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Deathworld by Harry Harrison, Chapter - II

Chapter - II


The robot teller at the bank just pinged with electronic shock when he presented one of the bills and flashed a panel that directed him to see Vice President Wain. Wain was a smooth customer who bugged his eyes and lost some of his tan when he saw the sheaf of bills.

"You ... wish to deposit these with us?" he asked while his fingers unconsciously stroked them.

"Not today," Jason said. "They were paid to me as a debt. Would you please check that they are authentic and change them? I'd like five hundred thousand credit notes." Both of his inner chest pockets were packed tight when he left the bank. The bills were good and he felt like a walking mint. This was the first time in his entire life that carrying a large sum of money made him uncomfortable. Waving to a passing helicab he went directly to the Casino, where he knew he would be safe—for a while.

Cassylia Casino was the playspot of the nearby cluster of star systems. It was the first time Jason had seen it, though he knew its type well. He had spent most of his adult life in casinos like this on other worlds. The decor differed but they were always the same. Gambling and socialities in public—and behind the scenes all the private vice you could afford. Theoretically no-limit games, but that was true only up to a certain point. When the house was really hurt the honest games stopped being square and the big winner had to watch his step very carefully. These were the odds Jason dinAlt had played against countless times before. He was wary but not very concerned.

The dining room was almost empty and the major-domo quickly rushed to the side of the relaxed stranger in the richly cut clothes. Jason was lean and dark, looking more like the bored scion of some rich family than a professional gambler. This appearance was important and he cultivated it. The cuisine looked good and the cellar turned out to be wonderful. He had a professional talk with the sommelier while waiting for the soup, then settled down to enjoy his meal.

He ate leisurely and the large dining room was filled before he was through. Watching the entertainment over a long cigar killed some more time. When he finally went to the gaming rooms they were filled and active.

Moving slowly around the room he dropped a few thousand credits. He scarcely noticed how he played, giving more attention to the feel of the games. The play all seemed honest and none of the equipment was rigged. That could be changed very quickly, he realized. Usually it wasn't necessary, house percentage was enough to assure a profit. Once he saw Kerk out of the corner of his eye but he paid him no attention. The ambassador was losing small sums steadily at seven-and-silver and seemed to be impatient. Probably waiting for Jason to begin playing seriously. He smiled and strolled on slowly.

Jason settled on the dice table as he usually did. It was the surest way to make small winnings. And if I feel it tonight I can clean this casino out! That was his secret, the power that won for him steadily—and every once in a while enabled him to make a killing and move on quickly before the hired thugs came to get the money back.

The dice reached him and he threw an eight the hard way. Betting was light and he didn't push himself, just kept away from the sevens. He made the point and passed a natural. Then he crapped out and the dice moved on.

Sitting there, making small automatic bets while the dice went around the table, he thought about the power. Funny, after all the years of work we still don't know much about psi. They can train people a bit, and improve skills a bit—but that's all. He was feeling strong tonight, he knew that the money in his pocket gave him the extra lift that sometimes helped him break through. With his eyes half closed he picked up the dice—and let his mind gently caress the pattern of sunken dots. Then they shot out of his hand and he stared at a seven.

It was there.

Stronger than he had felt it in years. The stiff weight of those million-credit notes had done it. The world all around was sharp-cut clear and the dice was completely in his control. He knew to the tenth-credit how much the other players had in their wallets and was aware of the cards in the hands of the players behind him.

Slowly, carefully, he built up the stakes.

There was no effort to the dice, they rolled and sat up like trained dogs. Jason took his time and concentrated on the psychology of the players and the stick man. It took almost two hours to build his money on the table to seven hundred thousand credits. Then he caught the stick man signaling they had a heavy winner. He waited until the hard-eyed man strolled over to watch the game, then he smiled happily, bet all his table stakes—and blew it on one roll of the dice. The house man smiled happily, the stick man relaxed—and out of the corner of his eye Jason saw Kerk turning a dark purple.

