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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, Chapter 13.

Chapter 13.

The project was a bold one, full of difficulty, perhaps impracticable.

Mr. Fogg was going to risk life, or at least liberty, and therefore the success of his tour. But he did not hesitate, and he found in Sir Francis Cromarty an enthusiastic ally. As for Passepartout, he was ready for anything that might be proposed.

His master's idea charmed him; he perceived a heart, a soul, under that icy exterior. He began to love Phileas Fogg. There remained the guide: what course would he adopt?

Would he not take part with the Indians? In default of his assistance, it was necessary to be assured of his neutrality. Sir Francis frankly put the question to him.

"Officers," replied the guide, "I am a Parsee, and this woman is a Parsee.

Command me as you will. "Excellent!

said Mr. Fogg. "However," resumed the guide, "it is certain, not only that we shall risk our lives, but horrible tortures, if we are taken.

"That is foreseen," replied Mr. Fogg.

"I think we must wait till night before acting. "I think so," said the guide.

The worthy Indian then gave some account of the victim, who, he said, was a celebrated beauty of the Parsee race, and the daughter of a wealthy Bombay merchant.

She had received a thoroughly English education in that city, and, from her manners and intelligence, would be thought an European. Her name was Aouda. Left an orphan, she was married against her will to the old rajah of Bundelcund; and, knowing the fate that awaited her, she escaped, was retaken, and devoted by the rajah's relatives, who had an interest in her death, to the sacrifice from which it seemed she could not escape. The Parsee's narrative only confirmed Mr. Fogg and his companions in their generous design.

It was decided that the guide should direct the elephant towards the pagoda of Pillaji, which he accordingly approached as quickly as possible. They halted, half an hour afterwards, in a copse, some five hundred feet from the pagoda, where they were well concealed; but they could hear the groans and cries of the fakirs distinctly. They then discussed the means of getting at the victim.

The guide was familiar with the pagoda of Pillaji, in which, as he declared, the young woman was imprisoned. Could they enter any of its doors while the whole party of Indians was plunged in a drunken sleep, or was it safer to attempt to make a hole in the walls? This could only be determined at the moment and the place themselves; but it was certain that the abduction must be made that night, and not when, at break of day, the victim was led to her funeral pyre. Then no human intervention could save her. As soon as night fell, about six o'clock, they decided to make a reconnaissance around the pagoda.

The cries of the fakirs were just ceasing; the Indians were in the act of plunging themselves into the drunkenness caused by liquid opium mingled with hemp, and it might be possible to slip between them to the temple itself. The Parsee, leading the others, noiselessly crept through the wood, and in ten minutes they found themselves on the banks of a small stream, whence, by the light of the rosin torches, they perceived a pyre of wood, on the top of which lay the embalmed body of the rajah, which was to be burned with his wife.

The pagoda, whose minarets loomed above the trees in the deepening dusk, stood a hundred steps away. "Come!

whispered the guide. He slipped more cautiously than ever through the brush, followed by his companions; the silence around was only broken by the low murmuring of the wind among the branches.

Soon the Parsee stopped on the borders of the glade, which was lit up by the torches.

The ground was covered by groups of the Indians, motionless in their drunken sleep; it seemed a battlefield strewn with the dead. Men, women, and children lay together. In the background, among the trees, the pagoda of Pillaji loomed indistinctly.

Much to the guide's disappointment, the guards of the rajah, lighted by torches, were watching at the doors and marching to and fro with naked sabres; probably the priests, too, were watching within. The Parsee, now convinced that it was impossible to force an entrance to the temple, advanced no farther, but led his companions back again.

Phileas Fogg and Sir Francis Cromarty also saw that nothing could be attempted in that direction. They stopped, and engaged in a whispered colloquy. "It is only eight now," said the brigadier, "and these guards may also go to sleep.

"It is not impossible," returned the Parsee.

They lay down at the foot of a tree, and waited.

The time seemed long; the guide ever and anon left them to take an observation on the edge of the wood, but the guards watched steadily by the glare of the torches, and a dim light crept through the windows of the pagoda.

They waited till midnight; but no change took place among the guards, and it became apparent that their yielding to sleep could not be counted on.

The other plan must be carried out; an opening in the walls of the pagoda must be made. It remained to ascertain whether the priests were watching by the side of their victim as assiduously as were the soldiers at the door. After a last consultation, the guide announced that he was ready for the attempt, and advanced, followed by the others.

They took a roundabout way, so as to get at the pagoda on the rear. They reached the walls about half-past twelve, without having met anyone; here there was no guard, nor were there either windows or doors. The night was dark.

The moon, on the wane, scarcely left the horizon, and was covered with heavy clouds; the height of the trees deepened the darkness. It was not enough to reach the walls; an opening in them must be accomplished, and to attain this purpose the party only had their pocket-knives.

Happily the temple walls were built of brick and wood, which could be penetrated with little difficulty; after one brick had been taken out, the rest would yield easily. They set noiselessly to work, and the Parsee on one side and Passepartout on the other began to loosen the bricks, so as to make an aperture two feet wide.

They were getting on rapidly, when suddenly a cry was heard in the interior of the temple, followed almost instantly by other cries replying from the outside. Passepartout and the guide stopped. Had they been heard? Was the alarm being given? Common prudence urged them to retire, and they did so, followed by Phileas Fogg and Sir Francis. They again hid themselves in the wood, and waited till the disturbance, whatever it might be, ceased, holding themselves ready to resume their attempt without delay. But, awkwardly enough, the guards now appeared at the rear of the temple, and there installed themselves, in readiness to prevent a surprise. It would be difficult to describe the disappointment of the party, thus interrupted in their work.

They could not now reach the victim; how, then, could they save her? Sir Francis shook his fists, Passepartout was beside himself, and the guide gnashed his teeth with rage. The tranquil Fogg waited, without betraying any emotion. "We have nothing to do but to go away," whispered Sir Francis.

"Nothing but to go away," echoed the guide.

"Stop," said Fogg.

"I am only due at Allahabad to-morrow before noon. "But what can you hope to do?

asked Sir Francis. "In a few hours it will be daylight, and--" "The chance which now seems lost may present itself at the last moment.

Sir Francis would have liked to read Phileas Fogg's eyes.

What was this cool Englishman thinking of? Was he planning to make a rush for the young woman at the very moment of the sacrifice, and boldly snatch her from her executioners? This would be utter folly, and it was hard to admit that Fogg was such a fool.

Sir Francis consented, however, to remain to the end of this terrible drama. The guide led them to the rear of the glade, where they were able to observe the sleeping groups. Meanwhile Passepartout, who had perched himself on the lower branches of a tree, was resolving an idea which had at first struck him like a flash, and which was now firmly lodged in his brain.

He had commenced by saying to himself, "What folly!

and then he repeated, "Why not, after all? It's a chance,--perhaps the only one; and with such sots!" Thinking thus, he slipped, with the suppleness of a serpent, to the lowest branches, the ends of which bent almost to the ground. The hours passed, and the lighter shades now announced the approach of day, though it was not yet light.

This was the moment. The slumbering multitude became animated, the tambourines sounded, songs and cries arose; the hour of the sacrifice had come. The doors of the pagoda swung open, and a bright light escaped from its interior, in the midst of which Mr. Fogg and Sir Francis espied the victim. She seemed, having shaken off the stupor of intoxication, to be striving to escape from her executioner. Sir Francis's heart throbbed; and convulsively seizing Mr. Fogg's hand, found in it an open knife. Just at this moment the crowd began to move. The young woman had again fallen into a stupor caused by the fumes of hemp, and passed among the fakirs, who escorted her with their wild, religious cries. Phileas Fogg and his companions, mingling in the rear ranks of the crowd, followed; and in two minutes they reached the banks of the stream, and stopped fifty paces from the pyre, upon which still lay the rajah's corpse.

In the semi-obscurity they saw the victim, quite senseless, stretched out beside her husband's body. Then a torch was brought, and the wood, heavily soaked with oil, instantly took fire. At this moment Sir Francis and the guide seized Phileas Fogg, who, in an instant of mad generosity, was about to rush upon the pyre.

But he had quickly pushed them aside, when the whole scene suddenly changed. A cry of terror arose. The whole multitude prostrated themselves, terror-stricken, on the ground. The old rajah was not dead, then, since he rose of a sudden, like a spectre, took up his wife in his arms, and descended from the pyre in the midst of the clouds of smoke, which only heightened his ghostly appearance.

Fakirs and soldiers and priests, seized with instant terror, lay there, with their faces on the ground, not daring to lift their eyes and behold such a prodigy.

The inanimate victim was borne along by the vigorous arms which supported her, and which she did not seem in the least to burden.

Mr. Fogg and Sir Francis stood erect, the Parsee bowed his head, and Passepartout was, no doubt, scarcely less stupefied. The resuscitated rajah approached Sir Francis and Mr. Fogg, and, in an abrupt tone, said, "Let us be off!

