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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 14 - Mina Harker's Journal, part 4

CHAPTER 14 - Mina Harker's Journal, part 4

Dr. Van Helsing must be a good man as well as a clever one if he is Arthur's friend and Dr. Seward's, and if they brought him all the way from Holland to look after Lucy. I feel from having seen him that he is good and kind and of a noble nature. When he comes tomorrow I shall ask him about Jonathan. And then, please God, all this sorrow and anxiety may lead to a good end. I used to think I would like to practice interviewing. Jonathan's friend on "The Exeter News" told him that memory is everything in such work, that you must be able to put down exactly almost every word spoken, even if you had to refine some of it afterwards. Here was a rare interview. I shall try to record it verbatim.

It was half-past two o'clock when the knock came. I took my courage a deux mains and waited. In a few minutes Mary opened the door, and announced "Dr. Van Helsing". I rose and bowed, and he came towards me, a man of medium weight, strongly built, with his shoulders set back over a broad, deep chest and a neck well balanced on the trunk as the head is on the neck. The poise of the head strikes me at once as indicative of thought and power. The head is noble, well-sized, broad, and large behind the ears. The face, clean-shaven, shows a hard, square chin, a large resolute, mobile mouth, a good-sized nose, rather straight, but with quick, sensitive nostrils, that seem to broaden as the big bushy brows come down and the mouth tightens. The forehead is broad and fine, rising at first almost straight and then sloping back above two bumps or ridges wide apart, such a forehead that the reddish hair cannot possibly tumble over it, but falls naturally back and to the sides. Big, dark blue eyes are set widely apart, and are quick and tender or stern with the man's moods. He said to me, "Mrs. Harker, is it not? " I bowed assent. "That was Miss Mina Murray? " Again I assented. "It is Mina Murray that I came to see that was friend of that poor dear child Lucy Westenra. Madam Mina, it is on account of the dead that I come."

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CHAPTER 14 - Mina Harker's Journal, part 4 ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 14 - Το ημερολόγιο της Μίνα Χάρκερ, μέρος 4 CAPÍTULO 14 - Diario de Mina Harker, parte 4 CAPITOLO 14 - Diario di Mina Harker, parte 4

Dr. Van Helsing must be a good man as well as a clever one if he is Arthur's friend and Dr. Seward's, and if they brought him all the way from Holland to look after Lucy. O Dr. Van Helsing deve ser um homem bom e inteligente, se é amigo de Arthur e do Dr. Seward, e se o trouxeram da Holanda para cuidar de Lucy. I feel from having seen him that he is good and kind and of a noble nature. Depois de o ter visto, sinto que ele é bom, gentil e de natureza nobre. When he comes tomorrow I shall ask him about Jonathan. Quando ele vier amanhã, perguntar-lhe-ei sobre o Jonathan. And then, please God, all this sorrow and anxiety may lead to a good end. E então, por favor Deus, toda esta tristeza e ansiedade pode levar a um bom fim. I used to think I would like to practice interviewing. Costumava pensar que gostaria de praticar a entrevista. Jonathan's friend on "The Exeter News" told him that memory is everything in such work, that you must be able to put down exactly almost every word spoken, even if you had to refine some of it afterwards. |||||||||||||||||||||niederschreiben||||||||||||verfeinern|||| O amigo de Jonathan no "The Exeter News" disse-lhe que a memória é tudo neste tipo de trabalho, que tem de ser capaz de escrever exatamente quase todas as palavras ditas, mesmo que depois tenha de as aperfeiçoar. Here was a rare interview. Esta foi uma entrevista rara. I shall try to record it verbatim. ||||||wörtlich ||||||word for word Tentarei registar tudo na íntegra.

It was half-past two o'clock when the knock came. Eram duas e meia da tarde quando bateram à porta. I took my courage a deux mains and waited. |||||beide Hände||| |||||both||| Tomei a minha coragem a deux mains e esperei. Cesaretimi bir deux şebekesine aldım ve bekledim. In a few minutes Mary opened the door, and announced "Dr. Van Helsing". Em poucos minutos, Maria abriu a porta e anunciou: "Dr. Van Helsing". I rose and bowed, and he came towards me, a man of medium weight, strongly built, with his shoulders set back over a broad, deep chest and a neck well balanced on the trunk as the head is on the neck. |stand auf||||||||||||||||||||||breit||||||||||||||||| Levantei-me e fiz uma vénia, e ele veio na minha direção, um homem de peso médio, de constituição forte, com os ombros recuados sobre um peito largo e profundo e um pescoço bem equilibrado no tronco como a cabeça está no pescoço. The poise of the head strikes me at once as indicative of thought and power. |Graceful composure||||||||||||| A postura da cabeça parece-me ao mesmo tempo indicativa de pensamento e de poder. The head is noble, well-sized, broad, and large behind the ears. ||||gut||||||| A cabeça é nobre, de bom tamanho, larga e larga atrás das orelhas. The face, clean-shaven, shows a hard, square chin, a large resolute, mobile mouth, a good-sized nose, rather straight, but with quick, sensitive nostrils, that seem to broaden as the big bushy brows come down and the mouth tightens. ||||||||||||beweglich||||||||||||||||||||||||||| O rosto, barbeado, mostra um queixo duro e quadrado, uma boca grande, resoluta e móvel, um nariz de bom tamanho, bastante reto, mas com narinas rápidas e sensíveis, que parecem alargar-se à medida que as grandes sobrancelhas espessas descem e a boca se aperta. The forehead is broad and fine, rising at first almost straight and then sloping back above two bumps or ridges wide apart, such a forehead that the reddish hair cannot possibly tumble over it, but falls naturally back and to the sides. Die|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||fallen|||||||||| A testa é larga e fina, erguendo-se a princípio quase direita e depois inclinando-se para trás por cima de duas saliências ou cristas bem separadas, uma testa tal que o cabelo avermelhado não pode cair sobre ela, mas cai naturalmente para trás e para os lados. Big, dark blue eyes are set widely apart, and are quick and tender or stern with the man's moods. Os grandes olhos azuis escuros estão muito afastados e são rápidos e ternos ou severos, consoante o humor do homem. He said to me, "Mrs. Harker, is it not? Ele disse-me: "Sra. Harker, não é? "  I bowed assent. " Fiz uma vénia de assentimento. "That was Miss Mina Murray? "Era a Miss Mina Murray? "  Again I assented. " Mais uma vez concordei. "It is Mina Murray that I came to see that was friend of that poor dear child Lucy Westenra. "É a Mina Murray que eu vim ver, que era amiga daquela pobre criança, Lucy Westenra. Madam Mina, it is on account of the dead that I come." ||||auf||||||| Senhora Mina, é por causa dos mortos que eu venho".