Sweating, pale, his hand trembling ever so slightly, Jason opened the front of his jacket and pulled out one of the envelopes of new bills. Breaking the seal with his finger he dropped two of them on the table.

"Could we have a no-limit game?" he asked, "I'd like to—win back some of my money." The stick man had trouble controlling his smile now, he glanced across at the house man who nodded a quick yes . They had a sucker and they meant to clean him. He had been playing from his wallet all evening, now he was cracking into a sealed envelope to try for what he had lost. A thick envelope too, and probably not his money. Not that the house cared in the least. To them money had no loyalties. The play went on with the Casino in a very relaxed mood.

Which was just the way Jason wanted it. He needed to get as deep into them as he could before someone realized they might be on the losing end. The rough stuff would start and he wanted to put it off as long as possible. It would be hard to win smoothly then—and his psi power might go as quickly as it had come. That had happened before.

He was playing against the house now, the two other players were obvious shills, and a crowd had jammed solidly around to watch. After losing and winning a bit he hit a streak of naturals and his pile of gold chips tottered higher and higher. There was nearly a billion there, he estimated roughly. The dice were still falling true, though he was soaked with sweat from the effort. Betting the entire stack of chips he reached for the dice. The stick man reached faster and hooked them away.

"House calls for new dice," he said flatly. Jason straightened up and wiped his hands, glad of the instant's relief. This was the third time the house had changed dice to try and break his winning streak, it was their privilege. The hard-eyed Casino man opened his wallet as he had done before and drew out a pair at random. Stripping off their plastic cover he threw them the length of the table to Jason. They came up a natural seven and Jason smiled.

When he scooped them up the smile slowly faded. The dice were transparent, finely made, evenly weighted on all sides—and crooked.

The pigment on the dots of five sides of each die was some heavy metal compound, probably lead. The sixth side was a ferrous compound. They would roll true unless they hit a magnetic field—that meant the entire surface of the table could be magnetized. He could never have spotted the difference if he hadn't looked at the dice with his mind. But what could he do about it?

Shaking them slowly he glanced quickly around the table. There was what he needed. An ashtray with a magnet in its base to hold it to the metal edge of the table. Jason stopped shaking the dice and looked at them quizzically, then reached over and grabbed the ashtray. He dropped the base against his hand.

As he lifted the ashtray there was a concerted gasp from all sides. The dice were sticking there, upside down, box cars showing.

"Are these what you call honest dice?" he asked.

The man who had thrown out the dice reached quickly for his hip pocket. Jason was the only one who saw what happened next. He was watching that hand closely, his own fingers near his gun butt. As the man dived into his pocket a hand reached out of the crowd behind him. From its square-cut size it could have belonged to only one person. The thick thumb and index finger clamped swiftly around the house man's wrist, then they were gone. The man screamed shrilly and held up his arm, his hand dangling limp as a glove from the broken wrist bones.

With his flank well protected, Jason could go on with the game. "The old dice if you don't mind," he said quietly. Dazedly the stick man pushed them over. Jason shook quickly and rolled. Before they hit the table he realized he couldn't control them—the transient psi power had gone. End over end they turned. And faced up seven.

Counting the chips as they were pushed over to him he added up a bit under two billion credits. They would be winning that much if he left the game now—but it wasn't the three billion that Kerk needed. Well, it would have to be enough. As he reached for the chips he caught Kerk's eye across the table and the other man shook his head in a steady no . "Let it ride," Jason said wearily, "one more roll." He breathed on the dice, polished them on his cuff, and wondered how he had ever gotten into this spot. Billions riding on a pair of dice. That was as much as the annual income of some planets. The only reason there could be stakes like that was because the planetary government had a stake in the Casino. He shook as long as he could, reaching for the control that wasn't there—then let fly. Everything else had stopped in the Casino and people were standing on tables and chairs to watch. There wasn't a sound from that large crowd. The dice bounced back from the board with a clatter loud in the silence and tumbled over the cloth.

