to convey the passengers and their luggage to the station drew up to the door.

As he was getting in, Mr. Fogg said to Fix, "You have not seen this Colonel Proctor again? "No.

"I will come back to America to find him," said Phileas Fogg calmly.

"It would not be right for an Englishman to permit himself to be treated in that way, without retaliating. The detective smiled, but did not reply.

It was clear that Mr. Fogg was one of those Englishmen who, while they do not tolerate duelling at home, fight abroad when their honour is attacked. At a quarter before six the travellers reached the station, and found the train ready to depart.

As he was about to enter it, Mr. Fogg called a porter, and said to him: "My friend, was there not some trouble to-day in San Francisco? "It was a political meeting, sir," replied the porter.

"But I thought there was a great deal of disturbance in the streets.

"It was only a meeting assembled for an election.

"The election of a general-in-chief, no doubt?

asked Mr. Fogg. "No, sir; of a justice of the peace.

Phileas Fogg got into the train, which started off at full speed.

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Chapter 25. Kapitel 25. Capítulo 25. Chapitre 25. Capitolo 25. 第25章 25장. Hoofdstuk 25. Capítulo 25. Глава 25. 25. Bölüm. Розділ 25. 第25章 第25章。

It was seven in the morning when Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and Passepartout set foot upon the American continent, if this name can be given to the floating quay upon which they disembarked. Es war sieben Uhr morgens, als Herr Fogg, Aouda und Passepartout den amerikanischen Kontinent betraten, wenn dieser Name dem schwimmenden Kai gegeben werden kann, auf dem sie ausstiegen. Было семь часов утра, когда мистер Фогг, Ауда и Паспарту ступили на американский континент, если так можно назвать плавучую пристань, на которой они высадились. Bay Fogg, Aouda ve Passepartout, karaya çıktıkları yüzen iskeleye bu ad verilebilirse, Amerika kıtasına ayak bastıklarında saat sabahın yedisiydi.

These quays, rising and falling with the tide, thus facilitate the loading and unloading of vessels. |||||mit||||erleichtern|||||| These quays, rising and falling with the tide, thus facilitate the loading and unloading of vessels. Эти причалы, поднимающиеся и опускающиеся вместе с приливом, облегчают погрузку и разгрузку судов. Gelgitle birlikte alçalıp yükselen bu rıhtımlar, gemilerin yükleme ve boşaltma işlemlerini kolaylaştırmaktadır. Alongside them were clippers of all sizes, steamers of all nationalities, and the steamboats, with several decks rising one above the other, which ply on the Sacramento and its tributaries. |||Schiffe||||||||||||||||||||||||||Nebenflüsse |||ships|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||クリッパー|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||кліпери|||||||||||||||||||||||Сакраменто||| |||velieri|||||||||||||||||||||||||| A leurs côtés se trouvaient des tondeuses de toutes tailles, des bateaux à vapeur de toutes nationalités et des bateaux à vapeur, à plusieurs ponts s'élevant les uns au-dessus des autres, qui sillonnent le Sacramento et ses affluents. Рядом с ними шли клиперы всех размеров, пароходы всех национальностей и пароходы с несколькими возвышающимися одна над другой палубами, курсирующие по Сакраменто и его притокам. Bunların yanı sıra, her büyüklükte küçük gemiler, her milletten vapurlar ve Sacramento ve kollarında sefer yapan, üst üste birkaç güvertesi olan buharlı gemiler vardı. 与它们并排的是大小不一的快船、各国的轮船和轮船,甲板层层叠叠,往返于萨克拉门托河及其支流上。 There were also heaped up the products of a commerce which extends to Mexico, Chili, Peru, Brazil, Europe, Asia, and all the Pacific islands. |||gehäuft|||||||||||||||||||| |||piled up|||||||||||||||||||| |||acumulados|||||||||||||||||||| Были также нагромождены продукты торговли, которая распространяется на Мексику, Чили, Перу, Бразилию, Европу, Азию и все острова Тихого океана. Ayrıca Meksika, Şili, Peru, Brezilya, Avrupa, Asya ve tüm Pasifik adalarına kadar uzanan bir ticaretin ürünleri de yığılmıştı. 还堆积了延伸到墨西哥、智利、秘鲁、巴西、欧洲、亚洲和所有太平洋岛屿的商业产品。 Passepartout, in his joy on reaching at last the American continent, thought he would manifest it by executing a perilous vault in fine style; but, tumbling upon some worm-eaten planks, he fell through them. |||||||||||||||||||gefährlicher||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||wooden boards|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||cadendo||||mangiate dai vermi|asse marce|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||板|||| Паспарту, радуясь, что наконец добрался до американского континента, думал, что продемонстрирует это, изящно совершив рискованный прыжок; но, наткнувшись на какие-то червивые доски, он провалился сквозь них. Passepartout, sonunda Amerika kıtasına ulaştığı için duyduğu sevinci, tehlikeli bir atlayışı güzel bir şekilde gerçekleştirerek göstereceğini düşündü; ama kurt yeniği kalasların üzerine yuvarlanarak kalasların arasından düştü. 路路通终于到达美洲大陆,他很高兴,他认为他可以通过优雅地完成一次危险的跳马来证明这一点。但是,在一些被虫蛀的木板上翻滚,他跌倒了。

