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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, Chapter 19.

Chapter 19.

Hong Kong is an island which came into the possession of the English by the Treaty of Nankin, after the war of 1842; and the colonising genius of the English has created upon it an important city and an excellent port.

The island is situated at the mouth of the Canton River, and is separated by about sixty miles from the Portuguese town of Macao, on the opposite coast. Hong Kong has beaten Macao in the struggle for the Chinese trade, and now the greater part of the transportation of Chinese goods finds its depot at the former place. Docks, hospitals, wharves, a Gothic cathedral, a government house, macadamised streets, give to Hong Kong the appearance of a town in Kent or Surrey transferred by some strange magic to the antipodes.

Passepartout wandered, with his hands in his pockets, towards the Victoria port, gazing as he went at the curious palanquins and other modes of conveyance, and the groups of Chinese, Japanese, and Europeans who passed to and fro in the streets.

Hong Kong seemed to him not unlike Bombay, Calcutta, and Singapore, since, like them, it betrayed everywhere the evidence of English supremacy. At the Victoria port he found a confused mass of ships of all nations, English, French, American, and Dutch, men-of-war and trading vessels, Japanese and Chinese junks, sempas, tankas, and flower-boats, which formed so many floating parterres. Passepartout noticed in the crowd a number of the natives who seemed very old and were dressed in yellow. On going into a barber's to get shaved, he learned that these ancient men were all at least eighty years old, at which age they are permitted to wear yellow, which is the Imperial colour. Passepartout, without exactly knowing why, thought this very funny.

On reaching the quay where they were to embark on the Carnatic , he was not astonished to find Fix walking up and down.

The detective seemed very much disturbed and disappointed.

"This is bad," muttered Passepartout, "for the gentlemen of the Reform Club! " He accosted Fix with a merry smile, as if he had not perceived that gentleman's chagrin. The detective had, indeed, good reasons to inveigh against the bad luck which pursued him. The warrant had not come! It was certainly on the way, but as certainly it could not now reach Hong Kong for several days; and this being the last English territory on Mr. Fogg's route, the robber would escape, unless he could manage to detain him. "Well, Monsieur Fix," said Passepartout, "have you decided to go with us so far as America? "Yes," returned Fix, through his set teeth. "Good! " exclaimed Passepartout, laughing heartily. "I knew you could not persuade yourself to separate from us. Come and engage your berth. " They entered the steamer office and secured cabins for four persons.

The clerk, as he gave them the tickets, informed them that, the repairs on the Carnatic having been completed, the steamer would leave that very evening, and not next morning, as had been announced.

"That will suit my master all the better," said Passepartout. "I will go and let him know. " Fix now decided to make a bold move; he resolved to tell Passepartout all.

It seemed to be the only possible means of keeping Phileas Fogg several days longer at Hong Kong. He accordingly invited his companion into a tavern which caught his eye on the quay. On entering, they found themselves in a large room handsomely decorated, at the end of which was a large camp-bed furnished with cushions. Several persons lay upon this bed in a deep sleep. At the small tables which were arranged about the room some thirty customers were drinking English beer, porter, gin, and brandy; smoking, the while, long red clay pipes stuffed with little balls of opium mingled with essence of rose. From time to time one of the smokers, overcome with the narcotic, would slip under the table, whereupon the waiters, taking him by the head and feet, carried and laid him upon the bed. The bed already supported twenty of these stupefied sots.

Fix and Passepartout saw that they were in a smoking-house haunted by those wretched, cadaverous, idiotic creatures to whom the English merchants sell every year the miserable drug called opium, to the amount of one million four hundred thousand pounds--thousands devoted to one of the most despicable vices which afflict humanity!

The Chinese government has in vain attempted to deal with the evil by stringent laws. It passed gradually from the rich, to whom it was at first exclusively reserved, to the lower classes, and then its ravages could not be arrested. Opium is smoked everywhere, at all times, by men and women, in the Celestial Empire; and, once accustomed to it, the victims cannot dispense with it, except by suffering horrible bodily contortions and agonies. A great smoker can smoke as many as eight pipes a day; but he dies in five years. It was in one of these dens that Fix and Passepartout, in search of a friendly glass, found themselves. Passepartout had no money, but willingly accepted Fix's invitation in the hope of returning the obligation at some future time. They ordered two bottles of port, to which the Frenchman did ample justice, whilst Fix observed him with close attention.

They chatted about the journey, and Passepartout was especially merry at the idea that Fix was going to continue it with them. When the bottles were empty, however, he rose to go and tell his master of the change in the time of the sailing of the Carnatic .

Fix caught him by the arm, and said, "Wait a moment. "What for, Mr. Fix? " "I want to have a serious talk with you. "A serious talk! " cried Passepartout, drinking up the little wine that was left in the bottom of his glass. "Well, we'll talk about it to-morrow; I haven't time now. " "Stay! What I have to say concerns your master. " Passepartout, at this, looked attentively at his companion.

Fix's face seemed to have a singular expression. He resumed his seat.

