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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11

CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11

He said the latter words through his shut teeth. For a space of perhaps a couple of minutes there was silence, and I could fancy that I could hear the sound of our hearts beating.

Then Van Helsing said, placing his hand tenderly on Mrs. Harker's head, "And now, Madam Mina, poor dear, dear, Madam Mina, tell us exactly what happened. God knows that I do not want that you be pained, but it is need that we know all. For now more than ever has all work to be done quick and sharp, and in deadly earnest. The day is close to us that must end all, if it may be so, and now is the chance that we may live and learn." The poor dear lady shivered, and I could see the tension of her nerves as she clasped her husband closer to her and bent her head lower and lower still on his breast. Then she raised her head proudly, and held out one hand to Van Helsing who took it in his, and after stooping and kissing it reverently, held it fast. The other hand was locked in that of her husband, who held his other arm thrown round her protectingly. After a pause in which she was evidently ordering her thoughts, she began.

"I took the sleeping draught which you had so kindly given me, but for a long time it did not act. I seemed to become more wakeful, and myriads of horrible fancies began to crowd in upon my mind. All of them connected with death, and vampires, with blood, and pain, and trouble. " Her husband involuntarily groaned as she turned to him and said lovingly, "Do not fret, dear. You must be brave and strong, and help me through the horrible task. If you only knew what an effort it is to me to tell of this fearful thing at all, you would understand how much I need your help. Well, I saw I must try to help the medicine to its work with my will, if it was to do me any good, so I resolutely set myself to sleep. Sure enough sleep must soon have come to me, for I remember no more. Jonathan coming in had not waked me, for he lay by my side when next I remember. There was in the room the same thin white mist that I had before noticed. But I forget now if you know of this. You will find it in my diary which I shall show you later. I felt the same vague terror which had come to me before and the same sense of some presence. I turned to wake Jonathan, but found that he slept so soundly that it seemed as if it was he who had taken the sleeping draught, and not I. I tried, but I could not wake him.

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CHAPTER 21 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11 KAPITEL 21 - Das Tagebuch von Dr. Seward, Teil 11

He said the latter words through his shut teeth. قال الكلمات الأخيرة من خلال أسنانه المغلقة. Disse estas últimas palavras com os dentes cerrados. For a space of perhaps a couple of minutes there was silence, and I could fancy that I could hear the sound of our hearts beating. لقد كان هناك صمت ، ربما لبضع دقائق ، وكان بإمكاني أن أسمع صوت قلوبنا تنبض. Durante um espaço de dois minutos, talvez, fez-se silêncio, e tive a impressão de ouvir o som dos nossos corações a bater.

Then Van Helsing said, placing his hand tenderly on Mrs. Harker's head, "And now, Madam Mina, poor dear, dear, Madam Mina, tell us exactly what happened. Depois, Van Helsing disse, colocando a mão com ternura na cabeça da Sra. Harker: "E agora, Madame Mina, pobre querida, querida, Madame Mina, diga-nos exatamente o que aconteceu. God knows that I do not want that you be pained, but it is need that we know all. ||||||||||afligido/a|||||||| Deus sabe que eu não quero que sofras, mas é preciso que saibamos tudo. For now more than ever has all work to be done quick and sharp, and in deadly earnest. Porque agora, mais do que nunca, todo o trabalho tem de ser feito de forma rápida e incisiva, e com uma seriedade mortal. The day is close to us that must end all, if it may be so, and now is the chance that we may live and learn." Está próximo o dia em que tudo deve acabar, se assim for, e agora é a oportunidade de vivermos e aprendermos." Eğer öyleyse, her şeyin sona ermesi gereken gün bize yakın ve şimdi yaşama ve öğrenme şansımız. " The poor dear lady shivered, and I could see the tension of her nerves as she clasped her husband closer to her and bent her head lower and lower still on his breast. ||||||||||||||||aferró a||||||||||||||||pecho A pobre senhora tremia, e eu podia ver a tensão dos seus nervos quando ela abraçava o marido mais perto de si e inclinava a cabeça cada vez mais para o seu peito. Then she raised her head proudly, and held out one hand to Van Helsing who took it in his, and after stooping and kissing it reverently, held it fast. |||||||||||||||||||||||||with deep respect||| |||||||||||||||||||||inclinándose||||con reverencia||| Depois, ergueu a cabeça com orgulho e estendeu uma mão a Van Helsing, que a tomou na sua e, depois de a beijar com reverência, a segurou com firmeza. The other hand was locked in that of her husband, who held his other arm thrown round her protectingly. ||||||||||||||||||protectoramente كانت اليد الأخرى مغلقة في يد زوجها الذي حمل ذراعه الأخرى التي ألقيت حولها بحماية. A outra mão estava agarrada à do marido, que tinha o outro braço à volta dela para a proteger. After a pause in which she was evidently ordering her thoughts, she began. Depois de uma pausa em que estava evidentemente a ordenar os seus pensamentos, começou.