Put out of countenance by the manner in which he thus "set foot" upon the New World, he uttered a loud cry, which so frightened the innumerable cormorants and pelicans that are always perched upon these movable quays, that they flew noisily away. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||unzähligen|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||cormorants||pelicans||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||cormorani||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||баклани||||||||||||||| Выведенный из себя тем, как он таким образом «ступил» на Новый Свет, он издал громкий крик, который так напугал бесчисленных бакланов и пеликанов, всегда сидящих на этих подвижных причалах, что они с шумом улетели прочь. Yeni Dünya'ya "ayak basma" şeklinden dolayı yüzü asılan adam yüksek sesle bir çığlık attı ve bu çığlık, her zaman bu hareketli rıhtımların üzerine tüneyen sayısız karabatak ve pelikanı öyle korkuttu ki, gürültüyle uçup gittiler. 他被这样“踏上”新大陆的方式搞得面目全非,大叫一声,吓坏了常栖息在这些可移动码头上的无数鸬鹚和鹈鹕,它们吵闹地飞走了。 Mr.

Fogg, on reaching shore, proceeded to find out at what hour the first train left for New York, and learned that this was at six o’clock p.m. ||||||scoprire||||||||||||||||||||| ; he had, therefore, an entire day to spend in the Californian capital. Taking a carriage at a charge of three dollars, he and Aouda entered it, while Passepartout mounted the box beside the driver, and they set out for the International Hotel. ||Wagen||||||||||||||||||||||||||| From his exalted position Passepartout observed with much curiosity the wide streets, the low, evenly ranged houses, the Anglo-Saxon Gothic churches, the great docks, the palatial wooden and brick warehouses, the numerous conveyances, omnibuses, horse-cars, and upon the side-walks, not only Americans and Europeans, but Chinese and Indians. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||palastartigen|||||||Fahrzeuge||||||||||||||||| ||high-ranking||||||||||||||||||||||||grand and impressive|||||||vehicles|public buses|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||disposte in fila|||||||||darsene||palaziali||||magazzini||||omnibus|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||пишні|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||宮殿のよう||||||||オムニバス|||||||||||||||| Со своего возвышенного положения Паспарту с большим любопытством наблюдал за широкими улицами, низкими, ровно расположенными домами, англо-саксонскими готическими церквями, большими доками, роскошными деревянными и кирпичными складами, многочисленными повозками, омнибусами, конными повозками и тротуары, не только американцы и европейцы, но китайцы и индийцы. Passepartout, bulunduğu yüce konumdan geniş caddeleri, alçak ve eşit aralıklarla sıralanmış evleri, Anglosakson Gotik kiliselerini, büyük rıhtımları, görkemli ahşap ve tuğla depoları, sayısız ulaşım aracını, omnibüsleri, at arabalarını ve kaldırımlarda sadece Amerikalıları ve Avrupalıları değil, Çinlileri ve Hintlileri de büyük bir merakla izledi. 路路通站在高处,好奇地观察着宽阔的街道、低矮而均匀分布的房屋、盎格鲁-撒克逊哥特式教堂、宏伟的码头、富丽堂皇的木头和砖砌仓库、无数的交通工具、公共汽车、马车,以及人行道上,不仅有美国人和欧洲人,还有中国人和印度人。

