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Deathworld by Harry Harrison, Chapter - III

Chapter - III


The building they stopped at was one of the finer residences in Cassylia. As they had driven, Jason counted the money and separated his share. Almost sixteen million credits. It still didn't seem quite real. When they got out in front of the building he gave Kerk the rest.

"Here's your three billion, don't think it was easy," he said. "It could have been worse," was his only answer. The recorded voice scratched in the speaker over the door.

"Sire Ellus has retired for the night, would you please call again in the morning. All appointments are made in advan—" The voice broke off as Kerk pushed the door open. He did it almost effortlessly with the flat of his hand. As they went in Jason looked at the remnants of torn and twisted metal that hung in the lock and wondered again about his companion.

Strength—more than physical strength—he's like an elemental force. I have the feeling that nothing can stop him.

It made him angry—and at the same time fascinated him. He didn't want out of the deal until he found out more about Kerk and his planet. And "they" who had died for the money he gambled. Sire Ellus was old, balding and angry, not at all used to having his rest disturbed. His complaints stopped suddenly when Kerk threw the money down on the table.

"Is the ship being loaded yet, Ellus? Here's the balance due." Ellus only fumbled the bills for a moment before he could answer Kerk's question. "The ship—but, of course. We began loading when you gave us the deposit. You'll have to excuse my confusion, this is a little irregular. We never handle transactions of this size in cash." "That's the way I like to do business," Kerk answered him, "I've canceled the deposit, this is the total sum. Now how about a receipt." Ellus had made out the receipt before his senses returned. He held it tightly while he looked uncomfortably at the three billion spread out before him.

"Wait—I can't take it now, you'll have to return in the morning, to the bank. In normal business fashion," Ellus decided firmly. Kerk reached over and gently drew the paper out of Ellus' hand. "Thanks for the receipt," he said. "I won't be here in the morning so this will be satisfactory. And if you're worried about the money I suggest you get in touch with some of your plant guards or private police. You'll feel a lot safer." When they left through the shattered door Ellus was frantically dialing numbers on his screen. Kerk answered Jason's next question before he could ask it. "I imagine you would like to live to spend that money in your pocket, so I've booked two seats on an interplanetary ship," he glanced at the car clock. "It leaves in about two hours so we have plenty of time. I'm hungry, let's find a restaurant. I hope you have nothing at the hotel worth going back for. It would be a little difficult." "Nothing worth getting killed for," Jason said. "Now where can we go to eat—there are a few questions I would like to ask you." They circled carefully down to the transport levels until they were sure they hadn't been followed. Kerk nosed the car into a darkened loading dock where they abandoned it.

"We can always get another car," he said, "and they probably have this one spotted. Let's walk back to the freightway, I saw a restaurant there as we came by." Dark and looming shapes of overland freight carriers filled the parking lot. They picked their way around the man-high wheels and into the hot and noisy restaurant. The drivers and early morning workers took no notice of them as they found a booth in the back and dialed a meal.

Kerk chiseled a chunk of meat off the slab in front of him and popped it cheerfully into his mouth. "Ask your questions," he said. "I'm feeling much better already." "What's in this ship you arranged for tonight—what kind of a cargo was I risking my neck for?" "I thought you were risking your neck for money," Kerk said dryly. "But be assured it was in a good cause. That cargo means the survival of a world. Guns, ammunition, mines, explosives and such." Jason choked over a mouthful of food. "Gun-running! What are you doing, financing a private war? And how can you talk about survival with a lethal cargo like that? Don't try and tell me they have a peaceful use. Who are you killing?" Most of the big man's humor had vanished, he had that grim look Jason knew well. "Yes, peaceful would be the right word. Because that is basically all we want. Just to live in peace. And it is not who are we killing—it is what we are killing." Jason pushed his plate away with an angry gesture. "You're talking in riddles," he said. "What you say has no meaning." "It has meaning enough," Kerk told him, "but only on one planet in the universe. Just how much do you know about Pyrrus?" "Absolutely nothing." For a moment Kerk sat wrapped in memory, scowling distantly. Then he went on.

"Mankind doesn't belong on Pyrrus—yet has been there for almost three hundred years now. The age expectancy of my people is sixteen years. Of course most adults live beyond that, but the high child mortality brings the average down.

