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Cambridge Objective Proficiency C2, Unit 1, 1.1 Exercise 2

Unit 1, 1.1 Exercise 2

Speaker 1

I've had a really fantastic year. It all started last November, when I was dragged along to a party by a friend. I was in a terrible mood, I remember, and nearly didn't go. Anyway, I was wearing an outfit I'd made myself — in soft black leather and antique lace, quite an unusual combination! Kelly Johns, the presenter of a big daytime TV show, was there and my little number caught her eye. We got chatting and she asked whether I could come up with something original for her to wear on the show. I jumped at the opportunity. That was a real turning point for me and I was soon able to quit my dayjob and concentrate on the clothes side full time. Through Kelly's show, I've had lots of orders. I've just finished an exclusive range for a top designer and I've even taken on an assistant to help me. Just think if I'd stayed at home that night!

Speaker 2 People often ask me how I got to be where I am today, with sell-out concerts in big stadiums around the world, thinking that I've spent years playing in local clubs, but the truth is, I'm literally an overnight sensation! I don't mean that arrogantly. It was just one lucky break, all down to being in the right place at the right time. There I was, an absolute nobody, hanging around backstage with Arrowhead, when their lead guitarist tripped over a pile of speakers and broke his arm, five minutes before they were due on. I'd been telling them about my awesome guitar style, so naturally, they all turned to me and said ‘Kid, help us out here and I did. The place was packed and I can still feel my hands shaking as I played that very first solo. It went OK though, and the rest is history. Speaker 3 I was in Milan visiting friends, trying to cheer myself up after a dismal few months — my long-term boyfriend and I had broken up, plus I'd left a job without another to go to. My money was running out and I was planning to leave a few days later. Anyway, my friends suggested that I should take a look at Verona before going back home and told me what time train I could get from Milan. Well, for some reason, I ended up on a slow train going south, without realising my mistake — both trains had left at the same time. I fell asleep in the compartment and woke just as the train arrived in Bologna! I had a wander round and fell in love with the place, and knew it was where I wanted to be. Everything just fell into place — I found a teaching job, took a room in a beautiful flat and settled in immediately. I lived there for six years and I go back regularly. Speaker 4 It's funny how you can hit a run of bad luck: one moment, things are moving along quite normally in your life and then, bam, something comes out of the blue and knocks you sideways and then, wham, something else. I'm OK now, but I've had a difficult couple of years. My problem was quite simply that I'd been living beyond my means for a long time and some debts finally caught up with me. Even then, I thought Id be OK; I arranged to pay them off little by little from my salary, monthly, you know. But then, the place where I was working cut back on its workforce, and they let me go. Well, that was it, I suppose I panicked, I wasn't thinking straight, you know. So I just packed a bag, got on a coach and left town for London, where my life went downhill fast. I got in with a bad crowd, and one thing led to another. It's a miracle my brother ever tracked me down, but he's got me back and sorted, with a roof over my head and a new job on the cards. Speaker 5 It could be a story in True Romance, but it really happened just like this. Almost twenty years ago to the day, I was waiting for a bus after another mind-numbingly awful day at work, no bus in sight, of course. I was in a rut, my job was going nowhere. Anyway, there I was, staring gloomily at my reflection in a puddle, feeling utterly sorry for myself and thinking: is this really all there is to life? Then I saw two things in that puddle, one imperceptibly after the other. The first was no surprise, huge splashes of rain, as the heavens opened yet again, but then, this enormous red umbrella, appearing behind my head as if by magic! A gorgeous gravelly voice to my left said did I mind, it was big enough for two and he didn't want my hair to get wet. Very fortunately, it was another fifteen minutes before the bus finally turned up and hooray, it didn't stop raining! His name was Terence, though he's been Terry to me ever since — and Dad to our three wonderful children.

