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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 1

CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 1


1 October, 5 A.M.--I went with the party to the search with an easy mind, for I think I never saw Mina so absolutely strong and well. I am so glad that she consented to hold back and let us men do the work. Somehow, it was a dread to me that she was in this fearful business at all, but now that her work is done, and that it is due to her energy and brains and foresight that the whole story is put together in such a way that every point tells, she may well feel that her part is finished, and that she can henceforth leave the rest to us. We were, I think, all a little upset by the scene with Mr. Renfield. When we came away from his room we were silent till we got back to the study.

Then Mr. Morris said to Dr. Seward, "Say, Jack, if that man wasn't attempting a bluff, he is about the sanest lunatic I ever saw. I'm not sure, but I believe that he had some serious purpose, and if he had, it was pretty rough on him not to get a chance." Lord Godalming and I were silent, but Dr. Van Helsing added, "Friend John, you know more lunatics than I do, and I'm glad of it, for I fear that if it had been to me to decide I would before that last hysterical outburst have given him free. But we live and learn, and in our present task we must take no chance, as my friend Quincey would say. All is best as they are." Dr. Seward seemed to answer them both in a dreamy kind of way, "I don't know but that I agree with you. If that man had been an ordinary lunatic I would have taken my chance of trusting him, but he seems so mixed up with the Count in an indexy kind of way that I am afraid of doing anything wrong by helping his fads. I can't forget how he prayed with almost equal fervor for a cat, and then tried to tear my throat out with his teeth. Besides, he called the Count 'lord and master', and he may want to get out to help him in some diabolical way. That horrid thing has the wolves and the rats and his own kind to help him, so I suppose he isn't above trying to use a respectable lunatic. He certainly did seem earnest, though. I only hope we have done what is best. These things, in conjunction with the wild work we have in hand, help to unnerve a man." The Professor stepped over, and laying his hand on his shoulder, said in his grave, kindly way, "Friend John, have no fear. We are trying to do our duty in a very sad and terrible case, we can only do as we deem best. What else have we to hope for, except the pity of the good God?"

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CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 1 CAPÍTULO 19 - Diario de Jonathan Harker, parte 1 第19章 ジョナサン・ハーカーの日誌 その1 CAPÍTULO 19 - Diário de Jonathan Harker, parte 1


1 October, 5 A.M.--I went with the party to the search with an easy mind, for I think I never saw Mina so absolutely strong and well. 1 أكتوبر ، 5:00 صباحًا - ذهبت مع الطرف إلى البحث بعقل سهل ، لأني أعتقد أنني لم أرَ منى قويًا تمامًا على الإطلاق. 1 de outubro, 5 da manhã - Fui com o grupo para a busca com a mente tranquila, porque penso que nunca vi a Mina tão absolutamente forte e bem. I am so glad that she consented to hold back and let us men do the work. |||||sie||||||||||| Estou muito contente por ela ter consentido em conter-se e deixar-nos a nós, homens, fazer o trabalho. Somehow, it was a dread to me that she was in this fearful business at all, but now that her work is done, and that it is due to her energy and brains and foresight that the whole story is put together in such a way that every point tells, she may well feel that her part is finished, and that she can henceforth leave the rest to us. de alguna manera|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| De alguma forma, era um pavor para mim o facto de ela estar metida neste negócio temível, mas agora que o seu trabalho está feito, e que é devido à sua energia, inteligência e previsão que toda a história está montada de tal forma que todos os pontos contam, ela pode muito bem sentir que a sua parte está terminada, e que pode doravante deixar o resto connosco. We were, I think, all a little upset by the scene with Mr. Renfield. Acho que ficámos todos um pouco perturbados com a cena do Sr. Renfield. When we came away from his room we were silent till we got back to the study. Quando saímos do quarto dele, ficámos em silêncio até chegarmos ao escritório.

