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Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter, Chapter 32. Which is a Letter from Pollyanna

Chapter 32. Which is a Letter from Pollyanna

"Dear Aunt Polly and Uncle Tom:—Oh, I can—I can—I CAN walk! I did to-day all the way from my bed to the window! It was six steps. My, how good it was to be on legs again!

"All the doctors stood around and smiled, and all the nurses stood beside of them and cried. A lady in the next ward who walked last week first, peeked into the door, and another one who hopes she can walk next month, was invited in to the party, and she laid on my nurse's bed and clapped her hands. Even Black Tilly who washes the floor, looked through the piazza window and called me 'Honey, child' when she wasn't crying too much to call me anything. "I don't see why they cried. I wanted to sing and shout and yell! Oh—oh—oh! just think, I can walk—walk—WALK! Now I don't mind being here almost ten months, and I didn't miss the wedding, anyhow. Wasn't that just like you, Aunt Polly, to come on here and get married right beside my bed, so I could see you. You always do think of the gladdest things!

"Pretty soon, they say, I shall go home. I wish I could walk all the way there. I do. I don't think I shall ever want to ride anywhere any more. It will be so good just to walk. Oh, I'm so glad! I'm glad for everything. Why, I'm glad now I lost my legs for a while, for you never, never know how perfectly lovely legs are till you haven't got them—that go, I mean. I'm going to walk eight steps to-morrow. "With heaps of love to everybody, "POLLYANNA."

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Chapter 32. Which is a Letter from Pollyanna Kapitola 32. Což je dopis od Pollyanny Capítulo 32. Que es una carta de Pollyanna Chapitre 32. Une lettre de Pollyanna Capítulo 32. Que é uma carta de Pollyanna Глава 32. Письмо от Поллианны Розділ 32. Лист від Полліанни

"Dear Aunt Polly and Uncle Tom:—Oh, I can—I can—I CAN walk! „Drahá teto Polly a strýčku Tome: – Oh, můžu – můžu – MŮŽU chodit! I did to-day all the way from my bed to the window! Udělal jsem dnes celou cestu z postele k oknu! It was six steps. My, how good it was to be on legs again!

"All the doctors stood around and smiled, and all the nurses stood beside of them and cried. "Все врачи стояли вокруг и улыбались, а все медсестры стояли рядом и плакали. A lady in the next ward who walked last week first, peeked into the door, and another one who hopes she can walk next month, was invited in to the party, and she laid on my nurse's bed and clapped her hands. Na večírek byla pozvána dáma z vedlejšího oddělení, která minulý týden šla jako první, nakoukla do dveří a další, která doufá, že bude moci chodit příští měsíc, si lehla na postel mé sestry a zatleskala rukama. Дама из соседней палаты, которая на прошлой неделе ходила первой, заглянула в дверь, а другую, которая надеется, что сможет ходить в следующем месяце, пригласили на вечеринку, и она легла на кровать моей медсестры и хлопала в ладоши. Even Black Tilly who washes the floor, looked through the piazza window and called me 'Honey, child' when she wasn't crying too much to call me anything. Dokonce i Black Tilly, která myje podlahu, se podívala oknem na náměstí a řekla mi 'Miláčku, dítě', když neplakala tak moc, aby mi říkala něco. Даже Черная Тилли, которая моет пол, заглядывала в окно на пьяцце и звала меня "Милая, детка", когда не плакала слишком сильно, чтобы звать меня как-нибудь иначе. "I don't see why they cried. I wanted to sing and shout and yell! Я хотел петь, кричать и вопить! Oh—oh—oh! just think, I can walk—walk—WALK! Now I don't mind being here almost ten months, and I didn't miss the wedding, anyhow. Теперь я не возражаю против того, чтобы провести здесь почти десять месяцев, и, во всяком случае, я не пропустила свадьбу. Wasn't that just like you, Aunt Polly, to come on here and get married right beside my bed, so I could see you. Разве это не похоже на вас, тетя Полли, приехать сюда и выйти замуж прямо возле моей кровати, чтобы я могла видеть вас. You always do think of the gladdest things! Vždy myslíš na ty nejradostnější věci! Ты всегда думаешь о самых приятных вещах!

"Pretty soon, they say, I shall go home. „Říkají, že brzy půjdu domů. I wish I could walk all the way there. Я бы хотел пройти весь путь пешком. I do. I don't think I shall ever want to ride anywhere any more. Myslím, že už nikdy nebudu chtít někam jezdit. Я не думаю, что когда-нибудь захочу куда-то ехать. It will be so good just to walk. Bude tak dobré se jen projít. Oh, I'm so glad! I'm glad for everything. Why, I'm glad now I lost my legs for a while, for you never, never know how perfectly lovely legs are till you haven't got them—that go, I mean. Jsem rád, že jsem teď na chvíli přišel o nohy, protože ty nikdy, nikdy nevíš, jak dokonale krásné nohy jsou, dokud je nemáš – myslím tím. Теперь я рада, что на время лишилась ног, потому что никогда, никогда не знаешь, как прекрасны ноги, пока не лишишься их, то есть ног. I'm going to walk eight steps to-morrow. "With heaps of love to everybody, "С огромной любовью ко всем, "POLLYANNA." "POLLYANNA."