A five and a one. Six. He still had to make his point. Scooping up the dice Jason talked to them, mumbled the ancient oaths that brought luck and threw again.

It took five throws before he made the six.

The crowd echoed his sigh and their voices rose quickly. He wanted to stop, take a deep breath, but he knew he couldn't. Winning the money was only part of the job—they now had to get away with it. It had to look casual. A waiter was passing with a tray of drinks. Jason stopped him and tucked a hundred-credit note in his pocket.

"Drinks are on me," he shouted while he pried the tray out of the waiter's hands. Well-wishers cleared the filled glasses away quickly and Jason piled the chips onto the tray. They more than loaded it, but Kerk appeared that moment with a second tray.

"I'll be glad to help you, sir, if you will permit me," he said. Jason looked at him, and laughed permission. It was the first time he had a clear look at Kerk in the Casino. He was wearing loose, purple evening pajamas over what must have been a false stomach. The sleeves were long and baggy so he looked fat rather than muscular. It was a simple but effective disguise.

Carefully carrying the loaded trays, surrounded by a crowd of excited patrons, they made their way to the cashier's window. The manager himself was there, wearing a sickly grin. Even the grin faded when he counted the chips.

"Could you come back in the morning," he said, "I'm afraid we don't have that kind of money on hand." "What's the matter," Kerk shouted, "trying to get out of paying him? You took my money easy enough when I lost—it works both ways!" The onlookers, always happy to see the house lose, growled their disagreement. Jason finished the matter in a loud voice.

"I'll be reasonable, give me what cash you have and I'll take a check for the balance." There was no way out. Under the watchful eye of the gleeful crowd the manager packed an envelope with bills and wrote a check. Jason took a quick glimpse at it, then stuffed it into an inside pocket. With the envelope under one arm he followed Kerk towards the door.

Because of the onlookers there was no trouble in the main room, but just as they reached the side entrance two men moved in, blocking the way.

"Just a moment—" one said. He never finished the sentence. Kerk walked into them without slowing and they bounced away like tenpins. Then Kerk and Jason were out of the building and walking fast.

"Into the parking lot," Kerk said. "I have a car there." When they rounded the corner there was a car bearing down on them. Before Jason could get his gun clear of the holster Kerk was in front of him. His arm came up and his big ugly gun burst through the cloth of his sleeve and jumped into his hand. A single shot killed the driver and the car swerved and crashed. The other two men in the car died coming out of the door, their guns dropping from their hands.

After that they had no trouble. Kerk drove at top speed away from the Casino, the torn sleeve of his pajamas whipping in the breeze, giving glimpses of the big gun back in the holster.

"When you get the chance," Jason said, "you'll have to show me how that trick holster works." "When we get the chance," Kerk answered as he dived the car into the city access tube.

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Chapter - II Kapitel - II Κεφάλαιο - II Capítulo II Chapitre - II Capitolo - II 장 - II Rozdział II Capítulo - II Глава - II Poglavje - II Bölüm - II Розділ - II 第二章


