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Cambridge Objective Proficiency C2, Unit 5 - 5.1 - Exercise 2

Unit 5 - 5.1 - Exercise 2

Paula: Good morning. On the programme today we have Mike James, a familiar face on television as the champion of consumers' rights. Mike, you've been doing Pricewise a long time now, is it something you set out to do?

Mike: Far from it Paula. It all began in 2002, when I was a reporter on a nightly news programme. They wanted a consumer slot, so l took it on. It wasn't until nearly ten years later that it became a programme in its own right. Now, we regularly get more than ten million viewers.

Paula: Where do the stories you look into come from?

Mike: Well, from you, the public. We get thousands of letters, phone calls and emails that tell us about poor service, ridiculous small print, malpractice and the need for information. We actually read all the correspondence and we follow up some stories immediately but most are filed for future use on our database.

Paula: What happens when you get a particularly juicy story?

Mike: We check it out thoroughly of course, and then we contact everyone involved, write the script and arrange filming. Sometimes we use actors and sometimes real people. Of course, it's essential that our lawyers check the script over. lt's all done to very tight deadlines.

Paula: Do any particular stories stand out in your memory?

Mike: Oh, yes, many. There was one about an advert which promised to give you a title for anything up to £1,000. So, Bob and Trace became Lord Robert and Lady Tracy de Vere. You also get a piece of land but that only measures 20 cm by 20 cm. One of our researchers handed over the cash and tried to find out if being a lord would help him out in London.

Paula: And did it?

Mike: He went to Harrods, the department store, and they were very nice to him, but then they're nice to everyone. He then tried to book a table in a trendy restaurant and he got one — but not in a prime position next to the window — but by the kitchen door! So, really, it won't do you a lot of good being a lord nowadays.

Paula: Any other interesting stories?

Mike: Well, we did a programme not long ago about shopping on the Internet. The big supermarkets will deliver to your door if you order online, as you know.

Paula: Yes, it's a great idea, but I've not actually tried it out.

Mike: Well, it does usually work well. However, we did find that some customers hadn't received quite what they'd ordered. One poor man had asked for apples and got hairspray! The supermarket was very apologetic when we pointed out these problems and sent the customer some shopping vouchers.

Paula: Do you think consumers are more ready to complain these days?

Mike: Oh, yes. Research has been done that shows that attitudes have changed remarkably in the last forty years. Take a well-known brand of trainer. You could understand if they leaked, but actually these particular ones squeaked. Now, as they cost upwards of £100, people weren't prepared to put up with this, but when they returned them to the shop, the shop didn‘t want to know.

Paula: So they wrote to you for help.

Mike: Yes. We bought a pair of the trainers and sent them to be inspected by an expert who said that some of the glue inside the shoe had come unstuck. We contacted the manufacturer with evidence of the problem and they were more than happy to back down and refund the money paid by the purchasers.

Paula: Another success then.

Mike: Yes, it's funny how quickly manufacturers and retailers react when they think they might attract bad publicity.

Paula: Indeed! It just shows what a good job you're doing. Now next week...

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Paula: Good morning. On the programme today we have Mike James, a familiar face on television as the champion of consumers' rights. 오늘 프로그램에는 소비자 권익 옹호자로 TV에서 친숙한 얼굴인 마이크 제임스가 출연합니다. Mike, you've been doing Pricewise a long time now, is it something you set out to do? |||||||||||||intended|intended to|| Mike, tu fais Pricewise depuis longtemps maintenant, est-ce quelque chose que tu avais l'intention de faire ? 마이크, 프라이스와이즈는 오랫동안 해오셨는데, 원래부터 계획하신 일이었나요?

Mike: Far from it Paula. Mike: 전혀 그렇지 않습니다. It all began in 2002, when I was a reporter on a nightly news programme. 이 모든 것은 제가 야간 뉴스 프로그램 리포터로 일하던 2002년에 시작되었습니다. They wanted a consumer slot, so l took it on. Ils voulaient un créneau pour les consommateurs, alors je l'ai accepté. 그들은 소비자용 슬롯을 원했기 때문에 제가 맡았습니다. It wasn't until nearly ten years later that it became a programme in its own right. Ce n'est que près de dix ans plus tard qu'il est devenu un programme à part entière. 거의 10년이 지나서야 독자적인 프로그램으로 자리 잡았습니다. Now, we regularly get more than ten million viewers. 이제 정기적으로 천만 명 이상의 시청자를 확보하고 있습니다.

Paula: Where do the stories you look into come from? Paula : D'où viennent les histoires que vous étudiez ? 폴라: 조사하는 스토리는 어디에서 영감을 얻나요?

Mike: Well, from you, the public. We get thousands of letters, phone calls and emails that tell us about poor service, ridiculous small print, malpractice and the need for information. Nous recevons des milliers de lettres, d'appels téléphoniques et de courriels qui nous informent d'un service médiocre, de petits caractères ridicules, d'une faute professionnelle et du besoin d'informations. 열악한 서비스, 터무니없는 작은 글씨, 과실, 정보의 필요성 등을 알리는 수천 통의 편지, 전화, 이메일을 받습니다. We actually read all the correspondence and we follow up some stories immediately but most are filed for future use on our database. En fait, nous lisons toute la correspondance et nous suivons immédiatement certaines histoires, mais la plupart sont classées pour une utilisation future dans notre base de données. 실제로 모든 서신을 읽고 일부 이야기는 즉시 후속 조치를 취하지만 대부분은 데이터베이스에 저장하여 나중에 사용할 수 있도록 합니다.

Paula: What happens when you get a particularly juicy story?