Then Mr. Morris said to Dr. Seward, "Say, Jack, if that man wasn’t attempting a bluff, he is about the sanest lunatic I ever saw. |||||||||||||||Täuschung|||||vernünftigsten|||| |||||||||||||||engaño|||||más cuerdo|||| Então o Sr. Morris disse ao Dr. Seward: "Diga, Jack, se aquele homem não estava a tentar fazer bluff, é o lunático mais são que já vi. I’m not sure, but I believe that he had some serious purpose, and if he  had, it was pretty rough on him not to get a chance." لست متأكداً ، لكنني أعتقد أنه كان لديه غرض جاد ، وإذا كان لديه ، فقد كان من الصعب عليه ألا يحصل على فرصة ". Não tenho a certeza, mas acredito que ele tinha um objetivo sério e, se tinha, foi muito duro para ele não ter tido uma oportunidade". Lord Godalming and I were silent, but Dr. Van Helsing added, "Friend John, you know more lunatics than I do, and I’m glad of it, for I fear that if it had been to me to decide I would before that last  hysterical outburst have given him free. اللورد غودالمنج كنت صامتة ، لكن الدكتور فان هيلسينج أضاف: "الصديق جون ، أنت تعرف أكثر من مجنونين ، وأنا سعيد بذلك ، لأني أخشى أنه لو كان الأمر بالنسبة لي أن أقرر أنني سأفعل ذلك قبل ذلك فورة الماضي الهستيري أعطاه مجانا. O Senhor Godalming e eu ficámos em silêncio, mas o Dr. Van Helsing acrescentou: "Amigo John, conhece mais lunáticos do que eu, e ainda bem, pois receio que, se fosse eu a decidir, antes daquele último ataque histérico, o teria libertado. But we live and learn, and in our present task we must take no chance, as my friend Quincey would say. Mas vivemos e aprendemos, e na nossa tarefa atual não podemos correr riscos, como diria o meu amigo Quincey. All is best as they are." كل ما هو أفضل كما هم ". Tudo é melhor do que é ". Dr. Seward seemed to answer them both in a dreamy kind of way, "I don’t know but that I agree with you. |||||||||träumerisch|||||||||||| O Dr. Seward pareceu responder a ambos de uma forma sonhadora: "Não sei, mas concordo convosco. If that man had been an ordinary lunatic I would have taken my chance of trusting him, but he seems so mixed up with the Count in an indexy kind of way that I am afraid of doing anything wrong by helping his fads. |||||||||||||||||||||verwirrt|||||||indexartigen|||||||||||||||Neigungen ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||indicative of something||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||índice|||||||||||||||manías Se aquele homem fosse um lunático vulgar, eu teria arriscado confiar nele, mas ele parece tão misturado com o Conde de uma forma indexada que tenho medo de fazer algo de errado ao ajudar as suas modas. I can’t forget how he prayed with almost equal fervor for a cat, and then tried to tear my throat out with his teeth. |||||||||fervor|||||||||||||| Não me esqueço de como ele rezou com quase igual fervor por um gato e depois tentou arrancar-me a garganta com os dentes. Besides, he called the Count 'lord and master', and he may want to get out to help him in some diabolical way. Além disso, ele chamou ao Conde "senhor e mestre", e pode querer sair para o ajudar de alguma forma diabólica. That horrid thing has the wolves and the rats and his own kind to help him, so I suppose he isn’t above trying to use a respectable lunatic. Aquela coisa horrível tem os lobos, os ratos e a sua própria espécie para o ajudar, por isso suponho que ele não está acima de tentar usar um lunático respeitável. O korkunç şeyin ona yardım edecek kurtlar, fareler ve kendi türü var, bu yüzden sanırım saygın bir deliyi kullanmaya çalışmıyor. He certainly did seem earnest, though. No entanto, ele parecia estar a falar a sério. I only hope we have done what is best. Só espero que tenhamos feito o que é melhor. These things, in conjunction with the wild work we have in hand, help to unnerve a man." |||||||||||in Arbeit|||nervös machen|| ||||||||||||||desconcertar|| هذه الأشياء ، بالاقتران مع العمل الوحشي الذي لدينا ، تساعد على إثارة حيلة رجل ". Estas coisas, em conjunto com o trabalho selvagem que temos em mãos, ajudam a enervar um homem". The Professor stepped over, and laying his hand on his shoulder, said in his grave, kindly way, "Friend John, have no fear. ||||y||||||||||||||||| O Professor aproximou-se e, pousando a mão no seu ombro, disse com o seu jeito grave e amável: "Amigo João, não tenha medo. We are trying to do our duty in a very sad and terrible case, we can only do as we deem best. ||||||||||||||||||||consideramos mejor| Estamos a tentar cumprir o nosso dever num caso muito triste e terrível, só podemos fazer o que achamos melhor. What else have we to hope for, except the pity of the good God?" Que mais podemos esperar, a não ser a piedade do bom Deus?"