"What is it that you have to say? Fix placed his hand upon Passepartout's arm, and, lowering his voice, said, "You have guessed who I am? " Parbleu! " said Passepartout, smiling. "Then I'm going to tell you everything--" "Now that I know everything, my friend! Ah! that's very good. But go on, go on. First, though, let me tell you that those gentlemen have put themselves to a useless expense. " "Useless! " said Fix. "You speak confidently. It's clear that you don't know how large the sum is. " "Of course I do," returned Passepartout. "Twenty thousand pounds. " "Fifty-five thousand! " answered Fix, pressing his companion's hand. "What! " cried the Frenchman. "Has Monsieur Fogg dared--fifty-five thousand pounds! Well, there's all the more reason for not losing an instant," he continued, getting up hastily. Fix pushed Passepartout back in his chair, and resumed: "Fifty-five thousand pounds; and if I succeed, I get two thousand pounds. If you'll help me, I'll let you have five hundred of them. " "Help you? " cried Passepartout, whose eyes were standing wide open. "Yes; help me keep Mr. Fogg here for two or three days. "Why, what are you saying? Those gentlemen are not satisfied with following my master and suspecting his honour, but they must try to put obstacles in his way! I blush for them! " "What do you mean? "I mean that it is a piece of shameful trickery. They might as well waylay Mr. Fogg and put his money in their pockets! " "That's just what we count on doing. "It's a conspiracy, then," cried Passepartout, who became more and more excited as the liquor mounted in his head, for he drank without perceiving it. "A real conspiracy! And gentlemen, too. Bah! " Fix began to be puzzled.

"Members of the Reform Club! " continued Passepartout. "You must know, Monsieur Fix, that my master is an honest man, and that, when he makes a wager, he tries to win it fairly! " "But who do you think I am? " asked Fix, looking at him intently. "Parbleu! An agent of the members of the Reform Club, sent out here to interrupt my master's journey. But, though I found you out some time ago, I've taken good care to say nothing about it to Mr. Fogg. " "He knows nothing, then? "Nothing," replied Passepartout, again emptying his glass. The detective passed his hand across his forehead, hesitating before he spoke again.

What should he do? Passepartout's mistake seemed sincere, but it made his design more difficult. It was evident that the servant was not the master's accomplice, as Fix had been inclined to suspect. "Well," said the detective to himself, "as he is not an accomplice, he will help me. He had no time to lose: Fogg must be detained at Hong Kong, so he resolved to make a clean breast of it.

"Listen to me," said Fix abruptly. "I am not, as you think, an agent of the members of the Reform Club--" "Bah! " retorted Passepartout, with an air of raillery. "I am a police detective, sent out here by the London office. "You, a detective? "I will prove it. Here is my commission. " Passepartout was speechless with astonishment when Fix displayed this document, the genuineness of which could not be doubted.

"Mr. Fogg's wager," resumed Fix, "is only a pretext, of which you and the gentlemen of the Reform are dupes. He had a motive for securing your innocent complicity. " "But why? "Listen. On the 28th of last September a robbery of fifty-five thousand pounds was committed at the Bank of England by a person whose description was fortunately secured. Here is his description; it answers exactly to that of Mr. Phileas Fogg. " "What nonsense! " cried Passepartout, striking the table with his fist. "My master is the most honourable of men! " "How can you tell? You know scarcely anything about him. You went into his service the day he came away; and he came away on a foolish pretext, without trunks, and carrying a large amount in banknotes. And yet you are bold enough to assert that he is an honest man! " "Yes, yes," repeated the poor fellow, mechanically. "Would you like to be arrested as his accomplice? Passepartout, overcome by what he had heard, held his head between his hands, and did not dare to look at the detective.

Phileas Fogg, the saviour of Aouda, that brave and generous man, a robber! And yet how many presumptions there were against him! Passepartout essayed to reject the suspicions which forced themselves upon his mind; he did not wish to believe that his master was guilty.

"Well, what do you want of me? " said he, at last, with an effort. "See here," replied Fix; "I have tracked Mr. Fogg to this place, but as yet I have failed to receive the warrant of arrest for which I sent to London. You must help me to keep him here in Hong Kong--" "I! But I--" "I will share with you the two thousand pounds reward offered by the Bank of England. "Never! " replied Passepartout, who tried to rise, but fell back, exhausted in mind and body. "Mr. Fix," he stammered, "even should what you say be true--if my master is really the robber you are seeking for--which I deny--I have been, am, in his service; I have seen his generosity and goodness; and I will never betray him--not for all the gold in the world. I come from a village where they don't eat that kind of bread! " "You refuse? "I refuse. "Consider that I've said nothing," said Fix; "and let us drink. "Yes; let us drink! Passepartout felt himself yielding more and more to the effects of the liquor.

Fix, seeing that he must, at all hazards, be separated from his master, wished to entirely overcome him. Some pipes full of opium lay upon the table. Fix slipped one into Passepartout's hand. He took it, put it between his lips, lit it, drew several puffs, and his head, becoming heavy under the influence of the narcotic, fell upon the table.

"At last! " said Fix, seeing Passepartout unconscious. "Mr. Fogg will not be informed of the time of the Carnatic's departure; and, if he is, he will have to go without this cursed Frenchman! " And, after paying his bill, Fix left the tavern.

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Chapter 19. Kapitel 19. Κεφάλαιο 19. Capítulo 19. Capitolo 19. 第19章 Hoofdstuk 19. Capítulo 19. Глава 19. Bölüm 19. Розділ 19. 第十九章。 第十九章。

Hong Kong is an island which came into the possession of the English by the Treaty of Nankin, after the war of 1842; and the colonising genius of the English has created upon it an important city and an excellent port. |||||||||||||||条约||南京|||||||殖民的|殖民天才|||||||||||||| Гонконг|||||||||||||||договір|||||||||||||||||||||||| Гонконг — это остров, перешедший во владение англичан по Нанкинскому договору после войны 1842 года; и гений колонизаторов англичан создал на нем важный город и превосходный порт. Hong Kong, 1842 savaşından sonra Nankin Antlaşması ile İngilizlerin eline geçen bir adadır; ve İngilizlerin sömürgeci dehası bu adada önemli bir şehir ve mükemmel bir liman yaratmıştır. 香港是一个岛屿,在 1842 年的战争之后,根据《南京条约》,英国人占领了这个岛屿;英国人的殖民天才在其上创造了重要的城市和优良的港口。

