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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 26 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11

CHAPTER 26 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11

"Oh, my friend, it is because I would save Madam Mina from that awful place that I would go. God forbid that I should take her into that place. There is work, wild work, to be done before that place can be purify. Remember that we are in terrible straits. If the Count escape us this time, and he is strong and subtle and cunning, he may choose to sleep him for a century, and then in time our dear one," he took my hand, "would come to him to keep him company, and would be as those others that you, Jonathan, saw. You have told us of their gloating lips. You heard their ribald laugh as they clutched the moving bag that the Count threw to them. You shudder, and well may it be. Forgive me that I make you so much pain, but it is necessary. My friend, is it not a dire need for that which I am giving, possibly my life? If it were that any one went into that place to stay, it is I who would have to go to keep them company." "Do as you will," said Jonathan, with a sob that shook him all over, "we are in the hands of God!" Later.--Oh, it did me good to see the way that these brave men worked. How can women help loving men when they are so earnest, and so true, and so brave! And, too, it made me think of the wonderful power of money! What can it not do when basely used. I felt so thankful that Lord Godalming is rich, and both he and Mr. Morris, who also has plenty of money, are willing to spend it so freely. For if they did not, our little expedition could not start, either so promptly or so well equipped, as it will within another hour. It is not three hours since it was arranged what part each of us was to do. And now Lord Godalming and Jonathan have a lovely steam launch, with steam up ready to start at a moment's notice. Dr. Seward and Mr. Morris have half a dozen good horses, well appointed. We have all the maps and appliances of various kinds that can be had. Professor Van Helsing and I are to leave by the 11:40 train tonight for Veresti, where we are to get a carriage to drive to the Borgo Pass. We are bringing a good deal of ready money, as we are to buy a carriage and horses. We shall drive ourselves, for we have no one whom we can trust in the matter. The Professor knows something of a great many languages, so we shall get on all right. We have all got arms, even for me a large bore revolver. Jonathan would not be happy unless I was armed like the rest. Alas! I cannot carry one arm that the rest do, the scar on my forehead forbids that. Dear Dr. Van Helsing comforts me by telling me that I am fully armed as there may be wolves. The weather is getting colder every hour, and there are snow flurries which come and go as warnings.

Later.--It took all my courage to say goodbye to my darling. We may never meet again. Courage, Mina! The Professor is looking at you keenly. His look is a warning. There must be no tears now, unless it may be that God will let them fall in gladness.

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CHAPTER 26 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11 CAPÍTULO 26 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 11 CAPITOLO 26 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 11 ГЛАВА 26 - Дневник доктора Сьюарда, часть 11 KAPITEL 26 - Dr. Sewards dagbok, del 11

