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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 5 - Letter From Miss Mina Murray To Miss Lucy Westenra, part 1

CHAPTER 5 - Letter From Miss Mina Murray To Miss Lucy Westenra, part 1


9 May.

My dearest Lucy,

Forgive my long delay in writing, but I have been simply overwhelmed with work.

The life of an assistant schoolmistress is sometimes trying. I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air. I have been working very hard lately, because I want to keep up with Jonathan's studies, and I have been practicing shorthand very assiduously. When we are married I shall be able to be useful to Jonathan, and if I can stenograph well enough I can take down what he wants to say in this way and write it out for him on the typewriter, at which also I am practicing very hard.

He and I sometimes write letters in shorthand, and he is keeping a stenographic journal of his travels abroad.

When I am with you I shall keep a diary in the same way. I don't mean one of those two-pages-to-the-week-with-Sunday-squeezed-in-a-corner diaries, but a sort of journal which I can write in whenever I feel inclined. I do not suppose there will be much of interest to other people, but it is not intended for them.

I may show it to Jonathan some day if there is in it anything worth sharing, but it is really an exercise book. I shall try to do what I see lady journalists do, interviewing and writing descriptions and trying to remember conversations. I am told that, with a little practice, one can remember all that goes on or that one hears said during a day.

However, we shall see.

I will tell you of my little plans when we meet. I have just had a few hurried lines from Jonathan from Transylvania. He is well, and will be returning in about a week. I am longing to hear all his news. It must be nice to see strange countries. I wonder if we, I mean Jonathan and I, shall ever see them together. There is the ten o'clock bell ringing. Goodbye.

Your loving


Tell me all the news when you write.

You have not told me anything for a long time. I hear rumours, and especially of a tall, handsome, curly-haired man?

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CHAPTER 5 - Letter From Miss Mina Murray To Miss Lucy Westenra, part 1 KAPITEL 5 - Brief von Miss Mina Murray an Miss Lucy Westenra, Teil 1 CAPÍTULO 5 - Carta de la Srta. Mina Murray a la Srta. Lucy Westenra, parte 1 CHAPITRE 5 - Lettre de Miss Mina Murray à Miss Lucy Westenra, partie 1 CAPITOLO 5 - Lettera di Miss Mina Murray a Miss Lucy Westenra, parte 1 第5章 ミス・ミナ・マレーからミス・ルーシー・ウェステンラへの手紙、パート1 CAPÍTULO 5 - Carta de Miss Mina Murray para Miss Lucy Westenra, parte 1 ГЛАВА 5 - Письмо мисс Мины Мюррей к мисс Люси Вестенра, часть 1 BÖLÜM 5 - Bayan Mina Murray'den Bayan Lucy Westenra'ya Mektup, 1. kısım


9 May. 5 月 9 日。 9 de Maio.

My dearest Lucy, 最愛のルーシー、 Minha querida Lucy,

Forgive my long delay in writing, but I have been simply overwhelmed with work. 執筆が大幅に遅れたことをお許しください。ただ、仕事に圧倒されているだけです。 Perdoem o meu longo atraso na escrita, mas tenho andado simplesmente assoberbado de trabalho.

The life of an assistant schoolmistress is sometimes trying. |||||Hilfslehrerin||| |||||professora auxiliar||| La vida de una ayudante de dirección a veces es dura. La vita di un'assistente scolastica è a volte difficile. アシスタント校長の人生は時々試練に満ちています。 A vida de uma professora assistente às vezes é difícil. I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air. 私はあなたと一緒に海のそばにいて、一緒に自由に話したり、空中に城を建てたりできることを切望しています. Tenho saudades de estar contigo e junto ao mar, onde podemos falar livremente e construir os nossos castelos no ar. I have been working very hard lately, because I want to keep up with Jonathan's studies, and I have been practicing shorthand very assiduously. |||||||||||||||||||||Stenografie||fleißig |||||||||||||||||||||||diligently ジョナサンの勉強についていきたいので、私は最近一生懸命勉強しています。 Tenho trabalhado muito ultimamente, porque quero acompanhar os estudos do Jonathan, e tenho praticado estenografia com muita assiduidade. When we are married I shall be able to be useful to Jonathan, and if I can stenograph well enough I can take down what he wants to say in this way and write it out for him on the typewriter, at which also I am practicing very hard. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Schreibmaschine|||||||| |||||||||||||||||transcribe shorthand notes||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 私たちが結婚したら、私はジョナサンの役に立つことができるだろうし、もし私が十分に速記者を書くことができれば、彼が言いたいことをこのように書き取り、タイプライターで彼のために書くことができるだろう.難しい。 Quando nos casarmos, poderei ser útil ao Jonathan e, se souber estenografar suficientemente bem, poderei anotar o que ele quiser dizer desta forma e escrevê-lo para ele na máquina de escrever, o que também estou a praticar muito.