The island is situated at the mouth of the Canton River, and is separated by about sixty miles from the Portuguese town of Macao, on the opposite coast. |||||||||||||||||||||||澳门|||| ||||||bocca||||||||||||||||||||| Остров расположен в устье реки Кантон и отделен примерно шестьюдесятью милями от португальского города Макао на противоположном берегу. Ada, Kanton Nehri'nin ağzında yer alır ve karşı kıyıdaki Portekiz kasabası Macao'dan yaklaşık altmış mil ile ayrılır. 该岛位于广东河入海口,与对面海岸的葡萄牙城镇澳门相距约 60 英里。 Hong Kong has beaten Macao in the struggle for the Chinese trade, and now the greater part of the transportation of Chinese goods finds its depot at the former place. |||||||||||||||||||||||||storage location|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||questo|luogo |||перемогла||||||||||||більша частина|||||||товари||||||першому місці| Гонконг обыграл Макао в борьбе за китайскую торговлю, и теперь большая часть перевозки китайских товаров находит свой склад на прежнем месте. Hong Kong, Çin ticareti için verilen mücadelede Makao'yu yendi ve şimdi Çin mallarının nakliyesinin büyük bir kısmı ilk yerde depolanıyor. 香港在与中国的贸易斗争中打败了澳门,现在大部分中国货物的运输都在原来的地方找到了它的集散地。 Docks, hospitals, wharves, a Gothic cathedral, a government house, macadamised streets, give to Hong Kong the appearance of a town in Kent or Surrey transferred by some strange magic to the antipodes. |医院||||||||碎石铺成的||||||||||||||萨里||||||||对蹠地 |||||||||asphaltierte|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||Gothic-style|||||paved with macadam||||||||||||||||||||||opposite side |||||||||strade asfaltate||||||||||||||Surrey||||||||antipodi ||причали|||||||з мощеним покриттям|||||||||||||||||||||| Docks, hospitals, wharves, a Gothic cathedral, a government house, macadamised streets, give to Hong Kong the appearance of a town in Kent or Surrey transferred by some strange magic to the antipodes. Доки, госпитали, пристани, готический собор, здание правительства, улицы, покрытые щебнем, придают Гонконгу вид города в Кенте или Суррее, перенесенного каким-то странным волшебством к антиподам. Rıhtımlar, hastaneler, iskeleler, Gotik bir katedral, bir hükümet konağı, makadamize sokaklar, Hong Kong'a Kent veya Surrey'deki bir kasabanın garip bir sihirle antipotlara taşınmış görüntüsünü verir. 码头、医院、码头、哥特式大教堂、政府大楼、碎石街道,使香港看起来像肯特郡或萨里郡的小镇,被某种奇怪的魔法转移到了对立面。 碼頭、醫院、碼頭、哥特式大教堂、政府大樓、碎石街道,使香港看起來像肯特郡或薩里郡的小鎮,被某種奇怪的魔法轉移到了對立面。

Passepartout wandered, with his hands in his pockets, towards the Victoria port, gazing as he went at the curious palanquins and other modes of conveyance, and the groups of Chinese, Japanese, and Europeans who passed to and fro in the streets. ||||||||||||||||||||||||Beförderungsmittel|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||mezzi|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||способи пересування||засоби пересування|||групи людей||||||||||||| Паспарту брел, засунув руки в карманы, к порту Виктории, глядя на диковинные паланкины и другие средства передвижения, а также на группы китайцев, японцев и европейцев, проезжавших взад и вперед по улицам. 路路通双手插在口袋里,朝维多利亚港走去,一边看着奇特的轿子和其他交通工具,一边看着街上来来往往的中国人、日本人和欧洲人。

Hong Kong seemed to him not unlike Bombay, Calcutta, and Singapore, since, like them, it betrayed everywhere the evidence of English supremacy. |||||||||||||||||||||英语霸权 |||||||||||||||||||||Überlegenheit der Engländer |||||||||||||||||||||перевага англійців Гонконг казался ему мало чем отличающимся от Бомбея, Калькутты и Сингапура, поскольку, как и они, он повсюду выдавал свидетельство английского превосходства. Hong Kong ona Bombay, Kalküta ve Singapur'dan farklı görünmüyordu, çünkü onlar gibi her yerde İngiliz üstünlüğünün kanıtlarına ihanet ediyordu. At the Victoria port he found a confused mass of ships of all nations, English, French, American, and Dutch, men-of-war and trading vessels, Japanese and Chinese junks, sempas, tankas, and flower-boats, which formed so many floating parterres. ||维多利亚|||||||||||||||||||||||||||渔船||||||||||花坛 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||fishing boats||||||||||flower beds |||||||||||||||||||||||commerciali|navi||||giunche|sembai||||||||||aiuole galleg |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||семпи||||||||||плавучі клумби |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||花壇 Au port de Victoria, il trouva une masse confuse de navires de toutes les nations, anglais, français, américains et hollandais, hommes de guerre et navires de commerce, jonques japonaises et chinoises, sempas, tankas et bateaux à fleurs, qui formaient ainsi de nombreux parterres flottants. В порту Виктория он обнаружил беспорядочную массу кораблей всех наций, английских, французских, американских и голландских, военных и торговых судов, японских и китайских джонок, сэмпа, танка и цветочных лодок, много плавающих партеров. Victoria limanında, İngiliz, Fransız, Amerikan ve Hollanda gemileri, savaş ve ticaret gemileri, Japon ve Çin hurdaları, sempalar, tankalar ve çiçek tekneleri gibi her milletten geminin oluşturduğu karışık bir yığın buldu. Passepartout noticed in the crowd a number of the natives who seemed very old and were dressed in yellow. Паспарту заметил в толпе туземцев, которые казались очень старыми и одетыми в желтое. Passepartout kalabalığın içinde çok yaşlı görünen ve sarı giyinmiş birkaç yerliyi fark etti. 路路通在人群中注意到一些土人,他们看起来很老,穿着黄色衣服。 On going into a barber’s to get shaved, he learned that these ancient men were all at least eighty years old, at which age they are permitted to wear yellow, which is the Imperial colour. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||皇帝的| ||||перукарня|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Войдя в парикмахерскую, чтобы побриться, он узнал, что всем этим древним мужчинам было по крайней мере восемьдесят лет, и в этом возрасте им разрешается носить желтый цвет, который является имперским цветом. Tıraş olmak için bir berbere gittiğinde, bu yaşlı adamların hepsinin en az seksen yaşında olduğunu ve bu yaşta İmparatorluk rengi olan sarı giymelerine izin verildiğini öğrendi. 到理发店剃头时,他才知道这些古人都至少有八十岁以上,到了这个年龄才可以穿黄色的衣服,那是皇家的颜色。 Passepartout, without exactly knowing why, thought this very funny. Passepartout, without exactly knowing why, thought this very funny.