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Unit 1, 1.1 Exercise 2 Unit| Birim| Unit 1, 1.1 Exercise 2 Unité 1, 1.1 Exercice 2

Speaker 1 Président 1

I've had a really fantastic year. J'ai eu une année vraiment fantastique. 정말 환상적인 한 해를 보냈습니다. It all started last November, when I was dragged along to a party by a friend. ||||||||forced|with|||||| ||||||||sürüklenmek||||||| ||||||||引きずられた|一緒に|||||| Tout a commencé en novembre dernier, lorsqu'un ami m'a emmené à une fête. 이 모든 것은 작년 11월, 친구의 파티에 끌려가면서 시작되었습니다. I was in a terrible mood, I remember, and nearly didn't go. |||||state of mind||||||leave the house |||||||||ほとんど|| J'étais de très mauvaise humeur, je m'en souviens, et j'ai failli ne pas y aller. 기분이 너무 안 좋아서 거의 가지 않을 뻔했던 기억이 납니다. Anyway, I was wearing an outfit I'd made myself — in soft black leather and antique lace, quite an unusual combination! |||||||created||made of|gentle||leather|||lace||||mix Her neyse|||||kıyafet|||||||||antika dantel|dantel|||| Anyway, I was wearing an outfit I'd made myself — in soft black leather and antique lace, quite an unusual combination! Quoi qu'il en soit, je portais une tenue que j'avais faite moi-même - en cuir noir souple et dentelle antique, une combinaison assez inhabituelle ! 어쨌든 저는 제가 직접 만든 의상을 입고 있었는데, 부드러운 검은색 가죽과 앤티크 레이스가 어우러진 꽤 특이한 조합이었어요! Kelly Johns, the presenter of a big daytime TV show, was there and my little number caught her eye. |||||||||||||my||child|attracted|| Kelly Johns|||sunucu||||gündüz kuşağı||||||||||| |||司会者|||||||||||小さな|番号||| Kelly Johns, la présentatrice d'une grande émission télévisée de jour, était là et mon petit numéro a attiré son attention. 낮 시간대 대형 TV 쇼의 진행자인 켈리 존스가 그 자리에 있었는데 제 작은 번호가 그녀의 눈에 띄었습니다. Там була Келлі Джонс, ведуча великої денної телепередачі, і мій маленький номер привернув її увагу. We got chatting and she asked whether I could come up with something original for her to wear on the show. ||||||if|||||for||||||||| ||sohbet etmeye başladık|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||できる|来る||||||||||| Nous avons discuté et elle m'a demandé si je pouvais lui proposer quelque chose d'original à porter dans la série. 이야기를 나누다가 그녀가 쇼에서 입을 수 있는 독창적인 의상을 생각해낼 수 있는지 물어봤어요. I jumped at the opportunity. I|||| That was a real turning point for me and I was soon able to quit my dayjob and concentrate on the clothes side full time. ||||turning point|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||gündelik işim|||||||| Ce fut un véritable tournant pour moi et j'ai rapidement pu quitter mon travail de jour et me concentrer à plein temps sur le côté vestimentaire. Це стало для мене справжнім переломним моментом, і незабаром я змогла залишити свою основну роботу і повністю зосередитися на дизайні одягу. Through Kelly's show, I've had lots of orders. via|||||||requests for products Kelly'nin şovu sayesinde|Kelly'nin|||||| Grâce à l'émission de Kelly, j'ai eu beaucoup de commandes. Завдяки шоу Келлі я отримав багато замовлень. I've just finished an exclusive range for a top designer and I've even taken on an assistant to help me. |||||collection|||||||||||||| ||bitirdim||||||||||||||||| ||||独占的な|コレクション|||||||||||||| Je viens de terminer une gamme exclusive pour un grand créateur et j'ai même engagé une assistante pour m'aider. Just think if I'd stayed at home that night! ||||||home||

Speaker 2 People often ask me how I got to be where I am today, with sell-out concerts in big stadiums around the world, thinking that I've spent years playing in local clubs, but the truth is, I'm literally an overnight sensation! |||||||||||||||kapalı gişe||konserler|||stadyumlar||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||なった||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||一夜のセンセーション Intervenant 2 Les gens me demandent souvent comment je suis arrivé là où je suis aujourd'hui, avec des concerts à guichets fermés dans les grands stades du monde entier, pensant que j'ai passé des années à jouer dans des clubs locaux, mais la vérité est que je suis littéralement un sensation du jour au lendemain ! Konuşmacı 2 İnsanlar bana sık sık, dünyanın dört bir yanındaki büyük stadyumlarda kapalı gişe konserler vererek bugün olduğum yere nasıl geldiğimi soruyorlar, yerel kulüplerde yıllarca çaldığımı