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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 26 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 10

CHAPTER 26 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 10

He was silent awhile, and during his silence Dr. Van Helsing spoke, "Friend Jonathan, this is to you for twice reasons. First, because you are young and brave and can fight, and all energies may be needed at the last. And again that it is your right to destroy him. That, which has wrought such woe to you and yours. Be not afraid for Madam Mina. She will be my care, if I may. I am old. My legs are not so quick to run as once. And I am not used to ride so long or to pursue as need be, or to fight with lethal weapons. But I can be of other service. I can fight in other way. And I can die, if need be, as well as younger men. Now let me say that what I would is this. While you, my Lord Godalming and friend Jonathan go in your so swift little steamboat up the river, and whilst John and Quincey guard the bank where perchance he might be landed, I will take Madam Mina right into the heart of the enemy's country. Whilst the old fox is tied in his box, floating on the running stream whence he cannot escape to land, where he dares not raise the lid of his coffin box lest his Slovak carriers should in fear leave him to perish, we shall go in the track where Jonathan went, from Bistritz over the Borgo, and find our way to the Castle of Dracula. Here, Madam Mina's hypnotic power will surely help, and we shall find our way, all dark and unknown otherwise, after the first sunrise when we are near that fateful place. There is much to be done, and other places to be made sanctify, so that that nest of vipers be obliterated." Here Jonathan interrupted him hotly, "Do you mean to say, Professor Van Helsing, that you would bring Mina, in her sad case and tainted as she is with that devil's illness, right into the jaws of his deathtrap? Not for the world! Not for Heaven or Hell!" He became almost speechless for a minute, and then went on, "Do you know what the place is? Have you seen that awful den of hellish infamy, with the very moonlight alive with grisly shapes, and every speck of dust that whirls in the wind a devouring monster in embryo?

Have you felt the Vampire's lips upon your throat?" Here he turned to me, and as his eyes lit on my forehead he threw up his arms with a cry, "Oh, my God, what have we done to have this terror upon us?" and he sank down on the sofa in a collapse of misery.

The Professor's voice, as he spoke in clear, sweet tones, which seemed to vibrate in the air, calmed us all.

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CHAPTER 26 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 10 CAPÍTULO 26 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 10 CAPITOLO 26 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 10 BÖLÜM 26 - Dr. Seward'ın Günlüğü, 10. kısım РОЗДІЛ 26 - Щоденник доктора Сьюарда, частина 10

