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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 15 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 3

CHAPTER 15 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 3

Our visit to the hospital took more time than we had reckoned on, and the sun had dipped before we came out. When Van Helsing saw how dark it was, he said,

"There is not hurry. It is more late than I thought. Come, let us seek somewhere that we may eat, and then we shall go on our way." We dined at 'Jack Straw's Castle' along with a little crowd of bicyclists and others who were genially noisy. About ten o'clock we started from the inn. It was then very dark, and the scattered lamps made the darkness greater when we were once outside their individual radius. The Professor had evidently noted the road we were to go, for he went on unhesitatingly, but, as for me, I was in quite a mixup as to locality. As we went further, we met fewer and fewer people, till at last we were somewhat surprised when we met even the patrol of horse police going their usual suburban round. At last we reached the wall of the churchyard, which we climbed over. With some little difficulty, for it was very dark, and the whole place seemed so strange to us, we found the Westenra tomb. The Professor took the key, opened the creaky door, and standing back, politely, but quite unconsciously, motioned me to precede him. There was a delicious irony in the offer, in the courtliness of giving preference on such a ghastly occasion. My companion followed me quickly, and cautiously drew the door to, after carefully ascertaining that the lock was a falling, and not a spring one. In the latter case we should have been in a bad plight. Then he fumbled in his bag, and taking out a matchbox and a piece of candle, proceeded to make a light. The tomb in the daytime, and when wreathed with fresh flowers, had looked grim and gruesome enough, but now, some days afterwards, when the flowers hung lank and dead, their whites turning to rust and their greens to browns, when the spider and the beetle had resumed their accustomed dominance, when the time-discoloured stone, and dust-encrusted mortar, and rusty, dank iron, and tarnished brass, and clouded silver-plating gave back the feeble glimmer of a candle, the effect was more miserable and sordid than could have been imagined. It conveyed irresistibly the idea that life, animal life, was not the only thing which could pass away.

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CHAPTER 15 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 3 CAPÍTULO 15 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 3 CAPITOLO 15 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 3 ГЛАВА 15 - Дневник доктора Сьюарда, часть 3

Our visit to the hospital took more time than we had reckoned on, and the sun had dipped before we came out. |||||||||||gerechnet||||||gesunken|||| A nossa visita ao hospital demorou mais tempo do que tínhamos previsto e o sol já se tinha posto antes de sairmos. When Van Helsing saw how dark it was, he said, Quando Van Helsing viu como estava escuro, disse,

"There is not hurry. It is more late than I thought. É mais tarde do que eu pensava. Come, let us seek somewhere that we may eat, and then we shall go on our way." Venham, vamos procurar um sítio onde possamos comer, e depois seguimos o nosso caminho". We dined at 'Jack Straw's Castle' along with a little crowd of bicyclists and others who were genially noisy. |||||||||||||||||freundlich| |||||||||||||||||cheerfully| Jantámos no "Jack Straw's Castle" juntamente com uma pequena multidão de ciclistas e outros que eram gentilmente barulhentos. About ten o'clock we started from the inn. |||||||Gasthaus Por volta das dez horas, saímos da estalagem. It was then very dark, and the scattered lamps made the darkness greater when we were once outside their individual radius. |||||||verstreut||||||||||||| Nessa altura, estava muito escuro e as lâmpadas dispersas tornavam a escuridão ainda maior quando saíamos do seu raio de ação individual. The Professor had evidently noted the road we were to go, for he went on unhesitatingly, but, as for me, I was in quite a mixup as to locality. |||||||||||||||ohne zu zögern||||||||||Verwirrung||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||confused state||| O Professor tinha evidentemente anotado o caminho que devíamos seguir, pois avançou sem hesitar, mas, quanto a mim, estava bastante confuso quanto ao local. As we went further, we met fewer and fewer people, till at last we were somewhat surprised when we met even the patrol of horse police going their usual suburban round. ||||||||||||||||||||||Patrouille|||||||| À medida que avançávamos, encontrávamos cada vez menos pessoas, até que, por fim, ficámos um pouco surpreendidos quando encontrámos até a patrulha de polícias a cavalo que fazia a sua habitual ronda suburbana. At last we reached the wall of the churchyard, which we climbed over. Por fim, chegámos ao muro do adro, que transpusemos. With some little difficulty, for it was very dark, and the whole place seemed so strange to us, we found the Westenra tomb. Com alguma dificuldade, pois estava muito escuro e todo o local nos parecia muito estranho, encontrámos o túmulo de Westenra. The Professor took the key, opened the creaky door, and standing back, politely, but quite unconsciously, motioned me to precede him. |||||||knarrend|||||||||deutete|||vorangehen| O Professor pegou na chave, abriu a porta rangente e, afastando-se, educadamente, mas de forma inconsciente, fez-me sinal para o preceder. Profesör anahtarı aldı, gıcırtılı kapıyı açtı ve kibarca ama tamamen bilinçsizce geri durarak önünden gitmemi işaret etti. There was a delicious irony in the offer, in the courtliness of giving preference on such a ghastly occasion. ||||Ironie||||||Höflichkeit|||||||grässlich| Havia uma deliciosa ironia na oferta, na cortesia de dar preferência numa ocasião tão horrível. My companion followed me quickly, and cautiously drew the door to, after carefully ascertaining that the lock was a falling, and not a spring one. |Begleiter||||||||||||feststellen||||||||||Feder-| O meu companheiro seguiu-me rapidamente e puxou a porta cautelosamente, depois de se certificar cuidadosamente de que a fechadura era de queda e não de mola. In the latter case we should have been in a bad plight. |||||||||||Notlage Neste último caso, teríamos ficado em maus lençóis. Then he fumbled in his bag, and taking out a matchbox and a piece of candle, proceeded to make a light. ||tastete||||||||Streichholzschachtel|||||Kerze|fuhr fort|||| Depois, remexeu na sua mala e, tirando uma caixa de fósforos e um pedaço de vela, começou a fazer lume. The tomb in the daytime, and when wreathed with fresh flowers, had looked grim and gruesome enough, but now, some days afterwards, when the flowers hung lank and dead, their whites turning to rust and their greens to browns, when the spider and the beetle had resumed their accustomed dominance, when the time-discoloured stone, and dust-encrusted mortar, and rusty, dank iron, and tarnished brass, and clouded silver-plating gave back the feeble glimmer of a candle, the effect was more miserable and sordid than could have been imagined. |||||||umwunden||||||düster||grausig|||||||||||schlaff|||||||rostig|||||||||||Käfer||||gewöhnt|||||zeitlich entstellt||||bedeckt|Mörtel|||feucht und schimmelig|||angelaufen|angelisches Metall||||Silberbeschichtung||||schwacher|||||||||||elendig||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||wilted and drooping||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| O túmulo, de dia e envolto em flores frescas, tinha um aspeto suficientemente sombrio e horrível, mas agora, alguns dias mais tarde, quando as flores pendiam ressequidas e mortas, os seus brancos transformando-se em ferrugem e os seus verdes em castanhos, quando a aranha e o escaravelho tinham retomado o seu domínio habitual, quando a pedra descolorida pelo tempo, a argamassa incrustada de poeira, o ferro enferrujado e húmido, o latão manchado e a prata enevoada, ainda deixavam ver o fraco brilho de uma vela, o efeito era mais miserável e sórdido do que se poderia imaginar. It conveyed irresistibly the idea that life, animal life, was not the only thing which could pass away. |vermittelte|||||||||||||||| Transmitia de forma irresistível a ideia de que a vida, a vida animal, não era a única coisa que podia passar.