düşünerek, ama gerçek şu ki, ben kelimenin tam anlamıyla gece hissi! I don't mean that arrogantly. ||intend|| ||||kibirli şekilde ||||傲慢に It was just one lucky break, all down to being in the right place at the right time. ||||fortunate|opportunity|all of it|to|||||||||| ||||運が良い||すべて|下に|||||||||| Fue solo un golpe de suerte, todo gracias a estar en el lugar correcto en el momento correcto. Ce n'était qu'un coup de chance, tout en étant au bon endroit au bon moment. There I was, an absolute nobody, hanging around backstage with Arrowhead, when their lead guitarist tripped over a pile of speakers and broke his arm, five minutes before they were due on. |||||unknown person|loitering|loitering|behind the scenes||a band|||lead guitarist|lead guitarist|fell down|||stack||||||||||||scheduled|on stage ||||||||sahne arkası||Ok Ucu||||gitarist|takıldı||||||||||beş dakika|||||| |||||||||||||||つまずいた|||||||||||||||予定| Da war ich, ein absoluter Niemand, und hing mit Arrowhead hinter der Bühne herum, als ihr Leadgitarrist fünf Minuten vor dem eigentlichen Auftritt über einen Stapel Lautsprecher stolperte und sich den Arm brach. Allí estaba yo, un don nadie, dando vueltas entre bastidores con Arrowhead, cuando su guitarrista principal tropezó con un montón de altavoces y se rompió el brazo, cinco minutos antes de que empezaran. J'étais là, absolument nul, traînant dans les coulisses avec Arrowhead, lorsque leur guitariste principal a trébuché sur une pile d'enceintes et s'est cassé le bras, cinq minutes avant la date prévue. I'd been telling them about my awesome guitar style, so naturally, they all turned to me and said ‘Kid, help us out here and I did. ||||regarding||impressive|||||||looked|||||||||||| |||||||gitar tarzım|||||||||||||||||| Je leur avais parlé de mon style de guitare génial, alors naturellement, ils se sont tous tournés vers moi et m'ont dit 'Kid, aide-nous ici et je l'ai fait. The place was packed and I can still feel my hands shaking as I played that very first solo. |||crowded||||||||trembling||||that||| |||tıklım tıklım doluydu||||||||||||||ilk| Bylo tam plno a ještě teď cítím, jak se mi třesou ruce, když jsem hrál to úplně první sólo. It went OK though, and the rest is history. Speaker 3 I was in Milan visiting friends, trying to cheer myself up after a dismal few months — my long-term boyfriend and I had broken up, plus I'd left a job without another to go to. My money was running out and I was planning to leave a few days later. Anyway, my friends suggested that I should take a look at Verona before going back home and told me what time train I could get from Milan. Well, for some reason, I ended up on a slow train going south, without realising my mistake — both trains had left at the same time. I fell asleep in the compartment and woke just as the train arrived in Bologna! I had a wander round and fell in love with the place, and knew it was where I wanted to be. Everything just fell into place — I found a teaching job, took a room in a beautiful flat and settled in immediately. I lived there for six years and I go back regularly. Speaker 4 It's funny how you can hit a run of bad luck: one moment, things are moving along quite normally in your life and then, bam, something comes out of the blue and knocks you sideways and then, wham, something else. I'm OK now, but I've had a difficult couple of years. My problem was quite simply that I'd been living beyond my means for a long time and some debts finally caught up with me. Even then, I thought Id be OK; I arranged to pay them off little by little from my salary, monthly, you know. But then, the place where I was working cut back on its workforce, and they let me go. Well, that was it, I suppose I panicked, I wasn't thinking straight, you know. So I just packed a bag, got on a coach and left town for London, where my life went downhill fast. I got in with a bad crowd, and one thing led to another. It's a miracle my brother ever tracked me down, but he's got me back and sorted, with a roof over my head and a new job on the cards. ||||||||||||||||||lift|||||bleak||||long-term|bad luck||||||||I had||||||||||||depleting|||||intending||||||||possessive pronoun|||||should|have||at|||||||||||||||||||||||wound up|||||||to Bologna||||||||||||||||||train