It was Passepartout himself, who had slipped upon the pyre in the midst of the smoke and, profiting by the still overhanging darkness, had delivered the young woman from death!

It was Passepartout who, playing his part with a happy audacity, had passed through the crowd amid the general terror. A moment after all four of the party had disappeared in the woods, and the elephant was bearing them away at a rapid pace.

But the cries and noise, and a ball which whizzed through Phileas Fogg's hat, apprised them that the trick had been discovered. The old rajah's body, indeed, now appeared upon the burning pyre; and the priests, recovered from their terror, perceived that an abduction had taken place.

They hastened into the forest, followed by the soldiers, who fired a volley after the fugitives; but the latter rapidly increased the distance between them, and ere long found themselves beyond the reach of the bullets and arrows.

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Chapter 13. Kapitel 13. Κεφάλαιο 13. Capítulo 13. Chapitre 13. Capitolo 13. 第13章 Hoofdstuk 13. Capítulo 13. Глава 13. Bölüm 13. Розділ 13. 第13章。 第13章。

The project was a bold one, full of difficulty, perhaps impracticable. ||||||||||不可行的 ||||kühn|||||| ||||||||||not feasible ||||||||||нездійсненний كان المشروع جريئا ومليئا بالصعوبة، وربما غير قابل للتطبيق. Проект был смелым, полным трудностей, возможно, невыполнимым. Proje cesur bir projeydi, zorluklarla doluydu, belki de uygulanamazdı. 這個項目是一個大膽的項目,充滿了困難,也許是不切實際的。

Mr. Fogg was going to risk life, or at least liberty, and therefore the success of his tour. كان السيد فوج على وشك المخاطرة بحياته، أو على الأقل بالحرية، وبالتالي بنجاح جولته. Мистер Фогг собирался рискнуть жизнью или, по крайней мере, свободой, а значит, и успехом своего турне. Bay Fogg hayatını ya da en azından özgürlüğünü ve dolayısıyla turunun başarısını riske atacaktı. 福格先生將冒著生命危險,或者至少是自由,因此他的旅行會取得成功。 But he did not hesitate, and he found in Sir Francis Cromarty an enthusiastic ally. ||||||||||||||盟友 لكنه لم يتردد، ووجد في السير فرانسيس كرومارتي حليفًا متحمسًا. But he did not hesitate, and he found in Sir Francis Cromarty an enthusiastic ally. Но он не колебался и нашел в сэре Фрэнсисе Кромарти восторженного союзника. Ancak tereddüt etmedi ve Sir Francis Cromarty'de coşkulu bir müttefik buldu. 但他毫不猶豫,在弗朗西斯克羅馬蒂爵士身上找到了一個熱情的盟友。 As for Passepartout, he was ready for anything that might be proposed. |||||||||||提出的 أما باسبارتو، فهو مستعد لأي شيء قد يتم اقتراحه. Что же касается Паспарту, то он был готов на все, что бы ему ни предложили. Passepartout'ya gelince, önerilebilecek her şeye hazırdı.

His master’s idea charmed him; he perceived a heart, a soul, under that icy exterior. لقد سحرته فكرة سيده. لقد رأى قلبًا، روحًا، تحت ذلك المظهر الخارجي الجليدي. A ideia do seu mestre encantava-o; apercebeu-se de um coração, de uma alma, sob aquele exterior gelado. Идея его хозяина очаровала его; он увидел сердце, душу, под этой ледяной внешностью. Efendisinin fikri onu büyülemişti; o buz gibi dış görünüşün altında bir kalp, bir ruh sezmişti. He began to love Phileas Fogg. There remained the guide: what course would he adopt? Restava a questão: que rumo iria tomar? Оставался проводник: какой курс он изберет? Geriye bir rehber kalıyordu: nasıl bir yol izleyecekti?

Would he not take part with the Indians? Не будет ли он участвовать в войне с индейцами? Kızılderililerin yanında yer almayacak mıydı? In default of his assistance, it was necessary to be assured of his neutrality. ||||||||||确保|||中立性 彼の支援を怠った場合、彼の中立性を保証する必要がありました。 Na ausência da sua ajuda, era necessário garantir a sua neutralidade. В отсутствие его помощи необходимо было убедиться в его нейтралитете. Yardım etmemesi halinde, tarafsızlığından emin olunması gerekiyordu. 在缺乏他的帮助的情况下,有必要确保他的中立性。 由於沒有他的協助,有必要保證他的中立性。 Sir Francis frankly put the question to him. |Sir Francesco|||||| Сэр Фрэнсис откровенно задал ему вопрос. Sir Francis soruyu açık yüreklilikle ona yöneltti. 弗朗西斯爵士坦率地向他提出了这个问题。

"Officers," replied the guide, "I am a Parsee, and this woman is a Parsee. |||||||member of a Zoroastrian community|||||| «Офицеры, — ответил проводник, — я парс, и эта женщина — парс. "Memur beyler," diye yanıtladı rehber, "Ben bir Parsiyim ve bu kadın da bir Parsi. "军官们,"向导回答道,"我是一名帕西人,这个女人也是帕西人。"

Command me as you will. Bana istediğin gibi emret. 随你指挥。 "Excellent! "Mükemmel! “太好了!

said Mr. Fogg. dedi Bay Fogg. 福格先生说道。 "However," resumed the guide, "it is certain, not only that we shall risk our lives, but horrible tortures, if we are taken. |||||||||||||||||torturous suffering|||| 「しかし、」ガイドは再開した、「私たちが捕らえられたら、命を危険にさらすだけでなく、ひどい拷問を受けることは確かです. «Однако, — продолжал проводник, — несомненно, что мы рискуем не только своими жизнями, но и ужасными пытками, если нас схватят. "Ancak," diye devam etti rehber, "eğer yakalanırsak sadece hayatımızı değil, korkunç işkenceleri de riske atacağımız kesin. "然而,"导游继续说道,"我们不仅将面临生命危险,还将遭受可怕的折磨,如果我们被抓住的话。 “但是,”嚮導繼續說,“可以肯定的是,如果我們被帶走,不僅我們會冒著生命危險,而且會遭受可怕的折磨。

"That is foreseen," replied Mr. Fogg. — Это предусмотрено, — ответил мистер Фогг. "这是可以预见的,"福格先生回答道。

"I think we must wait till night before acting. "Sanırım harekete geçmeden önce geceye kadar beklemeliyiz. "我认为我们必须等到晚上再行动。 "I think so," said the guide. "我认为是这样的," 导游说道。

The worthy Indian then gave some account of the victim, who, he said, was a celebrated beauty of the Parsee race, and the daughter of a wealthy Bombay merchant. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||富有的|| O digno indiano falou então um pouco da vítima, que, segundo ele, era uma célebre beldade da raça Parsee e filha de um rico comerciante de Bombaim. Затем почтенный индеец рассказал о жертве, которая, по его словам, была знаменитой красавицей из племени парсов и дочерью богатого бомбейского купца. Değerli Hintli daha sonra kurban hakkında bazı bilgiler verdi; söylediğine göre Parsi ırkının ünlü bir güzeliydi ve zengin bir Bombay tüccarının kızıydı. 这位值得尊敬的印度人随后讲述了受害者的情况,他说她是帕西族的一个著名美女,也是孟买一位富商的女儿。 這位可敬的印第安人隨後講述了受害者的一些情況,他說,受害者是帕西族著名的美女,是一位富有的孟買商人的女兒。

She had received a thoroughly English education in that city, and, from her manners and intelligence, would be thought an European. В этом городе она получила чисто английское образование и, судя по ее манерам и уму, могла считаться европейкой. 她在该城市接受了彻底的英语教育,从她的举止和智力来看,会被认为是欧洲人。 Her name was Aouda. |||阿欧达 |||Її звали Ауда. Ее звали Ауда. Left an orphan, she was married against her will to the old rajah of Bundelcund; and, knowing the fate that awaited her, she escaped, was retaken, and devoted by the rajah’s relatives, who had an interest in her death, to the sacrifice from which it seemed she could not escape. ||孤儿|||||||||||||||||||||||被重新捕获|||||拉贾的||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||e|destinata al|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||раджі||||||||||||||||||| Deixada órfã, foi casada contra a sua vontade com o velho rajá de Bundelcund; e, conhecendo o destino que a esperava, fugiu, foi retomada e dedicada pelos parentes do rajá, que tinham interesse na sua morte, ao sacrifício do qual parecia não poder escapar. Оставшись сиротой, она против своей воли вышла замуж за старого раджу Бунделькунда; и, зная об ожидавшей ее судьбе, она сбежала, была вновь схвачена и предана родственниками раджи, заинтересованными в ее смерти, на жертву, от которой, казалось, ей не избежать. Yetim bırakılan kız, kendi isteği dışında Bundelcund'un yaşlı racasıyla evlendirildi; ve kendisini bekleyen kaderi bildiği için kaçtı, geri alındı ve ölümünde çıkarı olan racanın akrabaları tarafından kaçamayacağı anlaşılan bir kurbana adandı. 她留下孤儿,被迫嫁给了Bundelcund的老拉贾;她知道自己即将面临的命运,于是逃跑了,但被重新捕获,被拉贾的亲属献祭,他们对她的死亡有利益,从中似乎没有逃脱的可能。 作為孤兒,她違背自己的意願嫁給了本德爾昆德的老拉賈;知道等待她的命運後,她逃了出來,被與她的死有關的王公親屬重新抓回,獻給了她似乎無法逃脫的犧牲。 The Parsee’s narrative only confirmed Mr. Fogg and his companions in their generous design. ||叙述||||||||||| |Парсієва|||||||||||| Le récit du Parsee ne fait que confirmer M. Fogg et ses compagnons dans leur conception généreuse. Рассказ парси лишь подтвердил великодушный замысел г-на Фогга и его спутников. Parsi'nin anlattıkları Bay Fogg ve arkadaşlarının cömert planlarını doğrulamaktan başka bir işe yaramadı. 帕西人的叙述只让福ogg先生和他的同伴们更加坚定了他们的仁慈计划。 Parsee 的敘述只證實了 Fogg 先生和他的同伴們的慷慨設計。