"It is everything that a humanoid world should not be. The gravity is nearly twice Earth normal. The temperature can vary daily from arctic to tropic. The climate—well you have to experience it to believe it. Like nothing you've seen anywhere else in the galaxy." "I'm frightened," Jason said dryly. "What do you have—methane or chlorine reactions? I've been down on planets like that—" Kerk slammed his hand down hard on the table. The dishes bounced and the table legs creaked. "Laboratory reactions!" he growled. "They look great on a bench—but what happens when you have a world filled with those compounds? In an eye-wink of galactic time all the violence is locked up in nice, stable compounds. The atmosphere may be poisonous for an oxygen breather, but taken by itself it's as harmless as weak beer. "There is only one setup that is pure poison as a planetary atmosphere. Plenty of H2O, the most universal solvent you can find, plus free oxygen to work on—" "Water and oxygen!" Jason broke in. "You mean Earth—or a planet like Cassylia here? That's preposterous." "Not at all. Because you were born in this kind of environment you accept it as right and natural. You take it for granted that metals corrode, coastlines change, and storms interfere with communication. These are normal occurrences on oxygen-water worlds. On Pyrrus these conditions are carried to the nth degree.

"The planet has an axial tilt of almost forty-two degrees, so there is a tremendous change in temperature from season to season. This is one of the prime causes of a constantly changing icecap. The weather generated by this is spectacular to say the least." "If that's all," Jason said, "I don't see why—" "That's not all—it's barely the beginning. The open seas perform the dual destructive function of supplying water vapor to keep the weather going, and building up gigantic tides. Pyrrus' two satellites, Samas and Bessos, combine at times to pull the oceans up into thirty meter tides. And until you've seen one of these tides lap over into an active volcano you've seen nothing. "Heavy elements are what brought us to Pyrrus—and these same elements keep the planet at a volcanic boil. There have been at least thirteen super-novas in the immediate stellar neighborhood. Heavy elements can be found on most of their planets of course—as well as completely unbreathable atmospheres. Long-term mining and exploitation can't be done by anything but a self-sustaining colony. Which meant Pyrrus. Where the radioactive elements are locked in the planetary core, surrounded by a shell of lighter ones. While this allows for the atmosphere men need, it also provides unceasing volcanic activity as the molten plasma forces its way to the surface." For the first time Jason was silent. Trying to imagine what life could be like on a planet constantly at war with itself.

"I've saved the best for last," Kerk said with grim humor. "Now that you have an idea of what the environment is like—think of the kind of life forms that would populate it. I doubt if there is one off-world species that would live a minute. Plants and animals on Pyrrus are tough . They fight the world and they fight each other. Hundreds of thousands of years of genetic weeding-out have produced things that would give even an electronic brain nightmares. Armor-plated, poisonous, claw-tipped and fanged-mouthed. That describes everything that walks, flaps or just sits and grows. Ever see a plant with teeth—that bite? I don't think you want to. You'd have to be on Pyrrus and that means you would be dead within seconds of leaving the ship. Even I'll have to take a refresher course before I'll be able to go outside the landing buildings. The unending war for survival keeps the life forms competing and changing. Death is simple, but the ways of dealing it too numerous to list." Unhappiness rode like a weight on Kerk's broad shoulders. After long moments of thought he moved visibly to shake it off. Returning his attention to his food and mopping the gravy from his plate, he voiced part of his feelings.

"I suppose there is no logical reason why we should stay and fight this endless war. Except that Pyrrus is our home." The last piece of gravy-soaked bread vanished and he waved the empty fork at Jason.

"Be happy you're an off-worlder and will never have to see it." "That's where you're wrong." Jason said as calmly as he could. "You see, I'm going back with you."

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Chapter - III Kapitola - III Kapitel - III Capítulo III Rozdział - III Capítulo - III Глава - III Poglavje - III Bölüm - III Розділ - III 第三章


The building they stopped at was one of the finer residences in Cassylia. |||||||||кращих|резиденції|| O edifício onde pararam era uma das residências mais finas de Cassylia. Stavba, pri kateri sta se ustavila, je bila ena izmed boljših rezidenc v Kassiliji. As they had driven, Jason counted the money and separated his share. Almost sixteen million credits. |шістнадцять|| It still didn't seem quite real. When they got out in front of the building he gave Kerk the rest.

