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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 27 - Mina Harker's Journal, part 5

CHAPTER 27 - Mina Harker's Journal, part 5

All was in dead, grim silence only that the horses whinnied and cowered, as if in terror of the worst. I began to fear, horrible fears. But then came to me the sense of safety in that ring wherein I stood. I began too, to think that my imaginings were of the night, and the gloom, and the unrest that I have gone through, and all the terrible anxiety. It was as though my memories of all Jonathan's horrid experience were befooling me. For the snow flakes and the mist began to wheel and circle round, till I could get as though a shadowy glimpse of those women that would have kissed him. And then the horses cowered lower and lower, and moaned in terror as men do in pain. Even the madness of fright was not to them, so that they could break away. I feared for my dear Madam Mina when these weird figures drew near and circled round. I looked at her, but she sat calm, and smiled at me. When I would have stepped to the fire to replenish it, she caught me and held me back, and whispered, like a voice that one hears in a dream, so low it was.

"No! No! Do not go without. Here you are safe!" I turned to her, and looking in her eyes said, "But you? It is for you that I fear!" Whereat she laughed, a laugh low and unreal, and said, "Fear for me! Why fear for me? None safer in all the world from them than I am," and as I wondered at the meaning of her words, a puff of wind made the flame leap up, and I see the red scar on her forehead. Then, alas! I knew. Did I not, I would soon have learned, for the wheeling figures of mist and snow came closer, but keeping ever without the Holy circle. Then they began to materialize till, if God have not taken away my reason, for I saw it through my eyes. There were before me in actual flesh the same three women that Jonathan saw in the room, when they would have kissed his throat. I knew the swaying round forms, the bright hard eyes, the white teeth, the ruddy colour, the voluptuous lips. They smiled ever at poor dear Madam Mina. And as their laugh came through the silence of the night, they twined their arms and pointed to her, and said in those so sweet tingling tones that Jonathan said were of the intolerable sweetness of the water glasses, "Come, sister. Come to us.

Come!" In fear I turned to my poor Madam Mina, and my heart with gladness leapt like flame. For oh! the terror in her sweet eyes, the repulsion, the horror, told a story to my heart that was all of hope. God be thanked she was not, yet, of them. I seized some of the firewood which was by me, and holding out some of the Wafer, advanced on them towards the fire. They drew back before me, and laughed their low horrid laugh. I fed the fire, and feared them not. For I knew that we were safe within the ring, which she could not leave no more than they could enter. The horses had ceased to moan, and lay still on the ground. The snow fell on them softly, and they grew whiter. I knew that there was for the poor beasts no more of terror.

And so we remained till the red of the dawn began to fall through the snow gloom. I was desolate and afraid, and full of woe and terror. But when that beautiful sun began to climb the horizon life was to me again. At the first coming of the dawn the horrid figures melted in the whirling mist and snow. The wreaths of transparent gloom moved away towards the castle, and were lost.

Instinctively, with the dawn coming, I turned to Madam Mina, intending to hypnotize her. But she lay in a deep and sudden sleep, from which I could not wake her. I tried to hypnotize through her sleep, but she made no response, none at all, and the day broke. I fear yet to stir. I have made my fire and have seen the horses, they are all dead. Today I have much to do here, and I keep waiting till the sun is up high. For there may be places where I must go, where that sunlight, though snow and mist obscure it, will be to me a safety.

I will strengthen me with breakfast, and then I will do my terrible work. Madam Mina still sleeps, and God be thanked! She is calm in her sleep .

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CHAPTER 27 - Mina Harker's Journal, part 5 CAPITOLO 27 - Diario di Mina Harker, parte 5 27장 - 미나 하커의 일기, 5부 ГЛАВА 27 - Дневник Мины Харкер, часть 5 РОЗДІЛ 27 - Щоденник Міни Харкер, частина 5

