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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 3 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 6

CHAPTER 3 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 6

What could I do but bow acceptance?

It was Mr. Hawkins' interest, not mine, and I had to think of him, not myself, and besides, while Count Dracula was speaking, there was that in his eyes and in his bearing which made me remember that I was a prisoner, and that if I wished it I could have no choice. The Count saw his victory in my bow, and his mastery in the trouble of my face, for he began at once to use them, but in his own smooth, resistless way. "I pray you, my good young friend, that you will not discourse of things other than business in your letters.

It will doubtless please your friends to know that you are well, and that you look forward to getting home to them. Is it not so? " As he spoke he handed me three sheets of note paper and three envelopes. They were all of the thinnest foreign post, and looking at them, then at him, and noticing his quiet smile, with the sharp, canine teeth lying over the red underlip, I understood as well as if he had spoken that I should be more careful what I wrote, for he would be able to read it. So I determined to write only formal notes now, but to write fully to Mr. Hawkins in secret, and also to Mina, for to her I could write shorthand, which would puzzle the Count, if he did see it. When I had written my two letters I sat quiet, reading a book whilst the Count wrote several notes, referring as he wrote them to some books on his table. Then he took up my two and placed them with his own, and put by his writing materials, after which, the instant the door had closed behind him, I leaned over and looked at the letters, which were face down on the table. I felt no compunction in doing so for under the circumstances I felt that I should protect myself in every way I could. One of the letters was directed to Samuel F. Billington, No.

7, The Crescent, Whitby, another to Herr Leutner, Varna. The third was to Coutts & Co., London, and the fourth to Herren Klopstock & Billreuth, bankers, Buda Pesth. The second and fourth were unsealed. I was just about to look at them when I saw the door handle move. I sank back in my seat, having just had time to resume my book before the Count, holding still another letter in his hand, entered the room. He took up the letters on the table and stamped them carefully, and then turning to me, said, "I trust you will forgive me, but I have much work to do in private this evening.

You will, I hope, find all things as you wish. " At the door he turned, and after a moment's pause said, "Let me advise you, my dear young friend. Nay, let me warn you with all seriousness, that should you leave these rooms you will not by any chance go to sleep in any other part of the castle. It is old, and has many memories, and there are bad dreams for those who sleep unwisely. Be warned! Should sleep now or ever overcome you, or be like to do, then haste to your own chamber or to these rooms, for your rest will then be safe. But if you be not careful in this respect, then," He finished his speech in a gruesome way, for he motioned with his hands as if he were washing them. I quite understood. My only doubt was as to whether any dream could be more terrible than the unnatural, horrible net of gloom and mystery which seemed closing around me.

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CHAPTER 3 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 6 KAPITEL 3 - Fortsetzung von Jonathan Harkers Tagebuch, Teil 6 CAPÍTULO 3 - Diario de Jonathan Harker Continuación, parte 6 CHAPITRE 3 - Suite du journal de Jonathan Harker, partie 6 CAPITOLO 3 - Il diario di Jonathan Harker Continua, parte 6 第 3 章 - ジョナサン・ハーカーの日誌の続き、パート 6 ROZDZIAŁ 3 - Ciąg dalszy dziennika Jonathana Harkera, część 6 CAPÍTULO 3 - Continuação do diário de Jonathan Harker, parte 6 ГЛАВА 3 - Продолжение дневника Джонатана Харкера, часть 6 BÖLÜM 3 - Jonathan Harker'ın Günlüğünün Devamı, 6. kısım 第 3 章 - 《乔纳森-哈克日志》续篇,第 6 部分

What could I do but bow acceptance? |||||sich verbeugen|der Akzeptanz ||||||agreeing to it ¿Qué podía hacer sino inclinarme ante la aceptación? 受け入れを辞退する以外に何ができますか? O que é que eu podia fazer senão aceitar?