On reaching the quay where they were to embark on the Carnatic , he was not astonished to find Fix walking up and down. Karnatik gemisine binecekleri iskeleye vardıklarında, Fix'in bir aşağı bir yukarı yürüdüğünü görünce şaşırmadı.

The detective seemed very much disturbed and disappointed.

"This is bad," muttered Passepartout, "for the gentlemen of the Reform Club! |||murmelte|||||||| -- Плохо, -- пробормотал Паспарту, -- для господ из Реформистского клуба! " He accosted Fix with a merry smile, as if he had not perceived that gentleman’s chagrin. |上前搭话|||||||||||||| |"sprach an"|||||||||||||| |approached|||||||||||||| |声をかけた|||||||||||||| " He accosted Fix with a merry smile, as if he had not perceived that gentleman's chagrin. Он обратился к Фиксику с веселой улыбкой, как будто не замечал досады этого господина. " Sanki o beyefendinin üzüntüsünü fark etmemiş gibi neşeli bir gülümsemeyle Fix'e yaklaştı. ”他笑着向菲克斯搭话,仿佛他没有察觉到那位绅士的懊恼。 ”他笑著向菲克斯搭話,彷彿他沒有察覺到那位紳士的懊惱。 The detective had, indeed, good reasons to inveigh against the bad luck which pursued him. |||||||protest vehemently||||||| |||||||schimpfen über||||||| ||||||per|protestare contro||||||| |||||||抨击||||||| |||||||обурюватися через||||||| |||||||非難する||||||| У сыщика действительно были веские причины роптать на преследовавшее его невезение. Dedektifin, peşini bırakmayan kötü şansa sitem etmek için gerçekten de iyi nedenleri vardı. 确实,侦探有充分的理由反对追捕他的厄运。 The warrant had not come! It was certainly on the way, but as certainly it could not now reach Hong Kong for several days; and this being the last English territory on Mr. Fogg’s route, the robber would escape, unless he could manage to detain him. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||拘留| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||festnehmen| Он определенно был в пути, но точно так же он не мог добраться до Гонконга в течение нескольких дней; а так как это последняя английская территория на пути мистера Фогга, грабитель сбежит, если только ему не удастся его задержать. Kesinlikle yoldaydı, ama birkaç gün içinde Hong Kong'a ulaşamayacağı da kesindi; ve burası Bay Fogg'un rotası üzerindeki son İngiliz bölgesi olduğundan, onu alıkoymayı başaramazsa soyguncu kaçacaktı. "Well, Monsieur Fix," said Passepartout, "have you decided to go with us so far as America? "Peki, Mösyö Fix," dedi Passepartout, "bizimle Amerika'ya kadar gitmeye karar verdiniz mi? "Yes," returned Fix, through his set teeth. |||||denti serrati| — Да, — ответил Фикс сквозь стиснутые зубы. "Evet," diye karşılık verdi Fix dişlerinin arasından. "Good! " exclaimed Passepartout, laughing heartily. "I knew you could not persuade yourself to separate from us. |||||überreden||||| «Я знал, что ты не сможешь убедить себя расстаться с нами. Come and engage your berth. " ||||Kommen und buchen. ||||停泊場所 ||займіть своє місце|| Приходите и займите свое место. " Gelin ve rıhtımınıza yerleşin. " They entered the steamer office and secured cabins for four persons. Vapur ofisine girdiler ve dört kişilik kamaralar ayarladılar. 他们进入了轮船办公室,找到了可容纳四人的舱室。

The clerk, as he gave them the tickets, informed them that, the repairs on the  Carnatic having been completed, the steamer would leave that very evening, and not next morning, as had been announced.

"That will suit my master all the better," said Passepartout. -- Это больше подойдет моему господину, -- сказал Паспарту. Passepartout, "Bu efendimin daha çok işine gelir," dedi. "I will go and let him know. " — Я пойду и дам ему знать. Fix now decided to make a bold move; he resolved to tell Passepartout all. ||||||mutig|||||||