It was decided that the guide should direct the elephant towards the pagoda of Pillaji, which he accordingly approached as quickly as possible. ||||||||||||||比拉吉|||||||| Foi decidido que o guia deveria dirigir o elefante para o pagode de Pillaji, ao qual se aproximou o mais rapidamente possível. Было решено, что проводник должен направить слона к пагоде Пилладжи, к которой он подошел как можно быстрее. 决定由向导引导大象朝向皮拉吉的宝塔,因此他尽可能快地靠近。 決定由嚮導引導大象朝皮拉吉寶塔走去,他相應地盡快接近了寶塔。 They halted, half an hour afterwards, in a copse, some five hundred feet from the pagoda, where they were well concealed; but they could hear the groans and cries of the fakirs distinctly. |停下|||||||小树林|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||small wooded area||||||||||||||||||suffering sounds|||||ascetic practitioners| ||||||||boschetto|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||гайок|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||小さな林|||||||||||||||||||||||| Ils s'arrêtèrent, une demi-heure après, dans un bosquet, à environ cinq cents pieds de la pagode, où ils étaient bien cachés; mais ils pouvaient entendre distinctement les gémissements et les cris des fakirs. Pararam, meia hora depois, num bosque, a uns quinhentos metros do pagode, onde estavam bem escondidos; mas podiam ouvir distintamente os gemidos e os gritos dos faquires. Через полчаса они остановились в роще, примерно в пятистах футах от пагоды, где хорошо спрятались; но они отчетливо слышали стоны и крики факиров. Yarım saat sonra, pagodadan yaklaşık beş yüz adım ötede, iyi gizlendikleri bir çalılıkta durdular; ama fakirlerin iniltilerini ve çığlıklarını net bir şekilde duyabiliyorlardı. 半小時後,他們在距離寶塔約五百英尺的一個小樹林裡停了下來,他們藏在那裡很好。但他們可以清楚地聽到苦行僧的呻吟和哭喊聲。 They then discussed the means of getting at the victim. Daha sonra kurbana ulaşmanın yollarını tartıştılar.

The guide was familiar with the pagoda of Pillaji, in which, as he declared, the young woman was imprisoned. 嚮導熟悉 Pillaji 的寶塔,正如他所說,年輕女子被囚禁在其中。 Could they enter any of its doors while the whole party of Indians was plunged in a drunken sleep, or was it safer to attempt to make a hole in the walls? |||||||||||||||||醉酒的|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||занурені||||||||||||||||| Смогут ли они войти в любую из его дверей, пока вся группа индейцев погружается в пьяный сон, или безопаснее попытаться проделать дыру в стене? Kızılderililerin tamamı sarhoş bir uykuya dalmışken herhangi bir kapısından içeri girebilirler miydi, yoksa duvarlarda bir delik açmaya çalışmak daha mı güvenliydi? 他們能在整群印第安人都醉醺醺地進入它的任何一扇門嗎,還是嘗試在牆上挖個洞更安全? This could only be determined at the moment and the place themselves; but it was certain that the abduction must be made that night, and not when, at break of day, the victim was led to her funeral pyre. ||||||||||||||||||kidnapping||||||||||||||||||||funeral pyre ||||||||||||||||||Entführung||||||||||||||||||||Scheiterhaufen ||||||||||||||||||rapimento|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||绑架|||||||||||||||||||葬火堆|火葬台 ||||||||||||||||||викрадення||||||||||||||||||||похоронне багаття ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||火葬台 Isso só podia ser determinado no momento e no local; mas era certo que o rapto devia ser feito nessa noite, e não quando, ao romper do dia, a vítima era conduzida à sua pira funerária. Это можно было определить только в данный момент и в самом месте; но было ясно, что похищение должно быть совершено этой ночью, а не тогда, когда на рассвете жертву ведут к ее погребальному костру. Bu ancak o anda ve yerde belirlenebilirdi; ama kaçırma işleminin o gece yapılmış olması gerektiği kesindi, gün ağarırken kurbanın cenaze ateşine götürüldüğü zaman değil. Then no human intervention could save her. Тогда никакое человеческое вмешательство не могло ее спасти. O zaman hiçbir insan müdahalesi onu kurtaramazdı. As soon as night fell, about six o’clock, they decided to make a reconnaissance around the pagoda. |||||||||||||侦察||| |||||||||||||exploratory mission||| |||||||||||||ricognizione||| |||||||||||||розвідка||| |||||||||||||偵察||| Как только наступила ночь, около шести часов, они решили провести разведку вокруг пагоды. Gece çöker çökmez, saat altı civarında, pagodanın etrafında bir keşif yapmaya karar verdiler.

The cries of the fakirs were just ceasing; the Indians were in the act of plunging themselves into the drunkenness caused by liquid opium mingled with hemp, and it might be possible to slip between them to the temple itself. |||||||停止||||||||投入||||醉酒状态|||||||大麻||||||||||||| |||||||aufhören|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||припинялися||||||||||||сп'яніння|||||||||||||||||||| Les cris des fakirs cessaient juste; les Indiens étaient en train de se plonger dans l'ivresse causée par l'opium liquide mêlé au chanvre, et il serait peut-être possible de se glisser entre eux jusqu'au temple même. Os gritos dos faquires estavam a cessar; os índios estavam a mergulhar na embriaguez causada pelo ópio líquido misturado com cânhamo, e talvez fosse possível escapulir-se entre eles para o próprio templo. Крики факиров только что стихли; индейцы были в состоянии погрузиться в опьянение, вызванное жидким опиумом, смешанным с коноплей, и можно было бы проскользнуть между ними к самому храму. Fakirlerin çığlıkları yeni kesiliyordu; Kızılderililer kenevirle karıştırılmış sıvı afyonun neden olduğu sarhoşluğa dalmak üzereydiler ve aralarından geçip tapınağa gitmek mümkün olabilirdi. 苦行僧的叫喊聲剛剛停止;印第安人正沉浸在混合了大麻的液體鴉片中,喝得酩酊大醉,也許可以從他們中間溜到神廟裡。 The Parsee, leading the others, noiselessly crept through the wood, and in ten minutes they found themselves on the banks of a small stream, whence, by the light of the rosin torches, they perceived a pyre of wood, on the top of which lay the embalmed body of the rajah, which was to be burned with his wife. |||||无声地|悄悄地||||||||||||||||||||||||松香|||||||||||||||防腐的|||||||||||| ||||||moved quietly||||||||||||||||||||||||rosin torches|||||funeral pyre||||||||||preserved body|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||resina|||||||||||||||imbalsamato|||||||||||| ||||||підкралися||||||||||||||||||||||||соснові смолоскипи|||||||||||||||забальзамоване|||||||||||| O parsee, à frente dos outros, arrastou-se silenciosamente pelo bosque e, em dez minutos, encontravam-se nas margens de um pequeno riacho, onde, à luz das tochas de breu, viram uma pira de madeira, no cimo da qual estava o corpo embalsamado do rajá, que ia ser queimado com a sua mulher. Парси, ведя за собой остальных, бесшумно пробрался через лес, и через десять минут они оказались на берегу небольшого ручья, откуда при свете канифольных факелов увидели костер из дров, на вершине которого лежало забальзамированное тело раджи, которое должно было быть сожжено вместе с его женой. Parsi, diğerlerine önderlik ederek ormanda sessizce ilerledi ve on dakika içinde kendilerini küçük bir derenin kıyısında buldular; orada, reçine meşalelerinin ışığında, üzerinde karısıyla birlikte yakılacak olan racanın mumyalanmış cesedinin bulunduğu odun yığınını gördüler.

