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Cambridge Objective Proficiency C2, Unit 2.3 - Script 1

Unit 2.3 - Script 1

Extract One

There was a mad excitement about standing in front of a world map and tracing a circumnavigation with my fingertip. Everything seemed possible and my family's nagging doubts really got my goat. l'd say you can't really go wrong when choosing the stops on a round-the-world trip. but I found that some routes worked out better than others. You need a good variety of destinations. You might love the beach, but a trip that stops in California, Australia and Thailand, all for the sun and sand, does get a bit repetitive. At the same time, I didn't want to get carried away trying to see the whole world.

Next, I knew I would have to fork out a pretty hefty sum for the plane ticket as I didn't intend to be thumbing lifts. My budget was tight so I had to play around with my route to get the best value for money. I also had to research my destinations to see what the average daily costs would be and figure out a budget (adding a good 10 or 20 per cent buffer to be on the safe side). I decided to spend longer in cheaper countries and have a relatively short stay in more expensive places. which was sometimes quite a difficult decision as there were so many things I wanted to see. In fact. planning the trip was just as much fun as the actual travelling. I really let my imagination run wild and the trip itself was everything l'd expected.

Extract Two

I really hope to make it as an entrepreneur and I guess the person who's influenced me most has been a well- known British businessman. I was given a copy of his autobiography for my fourteenth birthday and it really made a huge impression on me. He had an amazing childhood. Apparently, when he was just four years old his mother stopped the car a few kilometres from their house and made him find his own way home. Then when he was eleven or twelve his mum decided that he should cycle seventy kilometres to another town to teach him the importance of stamina and to learn a sense of direction! He said he felt great when he'd done it but his mum wasn't worried or relieved or anything — just acted calm as you like and told him to go and help someone in the village chop some logs. His family seemed to thrive on challenges - physical ones rather than educational, which l think's quite unusual. I know my family are dead set on my getting a degree but quite a few entrepreneurs start out without one and look at them!

Anyway, there was another occasion he mentions when his aunt had promised him some money if he learnt to swim. He spent a holiday trying desperately, but just couldn‘t do it. Then, on the way home in the car, he spotted a river. He made his father stop the car and just dived into the river in his underpants. The river was quite fast-flowing and it seemed like he was going to drown, but then he pushed really hard and actually managed to swim. My childhood was nothing like that. but I guess what I read has made me realise I need to take on challenges and try to fulfil my hopes and aspirations.

Extract Three

According to the latest survey, commissioned by one of our leading banks, over three-quarters of 12- to 19-year-olds said they kept track of their money, up from twelve months ago. Half of young people said they were content that they had enough money, something only 46 per cent said a year earlier, while the amount that those who were unhappy said they would need to be happy has fallen. However, the 9,000 young people questioned continued to have unrealistic salary expectations. The average teenager said they thought they would be earning double what is actually the current average salary for a 35-year-old. Not only this, but nearly three-quarters of those interviewed thought they would have a car by the time they were 21, while more than half hoped to own their own home by the age of 25. Overall the bank calculates that the average expectation gap between where people thought they would be financially. and where they would actually be, was around 72.133 Pounds Sterling, a small drop compared with last year's figure. Interestingly, although the figures differ somewhat, the findings are very much in line with previous surveys done over the past twenty years.