It was Mr. Hawkins' interest, not mine, and I had to think of him, not myself, and besides, while Count Dracula was speaking, there was that in his eyes and in his bearing which made me remember that I was a prisoner, and that if I wished it I could have no choice. それはホーキンス氏の興味であり、私のものではなく、私は彼のことを考えなければなりませんでした。 、そして私がそれを望むなら、私は選択の余地がありませんでした。 Era o interesse do Sr. Hawkins, não o meu, e eu tinha de pensar nele, não em mim, e, além disso, enquanto o Conde Drácula falava, havia aquilo nos seus olhos e na sua atitude que me fazia lembrar que eu era um prisioneiro e que, se o desejasse, não podia ter escolha. The Count saw his victory in my bow, and his mastery in the trouble of my face, for he began at once to use them, but in his own smooth, resistless way. ||||||||||Beherrschung||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||act of submission|||||||||||||||||||||||| El conde vio su victoria en mi arco, y su dominio en la molestia de mi rostro, pues comenzó en seguida a usarlos, pero a su manera suave y sin resistencia. 伯爵は私の弓で彼の勝利を、私の顔のトラブルで彼の熟練を見ました。 Hrabia ujrzał swoje zwycięstwo w moim łuku i swoje mistrzostwo w kłopotach z moją twarzą, bo od razu zaczął ich używać, ale na swój własny, gładki, nieodparty sposób. O conde viu sua vitória no meu arco e sua maestria no problema do meu rosto, pois começou a usá-los imediatamente, mas à sua maneira suave e sem resistência. "I pray you, my good young friend, that you will not discourse of things other than business in your letters. |||||||||||sprechen über|über||||||| "Te ruego, mi buen y joven amigo, que no hables de cosas que no sean de negocios en tus cartas. 「私の良き友よ、あなたが手紙の中でビジネス以外のことを語らないことを祈ります。 "Peço-te, meu bom jovem amigo, que não fales de outras coisas que não sejam negócios nas tuas cartas.

It will doubtless please your friends to know that you are well, and that you look forward to getting home to them. Farà sicuramente piacere ai suoi amici sapere che sta bene e che non vede l'ora di tornare a casa da loro. あなたが元気で、家に帰るのを楽しみにしていることを知って、あなたの友人を喜ばせることは間違いありません. Os seus amigos ficarão sem dúvida satisfeitos por saberem que está bem e que está desejoso de voltar para casa. Hiç şüphesiz arkadaşlarınızı iyi olduğunuzu ve onlara evinize dönmeyi dört gözle beklediğinizi bilmek memnun edecektir. Is it not so? Non è così? そうではありませんか? Não é assim? "  As he spoke he handed me three sheets of note paper and three envelopes. |||||||||||||Umschläge 」 彼が話していると、彼は私に 3 枚の便箋と 3 つの封筒を手渡した。 " Enquanto falava, entregou-me três folhas de papel de carta e três envelopes. They were all of the thinnest foreign post, and looking at them, then at him, and noticing his quiet smile, with the sharp, canine teeth lying over the red underlip, I understood as well as if he had spoken that I should be more careful what I wrote, for he would be able to read it. |||||||||||||||||||||||Hundezähne|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| それらはすべて最も細い外国のポストであり、それらを見て、次に彼を見て、鋭い犬歯が赤い下唇の上に横たわっている彼の静かな笑顔に気づき、私は彼が私がもっとあるべきだと言ったかのように理解しました私が書いたものに注意してください。 Eram todas do mais fino tipo de correio estrangeiro, e olhando para elas, depois para ele, e reparando no seu sorriso tranquilo, com os dentes afiados e caninos sobre o lábio inferior vermelho, compreendi tão bem como se ele tivesse falado que eu devia ter mais cuidado com o que escrevia, pois ele seria capaz de o ler. Họ đều là những bài ngoại mỏng nhất, và nhìn họ, rồi nhìn anh ấy, và nhận thấy nụ cười trầm lặng của anh ấy, với những chiếc răng nanh sắc nhọn nằm trên lớp lông tơ màu đỏ, tôi cũng hiểu như thể anh ấy đã nói rằng tôi nên hơn cẩn thận những gì tôi đã viết, vì anh ấy sẽ có thể đọc nó. So I determined to write only formal notes now, but to write fully to Mr. Hawkins in secret, and also to Mina, for to her I could write shorthand, which would puzzle the Count, if he did see it. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Kurzschrift|||||||||| そこで、私は今は正式なメモだけを書くことに決めましたが、ホーキンス氏には秘密裏にすべてを書き、ミナにも書き留めることにしました。 Por isso, decidi escrever agora apenas notas formais, mas escrever completamente ao Sr. Hawkins em segredo, e também à Mina, pois para ela podia escrever estenografia, o que deixaria o Conde perplexo, se o visse. When I had written my two letters I sat quiet, reading a book whilst the Count wrote several notes, referring as he wrote them to some books on his table. 私が二通の手紙を書いたとき、私は静かに座って本を読んでいましたが、伯爵はテーブルの上のいくつかの本に書いたように、いくつかのメモを書きました。 Depois de ter escrito as minhas duas cartas, sentei-me em silêncio, a ler um livro, enquanto o Conde escrevia várias notas, referindo-se, à medida que as escrevia, a alguns livros que estavam na sua mesa. Then he took up my two and placed them with his own, and put by his writing materials, after which, the instant the door had closed behind him, I leaned over and looked at the letters, which were face down on the table. それから彼は私の 2 通を取り上げて自分のものと一緒に置き、筆記用具のそばに置いた後、彼の後ろでドアが閉まった瞬間、私は身を乗り出して、テーブルの上に下向きに置かれた文字を見ました。 Depois pegou nas minhas duas cartas, juntou-as às suas e colocou-as ao lado do seu material de escrita. No momento em que a porta se fechou atrás dele, inclinei-me e olhei para as cartas, que estavam viradas para baixo sobre a mesa. Sonra ikisini aldı ve kendisininkiyle yerleştirdi ve yazı malzemelerinin yanına koydu, ardından kapı arkasından kapanır kapanmaz eğilip masanın üzerindeki harflere baktım. Sau đó, anh ấy cầm lấy hai cái của tôi và đặt chúng bằng chính anh ấy, và đặt tài liệu viết của anh ấy, sau đó, ngay lập tức cánh cửa đóng lại sau lưng anh ấy, tôi nghiêng người và nhìn vào những bức thư đang úp trên bàn. I felt no compunction in doing so for under the circumstances I felt that I should protect myself in every way I could. |||Gewissensbisse||||||||||||||||||| |||guilt or regret||||||||||||||||||| このような状況下では、できる限りの方法で自分を守らなければならないと感じていたので、そうすることに何の良心の呵責も感じませんでした。 Não senti qualquer remorso ao fazê-lo, pois, dadas as circunstâncias, senti que devia proteger-me de todas as formas possíveis. Tôi không cảm thấy bị bắt buộc khi làm như vậy vì trong những hoàn cảnh, tôi cảm thấy rằng tôi nên bảo vệ bản thân bằng mọi cách có thể. One of the letters was directed to Samuel F. Billington, No. 手紙の 1 つはサミュエル F. ビリントン宛てでした。 Uma das cartas era dirigida a Samuel F. Billington, nº.