car|||||||||||||stroll||||||||||||||||||||slept||||||||||||||||moved in||||||||||||||||||||experience|||||||||||||||||||||||||||knocks you sideways||knocked you over|||wham||||||||||||||||||||I had|||past my|possessive pronoun|financial situation|||||||financial obligations||with me||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||staff|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||declined rapidly|||||with||||||||||||a miracle|||at any time|located|||however||||||organized|||shelter|||roof over head||||||| ||||||||||||||||||neşelendirmek|||||kasvetli||||||erkek arkadaşım||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Verona'dan önce||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||farkında olmadan|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||dolaşmak||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||güzel daire|||||||||||||||düzenli olarak|||komik olan şu ki|||||||||||||||||||||||bam: pat diye||||||||sarsar||sarsmak|||bam|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sonunda|||||||||Idare eder.||||ayarladım||||||||||||||||||||||||||iş gücü|||||||||||||panikledim||||||||||||||||otobüs||||||||||hızla kötüleşti||||||||kötü çevre|||||||||||||izini buldu|||||||||düzenledi|||||||||||||yolda gibi |||||||||||||||||||||||暗い||||||||||||||||||別の||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ヴェローナ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||車両|||||||||||||さまよった|運命の転機|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||悪運|a|運営|||||||||||||||||||来る||||||ノック||打撃を受けて|||バン|||||||||||||||||||||||生活水準を超えて||手段|||||||||||||||||||||整った||支払う||||||||||||||||||||人員を削減した||||労働力|||||||||||||||ではなかった|考えていた|||||||||||||バス||||||||||下り|||||||||||||||||||||見つけた|||||得た||||整った|||||||||||上|| Šlo to ale dobře a zbytek je historie. Mluvčí 3 Byla jsem v Miláně na návštěvě u přátel a snažila se rozveselit po několika pochmurných měsících - rozešli jsme se s mým dlouholetým přítelem a já jsem opustila práci, do které jsem neměla kam jít. Peníze mi docházely a já se chystala za pár dní odjet. Každopádně mi kamarádi navrhli, že bych se měla podívat do Verony, než se vrátím domů, a řekli mi, v kolik hodin mi jede vlak z Milána. No, z nějakého důvodu jsem skončil v pomalém vlaku jedoucím na jih, aniž bych si uvědomil svou chybu - oba vlaky vyjely ve stejnou dobu. Usnul jsem v kupé a probudil se, až když vlak dorazil do Boloně! Prošel jsem si to tu a zamiloval se do toho místa a věděl jsem, že to je místo, kde chci být. Všechno do sebe zapadlo - našla jsem si práci učitelky, vzala si pokoj v krásném flatu a okamžitě se zabydlela. Žila jsem tam šest let a pravidelně se tam vracím. Mluvčí 4 Je zvláštní, jak vás může potkat smůla: v jednu chvíli se vám v životě všechno vyvíjí docela normálně a pak bum, z ničeho nic přijde něco, co vás srazí na bok, a pak bum, něco dalšího. Teď už jsem v pohodě, ale pár let jsem měl těžké období. Můj problém spočíval v tom, že jsem si dlouho žil nad poměry a nakonec mě dostihly nějaké dluhy. I tehdy jsem si myslel, že to bude v pořádku; zařídil jsem si, že je budu postupně splácet ze svého platu, každý měsíc, víte. Ale pak se na místě, kde jsem pracoval, snížil počet zaměstnanců a propustili mě. No a to bylo všechno, asi jsem zpanikařil, nemyslelo mi to, víte. Tak jsem si prostě sbalil kufr, nasedl do autobusu a odjel z města do Londýna, kde šel můj život rychle z kopce. Dostal jsem se do špatné party a jedna věc vedla k druhé. Je zázrak, že mě můj bratr vůbec vypátral, ale dostal mě zpátky a vyřešil to, mám střechu nad hlavou a novou práci. Es lief aber gut, und der Rest ist Geschichte. Sprecher 3 Ich war in Mailand, um Freunde zu besuchen, und versuchte, mich nach ein paar düsteren Monaten aufzuheitern – mein langjähriger Freund und ich hatten uns getrennt, und ich hatte einen Job aufgegeben, ohne einen anderen zu finden. Mein Geld ging zur Neige und ich wollte ein paar Tage später abreisen. Wie auch immer, meine Freunde schlugen vor, dass ich mir Verona ansehen sollte, bevor ich nach Hause fahre, und sagten mir, wann ich mit dem Zug aus Mailand fahren könnte. Nun, aus irgendeinem Grund landete ich in einem langsamen Zug, der nach Süden fuhr, ohne meinen Fehler zu bemerken – beide Züge waren gleichzeitig abgefahren. Ich schlief im Abteil