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Deathworld by Harry Harrison, Chapter - VII

Chapter - VII


Days turned into weeks in the school, cut off from the world outside.

Jason almost became proud of his ability to deal death. He recognized all the animals and plants in the nursery room and had been promoted to a trainer where the beasts made sluggish charges at him. His gun picked off the attackers with dull regularity. The constant, daily classes were beginning to bore him as well. Though the gravity still dragged at him, his muscles were making great efforts to adjust.

After the daily classes he no longer collapsed immediately into bed. Only the nightmares got worse. He had finally mentioned them to Brucco, who mixed up a sleeping potion that took away most of their effect. The dreams were still there, but Jason was only vaguely aware of them upon awakening. By the time Jason had mastered all the gadgetry that kept the Pyrrans alive, he had graduated to a most realistic trainer that was only a hair-breadth away from the real thing.

The difference was just in quality. The insect poisons caused swelling and pain instead of instant death. Animals could cause bruises and tear flesh, but stopped short of ripping off limbs. You couldn't get killed in this trainer, but could certainly come very close to it. Jason wandered through this large and rambling jungle with the rest of the five-year-olds.

There was something a bit humorous, yet sad, about their unchildlike grimness. Though they still might laugh in their quarters, they realized there was no laughing outside. To them survival was linked up with social acceptance and desirability. In this way Pyrrus was a simple black-and-white society. To prove your value to yourself and your world, you only had to stay alive. This had great importance in racial survival, but had very stultifying effects on individual personality. Children were turned into like-faced killers, always on the alert to deal out death. Some of the children graduated into the outside world and others took their places.

Jason watched this process for a while before he realized that all of those from the original group he had entered with were gone. That same day he looked up the chief of the adaptation center. "Brucco," Jason asked, "how long do you plan to keep me in this kindergarten shooting gallery?

"You're not being 'kept' here," Brucco told him in his usual irritated tone.

"You will be here until you qualify for the outside. "Which I have a funny feeling will be never.

I can now field strip and reassemble every one of your blasted gadgets in the dark. I am a dead shot with this cannon. At this present moment, if I had to, I could write a book on the Complete Flora and Fauna of Pyrrus, and How to Kill It. Perhaps I don't do as well as my six-year-old companions, but I have a hunch I do about as good a job now as I ever will. Is that true? Brucco squirmed with the effort to be evasive, yet didn't succeed.

"I think, that is, you know you weren't born here, and—" "Come, come," Jason said with glee, "a straight-faced old Pyrran like you shouldn't try to lie to one of the weaker races that specialize in that sort of thing.

It goes without saying that I'll always be sluggish with this gravity, as well as having other inborn handicaps. I admit that. We're not talking about that now. The question is—will I improve with more training, or have I reached a peak of my own development now? Brucco sweated.

"With the passage of time there will be improvement of course—" "Sly devil!

Jason waggled a finger at him. "Yes or no, now. Will I improve now by more training now ? "No," Brucco said, and still looked troubled.

Jason sized him up like a poker hand. "Now let's think about that.

I won't improve—yet I'm still stuck here. That's no accident. So you must have been ordered to keep me here. And from what I have seen of this planet, admittedly very little, I would say that Kerk ordered you to keep me here. Is that right? "He was only doing it for your own sake," Brucco explained, "trying to keep you alive.

"The truth is out," Jason said, "so let us now forget about it.

I didn't come here to shoot robots with your offspring. So please show me the street door. Or is there a graduating ceremony first? Speeches, handing out school pins, sabers overhead—" "Nothing like that," Brucco snapped.

"I don't see how a grown man like you can talk such nonsense all the time. There is none of that, of course. Only some final work in the partial survival chamber. That is a compound that connects with the outside—really is a part of the outside—except the most violent life forms are excluded. And even some of those manage to find their way in once in a while. "When do I go?

Jason shot the question. "Tomorrow morning.

Get a good night's sleep first. You'll need it. There was one bit of ceremony attendant with the graduation.

When Jason came into his office in the morning, Brucco slid a heavy gun clip across the table. "These are live bullets," he said.

"I'm sure you'll be needing them. After this your gun will always be loaded. They came up to a heavy air lock, the only locked door Jason had seen in the center.

While Brucco unlocked it and threw the bolts, a sober-faced eight-year-old with a bandaged leg limped up. "This is Grif," Brucco said.

"He will stay with you, wherever you go, from now on. "My personal bodyguard?

Jason asked, looking down at the stocky child who barely reached his waist. "You might call him that.