7, The Crescent, Whitby, another to Herr Leutner, Varna. 7, The Crescent, Whitby, もう 1 つは Herr Leutner, Varna. 7, The Crescent, Whitby, outro para Herr Leutner, Varna. The third was to Coutts & Co., London, and the fourth to Herren Klopstock & Billreuth, bankers, Buda Pesth. 3 番目は Coutts & Co.、ロンドン、4 番目は Herren Klopstock & Billreuth、銀行家、Buda Pesth でした。 O terceiro foi para Coutts & Co., Londres, e o quarto para Herren Klopstock & Billreuth, banqueiros, Buda Pesth. The second and fourth were unsealed. |||||nicht versiegelt 2枚目と4枚目は開封済み。 O segundo e o quarto foram desbloqueados. I was just about to look at them when I saw the door handle move. ドアハンドルが動くのを見たとき、私はちょうどそれらを見ようとしていました. Estava prestes a olhar para elas quando vi o puxador da porta mexer-se. I sank back in my seat, having just had time to resume my book before the Count, holding still another letter in his hand, entered the room. 伯爵が別の手紙を手に持って部屋に入ってくる前に、本を再開する時間があったので、私は自分の席に腰を下ろしました。 Voltei a sentar-me na minha cadeira e só tive tempo de retomar o meu livro quando o Conde, com mais uma carta na mão, entrou na sala. He took up the letters on the table and stamped them carefully, and then turning to me, said, |||||||||abgestempelt|||||||| 彼はテーブルの上の文字を取り上げ、注意深くスタンプを押すと、私の方を向いてこう言いました。 Pegou nas cartas que estavam em cima da mesa, carimbou-as cuidadosamente e, voltando-se para mim, disse Masanın üzerindeki harfleri alıp dikkatlice damgaladı ve sonra bana dönerek şöyle dedi: "I trust you will forgive me, but I have much work to do in private this evening. 「許していただけると信じていますが、今夜はプライベートでやるべきことがたくさんあります。 "Espero que me perdoe, mas tenho muito trabalho para fazer em privado esta noite.