The robot teller at the bank just pinged with electronic shock when he presented one of the bills and flashed a panel that directed him to see Vice President Wain. |automated machine|bank clerk robot|||||alerted|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||emitió un pitido|||||||||||||||||||||| ||термінал|||||попередив||||||||||||||||||||віце-президент|| The robot teller at the bank just pinged with electronic shock when he presented one of the bills and flashed a panel that directed him to see Vice President Wain. Le robot caissier de la banque vient d'émettre un choc électronique lorsqu'il a présenté l'une des factures et a fait clignoter un panneau lui indiquant de voir le vice-président Wain. A bankpénztáros robot éppen elektronikus sokktól pingált, amikor bemutatta az egyik számlát, és felvillantott egy panelt, amely Wain alelnökhöz irányította. Робот-кассир в банке просто пискнул от электронного шока, когда он предъявил одну из купюр, и на панели замигала надпись, указывающая ему на вице-президента Вейна. Robotski blagajnik v banki je ob predložitvi enega od bankovcev le zaropotal od elektronskega šoka in zasvetil s ploščo, ki ga je napotila k podpredsedniku Wainu. Робот-касир у банку щойно спрацював електронним шоком, коли він пред'явив один з рахунків, і загорівся панель, яка вказала йому зустрітися з віце-президентом Вейном. Wain was a smooth customer who bugged his eyes and lost some of his tan when he saw the sheaf of bills. ||||||widened||||||||skin color change|||||bundle of money|| ||||||випучив|||||||||||||пачка грошей|| ||||||abrió los ojos||||||||||||||| Wain était un client doux qui s'est énervé les yeux et a perdu un peu de son bronzage lorsqu'il a vu la liasse de factures. Уэйн был гладким покупателем, который выпучил глаза и потерял часть своего загара, когда увидел пачку счетов. Wain je bil uglajena stranka, ki je ob pogledu na šop bankovcev zavil z očmi in izgubil nekaj zagorelosti. Вейн був гладким клієнтом, який витріщив очі і втратив частину своєї засмаги, коли побачив пучок банкнот.

"You ... wish to deposit these with us?" "Ви ... бажаєте внести це на наш рахунок?" he asked while his fingers unconsciously stroked them. ||||||stroked| |||||неусвідомлено|погладив| demanda-t-il pendant que ses doigts les caressaient inconsciemment.

"Not today," Jason said. "They were paid to me as a debt. |||||||борг «Они были выплачены мне в качестве долга. Would you please check that they are authentic and change them? |||||||автентичні||| I'd like five hundred thousand credit notes." Both of his inner chest pockets were packed tight when he left the bank. |||внутрішні|грудний||||||||| |||interior|||||||||| Ses deux poches intérieures de poitrine étaient bien remplies lorsqu'il a quitté la banque. The bills were good and he felt like a walking mint. |||||||||mobile|money factory ||||||||||fábrica de dinero ці|гроші|були|||||||ходячий м'ятний|монета Les factures étaient bonnes et il se sentait comme une menthe ambulante. This was the first time in his entire life that carrying a large sum of money made him uncomfortable. Waving to a passing helicab he went directly to the Casino, where he knew he would be safe—for a while. ||||Flying taxi service|||||||||||||||| Махаючи|||проїжджаючого|гелікоптер-таксі|||||||||||||||| Помахав проезжающему вертолетному такси, он направился прямо к казино, где, как он знал, будет в безопасности — на какое-то время.

Cassylia Casino was the playspot of the nearby cluster of star systems. ||||ігрове місце||||група||зірок| ||||lugar de juego||||||| Cassylia Casino était le terrain de jeu du groupe voisin de systèmes stellaires. Казино «Кассилия» было игровой площадкой соседнего скопления звездных систем. It was the first time Jason had seen it, though he knew its type well. He had spent most of his adult life in casinos like this on other worlds. Он провел большую часть своей взрослой жизни в подобных казино в других мирах. The decor differed but they were always the same. |декор||||||| Декор отличался, но они всегда были одинаковыми. Gambling and socialities in public—and behind the scenes all the private vice you could afford. Jogos de azar||||||||||||||| Гральний бізнес||соціальні зв'язки|||||||||приватні вади|вади||| Les jeux d'argent et les rencontres en public, et en coulisses tous les vices privés que vous pouvez vous permettre. Азартные игры и светские тусовки на публике, а за кулисами — все частные пороки, которые вы могли себе позволить. Theoretically no-limit games, but that was true only up to a certain point. теоретично||||||||||||певної межі| Теоретически безлимитные игры, но это было верно только до определенного момента. When the house was really hurt the honest games stopped being square and the big winner had to watch his step very carefully. ||||||||||dejaron de ser|||||||||||| |||||ушкоджена||||||чесні||||||||||| Lorsque la maison a été vraiment blessée, les jeux honnêtes ont cessé d'être carrés et le grand gagnant a dû faire très attention à ses pas. Когда казино действительно пострадало, честные игры перестали быть честными, и крупный победитель должен был очень внимательно следить за своим шагом. These were the odds Jason dinAlt had played against countless times before. |||шанси|Джейсон||||||| Это были шансы, против которых Джейсон ДинАльт играл бессчетное количество раз. He was wary but not very concerned. ||cautious|||| ||обережний|||| Он был настороже, но не очень обеспокоен.

