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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 11

CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 11

The gaslight which I had left lit for Jonathan, but turned down, came only like a tiny red spark through the fog, which had evidently grown thicker and poured into the room. Then it occurred to me that I had shut the window before I had come to bed. I would have got out to make certain on the point, but some leaden lethargy seemed to chain my limbs and even my will. I lay still and endured, that was all. I closed my eyes, but could still see through my eyelids. (It is wonderful what tricks our dreams play us, and how conveniently we can imagine.)

The mist grew thicker and thicker and I could see now how it came in, for I could see it like smoke, or with the white energy of boiling water, pouring in, not through the window, but through the joinings of the door. It got thicker and thicker, till it seemed as if it became concentrated into a sort of pillar of cloud in the room, through the top of which I could see the light of the gas shining like a red eye. Things began to whirl through my brain just as the cloudy column was now whirling in the room, and through it all came the scriptural words "a pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night. " Was it indeed such spiritual guidance that was coming to me in my sleep? But the pillar was composed of both the day and the night guiding, for the fire was in the red eye, which at the thought got a new fascination for me, till, as I looked, the fire divided, and seemed to shine on me through the fog like two red eyes, such as Lucy told me of in her momentary mental wandering when, on the cliff, the dying sunlight struck the windows of St. Mary's Church. Suddenly the horror burst upon me that it was thus that Jonathan had seen those awful women growing into reality through the whirling mist in the moonlight, and in my dream I must have fainted, for all became black darkness. The last conscious effort which imagination made was to show me a livid white face bending over me out of the mist.

I must be careful of such dreams, for they would unseat one's reason if there were too much of them. I would get Dr. Van Helsing or Dr. Seward to prescribe something for me which would make me sleep, only that I fear to alarm them. Such a dream at the present time would become woven into their fears for me. Tonight I shall strive hard to sleep naturally. If I do not, I shall tomorrow night get them to give me a dose of chloral, that cannot hurt me for once, and it will give me a good night's sleep. Last night tired me more than if I had not slept at all.

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CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 11 CAPITOLO 19 - Diario di Jonathan Harker, parte 11

The gaslight which I had left lit for Jonathan, but turned down, came only like a tiny red spark through the fog, which had evidently grown thicker and poured into the room. |||||||||||||||||||||niebla|||||más densa||||| A luz de gás que eu tinha deixado acesa para Jonathan, mas que tinha desligado, era apenas uma pequena faísca vermelha através do nevoeiro, que evidentemente se tinha tornado mais espesso e se derramava no quarto. Then it occurred to me that I had shut the window before I had come to bed. Depois lembrei-me que tinha fechado a janela antes de me deitar. I would have got out to make certain on the point, but some leaden lethargy seemed to chain my limbs and even my will. |||||||||||||plomo|letargo pesado||||||||| Teria saído para me certificar da situação, mas uma letargia de chumbo parecia acorrentar-me os membros e até a vontade. I lay still and endured, that was all. Fiquei quieto e aguentei, foi tudo. I closed my eyes, but could still see through my eyelids. Fechei os olhos, mas ainda conseguia ver através das pálpebras. (It is wonderful what tricks our dreams play us, and how conveniently we can imagine.) (É maravilhoso os truques que os nossos sonhos nos pregam, e a conveniência com que podemos imaginar).

