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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 2 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 7

CHAPTER 2 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 7

Of course I said all I could about being willing, and asked if I might come into that room when I chose.

He answered, "Yes, certainly," and added. "You may go anywhere you wish in the castle, except where the doors are locked, where of course you will not wish to go.

There is reason that all things are as they are, and did you see with my eyes and know with my knowledge, you would perhaps better understand. " I said I was sure of this, and then he went on. "We are in Transylvania, and Transylvania is not England.

Our ways are not your ways, and there shall be to you many strange things. Nay, from what you have told me of your experiences already, you know something of what strange things there may be. This led to much conversation, and as it was evident that he wanted to talk, if only for talking's sake, I asked him many questions regarding things that had already happened to me or come within my notice.

Sometimes he sheered off the subject, or turned the conversation by pretending not to understand, but generally he answered all I asked most frankly. Then as time went on, and I had got somewhat bolder, I asked him of some of the strange things of the preceding night, as for instance, why the coachman went to the places where he had seen the blue flames. He then explained to me that it was commonly believed that on a certain night of the year, last night, in fact, when all evil spirits are supposed to have unchecked sway, a blue flame is seen over any place where treasure has been concealed. "That treasure has been hidden," he went on, "in the region through which you came last night, there can be but little doubt.

For it was the ground fought over for centuries by the Wallachian, the Saxon, and the Turk. Why, there is hardly a foot of soil in all this region that has not been enriched by the blood of men, patriots or invaders. In the old days there were stirring times, when the Austrian and the Hungarian came up in hordes, and the patriots went out to meet them, men and women, the aged and the children too, and waited their coming on the rocks above the passes, that they might sweep destruction on them with their artificial avalanches. When the invader was triumphant he found but little, for whatever there was had been sheltered in the friendly soil.

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CHAPTER 2 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 7 KAPITEL 2 - Fortsetzung von Jonathan Harkers Tagebuch, Teil 7 CHAPTER 2 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 7 CAPÍTULO 2 - Diario de Jonathan Harker Continuación, parte 7 CHAPITRE 2 - Le journal de Jonathan Harker Suite, partie 7 CAPITOLO 2 - Il diario di Jonathan Harker Continua, parte 7 第 2 章 - ジョナサン・ハーカーの日誌 続き、パート 7 2장 - 조나단 하커의 일기 계속하기, 7부 ROZDZIAŁ 2 - Ciąg dalszy dziennika Jonathana Harkera, część 7 CAPÍTULO 2 - Continuação do diário de Jonathan Harker, parte 7 ГЛАВА 2 - Продолжение дневника Джонатана Харкера, часть 7 BÖLÜM 2 - Jonathan Harker'ın Günlüğünün Devamı, 7. kısım 第 2 章 - 乔纳森·哈克的日记续,第 7 部分

Of course I said all I could about being willing, and asked if I might come into that room when I chose. Naturalmente dissi tutto quello che potevo sulla mia disponibilità e chiesi se potevo entrare in quella stanza quando volevo. もちろん、私は喜んでできる限りのことを話し、私が選んだときにその部屋に入ることができるかどうか尋ねました. Claro que disse tudo o que podia sobre a minha vontade e perguntei se podia entrar naquele quarto quando quisesse. Tất nhiên tôi đã nói tất cả những gì tôi có thể về sự sẵn lòng, và hỏi liệu tôi có thể vào phòng đó khi tôi chọn không. 當然,我盡我所能說願意,並問我是否可以在我選擇的時候進入那個房間。

He answered, "Yes, certainly," and added. 彼は「はい、もちろんです」と答え、付け加えた。 Ele respondeu: "Sim, com certeza", e acrescentou. "You may go anywhere you wish in the castle, except where the doors are locked, where of course you will not wish to go. "You may go anywhere you wish in the castle, except where the doors are locked, where of course you will not wish to go. 「扉が閉まっている場所、もちろん行きたくない場所を除いて、城の中ならどこにでも行くことができます。 "Podeis ir a qualquer lugar do castelo que desejardes, excepto onde as portas estão trancadas, onde, naturalmente, não desejareis ir.