Passepartout was surprised at all he saw. San Francisco was no longer the legendary city of 1849,--a city of banditti, assassins, and incendiaries, who had flocked hither in crowds in pursuit of plunder; a paradise of outlaws, where they gambled with gold-dust, a revolver in one hand and a bowie-knife in the other: it was now a great commercial emporium. |||||||||||||||Brandstifter||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||bandits|||arsonists|||gathered|||||||wealth||||||||||||handgun||||||Bowie knife|||||||||||trading center |||||||||||||||incendiari||||qui||||||||||||||||||||||||coltello bowie||||||||||| |||||||||||||||палії|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||торговий центр |||||||||||||||||||ここに||||||||||||||||||||||||ブーヤーナイ||||||||||| San Francisco n'était plus la ville légendaire de 1849, - une ville de bandits, d'assassins et d'incendiaires, qui avaient afflué ici en foule à la poursuite du pillage; un paradis des hors-la-loi, où ils jouaient avec de la poussière d'or, un revolver dans une main et un bowie-couteau dans l'autre: c'était maintenant un grand magasin commercial. Сан-Франциско больше не был легендарным городом 1849 года, городом бандитов, убийц и поджигателей, стекавшихся сюда толпами в погоне за грабежом; рай для разбойников, где они играли в азартные игры с золотым песком, с револьвером в одной руке и охотничьим ножом в другой: теперь это был большой торговый центр. San Francisco artık 1849'un efsanevi kenti değildi; yağma peşinde kalabalıklar halinde buraya akın eden haydutların, suikastçıların ve yangın çıkaranların kenti; bir ellerinde tabanca, diğerinde bowie bıçağıyla altın tozuyla kumar oynadıkları bir kanun kaçakları cenneti: Artık büyük bir ticaret merkeziydi. Сан-Франциско вже не був легендарним містом 1849 року — містом бандитів, убивць і підпалювачів, які натовпами стікалися сюди в погоні за грабіжником; рай для розбійників, де вони грали в азартні ігри із золотим пилом, з револьвером в одній руці та ножем-боуї в іншій: тепер це був великий торговий центр. 旧金山不再是 1849 年的传奇城市——土匪、刺客和纵火犯成群结队前来抢劫的城市;不法之徒的天堂,他们用金粉赌博,一手拿着左轮手枪,一手拿着博伊刀:它现在是一个巨大的商业中心。 The lofty tower of its City Hall overlooked the whole panorama of the streets and avenues, which cut each other at right-angles, and in the midst of which appeared pleasant, verdant squares, while beyond appeared the Chinese quarter, seemingly imported from the Celestial Empire in a toy-box. |hoch||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |elevada||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Высокая башня его ратуши возвышалась над всей панорамой улиц и проспектов, пересекающих друг друга под прямым углом, среди которых виднелись приятные, зеленые площади, а за ними Китайский квартал, как бы привезенный из Поднебесной. Империя в игрушечной коробке. Belediye Binası'nın yüce kulesi, birbirini dik açıyla kesen sokak ve caddelerin tüm panoramasına bakıyordu ve bunların ortasında hoş, yemyeşil meydanlar, ötesinde ise Göksel İmparatorluk'tan oyuncak kutusunda ithal edilmiş gibi görünen Çin mahallesi görünüyordu. З високої вежі її міської ратуші відкривалася вся панорама вулиць і проспектів, що перерізали одна одну під прямим кутом, і посеред яких виднілися приємні, зелені площі, а далі виднівся китайський квартал, ніби привезений з Піднебесної. Імперія в коробці з іграшками. 市政厅高耸的塔楼俯瞰着街道和大道的全景,它们以直角相互切割,中间出现宜人的青翠广场,而远处则是中国区,似乎是从天国进口的玩具盒中的帝国。

Sombreros and red shirts and plumed Indians were rarely to be seen; but there were silk hats and black coats everywhere worn by a multitude of nervously active, gentlemanly-looking men. hats|||||feathered||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||羽飾りの||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||com penas||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||indiani piumati||||||||||||||||||||||||| Les sombreros, les chemises rouges et les Indiens à plumes étaient rarement vus; mais il y avait partout des chapeaux de soie et des manteaux noirs portés par une multitude d'hommes nerveusement actifs et à l'air gentils. Редко можно было увидеть сомбреро, красные рубашки и индейцев с перьями; но повсюду были шелковые шляпы и черные пальто, которые носило множество нервно-подвижных, джентльменского вида мужчин. Sombrerolar, kırmızı gömlekler ve tüylü Kızılderililer nadiren görülüyordu; ancak her yerde, gergin bir şekilde aktif, centilmen görünümlü çok sayıda erkek tarafından giyilen ipek şapkalar ve siyah paltolar vardı. 阔边帽、红衬衫和披着羽毛的印第安人很少见。但是到处都是许多神经质活跃、绅士风度的男人所穿的丝质帽子和黑色外套。 Some of the streets--especially Montgomery Street, which is to San Francisco what Regent Street is to London, the Boulevard des Italiens to Paris, and Broadway to New York--were lined with splendid and spacious stores, which exposed in their windows the products of the entire world. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||waren|||wundervollen|||||||||||||| Bazı caddeler -özellikle de Londra için Regent Caddesi, Paris için Boulevard des Italiens ve New York için Broadway neyse San Francisco için de o olan Montgomery Caddesi- vitrinlerinde tüm dünyanın ürünlerini sergileyen görkemli ve geniş mağazalarla kaplıydı. 有些街道——尤其是蒙哥马利街,它之于旧金山就像摄政街之于伦敦,意大利大道之于巴黎,百老汇之于纽约——两旁林立着华丽宽敞的商店,它们的橱窗展示着全世界的产品。 When Passepartout reached the International Hotel, it did not seem to him as if he had left England at all. 当路路通到达国际饭店时,他觉得自己根本就没有离开过英国。

The ground floor of the hotel was occupied by a large bar, a sort of restaurant freely open to all passers-by, who might partake of dried beef, oyster soup, biscuits, and cheese, without taking out their purses. ||||||||||||||||||||||||teilnehmen|||||||||||||Geldbörsen ||||||||||||||||||||||||enjoy food||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||portafogli Первый этаж гостиницы занимал большой бар, своего рода ресторан, открытый для всех прохожих, которые могли отведать вяленой говядины, устричной похлебки, бисквитов и сыра, не доставая кошельков. Otelin zemin katında büyük bir bar, yoldan geçen herkese açık, cüzdanlarını çıkarmadan kurutulmuş sığır eti, istiridye çorbası, bisküvi ve peynir yiyebilecekleri bir tür restoran bulunuyordu. Перший поверх готелю займав великий бар, такий собі ресторан, відкритий для всіх перехожих, які могли скуштувати сушеної яловичини, устричного супу, печива й сиру, не дістаючи гаманців. 酒店的一楼是一个很大的酒吧,一种免费向所有路人开放的餐厅,他们可以在不掏钱包的情况下享用牛肉干、牡蛎汤、饼干和奶酪。

