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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 25 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11

CHAPTER 25 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11

"What does this tell us? Not much? No! The Count's child thought see nothing, therefore he speak so free. Your man thought see nothing. My man thought see nothing, till just now. No! But there comes another word from some one who speak without thought because she, too, know not what it mean, what it might mean. Just as there are elements which rest, yet when in nature's course they move on their way and they touch, the pouf! And there comes a flash of light, heaven wide, that blind and kill and destroy some. But that show up all earth below for leagues and leagues. Is it not so? Well, I shall explain. To begin, have you ever study the philosophy of crime? 'Yes' and 'No. ' You, John, yes, for it is a study of insanity. You, no, Madam Mina, for crime touch you not, not but once. Still, your mind works true, and argues not a particulari ad universale. There is this peculiarity in criminals. It is so constant, in all countries and at all times, that even police, who know not much from philosophy, come to know it empirically, that it is. That is to be empiric. The criminal always work at one crime, that is the true criminal who seems predestinate to crime, and who will of none other. This criminal has not full man brain. He is clever and cunning and resourceful, but he be not of man stature as to brain. He be of child brain in much. Now this criminal of ours is predestinate to crime also. He, too, have child brain, and it is of the child to do what he have done. The little bird, the little fish, the little animal learn not by principle, but empirically. And when he learn to do, then there is to him the ground to start from to do more. 'Dos pou sto,' said Archimedes. 'Give me a fulcrum, and I shall move the world! ' To do once, is the fulcrum whereby child brain become man brain. And until he have the purpose to do more, he continue to do the same again every time, just as he have done before! Oh, my dear, I see that your eyes are opened, and that to you the lightning flash show all the leagues," for Mrs. Harker began to clap her hands and her eyes sparkled.

He went on, "Now you shall speak. Tell us two dry men of science what you see with those so bright eyes. " He took her hand and held it whilst he spoke. His finger and thumb closed on her pulse, as I thought instinctively and unconsciously, as she spoke.

"The Count is a criminal and of criminal type. Nordau and Lombroso would so classify him, and qua criminal he is of an imperfectly formed mind. Thus, in a difficulty he has to seek resource in habit. His past is a clue, and the one page of it that we know, and that from his own lips, tells that once before, when in what Mr. Morris would call a 'tight place,' he went back to his own country from the land he had tried to invade, and thence, without losing purpose, prepared himself for a new effort. He came again better equipped for his work, and won. So he came to London to invade a new land. He was beaten, and when all hope of success was lost, and his existence in danger, he fled back over the sea to his home. Just as formerly he had fled back over the Danube from Turkey Land."

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CHAPTER 25 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11 CAPÍTULO 25 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 11 CAPÍTULO 25 - Diário do Dr. Seward, parte 11

