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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 25 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 12

CHAPTER 25 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 12

"Good, good! Oh, you so clever lady!" said Van Helsing, enthusiastically, as he stooped and kissed her hand. A moment later he said to me, as calmly as though we had been having a sick room consultation, "Seventy-two only, and in all this excitement. I have hope." Turning to her again, he said with keen expectation, "But go on. Go on! There is more to tell if you will. Be not afraid. John and I know. I do in any case, and shall tell you if you are right. Speak, without fear!" "I will try to. But you will forgive me if I seem too egotistical." "Nay! Fear not, you must be egotist, for it is of you that we think." "Then, as he is criminal he is selfish. And as his intellect is small and his action is based on selfishness, he confines himself to one purpose. That purpose is remorseless. As he fled back over the Danube, leaving his forces to be cut to pieces, so now he is intent on being safe, careless of all. So his own selfishness frees my soul somewhat from the terrible power which he acquired over me on that dreadful night. I felt it! Oh, I felt it! Thank God, for His great mercy! My soul is freer than it has been since that awful hour. And all that haunts me is a fear lest in some trance or dream he may have used my knowledge for his ends." The Professor stood up, "He has so used your mind, and by it he has left us here in Varna, whilst the ship that carried him rushed through enveloping fog up to Galatz, where, doubtless, he had made preparation for escaping from us. But his child mind only saw so far. And it may be that as ever is in God's Providence, the very thing that the evil doer most reckoned on for his selfish good, turns out to be his chiefest harm. The hunter is taken in his own snare, as the great Psalmist says. For now that he think he is free from every trace of us all, and that he has escaped us with so many hours to him, then his selfish child brain will whisper him to sleep. He think, too, that as he cut himself off from knowing your mind, there can be no knowledge of him to you. There is where he fail! That terrible baptism of blood which he give you makes you free to go to him in spirit, as you have as yet done in your times of freedom, when the sun rise and set. At such times you go by my volition and not by his. And this power to good of you and others, you have won from your suffering at his hands.

This is now all more precious that he know it not, and to guard himself have even cut himself off from his knowledge of our where. We, however, are not selfish, and we believe that God is with us through all this blackness, and these many dark hours. We shall follow him, and we shall not flinch, even if we peril ourselves that we become like him. Friend John, this has been a great hour, and it have done much to advance us on our way. You must be scribe and write him all down, so that when the others return from their work you can give it to them, then they shall know as we do." And so I have written it whilst we wait their return, and Mrs. Harker has written with the typewriter all since she brought the MS to us.

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CHAPTER 25 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 12 CAPÍTULO 25 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 12 CAPÍTULO 25 - Diário do Dr. Seward, parte 12 KAPITEL 25 - Dr. Sewards dagbok, del 12