Payment was made only for the ale, porter, or sherry which was drunk. ||||||||||||bevuta Оплата производилась только за выпитый эль, портер или херес. Ödeme sadece içilen bira, porter ya da şeri için yapılırdı. 只为喝醉的啤酒、波特酒或雪利酒付款。 This seemed "very American" to Passepartout. The hotel refreshment-rooms were comfortable, and Mr. Fogg and Aouda, installing themselves at a table, were abundantly served on diminutive plates by negroes of darkest hue. |||||||||||||||||||||||Neger|||dunkelster Farbe ||||||||||||||||||||small||||||skin color ||||||||||||||||||||piccole||||||carnagione scura Les buvettes de l'hôtel étaient confortables, et M. Fogg et Aouda, s'installant à une table, étaient abondamment servis sur de minuscules assiettes par des nègres de la teinte la plus sombre. Гостиничные буфетные были удобны, и мистер Фогг и Ауда, усевшись за стол, были щедро обслужены на миниатюрных тарелках темнокожими неграми. Otelin dinlenme salonları konforluydu ve Bay Fogg ile Aouda bir masaya oturduklarında, koyu renkli zenciler tarafından küçücük tabaklarda bol bol servis yapıldı. Буфети готелю були зручними, і містер Фоґґ і Ауда, сіли за стіл, були рясно подані на мініатюрних тарілках неграми темного кольору. 旅馆的茶点室很舒适,福格先生和奥达坐在一张桌子旁,肤色最深的黑人用小盘子盛满了食物。 After breakfast, Mr. Fogg, accompanied by Aouda, started for the English consulate to have his passport  visaed . ||||||||||||||||vidimato

As he was going out, he met Passepartout, who asked him if it would not be well, before taking the train, to purchase some dozens of Enfield rifles and Colt’s revolvers. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||fucili Enfield|||| Уходя, он встретил Паспарту, который спросил его, не будет ли хорошо, прежде чем сесть на поезд, купить несколько десятков винтовок Энфилд и револьверов Кольта. Dışarı çıkarken Passepartout ile karşılaştı ve ona trene binmeden önce birkaç düzine Enfield tüfeği ve Colt tabancası almasının iyi olup olmayacağını sordu. He had been listening to stories of attacks upon the trains by the Sioux and Pawnees. Mr. Fogg thought it a useless precaution, but told him to do as he thought best, and went on to the consulate. ||||||nutzlose Vorsichtsmaßnahme||||||||||||||| Bay Fogg bunun gereksiz bir önlem olduğunu düşündü, ama ona en iyi düşündüğü şeyi yapmasını söyledi ve konsolosluğa gitti. He had not proceeded two hundred steps, however, when, "by the greatest chance in the world," he met Fix.

The detective seemed wholly taken by surprise. Dedektif tamamen şaşırmış görünüyordu. What! Had Mr. Fogg and himself crossed the Pacific together, and not met on the steamer! At least Fix felt honoured to behold once more the gentleman to whom he owed so much, and, as his business recalled him to Europe, he should be delighted to continue the journey in such pleasant company. По крайней мере, Фикс счел за честь еще раз увидеть джентльмена, которому он так многим обязан, и, поскольку его дела вернули его в Европу, он должен был быть рад продолжить путешествие в такой приятной компании. Mr.

Fogg replied that the honour would be his; and the detective--who was determined not to lose sight of him--begged permission to accompany them in their walk about San Francisco--a request which Mr. Fogg readily granted. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||prontamente| Фогг ответил, что честь будет принадлежать ему; и детектив, который был полон решимости не терять его из виду, просил разрешения сопровождать их в их прогулке по Сан-Франциско - просьба, которую мистер Фогг с готовностью удовлетворил. Fogg bu onurun kendisine ait olduğunu söyledi ve dedektif -onu gözden kaybetmemeye kararlıydı- San Francisco'daki gezintilerinde onlara eşlik etmek için izin istedi; Bay Fogg da bu isteği hemen kabul etti. They soon found themselves in Montgomery Street, where a great crowd was collected; the side-walks, street, horsecar rails, the shop-doors, the windows of the houses, and even the roofs, were full of people. |||||||||||||||||ferrovia tranviaria|binari dei tram|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||кінний трамвай||||||||||||||||| Ils se trouvèrent bientôt dans la rue Montgomery, où une grande foule était rassemblée; les trottoirs, la rue, les rails des chevaux, les portes des magasins, les fenêtres des maisons et même les toits étaient pleins de monde. Вскоре они оказались на Монтгомери-стрит, где собралась большая толпа; тротуары, улица, конки, двери магазинов, окна домов и даже крыши были полны людей.

Men were going about carrying large posters, and flags and streamers were floating in the wind; while loud cries were heard on every hand. Люди ходили с большими плакатами, а на ветру развевались флаги и вымпелы; в то время как громкие крики были слышны со всех сторон. Ellerinde büyük afişler taşıyan adamlar dolaşıyor, bayraklar ve flamalar rüzgarda dalgalanıyordu; her taraftan yüksek sesle haykırışlar duyuluyordu. "Hurrah for Camerfield! «Ура Камерфилду! "Yaşasın Camerfield!