Brucco swung the door open. "Grif tangled with a sawbird, so he won't be able to do any real work for a while. You yourself admitted that you will never be able to equal a Pyrran, so you should be glad of a little protection. "Always a kind word, that's you, Brucco," Jason said.

He bent over and shook hands with the boy. Even the eight-year-olds had a bone-crushing grip. The two of them entered the lock and Brucco swung the inner door shut behind them.

As soon as it was sealed the outer door opened automatically. It was only partly open when Grif's gun blasted twice. Then they stepped out onto the surface of Pyrrus, over the smoking body of one of its animals. Very symbolic, Jason thought.

He was also bothered by the realization that he hadn't remembered to look for something coming in. Then, too, he couldn't even identify the beast from its charred remains. He glanced around, hoping he would be able to fire first himself, next time. This was an unfulfilled hope.

The few beasts that came their way were always seen first by the boy. After an hour of this, Jason was so irritated that he blasted an evil-looking thorn plant out of existence. He hoped that Grif wouldn't look too closely at it. Of course the boy did. "That plant wasn't close.

It is stupid to waste good ammunition on a plant," Grif said. There was no real trouble during the day.

Jason ended by being bored, though soaked by the frequent rainstorms. If Grif was capable of carrying on a conversation, he didn't show it. All Jason's gambits failed. The following day went the same way. On the third day, Brucco appeared and looked Jason carefully up and down. "I don't like to say it, but I suppose you are as ready to leave now as you ever will be.

Change the virus filter noseplugs every day. Always check boots for tears and metalcloth suiting for rips. Medikit supplies renewed once a week. "And wipe my nose and wear my galoshes.

Anything else?" Jason asked. Brucco started to say something, then changed his mind.

"Nothing that you shouldn't know well by now. Keep alert. And ... good luck." He followed up the words with a crushing handshake that was totally unexpected. As soon as the numbness left Jason's hand, he and Grif went out through the large entrance lock.

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Chapter - VII Kapitel - VII Capítulo - VII Capítulo - VII Глава - VII 第七章


Days turned into weeks in the school, cut off from the world outside. |||||||isolated from||||| Days turned into weeks in the school, cut off from the world outside. اسکول میں دن ہفتوں میں بدل گئے، باہر کی دنیا سے کٹ گئے۔

Jason almost became proud of his ability to deal death. Джейсон почти возгордился своей способностью нести смерть. جیسن کو موت سے نمٹنے کی اپنی صلاحیت پر تقریباً فخر ہو گیا۔ He recognized all the animals and plants in the nursery room and had been promoted to a trainer where the beasts made sluggish charges at him. He recognized all the animals and plants in the nursery room and had been promoted to a trainer where the beasts made sluggish charges at him. Он узнавал всех животных и растения в детской и был повышен до дрессировщика, где звери вяло набрасывались на него. اس نے نرسری کے کمرے میں موجود تمام جانوروں اور پودوں کو پہچان لیا اور اسے ایک ٹرینر کے طور پر ترقی دے دی گئی جہاں درندوں نے اس پر سست الزامات لگائے۔ His gun picked off the attackers with dull regularity. ||targeted and hit|||||monotonous| Его пистолет отстреливал нападавших с унылой регулярностью. The constant, daily classes were beginning to bore him as well. Постоянные ежедневные занятия тоже начинали ему надоедать. Though the gravity still dragged at him, his muscles were making great efforts to adjust. ||||||||||putting forth||strenuous attempts|| Хотя гравитация все еще действовала на него, его мускулы прилагали огромные усилия, чтобы приспособиться.

After the daily classes he no longer collapsed immediately into bed. Only the nightmares got worse. He had finally mentioned them to Brucco, who mixed up a sleeping potion that took away most of their effect. ||||||||||||potion||||||| В конце концов он упомянул о них Брукко, который смешал сонное зелье, которое сняло большую часть их действия. The dreams were still there, but Jason was only vaguely aware of them upon awakening. |||||||||vagamente|||||awakening By the time Jason had mastered all the gadgetry that kept the Pyrrans alive, he had graduated to a most realistic trainer that was only a hair-breadth away from the real thing. |||||||||||||||||||||simulation device||||||||||| |||||mastered|||the devices||||||||||||||||||hair|breadth||||| К тому времени, как Джейсон освоил все приспособления, поддерживавшие жизнь пирранцев, он превратился в самого реалистичного тренера, который был лишь на волосок от настоящего.