You will, I hope, find all things as you wish. あなたが望むように、すべてのものを見つけることを願っています。 Espero que encontreis tudo como desejais. "  At the door he turned, and after a moment’s pause said, "Let me advise you, my dear young friend. 」 彼はドアのところで振り返り、少し間を置いて言った、「忠告させてください、私の親愛なる若い友よ。 " À porta, virou-se e, após uma pausa, disse: "Deixa-me aconselhar-te, meu caro jovem amigo. "Kapıya döndü ve bir an durakladıktan sonra," Sana tavsiyede bulunayım, sevgili genç arkadaşım. Nay, let me warn you with all seriousness, that should you leave these rooms you will not by any chance go to sleep in any other part of the castle. |||||||Ernsthaftigkeit|||||||||||||||||||||| No, permíteme advertirte con toda seriedad que, si abandonas estas habitaciones, no irás por casualidad a dormir a ninguna otra parte del castillo. いや、真面目に警告しておきますが、これらの部屋を出たら、城の他の場所で眠りにつくことは決してありません。 Não, deixem-me avisar-vos com toda a seriedade que, se saírem destes quartos, não irão de modo algum dormir em qualquer outra parte do castelo. Hayır, sizi tüm ciddiyetle uyarmama izin verin, bu odalardan çıkarsanız, kalenin başka bir yerinde hiç uyumayacaksın. Không, hãy để tôi cảnh báo bạn với tất cả sự nghiêm túc, rằng nếu bạn rời khỏi những căn phòng này, bạn sẽ không có bất kỳ cơ hội nào để ngủ ở bất kỳ phần nào khác của lâu đài. It is old, and has many memories, and there are bad dreams for those who sleep unwisely. ||||||||||||||||unüberlegt それは古く、多くの思い出があり、愚かに眠る人には悪い夢があります. É velho e tem muitas recordações, e há sonhos maus para quem dorme mal. Be warned! 注意してください! Atenção! Should sleep now or ever overcome you, or be like to do, then haste to your own chamber or to these rooms, for your rest will then be safe. |||||||||||||pressa||||||||||||||| Se ora o mai il sonno dovesse sopraffarvi, o fosse in procinto di farlo, affrettatevi a raggiungere la vostra camera o queste stanze, perché allora il vostro riposo sarà sicuro. 今眠るか、あなたを打ち負かすか、そうするような場合は、急いで自分の部屋またはこれらの部屋に行きましょう。 Deveria dormir agora ou sempre vencê-lo, ou ser como fazer, depois se apresse para sua própria câmara ou para esses aposentos, pois seu descanso estará seguro. Có nên ngủ ngay bây giờ hoặc bao giờ vượt qua bạn, hoặc muốn làm, sau đó chạy nhanh vào buồng riêng của bạn hoặc các phòng này, để phần còn lại của bạn sẽ được an toàn. 如果您现在想睡觉,或者有其他想法想做,请赶紧回到您自己的房间或者这些房间,这样您的休息就会安全。 But if you be not careful in this respect, then," He finished his speech in a gruesome way, for he motioned with his hands as if he were washing them. ||||||||||||||||grässlich||||bewegte||||||||| ||||||||||||||||de forma horrível||||||||||||| しかし、この点に気をつけなければ」彼は手で手を洗うかのように身振りをしたため、身の毛もよだつように演説を終えた。 Mas se não tiveres cuidado com isso, então," terminou o seu discurso de uma forma horrível, pois fez um movimento com as mãos como se as estivesse a lavar. I quite understood. よくわかりました。 Eu entendi bastante. My only doubt was as to whether any dream could be more terrible than the unnatural, horrible net of gloom and mystery which seemed closing around me. |||||||||||||||||||Dunkelheit||||||| 私の唯一の疑いは、私の周りに閉じこめられているように見える不自然で恐ろしい陰気と謎の網よりも恐ろしい夢があるかどうかということでした. Minha única dúvida era se algum sonho poderia ser mais terrível do que a rede não natural e horrível de melancolia e mistério que parecia se fechar à minha volta. Nghi ngờ duy nhất của tôi là liệu giấc mơ nào có thể khủng khiếp hơn cái lưới u ám và bí ẩn phi tự nhiên, khủng khiếp dường như đang khép lại xung quanh tôi.