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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 3 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 8

CHAPTER 3 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 8

What manner of man is this, or what manner of creature, is it in the semblance of man?

I feel the dread of this horrible place overpowering me. I am in fear, in awful fear, and there is no escape for me. I am encompassed about with terrors that I dare not think of. 15 May.--Once more I have seen the count go out in his lizard fashion.

He moved downwards in a sidelong way, some hundred feet down, and a good deal to the left. He vanished into some hole or window. When his head had disappeared, I leaned out to try and see more, but without avail. The distance was too great to allow a proper angle of sight. I knew he had left the castle now, and thought to use the opportunity to explore more than I had dared to do as yet. I went back to the room, and taking a lamp, tried all the doors. They were all locked, as I had expected, and the locks were comparatively new. But I went down the stone stairs to the hall where I had entered originally. I found I could pull back the bolts easily enough and unhook the great chains. But the door was locked, and the key was gone! That key must be in the Count's room. I must watch should his door be unlocked, so that I may get it and escape. I went on to make a thorough examination of the various stairs and passages, and to try the doors that opened from them. One or two small rooms near the hall were open, but there was nothing to see in them except old furniture, dusty with age and moth-eaten. At last, however, I found one door at the top of the stairway which, though it seemed locked, gave a little under pressure. I tried it harder, and found that it was not really locked, but that the resistance came from the fact that the hinges had fallen somewhat, and the heavy door rested on the floor. Here was an opportunity which I might not have again, so I exerted myself, and with many efforts forced it back so that I could enter. I was now in a wing of the castle further to the right than the rooms I knew and a storey lower down. From the windows I could see that the suite of rooms lay along to the south of the castle, the windows of the end room looking out both west and south. On the latter side, as well as to the former, there was a great precipice. The castle was built on the corner of a great rock, so that on three sides it was quite impregnable, and great windows were placed here where sling, or bow, or culverin could not reach, and consequently light and comfort, impossible to a position which had to be guarded, were secured. To the west was a great valley, and then, rising far away, great jagged mountain fastnesses, rising peak on peak, the sheer rock studded with mountain ash and thorn, whose roots clung in cracks and crevices and crannies of the stone. This was evidently the portion of the castle occupied by the ladies in bygone days, for the furniture had more an air of comfort than any I had seen.

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CHAPTER 3 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 8 KAPITEL 3 - Fortsetzung von Jonathan Harkers Tagebuch, Teil 8 CAPÍTULO 3 - Diario de Jonathan Harker Continuación, parte 8 CHAPITRE 3 - Le journal de Jonathan Harker Suite, partie 8 CAPITOLO 3 - Il diario di Jonathan Harker Continua, parte 8 第 3 章 - ジョナサン・ハーカーの日誌の続き、パート 8 ROZDZIAŁ 3 - Ciąg dalszy dziennika Jonathana Harkera, część 8 CAPÍTULO 3 - Continuação do diário de Jonathan Harker, parte 8 BÖLÜM 3 - Jonathan Harker'ın Günlüğü Devam Ediyor, 8. kısım

What manner of man is this, or what manner of creature, is it in the semblance of man? |||||||||||||||Anschein|| これはどのような人間の姿ですか、それともどのような生き物の姿ですか? Que espécie de homem é este, ou que espécie de criatura é esta que se apresenta sob a forma de homem? Đây là cách thức của con người, hay cách thức của sinh vật, nó giống với dáng vẻ của con người? 这是什么样的人?或者,这是什么样的生物,外观像人?

I feel the dread of this horrible place overpowering me. |||Furcht|||||überwältigend| この恐ろしい場所の恐怖が私を圧倒しているのを感じます。 Sinto o pavor deste lugar horrível a dominar-me. I am in fear, in awful fear, and there is no escape for me. 私は恐怖の中にいます、ひどい恐怖の中にいます、そして私には逃げ場がありません。 Estou com medo, com um medo terrível, e não há escapatória para mim. I am encompassed about with terrors that I dare not think of. ||umgeben||||||wagen||| 私は思いもよらない恐怖に取り囲まれています。 Estou rodeado de terrores em que não ouso pensar. Tôi bị bao trùm bởi nỗi kinh hoàng mà tôi không dám nghĩ tới. 15 May.--Once more I have seen the count go out in his lizard fashion. 15 de mayo.--Una vez más he visto al conde salir a su manera de lagarto. 5月15日--もう一度、カウントが彼のトカゲのように消えるのを見ました。 15 de Maio - Mais uma vez vi o conde sair à sua maneira de lagarto.