ein und wachte gerade auf, als der Zug in Bologna ankam! Ich machte einen Rundgang und verliebte mich in den Ort und wusste, dass ich dort sein wollte. Es hat einfach alles gepasst – ich habe eine Stelle als Lehrerin gefunden, ein Zimmer in einer schönen Wohnung genommen und mich sofort eingelebt. Ich habe sechs Jahre dort gelebt und gehe regelmäßig zurück. Sprecher 4 Es ist komisch, wie man eine Pechsträhne erleiden kann: In einem Moment laufen die Dinge ganz normal in Ihrem Leben und dann, bumm, kommt etwas aus heiterem Himmel und stößt Sie seitwärts und dann, bumm, noch etwas. Mir geht es jetzt gut, aber ich hatte ein paar schwierige Jahre. Mein Problem war ganz einfach, dass ich lange Zeit über meine Verhältnisse gelebt hatte und mich schließlich einige Schulden eingeholt hatten. Selbst dann dachte ich, ich wäre in Ordnung; Ich habe dafür gesorgt, dass sie nach und nach von meinem Gehalt abbezahlt werden, monatlich, wissen Sie. Aber dann reduzierte der Ort, an dem ich arbeitete, seine Belegschaft, und sie ließen mich gehen. Nun, das war es, ich schätze, ich geriet in Panik, ich habe nicht klar gedacht, wissen Sie. Also packte ich einfach eine Tasche, stieg in einen Bus und verließ die Stadt nach London, wo mein Leben schnell bergab ging. Ich kam mit einem schlechten Publikum zusammen, und eins führte zum anderen. Es ist ein Wunder, dass mein Bruder mich jemals aufgespürt hat, aber er hat mich zurückgeholt und sortiert, mit einem Dach über dem Kopf und einem neuen Job in Aussicht. Tout s'est bien passé, et le reste appartient à l'histoire. Conférencier 3 J'étais à Milan pour rendre visite à des amis, essayant de me remonter le moral après quelques mois lamentables – mon petit ami de longue date et moi avions rompu, et j'avais quitté un travail sans autre pour aller. Mon argent s'épuisait et j'avais l'intention de partir quelques jours plus tard. Quoi qu'il en soit, mes amis m'ont suggéré de jeter un œil à Vérone avant de rentrer à la maison et m'ont dit à quelle heure je pouvais prendre le train depuis Milan. Eh bien, pour une raison quelconque, je me suis retrouvé dans un train lent en direction du sud, sans réaliser mon erreur – les deux trains étaient partis en même temps. Je me suis endormi dans le compartiment et je me suis réveillé juste au moment où le train arrivait à Bologne ! Je me suis promené et je suis tombé amoureux de l'endroit, et je savais que c'était là où je voulais être. Tout s'est mis en place, j'ai trouvé un poste d'enseignant, j'ai pris une chambre dans un bel appartement et je me suis installé immédiatement. J'y ai vécu six ans et j'y retourne régulièrement. Intervenant 4 C'est marrant comme on peut tomber sur un coup de malchance : un moment, les choses avancent assez normalement dans votre vie et puis, paf, quelque chose surgit à l'improviste et vous renverse et puis, wham, autre chose. Je vais bien maintenant, mais j'ai eu quelques années difficiles. Mon problème était tout simplement que je vivais au-dessus de mes moyens depuis longtemps et que des dettes m'ont finalement rattrapé. Même alors, je pensais que ça irait ; Je me suis arrangé pour les rembourser petit à petit sur mon salaire, mensuellement, vous savez. Mais ensuite, l'endroit où je travaillais a réduit ses effectifs, et ils m'ont laissé partir. Eh bien, c'était ça, je suppose que j'ai paniqué, je ne pensais pas correctement, vous savez. Alors j'ai juste fait un sac, je suis monté dans un autocar et j'ai quitté la ville pour Londres, où ma vie s'est rapidement détériorée. Je suis entré avec une mauvaise foule, et une chose en a entraîné une autre. C'est un miracle que mon frère m'ait jamais retrouvé, mais il m'a récupéré et trié, avec un toit au-dessus de ma tête et un nouveau travail sur les cartes. È andata bene, però, e il resto è storia. Intervento 3 Mi trovavo a Milano in visita ad amici, per cercare di tirarmi su di morale dopo un paio di mesi disastrosi: io e il mio fidanzato di lunga data ci eravamo lasciati, e in più avevo lasciato un lavoro senza averne un altro. I miei soldi stavano finendo e avevo intenzione di partire pochi giorni dopo. Comunque, i miei amici mi suggerirono di dare un'occhiata a Verona prima di tornare a casa e mi dissero a che ora potevo prendere il treno da Milano. Ebbene, per