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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 10 - Letter, Dr. Seward To Hon. Arthur Holmwood, part 15

CHAPTER 10 - Letter, Dr. Seward To Hon. Arthur Holmwood, part 15

I followed out his orders, for I knew how right and wise they were. I had done my part, and now my next duty was to keep up my strength. I felt very weak, and in the weakness lost something of the amazement at what had occurred. I fell asleep on the sofa, however, wondering over and over again how Lucy had made such a retrograde movement, and how she could have been drained of so much blood with no sign any where to show for it. I think I must have continued my wonder in my dreams, for, sleeping and waking my thoughts always came back to the little punctures in her throat and the ragged, exhausted appearance of their edges, tiny though they were. Lucy slept well into the day, and when she woke she was fairly well and strong, though not nearly so much so as the day before. When Van Helsing had seen her, he went out for a walk, leaving me in charge, with strict injunctions that I was not to leave her for a moment. I could hear his voice in the hall, asking the way to the nearest telegraph office. Lucy chatted with me freely, and seemed quite unconscious that anything had happened. I tried to keep her amused and interested. When her mother came up to see her, she did not seem to notice any change whatever, but said to me gratefully, "We owe you so much, Dr. Seward, for all you have done, but you really must now take care not to overwork yourself. You are looking pale yourself. You want a wife to nurse and look after you a bit, that you do! " As she spoke, Lucy turned crimson, though it was only momentarily, for her poor wasted veins could not stand for long an unwonted drain to the head. The reaction came in excessive pallor as she turned imploring eyes on me. I smiled and nodded, and laid my finger on my lips. With a sigh, she sank back amid her pillows.

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CHAPTER 10 - Letter, Dr. Seward To Hon. Arthur Holmwood, part 15 KAPITEL 10 - Brief von Dr. Seward an Hon. Arthur Holmwood, Teil 15 CAPITULO 10 - Carta, Dr. Seward Al Hon. Arthur Holmwood, parte 15 CAPITOLO 10 - Lettera del Dr. Seward all'On. Arthur Holmwood, parte 15 CAPÍTULO 10 - Carta do Dr. Seward a Hon. Arthur Holmwood, parte 15

I followed out his orders, for I knew how right and wise they were. |folgte|||||||||||| |seguì||||||||giuste|||| Ho seguito i suoi ordini, perché sapevo quanto fossero giusti e saggi. Cumpri as suas ordens, pois sabia que eram correctas e sensatas. I had done my part, and now my next duty was to keep up my strength. ||||||||||||mantenere|||forza Avevo fatto la mia parte, e ora il mio prossimo dovere era mantenere la mia forza. Eu tinha feito a minha parte e agora o meu próximo dever era manter as minhas forças. I felt very weak, and in the weakness lost something of the amazement at what had occurred. ||||||||||||stupore|||| Mi sentivo molto debole, e nella debolezza ho perso un po' dello stupore per quello che era accaduto. Senti-me muito fraco e, com a fraqueza, perdi um pouco do espanto pelo que tinha acontecido. Kendimi çok zayıf hissettim ve zayıflıkta olanlara şaşkınlıktan bir şeyler kaybettim. I fell asleep on the sofa, however, wondering over and over again how Lucy had made such a retrograde movement, and how she could have been drained of so much blood with no sign any where to show for it. ||||||||||||||||||rückschrittliche Bewegung||||||||ausgelaugt||||||||||||| io||||||||||||||||||retrograda||||||||sanguinata||||||||||||| No entanto, adormeci no sofá, perguntando-me repetidamente como é que Lucy tinha feito um movimento tão retrógrado e como é que podia ter sido drenada de tanto sangue sem que houvesse qualquer sinal. I think I must have continued my wonder in my dreams, for, sleeping and waking my thoughts always came back to the little punctures in her throat and the ragged, exhausted appearance of their edges, tiny though they were. ||||||||||||||sveglio|||||||||||||||||||||||| Penso que devo ter continuado o meu espanto nos meus sonhos, pois, dormindo e acordado, os meus pensamentos voltavam sempre aos pequenos furos na sua garganta e ao aspeto esfarrapado e exausto dos seus bordos, por muito pequenos que fossem. Lucy slept well into the day, and when she woke she was fairly well and strong, though not nearly so much so as the day before. Lucy ha dormito a lungo durante il giorno, e quando si è svegliata stava abbastanza bene e forte, anche se non così tanto come il giorno prima. Lucy dormiu bem durante o dia e, quando acordou, estava bastante bem e forte, embora não tanto como no dia anterior. When Van Helsing had seen her, he went out for a walk, leaving me in charge, with strict injunctions that I was not to leave her for a moment. ||||||||||||||||||Anweisungen|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||strict orders|||||||||| ||Helsing|||||||||||||custodia||severe||||ero||||||| Quando Van Helsing l'ha vista, è uscito per una passeggiata, lasciandomi in carica, con severe istruzioni che non dovevo lasciarla neanche per un momento. Depois de a ter visto, Van Helsing saiu para dar um passeio, deixando-me a cargo, com ordens estritas de que não a deixasse nem por um momento. I could hear his voice in the hall, asking the way to the nearest telegraph office. Potevo sentire la sua voce nel corridoio, che chiedeva indicazioni per il ufficio telegrafico più vicino. Ouvia a sua voz no corredor, perguntando o caminho para o posto telegráfico mais próximo. Lucy chatted with me freely, and seemed quite unconscious that anything had happened. |chiacchierò|||liberamente|||||che||| Lucy conversou comigo à vontade e parecia não se aperceber de nada do que tinha acontecido. I tried to keep her amused and interested. Tentei mantê-la divertida e interessada. When her mother came up to see her, she did not seem to notice any change whatever, but said to me gratefully, "We owe you so much, Dr. Seward, for all you have done, but you really must now take care not to overwork yourself. |||||||||||||||cambiamento||||||||dobbiamo a||||||||||||||||||||| Quando a mãe veio vê-la, não pareceu notar qualquer alteração, mas disse-me agradecida: "Devemos-lhe muito, Dr. Seward, por tudo o que fez, mas agora tem mesmo de ter cuidado para não se sobrecarregar. You are looking pale yourself. Está a ficar pálido. You want a wife to nurse and look after you a bit, that you do! Queres uma mulher que cuide de ti e que te trate um pouco, isso queres! "  As she spoke, Lucy turned crimson, though it was only momentarily, for her poor wasted veins could not stand for long an unwonted drain to the head. |||||hochrot|||||||||||||||||ungewohnte|Abfluss||| ||||||||||||||||||||||Unusual or rare|||| ||||||||||per un momento|||||||||||||||| " Enquanto falava, Lucy ficou vermelha, embora por instantes, pois as suas pobres veias gastas não aguentavam muito tempo uma descarga inusitada na cabeça. The reaction came in excessive pallor as she turned imploring eyes on me. |||||Blässe||||flehend||| A reação foi de uma palidez excessiva, quando ela virou os olhos implorantes para mim. I smiled and nodded, and laid my finger on my lips. Sorri, acenei com a cabeça e pus o dedo nos lábios. With a sigh, she sank back amid her pillows. ||un sospiro|||||| Com um suspiro, afundou-se entre as almofadas.