There is reason that all things are as they are, and did you see with my eyes and know with my knowledge, you would perhaps better understand. Hay razón para que todas las cosas sean como son, y si vieras con mis ojos y supieras con mi conocimiento, tal vez lo entenderías mejor. すべてがそのままあるのには理由があり、あなたが私の目で見て、私の知識で知っていたなら、おそらくもっとよく理解できるでしょう。 Há uma razão para que todas as coisas sejam como são, e se visses com os meus olhos e soubesses com o meu conhecimento, talvez compreendesses melhor. Her şeyin olduğu gibi olmasının bir nedeni var ve benim gözlerimle gördün mü ve benim bilgimle biliyor muydun, belki daha iyi anlarsın. "  I said I was sure of this, and then he went on. 」 私はこれを確信していると言いました、そして彼は続けました. " Eu disse que tinha a certeza disso e ele continuou. "Bundan emin olduğumu söyledim ve sonra devam etti. "We are in Transylvania, and Transylvania is not England. 「私たちはトランシルバニアにいますが、トランシルバニアはイギリスではありません。 "Estamos na Transilvânia, e a Transilvânia não é Inglaterra.

Our ways are not your ways, and there shall be to you many strange things. 私たちのやり方はあなたのやり方ではありません、そしてあなたには多くの奇妙なことがあります。 Os nossos caminhos não são os vossos caminhos, e haverá para vós muitas coisas estranhas. Nay, from what you have told me of your experiences already, you know something of what strange things there may be. いいえ、あなたがすでにあなたの経験について私に語ったことから、あなたはそこにどんな奇妙なことがあるかをある程度知っています. Não, pelo que já me contaste das tuas experiências, sabes alguma coisa das coisas estranhas que podem existir. Hayır, bana zaten deneyimlerinizden bahsettiğinizden, ne kadar tuhaf şeyler olabileceğine dair bir şeyler biliyorsunuz. This led to much conversation, and as it was evident that he wanted to talk, if only for talking’s sake, I asked him many questions regarding things that had already happened to me or come within my notice. ||||||||||||||||||разговора ради||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||um des Redens willen|||||||||||||||||| これは多くの会話につながり、彼が話したいと思っていることは明らかだったので、話すためだけに、私はすでに私に起こったことや私の気になることについて彼に多くの質問をしました. Isto levou a muita conversa e, como era evidente que ele queria falar, nem que fosse só por falar, fiz-lhe muitas perguntas sobre coisas que já me tinham acontecido ou que tinham chegado ao meu conhecimento. Это вызвало много разговоров, и так как было очевидно, что он хотел поговорить, хотя бы ради самого разговора, я задал ему много вопросов о том, что уже со мной случилось или что попало в мое поле зрения. Bu çok fazla konuşmaya yol açtı ve konuşmak istediği belli olduğu için, sadece konuşmak için de olsa, ona daha önce başıma gelen veya bildirimime giren şeylerle ilgili birçok soru sordum.