He moved downwards in a sidelong way, some hundred feet down, and a good deal to the left. |||||sideways|||||||||||| Se desplazó hacia abajo de forma oblicua, unos treinta metros más abajo y bastante a la izquierda. 彼は横向きに下に移動し、数百フィート下に、かなり左に移動しました。 Desceu de lado, a uns cem metros de profundidade e bastante para a esquerda. He vanished into some hole or window. |verschwand||||| 彼はどこかの穴か窓に消えた。 Desapareceu num buraco ou numa janela. When his head had disappeared, I leaned out to try and see more, but without avail. |||||||||||||||ohne Erfolg 彼の頭が消えたとき、私は身を乗り出してもっと見ようとしましたが、無駄でした. Quando a sua cabeça desapareceu, inclinei-me para tentar ver mais, mas sem sucesso. The distance was too great to allow a proper angle of sight. 距離が大きすぎて、適切な視野角を確保できませんでした。 A distância era demasiado grande para permitir um ângulo de visão adequado. I knew he had left the castle now, and thought to use the opportunity to explore more than I had dared to do as yet. 私は彼が城を去ったことを知っていたので、この機会を利用して、私がこれまでに行ったこと以上のことを探索しようと考えました. Eu sabia que ele já tinha saído do castelo e pensei em aproveitar a oportunidade para explorar mais do que eu ainda me tinha atrevido a fazer. I went back to the room, and taking a lamp, tried all the doors. 私は部屋に戻り、ランプを持ってすべてのドアを試しました。 Voltei ao quarto e, pegando num candeeiro, experimentei todas as portas. They were all locked, as I had expected, and the locks were comparatively new. 私が予想したように、それらはすべて施錠されており、錠前は比較的新しいものでした。 Estavam todas fechadas, como eu esperava, e as fechaduras eram relativamente novas. Tất cả chúng đều đã được khóa, như tôi đã dự đoán, và các ổ khóa tương đối mới. But I went down the stone stairs to the hall where I had entered originally. でも石段を下りて、元々入っていた広間へ。 Mas desci as escadas de pedra até ao corredor por onde tinha entrado inicialmente. I found I could pull back the bolts easily enough and unhook the great chains. |||||||Riegel||||aushängen||| |||||||cerrojos||||desenganchar||| ボルトを簡単に引き戻し、大きなチェーンを外すことができることがわかりました。 Descobri que podia puxar os parafusos para trás com bastante facilidade e soltar as grandes correntes. Tôi thấy rằng tôi có thể kéo lại các bu lông đủ dễ dàng và tháo các dây xích lớn. But the door was locked, and the key was gone! しかし、ドアはロックされていて、鍵はなくなっていました! That key must be in the Count’s room. その鍵は伯爵の部屋にあるに違いない。 I must watch should his door be unlocked, so that I may get it and escape. Debo vigilar si se abre su puerta, para poder cogerla y escapar. 彼のドアのロックが解除された場合、私はそれを手に入れて逃げることができるように注意しなければなりません. Tenho de estar atento se a porta dele estiver destrancada, para a poder abrir e fugir. Kapısının kilidinin açılıp açılmamasına dikkat etmeliyim ki onu alıp kaçabileyim. I went on to make a thorough examination of the various stairs and passages, and to try the doors that opened from them. ||||||gründliche|||||||||||||||| Seguí examinando minuciosamente las diversas escaleras y pasadizos, y probé las puertas que se abrían desde ellos. さまざまな階段や通路を徹底的に調査し、そこから開くドアを試してみました。 Passei a examinar minuciosamente as várias escadas e passagens, e a experimentar as portas que se abriam a partir delas. One or two small rooms near the hall were open, but there was nothing to see in them except old furniture, dusty with age and moth-eaten. ホールの近くに一、二室の小さな部屋が開いていたが、そこには古い家具があり、年月のせいでほこりがたまり、虫に食われていたほか、見るものは何もなかった。 Uma ou duas pequenas salas perto do hall estavam abertas, mas não havia nada para ver nelas, excepto mobília velha, empoeirada pela idade e roída pelas traças. At last, however, I found one door at the top of the stairway which, though it seemed locked, gave a little under pressure. しかし、ついに、階段の最上部にドアが 1 つ見つかりました。 Finalmente, encontrei uma porta no cimo da escada que, embora parecesse estar trancada, cedeu um pouco à pressão. Ancak sonunda, merdivenlerin tepesinde kilitli görünmesine rağmen biraz baskı uygulayan bir kapı buldum. I tried it harder, and found that it was not really locked, but that the resistance came from the fact that the hinges had fallen somewhat, and the heavy door rested on the floor. ||||||||||||||||||||||Scharniere||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||dobradiças||||||||||| Lo intenté con más fuerza y descubrí que, en realidad, no estaba cerrada con llave, sino que la resistencia se debía a que las bisagras se habían caído un poco y la pesada puerta descansaba en el suelo. もっと頑張ってみたところ、実際にはロックされていないことがわかりましたが、ヒンジが少し落ちて重いドアが床に置かれたという事実から抵抗が生じていることがわかりました. Tentei com mais força e descobri que não estava realmente trancada, mas que a resistência provinha do facto de as dobradiças terem caído um pouco e a pesada porta estar apoiada no chão. 我更加用力地尝试,却发现门并没有真正锁上,而是由于铰链有些掉落,而且沉重的门搁在地板上,所以才造成了阻力。 