"Hurrah for Mandiboy!

It was a political meeting; at least so Fix conjectured, who said to Mr. Fogg, "Perhaps we had better not mingle with the crowd. |||||||||vermutete|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||misturar-nos||| C'était une réunion politique; du moins le conjectura Fix, qui dit à M. Fogg: «Peut-être ferions-nous mieux de ne pas nous mêler à la foule. Это была политическая встреча; по крайней мере, так предположил Фикс, который сказал мистеру Фоггу: «Может быть, нам лучше не смешиваться с толпой.

There may be danger in it. "Yes," returned Mr. Fogg; "and blows, even if they are political, are still blows. «Oui,» a répondu M. Fogg; «et les coups, même s'ils sont politiques, sont encore des coups. "Да," ответил мистер Фогг; "а удары, даже если они политические, все же удары. "Evet," diye karşılık verdi Bay Fogg; "ve darbeler, siyasi bile olsalar, yine de darbedir.

Fix smiled at this remark; and, in order to be able to see without being jostled about, the party took up a position on the top of a flight of steps situated at the upper end of Montgomery Street. Фикс улыбнулся этому замечанию; и, чтобы иметь возможность видеть, не толкаясь, группа заняла позицию на вершине лестничного марша, расположенного в верхнем конце Монтгомери-стрит. Fix bu söze gülümsedi ve itilip kakılmadan görebilmek için Montgomery Sokağı'nın üst ucundaki merdivenlerin tepesinde yerlerini aldılar.

Opposite them, on the other side of the street, between a coal wharf and a petroleum warehouse, a large platform had been erected in the open air, towards which the current of the crowd seemed to be directed. di fronte a||||||||||||molo di carbone||||||||||||||||||||||||| Против них, на другой стороне улицы, между угольной пристанью и нефтебазой, под открытым небом была возведена большая платформа, к которой, казалось, был направлен поток толпы. For what purpose was this meeting? ||Zweck|||

What was the occasion of this excited assemblage? |||||||gathering of people |||||||raduno Что послужило поводом для этого возбужденного собрания? Phileas Fogg could not imagine. Was it to nominate some high official--a governor or member of Congress? |||висувати кандидатуру||||||||| Чтобы назначить какого-нибудь высокопоставленного чиновника — губернатора или члена Конгресса? Bir vali ya da Kongre üyesi gibi üst düzey bir yetkiliyi aday göstermek için miydi? It was not improbable, so agitated was the multitude before them. |||unwahrscheinlich||||||| Это не было невероятным, так взволнована была толпа перед ними. Just at this moment there was an unusual stir in the human mass. ||||||||Bewegung|||| ||||||||movimento|||| Tam bu sırada insan kitlesinde alışılmadık bir hareketlenme oldu.

All the hands were raised in the air. Some, tightly closed, seemed to disappear suddenly in the midst of the cries--an energetic way, no doubt, of casting a vote. Некоторые, наглухо закрытые, как будто внезапно исчезали посреди криков — без сомнения энергичный способ подать голос. Bazıları sımsıkı kapalı, çığlıkların ortasında aniden kayboluyor gibiydi - şüphesiz oy vermenin enerjik bir yolu. The crowd swayed back, the banners and flags wavered, disappeared an instant, then reappeared in tatters. |||||||||||||||Fetzen |||||||||||||||shreds |||||||||||||||ぼろぼろ |||||||||||||||em farrapos Толпа отшатнулась, знамена и флаги заколебались, исчезли на мгновение, а затем снова появились в лохмотьях. Kalabalık geri çekildi, pankartlar ve bayraklar dalgalandı, bir an kayboldu, sonra lime lime yeniden ortaya çıktı. Натовп хитнувся назад, прапори й прапори захиталися, на мить зникли, а потім знову з’явилися в лахміттях. The undulations of the human surge reached the steps, while all the heads floundered on the surface like a sea agitated by a squall. |Wellen|||menschlichen||||||||||||||||||| |waves|||||arrived at|||||||bobbed up and down|||||||||| |ondulazioni||||||||||||si agitavano|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||tempestade repentina Волны человеческой волны достигли ступенек, а все головы барахтались на поверхности, как море, взволнованное шквалом. İnsan dalgasının dalgalanmaları basamaklara ulaşırken, tüm kafalar fırtınayla çalkalanan bir deniz gibi yüzeyde bocalıyordu. Many of the black hats disappeared, and the greater part of the crowd seemed to have diminished in height. ||||||||||||||||diminuito||altezza Многие из черных шляп исчезли, и большая часть толпы, казалось, уменьшилась в росте. Siyah şapkalıların çoğu ortadan kayboldu ve kalabalığın büyük kısmının boyu kısalmış gibi görünüyordu. "It is evidently a meeting," said Fix, "and its object must be an exciting one. -- Очевидно, это собрание, -- сказал Фикс, -- и цель его должна быть волнующей. "Belli ki bu bir toplantı," dedi Fix, "ve amacı da heyecan verici olmalı.