"Oh, my friend, it is because I would save Madam Mina from that awful place that I would go. "Oh, meu amigo, é porque quero salvar a Senhora Mina desse lugar horrível que eu vou. God forbid that I should take her into that place. Deus me livre de a levar para aquele sítio. There is work, wild work, to be done before that place can be purify. Há trabalho, trabalho selvagem, a ser feito antes que esse lugar possa ser purificado. Remember that we are in terrible straits. ||||||grandes apuros Lembrem-se que estamos numa situação muito difícil. If the Count escape us this time, and he is strong and subtle and cunning, he may choose to sleep him for a century, and then in time our dear one," he took my hand, "would come to him to keep him company, and would be as those others that you, Jonathan, saw. ||||||||||||subtil|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||Astuto||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||viste Se o Conde nos escapar desta vez, e se for forte, subtil e astuto, pode optar por adormecê-lo durante um século, e depois, com o tempo, a nossa querida", pegou na minha mão, "viria ter com ele para lhe fazer companhia, e seria como aqueles outros que tu, Jonathan, viste. Eğer Kont bu kez bizden kaçarsa ve güçlü, kurnaz ve kurnazsa, onu bir asır boyunca uyutmayı seçebilir ve sonra sevgili arkadaşımız, zamanla "elimi tuttu" ona arkadaşlık etmek için gelirdi. ve senin Jonathan'ın gördüğü diğerleri gibi olacaktı. You have told us of their gloating lips. ||||||Boastful or smug| ||||||regodeo| Falou-nos dos seus lábios vangloriadores. You heard their ribald laugh as they clutched the moving bag that the Count threw to them. |||vulgar or coarse||||||||||||| |||obsceno||||agarraron||||||||| Ouvimos as suas gargalhadas enquanto agarravam o saco móvel que o Conde lhes atirava. You shudder, and well may it be. |Te estremeces, y bien puede ser.||||| Estremeceis, e ainda bem que assim é. Forgive me that I make you so much pain, but it is necessary. Perdoai-me por vos fazer sofrer tanto, mas é necessário. My friend, is it not a dire need for that which I am giving, possibly my life? ||||||dringend|||||||||| ||||||urgent and serious|||||||||| ||||||urgente|||||||||| Meu amigo, não é uma necessidade extrema aquilo que estou a dar, possivelmente a minha vida? If it were that any one went into that place to stay, it is I who would have to go to keep them company." Se alguém fosse para aquele lugar para ficar, eu é que teria de ir fazer-lhe companhia". "Do as you will," said Jonathan, with a sob that shook him all over, "we are in the hands of God!" "Fazei o que quiserdes", disse Fernão, com um soluço que o abalou todo, "estamos nas mãos de Deus!" Later.--Oh, it did me good to see the way that these brave men worked. Mais tarde... Oh, fez-me bem ver a forma como estes homens corajosos trabalharam. How can women help loving men when they are so earnest, and so true, and so brave! Como é que as mulheres podem deixar de amar os homens quando eles são tão sérios, tão verdadeiros e tão corajosos! And, too, it made me think of the wonderful power of money! E, além disso, fez-me pensar no maravilhoso poder do dinheiro! What can it not do when basely used. ||||||grundlegend| ||||||dishonorably| ||||||vilmente| O que é que ela não pode fazer quando é utilizada de forma básica? I felt so thankful that Lord Godalming is rich, and both he and Mr. Morris, who also has plenty of money, are willing to spend it so freely. Senti-me muito grata pelo facto de Lord Godalming ser rico, e tanto ele como o Sr. Morris, que também tem muito dinheiro, estarem dispostos a gastá-lo tão livremente. For if they did not, our little expedition could not start, either so promptly or so well equipped, as it will within another hour. |||||||||||||so schnell|||||||||| Porque se não o fizessem, a nossa pequena expedição não poderia começar, nem tão prontamente nem tão bem equipada, como começará dentro de uma hora. It is not three hours since it was arranged what part each of us was to do. Ainda não passaram três horas desde que foi combinado o papel que cada um de nós devia desempenhar. And now Lord Godalming and Jonathan have a lovely steam launch, with steam up ready to start at a moment's notice. E agora Lord Godalming e Jonathan têm uma bela lancha a vapor, pronta a arrancar a qualquer momento. Dr. Seward and Mr. Morris have half a dozen good horses, well appointed. ||||||||||||equipados O Dr. Seward e o Sr. Morris têm meia dúzia de bons cavalos, bem equipados. We have all the maps and appliances of various kinds that can be had. ||||||tools and devices||||||| Dispomos de todos os mapas e aparelhos de vários tipos que podem ser adquiridos. Professor Van Helsing and I are to leave by the 11:40 train tonight for Veresti, where we are to get a carriage to drive to the Borgo Pass. |||||||||||||Veresti||||||||||||| |||||||||||||a Romanian town||||||||||||| |||||||||||||Veresti|||||||carruaje|||||| O Professor Van Helsing e eu partiremos esta noite no comboio das 11:40 para Veresti, onde apanharemos uma carruagem para irmos até ao desfiladeiro de Borgo. We are bringing a good deal of ready money, as we are to buy a carriage and horses. |||||||||||||||carruaje|| Trazemos uma boa quantidade de dinheiro pronto, pois temos de comprar uma carruagem e cavalos. We shall drive ourselves, for we have no one whom we can trust in the matter. Nós próprios conduzimos, pois não temos ninguém em quem possamos confiar. The Professor knows something of a great many languages, so we shall get on all right. O Professor sabe alguma coisa de muitas línguas, por isso vamos dar-nos bem. We have all got arms, even for me a large bore revolver. Todos nós temos armas, até eu tenho um revólver de calibre grande. Jonathan would not be happy unless I was armed like the rest. O Jonathan não ficaria feliz se eu não estivesse armado como os outros. Alas! Ai de mim! I cannot carry one arm that the rest do, the scar on my forehead forbids that. Não posso andar com um braço como os outros, a cicatriz que tenho na testa proíbe-o. Dear Dr. Van Helsing comforts me by telling me that I am fully armed as there may be wolves. ||||tröstet|||||||||||||| ||||consuela|||||||||||||| O querido Dr. Van Helsing conforta-me, dizendo-me que estou completamente armado, pois pode haver lobos. The weather is  getting colder every hour, and there are snow flurries which come and go as warnings. |||||||||||Schneeflocken|||||| |||||||||||snow showers|||||| |||||||||||ráfagas de nieve|||||| O tempo está a ficar mais frio a cada hora que passa, e há flocos de neve que vêm e vão como avisos.

Later.--It took all my courage to say goodbye to my darling. Mais tarde. Precisei de toda a minha coragem para me despedir do meu querido. We may never meet again. Talvez nunca mais nos encontremos. Courage, Mina! Coragem, Mina! The Professor is looking at you keenly. O Professor está a olhar para si com atenção. Profesör size hevesle bakıyor. His look is a warning. O seu olhar é um aviso. There must be no tears now, unless it may be that God will let them fall in gladness. |||||||||||||||||alegría Não deve haver lágrimas agora, a não ser que Deus as deixe cair de alegria.