The pagoda, whose minarets loomed above the trees in the deepening dusk, stood a hundred steps away. ||||||||||渐深的|黄昏||||| ||||||||||crescendo del crepus|||||| ||||височіли|||||||||||| O pagode, cujos minaretes se erguiam acima das árvores no crepúsculo, estava a cem passos de distância. Пагода, минареты которой возвышались над деревьями в сгущающихся сумерках, стояла в сотне шагов от нее. Derinleşen alacakaranlıkta minareleri ağaçların üzerinde yükselen pagoda yüz adım ötede duruyordu. 寶塔的尖塔在越來越深的黃昏中隱約可見於樹木之上,距離酒店有一百步之遙。 "Come!

whispered the guide. He slipped more cautiously than ever through the brush, followed by his companions; the silence around was only broken by the low murmuring of the wind among the branches. ||||||||||||||||||||||低声呢喃|||||| ||||||||sottobosco|||||||||||||||||||| Он проскользнул сквозь заросли еще осторожнее, чем когда-либо, в сопровождении своих товарищей; тишину вокруг нарушал только тихий ропот ветра в ветвях. Her zamankinden daha temkinli bir şekilde çalılıkların arasından süzüldü, onu arkadaşları takip etti; etraftaki sessizliği sadece rüzgârın dallar arasında çıkardığı hafif mırıltılar bozuyordu.

Soon the Parsee stopped on the borders of the glade, which was lit up by the torches. ||||||||||||||||light sources |||||||||галявина||||||| Em breve, o Parsee parou nos limites da clareira, que estava iluminada pelas tochas. Вскоре парс остановился на краю поляны, освещенной факелами. 不久,帕西人停在了被火炬照亮的空地边缘。

The ground was covered by groups of the Indians, motionless in their drunken sleep; it seemed a battlefield strewn with the dead. ||||||||||||||||||满是||| ||||||||||||||||||littered||| ||||||||||||||||||coberto||| ||||||||||||||||||усіяний||| ||||||||||||||||||死体が散乱||| O chão estava coberto por grupos de índios, imóveis no seu sono de embriaguez; parecia um campo de batalha repleto de mortos. Земля была покрыта группами индейцев, неподвижных в пьяном сне; это казалось полем битвы, усеянным мертвецами. Yer, sarhoş uykularında hareketsiz duran Kızılderili gruplarıyla kaplıydı; ölülerle dolu bir savaş alanı gibiydi. 地上满是成群结队的印第安人,他们在醉酒的睡眠中一动不动。这似乎是一个布满死者的战场。 Men, women, and children lay together. Erkekler, kadınlar ve çocuklar bir arada yatıyordu. In the background, among the trees, the pagoda of Pillaji loomed indistinctly. |||||||||||模糊地 ||||||||||appeared vaguely| ||||||||||si ergeva| ||||||||||вирисовувалася|нечітко виднілася Au fond, parmi les arbres, la pagode de Pillaji se dressait indistinctement. На заднем плане среди деревьев неясно вырисовывалась пагода Пилладжи. 在背景中,在樹林中,隱隱約約地隱約可見比拉吉的寶塔。

Much to the guide’s disappointment, the guards of the rajah, lighted by torches, were watching at the doors and marching to and fro with naked sabres; probably the priests, too, were watching within. ||||||||||||||||||||||来回|||军刀||||||| ||||||||||illuminati|||||||||||||||||||||| Para grande deceção do guia, os guardas do rajá, iluminados por tochas, vigiavam as portas e marchavam de um lado para o outro com sabres nus; provavelmente também os padres vigiavam o interior. К большому разочарованию проводника, у дверей стояли стражники раджи, освещенные факелами, и ходили туда-сюда с обнаженными саблями; вероятно, жрецы тоже наблюдали за происходящим. Rehberin hayal kırıklığına uğramasına rağmen, rajahın muhafızları meşalelerle aydınlatılmış kapılarda nöbet tutuyor ve çıplak kılıçlarla bir ileri bir geri yürüyorlardı; muhtemelen rahipler de içeriyi izliyorlardı. 令向导大失所望的是,王公的守卫们手持火把,正守在门口,手持光秃秃的军刀来回走动。可能祭司也在里面观看。 The Parsee, now convinced that it was impossible to force an entrance to the temple, advanced no farther, but led his companions back again. |||||||||||||||||||||compagni|| O Parsee, agora convencido de que era impossível forçar a entrada no templo, não avançou mais, mas conduziu os seus companheiros de volta. Парси, убедившись, что силой проникнуть в храм невозможно, дальше не пошел, а повел своих спутников обратно. Artık tapınağa zorla girmenin imkânsız olduğuna kanaat getiren Parsî daha fazla ilerlemedi ve arkadaşlarını geri götürdü.

Phileas Fogg and Sir Francis Cromarty also saw that nothing could be attempted in that direction. Филеас Фогг и сэр Фрэнсис Кромарти также убедились, что в этом направлении ничего нельзя предпринять. Phileas Fogg ve Sir Francis Cromarty de bu yönde hiçbir girişimde bulunulamayacağını gördüler. They stopped, and engaged in a whispered colloquy. |||||||低语交谈 ||||||geflüsterten|flüsterndes Gespräch |||||||conversation |||||||пошепки розмову Pararam e começaram uma conversa sussurrada. Они остановились и начали разговор шепотом. Durdular ve fısıltıyla konuşmaya başladılar. "It is only eight now," said the brigadier, "and these guards may also go to sleep. -- Сейчас только восемь, -- сказал бригадир, -- и эти охранники тоже могут пойти спать. "Saat daha sekiz oldu," dedi tuğgeneral, "bu muhafızlar da uyuyabilir.

"It is not impossible," returned the Parsee. "Это не невозможно," ответил парс.

They lay down at the foot of a tree, and waited. Deitaram-se ao pé de uma árvore e esperaram. Они легли у подножия дерева и стали ждать.

The time seemed long; the guide ever and anon left them to take an observation on the edge of the wood, but the guards watched steadily by the glare of the torches, and a dim light crept through the windows of the pagoda. ||||||||now and then||||||||||||||||||||light||||||faint||slowly entered|||||| ||||||||de vez em quando|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||hin und wieder|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||di tanto in tanto|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||时而||||||||||||||||||||火把的光||||||微弱|||||||| ||||||||час від часу|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The time seemed long; the guide ever and anon left them to take an observation on the edge of the wood, but the guards watched steadily by the glare of the torches, and a dim light crept through the windows of the pagoda. Le temps me parut long; le guide les quitta sans cesse pour faire une observation à la lisière du bois, mais les gardes regardaient sans arrêt par l'éclat des torches, et une faible lumière se glissait à travers les fenêtres de la pagode. O tempo parecia longo; o guia deixava-os de vez em quando para fazer uma observação na orla do bosque, mas os guardas vigiavam-nos firmemente com o brilho das tochas e uma luz ténue entrava pelas janelas do pagode. Время казалось долгим; проводник время от времени оставлял их, чтобы понаблюдать за опушкой леса, но охранники неуклонно следили за ними при свете факелов, и тусклый свет проникал в окна пагоды. Zaman uzun görünüyordu; rehber ormanın kenarında bir gözlem yapmak için ara sıra yanlarından ayrılıyordu, ama muhafızlar meşalelerin parıltısından gözlerini ayırmıyordu ve pagodanın pencerelerinden loş bir ışık sızıyordu. 時間似乎很長;嚮導時不時地離開他們去樹林邊上觀察,但守衛們在火把的強光下目不轉睛地註視著,昏暗的燈光從寶塔的窗戶透進來。

They waited till midnight; but no change took place among the guards, and it became apparent that their yielding to sleep could not be counted on. |||||||||||||||明显|||屈服||||||| ||||||||||||||||||cedere||||||| Esperaram até à meia-noite; mas não se verificou qualquer mudança entre os guardas e tornou-se evidente que não se podia contar com a sua cedência ao sono. Они ждали до полуночи; но среди стражников не произошло никакой перемены, и стало ясно, что на их усыпление рассчитывать нельзя. Gece yarısına kadar beklediler; ama muhafızlar arasında hiçbir değişiklik olmadı ve uykuya teslim olmalarının beklenemeyeceği anlaşıldı. 他们一直等到了半夜,但卫兵们却没有任何变化,显然他们不会睡觉了。

