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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 6 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 12

CHAPTER 6 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 12

MINA MURRAY'S JOURNAL 26 July.--I am anxious, and it soothes me to express myself here.

It is like whispering to one's self and listening at the same time. And there is also something about the shorthand symbols that makes it different from writing. I am unhappy about Lucy and about Jonathan. I had not heard from Jonathan for some time, and was very concerned, but yesterday dear Mr. Hawkins, who is always so kind, sent me a letter from him. I had written asking him if he had heard, and he said the enclosed had just been received. It is only a line dated from Castle Dracula, and says that he is just starting for home. That is not like Jonathan. I do not understand it, and it makes me uneasy.

Then, too, Lucy, although she is so well, has lately taken to her old habit of walking in her sleep.

Her mother has spoken to me about it, and we have decided that I am to lock the door of our room every night.


Westenra has got an idea that sleep-walkers always go out on roofs of houses and along the edges of cliffs and then get suddenly wakened and fall over with a despairing cry that echoes all over the place.

Poor dear, she is naturally anxious about Lucy, and she tells me that her husband, Lucy's father, had the same habit, that he would get up in the night and dress himself and go out, if he were not stopped. Lucy is to be married in the autumn, and she is already planning out her dresses and how her house is to be arranged.

I sympathise with her, for I do the same, only Jonathan and I will start in life in a very simple way, and shall have to try to make both ends meet.

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CHAPTER 6 - Mina Murray's Journal, part 12 KAPITEL 6 - Das Tagebuch von Mina Murray, Teil 12 CAPÍTULO 6 - Diario de Mina Murray, parte 12 CAPITOLO 6 - Diario di Mina Murray, parte 12 CAPÍTULO 6 - Diário de Mina Murray, parte 12 BÖLÜM 6 - Mina Murray'nin Günlüğü, kısım 12

MINA MURRAY'S JOURNAL 26 July.--I am anxious, and it soothes me to express myself here. ||||||beruhigt||||| ||||||calma||||| 26 de Julho - Estou ansioso e acalma-me exprimir-me aqui.

It is like whispering to one's self and listening at the same time. |||flüstern||||||||| Es como susurrarse a uno mismo y escucharse al mismo tiempo. É como sussurrar para si próprio e ouvir ao mesmo tempo. And there is also something about the shorthand symbols that makes it different from writing. |||||||Kurzschrift-Symbole||||||| Y también hay algo en los símbolos taquigráficos que lo diferencia de la escritura. E há também algo nos símbolos taquigráficos que os torna diferentes da escrita. I am unhappy about Lucy and about Jonathan. Estou descontente com a Lucy e com o Jonathan. I had not heard from Jonathan for some time, and was very concerned, but yesterday dear Mr. Hawkins, who is always so kind, sent me a letter from him. |||||||||||||||liebe||||||||||||| Há já algum tempo que não tinha notícias do Jonathan e estava muito preocupada, mas ontem o querido Sr. Hawkins, que é sempre tão amável, enviou-me uma carta dele. I had written asking him if he had heard, and he said the enclosed had just been received. Le había escrito preguntándole si se había enterado, y me dijo que acababa de recibir el adjunto. Escrevi-lhe a perguntar se tinha tido notícias, e ele respondeu-me que tinha acabado de receber o anexo. It is only a line dated from Castle Dracula, and says that he is just starting for home. |||||||||||||||está começando|| É apenas uma linha datada do Castelo Drácula, e diz que ele está a regressar a casa. That is not like Jonathan. O Jónatas não é assim. I do not understand it, and it makes me uneasy. Não o compreendo e isso deixa-me inquieto.

Then, too, Lucy, although she is so well, has lately taken to her old habit of walking in her sleep. Además, Lucy, aunque está muy bien, últimamente ha recuperado su antigua costumbre de caminar dormida. Inoltre, Lucy, pur stando così bene, ultimamente ha ripreso la sua vecchia abitudine di camminare nel sonno. Além disso, a Lucy, apesar de estar tão bem, voltou ao seu velho hábito de andar durante o sono.

Her mother has spoken to me about it, and we have decided that I am to lock the door of our room every night. A mãe dela falou comigo sobre o assunto e decidimos que eu vou trancar a porta do nosso quarto todas as noites.

Mrs. Senhora.

Westenra has got an idea that sleep-walkers always go out on roofs of houses and along the edges of cliffs and then get suddenly wakened and fall over with a despairing cry that echoes all over the place. ||||||||||||||||||Kanten|||||||||||||||||||| Westenra tem a ideia de que os sonâmbulos saem sempre para os telhados das casas e para as margens dos penhascos e, de repente, acordam e caem com um grito de desespero que ecoa por todo o lado.

Poor dear, she is naturally anxious about Lucy, and she tells me that her husband, Lucy's father, had the same habit, that he would get up in the night and dress himself and go out, if he were not stopped. Pobrezinha, está naturalmente preocupada com a Lucy e diz-me que o seu marido, o pai da Lucy, tinha o mesmo hábito, que se levantava de noite, vestia-se e saía, se não o impedissem. Lucy is to be married in the autumn, and she is already planning out her dresses and how her house is to be arranged. Lucy vai casar-se no Outono e já está a planear os seus vestidos e a organização da sua casa.

I sympathise with her, for I do the same, only Jonathan and I will start in life in a very simple way, and shall have to try to make both ends meet. Me compadezco de ella, porque yo hago lo mismo, sólo que Jonathan y yo empezaremos en la vida de una manera muy sencilla, y tendremos que intentar llegar a fin de mes. Compreendo-a, porque eu faço o mesmo, só que eu e o Jonathan vamos começar a vida de uma forma muito simples e temos de tentar fazer face às despesas.