It seemed to be the only possible means of keeping Phileas Fogg several days longer at Hong Kong. He accordingly invited his companion into a tavern which caught his eye on the quay. |||||||酒馆||||||| |||||||pub||||||| Bunun üzerine arkadaşını rıhtımda gözüne çarpan bir meyhaneye davet etti. On entering, they found themselves in a large room handsomely decorated, at the end of which was a large camp-bed furnished with cushions. |||||||||装饰华丽|||||||有|||||||垫子 Войдя, они оказались в большой красиво украшенной комнате, в конце которой стояла большая походная кровать с подушками. İçeri girdiklerinde, kendilerini güzelce dekore edilmiş geniş bir odada buldular; odanın sonunda minderlerle döşenmiş büyük bir kamp yatağı vardı. Several persons lay upon this bed in a deep sleep. Несколько человек лежали на этой кровати в глубоком сне. At the small tables which were arranged about the room some thirty customers were drinking English beer, porter, gin, and brandy; smoking, the while, long red clay pipes stuffed with little balls of opium mingled with essence of rose. |||||||||||||||||ポーター||||||||||||||||||||| За маленькими столиками, расставленными по комнате, около тридцати посетителей пили английское пиво, портер, джин и бренди; курил тем временем длинные трубки из красной глины, набитые шариками опиума, смешанного с розовой эссенцией. Odanın etrafına dizilmiş küçük masalarda otuz kadar müşteri İngiliz birası, porter, cin ve konyak içiyor, bir yandan da gül esansıyla karıştırılmış küçük afyon toplarıyla doldurulmuş uzun kırmızı kil pipoları tüttürüyordu. From time to time one of the smokers, overcome with the narcotic, would slip under the table, whereupon the waiters, taking him by the head and feet, carried and laid him upon the bed. |||||||吸烟者||||麻醉品|||||||||||||||||||||| Время от времени кто-нибудь из курильщиков, одурманенный наркотиком, проскальзывал под стол, после чего официанты, взяв его за голову и за ноги, несли и клали на кровать. Zaman zaman sigara içenlerden biri uyuşturucunun etkisiyle masanın altına kayıyor, bunun üzerine garsonlar onu başından ve ayaklarından tutarak taşıyıp yatağa yatırıyorlardı. The bed already supported twenty of these stupefied sots. ||||||||Betrunkene |||||||storditi| Кровать уже вмещала двадцать таких одурманенных сотов. Yatakta zaten bu sersemlerden yirmi tanesi yatıyordu.

Fix and Passepartout saw that they were in a smoking-house haunted by those wretched, cadaverous, idiotic creatures to whom the English merchants sell every year the miserable drug called opium, to the amount of one million four hundred thousand pounds--thousands devoted to one of the most despicable vices which afflict humanity! |||||||||||||||尸体般的|愚蠢||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||卑鄙的|恶习||困扰人类| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||verachtenswerten|Laster||plagen| |||||||||||||||ghastly emaciated|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||contemptible|||torment| |||||||||||||||死体のような||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||огидний|||вражають| Фикс и Паспарту увидели, что находятся в курилке, где обитают эти жалкие, трупные, идиотские твари, которым английские купцы ежегодно продают жалкое зелье под названием опиум на сумму в один миллион четыреста тысяч фунтов, т. один из самых презренных пороков, которые поражают человечество! Fix ve Passepartout, İngiliz tüccarların her yıl bir milyon dört yüz bin sterlin tutarında afyon denen sefil uyuşturucuyu sattıkları o sefil, kadavra gibi, aptal yaratıkların uğrak yeri olan bir tütsü evinde olduklarını gördüler - insanlığın başına bela olan en aşağılık ahlaksızlıklardan birine adanmış binlerce sterlin! 菲克斯和路路通看到他们置身于一间吸烟房里,这些人经常出没于那些可怜的、苍白的、愚蠢的生物身上折磨人类的最卑鄙的恶习之一!

The Chinese government has in vain attempted to deal with the evil by stringent laws. |||||||||||||严格的| |||||||||||||strict| |||||||||||||stringenti| Китайское правительство тщетно пыталось бороться со злом с помощью строгих законов. Çin hükümeti, katı yasalarla bu kötülükle başa çıkmaya boşuna çalışmıştır. 中国政府试图以严厉的法律对付邪恶,但徒劳无功。 It passed gradually from the rich, to whom it was at first exclusively reserved, to the lower classes, and then its ravages could not be arrested. |||||||||||||||||||||破坏|||| |||||||||||||||||||||Verwüstungen|||| |||||||||||||||||||||destructive effects|||| |||||||||||||||||||||devastazioni|||| Он постепенно перешел от богатых, для которых он был сначала исключительно зарезервирован, к низшим классам, и тогда его опустошение не могло быть остановлено. İlk başlarda sadece zenginlere mahsus olan bu hastalık yavaş yavaş alt sınıflara geçti ve daha sonra tahribatı durdurulamadı. 它逐渐从富人手中转移到下层阶级,然后它的肆虐便无法遏制。 Opium is smoked everywhere, at all times, by men and women, in the Celestial Empire; and, once accustomed to it, the victims cannot dispense with it, except by suffering horrible bodily contortions and agonies. ||吸食|||||||||||||||||||||戒断||||||||||痛苦 Opium wird überall und zu jeder Zeit von Männern und Frauen im himmlischen Reich geraucht; und wenn sie sich einmal daran gewöhnt haben, können die Opfer nicht mehr darauf verzichten, es sei denn, sie erleiden entsetzliche körperliche Verrenkungen und Qualen. Опиум курят везде, во все времена, мужчины и женщины, в Поднебесной; и, однажды привыкнув к нему, жертвы не могут обойтись без него, кроме как страдая от ужасных телесных конвульсий и агонии. Afyon, Göksel İmparatorluk'ta her yerde, her zaman, erkekler ve kadınlar tarafından içilir; ve bir kez buna alışan kurbanlar, korkunç bedensel bükülmeler ve acılar çekmedikçe ondan vazgeçemezler. A great smoker can smoke as many as eight pipes a day; but he dies in five years. ||吸烟者||||||||||||||| Büyük bir tiryaki günde sekiz pipo kadar içebilir; ama beş yıl içinde ölür. It was in one of these dens that Fix and Passepartout, in search of a friendly glass, found themselves. ||||||窝|||||||||||| ||||||Höhlen|||||||||||| ||||||caves|||||||||||| ||||||tane|||||||||||| ||||||лігва|||||||||||| Именно в одном из таких притонов и оказались Фикс и Паспарту в поисках дружеской рюмочки. İşte Fix ve Passepartout, dostane bir bardak ararken kendilerini bu inlerden birinde buldular. Passepartout had no money, but willingly accepted Fix’s invitation in the hope of returning the obligation at some future time. У Паспарту не было денег, но он охотно принял приглашение Фикса в надежде вернуть долг когда-нибудь в будущем. Passepartout'un parası yoktu ama ileride bir gün borcunu ödemek umuduyla Fix'in davetini seve seve kabul etti. They ordered two bottles of port, to which the Frenchman did ample justice, whilst Fix observed him with close attention. They ordered two bottles of port, to which the Frenchman did ample justice, whilst Fix observed him with close attention. Они заказали две бутылки портвейна, чему француз отдал должное, в то время как Фикс внимательно наблюдал за ним. İki şişe porto şarabı ısmarladılar; Fix onu dikkatle izlerken Fransız şarabın hakkını fazlasıyla verdi. 他们点了两瓶波特酒,法国人对这酒喝得很好,而菲克斯则密切注视着他。

