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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 2

CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 2

Lord Godalming had slipped away for a few minutes, but now he returned. He held up a little silver whistle as he remarked, "That old place may be full of rats, and if so, I've got an antidote on call." Having passed the wall, we took our way to the house, taking care to keep in the shadows of the trees on the lawn when the moonlight shone out. When we got to the porch the Professor opened his bag and took out a lot of things, which he laid on the step, sorting them into four little groups, evidently one for each. Then he spoke.

"My friends, we are going into a terrible danger, and we need arms of many kinds. Our enemy is not merely spiritual. Remember that he has the strength of twenty men, and that, though our necks or our windpipes are of the common kind, and therefore breakable or crushable, his are not amenable to mere strength. A stronger man, or a body of men more strong in all than him, can at certain times hold him, but they cannot hurt him as we can be hurt by him. We must, therefore, guard ourselves from his touch. Keep this near your heart. " As he spoke he lifted a little silver crucifix and held it out to me, I being nearest to him, "put these flowers round your neck," here he handed to me a wreath of withered garlic blossoms, "for other enemies more mundane, this revolver and this knife, and for aid in all, these so small electric lamps, which you can fasten to your breast, and for all, and above all at the last, this, which we must not desecrate needless." This was a portion of Sacred Wafer, which he put in an envelope and handed to me. Each of the others was similarly equipped.

"Now," he said, "friend John, where are the skeleton keys? If so that we can open the door, we need not break house by the window, as before at Miss Lucy's." Dr. Seward tried one or two skeleton keys, his mechanical dexterity as a surgeon standing him in good stead. Presently he got one to suit, after a little play back and forward the bolt yielded, and with a rusty clang, shot back. We pressed on the door, the rusty hinges creaked, and it slowly opened. It was startlingly like the image conveyed to me in Dr. Seward's diary of the opening of Miss Westenra's tomb, I fancy that the same idea seemed to strike the others, for with one accord they shrank back. The Professor was the first to move forward, and stepped into the open door.

"In manus tuas, Domine!" he said, crossing himself as he passed over the threshold. We closed the door behind us, lest when we should have lit our lamps we should possibly attract attention from the road. The Professor carefully tried the lock, lest we might not be able to open it from within should we be in a hurry making our exit. Then we all lit our lamps and proceeded on our search.

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CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 2

Lord Godalming had slipped away for a few minutes, but now he returned. كان اللورد جودالمينج قد انزلق لبضع دقائق ، لكنه عاد الآن. Lord Godalming tinha-se afastado por alguns minutos, mas agora voltou. He held up a little silver whistle as he remarked, "That old place may be full of rats, and if so, I've got an antidote on call." ||||||Pfeife|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||silbato|||||||||||||||||||| لقد حمل صافرة فضية صغيرة كما قال ، "قد يكون هذا المكان القديم ممتلئًا بالفئران ، وإذا كان الأمر كذلك ، فقد تلقيت ترياقًا عند الطلب". Ele segurou um pequeno apito de prata enquanto comentava: "Aquele lugar velho pode estar cheio de ratos, e se estiver, eu tenho um antídoto à mão". Having passed the wall, we took our way to the house, taking care to keep in the shadows of the trees on the lawn when the moonlight shone out. بعد مرور الجدار ، أخذنا طريقنا إلى المنزل ، ونحرص على البقاء في ظلال الأشجار على العشب عندما أشرق ضوء القمر. Passado o muro, dirigimo-nos para a casa, tendo o cuidado de nos mantermos nas sombras das árvores do relvado quando o luar brilhava. When we got to the porch the Professor opened his bag and took out a lot of things, which he laid on the step, sorting them into four little groups, evidently one for each. ||||||||||||||||||||||||clasificando||||||||| عندما وصلنا إلى الشرفة ، فتح البروفيسور حقيبته وأخرج الكثير من الأشياء ، التي وضعها على الخطوة ، وصنفها إلى أربع مجموعات صغيرة ، واحدة لكل منها على ما يبدو. Quando chegámos ao alpendre, o Professor abriu a sua mala e tirou uma série de coisas, que colocou no degrau, separando-as em quatro pequenos grupos, evidentemente um para cada um. Then he spoke. ثم تحدث. Depois falou.