Sometimes he sheered off the subject, or turned the conversation by pretending not to understand, but generally he answered all I asked most frankly. ||уклонился||||||||||||||||||||| ||wich ab|||||||||||||||||||||offen und ehrlich ||avoided||||||||||||||||||||| ||desviou-se||||||||||||||||||||| 時には話題をそらしたり、わからないふりをして話をそらしたりしましたが、基本的には私の質問に率直に答えてくれました。 Por vezes, desviava-se do assunto ou dava a volta à conversa fingindo não compreender, mas, de um modo geral, respondia com toda a franqueza a todas as minhas perguntas. Иногда он уклонялся от темы или переводил разговор, притворяясь, что не понимает, но, как правило, он отвечал на все мои вопросы очень откровенно. Bazen konuyu gözden kaçırdı ya da anlamıyormuş gibi yaparak sohbeti tersine çevirdi, ama genelde sorduğum her şeyi en içten bir şekilde yanıtladı. Đôi khi anh ấy lảng tránh chủ đề, hoặc xoay chuyển cuộc trò chuyện bằng cách giả vờ không hiểu, nhưng nhìn chung anh ấy trả lời thẳng thắn nhất tất cả những gì tôi hỏi. 有時他會繞開話題,或者假裝不明白,但通常他都會坦率地回答我所問的一切。 Then as time went on, and I had got somewhat bolder, I asked him of some of the strange things of the preceding night, as for instance, why the coachman went to the places where he had seen the blue flames. ||||||||||||||||||||||предшествующей|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||mutiger geworden||||||||||||vorhergehenden|||||||||||||||||| Luego, a medida que pasaba el tiempo, y yo me había vuelto algo más audaz, le pregunté por algunas de las cosas extrañas de la noche anterior, como por ejemplo, por qué el cochero fue a los lugares donde había visto las llamas azules. それから時がたつにつれ、私はいくらか大胆になったので、例えば、なぜ御者は青い炎を見た場所に行ったのかなど、前夜の奇妙なことについて彼に尋ねました。 Depois, à medida que o tempo passava e eu me tornava um pouco mais ousado, perguntei-lhe sobre algumas das coisas estranhas da noite anterior, como por exemplo, porque é que o cocheiro foi aos locais onde tinha visto as chamas azuis. Затем, по мере того как время шло, и я стал немного смелее, я спросил его о некоторых странных вещах, произошедших накануне ночью, например, почему кучер пошел в те места, где он видел голубые огни. Sau đó, thời gian trôi qua, và tôi đã có phần táo bạo hơn, tôi hỏi anh ta về một số điều kỳ lạ của đêm hôm trước, chẳng hạn như tại sao người đánh xe ngựa lại đi đến những nơi mà anh ta đã nhìn thấy ngọn lửa xanh. He then explained to me that it was commonly believed that on a certain night of the year, last night, in fact, when all evil spirits are supposed to have unchecked sway, a blue flame is seen over any place where treasure has been concealed. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||неограниченный|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Macht||||||||||Schatz|||versteckt worden |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||domínio||||||||||||foi|escondido Entonces me explicó que se creía comúnmente que en cierta noche del año, la última noche, de hecho, cuando se supone que todos los espíritus malignos tienen un dominio incontrolado, se ve una llama azul sobre cualquier lugar donde se haya ocultado un tesoro. それから彼は私に、ある年のある夜、実際、すべての悪霊が抑制されずに支配されているはずの昨夜、宝物が隠されている場所の上に青い炎が見られると一般に信じられていると説明しました. Explicou-me então que se acreditava que, numa certa noite do ano, a última noite, de facto, quando se supõe que todos os espíritos malignos dominam sem controlo, uma chama azul é vista sobre qualquer lugar onde se tenha escondido um tesouro. Он потом объяснил мне, что общепринято считать, что в определенную ночь года, а именно прошлой ночью, когда все злые духи, по мнению, имеют неограниченную власть, над любой местностью, где было зарыто сокровище, видно синее пламя. Daha sonra bana, yılın belirli bir gecesi, dün gece, aslında, tüm kötü ruhların kontrolsüz salındığı varsayıldığında, hazinenin saklandığı her yerde mavi bir alevin görüldüğüne inandığını açıkladı. "That treasure has been hidden," he went on, "in the region through which you came last night, there can be but little doubt. 「その宝物は隠されている」と彼は続けた、「あなたが昨夜通った地域では、疑いの余地はほとんどありません。 "Que o tesouro foi escondido", continuou, "na região por onde passaste ontem à noite, não há dúvida. "Это сокровище было спрятано," продолжал он, "в регионе, через который вы проходили прошлой ночью, в этом нет никаких сомнений. "O hazine gizlendi," diye devam etti, "dün gece geldiğiniz bölgede, ancak çok az şüphe olabilir.