He and I sometimes write letters in shorthand, and he is keeping a stenographic journal of his travels abroad. |||||||Kurzschrift||||||||||| |||||||||||||shorthand writing||||| |||||||||||||taquigráfica||||| 彼と私は時々速記で手紙を書き、彼は海外旅行の速記日記をつけています。 Por vezes, escrevemos cartas em estenografia e ele está a escrever um diário estenográfico das suas viagens ao estrangeiro.

When I am with you I shall keep a diary in the same way. 私があなたと一緒にいるとき、私は同じように日記をつけます。 Quando estiver convosco, farei um diário da mesma forma. I don't mean one of those two-pages-to-the-week-with-Sunday-squeezed-in-a-corner diaries, but a sort of journal which I can write in whenever I feel inclined. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||geneigt fühle |||||||||||||apretado|||||||||||||||||| 私が言っているのは、1 週間に 2 ページ、日曜日を隅に詰め込んだ日記という意味ではなく、気になったらいつでも書き込める一種の日記です。 Não me refiro a um daqueles diários de duas páginas por semana, com o domingo espremido num canto, mas a uma espécie de diário em que possa escrever sempre que me apetecer. I do not suppose there will be much of interest to other people, but it is not intended for them. Non credo che ci sia molto di interessante per altre persone, ma non è destinato a loro. 他の人にはあまり興味がないと思いますが、彼らを対象としたものではありません。 Suponho que não haverá muito interesse para outras pessoas, mas não se destina a elas.

I may show it to Jonathan some day if there is in it anything worth sharing, but it is really an exercise book. 共有する価値のあるものがあれば、いつかジョナサンに見せるかもしれませんが、それは実際には練習帳です. Talvez um dia o mostre ao Jonathan, se houver nele alguma coisa que valha a pena partilhar, mas é realmente um livro de exercícios. I shall try to do what I see lady journalists do, interviewing and writing descriptions and trying to remember conversations. 女性ジャーナリストと同じように、インタビューして説明を書き、会話を覚えようとします。 Tentarei fazer o que vejo as senhoras jornalistas fazerem, entrevistando e escrevendo descrições e tentando recordar conversas. Tôi sẽ cố gắng làm những gì tôi thấy các nhà báo nữ làm, phỏng vấn và viết mô tả và cố gắng ghi nhớ các cuộc trò chuyện. I am told that, with a little practice, one can remember all that goes on or that one hears said during a day. 少し練習すれば、一日に起こったことや聞いたことをすべて覚えることができると言われています。 Disseram-me que, com um pouco de prática, é possível lembrar tudo o que acontece ou o que se ouve dizer durante um dia.

However, we shall see. しかし、私たちは見ていきます。 No entanto, veremos.

I will tell you of my little plans when we meet. Yo|||||||||| お会いしたら、ちょっとした計画をお話しします。 Falar-lhe-ei dos meus pequenos planos quando nos encontrarmos. I have just had a few hurried lines from Jonathan from Transylvania. トランシルバニアのジョナサンから急いで電話がありました。 Acabo de receber umas linhas apressadas do Jonathan da Transilvânia. He is well, and will be returning in about a week. 彼は元気で、約1週間で戻ってきます。 Ele está bem e regressará dentro de cerca de uma semana. I am longing to hear all his news. 私は彼のすべてのニュースを聞きたがっています。 Estou desejoso de saber todas as suas novidades. It must be nice to see strange countries. 見知らぬ国を見るのはいいに違いない。 Deve ser bom ver países estranhos. I wonder if we, I mean Jonathan and I, shall ever see them together. 私たち、つまりジョナサンと私は、彼らが一緒にいるのを見ることができるだろうか. Įdomu, ar mes, aš ir Džonatanas, kada nors pamatysime juos kartu. Pergunto-me se nós, isto é, o Jonathan e eu, alguma vez os veremos juntos. There is the ten o'clock bell ringing. 十時の鐘が鳴る。 Suskamba dešimtos valandos varpas. O sino das dez horas está a tocar. Goodbye. さようなら。

Your loving あなたの愛する O vosso amor

Mina ミナ

Tell me all the news when you write. |||||wenn|| あなたが書くとき、すべてのニュースを教えてください。

You have not told me anything for a long time. あなたは長い間私に何も言わなかった。 Tu man ilgai nieko nesakei. Há muito tempo que não me dizes nada. I hear rumours, and especially of a tall, handsome, curly-haired man? |||||||||cacheado|| 噂を耳にしますが、特に背が高く、ハンサムで、巻き髪の男性ですか? Girdžiu gandus, o ypač apie aukštą, gražų, garbanotą vyrą? Ouço rumores, e sobretudo de um homem alto, bonito, de cabelo encaracolado?