They chatted about the journey, and Passepartout was especially merry at the idea that Fix was going to continue it with them. Sie unterhielten sich über die Reise, und Passepartout freute sich besonders über die Vorstellung, dass Fix die Reise mit ihnen fortsetzen würde. When the bottles were empty, however, he rose to go and tell his master of the change in the time of the sailing of the  Carnatic . Ancak şişeler boşaldığında, efendisine Karnatik'in denize açılma zamanındaki değişikliği anlatmak için ayağa kalktı.

Fix caught him by the arm, and said, "Wait a moment. Fix onu kolundan yakaladı ve "Bir dakika bekle. "What for, Mr. Fix? " "I want to have a serious talk with you. "A serious talk! " cried Passepartout, drinking up the little wine that was left in the bottom of his glass. -- воскликнул Паспарту, допивая вино, оставшееся на дне стакана. " diye bağırdı Passepartout, kadehinin dibinde kalan az miktardaki şarabı içerek. "Well, we’ll talk about it to-morrow; I haven’t time now. " "Stay! What I have to say concerns your master. " То, что я должен сказать, касается твоего хозяина. " Passepartout, at this, looked attentively at his companion. Паспарту при этом внимательно посмотрел на своего спутника. Passepartout bunun üzerine dikkatle arkadaşına baktı.

Fix’s face seemed to have a singular expression. Лицо Фикса, казалось, имело странное выражение. Fix'in yüzünde tek bir ifade var gibiydi. 菲克斯的臉上似乎出現了一種奇特的表情。 He resumed his seat. Он вернулся на свое место. Yerine oturdu.

"What is it that you have to say? Fix placed his hand upon Passepartout’s arm, and, lowering his voice, said, "You have guessed who I am? ||||||||压低||||||||| " Parbleu! おおなんて Accidenti "Парблю! " Parbleu! " said Passepartout, smiling. "Then I’m going to tell you everything--" "Now that I know everything, my friend! Ah! that’s very good. But go on, go on. First, though, let me tell you that those gentlemen have put themselves to a useless expense. " |||||||||||||||Kostenaufwand Прежде всего, однако, позвольте мне сказать вам, что эти джентльмены потратили себя на бесполезные расходы. " Öncelikle, bu beyefendilerin kendilerini gereksiz bir masrafa soktuklarını söylememe izin verin. " "Useless! " said Fix. "You speak confidently. "Ты говоришь уверенно. It’s clear that you don’t know how large the sum is. " "Of course I do," returned Passepartout. "Twenty thousand pounds. " "Fifty-five thousand! " answered Fix, pressing his companion’s hand. ||||同伴的| "What! " cried the Frenchman. "Has Monsieur Fogg dared--fifty-five thousand pounds! Well, there’s all the more reason for not losing an instant," he continued, getting up hastily. Ну, тем более не терять ни мгновения, -- продолжал он, поспешно вставая. Eh, bir an bile kaybetmemek için daha fazla neden var," diye devam etti, aceleyle ayağa kalkarak. Fix pushed Passepartout back in his chair, and resumed: "Fifty-five thousand pounds; and if I succeed, I get two thousand pounds. If you’ll help me, I’ll let you have five hundred of them. " "Help you? " cried Passepartout, whose eyes were standing wide open. " diye bağırdı Passepartout, gözleri fal taşı gibi açılmıştı. "Yes; help me keep Mr. Fogg here for two or three days. "Why, what are you saying? Those gentlemen are not satisfied with following my master and suspecting his honour, but they must try to put obstacles in his way! ||||||||||怀疑|||||||||||| Bu beyler efendimi takip etmekle ve onurundan şüphe etmekle yetinmiyorlar, yoluna engeller koymaya çalışıyorlar! I blush for them! " |感到羞愧|| |Ich schäme mich!|| Я краснею за них! " Onlar için kızarıyorum! " "What do you mean? "I mean that it is a piece of shameful trickery. ||||||||可耻的|欺骗行为 «Я имею в виду, что это позорный обман. "Bunun utanç verici bir hile olduğunu söylüyorum. They might as well waylay Mr. Fogg and put his money in their pockets! " ||||拦截||||||||| ||||überfallen||||||||| ||||ambush||||||||| ||||待ち伏せする||||||||| ||||assaltare||||||||| С тем же успехом они могли подстеречь мистера Фогга и положить его деньги себе в карман! " Bay Fogg'un yolunu kesip parasını ceplerine de koyabilirler! " "That’s just what we count on doing. «Это как раз то, на что мы рассчитываем. "Biz de buna güveniyoruz. "It’s a conspiracy, then," cried Passepartout, who became more and more excited as the liquor mounted in his head, for he drank without perceiving it. -- Значит, это заговор, -- воскликнул Паспарту, который все более и более возбуждался по мере того, как спиртное поднималось у него в голове, потому что он пил, не замечая этого. "Demek ki bu bir komplo," diye bağırdı Passepartout, içki kafasına dikildikçe daha da heyecanlanıyordu, çünkü farkına varmadan içmişti. "A real conspiracy! And gentlemen, too. Bah! " Bah! " Fix began to be puzzled. Fix'in kafası karışmaya başladı.

