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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 4 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 11

CHAPTER 4 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 11

At one corner of the room was a heavy door.

I tried it, for, since I could not find the key of the room or the key of the outer door, which was the main object of my search, I must make further examination, or all my efforts would be in vain. It was open, and led through a stone passage to a circular stairway, which went steeply down. I descended, minding carefully where I went for the stairs were dark, being only lit by loopholes in the heavy masonry.

At the bottom there was a dark, tunnel-like passage, through which came a deathly, sickly odour, the odour of old earth newly turned. As I went through the passage the smell grew closer and heavier. At last I pulled open a heavy door which stood ajar, and found myself in an old ruined chapel, which had evidently been used as a graveyard. The roof was broken, and in two places were steps leading to vaults, but the ground had recently been dug over, and the earth placed in great wooden boxes, manifestly those which had been brought by the Slovaks. There was nobody about, and I made a search over every inch of the ground, so as not to lose a chance.

I went down even into the vaults, where the dim light struggled, although to do so was a dread to my very soul. Into two of these I went, but saw nothing except fragments of old coffins and piles of dust. In the third, however, I made a discovery. There, in one of the great boxes, of which there were fifty in all, on a pile of newly dug earth, lay the Count!

He was either dead or asleep. I could not say which, for eyes were open and stony, but without the glassiness of death, and the cheeks had the warmth of life through all their pallor. The lips were as red as ever. But there was no sign of movement, no pulse, no breath, no beating of the heart.

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CHAPTER 4 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 11 KAPITEL 4 - Fortsetzung von Jonathan Harkers Tagebuch, Teil 11 CAPÍTULO 4 - Diario de Jonathan Harker Continuación, parte 11 CHAPITRE 4 - Suite du journal de Jonathan Harker, partie 11 CAPITOLO 4 - Il diario di Jonathan Harker Continua, parte 11 第 4 章 - ジョナサン・ハーカーの日誌の続き、パート 11 CAPÍTULO 4 - Continuação do diário de Jonathan Harker, parte 11

At one corner of the room was a heavy door. In un angolo della stanza c'era una pesante porta. 部屋の片隅に重い扉があった。 A um canto da sala havia uma porta pesada.

I tried it, for, since I could not find the key of the room or the key of the outer door, which was the main object of my search, I must make further examination, or all my efforts would be in vain. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||vergeblich |||||||||||||||||||externa|||||||||||||||||||||| 部屋の鍵も外のドアの鍵も見つからず、それが私の主な捜索の目的であったので、さらに調べなければならない、さもなければ私の努力はすべて無駄になるだろう。 Experimentei-a, pois, como não encontrava a chave do quarto nem a chave da porta exterior, que era o principal objectivo da minha busca, tinha de continuar a procurar, ou todos os meus esforços seriam em vão. Skúsil som to, pretože keďže som nenašiel kľúč od izby ani kľúč od vonkajších dverí, ktoré boli hlavným predmetom môjho hľadania, musím vykonať ďalšie skúmanie, inak by bolo všetko moje úsilie márne. It was open, and led through a stone passage to a circular stairway, which went steeply down. それは開いていて、石の通路を通って円形の階段へと続いていました。 Estava aberta e conduzia, através de uma passagem de pedra, a uma escada circular, que descia abruptamente. I descended, minding carefully where I went for the stairs were dark, being only lit by loopholes in the heavy masonry. |stieg hinab|aufpassend||||||||||||beleuchtet durch Schießscharten||Schießscharten||||Mauerwerk ||||||||||||||||narrow openings|||| ||||||||||||||||frestas de luz|||| Scesi, facendo attenzione a dove andavo perché le scale erano buie, illuminate solo da feritoie nella pesante muratura. 階段が暗く、重い石積みの抜け穴だけが照らされているので、どこに行ったのかを注意深く気にしながら、私は降りました。 Desci, com cuidado, pois as escadas eram escuras, sendo apenas iluminadas por brechas na pesada alvenaria. Zostúpil som a pozorne som si dával pozor, kadiaľ idem, aby schody boli tmavé a osvetľovali ma iba diery v ťažkom murive.