"Here's your three billion, don't think it was easy," he said. "It could have been worse," was his only answer. The recorded voice scratched in the speaker over the door.

"Sire Ellus has retired for the night, would you please call again in the morning. All appointments are made in advan—" |зустрічі||||заздалегідь The voice broke off as Kerk pushed the door open. He did it almost effortlessly with the flat of his hand. ||||без зусиль|||||| As they went in Jason looked at the remnants of torn and twisted metal that hung in the lock and wondered again about his companion. ||||||||останні залишки|||||||підвішені|||||||||

Strength—more than physical strength—he's like an elemental force. сила||||||||елементарний| I have the feeling that nothing can stop him.

It made him angry—and at the same time fascinated him. |||||||||зачарований| He didn't want out of the deal until he found out more about Kerk and his planet. And "they" who had died for the money he gambled. Sire Ellus was old, balding and angry, not at all used to having his rest disturbed. ||||losing his hair||||||||||| |||||||||||||||порушений His complaints stopped suddenly when Kerk threw the money down on the table. |скарги|||||||||||

"Is the ship being loaded yet, Ellus? ||корабель|||| Here's the balance due." ||amount owed|outstanding payment owed |||платіж що підлягає сплаті Ellus only fumbled the bills for a moment before he could answer Kerk's question. ||потупив||||||||||| "The ship—but, of course. We began loading when you gave us the deposit. ||вантаження|||||| You'll have to excuse my confusion, this is a little irregular. We never handle transactions of this size in cash." |||транзакції||||| "That's the way I like to do business," Kerk answered him, "I've canceled the deposit, this is the total sum. Now how about a receipt." ||||чек Ellus had made out the receipt before his senses returned. ||||||||сили сприйняття| He held it tightly while he looked uncomfortably at the three billion spread out before him. |||міцно|||||||||розподілені|||

"Wait—I can't take it now, you'll have to return in the morning, to the bank. In normal business fashion," Ellus decided firmly. |||стиль бізнесу|||рішуче В обычной деловой манере, - твердо решил Эллюс. Kerk reached over and gently drew the paper out of Ellus' hand. "Thanks for the receipt," he said. "I won't be here in the morning so this will be satisfactory. |||||||||||задовільно And if you're worried about the money I suggest you get in touch with some of your plant guards or private police. ||||||||||||||||||охоронці||| You'll feel a lot safer." When they left through the shattered door Ellus was frantically dialing numbers on his screen. |||||||||desperately||||| |||||розбитий||||в паніці|набираючи|||| Kerk answered Jason's next question before he could ask it. "I imagine you would like to live to spend that money in your pocket, so I've booked two seats on an interplanetary ship," he glanced at the car clock. |||||||||||||||||||||міжпланетний||||||| "Imagino que queira viver para gastar esse dinheiro no seu bolso, por isso reservei dois lugares numa nave interplanetária", olhou para o relógio do carro. "It leaves in about two hours so we have plenty of time. I'm hungry, let's find a restaurant. I hope you have nothing at the hotel worth going back for. It would be a little difficult." "Nothing worth getting killed for," Jason said. "Now where can we go to eat—there are a few questions I would like to ask you." They circled carefully down to the transport levels until they were sure they hadn't been followed. |обійшли|||||||||||||| Kerk nosed the car into a darkened loading dock where they abandoned it. |carefully maneuvered||||||||||| Керк|в'їхав|||||||вантажний причал|||покинули його| Керк завел машину в темный погрузочный док, где они ее и бросили.