"My friends, we are going into a terrible danger, and we need arms of many kinds. "أصدقائي ، نحن نواجه خطرًا فظيعًا ، ونحتاج إلى أذرع كثيرة. "Meus amigos, estamos a correr um perigo terrível e precisamos de armas de vários tipos. Our enemy is not merely spiritual. |||nicht|| O nosso inimigo não é apenas espiritual. Remember that he has the strength of twenty men, and that, though our necks or our windpipes are of the common kind, and therefore breakable or crushable, his are not amenable to mere strength. ||||||||||||||||Luftröhren||||||||||zerdrückbar||||nicht beeinflussbar||| ||||||||||||||||tráqueas||||||||quebradizos||aplastables||||no son susceptibles||| تذكر أنه يتمتع بقوة عشرين رجلًا ، وعلى الرغم من أن أعناقنا أو أنابيب الرياح لدينا هي من النوع الشائع ، وبالتالي فهي قابلة للكسر أو التكسير ، إلا أنها ليست قابلة للقوة. Lembrem-se de que ele tem a força de vinte homens e que, embora os nossos pescoços ou as nossas traqueias sejam do tipo comum e, portanto, quebráveis ou esmagáveis, os dele não são passíveis de mera força. A stronger man, or a body of men more strong in all than him, can at certain times hold him, but they cannot hurt him as we can be hurt by him. يمكن أن يحتجزه رجل أقوى ، أو مجموعة من الرجال أكثر قوة منه ، في أوقات معينة ، لكنهم لا يستطيعون إيذائه لأننا قد نتأذيه. Um homem mais forte, ou um grupo de homens mais fortes em tudo do que ele, pode, em certos momentos, segurá-lo, mas não pode feri-lo como nós podemos ser feridos por ele. We must, therefore, guard ourselves from his touch. يجب علينا ، إذن ، حماية أنفسنا من لمسة. Devemos, portanto, proteger-nos do seu toque. Keep this near your heart. Mantém isto perto do teu coração. "  As he spoke he lifted a little silver crucifix and held it out to me, I being nearest to him, "put these flowers round your neck," here he handed to me a wreath of withered garlic blossoms, "for other enemies more mundane, this revolver and this knife, and for aid in all, these so small electric lamps, which you can fasten to your breast, and for all, and above all at the last, this, which we must not desecrate needless." ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||verwelkten||||||||||||||||||||||||||befestigen||||||||||||||||||entweihen| ||||||||||||||||siendo|más cercano|||||||||||||||guirnalda|||||||||mundanos terrenales|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||desecrar| "أثناء حديثه كان يرفع صلبًا فضيًا صغيرًا وأمسك به ، فأنا قريب منه" ، وضع هذه الزهور حول رقبتك ، "هنا سلم لي إكليلًا من أزهار الثوم المُذَبَّبة" ، لأعداء آخرين المزيد من الدنيوية ، هذا المسدس وهذا السكين ، وللمساعدة في الكل ، هذه المصابيح الكهربائية الصغيرة جدًا ، والتي يمكنك تثبيتها على صدرك ، وإلى الأبد ، وقبل كل شيء في النهاية ، هذا ، الذي يجب علينا ألا ننسفه بلا داع ". " Enquanto falava, levantou um pequeno crucifixo de prata e estendeu-o para mim, que estava mais perto dele, "ponha estas flores ao pescoço", e aqui entregou-me uma coroa de flores de alho murchas, "para outros inimigos mais mundanos, este revólver e esta faca, e para ajuda em tudo, estas lâmpadas eléctricas tão pequenas, que pode prender ao seu peito, e para tudo, e acima de tudo, por fim, isto, que não devemos profanar desnecessariamente". This was a portion of Sacred Wafer, which he put in an envelope and handed to me. ||||||Hostie|||||||||| |||||sagrada hostia|hostia sagrada||||||||entregó|| كان هذا جزءًا من الرقاقة المقدسة ، التي وضعها في مظروف وسلمها لي. Era uma porção de hóstia sagrada, que ele pôs num envelope e me entregou. Each of the others was similarly equipped. ||||||equipado de manera similar Cada um dos outros estava equipado de forma semelhante.