"What does this tell us? "O que é que isto nos diz? Not much? No! The Count's child thought see nothing, therefore he speak so free. فكر طفل الكونت لا يرى شيئًا ، لذلك فهو يتحدث بحرية. O filho do Conde não pensava ver nada, por isso falava tão livremente. Your man thought see nothing. O vosso homem não pensava ver nada. My man thought see nothing, till just now. O meu homem não pensava ver nada, até agora. No! But there  comes another word from some one who speak without thought because she, too, know not what it mean, what it might mean. Mas vem outra palavra de alguém que fala sem pensar porque também ela não sabe o que significa, o que pode significar. Just as there are elements which rest, yet when in nature's course they move on their way and they touch, the pouf! |||||||||||||||||||||Puff مثلما توجد عناصر باقية ، إلا أنه عندما يسيروا في طريقهم في طريقهم إلى طبيعتهم وهم يلمسون أيها الأخوه! Tal como há elementos que repousam, mas quando, no curso da natureza, seguem o seu caminho e se tocam, o pouf! Tıpkı dinlenen unsurlar olduğu gibi, doğanın gidişatında yollarına devam ederler ve kabarıklığa dokunurlar! And there comes a flash of light, heaven wide, that blind and kill and destroy some. ||||destello||||||||||| E vem um clarão de luz, de todo o céu, que cega e mata e destrói alguns. Ve cennet genişliğinde, kör eden, bazılarını öldüren ve yok eden bir ışık parıltısı gelir. But that show up all earth below for leagues and leagues. ||||||||||Meilen Mas isso aparece em toda a terra abaixo para ligas e ligas. Is it not so? Não é assim? Well, I shall explain. Bem, vou explicar. To begin, have you ever study the philosophy of crime? Para começar, já alguma vez estudou a filosofia do crime? 'Yes' and 'No. "Sim" e "Não". '  You, John, yes, for it is a study of insanity. Tu, John, sim, porque é um estudo sobre a loucura. You, no, Madam Mina, for crime touch you not, not but once. Vós, não, Senhora Mina, porque o crime não vos toca, nem uma só vez. Still, your mind works true, and argues not a particulari ad universale. |||||||||||universellen |||||||||||general principle |||||||||||universalidad لا يزال ، عقلك يعمل بشكل صحيح ، ولا يجادل كونه خاصًا. No entanto, a vossa mente funciona de forma verdadeira e não argumenta a particulari ad universale. There is this peculiarity in criminals. |||unique trait|| Há uma particularidade nos criminosos. It is so constant, in all countries and at all times, that even police, who know not much from philosophy, come to know it empirically, that it is. ||||||||||||||||||||||||through experience||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||empíricamente||| É tão constante, em todos os países e em todos os tempos, que até a polícia, que não sabe muito de filosofia, chega a saber empiricamente que é assim. That is to be empiric. ||||empírico هذا هو أن يكون التجريبي. Isto é ser empírico. Bu deneysel olmaktır. The criminal always work at one crime, that is the true criminal who seems predestinate to crime, and who will of none other. ||||||||||||||vorbestimmt|||||||| ||||||||||||||Predestinado a cometer|||||||| O criminoso trabalha sempre num só crime, isto é, o verdadeiro criminoso que parece predestinado ao crime e que não quer outro. This criminal has not full man brain. Este criminoso não tem cérebro de homem. He is clever and cunning and resourceful, but he be not of man stature as to brain. ||||||einfallsreich|||||||||| ||||astuto||ingenioso|||||||estatura de hombre||| É inteligente, astuto e engenhoso, mas não tem estatura de homem no que respeita ao cérebro. Zeki, kurnaz ve beceriklidir, ancak beyin konusunda insan boyutunda değildir. He be of child brain in much. Ele tem um cérebro de criança em grande parte. Now this criminal of ours is predestinate to crime also. ||||||predestinado a cometer||| Ora, este nosso criminoso também está predestinado ao crime. He, too, have child brain, and it is of the child to do what he have done. |||||||||||zu||||| Também ele tem cérebro de criança, e é da criança fazer o que fez. The little bird, the little fish, the little animal learn not by principle, but empirically. O pequeno pássaro, o pequeno peixe, o pequeno animal aprendem não por princípio, mas empiricamente. And when he learn to do, then there is to him the ground to start from to do more. وعندما يتعلم أن يفعل ، إذن هناك أرضية للبدء منه لعمل المزيد. E quando ele aprende a fazer, então tem o terreno para começar a fazer mais. 'Dos pou sto,' said Archimedes. |du|ich stehe||Archimedes Give me leverage|a place|I stand|| 'Dos pou sto,' dijo Arquímedes.|punto de apoyo|punto de apoyo||Arquímedes قال أرخميدس: "دوس بو ستو". "Dos pou sto", disse Arquimedes. 'Give me a fulcrum, and I shall move the world! |||Pivot point|||||| |||punto de apoyo|||||| Dêem-me um ponto de apoio, e eu moverei o mundo! '  To do once, is the fulcrum whereby child brain become man brain. ||||||durch das||||| ||||||por el cual||||| Fazer uma vez é o ponto de apoio para que o cérebro de criança se transforme em cérebro de homem. And until he have the purpose to do more, he continue to do the same again every time, just as he have done before! E até ter o objetivo de fazer mais, continua a fazer sempre o mesmo, tal como fez antes! Oh, my dear, I see that your eyes are opened, and that to you the lightning flash show all the leagues," |||||||||||||||rayo de luz|destello de relámpago|||| يا عزيزي ، أرى أن عينيك قد فتحتا ، وأن فلاش البرق يظهر لك كل البطولات " Oh, minha querida, vejo que os teus olhos estão abertos, e que para ti o relâmpago mostra todas as léguas". for Mrs. Harker began to clap her hands and her eyes sparkled. |||||||||||funkelten |||||||||||resplandecieron pois a Sra. Harker começou a bater palmas e os seus olhos brilhavam.

He went on, "Now you shall speak. E prosseguiu: "Agora vais falar. Tell us two dry men of science what you see with those so bright eyes. Digam-nos dois homens de ciência secos o que vêem com esses olhos tão brilhantes. "  He took her hand and held it whilst he spoke. " Pegou na mão dela e segurou-a enquanto falava. His finger and thumb closed on her pulse, as I  thought instinctively and unconsciously, as she spoke. O dedo e o polegar dele fecharam-se no pulso dela, como eu pensava instintiva e inconscientemente, enquanto ela falava.

"The Count is a criminal and of criminal type. "العد هو مجرم وذو نوع إجرامي. "O Conde é um criminoso e de tipo criminoso. Nordau and Lombroso would so classify him, and qua criminal he is of an imperfectly formed mind. Nordau||Lombroso||||||als|||||||| a theorist||criminologist||||||As a|||||||| Nordau||Lombroso|||||||||||||| Nordau e Lombroso classificá-lo-iam assim e, no que respeita ao criminoso, tem uma mente imperfeitamente formada. Thus, in a difficulty he has to seek resource in habit. Assim, numa dificuldade, ele tem de procurar recursos no hábito. Bu nedenle, bir zorlukta, alışkanlıkta kaynak aramak zorundadır. His past is a clue, and the one page of it that we know, and that from his own lips, tells that once before, when in what Mr. Morris would call a 'tight place,' he went back to his own country from the land he had tried to invade, and thence, without losing purpose, prepared himself for a new effort. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||desde allí||||||||| O seu passado é uma pista, e a única página que conhecemos, e que nos é dada pela sua própria boca, conta que uma vez, quando se encontrava naquilo a que o Sr. Morris chamaria um "lugar apertado", regressou ao seu país a partir da terra que tinha tentado invadir, e daí, sem perder o objetivo, preparou-se para um novo esforço. He came again better equipped for his work, and won. Voltou melhor equipado para o seu trabalho e venceu. So he came to London to invade a new land. Por isso, veio para Londres para invadir uma nova terra. He was beaten, and when all hope of success was lost, and his existence in danger, he fled back over the sea to his home. Foi derrotado e, quando toda a esperança de sucesso estava perdida e a sua existência em perigo, fugiu para o mar, para a sua casa. Just as formerly he had fled back over the Danube from Turkey Land." |||||||||Danubio||| Tal como anteriormente, ele tinha fugido da Terra da Turquia para o Danúbio".