The difference was just in quality. Разница была только в качестве. The insect poisons caused swelling and pain instead of instant death. Цей|комаха|||swelling|||||| Яды насекомых вызывали отек и боль, а не мгновенную смерть. Animals could cause bruises and tear flesh, but stopped short of ripping off limbs. |||Injuries|||||||||| |||синці||рвати||||||ripping||limbs Животные могли оставлять синяки и рвать плоть, но не отрывали конечностей. You couldn’t get killed in this trainer, but could certainly come very close to it. Вы не могли быть убиты в этом тренере, но, безусловно, могли быть очень близки к этому. Jason wandered through this large and rambling jungle with the rest of the five-year-olds. ||||||sprawling||||||||| ||||||блукаючий||||||||| Джейсон бродил по этим большим беспорядочным джунглям вместе с остальными пятилетними детьми.

There was something a bit humorous, yet sad, about their unchildlike grimness. |||||||||||stern seriousness |||||гумористичний||||||seriousness Было что-то смешное, но грустное в их недетской мрачности. Though they still might laugh in their quarters, they realized there was no laughing outside. |||||||quarters||||||| To them survival was linked up with social acceptance and desirability. ||||||||||desirability To them survival was linked up with social acceptance and desirability. Для них выживание было связано с общественным признанием и желанностью. In this way Pyrrus was a simple black-and-white society. To prove your value to yourself and your world, you only had to stay alive. Чтобы доказать свою ценность для себя и своего мира, вам нужно было только остаться в живых. This had great importance in racial survival, but had very stultifying effects on individual personality. ||||||||||Inhibiting|||| |||||racial|||||stultifying|||| This had great importance in racial survival, but had very stultifying effects on individual personality. Это имело большое значение для выживания расы, но имело очень отупляющие последствия для индивидуальной личности. Children were turned into like-faced killers, always on the alert to deal out death. |||||similar-looking||||||||| ||||||||||пильність|||| Детей превращали в убийц с похожими лицами, всегда готовых нанести смерть. Some of the children graduated into the outside world and others took their places.

Jason watched this process for a while before he realized that all of those from the original group he had entered with were gone. Джейсон некоторое время наблюдал за этим процессом, прежде чем понял, что все те из первоначальной группы, с которой он вошел, исчезли. That same day he looked up the chief of the adaptation center. В тот же день он разыскал начальника центра адаптации. "Brucco," Jason asked, "how long do you plan to keep me in this kindergarten shooting gallery? ||||||||||||||shooting| «Брукко, — спросил Джейсон, — как долго ты собираешься держать меня в этом детском тире?

"You’re not being 'kept' here," Brucco told him in his usual irritated tone. "You're not being 'kept' here," Brucco told him in his usual irritated tone. — Вас здесь не «держат», — сказал ему Брукко своим обычным раздраженным тоном.

"You will be here until you qualify for the outside. «Ты будешь здесь, пока не пройдешь квалификацию снаружи. "Which I have a funny feeling will be never. "Какое у меня странное предчувствие не будет никогда.

I can now field strip and reassemble every one of your blasted gadgets in the dark. |||disassemble||||||||damned|||| ||||to strip|||||||поганих|||| I can now field strip and reassemble every one of your blasted gadgets in the dark. Теперь я могу в полевых условиях разобрать и собрать все ваши проклятые гаджеты в темноте. I am a dead shot with this cannon. |||extremely accurate|||| |||||||cannon I am a dead shot with this cannon. Я меткий выстрел из этой пушки. At this present moment, if I had to, I could write a book on the Complete Flora and Fauna of Pyrrus, and How to Kill It. ||||||||||||||||||Fauna||||||| Perhaps I don’t do as well as my six-year-old companions, but I have a hunch I do about as good a job now as I ever will. ||||||||||||||||gut feeling|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||інтуїція|||||||||||| Perhaps I don't do as well as my six-year-old companions, but I have a hunch I do about as good a job now as I ever will. Возможно, я справляюсь не так хорошо, как мои шестилетние товарищи, но у меня есть предчувствие, что сейчас я справляюсь со своей работой так же хорошо, как когда-либо. Is that true? Это правда? Brucco squirmed with the effort to be evasive, yet didn’t succeed. |wriggled uncomfortably||||||||| |contorceva||||||evasivo|||riuscire Brucco squirmed with the effort to be evasive, yet didn't succeed. Брукко извивался, пытаясь уклониться, но безуспешно.

"I think, that is, you know you weren’t born here, and—" — Я думаю, то есть ты знаешь, что родился не здесь, и… "Come, come," Jason said with glee, "a straight-faced old Pyrran like you shouldn’t try to lie to one of the weaker races that specialize in that sort of thing. |||||joyful excitement|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||радістю|||||||||||||||||||||||| «Ну же, — сказал Джейсон с ликованием, — старому пиррианцу с серьезным лицом, вроде тебя, не следует пытаться лгать одной из более слабых рас, которые специализируются на подобных вещах.