The other plan must be carried out; an opening in the walls of the pagoda must be made. ||plan||||||||||||||| O outro plano deve ser levado a cabo; deve ser feita uma abertura nas paredes do pagode. Другой план должен быть выполнен; необходимо сделать отверстие в стенах пагоды. 必须实施另一项计划;必须在宝塔的墙壁上开一个洞。 It remained to ascertain whether the priests were watching by the side of their victim as assiduously as were the soldiers at the door. ||||||||||||||||勤勉地||||||| ||||||||||||||||fleißig||||||| ||||||||||||||||diligently||||||| ||a|accertare|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||熱心に||||||| It remained to ascertain whether the priests were watching by the side of their victim as assiduously as were the soldiers at the door. Faltava saber se os padres estavam a vigiar ao lado da sua vítima tão assiduamente como os soldados à porta. Оставалось выяснить, смотрят ли жрецы рядом со своей жертвой так же усердно, как солдаты у дверей. Geriye, rahiplerin kurbanlarının yanında, kapıdaki askerler kadar titizlikle nöbet tutup tutmadıklarını anlamak kalıyordu. 还需确定神父们是否像门口的士兵一样,悉心关注着他们的受害者。 尚待確定的是,祭司們是否像站在門口的士兵一樣專注地註視著他們的受害者。 After a last consultation, the guide announced that he was ready for the attempt, and advanced, followed by the others. |||咨询|||||||||||||||| Après une dernière consultation, le guide annonça qu'il était prêt pour la tentative, et s'avança, suivi des autres. Посовещавшись напоследок, проводник объявил, что готов к попытке, и двинулся вперед, за ним последовали остальные. Son bir istişareden sonra, rehber girişim için hazır olduğunu açıkladı ve diğerleri tarafından takip edilerek ilerledi. 在最后一次商议后,向导宣布他准备好进行尝试,并向前走,其他人紧随其后。

They took a roundabout way, so as to get at the pagoda on the rear. ||||||||||||||后面的 |||indirect|||||||||||back side Ils prirent un détour pour arriver à la pagode à l'arrière. Fizeram um desvio, para chegarem ao pagode pela retaguarda. Они пошли окольным путем, чтобы добраться до пагоды сзади. Arka taraftaki pagodaya ulaşmak için dolambaçlı bir yol izlediler. 他们走了一条弯路,以便从后面接近宝塔。 They reached the walls about half-past twelve, without having met anyone; here there was no guard, nor were there either windows or doors. Chegaram às muralhas por volta da meia-noite e meia, sem terem encontrado ninguém; aqui não havia guarda, nem janelas nem portas. Никого не встретив, они добрались до стен около половины двенадцатого: здесь не было ни стражи, ни окон, ни дверей. 他们大约在十二点半到达了城墙,路上没有遇到任何人;这里没有守卫,也没有窗户或门。 The night was dark. 夜晚很黑。

The moon, on the wane, scarcely left the horizon, and was covered with heavy clouds; the height of the trees deepened the darkness. ||||渐亏|||||||||||||||||| ||||abnehmend|||||||||||||||||| ||||decreasing in size|||||||||||||||||| La||sulla||calante|||||||||||||||||| ||||спадати|ледь||||||||||||||||| The moon, on the wane, scarcely left the horizon, and was covered with heavy clouds; the height of the trees deepened the darkness. A lua, minguante, mal saía do horizonte e estava coberta de nuvens pesadas; a altura das árvores aprofundava a escuridão. Луна, на убыль, едва отходила от горизонта и была покрыта тяжелыми тучами; высота деревьев сгущала тьму. Batmakta olan ay ufuktan neredeyse hiç ayrılmıyordu ve ağır bulutlarla kaplıydı; ağaçların yüksekliği karanlığı daha da derinleştiriyordu. 月亮正在下弦,几乎没有离开地平线,还被厚厚的云层遮住;树木的高度加深了黑暗。 殘月幾乎沒有離開地平線,被厚厚的雲層所覆蓋。樹的高度加深了黑暗。 It was not enough to reach the walls; an opening in them must be accomplished, and to attain this purpose the party only had their pocket-knives. |||||||||||||||||||Zweck erreichen||||||| |||||||||gap||||||||achieve||||||||| |||||||||||||||||досягти||||||||| It was not enough to reach the walls; an opening in them must be accomplished, and to attain this purpose the party only had their pocket-knives. Não bastava chegar às paredes; era necessário abrir uma abertura e, para o efeito, o grupo dispunha apenas dos seus canivetes. Duvarlara ulaşmak yeterli değildi; duvarlarda bir delik açmak gerekiyordu ve bu amaca ulaşmak için ekibin elinde sadece çakıları vardı. 到达墙壁并不够;还必须在墙上打通一个口子,为了达到这个目的,队伍只有他们的口袋刀。 僅僅到達牆壁是不夠的;必須在他們身上打開一個缺口,為了達到這個目的,該黨只有他們的小刀。

Happily the temple walls were built of brick and wood, which could be penetrated with little difficulty; after one brick had been taken out, the rest would yield easily. |||||||砖||||||||||||||||||||屈服| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||піддаватися| Felizmente, as paredes do templo eram construídas com tijolos e madeira, que podiam ser penetradas com pouca dificuldade; depois de um tijolo ter sido retirado, o resto cedia facilmente. К счастью, стены храма были построены из кирпича и дерева, и пробить их было несложно; после того, как один кирпич был вынут, остальные легко поддались. Ne mutlu ki tapınak duvarları tuğla ve ahşaptan inşa edilmişti ve çok az zorlukla delinebiliyordu; bir tuğla söküldükten sonra geri kalanı kolayca çıkıyordu. 幸运的是,寺庙的墙是用砖和木头建成的,稍加努力就可以穿透;在取出一块砖后,其余的会很容易移动。 They set noiselessly to work, and the Parsee on one side and Passepartout on the other began to loosen the bricks, so as to make an aperture two feet wide. ||||||||||||||||||||砖块||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||lockern||||||||Öffnung||| ||||||||||||||||||||building blocks||||||opening||| Puseram-se a trabalhar sem ruído e os Parsee, de um lado, e Passepartout, do outro, começaram a soltar os tijolos, de modo a fazer uma abertura de dois metros de largura. Они бесшумно приступили к работе, и парси с одной стороны и пассепарт с другой стали расшатывать кирпичи, чтобы сделать проем шириной в два фута. Gürültüsüzce işe koyuldular ve bir tarafta Parsi, diğer tarafta Passepartout tuğlaları gevşeterek iki ayak genişliğinde bir açıklık açmaya başladılar. 他们静悄悄地开始工作,帕西一侧和帕斯帕图另一侧开始松动砖块,使开口宽两英尺。

They were getting on rapidly, when suddenly a cry was heard in the interior of the temple, followed almost instantly by other cries replying from the outside. |||||||||||||||||||||||回应||| Estavam a avançar rapidamente, quando, de repente, se ouviu um grito no interior do templo, seguido quase instantaneamente por outros gritos que respondiam do exterior. Они быстро продвигались вперед, как вдруг в глубине храма раздался крик, на который почти мгновенно ответили другие крики снаружи. Hızla ilerliyorlardı ki, aniden tapınağın içinden bir çığlık duyuldu ve hemen ardından dışarıdan başka çığlıklar geldi. 他们正在迅速前进,突然听到神庙内传来一声呼喊,几乎紧接着从外面传来其他回应的呼喊。 他們走得很快,突然間,神殿內部傳來一聲呼喊,幾乎是同時,外面也傳來了其他呼喊聲。 Passepartout and the guide stopped. 帕斯帕图和导游停下了。 Had they been heard? Были ли они услышаны? 他们被听到了吗? Was the alarm being given? ||||发出 Common prudence urged them to retire, and they did so, followed by Phileas Fogg and Sir Francis. |||||撤退||||||||||| Allgemeine Vorsicht|Vorsicht|drängte|||||||||||||| |common sense||||||||||||||| ||закликала|||||||||||||| A prudência comum aconselhava-os a retirarem-se, o que fizeram, seguidos por Phileas Fogg e Sir Francis. Здравое благоразумие побуждало их уйти в отставку, и они так и сделали, а за ними последовали Филеас Фогг и сэр Фрэнсис. 常识促使他们退去,他们就这样做了,随后是菲尔斯·福格和弗朗西斯爵士。 They again hid themselves in the wood, and waited till the disturbance, whatever it might be, ceased, holding themselves ready to resume their attempt without delay. ||隐藏|||||||||干扰|||||||||||||| ||concealed||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||припинилося||||||||| Esconderam-se de novo no bosque e esperaram até que a perturbação, fosse ela qual fosse, cessasse, estando prontos para retomar a sua tentativa sem demora. Они снова спрятались в лесу и стали ждать, когда прекратится беспорядок, каким бы он ни был, готовые без промедления возобновить свою попытку. Tekrar ormana saklandılar ve her ne olursa olsun karışıklık sona erene kadar beklediler, kendilerini gecikmeden girişimlerine devam etmeye hazır tuttular. 他们再次藏在森林中,等待无论是什么打扰平息,随时准备毫不迟疑地恢复他们的尝试。 他們又躲進樹林裡,等到騷動平息,不管是什麼,他們做好準備,毫不拖延地繼續他們的嘗試。 But, awkwardly enough, the guards now appeared at the rear of the temple, and there installed themselves, in readiness to prevent a surprise. |尴尬地|||||||||||||||||准备好|||| |||||||||||||||si sistemarono||||||| Mas, por estranho que pareça, os guardas apareceram agora na parte de trás do templo e aí se instalaram, prontos para evitar uma surpresa. Но, как ни странно, в задней части храма появились стражники и расположились там, готовые предотвратить неожиданность. Ancak, garip bir şekilde, muhafızlar şimdi tapınağın arka tarafında göründüler ve bir sürprizi önlemek için hazırlıklı olarak oraya yerleştiler. 但不巧的是,守卫们现在出现在寺庙的后面,并在那里安顿下来,准备防止突袭。 但是,夠尷尬的是,守衛們現在出現在神殿的後方,並站在那裡,準備防止突然襲擊。 It would be difficult to describe the disappointment of the party, thus interrupted in their work. Seria difícil descrever a desilusão do partido, assim interrompido no seu trabalho. Было бы трудно описать разочарование партии, прерванной таким образом в своей работе. Çalışmaları bu şekilde kesintiye uğrayan partinin yaşadığı hayal kırıklığını tarif etmek zor olacaktır. 很难描述这个被打断工作的团队的失望。