All was in dead, grim silence only that the horses whinnied and cowered, as if in terror of the worst. ||||||||||neighed nervously||shrank in fear||||||| ||||sombrío||||||relincharon||se acobardaron||||||| Tudo estava num silêncio mortal e sombrio, apenas os cavalos relinchavam e se encolhiam, como que aterrorizados pelo pior. I began to fear, horrible fears. Comecei a ter medos, medos horríveis. But then came to me the sense of safety in that ring wherein I stood. ||||||||||||en el cual|| Mas depois veio-me a sensação de segurança no ringue onde eu estava. I began too, to think that my imaginings were of the night, and the gloom, and the unrest that I have gone through, and all the terrible anxiety. |||||||imaginaciones|||||||oscuridad|||inquietud|||||||||| Comecei também a pensar que as minhas imaginações eram sobre a noite, a escuridão, a agitação por que passei e toda a terrível ansiedade. It was as though my memories of all Jonathan's horrid experience were befooling me. ||||||||||||verwirren| ||||||||||||deceiving or tricking| ||||||||||||engañando| Era como se as minhas memórias de toda a experiência horrível de Jonathan me estivessem a enganar. For the snow flakes and the mist began to wheel and circle round, till I could get as though a shadowy glimpse of those women that would have kissed him. ||||||neblina||||||||||||||sombrío||||||||| Porque os flocos de neve e a névoa começaram a girar e a rodear, até que consegui vislumbrar, como se fosse uma sombra, aquelas mulheres que o teriam beijado. And then the horses cowered lower and lower, and moaned in terror as men do in pain. ||||se acobardaron|||||gimieron||||||| E então os cavalos encolheram-se cada vez mais, e gemeram de terror como os homens fazem quando sentem dor. Even the madness of fright was not to them, so that they could break away. Nem mesmo a loucura do susto lhes era estranha, para que se pudessem libertar. I feared for my dear Madam Mina when these weird figures drew near and circled round. Temi pela minha querida Madame Mina quando aqueles vultos estranhos se aproximaram e circularam. I looked at her, but she sat calm, and smiled at me. Olhei para ela, mas ela ficou calma e sorriu-me. When I would have stepped to the fire to replenish it, she caught me and held me back, and whispered, like a voice that one hears in a dream, so low it was. |||||||||reavivar||||||||||||||||||||||| Quando eu ia aproximar-me do fogo para o reabastecer, ela agarrou-me e segurou-me, e sussurrou, como uma voz que se ouve num sonho, tão baixinho que era.

"No! "Não! No! Não! Do not go without. Não passar sem. Here you are safe!" Aqui estão a salvo! I turned to her, and looking in her eyes said, "But you? ||||||||gaze||| Virei-me para ela e, olhando-a nos olhos, disse-lhe: "Mas tu? It is for you that I fear!" É por vós que eu temo! Whereat she laughed, a laugh low and unreal, and said, "Fear for me! at which point|||||||||||| Ante lo cual|||||||||||| E ela riu-se, um riso baixo e irreal, e disse: "Temei por mim! Why fear for me? Porquê temer por mim? None safer in all the world from them than I am," and as I wondered at the meaning of her words, a puff of wind made the flame leap up, and I see the red scar on her forehead. ||||||||||||||||||||||ráfaga de viento||||||saltar|||||||||| Ninguém no mundo está mais seguro deles do que eu", e enquanto eu me interrogava sobre o significado das suas palavras, uma lufada de vento fez saltar a chama e eu vi a cicatriz vermelha na sua testa. Then, alas! Depois, infelizmente! I knew. Eu sabia. Did I not, I would soon have learned, for the wheeling figures of mist and snow came closer, but keeping ever without the Holy circle. ||||||||||girando|||niebla y nieve||||||||||| Se não o tivesse feito, não tardaria a saber, pois os vultos ondulantes de neblina e neve aproximavam-se, mas mantendo-se sempre fora do círculo sagrado. Then they began to materialize till, if God have not taken away my reason, for I saw it through my eyes. ||||materializarse||||||||||||vi|||| Depois, começaram a materializar-se até que, se Deus não me tirou a razão, porque eu vi com os meus olhos. There were before me in actual flesh the same three women that Jonathan saw in the room, when they would have kissed his throat. |||||||||||||vio|||||||||| Estavam diante de mim, em carne e osso, as mesmas três mulheres que Jonathan viu no quarto, quando lhe beijaram a garganta. I knew the swaying round forms, the bright hard eyes, the white teeth, the ruddy colour, the voluptuous lips. |||schwingenden||||||||||||||| |||gently moving|||||||||||reddish hue|||sensual, curvaceous| |||balanceo|||||||||||rojizo|||voluptuosos| Conhecia as formas arredondadas, os olhos brilhantes e duros, os dentes brancos, a cor avermelhada, os lábios voluptuosos. They smiled ever at poor dear Madam Mina. Sorriem sempre para a pobre e querida Madame Mina. And as their laugh came through the silence of the night, they twined their arms and pointed to her, and said in those so sweet tingling tones that Jonathan said were of the intolerable sweetness of the water glasses, "Come, sister. ||||||||||||verflochten|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||intertwined|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||entrecruzaron||||señalaron a ella|||||||||hormigueo dulce||||||||Insoportable||||||| E quando o seu riso atravessou o silêncio da noite, entrelaçaram os braços e apontaram para ela, e disseram naqueles tons tão doces que Jonathan disse serem da doçura intolerável dos copos de água: "Vem, irmã. Come to us. Venha até nós.