Here was an opportunity which I might not have again, so I exerted myself, and with many efforts forced it back so that I could enter. ||||||||||||mich anstrengte|||||Anstrengungen|||||||| ||||||||||||me esforcé||||||||||||| これは二度とないかもしれない機会だったので、私は力を尽くし、多くの努力でそれを押し戻して、私が入ることができるようにしました. Esta era uma oportunidade que talvez não voltasse a ter, por isso esforcei-me e, com muitos esforços, forcei-o a recuar para poder entrar. I was now in a wing of the castle further to the right than the rooms I knew and a storey lower down. ||||||||||||||||||||Stockwerk|| ||||||||||||||||||||andar|| 私は今、私が知っていた部屋よりもさらに右側の城のウィングにいて、階下にいました。 Estava agora numa ala do castelo mais à direita do que as salas que conhecia e um andar mais abaixo. From the windows I could see that the suite of rooms lay along to the south of the castle, the windows of the end room looking out both west and south. Desde las ventanas pude ver que el conjunto de habitaciones se extendía al sur del castillo, y que las ventanas de la última habitación daban tanto al oeste como al sur. 窓からは、一連の部屋が城の南に沿って並んでいるのが見え、端の部屋の窓は西と南の両方を見渡していました。 Pelas janelas, pude ver que o conjunto de quartos se estendia a sul do castelo e que as janelas do último quarto davam para oeste e para sul. On the latter side, as well as to the former, there was a great precipice. ||||||||||||||Abgrund 前者だけでなく、後者の側にも大きな絶壁がありました。 Deste último lado, tal como do primeiro, havia um grande precipício. The castle was built on the corner of a great rock, so that on three sides it was quite impregnable, and great windows were placed here where sling, or bow, or culverin could not reach, and consequently light and comfort, impossible to a position which had to be guarded, were secured. |||||||||||||||||||uneinnehmbar||||||||Schleuder||||Schlangebüchse||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Early cannon||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||arco||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||honda||||||||||||||||||||||| 城は大きな岩の角に建てられていたので、三方は完全に難攻不落でした。ここには大きな窓があり、ここにはスリング、弓、カルバリンが届かない場所に配置されていました。守らなければならなかったものは確保されました。 O castelo foi construído na esquina de um grande rochedo, de modo que em três lados era completamente inexpugnável, e grandes janelas foram colocadas aqui onde a funda, o arco ou o culverin não podiam alcançar, e consequentemente a luz e o conforto, impossíveis para uma posição que tinha de ser guardada, foram assegurados. Lâu đài được xây dựng trên một góc của một tảng đá lớn, vì vậy ở ba mặt, nó khá bất khả xâm phạm, và những cửa sổ lớn được đặt ở đây nơi mà dây treo, hoặc cây cung, hoặc cây gậy không thể chạm tới, và do đó, ánh sáng và sự thoải mái, không thể đến được một vị trí. mà phải được bảo vệ, được bảo đảm. To the west was a great valley, and then, rising far away, great jagged mountain fastnesses, rising peak on peak, the sheer rock studded with mountain ash and thorn, whose roots clung in cracks and crevices and crannies of the stone. |||||||||||||zerklüftet||Bergfestungen||||||||übersät mit|||||Dornstrauch|||klammerten sich fest||Ritzen||Ritzen||Ritzen||| |||||||||||||||fortified strongholds||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||tachonado de|||fresno de montaña|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||fortalezas montan||||||||||||||||||||||||| Hacia el oeste se extendía un gran valle y, a lo lejos, se alzaban grandes macizos montañosos escarpados, pico sobre pico, la roca escarpada salpicada de fresnos de montaña y espinos, cuyas raíces se aferraban a las grietas y hendiduras de la piedra. 西には大きな谷があり、それから遠くにそびえ立ち、大きなギザギザの山の堅固さ、頂上から頂上への隆起、山の灰ととげがちりばめられた切り立った岩、その根が石の割れ目と裂け目と割れ目にくっついていました。 A oeste, havia um grande vale e, depois, ao longe, grandes montanhas escarpadas, que se erguiam de pico em pico, a rocha escarpada cravejada de cinzas e espinhos, cujas raízes se agarravam às fendas e fissuras da pedra. Về phía tây là một thung lũng lớn, và sau đó, cao dần xa, núi lởm chởm, đỉnh cao nhô lên trên đỉnh, đá tuyệt đối bám đầy tro núi và gai, rễ bám vào các vết nứt và kẽ hở của đá. This was evidently the portion of the castle occupied by the ladies in bygone days, for the furniture had more an air of comfort than any I had seen. |||||||||||||vergangenen||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||passadas||||||||||||||| Evidentemente, ésta era la parte del castillo ocupada por las damas en tiempos pasados, pues el mobiliario tenía un aire más confortable que ninguno de los que yo había visto. これは明らかに昔の女性が住んでいた城の一部でした.家具は私が見た中でより快適な空気を持っていたからです. Esta era evidentemente a parte do castelo ocupada pelas senhoras em tempos idos, pois a mobília tinha um ar mais confortável do que qualquer outra que eu tivesse visto. Đây rõ ràng là phần của lâu đài do các quý bà chiếm giữ trong những ngày đã qua, vì đồ đạc trong nhà có không khí thoải mái hơn bất kỳ thứ gì tôi từng thấy.