They could not now reach the victim; how, then, could they save her? 他们现在无法到达受害者,那么他们如何能够拯救她呢? Sir Francis shook his fists, Passepartout was beside himself, and the guide gnashed his teeth with rage. ||||||||||||咬牙切|||| ||||||||||||gritted|||| ||||||era||||||digrignò|||| ||||||||||||скреготав зубами|||| ||||||||||||歯ぎしり|||| Sir Francis abanava os punhos, Passepartout estava fora de si e o guia rangia os dentes de raiva. Сэр Фрэнсис затряс кулаками, Паспарту был вне себя, а проводник заскрипел зубами от ярости. Sir Francis yumruklarını salladı, Passepartout kendini kaybetti ve rehber öfkeden dişlerini gıcırdattı. 弗朗西斯爵士握紧拳头,帕斯帕图快要疯狂了,而向导愤怒地咬牙切齿。 The tranquil Fogg waited, without betraying any emotion. O tranquilo Fogg esperou, sem demonstrar qualquer emoção. Sakin Fogg hiçbir duygu belirtisi göstermeden bekledi. 宁静的福格等待着,没有流露出任何情感。 平靜的福格等待著,沒有流露出任何情緒。 "We have nothing to do but to go away," whispered Sir Francis. "我们无事可做,只能离开,"弗朗西斯爵士低声说道。

"Nothing but to go away," echoed the guide. |||||重复道|| |||||ripeté|| "Nada mais do que ir-se embora", ecoou o guia. "Ничего, кроме как уйти," повторил проводник. "Gitmekten başka çare yok," diye yineledi rehber. "除了离开别无选择,"向导回应道。

"Stop," said Fogg.

"I am only due at Allahabad to-morrow before noon. "Só devo chegar a Allahabad amanhã, antes do meio-dia. "Я прибуду в Аллахабад только завтра до полудня. "Yarın öğleden önce Allahabad'da olmam gerekiyor. “我明天中午之前只需到阿拉哈巴德。” “我只在明天中午之前到達阿拉哈巴德。 "But what can you hope to do? “但你希望能做什么呢?”

asked Sir Francis. 弗朗西斯爵士问道。 "In a few hours it will be daylight, and--" |||||||天亮| "Dentro de algumas horas será dia, e..." "Birkaç saat içinde gün ışıyacak ve--" "The chance which now seems lost may present itself at the last moment. "Шанс, который сейчас кажется упущенным, может представиться в последний момент. "Şu anda kaybedilmiş gibi görünen şans son anda kendini gösterebilir. 现在看似失去的机会可能会在最后时刻出现。

Sir Francis would have liked to read Phileas Fogg’s eyes. Сэр Фрэнсис хотел бы прочитать глаза Филеаса Фогга. Sir Francis, Phileas Fogg'un gözlerini okumak isterdi. 弗朗西斯爵士想要读懂菲勒斯·福克的眼睛。

What was this cool Englishman thinking of? 这个冷静的英国人在想什么? Was he planning to make a rush for the young woman at the very moment of the sacrifice, and boldly snatch her from her executioners? |||||||||||||||||牺牲|||||||刽子手 |||||||||||||||||||mutig|entreißen|||| ||||||||||||||||||||grab||||those who execute ||||||||||||||||||||||||катів Estaria ele a planear correr para a jovem no momento exato do sacrifício e arrancá-la corajosamente aos seus carrascos? Собирался ли он броситься за молодой женщиной в самый момент жертвоприношения и смело вырвать ее из рук палачей? Tam kurban edileceği anda genç kadına doğru koşmayı ve onu cellatlarının elinden cesaretle almayı mı planlıyordu? 他是否打算在牺牲的那一刻冲向这个年轻女人,勇敢地从她的刽子手那里夺走她? This would be utter folly, and it was hard to admit that Fogg was such a fool. Ce serait une folie totale, et il était difficile d'admettre que Fogg était un tel imbécile. Это было бы полной глупостью, и трудно было признать, что Фогг был таким дураком. Bu tam bir aptallık olurdu ve Fogg'un böyle bir aptal olduğunu kabul etmek zordu. 这将是极大的愚蠢,难以承认福格竟如此愚蠢。

Sir Francis consented, however, to remain to the end of this terrible drama. ||同意|||||||||| ||agreed|||||||||| Sir Francis consentiu, no entanto, em ficar até ao fim deste terrível drama. Однако сэр Фрэнсис согласился остаться до конца этой ужасной драмы. Ancak Sir Francis bu korkunç dramın sonuna kadar kalmaya razı oldu. 然而,弗朗西斯爵士同意留在这场可怕的戏剧结束。 然而,弗朗西斯爵士同意留下來,直到這場可怕的戲劇結束。 The guide led them to the rear of the glade, where they were able to observe the sleeping groups. |||||||||clareira||||||||| O guia conduziu-os para a parte de trás da clareira, onde puderam observar os grupos adormecidos. 向导把他们带到了空地的后面,在那里他们能够观察到正在睡觉的团体。 Meanwhile Passepartout, who had perched himself on the lower branches of a tree, was resolving an idea which had at first struck him like a flash, and which was now firmly lodged in his brain. ||||||||||||||思考|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||formulating|||||||||||||||||||| Entretanto, Passepartout, que se tinha empoleirado nos ramos mais baixos de uma árvore, resolvia uma ideia que lhe tinha surgido como um relâmpago e que estava agora firmemente alojada no seu cérebro. Тем временем Паспарту, усевшись на нижние ветки дерева, решал мысль, которая сначала поразила его как молния, а теперь прочно засела в его мозгу. Bu sırada, bir ağacın alt dallarına tünemiş olan Passepartout, ilk anda aklına gelen ve şimdi beynine iyice yerleşmiş olan bir fikri çözmeye çalışıyordu. 与此同时,帕斯帕图坐在树的下枝上,正在考虑一个最初像闪电般击中他的想法,现在这个想法在他的脑海中牢牢扎根。

He had commenced by saying to himself, "What folly! ||开始|||||| ||begonnen||||||Torheit ||began|||||| |||por|||||Loucura He had commenced by saying to himself, "What folly! Он начал с того, что сказал себе: «Какая глупость! Kendi kendine, "Ne aptallık! 他开始对自己说,"真是愚蠢!" 他一開始就對自己說:“多麼愚蠢!

and then he repeated, "Why not, after all? а потом повторил: "Почему бы и нет, в конце концов? Ve sonra tekrarladı, "Neden olmasın ki? 然后他重复道,“毕竟为什么不呢?” 然後他重複道,“畢竟為什麼不呢? It’s a chance,--perhaps the only one; and with such sots!" ||||||||||drunken fools ||||||||||tontos ||||||||||Säufer ||||||||||ubriaconi ||||||||||酒鬼 ||||||||||п'яниці ||||||||||酔っ払い It's a chance,--perhaps the only one; and with such sots!" C'est une chance, - peut-être la seule; et avec de tels sots! " É uma oportunidade, talvez a única; e com estes idiotas!" Это шанс, может быть, единственный; и с такими соц!" Bu bir şans, belki de tek şans; hem de böyle serserilerle!" 这是一个机会,——也许是唯一的机会;而且身边都是这样的酒鬼!” 這是一個機會——也許是唯一的機會;還帶著這樣的煙頭!” Thinking thus, he slipped, with the suppleness of a serpent, to the lowest branches, the ends of which bent almost to the ground. ||||||||||||最低|||||||||| ||||||flexibility|||snake||||||||||||| ||||||a flexibilidade|||||||||||||||| ||||||гнучкість|||||||||||||||| ||||||elasticità|||||||||||||||| Thinking thus, he slipped, with the suppleness of a serpent, to the lowest branches, the ends of which bent almost to the ground. Pensando assim, escorregou, com a flexibilidade de uma serpente, para os ramos mais baixos, cujas extremidades se inclinavam quase até ao chão. Думая так, он с ловкостью змеи скользнул к самым нижним ветвям, концы которых сгибались почти до земли. Böyle düşünerek, bir yılanın esnekliğiyle, uçları neredeyse yere kadar eğilmiş olan en alt dallara doğru kaydı. 这样想着,他像蛇一样灵活地滑到最低的树枝上,树枝的末端几乎弯到地面。 這麼想著,他像蛇一樣靈活地滑到最低的樹枝上,樹枝的末端幾乎彎到地上。 The hours passed, and the lighter shades now announced the approach of day, though it was not yet light. ||||||色调|||||||||||| Прошло несколько часов, и светлые тени возвестили о приближении дня, хотя было еще не светло. Saatler geçti ve henüz hava aydınlanmamış olsa da, açık tonlar günün yaklaştığını haber veriyordu.