"Now," he said, "friend John, where are the skeleton keys? "الآن" ، قال ، "صديق جون ، أين مفاتيح الهيكل العظمي؟ "Agora", disse ele, "amigo João, onde estão as chaves de esqueleto? If so that we can open the door, we need not break house by the window, as before at Miss Lucy's." إذا كان الأمر كذلك حتى نتمكن من فتح الباب ، فلسنا بحاجة إلى اقتحام المنزل بجوار النافذة ، كما كان الحال في ملكة جمال لوسي ". Se é para podermos abrir a porta, não precisamos arrombar a janela, como antes na senhorita Lucy. Kapıyı açabilmek için, daha önce Bayan Lucy'de olduğu gibi, evi pencereden kırmamıza gerek yok. " Dr. Seward tried one or two skeleton keys, his mechanical dexterity as a surgeon standing him in good stead. ||||||||||Geschicklichkeit||||||||zunutze ||||||||||destreza mecánica|||cirujano|||||le fue útil قام الدكتور سيوارد بتجربة واحد أو اثنين من مفاتيح الهيكل العظمي ، براعة ميكانيكية كجراح يقف له في وضع جيد. O Dr. Seward experimentou uma ou duas chaves mestras, já que a sua destreza mecânica como cirurgião o ajudava bastante. Dr.Seward bir veya iki iskelet anahtarı denedi, bir cerrah olarak mekanik el becerisi onu iyi durumda tutuyordu. Presently he got one to suit, after a little play back and forward the bolt yielded, and with a rusty clang, shot back. |||||passen||||||||||gab nach||||||| |||||que le quedara|||poco tiempo||||||cerrojo|cedió||||||| في الوقت الحالي ، حصل على واحد يلائمه ، بعد قليل من اللعب للأمام وللأمام أسفر عن ذلك ، ومع رنة صدئة ، ردت بالرد. Depois de um pequeno movimento para a frente e para trás, o ferrolho cedeu e, com um estrondo ferrugento, disparou. We pressed on the door, the rusty hinges creaked, and it slowly opened. ||||||||knarrten|und||| ضغطنا على الباب ، والمفصلات الصدئة يئن ، وفتحت ببطء. Pressionámos a porta, as dobradiças ferrugentas rangeram e ela abriu-se lentamente. It was startlingly like the image conveyed to me in Dr. Seward's diary of the opening of Miss Westenra's tomb, I fancy that the same idea seemed to strike the others, for with one accord they shrank back. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||retrocedieron| كان الأمر مذهلًا مثل الصورة التي نقلت إلي في مذكرات الدكتور سيوارد عن افتتاح ضريح الآنسة ويستينرا ، وأنا أتخيل أن الفكرة نفسها تبدو وكأنها تضرب الآخرين ، لأنهم تقلصوا مرة أخرى. Era assustadoramente parecido com a imagem que me foi transmitida no diário do Dr. Seward sobre a abertura do túmulo de Miss Westenra, e imagino que a mesma ideia pareceu atingir os outros, pois de comum acordo recuaram. The Professor was the first to move forward, and stepped into the open door. O Professor foi o primeiro a avançar e entrou na porta aberta.

"In manus tuas, Domine!" |deine Hände|deine|Herr "في manus tuas ، دومين!" "In manus tuas, Domine!" he said, crossing himself as he passed over the threshold. قال ، يعبر نفسه وهو يتجاوز العتبة. disse ele, cruzando-se ao passar pela soleira da porta. We closed the door behind us, lest when we should have lit our lamps we should possibly attract attention from the road. ||||||no sea que||||||||||||||| لقد أغلقنا الباب خلفنا ، خشية أن نضيء مصابيحنا ، ربما يجب أن نجذب الانتباه من الطريق. Fechámos a porta atrás de nós, para que, quando acendêssemos as nossas lâmpadas, não chamássemos a atenção da estrada. The Professor carefully tried the lock, lest we might not be able to open it from within should we be in a hurry making our exit. جرب البروفيسور القفل بعناية ، خشية أن لا نتمكن من فتحه من الداخل إذا كنا في عجلة من أمرنا لخروجنا. O professor tentou cuidadosamente a fechadura, para que não consigamos abri-la por dentro, caso tenhamos pressa de sair. Then we all lit our lamps and proceeded on our search. Depois, todos acendemos as nossas lâmpadas e prosseguimos a nossa busca.