I should not wonder if it were about the  Alabama , despite the fact that that question is settled. Bu sorunun çözülmüş olmasına rağmen, Alabama ile ilgili olup olmadığını merak etmemeliyim. "Perhaps," replied Mr. Fogg, simply.

"At least, there are two champions in presence of each other, the Honourable Mr. Camerfield and the Honourable Mr. ||||||||||||||Camerfield(1)||||

Mandiboy. Aouda, leaning upon Mr. Fogg’s arm, observed the tumultuous scene with surprise, while Fix asked a man near him what the cause of it all was. ||||||||chaotic||||||||||||||||| Ауда, опираясь на руку мистера Фогга, с удивлением наблюдал за бурной сценой, в то время как Фикс спросил человека рядом с ним, в чем причина всего этого. Aouda, Bay Fogg'un koluna yaslanmış, kargaşalı sahneyi şaşkınlıkla izlerken, Fix yanındaki bir adama tüm bunların nedenini sordu.

Before the man could reply, a fresh agitation arose; hurrahs and excited shouts were heard; the staffs of the banners began to be used as offensive weapons; and fists flew about in every direction. |||||||Aufregung|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||держаків прапорів||||||||||||||||| Avant que l'homme ne puisse répondre, une nouvelle agitation s'éleva; des hurrahs et des cris excités ont été entendus; les états-majors des bannières ont commencé à être utilisés comme armes offensives; et les poings volaient dans tous les sens. Прежде чем человек успел ответить, возникло новое волнение; послышались ура и возбужденные крики; древки знамен стали использовать как наступательное оружие; и кулаки полетели во все стороны. Adam cevap veremeden yeni bir telaş başladı; hurra ve heyecanlı bağırışlar duyuldu; sancakların sopaları saldırı silahı olarak kullanılmaya başlandı ve yumruklar her yönde uçuştu. Thumps were exchanged from the tops of the carriages and omnibuses which had been blocked up in the crowd. 音|||||||||||||||||| Удари|||||||||||||||||| battiti|||||||||||||||||| Раздались удары крыш забитых толпой вагонов и омнибусов. Kalabalığın arasına sıkışmış olan arabaların ve omnibüslerin üstlerinden gümbür gümbür sesler geliyordu. Boots and shoes went whirling through the air, and Mr. Fogg thought he even heard the crack of revolvers mingling in the din, the rout approached the stairway, and flowed over the lower step. ||||||||||||||||||||||Lärm||Rudel||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||noise||crowd||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||fuga||||||||inferiore|scalino inferiore Bottes et chaussures tournoyaient dans les airs, et M. Fogg crut même entendre le craquement des revolvers se mêler dans le vacarme, la déroute s'approcha de l'escalier et coula sur la marche inférieure. Сапоги и башмаки закружились в воздухе, и мистеру Фоггу показалось, что он даже услышал треск револьверов, смешанный с грохотом, толпа приблизилась к лестнице и перетекла через нижнюю ступеньку. Botlar ve ayakkabılar havada dönmeye başladı ve Bay Fogg gürültüye karışan tabanca seslerini bile duyduğunu sandı, kargaşa merdivene yaklaştı ve alt basamaktan aktı. One of the parties had evidently been repulsed; but the mere lookers-on could not tell whether Mandiboy or Camerfield had gained the upper hand. |||||||driven back||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||spettatori||||||||||||| |||||||||||спостерігачі||||||||||||| L'une des parties avait manifestement été repoussée; mais les simples spectateurs ne pouvaient dire si Mandiboy ou Camerfield avaient pris le dessus. Одна из сторон, очевидно, была отброшена; но простые зрители не могли сказать, кто одержал верх, Мандибой или Камерфилд. Taraflardan birinin geri püskürtüldüğü belliydi; ama sadece izleyenler Mandiboy'un mu yoksa Camerfield'in mi üstünlük sağladığını anlayamıyordu. "It would be prudent for us to retire," said Fix, who was anxious that Mr. Fogg should not receive any injury, at least until they got back to London. |||vernünftig||||||||||||||||||||||||| "Es wäre vernünftig, wenn wir uns zurückziehen würden", sagte Fix, der darauf bedacht war, dass Mr. Fogg keine Verletzung erleiden sollte, zumindest bis sie nach London zurückkehrten. «Для нас было бы благоразумнее уйти в отставку», — сказал Фикс, который беспокоился о том, чтобы мистер Фогг не получил никакого ранения, по крайней мере, пока они не вернутся в Лондон. En azından Londra'ya dönene kadar Bay Fogg'un herhangi bir yara almamasını isteyen Fix, "Geri çekilmemiz akıllıca olur," dedi.

"If there is any question about England in all this, and we were recognised, I fear it would go hard with us. |||||||||||||anerkannt||fürchten|||||| "Eğer tüm bunların içinde İngiltere ile ilgili herhangi bir soru varsa ve biz tanınırsak, korkarım ki bu bizim için zor olur. "An English subject--" began Mr. Fogg. "Bir İngilizce dersi--" diye başladı Bay Fogg.