"Members of the Reform Club! " continued Passepartout. "You must know, Monsieur Fix, that my master is an honest man, and that, when he makes a wager, he tries to win it fairly! " "But who do you think I am? " asked Fix, looking at him intently. — спросил Фикс, пристально глядя на него. "Parbleu! An agent of the members of the Reform Club, sent out here to interrupt my master’s journey. But, though I found you out some time ago, I’ve taken good care to say nothing about it to Mr. Fogg. " Ama sizi bir süre önce öğrenmiş olmama rağmen, Bay Fogg'a bu konuda hiçbir şey söylememeye özen gösterdim. " "He knows nothing, then? "Nothing," replied Passepartout, again emptying his glass. ||||倒空|| -- Ничего, -- ответил Паспарту, снова допивая свой стакан. "Hiçbir şey," diye yanıtladı Passepartout, kadehini tekrar boşaltarak. The detective passed his hand across his forehead, hesitating before he spoke again. The detective passed his hand across his forehead, hesitating before he spoke again. Детектив провел рукой по лбу, помедлив, прежде чем снова заговорить. Dedektif elini alnına götürdü ve tekrar konuşmadan önce tereddüt etti. 偵探用手撫了撫額頭,猶豫了一下才再次開口。

What should he do? Passepartout’s mistake seemed sincere, but it made his design more difficult. |||aufrichtig||||||| |||sincera||||||| Ошибка Паспарту казалась искренней, но она усложняла его замысел. Passepartout'nun hatası samimi görünüyordu, ancak tasarımını daha da zorlaştırdı. It was evident that the servant was not the master’s accomplice, as Fix had been inclined to suspect. |||||||||||||||||怀疑 ||||||||||Komplize||||||| Было очевидно, что слуга не был сообщником хозяина, как склонен был подозревать Фикс. Fix'in şüphelenmeye meyilli olduğu gibi, hizmetçinin efendinin suç ortağı olmadığı açıktı. "Well," said the detective to himself, "as he is not an accomplice, he will help me. |||||自己|||||||||| He had no time to lose: Fogg must be detained at Hong Kong, so he resolved to make a clean breast of it. ||||||||||||||||di|||una confessione sincera|cuore|| У него не было времени терять: Фогга нужно было задержать в Гонконге, поэтому он решил чистосердечно признать это. Kaybedecek zamanı yoktu: Fogg'un Hong Kong'da alıkonulması gerekiyordu, o yüzden bu işi temiz bir şekilde halletmeye karar verdi.

"Listen to me," said Fix abruptly. |||||bruscamente Fix aniden, "Beni dinle," dedi. "I am not, as you think, an agent of the members of the Reform Club--" "Bah! " retorted Passepartout, with an air of raillery. ||||||调侃的语 ||||||mocking humor ||||||冗談めか ||||||глузуванням ||||||scherno -- возразил Паспарту с насмешливым видом. " diye karşılık verdi Passepartout, alaycı bir havayla. ”路路通帶著嘲諷的口氣反駁道。 "I am a police detective, sent out here by the London office. "You, a detective? "I will prove it. Here is my commission. " |||佣金 İşte komisyonum. " Passepartout was speechless with astonishment when Fix displayed this document, the genuineness of which could not be doubted. ||无言以对|||||出示||||真实性|||||| |||||||||||Echtheit|||||| |||||||||||справжність|||||| Паспарту потерял дар речи от изумления, когда Фикс показал этот документ, в подлинности которого нельзя было сомневаться.

"Mr. Fogg’s wager," resumed Fix, "is only a pretext, of which you and the gentlemen of the Reform are dupes. |||||||||||||||||||傻瓜 |||||||||||||||||||Betrogene |||||||||||||||||||victims |||||||||||||||||||vittime |||||||||||||||||||обмануті жертви -- Пари мистера Фогга, -- продолжал Фикс, -- это всего лишь предлог, который вы и господа реформисты обманули. "Bay Fogg'un bahsi," diye devam etti Fix, "sizin ve Reform'daki beylerin kandırıldığı bir bahaneden ibaret. He had a motive for securing your innocent complicity. " |||动机||确保|||同谋 ||||||||involvement |||motivo||||| У него был мотив для обеспечения вашего невиновного соучастия. " Sizin masum suç ortaklığınızı güvence altına almak için bir nedeni vardı. " "But why? "Listen. On the 28th of last September a robbery of fifty-five thousand pounds was committed at the Bank of England by a person whose description was fortunately secured. |||||||||||||||||イングランド銀行|||||||||| Geçtiğimiz Eylül ayının 28'inde İngiltere Merkez Bankası'nda, eşkali neyse ki tespit edilen bir kişi tarafından elli beş bin sterlinlik bir soygun gerçekleştirilmiştir. 去年 9 月 28 日,一個人在英格蘭銀行搶劫了 55,000 英鎊,幸運的是,他的描述得到了證實。 Here is his description; it answers exactly to that of Mr. Phileas Fogg. " İşte onun tarifi; Bay Phileas Fogg'unkine tam olarak uyuyor. " "What nonsense! "Ne saçmalık! " cried Passepartout, striking the table with his fist. |||||||拳头 "My master is the most honourable of men! " "How can you tell? You know scarcely anything about him. Вы почти ничего о нем не знаете. Onun hakkında neredeyse hiçbir şey bilmiyorsun. You went into his service the day he came away; and he came away on a foolish pretext, without trunks, and carrying a large amount in banknotes. Вы поступили к нему на службу в тот день, когда он ушел; и он ушел под дурацким предлогом, без сундуков и с крупной суммой в банкнотах. Geldiği gün onun hizmetine girdiniz; ve aptalca bir bahaneyle, sandıkları olmadan ve yüklü miktarda banknot taşıyarak geldi. And yet you are bold enough to assert that he is an honest man! " ||||mutig genug||||||||| |||||||affermare|||||| А между тем вы имеете смелость утверждать, что он честный человек! " "Yes, yes," repeated the poor fellow, mechanically. "Would you like to be arrested as his accomplice? Passepartout, overcome by what he had heard, held his head between his hands, and did not dare to look at the detective. Passepartout duyduklarının etkisiyle başını ellerinin arasına aldı ve dedektife bakmaya cesaret edemedi.