Mike: We check it out thoroughly of course, and then we contact everyone involved, write the script and arrange filming. Mike : Nous l'examinons en détail bien sûr, puis nous contactons toutes les personnes impliquées, écrivons le script et organisons le tournage. Mike: 물론 꼼꼼히 확인한 다음 모든 관련자에게 연락하여 대본을 작성하고 촬영을 준비합니다. Sometimes we use actors and sometimes real people. Of course, it's essential that our lawyers check the script over. lt's all done to very tight deadlines. Tout est fait dans des délais très serrés.

Paula: Do any particular stories stand out in your memory? Paula : Y a-t-il des histoires en particulier dans votre mémoire ?

Mike: Oh, yes, many. There was one about an advert which promised to give you a title for anything up to £1,000. Il y en avait une à propos d'une publicité qui promettait de vous donner un titre pour n'importe quoi jusqu'à 1 000 £. 최대 1,000파운드까지 타이틀을 주겠다는 광고가 있었습니다. So, Bob and Trace became Lord Robert and Lady Tracy de Vere. 그래서 밥과 트레이스는 로버트 경과 트레이시 드 베레 부인이 되었습니다. You also get a piece of land but that only measures 20 cm by 20 cm. 또한 땅 한 조각을 얻게 되지만 크기는 가로 20cm, 세로 20cm에 불과합니다. One of our researchers handed over the cash and tried to find out if being a lord would help him out in London. L'un de nos chercheurs a remis l'argent et a essayé de savoir si le fait d'être un seigneur l'aiderait à Londres. 저희 연구원 중 한 명이 현금을 건네며 영주가 되면 런던에서 도움이 될지 알아보려고 했습니다.

Paula: And did it?

Mike: He went to Harrods, the department store, and they were very nice to him, but then they're nice to everyone. Mike: 해로즈 백화점에 갔더니 사람들이 매우 친절하게 대해줬는데, 모든 직원에게 친절하더라고요. He then tried to book a table in a trendy restaurant and he got one — but not in a prime position next to the window — but by the kitchen door! 그런 다음 트렌디한 레스토랑의 테이블을 예약하려고 했는데 창가 옆이 아닌 주방 문 옆에 자리를 잡았어요! So, really, it won't do you a lot of good being a lord nowadays. 그래서 요즘에는 군주가 되어도 별 소용이 없습니다.

Paula: Any other interesting stories?

Mike: Well, we did a programme not long ago about shopping on the Internet. 마이크: 얼마 전에 인터넷 쇼핑에 관한 프로그램을 진행한 적이 있습니다. The big supermarkets will deliver to your door if you order online, as you know. 아시다시피 대형 슈퍼마켓에서는 온라인으로 주문하면 집 앞까지 배송해 드립니다.

Paula: Yes, it's a great idea, but I've not actually tried it out.

Mike: Well, it does usually work well. However, we did find that some customers hadn't received quite what they'd ordered. 하지만 일부 고객은 주문한 상품을 제대로 받지 못한 것으로 나타났습니다. One poor man had asked for apples and got hairspray! The supermarket was very apologetic when we pointed out these problems and sent the customer some shopping vouchers. Le supermarché s'est excusé lorsque nous avons signalé ces problèmes et envoyé au client des bons d'achat.

Paula: Do you think consumers are more ready to complain these days? 폴라: 요즘 소비자들은 불만을 제기할 준비가 되어 있다고 생각하시나요?

Mike: Oh, yes. Research has been done that shows that attitudes have changed remarkably in the last forty years. 지난 40년 동안 태도가 현저하게 변했다는 연구 결과가 발표되었습니다. Take a well-known brand of trainer. Prenez une marque bien connue de formateur. 잘 알려진 브랜드의 트레이너를 사용하세요. You could understand if they leaked, but actually these particular ones squeaked. Vous pourriez comprendre s'ils fuyaient, mais en fait, ceux-ci ont grincé. 유출이 되었다면 이해할 수 있지만 실제로는 삐걱거리는 소리가 났습니다. Now, as they cost upwards of £100, people weren't prepared to put up with this, but when they returned them to the shop, the shop didn‘t want to know. Maintenant, comme ils coûtaient plus de 100 £, les gens n'étaient pas prêts à supporter cela, mais quand ils les ont ramenés au magasin, le magasin n'a pas voulu savoir. 100파운드가 넘는 가격 때문에 사람들은 이를 감당할 준비가 되어 있지 않았지만, 매장에 반품했을 때 매장에서는 이를 알고 싶어 하지 않았습니다.

Paula: So they wrote to you for help. Paula: 그래서 도움을 요청하는 편지를 보냈어요.

Mike: Yes. We bought a pair of the trainers and sent them to be inspected by an expert who said that some of the glue inside the shoe had come unstuck. Nous avons acheté une paire de baskets et les avons envoyées pour qu'elles soient inspectées par un expert qui a déclaré qu'une partie de la colle à l'intérieur de la chaussure s'était décollée. 운동화 한 켤레를 사서 전문가에게 검사를 받으러 보냈는데, 신발 안쪽의 접착제가 일부 떨어져 나갔다고 하더군요. We contacted the manufacturer with evidence of the problem and they were more than happy to back down and refund the money paid by the purchasers. Nous avons contacté le fabricant avec des preuves du problème et ils étaient plus qu'heureux de reculer et de rembourser l'argent payé par les acheteurs. 저희는 문제의 증거를 가지고 제조업체에 연락했고, 제조업체는 기꺼이 물러서서 구매자가 지불한 금액을 환불해 주었습니다.

Paula: Another success then.

Mike: Yes, it's funny how quickly manufacturers and retailers react when they think they might attract bad publicity. 마이크: 네, 제조업체와 소매업체가 나쁜 여론을 불러일으킬 수 있다고 생각하면 얼마나 빨리 반응하는지 재미있어요.

Paula: Indeed! It just shows what a good job you're doing. Now next week...