"We can always get another car," he said, "and they probably have this one spotted. |||obtain||||||||||| ||||||||||||||помічену "Podemos sempre arranjar outro carro", disse ele, "e provavelmente já viram este. Let's walk back to the freightway, I saw a restaurant there as we came by." |||||industrial transport route||||||||| |||||вантажна дорога||||||||| Vamos voltar para o cais de embarque, vi lá um restaurante quando passámos". Dark and looming shapes of overland freight carriers filled the parking lot. ||ominous||||||||| ||похмурі|форми||сухопутний|вантажні перевезення|перевізники|||| As formas escuras e imponentes dos transportadores terrestres de mercadorias enchiam o parque de estacionamento. Темні й навислі форми вантажних перевізників заповнили паркувальний майданчик. They picked their way around the man-high wheels and into the hot and noisy restaurant. Passaram por cima das rodas altas e entraram no restaurante quente e barulhento. Вони обережно проходили між колесами заввишки з людину і увійшли до гарячого й галасливого ресторану. The drivers and early morning workers took no notice of them as they found a booth in the back and dialed a meal. |||||||ні||||||||кабінка|||||набрали|| Водії та ранні працівники не звертали на них уваги, поки вони знайшли кабінку в кутку і замовили їжу.

Kerk chiseled a chunk of meat off the slab in front of him and popped it cheerfully into his mouth. |cut off|||||||||||||||||| Керк|вирізав||кусок|||||блок м'яса||||||вкинув||||| Керк отколол кусок мяса от лежащей перед ним плиты и весело отправил его в рот. "Ask your questions," he said. "I'm feeling much better already." "What's in this ship you arranged for tonight—what kind of a cargo was I risking my neck for?" |||||влаштував|||||||вантаж|||ризикував||| "I thought you were risking your neck for money," Kerk said dryly. |||||||||||sarcastically |||||||||||сухо "Pensei que estavas a arriscar o pescoço por dinheiro", disse Kerk secamente. "But be assured it was in a good cause. ||запевнений|||||| That cargo means the survival of a world. Цей вантаж||||виживання||| Guns, ammunition, mines, explosives and such." |Ammunition|||| Зброя|боєприпаси|міни|вибухові речовини|| Jason choked over a mouthful of food. |задихався|||куском їжі|| "Gun-running! What are you doing, financing a private war? And how can you talk about survival with a lethal cargo like that? |||||||||смертельний||| Don't try and tell me they have a peaceful use. ||||||||мирний| Who are you killing?" Most of the big man's humor had vanished, he had that grim look Jason knew well. |||||||||||stern|||| |||||гумор||зникнув||||похмурий|||| "Yes, peaceful would be the right word. |спокійний||||| Because that is basically all we want. |||в основному||| Just to live in peace. And it is not who are we killing—it is what we are killing." Jason pushed his plate away with an angry gesture. ||||||||жест "You're talking in riddles," he said. |||загадки|| "Está a falar por enigmas", disse ele. "What you say has no meaning." "It has meaning enough," Kerk told him, "but only on one planet in the universe. Just how much do you know about Pyrrus?" "Absolutely nothing." For a moment Kerk sat wrapped in memory, scowling distantly. ||||||||frowning in thought| |||||обгорнутий|||насупившись|віддалено На мгновение Керк погрузился в воспоминания, отстраненно хмурясь. Then he went on. ||пішов|

"Mankind doesn't belong on Pyrrus—yet has been there for almost three hundred years now. людство|||||||||||||| «Человечеству не место на Пирре, но оно находится там уже почти триста лет. The age expectancy of my people is sixteen years. |life span|life span|||||| ||очікування|||||| Ожидаемый возраст моего народа — шестнадцать лет. Of course most adults live beyond that, but the high child mortality brings the average down. Звичайно|||||поза||але||||смертність|||середній показник| Конечно, большинство взрослых живут дольше, но высокая детская смертность снижает средний показатель.