At the bottom there was a dark, tunnel-like passage, through which came a deathly, sickly odour, the odour of old earth newly turned. ||||||||||||||||Geruch||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||recentemente revolvida| ||||||||||||||||||||||recién| En el fondo había un pasadizo oscuro, parecido a un túnel, por el que llegaba un olor mortecino y enfermizo, el olor de la tierra vieja recién removida. In fondo c'era un passaggio buio, simile a un tunnel, attraverso il quale giungeva un odore mortale e nauseabondo, l'odore della vecchia terra appena trasformata. 底には暗いトンネルのような通路があり、そこから死のような病的な匂いが漂ってきた。古い土の匂いが新たに変わった. No fundo, havia uma passagem escura, semelhante a um túnel, através da qual vinha um odor mortal e doentio, o odor da terra antiga recém-transformado. Na dne bola tmavá chodba podobná tunelu, cez ktorú sa šíril smrteľný, chorobný zápach, pach starej zeme, ktorá sa nanovo zmenila. As I went through the passage the smell grew closer and heavier. 通路を進むにつれて、匂いが近づいて重くなってきました。 À medida que atravessava a passagem, o cheiro tornava-se mais forte e mais próximo. At last I pulled open a heavy door which stood ajar, and found myself in an old ruined chapel, which had evidently been used as a graveyard. ||||||||||spaltbreit offen|||||||||||||||| |||||||||ficava|entreaberta||||||||||||||||cemitério 最後に、私は半開きの重いドアを引き開け、明らかに墓地として使用されていた古い廃墟の礼拝堂にいることに気づきました。 Por fim, abri uma porta pesada que estava entreaberta e encontrei-me numa velha capela em ruínas, que tinha sido evidentemente utilizada como cemitério. The roof was broken, and in two places were steps leading to vaults, but the ground had recently been dug over, and the earth placed in great wooden boxes, manifestly those which had been brought by the Slovaks. ||||||||||||Gewölbe|||||||umgegraben|||||||||||||||||| 屋根は壊れていて、地下室に通じる階段が 2 か所ありましたが、地面は最近掘り起こされ、土は明らかにスロバキア人が持ってきたものと思われる大きな木製の箱に入れられていました。 O teto estava quebrado, e em dois lugares havia degraus que levavam a abóbadas, mas o chão havia sido escavado recentemente e a terra colocada em grandes caixas de madeira, manifestamente as que haviam sido trazidas pelos eslovacos. Strecha bola rozbitá a na dvoch miestach boli schody vedúce do klenieb, ale nedávno bola zem prekopaná a zemina uložená vo veľkých drevených debnách, zjavne takých, ktoré priniesli Slováci. There was nobody about, and I made a search over every inch of the ground, so as not to lose a chance. 誰もいなかったので、チャンスを逃さないように、地面の隅々まで探しました。 Não havia ninguém por perto e eu procurei em cada centímetro do chão, para não perder a oportunidade.

I went down even into the vaults, where the dim light struggled, although to do so was a dread to my very soul. ||||||||||||||||||Furcht|||| ||||||porões|||a penumbra||||||||||||| Bajé incluso a las bóvedas, donde luchaba la tenue luz, aunque hacerlo me producía pavor en el alma. 薄暗い光がもがく金庫室にさえ降りましたが、そうするのは私の魂にとって恐ろしいことでした。 Desci até os cofres, onde a luz fraca se debatia, embora fazer isso fosse um pavor para minha própria alma. Zišiel som dolu aj do trezorov, kde tlmené svetlo zápasilo, hoci to bolo pre moju dušu hrôzou. Into two of these I went, but saw nothing except fragments of old coffins and piles of dust. |||||||||||||Särge||Haufen|| そのうちの 2 つに行きましたが、古い棺の破片とほこりの山以外には何も見えませんでした。 Entrei em dois deles, mas não vi nada, excepto fragmentos de velhos caixões e montes de pó. In the third, however, I made a discovery. しかし、3番目で、私は発見をしました。 No terceiro, porém, fiz uma descoberta. There, in one of the great boxes, of which there were fifty in all, on a pile of newly dug earth, lay the Count! |||||||||||||||||||ausgehobenen|||| Allí, en una de las grandes cajas, de las que había cincuenta en total, sobre un montón de tierra recién cavada, ¡yacía el conde! そこには、全部で50個あった大きな箱の1つに、新しく掘られた土の山の上に伯爵が横たわっていました! Ali, numa das grandes caixas, que eram cinquenta ao todo, sobre um monte de terra recém cavada, jazia o Conde!

He was either dead or asleep. 彼は死んでいるか、眠っているかのどちらかでした。 Ou estava morto ou a dormir. I could not say which, for eyes were open and stony, but without the glassiness of death, and the cheeks had the warmth of life through all their pallor. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Blässe 目は開いていて石のようでしたが、死のガラスのようなものはなく、頬はその青白さを通して生命の暖かさを持っていたので、私にはどちらが言えませんでした. Não sei dizer qual, porque os olhos estavam abertos e pedregosos, mas sem o brilho da morte, e as faces tinham o calor da vida em toda a sua palidez. The lips were as red as ever. 唇は相変わらず真っ赤。 Os lábios estavam tão vermelhos como sempre. But there was no sign of movement, no pulse, no breath, no beating of the heart. しかし、動き、脈拍、呼吸、心臓の鼓動の兆候はありませんでした。 Mas não havia qualquer sinal de movimento, nem pulso, nem respiração, nem batimento cardíaco.