He did not finish his sentence; for a terrific hubbub now arose on the terrace behind the flight of steps where they stood, and there were frantic shouts of, "Hurrah for Mandiboy! |||||||||Lärm|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||commotion|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||baccano|||||||||||||||||frenetiche||||| Он не закончил свою фразу; на террасе за лестничным пролетом, где они стояли, поднялся ужасный гомон, и раздались отчаянные крики: «Ура, Мандибой! Cümlesini tamamlayamadı; çünkü şimdi durdukları basamakların arkasındaki terasta müthiş bir gürültü kopmuştu ve çılgınca, "Yaşasın Mandiboy!

Hip, hip, hurrah! It was a band of voters coming to the rescue of their allies, and taking the Camerfield forces in flank. |||||||||||||||||||side ||||||||||||||attaccando||||al fianco| Bu, müttefiklerini kurtarmaya gelen ve Camerfield kuvvetlerini yanlarına alan bir grup seçmendi.

Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and Fix found themselves between two fires; it was too late to escape. The torrent of men, armed with loaded canes and sticks, was irresistible. |||||||Stock|||| |||||||bastoni carichi||||irresistibile Поток людей, вооруженных тростями и палками, был непреодолим. Dolu bastonlar ve sopalarla silahlanmış adam seli karşı konulamazdı. Phileas Fogg and Fix were roughly hustled in their attempts to protect their fair companion; the former, as cool as ever, tried to defend himself with the weapons which nature has placed at the end of every Englishman’s arm, but in vain. |||||ungefähr|geschubst||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||pushed around||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||spinti||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Филеас Фогг и Фикс были жестоко подавлены в своих попытках защитить свою прекрасную спутницу; Первый, как всегда хладнокровный, пытался защитить себя оружием, которое природа поместила в конце руки каждого англичанина, но тщетно. Phileas Fogg ve Fix, güzel arkadaşlarını korumaya çalışırken kabaca itilip kakıldılar; ilki, her zamanki gibi soğukkanlı bir şekilde, doğanın her İngiliz'in kolunun ucuna yerleştirdiği silahlarla kendini savunmaya çalıştı, ama nafile. A big brawny fellow with a red beard, flushed face, and broad shoulders, who seemed to be the chief of the band, raised his clenched fist to strike Mr. Fogg, whom he would have given a crushing blow, had not Fix rushed in and received it in his stead. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||statt ||muscular|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||posto Крупный, мускулистый парень с рыжей бородой, раскрасневшимся лицом и широкими плечами, который, по-видимому, был вожаком банды, поднял сжатый кулак, чтобы ударить мистера Фогга, которого он нанес бы сокрушительный удар, если бы не ворвавшийся Фикс. и получил его вместо себя. Grubun şefi olduğu anlaşılan kızıl sakallı, kızarmış yüzlü ve geniş omuzlu iri yarı bir adam, sıkılı yumruğunu kaldırarak Bay Fogg'a vurdu; eğer Fix koşarak gelip onun yerine darbeyi indirmeseydi, ezici bir darbe indirecekti. An enormous bruise immediately made its appearance under the detective’s silk hat, which was completely smashed in. ||Prellung||||||||Seiden-|||||| ||mark of injury|||||||||||||| Dedektifin tamamen parçalanmış olan ipek şapkasının altında büyük bir çürük hemen ortaya çıktı. "Yankee! exclamation of excitement "Янки! "Yankee!

exclaimed Mr. Fogg, darting a contemptuous look at the ruffian. |||||||||Rüpel |||throwing||disdainful||||scoundrel |||lanciando||disprezzoso|||| |||||||||хулігана |||||||||野蛮人 — воскликнул мистер Фогг, бросив презрительный взгляд на хулигана. diye haykırdı Bay Fogg, kabadayıya küçümseyen bir bakış fırlatarak. "Englishman!

returned the other. "We will meet again! "When you please. "Ne zaman istersen.

"What is your name?

"Phileas Fogg.

And yours? "Colonel Stamp Proctor. ||Полковник Стемп Проктор "Albay Stamp Proctor.

The human tide now swept by, after overturning Fix, who speedily got upon his feet again, though with tattered clothes. ||||||||||||auf||||||zerrissenen| ||||sfrecciò|||rovesciando Fix|||||||||||| Человеческий прилив теперь пронесся мимо, опрокинув Фикса, который быстро снова встал на ноги, хотя и в изодранной одежде. İnsan dalgası Fix'i devirdikten sonra yanından geçip gitti; Fix, yırtık pırtık giysileriyle de olsa hızla yeniden ayağa kalktı.

Happily, he was not seriously hurt. His travelling overcoat was divided into two unequal parts, and his trousers resembled those of certain Indians, which fit less compactly than they are easy to put on. ||||||||||||||||||||щільно прилягають||||||| Yolculuk paltosu eşit olmayan iki parçaya bölünmüştü ve pantolonu bazı Kızılderililerin pantolonlarını andırıyordu, giyilmesi kolay olduğundan daha az derli toplu duruyordu. Aouda had escaped unharmed, and Fix alone bore marks of the fray in his black and blue bruise. |||||||||||Rauferei||||||blauen Fleck |||||||||||fight or struggle|||||| |||||||||||争い|||||| Ауда ушел невредимым, и только у Фикса остались следы драки в его черно-синем синяке. Aouda yara almadan kurtulmuştu ve sadece Fix siyah ve mavi çürüklerinde çatışmanın izlerini taşıyordu. "Thanks," said Mr. Fogg to the detective, as soon as they were out of the crowd.