"It is everything that a humanoid world should not be. |||||human-like being|||| |||що||людоподібний|||| «Это все, чем не должен быть гуманоидный мир. The gravity is nearly twice Earth normal. вона||||вдвічі|| Гравитация почти в два раза выше земной. The temperature can vary daily from arctic to tropic. |||змінюватися|щодня||||тропічний Температура может меняться ежедневно от арктической до тропической. The climate—well you have to experience it to believe it. Климат — ну, вы должны испытать его, чтобы поверить в это. Like nothing you've seen anywhere else in the galaxy." "I'm frightened," Jason said dryly. |scared||| я|наляканий||| "What do you have—methane or chlorine reactions? ||||Methane reactions||Chemical element| що||||метан||хлор|реакції I've been down on planets like that—" Я був|||||| Я бывал на таких планетах… Kerk slammed his hand down hard on the table. |forcefully struck||||||| Керк|вдарив||||||| Керк сильно ударил рукой по столу. The dishes bounced and the table legs creaked. |||||||Made a noise |||||||скрипіли Посуда подпрыгивала, ножки столов скрипели. "Laboratory reactions!" "Лабораторные реакции!" he growled. |He snarled. — прорычал он. "They look great on a bench—but what happens when you have a world filled with those compounds? |||||лавка||||||||||||сполуки «Они отлично смотрятся на скамейке, но что произойдет, если у вас есть мир, наполненный этими соединениями? In an eye-wink of galactic time all the violence is locked up in nice, stable compounds. ||око|мигнення||||||насильство||заблоковано||в||| В мгновение ока галактического времени все насилие заперто в хороших, стабильных соединениях. The atmosphere may be poisonous for an oxygen breather, but taken by itself it's as harmless as weak beer. |||||||||||||||нешкідливий||слабкий| Атмосфера может быть ядовита для дышащего кислородом, но сама по себе она так же безвредна, как слабое пиво. "There is only one setup that is pure poison as a planetary atmosphere. |||||||чистий||||| «Есть только одна установка, которая представляет собой чистый яд в виде планетарной атмосферы. Plenty of H2O, the most universal solvent you can find, plus free oxygen to work on—" |||||||dissolving substance||||||||| ||||||універсальний|розчинник||||||||| Много H2O, самого универсального растворителя, какой только можно найти, плюс свободный кислород для работы… "Water and oxygen!" Jason broke in. |вламався| Jason interrompeu. "You mean Earth—or a planet like Cassylia here? That's preposterous." |That's absurd. |абсурдно "Not at all. "Нисколько. Because you were born in this kind of environment you accept it as right and natural. You take it for granted that metals corrode, coastlines change, and storms interfere with communication. ||||припускаєте|||кородують|береги моря||||втручатися в||зв'язок These are normal occurrences on oxygen-water worlds. |||явища|||| On Pyrrus these conditions are carried to the nth degree. На|Пірр|||||||дев'ятий| На Пирре эти условия доведены до энной степени.

"The planet has an axial tilt of almost forty-two degrees, so there is a tremendous change in temperature from season to season. ||||related to axis|||||||||||||||||| ||||осьовий|нахил||||||||||величезний||||||| This is one of the prime causes of a constantly changing icecap. |||||||||||polar ice cover |||||основних|причин|||постійно||льодовиковий покрив The weather generated by this is spectacular to say the least." ||створює||||вражаюча|||| Погода, создаваемая этим, по меньшей мере, впечатляет». "If that's all," Jason said, "I don't see why—" "That's not all—it's barely the beginning. The open seas perform the dual destructive function of supplying water vapor to keep the weather going, and building up gigantic tides. ||моря|||подвійний|руйнівний|||постачання вод||водяна пара||||||||||приливи Открытые моря выполняют двойную разрушительную функцию: поставляют водяной пар для поддержания погоды и создают гигантские приливы. Pyrrus' two satellites, Samas and Bessos, combine at times to pull the oceans up into thirty meter tides. ||супутники||||||||тягнути||||||| Два спутника Пирра, Самас и Бессос, время от времени объединяются, чтобы поднять океаны в тридцатиметровые приливы. And until you've seen one of these tides lap over into an active volcano you've seen nothing. і||ти не||||||підмивати|||||||| E até que se veja uma destas marés a cair num vulcão ativo, ainda não se viu nada. И пока вы не увидели, как один из этих приливов впадает в действующий вулкан, вы ничего не видели. "Heavy elements are what brought us to Pyrrus—and these same elements keep the planet at a volcanic boil. ||||||||||||||||||кипінні «Тяжелые элементы привели нас на Пиррус — и эти же элементы поддерживают планету в вулканическом кипении. There have been at least thirteen super-novas in the immediate stellar neighborhood. |||||||||||star-filled region| ||||||надзвичайних|супернові|||негайній|зоряний| В непосредственной близости от звезды было по крайней мере тринадцать сверхновых. Heavy elements can be found on most of their planets of course—as well as completely unbreathable atmospheres. Конечно, на большинстве их планет можно найти тяжелые элементы, а также абсолютно непригодную для дыхания атмосферу. Long-term mining and exploitation can't be done by anything but a self-sustaining colony. ||||||||||||самодостатня|| Долговременная добыча полезных ископаемых и эксплуатация не могут быть осуществлены ничем, кроме самодостаточной колонии. Which meant Pyrrus. Что означало Пирра. Where the radioactive elements are locked in the planetary core, surrounded by a shell of lighter ones. ||||||в|||ядро||||оболонка||легшими| Где радиоактивные элементы заперты в планетарном ядре, окруженном оболочкой из более легких. While this allows for the atmosphere men need, it also provides unceasing volcanic activity as the molten plasma forces its way to the surface." ||дозволяє|||||||||безперервний|||||розплавлений||||||| Хотя это обеспечивает необходимую людям атмосферу, оно также обеспечивает непрекращающуюся вулканическую активность, поскольку расплавленная плазма пробивается к поверхности». For the first time Jason was silent. Trying to imagine what life could be like on a planet constantly at war with itself.