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Extract One Birini Çıkar

There was a mad excitement about standing in front of a world map and tracing a circumnavigation with my fingertip. |||intense|||||||||||||around the world|||finger Es war eine wahnsinnige Aufregung, vor einer Weltkarte zu stehen und mit der Fingerspitze eine Weltumsegelung nachzuzeichnen. Il y avait une excitation folle à l'idée de se tenir devant une carte du monde et de tracer une circumnavigation du bout des doigts. 세계 지도 앞에 서서 손끝으로 세계 일주 지도를 따라가면 미칠 것 같은 설렘이 밀려왔어요. Bir dünya haritasının önünde durmak ve parmak ucumla bir devriye gezmek konusunda çılgın bir heyecan vardı. Everything seemed possible and my family's nagging doubts really got my goat. ||||||persistent|||||annoyed me Alles schien möglich und die nagenden Zweifel meiner Familie machten mir wirklich zu schaffen. Tout semblait possible et les doutes tenaces de ma famille ont vraiment eu ma chèvre. 모든 것이 가능해 보였고 가족들의 잔소리가 제 마음을 불안하게 만들었습니다. Все казалось возможным, и мучительные сомнения моей семьи действительно достали мою козу. l'd say you can't really go wrong when choosing the stops on a round-the-world trip. |||||||||||||around||| Je dirais que vous ne pouvez pas vraiment vous tromper en choisissant les arrêts d'un tour du monde. 세계 일주 여행에서 경유지를 선택할 때 정말 잘못될 일은 없다고 말씀드리고 싶어요. Dünya çapında bir seyahatte durakları seçerken gerçekten yanlış gidemeyeceğinizi söyleyebilirim. but I found that some routes worked out better than others. |||||paths||||| 하지만 어떤 경로가 다른 경로보다 더 효과적이라는 것을 알게 되었습니다. но я обнаружил, что одни маршруты работают лучше, чем другие. You need a good variety of destinations. 다양한 목적지가 필요합니다. You might love the beach, but a trip that stops in California, Australia and Thailand, all for the sun and sand, does get a bit repetitive. |may|||||||||||||||||||||||| Vous aimez peut-être la plage, mais un voyage qui s'arrête en Californie, en Australie et en Thaïlande, le tout pour le soleil et le sable, devient un peu répétitif. 해변을 좋아하시지만 캘리포니아, 호주, 태국에서 태양과 모래를 즐기기 위해 들르는 여행은 다소 반복적일 수 있습니다. At the same time, I didn't want to get carried away trying to see the whole world. En même temps, je ne voulais pas m'emballer à essayer de voir le monde entier. 동시에 전 세계를 다 보겠다는 욕심에 휩쓸리고 싶지 않았습니다. В то же время мне не хотелось увлекаться попытками увидеть весь мир.

Next, I knew I would have to fork out a pretty hefty sum for the plane ticket as I didn't intend to be thumbing lifts. ||||||||||quite|large|amount of money||||||||plan|||hitchhiking| Als nächstes wusste ich, dass ich eine ziemlich saftige Summe für das Flugticket berappen musste, da ich nicht vorhatte, Aufzüge zu blättern. Next, I knew I would have to fork out a pretty hefty sum for the plane ticket as I didn't intend to be thumbing lifts. A continuación, supe que tendría que desembolsar una suma bastante considerable por el boleto de avión, ya que no tenía la intención de andar con los dedos en los ascensores. Ensuite, je savais que je devais débourser une somme assez importante pour le billet d'avion car je n'avais pas l'intention de faire le pouce des ascenseurs. 다음으로, 저는 리프트를 이용할 생각이 없었기 때문에 비행기 티켓을 구입하기 위해 꽤 많은 금액을 지불해야 한다는 것을 알았습니다. Затем я знал, что мне придется выложить довольно приличную сумму за билет на самолет, поскольку я не собирался пользоваться лифтами. Daha sonra, uçak bileti için oldukça ağır bir meblağ ayırmam gerektiğini biliyordum çünkü asansörleri küçümsemek istemiyordum. My budget was tight so I had to play around with my route to get the best value for money. |financial plan||limited|||||||||path|||||value for money|| Mon budget était serré, j'ai donc dû jouer avec mon itinéraire pour obtenir le meilleur rapport qualité-prix. 예산이 빠듯했기 때문에 가성비를 극대화하기 위해 여러 가지 경로를 고려해야 했습니다. I also had to research my destinations to see what the average daily costs would be and figure out a budget (adding a good 10 or 20 per cent buffer to be on the safe side). |||||||||||typical|per day|||||calculate||||||||||extra margin|||||| J'ai également dû rechercher mes destinations pour voir quels seraient les coûts quotidiens moyens et établir un budget (en ajoutant un bon tampon de 10 ou 20 pour cent pour être du bon côté). 또한 목적지를 조사하여 일일 평균 비용이 얼마인지 알아보고 예산을 책정해야 했습니다(안전을 위해 10~20%의 버퍼를 추가했습니다). Ayrıca, ortalama günlük maliyetlerin ne olacağını görmek ve bir bütçe belirlemek için (güvenli tarafta olmak için yüzde 10 veya 20 iyi bir tampon ekleyerek) hedeflerimi araştırmam gerekiyordu. I decided to spend longer in cheaper countries and have a relatively short stay in more expensive places. ||||||less expensive||||||||||| 저는 저렴한 국가에서는 더 오래 머물고 비싼 곳에서는 상대적으로 짧게 머물기로 결정했습니다. which was sometimes quite a difficult decision as there were so many things I wanted to see. that|||||||||||||||| 보고 싶은 것이 너무 많아서 결정하기 어려웠습니다. In fact. planning the trip was just as much fun as the actual travelling. 여행을 계획하는 것도 실제 여행만큼이나 즐거웠습니다. I really let my imagination run wild and the trip itself was everything l'd expected. 상상의 나래를 마음껏 펼쳤고 여행 자체는 제가 기대했던 모든 것이었습니다.