This was the moment. The slumbering multitude became animated, the tambourines sounded, songs and cries arose; the hour of the sacrifice had come. |||||||||||响起||||||| |sleeping|crowd|||||||||||||||| |dormiente||||||||||sorgemmo||||||| A multidão adormecida animou-se, os tamborins soaram, surgiram cânticos e gritos; a hora do sacrifício tinha chegado. Спящая толпа оживилась, зазвучали бубны, поднялись песни и крики; пришел час жертвоприношения. Uyuyan kalabalık hareketlendi, tefler çalındı, şarkılar ve çığlıklar yükseldi; kurban saati gelmişti. 沉睡的人群变得活跃,架子鼓声响起,歌声和呼喊声此起彼伏;祭祀的时刻到了。 The doors of the pagoda swung open, and a bright light escaped from its interior, in the midst of which Mr. Fogg and Sir Francis espied the victim. |||||猛地打开|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||si aprirono|||||||||||||||||||||| Двери пагоды распахнулись, и из ее внутренней части вырвался яркий свет, посреди которого мистер Фогг и сэр Фрэнсис заметили жертву. Pagodanın kapıları açıldı ve içeriden parlak bir ışık sızdı; Bay Fogg ve Sir Francis bu ışığın ortasında kurbanı gördüler. 宝塔的门打开了,一道明亮的光从内部泄出,在光芒中,福格先生和弗朗西斯爵士瞥见了受害者。 She seemed, having shaken off the stupor of intoxication, to be striving to escape from her executioner. |||||||||||努力||||| ||||||daze|||||attempting||||| Казалось, она, стряхнув с себя оцепенение опьянения, стремится убежать от своего палача. Sarhoşluğun verdiği sersemliği üzerinden atmış, celladından kaçmaya çalışıyor gibiydi. 她似乎摆脱了醉酒的昏沉,努力想要逃离她的刽子手。 Sir Francis’s heart throbbed; and convulsively seizing Mr. Fogg’s hand, found in it an open knife. ||||||抓住||||||||| |||pounded||involuntarily|||||||||| |||batté|||afferrare||||||||| |Френсісове|||||||||||||| O coração de Sir Francis palpitava; e, agarrando convulsivamente a mão de Mr. Fogg, encontrou nela uma faca aberta. Сердце сэра Фрэнсиса забилось; и, судорожно схватив руку мистера Фогга, нашел в ней открытый нож. Sir Francis'in kalbi küt küt atmaya başladı ve sarsılarak Bay Fogg'un elini tuttu, elinde açık bir bıçak buldu. 弗朗西斯爵士的心跳加速;他强烈地抓住福格先生的手,发现其中有一把打开的刀。 弗朗西斯爵士的心怦怦直跳;抽搐地抓住福格先生的手,在裡面發現了一把敞開的刀。 Just at this moment the crowd began to move. Tam bu sırada kalabalık hareketlenmeye başladı. 就在这时,人群开始移动。 The young woman had again fallen into a stupor caused by the fumes of hemp, and passed among the fakirs, who escorted her with their wild, religious cries. |||||||||||||||||||||护送|||||| ||||||||Benommenheit||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||led|||||| A jovem tinha caído novamente num estupor provocado pelos vapores do cânhamo e passou entre os faquires, que a acompanhavam com os seus gritos selvagens e religiosos. Молодая женщина снова впала в оцепенение, вызванное дымом конопли, и прошла среди факиров, которые провожали ее своими дикими, религиозными криками. Genç kadın yine kenevir dumanının neden olduğu bir sersemliğe düşmüştü ve vahşi, dini çığlıklarıyla ona eşlik eden fakirlerin arasından geçti. 年轻女子再次因为大麻的烟雾而陷入昏迷,经过一些法师,他们用狂野的宗教呼喊陪伴着她。 Phileas Fogg and his companions, mingling in the rear ranks of the crowd, followed; and in two minutes they reached the banks of the stream, and stopped fifty paces from the pyre, upon which still lay the rajah’s corpse. |||||mixing in|||back|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||royal leader's| Phileas Fogg e os seus companheiros, misturando-se nas fileiras da retaguarda da multidão, seguiram-no; e em dois minutos chegaram às margens do ribeiro e pararam a cinquenta passos da pira, sobre a qual ainda jazia o cadáver do rajá. Филеас Фогг и его товарищи, смешавшись в задних рядах толпы, последовали за ним; и через две минуты они достигли берега ручья и остановились в пятидесяти шагах от костра, на котором все еще лежал труп раджи.

In the semi-obscurity they saw the victim, quite senseless, stretched out beside her husband’s body. |||半隐蔽|||||||||||| |||||||||sem sentidos|||||| Na semi-obscuridade, viram a vítima, completamente sem sentidos, estendida ao lado do corpo do marido. В полумраке они увидели совершенно бесчувственную жертву, распростертую рядом с телом мужа. Yarı karanlıkta, kurbanı, kocasının cesedinin yanına uzanmış, tamamen hissiz bir halde gördüler. Then a torch was brought, and the wood, heavily soaked with oil, instantly took fire. |||||||||saturated||||| Foi então trazida uma tocha e a madeira, fortemente embebida em óleo, incendiou-se instantaneamente. Затем поднесли факел, и дрова, сильно пропитанные маслом, мгновенно загорелись. Sonra bir meşale getirildi ve yağla ıslatılmış odun anında alev aldı. At this moment Sir Francis and the guide seized Phileas Fogg, who, in an instant of mad generosity, was about to rush upon the pyre. |||||||||||||||||疯狂的慷||||||| At this moment Sir Francis and the guide seized Phileas Fogg, who, in an instant of mad generosity, was about to rush upon the pyre. Nesse momento, Sir Francis e o guia agarraram Phileas Fogg, que, num instante de louca generosidade, estava prestes a precipitar-se sobre a pira. В этот момент сэр Фрэнсис и проводник схватили Филеаса Фогга, который в порыве безумной щедрости собирался броситься на костер. O anda Sir Francis ve rehber, çılgınca bir cömertlikle ateşin üzerine atılmak üzere olan Phileas Fogg'u yakaladılar. 就在這時,弗朗西斯爵士和嚮導抓住了菲利亞斯·福格,他一時慷慨大方,正要沖向柴堆。

But he had quickly pushed them aside, when the whole scene suddenly changed. Mas tinha-os afastado rapidamente, quando a cena mudou de repente. Но он быстро отодвинул их в сторону, как вдруг все изменилось. Ama onları çabucak bir kenara itmişti ki, tüm sahne aniden değişti. A cry of terror arose. |||恐惧| Um grito de terror surgiu. Поднялся крик ужаса. Bir dehşet çığlığı yükseldi. The whole multitude prostrated themselves, terror-stricken, on the ground. ||||||恐惧的||| |||fell down|||filled with terror||| ||||||colpiti dal ter||| La multitude entière se prosterna, effrayée, sur le sol. Toda a multidão se prostrou, aterrorizada, no chão. Весь народ в ужасе распростерся на земле. Bütün kalabalık dehşet içinde yere kapandı. The old rajah was not dead, then, since he rose of a sudden, like a spectre, took up his wife in his arms, and descended from the pyre in the midst of the clouds of smoke, which only heightened his ghostly appearance. |||||||||||||||幽灵|||||||||||||||||||||||||幽灵般的| |||||||||||||||ghost|||||||||||||||||||||||intensified||| |||||||||||||||spettro|||||||||||||||||||||||||| O velho rajá não estava então morto, pois levantou-se de repente, como um espetro, tomou a mulher nos braços e desceu da pira no meio das nuvens de fumo, que só aumentavam o seu aspeto fantasmagórico. Значит, старый раджа не умер, так как он внезапно поднялся, как привидение, взял свою жену на руки и спустился с костра среди клубов дыма, что только усилило его призрачный вид. O zaman yaşlı raca ölmemişti, çünkü bir hayalet gibi aniden ayağa kalktı, karısını kollarına aldı ve sadece hayalet görünümünü artıran duman bulutlarının ortasında ateşten indi.