Phileas Fogg, the saviour of Aouda, that brave and generous man, a robber! |||救星||||||||| |||||||coraggioso||||| |||рятівник||||||||| And yet how many presumptions there were against him! ||||假设|||| ||||Annahmen|||| ||||припущення|||| А между тем сколько презумпций было против него! Ve yine de ona karşı ne kadar çok karine vardı! 然而,有多少人反對他! Passepartout essayed to reject the suspicions which forced themselves upon his mind; he did not wish to believe that his master was guilty. |||拒绝||||||||||||||||||| Паспарту пытался развеять навязавшиеся ему подозрения; он не хотел верить, что его хозяин виновен. Passepartout aklını zorlayan kuşkuları reddetmeye çalıştı; efendisinin suçlu olduğuna inanmak istemiyordu.

"Well, what do you want of me? " said he, at last, with an effort. ||||||Anstrengung " dedi sonunda, çabalayarak. "See here," replied Fix; "I have tracked Mr. Fogg to this place, but as yet I have failed to receive the warrant of arrest for which I sent to London. "Bakın," diye yanıtladı Fix, "Bay Fogg'u buraya kadar takip ettim, ama Londra'ya gönderdiğim tutuklama emrini henüz alamadım. You must help me to keep him here in Hong Kong--" "I! But I--" "I will share with you the two thousand pounds reward offered by the Bank of England. "Never! " replied Passepartout, who tried to rise, but fell back, exhausted in mind and body. -- ответил Паспарту, который попытался встать, но упал, изнемогая душой и телом. " diye cevap verdi Passepartout, ayağa kalkmaya çalıştı ama zihni ve bedeni bitkin bir halde geriye düştü. "Mr. Fix," he stammered, "even should what you say be true--if my master is really the robber you are seeking for--which I deny--I have been, am, in his service; I have seen his generosity and goodness; and I will never betray him--not for all the gold in the world. |||结结巴巴地||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||stotterte||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||spoke with difficulty||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||balbettò||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| -- Мистер Фикс, -- пробормотал он, -- даже если то, что вы говорите, правда, -- если мой хозяин действительно тот разбойник, которого вы ищете -- чего я отрицаю, -- я был и есть у него на службе; я видел его великодушие и доброту, и я никогда не предам его - ни за все золото мира. "Bay Fix," diye kekeledi, "söyledikleriniz doğru olsa bile -eğer efendimiz gerçekten aradığınız soyguncuysa -ki bunu reddediyorum- ben onun hizmetinde bulundum, bulunuyorum; onun cömertliğini ve iyiliğini gördüm; ve ona asla ihanet etmeyeceğim -dünyadaki bütün altınlar için bile. I come from a village where they don’t eat that kind of bread! " |||||在那个村子||||||| Я родом из деревни, где такой хлеб не едят! " Ben bu tür ekmeklerin yenmediği bir köyden geliyorum! " "You refuse? "I refuse. "Consider that I’ve said nothing," said Fix; "and let us drink. "Hiçbir şey söylemediğimi farz edin," dedi Fix; "ve içelim. "Yes; let us drink! «Да, выпьем! Passepartout felt himself yielding more and more to the effects of the liquor. Паспарту чувствовал, что все больше и больше поддается действию спиртного. Passepartout içkinin etkisine giderek daha fazla teslim olduğunu hissetti.

Fix, seeing that he must, at all hazards, be separated from his master, wished to entirely overcome him. |||||||不顾一切|||||||||| Фикс, видя, что он должен во что бы то ни стало разлучиться со своим хозяином, пожелал полностью одолеть его. Fix, her ne pahasına olursa olsun efendisinden ayrılması gerektiğini düşünerek onu tamamen alt etmek istiyordu. Some pipes full of opium lay upon the table. На столе лежало несколько трубок, наполненных опиумом. Fix slipped one into Passepartout’s hand. Фикс сунул одну в руку Паспарту. Fix bir tanesini Passepartout'un eline tutuşturdu. He took it, put it between his lips, lit it, drew several puffs, and his head, becoming heavy under the influence of the narcotic, fell upon the table. ||||||||||||几口||||||||||||||| ||||||||||inspirò|||||||||||||||||

"At last! "В конце концов! " said Fix, seeing Passepartout unconscious. ||||bewusstlos — сказал Фикс, увидев Паспарту без сознания. "Mr. Fogg will not be informed of the time of the  Carnatic’s departure; and, if he is, he will have to go without this cursed Frenchman! " |||||||||||卡纳提克|||||||||||||该死的| ||||||||||||||||||||||||verfluchten| |||||||||||«Карнатіка»|||||||||||||| "Bay Fogg'a Carnatic'in ne zaman yola çıkacağı bildirilmeyecek; bildirilirse de bu lanetli Fransız olmadan gitmek zorunda kalacak! " And, after paying his bill, Fix left the tavern.