Extract Two

I really hope to make it as an entrepreneur and I guess the person who's influenced me most has been a well- known British businessman. ||||||||business owner||||||||||||||||business leader 저는 기업가로서 성공하고 싶고, 저에게 가장 큰 영향을 준 사람은 영국의 유명한 사업가인 것 같습니다. I was given a copy of his autobiography for my fourteenth birthday and it really made a huge impression on me. ||||a copy|||||||||||||big||| 열네 번째 생일 선물로 그의 자서전 한 권을 받았는데, 정말 큰 감동을 받았습니다. He had an amazing childhood. 그는 놀라운 어린 시절을 보냈습니다. Apparently, when he was just four years old his mother stopped the car a few kilometres from their house and made him find his own way home. 그가 겨우 네 살이었을 때 어머니가 집에서 몇 킬로미터 떨어진 곳에 차를 세우고 스스로 집으로 가는 길을 찾게 했다고 합니다. Then when he was eleven or twelve his mum decided that he should cycle seventy kilometres to another town to teach him the importance of stamina and to learn a sense of direction! |||||||||||||ride a bike|||||city|||||||endurance||||||| Puis, quand il avait onze ou douze ans, sa mère a décidé qu'il devrait faire soixante-dix kilomètres à vélo jusqu'à une autre ville pour lui apprendre l'importance de l'endurance et apprendre le sens de l'orientation ! 그러다 그가 열한 살이나 열두 살이 되었을 때, 어머니는 체력의 중요성을 가르치고 방향 감각을 배우기 위해 다른 마을까지 70킬로미터를 자전거로 달려야겠다고 결심했습니다! He said he felt great when he'd done it but his mum wasn't worried or relieved or anything — just acted calm as you like and told him to go and help someone in the village chop some logs. |||||||||||||concerned||not concerned||||||||||||||||||||cut||wood pieces Il a dit qu'il se sentait bien quand il l'avait fait, mais sa mère n'était ni inquiète ni soulagée ou quoi que ce soit - a juste agi calmement comme vous le souhaitez et lui a dit d'aller aider quelqu'un dans le village à couper des bûches. 그는 해냈을 때 기분이 좋았다고 말했지만, 엄마는 걱정하거나 안도하지 않고 그냥 침착한 척하며 마을에 가서 통나무를 자르는 일을 도와주라고 말했습니다. Bunu yaptığında harika hissettiğini söyledi, ancak annesi endişeli ya da rahatlamış değildi - sadece istediğiniz gibi sakin davrandı ve ona köydeki birinin biraz tomruk kesmesine yardım etmesini söyledi. His family seemed to thrive on challenges - physical ones rather than educational, which l think's quite unusual. Sa famille semblait s'épanouir dans les défis - physiques plutôt que éducatifs, ce qui, je pense, est assez inhabituel. 그의 가족은 교육적인 문제보다는 육체적인 문제에 도전하는 것을 좋아했는데, 이는 매우 이례적인 일이라고 생각합니다. Ailesi, bence oldukça sıra dışı olan eğitimden ziyade fiziksel zorluklarla büyüyor gibiydi. I know my family are dead set on my getting a degree but quite a few entrepreneurs start out without one and look at them! Sé que mi familia está decidida a que obtenga un título, pero bastantes emprendedores comienzan sin uno y ¡mírenlos! Je sais que ma famille est déterminée à obtenir un diplôme, mais bon nombre d'entrepreneurs commencent sans un diplôme et les regardent ! 제 가족은 제가 학위를 취득하는 것에 반대하지만, 많은 기업가들이 학위 없이 시작하는 것을 보면 알 수 있습니다! Ailemin diploma almaya kararlı olduğunu biliyorum, ancak pek çok girişimci diploması olmadan işe başlıyor ve onlara bakıyor!