"Good, good! Oh, you so clever lady!" Oh, que senhora tão inteligente!". said Van Helsing, enthusiastically, as he stooped and kissed her hand. |||con entusiasmo|||se inclinó|||| disse Van Helsing, entusiasmado, enquanto se inclinava e lhe beijava a mão. A moment later he said to me, as calmly as though we had been having a sick room  consultation, "Seventy-two only, and in all this excitement. ||||||||||||||||Krankenzimmer|||||||||| بعد لحظة قال لي ، بهدوء كما لو كنا نجري استشارة غرفة مريضة ، "اثنان وسبعون فقط ، وفي كل هذا الإثارة. Um momento depois, disse-me, tão calmamente como se estivéssemos a ter uma consulta na enfermaria: "Setenta e dois apenas, e com toda esta excitação. I have hope." Eu tenho esperança". Turning to her again, he said with keen expectation, "But go on. Voltando-se novamente para ela, disse com grande expetativa: "Mas continua. Go on! Vamos lá! There is more to tell if you will. Há mais para contar, se quiserem. Be not afraid. Não tenhais medo. John and I know. O John e eu sabemos. I do in any case, and shall tell you if you are right. Em todo o caso, tenho e dir-lhe-ei se tem razão. Speak, without fear!" Fala, sem medo!" "I will try to. "Vou tentar. But you will forgive me if I seem too egotistical." |||||||||egocéntrico Mas perdoa-me se pareço demasiado egoísta". "Nay! No way! ¡No! "Não! Fear not, you must be egotist, for it is of you that we think." |||||self-centered person|||||||| |||||egocéntrico|||||||| Não temais, deveis ser egoísta, pois é em vós que pensamos". Korkmayın, egoist olmalısınız, çünkü biz düşündüğümüz kişi sizsiniz. " "Then, as he is criminal he is selfish. "Então, como é criminoso, é egoísta. And as his intellect is small and his action is based on selfishness, he confines himself to one purpose. ||||||||||||||beschränkt|||| ||||||||||||||se limita|||| E como o seu intelecto é pequeno e a sua ação se baseia no egoísmo, limita-se a um único objetivo. That purpose is remorseless. |||Unyielding |||implacable Esse objetivo é implacável. As he fled back over the Danube, leaving his forces to be cut to pieces, so now he is intent on being safe, careless of all. ||||||Danubio||||||||||||||||||| Tal como fugiu para o Danúbio, deixando as suas forças em pedaços, também agora pretende estar em segurança, sem se preocupar com nada. So his own selfishness frees my soul somewhat from the terrible power which he acquired over me on that dreadful night. ||||libera|||||||||||||||| Assim, o seu próprio egoísmo liberta um pouco a minha alma do terrível poder que ele adquiriu sobre mim naquela noite terrível. I felt it! Eu senti-o! Oh, I felt it! Oh, eu senti-o! Thank God, for His great mercy! Graças a Deus, pela sua grande misericórdia! My soul is freer than it has been since that awful hour. A minha alma está mais livre do que nunca desde aquela hora terrível. And all that haunts me is a fear lest in some trance or dream he may have used my knowledge for his ends." |||atormenta|||||no sea que|||||||||||||| E tudo o que me assombra é o medo de que, nalgum transe ou sonho, ele possa ter usado os meus conhecimentos para os seus fins." The Professor stood up, "He has so used your mind, and by it he has left us here in Varna, whilst the ship that carried him rushed through enveloping fog up to Galatz, where, doubtless, he had made preparation for escaping from us. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||umhüllendem|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||envolvente|Niebla envolvente||||||||||||| O Professor levantou-se: "Ele usou assim a tua mente e, com isso, deixou-nos aqui em Varna, enquanto o navio que o transportava se precipitava através de um nevoeiro envolvente até Galatz, onde, sem dúvida, se tinha preparado para fugir de nós. But his child mind only saw so far. Mas a sua mente de criança só via até certo ponto. Ama çocuk zihni şimdiye kadar sadece gördü. And it may be that as ever is in God's Providence, the very thing that the evil doer most reckoned on for his selfish good, turns out to be his chiefest harm. ||||||||||Vorsehung Gottes|||||||Übeltäter|||||||||||||größte| ||||||||||divine guidance||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||contaba|||||||||||mayor daño| E pode acontecer que, como sempre acontece na Providência de Deus, aquilo com que o malfeitor mais contava para o seu bem egoísta, acabe por ser o seu maior prejuízo. Ve her zaman olduğu gibi, Tanrı'nın İlahi Takdirinde olduğu gibi, kötülük yapan kişinin bencil iyiliği için en çok değer verdiği şeyin, en büyük zararı olduğu ortaya çıkıyor olabilir. The hunter is taken in his own snare, as the great Psalmist says. |||||||Falle||||| |||||||||||Biblical hymn writer| |||||||trampa||||El salmista| O caçador é apanhado no seu próprio laço, como diz o grande salmista. For now that he think he is free from every trace of us all, and that he has escaped us with so many hours to him, then his selfish child brain will whisper him to sleep. Porque agora que ele pensa que está livre de todos os vestígios de todos nós, e que nos escapou com tantas horas de vida, o seu cérebro de criança egoísta vai sussurrá-lo para dormir. He think, too, that as he cut himself off from knowing your mind, there can be no knowledge of him to you. Ele pensa também que, como não conhece a tua mente, não pode conhecer-te a ti. There is where he fail! É aí que ele falha! That terrible baptism of blood which he give you makes you free to go to him in spirit, as you have as yet done in your times of freedom, when the sun rise and set. Esse terrível batismo de sangue que ele vos dá torna-vos livres para irdes ter com ele em espírito, como ainda o fizestes nos vossos tempos de liberdade, quando o sol nasce e se põe. At such times you go by my volition and not by his. |||||||voluntad|||| Nessas alturas, vais por minha vontade e não pela dele. And this power to good of you and others, you have won from your suffering at his hands. E este poder para o bem de vós e dos outros, ganhastes-o com o vosso sofrimento às mãos dele.

This is now all more precious that he know it not, and to guard himself have even cut himself off from his knowledge of our where. Isto é agora ainda mais precioso se ele não o souber, e se, para se proteger, se tiver mesmo afastado do conhecimento do nosso paradeiro. Bu, artık bilmediği için çok daha değerlidir ve kendini korumak, nerede olduğumuz hakkındaki bilgisinden kendini bile koparmıştır. We, however, are not selfish, and we believe that God is with us through all this blackness, and these many dark hours. ||||||||||||||||oscuridad||||| No entanto, não somos egoístas e acreditamos que Deus está connosco durante toda esta escuridão e estas muitas horas de escuridão. We shall follow him, and we shall not flinch, even if we peril ourselves that we become like him. ||||||||vacilar||||arriesgar|||||| Segui-lo-emos e não hesitaremos, mesmo que nos arrisquemos para nos tornarmos como ele. Onu takip edeceğiz ve onun gibi olmaktan kendimizi tehlikeye atsak bile korkmayacağız. Friend John, this has been a great hour, and it  have done much to advance us on our way. Amigo João, esta foi uma grande hora e contribuiu muito para nos fazer avançar no nosso caminho. You must be scribe and write him all down, so that when the others return from their work you can give it to them, then they shall know as we do." |||Schreiber||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||Escriba||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Deves ser o escriba e escrever tudo, para que quando os outros voltarem do seu trabalho possas dar-lho, e então eles saberão como nós". And so I have written it whilst we wait their return, and Mrs. Harker has written with the typewriter all since she brought the MS to us. ||||||||||||||||||||||||manuscript|| ||||||||||||||||||máquina de escribir|||||||| E assim o tenho escrito enquanto esperamos pelo seu regresso, e a Sra. Harker tem escrito com a máquina de escrever desde que nos trouxe o MS.