"No thanks are necessary," replied.

Fix; "but let us go. "Where?

"To a tailor’s. «Chez un tailleur.

Such a visit was, indeed, opportune. |||||timely Такой визит был действительно своевременным. Böyle bir ziyaret gerçekten de çok yerindeydi.

The clothing of both Mr. Fogg and Fix was in rags, as if they had themselves been actively engaged in the contest between Camerfield and Mandiboy. ||||||||||Fetzen||||||||||||||| Одежда мистера Фогга и Фикса была в лохмотьях, как будто они сами принимали активное участие в состязании между Камерфилдом и Мандибоем. Hem Bay Fogg'un hem de Fix'in giysileri, Camerfield ve Mandiboy arasındaki çekişmeye aktif olarak katılmışlar gibi paçavralar içindeydi. An hour after, they were once more suitably attired, and with Aouda returned to the International Hotel. |||||||angemessen gekleidet||||||||| |||||||належним чином||||||||| Через час они снова оделись подобающе и вместе с Аудой вернулись в гостиницу «Интернационал». Passepartout was waiting for his master, armed with half a dozen six-barrelled revolvers. ||||||||||||sechsschüssigen| ||||||||||||six-barrel revolvers| ||||||||||||a sei colpi| ||||||||||||шестизарядний| Passepartout attendait son maître armé d'une demi-douzaine de revolvers à six canons. Паспарту ждал своего хозяина, вооруженный полудюжиной шестиствольных револьверов. Passepartout, yarım düzine altı namlulu revolverle silahlanmış bir halde efendisini bekliyordu.

When he perceived Fix, he knit his brows; but Aouda having, in a few words, told him of their adventure, his countenance resumed its placid expression. |||||runterziehen|||||||||||||||||||| ||||lui|aggrottò||sopracciglia|||||||||||||||||serena| Увидев Фикс, он нахмурил брови; но когда Ауда в нескольких словах рассказал ему об их приключении, лицо его снова приняло безмятежное выражение. Fix'i fark ettiğinde kaşlarını çattı; ama Aouda birkaç kelimeyle ona maceralarını anlattıktan sonra, yüzü yeniden sakin ifadesine kavuştu. Fix evidently was no longer an enemy, but an ally; he was faithfully keeping his word. Dinner over, the coach which was to convey the passengers and their luggage to the station drew up to the door. |||||||befördern||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||si fermò|||| Когда ужин закончился, карета, которая должна была доставить пассажиров и их багаж на вокзал, подъехала к дверям. Yemek sona erdiğinde, yolcuları ve bagajlarını istasyona götürecek olan otobüs kapıya yanaştı.

As he was getting in, Mr. Fogg said to Fix, "You have not seen this Colonel Proctor again? "No.

"I will come back to America to find him," said Phileas Fogg calmly.

"It would not be right for an Englishman to permit himself to be treated in that way, without retaliating. ||||||||||||||||||vergeltend ||||||||||||||||||reagire ||||||||||||||||||відповідати тим же «Было бы неправильно, если бы англичанин позволил себе такое обращение, не отомстив. The detective smiled, but did not reply.

It was clear that Mr. Fogg was one of those Englishmen who, while they do not tolerate duelling at home, fight abroad when their honour is attacked. |||||||||||||||||dueling||||||||| |||||||||||||||||o duelo||||||||| |||||||||||||||||дуелі||||||||| |||||||||||||||||決闘||||||||| Было ясно, что мистер Фогг принадлежит к числу тех англичан, которые не терпят дуэлей дома, но дерутся за границей, когда на их честь нападают. Bay Fogg'un, kendi ülkesinde düelloya müsamaha göstermezken, onurlarına saldırıldığında yurtdışında savaşan İngilizlerden biri olduğu açıktı. At a quarter before six the travellers reached the station, and found the train ready to depart.

As he was about to enter it, Mr. Fogg called a porter, and said to him: "My friend, was there not some trouble to-day in San Francisco? |||||||||||luggage carrier|||||||||||||||| Когда он собирался войти туда, мистер Фогг подозвал носильщика и сказал ему: «Мой друг, не было ли сегодня в Сан-Франциско каких-то неприятностей? İçeri girmek üzereyken Bay Fogg bir hamalı çağırdı ve ona şöyle dedi: "Dostum, bugün San Francisco'da bir sorun çıkmadı mı? "It was a political meeting, sir," replied the porter. ||||||||il portiere ||||||||o porteiro

"But I thought there was a great deal of disturbance in the streets. «Но я думал, что на улицах было много беспорядков. "Ama sokaklarda büyük bir huzursuzluk olduğunu düşündüm.

"It was only a meeting assembled for an election.

"The election of a general-in-chief, no doubt? «Избрание генерал-аншефа, верно? "Başkomutan seçimi, şüphesiz?

asked Mr. Fogg. "No, sir; of a justice of the peace. -- Нет, сэр, мирового судьи. "Hayır, efendim; bir sulh hakiminin.

Phileas Fogg got into the train, which started off at full speed.