Anyway, there was another occasion he mentions when his aunt had promised him some money if he learnt to swim. |||||||||aunt|||||||||| He spent a holiday trying desperately, but just couldn‘t do it. |||||with great effort|||||| Then, on the way home in the car, he spotted a river. Puis, sur le chemin du retour en voiture, il a aperçu une rivière. He made his father stop the car and just dived into the river in his underpants. |||||||||jumped||||||his underwear The river was quite fast-flowing and it seemed like he was going to drown, but then he pushed really hard and actually managed to swim. |||||fast-moving|||||||||||||propelled|||||succeeded in|| My childhood was nothing like that. but I guess what I read has made me realise I need to take on challenges and try to fulfil my hopes and aspirations. |||||||||||||||||||||||goals and dreams mais je suppose que ce que j'ai lu m'a fait réaliser que je dois relever des défis et essayer de réaliser mes espoirs et mes aspirations.

Extract Three

According to the latest survey, commissioned by one of our leading banks, over three-quarters of 12- to 19-year-olds said they kept track of their money, up from twelve months ago. to|||most recent|study|conducted by|||||top|||||||||||||||||||| Согласно последнему опросу, проведенному по заказу одного из наших ведущих банков, более трех четвертей детей в возрасте от 12 до 19 лет заявили, что следят за своими деньгами, по сравнению с двенадцатью месяцами назад. Half of young people said they were content that they had enough money, something only 46 per cent said a year earlier, while the amount that those who were unhappy said they would need to be happy has fallen. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||decreased Половина молодых людей заявили, что довольны тем, что у них достаточно денег, что годом ранее заявили только 46 процентов, в то время как количество, которое, по словам несчастных, им нужно для счастья, уменьшилось. However, the 9,000 young people questioned continued to have unrealistic salary expectations. ||||||||unreasonable||expectations The average teenager said they thought they would be earning double what is actually the current average salary for a 35-year-old. |typical||||||||making|||||||||||| Not only this, but nearly three-quarters of those interviewed thought they would have a car by the time they were 21, while more than half hoped to own their own home by the age of 25. Overall the bank calculates that the average expectation gap between where people thought they would be financially. In general||||||||expectation gap|||||||| and where they would actually be, was around 72.133 Pounds Sterling, a small drop compared with last year's figure. и там, где они были бы на самом деле, было около 72,133 фунта стерлингов, небольшое снижение по сравнению с прошлогодним показателем. Interestingly, although the figures differ somewhat, the findings are very much in line with previous surveys done over the past twenty years. In an interesting way|even though|||vary|to some extent||results||||||||studies||||||