For it was the ground fought over for centuries by the Wallachian, the Saxon, and the Turk. |||||||||||Валахский||||| |||||||||||valaco||||| それは、ワラキア人、サクソン人、トルコ人が何世紀にもわたって争った土地だったからです。 Pois foi o terreno disputado durante séculos pelos valáquios, pelos saxões e pelos turcos. Потому что это была земля, за которую веками сражалисьWallachians, саксы и турки. Çünkü bu, Eflak, Sakson ve Türk tarafından yüzyıllar boyunca savaşılan topraktı. Why, there is hardly a foot of soil in all this region that has not been enriched by the blood of men, patriots or invaders. ||||||||||||||||||||||||вторженцев |||||||Boden||||||||||||||||| |||||||suelo||||||||||||||||| Apenas hay un palmo de tierra en toda esta región que no se haya enriquecido con la sangre de hombres, patriotas o invasores. In tutta questa regione non c'è quasi un piede di terra che non sia stato arricchito dal sangue di uomini, patrioti o invasori. この地域全体で、男性、愛国者、または侵略者の血によって豊かにされていない土はほとんどありません。 Ora, não há praticamente um pé de terra em toda esta região que não tenha sido enriquecido pelo sangue de homens, patriotas ou invasores. Почему, в этом регионе едва ли найдется хотя бы фут земли, который не был бы обогащен кровью людей, патриотов или завоевателей. Neden, tüm bu bölgede insanların, vatanseverlerin veya işgalcilerin kanıyla zenginleştirilmemiş bir ayak bileği toprak yok. In the old days there were stirring times, when the Austrian and the Hungarian came up in hordes, and the patriots went out to meet them, men and women, the aged and the children too, and waited their coming on the rocks above the passes, that they might sweep destruction on them with their artificial avalanches. ||||||возбуждающие||||||||||||||патриоты||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||aufwühlende||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||herabstürzen lassen|||||||künstliche Lawinen |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||avalanques artificiais ||||||emocionantes||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||arrasar con||||||| En los viejos tiempos hubo épocas conmovedoras, cuando los austriacos y los húngaros subían en hordas, y los patriotas salían a su encuentro, hombres y mujeres, ancianos y niños también, y esperaban su llegada en las rocas por encima de los pasos, para poder arrasar con su destrucción con sus avalanchas artificiales. Un tempo c'erano momenti di grande emozione, quando gli austriaci e gli ungheresi salivano in orde, e i patrioti andavano loro incontro, uomini e donne, anziani e bambini, e aspettavano il loro arrivo sulle rocce sopra i passi, per poter spazzare via la distruzione con le loro valanghe artificiali. 昔、オーストリア人とハンガリー人が大群をなしてやってきた動揺の時代があり、愛国者たちは男性も女性も老人も子供も彼らに会いに出かけ、峠の上の岩の上で彼らが来るのを待ちました。 、彼らが人工的な雪崩で彼らに破壊を一掃するかもしれません。 Antigamente, havia momentos emocionantes, quando os austríacos e os húngaros subiam em hordas, e os patriotas saíam ao seu encontro, homens e mulheres, idosos e crianças também, e esperavam a sua chegada nas rochas acima dos desfiladeiros, para que pudessem varrer a destruição sobre eles com as suas avalanches artificiais. В старые времена были бурные времена, когда австрийцы и венгры шли ордами, а патриоты выходили им навстречу, мужчины и женщины, пожилые люди и даже дети, и ждали их прихода на скалах над перевалами, чтобы обрушить на них разрушение своими искусственными лавинами. 在過去有激動人心的時刻,當奧地利人和匈牙利人成群結隊地出現時,愛國者出去迎接他們,男人和女人,老人和孩子,在山口上方的岩石上等待他們的到來,他們可能會用他們的人造雪崩掃除他們的破壞。 When the invader was triumphant he found but little, for whatever there was had been sheltered in the friendly soil. ||||победоносный||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||geschützt||||Erde |||||||||||||||protegido|||| 侵略者が勝利を収めたとき、彼はほとんど何も見つけられませんでした。 Quando o invasor triunfou, pouco encontrou, pois o que havia estava abrigado no solo amigo. Когда завоеватель был триумфален, он находил лишь немногое, потому что все, что было, укрылось в дружелюбной земле. İstilacı zafer kazandığında, çok az şey buldu, çünkü orada ne varsa, dost topraklarda korunmuştu. 當侵略者得意時,他發現的卻很少,因為無論有什麼,都被友好的土壤所庇護。