It goes without saying that I’ll always be sluggish with this gravity, as well as having other inborn handicaps. ||||||||slow and lethargic|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||вроджені|недоліки Само собой разумеется, что я всегда буду вялым с этой гравитацией, а также с другими врожденными недостатками. I admit that. We’re not talking about that now. The question is—will I improve with more training, or have I reached a peak of my own development now? ||||||||||||||Highest point||||| Brucco sweated. |Brucco perspired. |sweated Брукко вспотел.

"With the passage of time there will be improvement of course—" — Со временем, конечно, будет улучшение… "Sly devil! Cunning|Clever trickster sly| «Хитрый дьявол!

Jason waggled a finger at him. |shook or moved|||| |waggled|||| "Yes or no, now. Will I improve now by more training now ? Улучшусь ли я сейчас, больше тренируясь сейчас? "No," Brucco said, and still looked troubled.

Jason sized him up like a poker hand. |sized|||||| Jason sized him up like a poker hand. Джейсон оценил его, как руку в покере. "Now let’s think about that.

I won’t improve—yet I’m still stuck here. That’s no accident. Это не случайно. So you must have been ordered to keep me here. And from what I have seen of this planet, admittedly very little, I would say that Kerk ordered you to keep me here. |||||||||it must be said||||||||||||| И из того, что я видел на этой планете, правда очень немного, я бы сказал, что Керк приказал вам держать меня здесь. Is that right? "He was only doing it for your own sake," Brucco explained, "trying to keep you alive. ||||||||sake|||||||

"The truth is out," Jason said, "so let us now forget about it. «Правда вышла наружу, — сказал Джейсон, — так что давайте теперь забудем об этом.

I didn’t come here to shoot robots with your offspring. |||||||||offspring Я пришел сюда не для того, чтобы стрелять в роботов с твоим детищем. So please show me the street door. Or is there a graduating ceremony first? Speeches, handing out school pins, sabers overhead—" Public addresses|||||ceremonial swords| |||||swords| Речи, раздача школьных значков, сабли над головой… "Nothing like that," Brucco snapped. ||||angrily retorted

"I don’t see how a grown man like you can talk such nonsense all the time. There is none of that, of course. Only some final work in the partial survival chamber. ||||||||камери часткового виживання Только какая-то финальная работа в частичной камере выживания. That is a compound that connects with the outside—really is a part of the outside—except the most violent life forms are excluded. |||||||||||||||||||||||виключені найагресивніші Это соединение, которое соединяется с внешним миром — на самом деле является его частью — за исключением самых жестоких форм жизни. And even some of those manage to find their way in once in a while. And even some of those manage to find their way in once in a while. И даже некоторым из них время от времени удается найти свой путь. "When do I go?

Jason shot the question. Джейсон выстрелил в вопрос. "Tomorrow morning.

Get a good night’s sleep first. You’ll need it. There was one bit of ceremony attendant with the graduation. There was one bit of ceremony attendant with the graduation. Был один небольшой сопровождающий церемонии с выпускным.

When Jason came into his office in the morning, Brucco slid a heavy gun clip across the table. ||||||||||||||clip||| Когда утром Джейсон вошел в свой кабинет, Брукко положил на стол тяжелую обойму. "These are live bullets," he said. |||live ammunition|| |||proiettili|| "These are live bullets," he said.

"I’m sure you’ll be needing them. After this your gun will always be loaded. |||||||завантажений They came up to a heavy air lock, the only locked door Jason had seen in the center. Они подошли к тяжелому воздушному шлюзу, единственной запертой двери, которую Джейсон видел в центре.

While Brucco unlocked it and threw the bolts, a sober-faced eight-year-old with a bandaged leg limped up. ||||||||||||||||wrapped in bandages||| ||||||||||||||||||limped| Пока Брукко отпирал ее и закидывал засовы, к ней прихрамывал восьмилетний ребенок с трезвым лицом и перебинтованной ногой. "This is Grif," Brucco said. — Это Гриф, — сказал Брукко.

"He will stay with you, wherever you go, from now on. "My personal bodyguard? ||bodyguard

Jason asked, looking down at the stocky child who barely reached his waist. ||||||short and sturdy|||||| |||||||child||||| — спросил Джейсон, глядя на коренастого ребенка, который едва доставал ему до талии. "You might call him that. "Можно его так назвать.