"I've saved the best for last," Kerk said with grim humor. «Лучшее я оставил напоследок», — с мрачным юмором сказал Керк. "Now that you have an idea of what the environment is like—think of the kind of life forms that would populate it. |||||||||||||||||||||населяти її| I doubt if there is one off-world species that would live a minute. |сумніваюся|||||||вид||||| Я сомневаюсь, что есть хоть один внеземной вид, который прожил бы минуту. Plants and animals on Pyrrus are tough . ||||||міцні They fight the world and they fight each other. Hundreds of thousands of years of genetic weeding-out have produced things that would give even an electronic brain nightmares. ||||||генетичного|вибіркове виведення||||||||||||кошмари Сотни тысяч лет генетического отсеивания породили вещи, которые вызвали бы кошмары даже у электронного мозга. Armor-plated, poisonous, claw-tipped and fanged-mouthed. броя|бронирований||кіготь|||зубастий| Blindados, venenosos, com garras e boca de presas. Бронированный, ядовитый, с когтистым концом и клыкастой пастью. That describes everything that walks, flaps or just sits and grows. |||||літає||||| Это описывает все, что ходит, хлопает крыльями или просто сидит и растет. Ever see a plant with teeth—that bite? |||||зуби|| I don't think you want to. You'd have to be on Pyrrus and that means you would be dead within seconds of leaving the ship. Вы должны быть на Пиррусе, а это значит, что вы будете мертвы через несколько секунд после того, как покинете корабль. Even I'll have to take a refresher course before I'll be able to go outside the landing buildings. The unending war for survival keeps the life forms competing and changing. |безкінечна||||||||конкуруючими|| Death is simple, but the ways of dealing it too numerous to list." ||проста||||||||численні||перерахувати Смерть проста, но способов справиться с ней слишком много, чтобы их перечислять». Unhappiness rode like a weight on Kerk's broad shoulders. Нещастя|||||||широких| Несчастье легло тяжелым бременем на широкие плечи Керка. After long moments of thought he moved visibly to shake it off. После долгих размышлений он явно двинулся, чтобы стряхнуть это. Returning his attention to his food and mopping the gravy from his plate, he voiced part of his feelings. |||||||||sauce or juices||||||||| |||||||витираючи||соус||||||||| Voltando a concentrar-se na comida e limpando o molho do prato, expressou parte dos seus sentimentos. Вернувшись к еде и вытирая подливку с тарелки, он озвучил часть своих чувств.

"I suppose there is no logical reason why we should stay and fight this endless war. |||||||||повинні|||||безкінечний|війна Except that Pyrrus is our home." крім||||| The last piece of gravy-soaked bread vanished and he waved the empty fork at Jason. ||||||хліб||||помахав|||||Джейсон

"Be happy you're an off-worlder and will never have to see it." ||||позаземний|іноземець||||||| "Dá-te por feliz por seres um não-mundial e nunca teres de ver isso." "That's where you're wrong." «Вот тут ты ошибаешься». Jason said as calmly as he could. |||спокійно||| "You see, I'm going back with you." — Видишь ли, я возвращаюсь с тобой.