He was silent awhile, and during his silence Dr. Van Helsing spoke, "Friend Jonathan, this is to you for twice reasons. Ficou em silêncio durante algum tempo e, durante esse silêncio, o Dr. Van Helsing falou: "Amigo Jonathan, isto é para ti por duas razões. First, because you are young and brave and can fight, and all energies may be needed  at the last. Em primeiro lugar, porque sois jovens e corajosos e sabeis lutar, e todas as energias podem ser necessárias no final. And again that it is your right to destroy him. E, mais uma vez, que tem o direito de o destruir. That, which has wrought such woe to you and yours. |||||Leid|||| |||causado||aflicción|||| Isso, que vos causou tanta desgraça a vós e aos vossos. Be not afraid for Madam Mina. Não tenham medo da Senhora Mina. She will be my care, if I may. Ela ficará ao meu cuidado, se me for permitido. I am old. Eu sou velho. My legs are not so quick to run as once. As minhas pernas já não são tão rápidas a correr como antes. And I am not used to ride so long or to pursue as need be, or to fight with lethal weapons. E eu não estou habituado a cavalgar durante tanto tempo, nem a perseguir quando é necessário, nem a lutar com armas letais. But I can be of other service. Mas posso ser útil de outra forma. I can fight in other way. Posso lutar de outra forma. And I can die, if need be, as  well as younger men. E posso morrer, se for preciso, tal como os homens mais novos. Now let me say that what I would is this. Agora deixem-me dizer que o que eu faria era o seguinte. While you, my Lord Godalming and friend Jonathan go in your so swift little steamboat up the river, and whilst John and Quincey guard the bank where perchance he might be landed, I will take Madam Mina right into the heart of the enemy's country. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||vielleicht||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||possibly||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||barco de vapor|||||||||||||por si acaso||||||||||||||||| Enquanto vós, Lorde Godalming e o amigo Jonathan sobem o rio no vosso veloz barco a vapor, e enquanto John e Quincey guardam a margem onde ele poderá ser desembarcado, eu levarei Madame Mina até ao coração do país inimigo. Whilst the old fox is tied in his box, floating on the running stream whence he cannot escape to land, where he dares not raise the lid of his coffin box lest his Slovak carriers should in fear leave him to perish, we shall go in the track where Jonathan went, from Bistritz over the Borgo, and find our way to the Castle of Dracula. ||||||||||||||de donde|||||||||||||||caja de muerto|||||portadores eslovacos|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Enquanto a velha raposa está amarrada na sua caixa, a flutuar na corrente, de onde não pode escapar para terra, onde não ousa levantar a tampa do seu caixão para que os seus carregadores eslovacos não o deixem morrer de medo, nós vamos seguir o caminho por onde Jonathan passou, de Bistritz ao Borgo, e encontrar o caminho para o Castelo de Drácula. Here, Madam Mina's hypnotic power will surely help, and we shall find our way, all dark and unknown otherwise, after the first sunrise when we are near that fateful place. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||schicksalhaften| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||fatídico| Aqui, o poder hipnótico de Madame Mina irá certamente ajudar, e encontraremos o nosso caminho, todo escuro e desconhecido, depois do primeiro nascer do sol, quando estivermos perto desse lugar fatídico. There is much to be done, and other places to be made sanctify, so that that nest of vipers be obliterated." ||||||||||||||||||Schlange|| ||||||||||||made holy|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Nido de víboras|| Há muito a fazer, e outros lugares a santificar, para que esse ninho de víboras seja destruído." Here Jonathan interrupted him hotly, "Do you mean to say, Professor Van Helsing, that you would bring Mina, in her sad case and tainted as she is with that devil's illness, right into the jaws of his  deathtrap? |||||||||||||||||||||||contaminated|||||||||||||| ||||acaloradamente|||||||||||||||||||contaminada|||||||||||las fauces|||trampa mortal Quer dizer, Professor Van Helsing, que levaria a Mina, no seu triste caso e contaminada como está pela doença do diabo, para as garras da sua armadilha mortal? Not for the world! Não por nada deste mundo! Not for Heaven or Hell!" Nem para o céu nem para o inferno! He became almost speechless for a minute, and then went on, "Do you know what the place is? Ficou quase sem palavras durante um minuto, e depois continuou: "Sabes que lugar é este? Have you seen that awful den of hellish infamy, with the very moonlight alive with grisly shapes, and every speck of dust that whirls in the wind a devouring monster in embryo? ||||||||Schande|||||||grauenhaften||||||||wirbelt|||||||| |||||lair|||notoriety for evil|||||||Horrifying|||||||||||||||| |||||guarida||infernal|infamia infernal|||||||espeluznante||||||||gira||||||||en embrión Viram aquele antro terrível de infâmia infernal, com o próprio luar vivo de formas horríveis, e cada grão de poeira que rodopia ao vento um monstro devorador em embrião?

Have you felt the Vampire's lips upon your throat?" Já sentiste os lábios do Vampiro na tua garganta?" Here he turned to me, and as his eyes lit on my forehead he threw up his arms with a cry, "Oh, my God, what have we done to have this terror upon us?" Aqui virou-se para mim e, quando os seus olhos se iluminaram na minha testa, levantou os braços e gritou: "Meu Deus, o que é que fizemos para termos este terror sobre nós?" and he sank down on the sofa in a collapse of misery. e afundou-se no sofá num colapso de miséria.

The Professor's voice, as he spoke in clear, sweet tones, which seemed to vibrate in the air, calmed us all. A voz do Professor, que falava em tons claros e doces, que pareciam vibrar no ar, acalmava-nos a todos.