"I took the sleeping draught which you had so kindly given me, but for a long time it did not act. ||||poción para dormir|||||||||||||||| "لقد أخذت مسودة النوم التي أعطيتها لي بلطف ، لكن ذلك لم يحدث. "Tomei o remédio para dormir que tão gentilmente me tinha dado, mas durante muito tempo não fez efeito. I seemed to become more wakeful, and myriads of horrible fancies began to crowd in upon my mind. |||||||unzählige|||||||||| |||||||countless numbers|||||||||| |||||||miriadas|||fantasías horribles||||||| Parecia que estava mais desperto, e uma miríade de fantasias horríveis começaram a invadir a minha mente. All of them connected with death, and vampires, with blood, and pain, and trouble. Todas elas estavam ligadas à morte, aos vampiros, ao sangue, à dor e aos problemas. "  Her husband involuntarily groaned as she turned to him and said lovingly, "Do not fret, dear. |||gimió involuntariamente|||||||||||preocuparse| " O marido gemeu involuntariamente quando ela se virou para ele e lhe disse com carinho: "Não te preocupes, querido. You must be brave and strong, and help me through the horrible task. Tens de ser corajoso e forte e ajudar-me nesta tarefa horrível. If you only knew what an effort it is to me to tell of this fearful thing at all, you would understand how much I need your help. Se soubésseis o esforço que é para mim contar esta coisa tão temível, compreenderíeis o quanto preciso da vossa ajuda. Well, I saw I must try to help the medicine to its work with my will, if it was to do me any good, so I resolutely set myself to sleep. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||with determination|||| ||vi||||||||||||||||||||||||Con determinación|||| Bem, vi que tinha de tentar ajudar o medicamento a fazer o seu trabalho com a minha vontade, se quisesse fazer-me bem, por isso pus-me resolutamente a dormir. Sure enough sleep must soon have come to me, for I remember no more. De facto, o sono não tardou a chegar, pois não me lembro de mais nada. Jonathan coming in had not waked me, for he lay by my side when next I remember. A entrada de Jonathan não me tinha acordado, pois ele estava deitado ao meu lado quando me lembrei. There was in the room the same thin white mist that I had before noticed. |||||||||neblina blanca fina||||| Havia na sala a mesma névoa branca e fina que eu tinha visto antes. But I forget now if you know of this. Mas esqueci-me agora se sabe disso. You will find it in my diary which I shall show you later. Encontrá-lo-ão no meu diário que vos mostrarei mais tarde. I felt the same vague terror which had come to me before and the same sense of some presence. Senti o mesmo terror vago que me tinha acometido antes e a mesma sensação de uma presença. I turned to wake Jonathan, but found that he slept so soundly that it seemed as if it was he who had taken the sleeping draught, and not I.  I tried, but I could not wake him. |||despertar||||||||profundamente||||||||||||||poción para dormir||||||||||despertar| Virei-me para acordar o Jonathan, mas vi que ele dormia tão profundamente que parecia que tinha sido ele a tomar a bebida do sono e não eu.