Fakirs and soldiers and priests, seized with instant terror, lay there, with their faces on the ground, not daring to lift their eyes and behold such a prodigy. ||||||||||||||||||不敢|||||||||奇迹 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Wunderkind |||||||||||||||||||||||||||miraculous event Os faquires, os soldados e os padres, tomados de um terror instantâneo, ficaram deitados, com o rosto no chão, sem ousar levantar os olhos e contemplar tal prodígio. Факиры, солдаты и жрецы, охваченные мгновенным ужасом, лежали, уткнувшись лицом в землю, не смея поднять глаз и созерцать такое чудо. Fakirler, askerler ve rahipler bir anda dehşete kapıldılar ve gözlerini kaldırıp böyle bir harikayı görmeye cesaret edemeyerek yüzleri yere dönük bir şekilde orada yattılar.

The inanimate victim was borne along by the vigorous arms which supported her, and which she did not seem in the least to burden. |无生命的|||||||||||||||||||||| |leblos|||||||||||||||||||||| |non-living|||carried||||||||||||||||||| |inanimata|||portata||||||||||||||||||| La victime inanimée était portée par les bras vigoureux qui la soutenaient et qu'elle ne semblait pas le moins du monde alourdir. A vítima inanimada era levada pelos braços vigorosos que a sustentavam, e que ela não parecia nem um pouco pesada. Неодушевленную жертву несли крепкие руки, поддерживавшие ее и, казалось, ничуть не тяготившие ее. Cansız kurban, kendisine destek olan ve hiç de yük gibi görünmeyen güçlü kollar tarafından taşınıyordu. 沒有生命的受害者被支撐著她的強壯的手臂帶走了,而她似乎絲毫沒有負擔。

Mr. Fogg and Sir Francis stood erect, the Parsee bowed his head, and Passepartout was, no doubt, scarcely less stupefied. ||||||直立||||||||||||| Mr. Fogg und Sir Francis standen aufrecht, der Parsee senkte den Kopf, und Passepartout war zweifellos kaum weniger verblüfft. Мистер Фогг и сэр Фрэнсис выпрямились, парс склонил голову, а Паспарту, без сомнения, был ошарашен не меньше. Bay Fogg ve Sir Francis dimdik durdular, Pars başını eğdi ve Passepartout da hiç şüphesiz daha az şaşkın değildi. 福格先生和弗朗西斯爵士筆直地站著,帕西人低著頭,路路通無疑也同樣驚呆了。 The resuscitated rajah approached Sir Francis and Mr. Fogg, and, in an abrupt tone, said, "Let us be off! ||||||||||||突然|||||| |revived||walked toward|||||||||sudden|||||| |生き返った||||||||||||||||| |оживлений||||||||||||||||| Le rajah ressuscité s'approcha de Sir Francis et de M. Fogg et, d'un ton brusque, dit: «Allons-y! O rajá ressuscitado aproximou-se de Sir Francis e Mr. Fogg e, num tom abrupto, disse: "Vamos embora! Воскресший раджа подошел к сэру Фрэнсису и мистеру Фоггу и резким тоном сказал: «Пошли! Yeniden canlanan raca, Sir Francis ve Bay Fogg'a yaklaştı ve ani bir ses tonuyla, "Gidelim! 甦醒過來的王公走近弗朗西斯爵士和福格先生,用突然的語氣說:“我們走吧!

It was Passepartout himself, who had slipped upon the pyre in the midst of the smoke and, profiting by the still overhanging darkness, had delivered the young woman from death! |||||||||||||||||||||悬挂的|||救出了||||| |||||||||Scheiterhaufen|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||rescued||||| Era o próprio Passepartout que, no meio do fumo, se tinha esgueirado para a pira e, aproveitando a escuridão que ainda pairava, tinha livrado a jovem da morte! Это сам Паспарту поскользнулся на костре среди дыма и, воспользовавшись еще нависшей тьмой, спас молодую женщину от смерти! Passepartout'nun kendisiydi, dumanın ortasında ateşin üzerine atlamış ve karanlığın hâlâ çökmüş olmasından yararlanarak genç kadını ölümden kurtarmıştı! 是路路通本人在濃煙中滑倒在柴堆上,趁著仍然籠罩的黑暗,將年輕女子從死亡中解救出來!

It was Passepartout who, playing his part with a happy audacity, had passed through the crowd amid the general terror. ||||||||||大胆||||||||| ||||||||||boldness||||||||| ||||||||||сміливістю||||||||| Era Passepartout que, desempenhando o seu papel com uma audácia feliz, tinha passado por entre a multidão no meio do terror geral. Это Паспарту, играя свою роль со счастливой дерзостью, прошел сквозь толпу среди всеобщего ужаса. Rolünü mutlu bir cüretle oynayan Passepartout, genel dehşetin ortasında kalabalığın arasından geçmişti. 正是路路通在一片驚恐中穿過了人群,勇敢地扮演著自己的角色。 A moment after all four of the party had disappeared in the woods, and the elephant was bearing them away at a rapid pace. |||||||||||||||||portando via|||||| Через мгновение все четверо исчезли в лесу, и слон уносил их быстрым шагом. Bir an sonra grubun dördü de ormanda gözden kayboldu ve fil onları hızlı adımlarla götürmeye başladı.

But the cries and noise, and a ball which whizzed through Phileas Fogg’s hat, apprised them that the trick had been discovered. |||||||||呼啸而过|||||||||||| |||||||||pfiff vorbei|||||||||||| |||||||||swooshed past|||||informed||||||| |||||||||sfrecciò|||||informò||||||| ||||||||||||||知らせた||||||| Mais les cris et le bruit, et une balle qui siffla à travers le chapeau de Phileas Fogg, les apprirent que l'astuce avait été découverte. Mas os gritos e o barulho, e uma bola que passou pelo chapéu de Phileas Fogg, avisaram-nos de que o truque tinha sido descoberto. Но крики и шум, а также мяч, просвистевший в шляпе Филеаса Фогга, известили их о том, что уловка раскрыта. Ama çığlıklar, gürültüler ve Phileas Fogg'un şapkasına çarpan bir top, oyunun fark edildiğini haber verdi. 但是尖叫和噪音,还有一颗穿过菲尔斯·福格帽子的球,让他们意识到骗局已经被发现。 但是叫喊聲和喧鬧聲,還有一個球從菲利亞斯·福格的帽子裡呼嘯而過,告訴他們詭計已經被發現了。 The old rajah’s body, indeed, now appeared upon the burning pyre; and the priests, recovered from their terror, perceived that an abduction had taken place. |||||||||||||||||Schrecken||||Entführung stattgefunden||| Le corps du vieux rajah, en effet, apparut maintenant sur le bûcher en feu; et les prêtres, remis de leur terreur, s'aperçurent qu'un enlèvement avait eu lieu. O corpo do velho rajá, de facto, apareceu agora sobre a pira ardente; e os sacerdotes, recuperados do seu terror, perceberam que tinha havido um rapto. Тело старого раджи действительно теперь появилось на горящем костре; и священники, оправившиеся от ужаса, поняли, что произошло похищение. Gerçekten de yaşlı racanın cesedi şimdi yanan ateşin üzerinde belirdi; ve dehşetten kurtulan rahipler bir kaçırma olayının gerçekleştiğini anladılar. 老拉贾的尸体,确实现在出现在燃烧的火葬堆上;而祭司们在恢复恐惧后意识到发生了绑架。

They hastened into the forest, followed by the soldiers, who fired a volley after the fugitives; but the latter rapidly increased the distance between them, and ere long found themselves beyond the reach of the bullets and arrows. ||||||||||||齐射||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||Flüchtlinge|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||burst of fire|||those escaping|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||fuggitivi|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||dispararam||salva||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ils se sont précipités dans la forêt, suivis des soldats, qui ont tiré une salve sur les fugitifs; mais ces derniers augmentèrent rapidement la distance entre eux, et se trouvèrent bientôt hors de portée des balles et des flèches. Apressaram-se a entrar na floresta, seguidos pelos soldados, que dispararam uma salva atrás dos fugitivos; mas estes últimos aumentaram rapidamente a distância entre eles, e em breve se viram fora do alcance das balas e das flechas. Они поспешили в лес, сопровождаемые солдатами, которые дали залп по беглецам; но последние быстро увеличили расстояние между ними и вскоре оказались вне досягаемости пуль и стрел. Kaçakların ardından yaylım ateşi açan askerlerin peşinden ormana doğru hızla ilerlediler; ama askerler aralarındaki mesafeyi hızla açtılar ve çok geçmeden kendilerini kurşunların ve okların erişemeyeceği bir yerde buldular. 他们迅速进入森林,身后是开火的士兵们向逃亡者发射了一轮骚乱;但后者迅速拉开了与他们的距离,不久后发现自己已超出子弹和箭的射程。