Brucco swung the door open. "Grif tangled with a sawbird, so he won’t be able to do any real work for a while. ||||injury-causing bird||||||||||||| Grif|заплутався|||птах-лісоруб||||||||||||| "Grif tangled with a sawbird, so he won't be able to do any real work for a while. «Гриф запутался в пилораме, так что какое-то время он не сможет делать никакой реальной работы. You yourself admitted that you will never be able to equal a Pyrran, so you should be glad of a little protection. ||визнали||||||||||||||||||| Вы сами признались, что никогда не сможете сравняться с пирранцем, так что вам стоит порадоваться небольшой защите. "Always a kind word, that’s you, Brucco," Jason said. — Всегда доброе слово, это ты, Брукко, — сказал Джейсон.

He bent over and shook hands with the boy. Он наклонился и пожал руку мальчику. Even the eight-year-olds had a bone-crushing grip. |||||||||схватка Даже у восьмилетних детей была сокрушительная хватка. The two of them entered the lock and Brucco swung the inner door shut behind them. Они вдвоем вошли в замок, и Брукко захлопнул за собой внутреннюю дверь.

As soon as it was sealed the outer door opened automatically. Как только она была запечатана, внешняя дверь автоматически открылась. It was only partly open when Grif’s gun blasted twice. Она была открыта лишь частично, когда пистолет Грифа дважды выстрелил. Then they stepped out onto the surface of Pyrrus, over the smoking body of one of its animals. Затем они вышли на поверхность Пирра, над дымящимся телом одного из его животных. Very symbolic, Jason thought.

He was also bothered by the realization that he hadn’t remembered to look for something coming in. Его также беспокоило осознание того, что он забыл искать что-то входящее. Then, too, he couldn’t even identify the beast from its charred remains. ||||||||||burned to ashes| |||||||звір|||bruciato| И тогда он даже не смог опознать зверя по его обугленным останкам. He glanced around, hoping he would be able to fire first himself, next time. Он огляделся, надеясь, что в следующий раз сможет выстрелить первым сам. This was an unfulfilled hope. |||not fulfilled|

The few beasts that came their way were always seen first by the boy. After an hour of this, Jason was so irritated that he blasted an evil-looking thorn plant out of existence. |||||||||||||||spiky plant part|||| After an hour of this, Jason was so irritated that he blasted an evil-looking thorn plant out of existence. Через час Джейсон был так раздражен, что уничтожил зловещее колючее растение. He hoped that Grif wouldn’t look too closely at it. Of course the boy did. "That plant wasn’t close.

It is stupid to waste good ammunition on a plant," Grif said. There was no real trouble during the day. Днём особых проблем не было.

Jason ended by being bored, though soaked by the frequent rainstorms. ||||||||||дощові бурі В конце концов Джейсону стало скучно, хотя он промок от частых ливней. If Grif was capable of carrying on a conversation, he didn’t show it. Если Гриф и был способен поддержать беседу, он этого не показывал. All Jason’s gambits failed. ||strategies| Все гамбиты Джейсона провалились. The following day went the same way. Следующий день прошел так же. On the third day, Brucco appeared and looked Jason carefully up and down. На третий день появился Брукко и внимательно осмотрел Джейсона с ног до головы. "I don’t like to say it, but I suppose you are as ready to leave now as you ever will be. «Мне не нравится это говорить, но я полагаю, что сейчас вы готовы уйти так же, как и всегда.

Change the virus filter noseplugs every day. ||||nose plugs|| Каждый день меняйте носовые затычки с вирусным фильтром. Always check boots for tears and metalcloth suiting for rips. ||||||metallic fabric suit|||tears or holes |check|||tears|||||rips Always check boots for tears and metalcloth suiting for rips. Всегда проверяйте ботинки на предмет потертостей и костюм из металлической ткани на наличие разрывов. Medikit supplies renewed once a week. Medical kit||||| Аптечки обновляются раз в неделю. "And wipe my nose and wear my galoshes. |clean||||put on||rain boots "And wipe my nose and wear my galoshes. -- И нос утри, и галоши надень.

Anything else?" Jason asked. Brucco started to say something, then changed his mind. Брукко хотел было что-то сказать, но передумал.

"Nothing that you shouldn’t know well by now. "Nothing that you shouldn't know well by now. «Ничего такого, чего бы вы уже не должны были хорошо знать. Keep alert. Будьте начеку. And ... good luck." И удачи." He followed up the words with a crushing handshake that was totally unexpected. Он продолжил слова сокрушительным рукопожатием, что было совершенно неожиданно. As soon as the numbness left Jason’s hand, he and Grif went out through the large entrance lock. ||||loss of sensation||||||||||||| ||||нездатність відчувати||||||||||||| Как только рука Джейсона покинула онемение, они с Грифом вышли через большой входной замок.