Come!" Vem!" In fear I turned to my poor Madam Mina, and my heart with gladness leapt like flame. ||||||||||||||sprang|| ||||||||||||||saltó de alegría|| Com medo, voltei-me para a minha pobre Madame Mina, e o meu coração saltou de alegria como uma chama. For oh! Porque oh! the terror in her sweet eyes, the repulsion, the horror, told a story to my heart that was all of hope. |||||||repulsión||||||||||||| o terror nos seus olhos doces, a repulsa, o horror, contaram uma história ao meu coração que era toda de esperança. God be thanked she was not, yet, of them. Deus seja louvado por ela não ser, ainda, um deles. I seized some of the firewood which was by me, and holding out some of the Wafer, advanced on them towards the fire. |||||leña|||||||||||Oblea|||||| Peguei em alguma lenha que estava ao meu lado e, segurando um pouco da hóstia, avancei sobre eles em direção ao fogo. They drew back before me, and laughed their low horrid laugh. Recuaram perante mim e riram-se com o seu riso baixo e horrendo. I fed the fire, and feared them not. Alimentei o fogo e não os temi. For I knew that we were safe within the ring, which she could not leave no more than they could enter. Pois eu sabia que estávamos seguros dentro do anel, do qual ela não podia sair, tal como eles não podiam entrar. The horses had ceased to moan, and lay still on the ground. |||||stöhnen|||||| |||||gemir|||||| Os cavalos tinham deixado de gemer e estavam imóveis no chão. The snow fell on them softly, and they grew whiter. A neve caía-lhes suavemente em cima, e eles tornavam-se mais brancos. I knew that there was for the poor beasts no more of terror. Eu sabia que não havia mais terror para os pobres animais.

And so we remained till the red of the dawn began to fall through the snow gloom. |||||||||amanecer|||||||oscuridad nevada E assim ficámos até que o vermelho da aurora começou a cair por entre a escuridão da neve. I was desolate and afraid, and full of woe and terror. ||lonely||||||sorrow and distress|| ||||||||aflicción|| Eu estava desolado e com medo, e cheio de tristeza e terror. But when that beautiful sun began to climb the horizon life was to me again. Mas quando aquele lindo sol começou a subir no horizonte, a vida voltou a ser para mim. At the first coming of the dawn the horrid figures melted in the whirling mist and snow. ||||||al amanecer||||||||niebla giratoria|| Ao raiar da aurora, as figuras horrendas derreteram-se na névoa e na neve. The wreaths of transparent gloom moved away towards the castle, and were lost. the specific|shadows||||||||||| |coronas de tristeza|||penumbra transparente|||||||| As grinaldas de sombras transparentes afastaram-se em direção ao castelo e perderam-se.

Instinctively, with the dawn coming, I turned to Madam Mina, intending to hypnotize her. |||||||||Mina|||| |||el amanecer|||||||||| Instintivamente, com a chegada da madrugada, virei-me para Madame Mina, com a intenção de a hipnotizar. But she lay in a deep and sudden sleep, from which I could not wake her. ||||||||||||||despertar| Mas ela estava deitada num sono profundo e repentino, do qual eu não a conseguia acordar. I tried to hypnotize through her sleep, but she made no response, none at all, and the day broke. Tentei hipnotizá-la durante o sono, mas ela não reagiu, não reagiu de todo, e o dia nasceu. I fear yet to stir. Receio ainda ter de me mexer. I have made my fire and have seen the horses, they are all dead. Fiz a minha fogueira e vi os cavalos, estão todos mortos. Today I have much to do here, and I keep waiting till the sun is up high. Hoje tenho muito que fazer aqui, e fico à espera que o sol esteja alto. For there may be places where I must go, where that sunlight, though snow and mist obscure it, will be to me a safety. |||||||||||||||Niebla|||||||| Porque pode haver lugares onde eu deva ir, onde essa luz do sol, embora a neve e a neblina a obscureçam, será para mim uma segurança.

I will strengthen me with breakfast, and then I will do my terrible work. Vou fortalecer-me com o pequeno-almoço e depois farei o meu terrível trabalho. Madam Mina still sleeps, and God be thanked! Madame Mina ainda dorme, e graças a Deus! She is calm in her sleep . Ela está calma durante o sono .