qualche motivo sono finito su un treno lento diretto a sud, senza rendermi conto del mio errore: entrambi i treni erano partiti alla stessa ora. Mi sono addormentata nello scompartimento e mi sono svegliata proprio quando il treno è arrivato a Bologna! Ho fatto un giro e mi sono innamorata del posto e ho capito che era il posto in cui volevo stare. Tutto è andato al suo posto: ho trovato un lavoro da insegnante, ho preso una stanza in un bellissimo appartamento e mi sono subito ambientata. Ho vissuto lì per sei anni e ci torno regolarmente. Speaker 4 È buffo come si possa avere un periodo di sfortuna: un momento, le cose stanno procedendo normalmente nella tua vita e poi, bam, qualcosa arriva dal nulla e ti mette di traverso e poi, wham, qualcos'altro. Ora sto bene, ma ho avuto un paio di anni difficili. Il mio problema era semplicemente che da tempo vivevo al di sopra delle mie possibilità e alcuni debiti mi hanno finalmente raggiunto. Anche allora pensavo di essere a posto; mi ero organizzato per pagarli un po' alla volta con il mio stipendio, mensilmente, insomma. Ma poi il posto dove lavoravo ha ridotto il personale e mi hanno lasciato andare. Beh, è andata così, credo di essermi fatto prendere dal panico, non avevo le idee chiare. Così ho fatto le valigie, sono salito su un pullman e ho lasciato la città per Londra, dove la mia vita è andata rapidamente a rotoli. Sono entrato in una brutta compagnia e una cosa tira l'altra. È un miracolo che mio fratello mi abbia rintracciato, ma mi ha riportato a casa e sistemato, con un tetto sopra la testa e un nuovo lavoro in vista. Speaker 5 It could be a story in True Romance, but it really happened just like this. ||||||||True Romance||||||| Almost twenty years ago to the day, I was waiting for a bus after another mind-numbingly awful day at work, no bus in sight, of course. |||||||||waiting|||||||extremely|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||beyin uyuşturan şekilde|||||||||| |||||||||||||||頭が痛くなるような||ひどい||||||の||| Il y a presque vingt ans jour pour jour, j'attendais un bus après une autre journée de travail horriblement abrutissante, aucun bus en vue, bien sûr. I was in a rut, my job was going nowhere. ||||stuck situation|||||not progressing ||||çıkmazdaydım||||| ||にいた||||||| J'étais dans une ornière, mon travail n'allait nulle part. Anyway, there I was, staring gloomily at my reflection in a puddle, feeling utterly sorry for myself and thinking: is this really all there is to life? ||||gazing|in a sad way||||||puddle||completely||||||||||||| |||||kederle|||yansımamı|||su birikintisi||tamamen||||||||||||| |||||||||||水たまり||完全に|申し訳なく思って|||||||||||| Quoi qu'il en soit, j'étais là, regardant sombrement mon reflet dans une flaque d'eau, me sentant complètement désolé pour moi-même et pensant : est-ce vraiment tout ce qu'il y a dans la vie ? Then I saw two things in that puddle, one imperceptibly after the other. |||||||||unnoticeably||| |||||||||belli belirsiz şekilde||| |||||||||気づかないほど||| Poi ho visto due cose in quella pozzanghera, una impercettibilmente dopo l'altra. The first was no surprise, huge splashes of rain, as the heavens opened yet again, but then, this enormous red umbrella, appearing behind my head as if by magic! ||||||splashes|||||sky|poured down|||||||||||||||| ||||||sıçramalar||||||||||||||kırmızı şemsiye|||||||| La première n'était pas une surprise, d'énormes éclaboussures de pluie, alors que le ciel s'ouvrait encore, mais ensuite, cet énorme parapluie rouge, apparaissant derrière ma tête comme par magie ! A gorgeous gravelly voice to my left said did I mind, it was big enough for two and he didn't want my hair to get wet. ||raspy||||||||||||||||||||||| |Muhteşem|kısık sesli||||||||||||||||||||||| ||ざらざらした||||||した||||||||||||||||| Very fortunately, it was another fifteen minutes before the bus finally turned up and hooray, it didn't stop raining! ||||||||||||||yay|||| |Neyse ki||||on beş dakika|||||||||Oh be!|||| |||||||||||現れた|||やった|||| Fort heureusement, il s'est écoulé encore quinze minutes avant que le bus n'arrive enfin et hourra, il n'a pas cessé de pleuvoir ! His name was Terence, though he's been Terry to me ever since — and Dad to our three wonderful children. |||Terence||||||||||||||| |||||||テリー|||ずっと||||||||