The mist grew thicker and thicker and I could see now how it came in, for I could see it like smoke, or with the white energy of boiling water, pouring in, not through the window, but through the joinings of the door. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Fugen||| أصبح الضباب أكثر سمكا وسمكًا وأستطيع أن أرى الآن كيف حدث ذلك ، لأني أراه مثل الدخان ، أو مع الطاقة البيضاء من الماء المغلي ، تتدفق ، ليس من خلال النافذة ، ولكن من خلال وصلات الباب. A névoa tornava-se cada vez mais espessa e eu via agora como entrava, pois via-a como fumo, ou com a energia branca da água a ferver, a entrar, não pela janela, mas pelas juntas da porta. It got thicker and thicker, till it seemed as if it became concentrated into a sort of pillar of cloud in the room, through the top of which I could see the light of the gas shining like a red eye. أصبحت أكثر سمكا وسمكًا ، حتى بدا الأمر كما لو كانت تتركز في عمود من السحابة في الغرفة ، من خلاله يمكن أن أرى من خلاله ضوء الغاز ساطعًا مثل العين الحمراء. Foi ficando cada vez mais espesso, até que parecia que se concentrava numa espécie de coluna de nuvem na sala, através da qual eu podia ver a luz do gás a brilhar como um olho vermelho. Things began to whirl through my brain just as the cloudy column was now whirling in the room, and  through it all came the scriptural words "a pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night. ||||||||||||||||||y|||||la||||pilar||||||||| بدأت الأمور تدور في ذهني تمامًا كما كان العمود الغائم يدور الآن في الغرفة ، ومن خلاله جاءت الكلمات الكتابية "عمودًا من السحابة ليلًا ونهارًا. As coisas começaram a rodopiar no meu cérebro, tal como a coluna de nuvens estava agora a rodopiar na sala, e através de tudo isso vieram as palavras bíblicas "uma coluna de nuvem de dia e de fogo de noite". "  Was it indeed such spiritual guidance that was coming to me in my sleep? " Era de facto essa orientação espiritual que me vinha durante o sono? But the pillar was composed of both the day and the night guiding, for the fire was in the red eye, which at the thought got a new fascination for me, till, as I looked, the fire divided, and seemed to shine on me through the fog like two red eyes, such as Lucy told me of in her momentary mental wandering when, on the cliff, the dying sunlight struck the windows of St. ||||bestehend||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| لكن الدعامة كانت تتألف من كلاً من النهار والليل ، حيث كانت النار في العين الحمراء ، والتي كانت في رأيي مفتونةً بالحيوية ، حتى أنظرت ، انقسمت النار ، وبدا لي أن أشرق علىي من خلال الضباب مثل عينين أحمرتين ، مثل أخبرتني لوسي في تجولها العقلي اللحظي عندما ضربت أشعة الشمس المميتة نوافذ القديس Mas o pilar era composto tanto pela orientação diurna como pela nocturna, pois o fogo estava no olho vermelho, que ao pensar nisso adquiriu um novo fascínio para mim, até que, enquanto olhava, o fogo dividiu-se e pareceu brilhar para mim através do nevoeiro como dois olhos vermelhos, tal como Lucy me contou na sua divagação mental momentânea quando, no penhasco, a luz do sol moribundo bateu nas janelas de St. Mary's Church. Suddenly the horror burst upon me that it was thus that Jonathan had seen those awful women growing into reality through the whirling mist  in the moonlight, and in my dream I must have fainted, for all became black darkness. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ohnmächtig geworden||||| De repente, o horror apoderou-se de mim, pois foi assim que Jonathan viu aquelas mulheres horríveis tornarem-se realidade através da névoa rodopiante ao luar, e no meu sonho devo ter desmaiado, pois tudo se tornou uma escuridão negra. The last conscious effort which imagination made was to show me a livid white face bending over me out of the mist. O último esforço consciente que a imaginação fez foi mostrar-me um rosto branco e lívido que se debruçava sobre mim, por entre a névoa.

I must be careful of such dreams, for they would unseat one's reason if there were too much of them. ||||||||||verrücken||||||||| Tenho de ter cuidado com esses sonhos, porque, se forem demasiados, podem destruir a razão. I would get Dr. Van Helsing or Dr. Seward to prescribe something for me which would make me sleep, only that I fear to alarm them. Eu pediria ao Dr. Van Helsing ou ao Dr. Seward que me receitassem algo que me fizesse dormir, só que tenho medo de os alarmar. Such a dream at the present time would become woven into their fears for me. Tal sonho no momento atual se entrelaçaria em seus medos por mim. Tonight I shall strive hard to sleep naturally. Esta noite esforçar-me-ei por dormir naturalmente. If I do not, I shall tomorrow night get them to give me a dose of chloral, that cannot hurt me for once, and it will give me a good night's sleep. ||||||||||||||||sleeping medication||||||||||||||| Se não o fizer, amanhã à noite peço-lhes que me dêem uma dose de cloral, que não me pode fazer mal de uma vez por todas, e que me dará uma boa noite de sono. Last night tired me more than if I had not slept at all. A noite passada cansou-me mais do que se não tivesse dormido nada.