The dining room was almost empty and the major-domo quickly rushed to the side of the relaxed stranger in the richly cut clothes. ||||||||головний слуга|||поспішно|||||||||||| The dining room was almost empty and the major-domo quickly rushed to the side of the relaxed stranger in the richly cut clothes. La salle à manger était presque vide et le majordome se précipita rapidement aux côtés de l'inconnu détendu dans les vêtements richement coupés. Столовая была почти пуста, и мажордом быстро бросился в сторону расслабленного незнакомца в богато сшитом платье. Jason was lean and dark, looking more like the bored scion of some rich family than a professional gambler. ||||||||||heir or descendant|||||||| ||||||||||heredero de familia|||||||| ||стрункий|||||||нудний|нащадок|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||jogador profissional Джейсон был худым и смуглым, больше похожим на скучающего отпрыска какой-нибудь богатой семьи, чем на профессионального игрока. 杰森身材瘦削,肤色黝黑,看起来更像是某个无聊的富家子弟,而不是职业赌徒。 This appearance was important and he cultivated it. |зовнішність|||||виховував| Этот внешний вид был важен, и он культивировал его. 这种外表很重要,他也培养了它。 The cuisine looked good and the cellar turned out to be wonderful. |кухня|||||підвал|виявив|||| La cuisine avait l'air bonne et la cave s'est avérée magnifique. Кухня выглядела хорошо, и погреб оказался замечательным. He had a professional talk with the sommelier while waiting for the soup, then settled down to enjoy his meal. |||||||сумельє|||||||||||| Он профессионально поговорил с сомелье, ожидая супа, а затем уселся, чтобы насладиться едой.

He ate leisurely and the large dining room was filled before he was through. ||at a relaxed pace||||||||||| ||повільно||||||||||| ||Con calma||||||||||| ||calmamente||||||||||| Il mangea tranquillement et la grande salle à manger fut remplie avant qu'il n'ait fini. Он ел не спеша, и большая столовая была заполнена еще до того, как он закончил. 他吃得很悠闲,还没吃完,偌大的餐厅就已经坐满了。 Watching the entertainment over a long cigar killed some more time. Просмотр развлечения за длинной сигарой убил еще немного времени. When he finally went to the gaming rooms they were filled and active. Когда он, наконец, пошел в игровые комнаты, они были заполнены и активны.

Moving slowly around the room he dropped a few thousand credits. Медленно двигаясь по комнате, он уронил несколько тысяч кредитов. He scarcely noticed how he played, giving more attention to the feel of the games. |barely||||||||||||| |ледве||||||||||||| Он почти не замечал, как играет, уделяя больше внимания ощущениям от игры. 他很少关注自己的比赛方式,而更加注重比赛的感觉。 The play all seemed honest and none of the equipment was rigged. |||||||||||tampered with |||||||||||amañado |||||||||обладнання||підготовлене обладнання Le jeu semblait tout honnête et aucun des équipements n'était truqué. Вся игра казалась честной, и ни одно оборудование не было подтасовано. That could be changed very quickly, he realized. Он понял, что это можно изменить очень быстро. Usually it wasn't necessary, house percentage was enough to assure a profit. Обычно в этом не было необходимости, процента дома было достаточно, чтобы обеспечить прибыль. 通常没有必要,房屋百分比足以保证利润。 Once he saw Kerk out of the corner of his eye but he paid him no attention. Однажды он увидел Керка краем глаза, но не обратил на него внимания. 有一次他用眼角的余光看到了柯克,但他没有理会他。 The ambassador was losing small sums steadily at seven-and-silver and seemed to be impatient. ||||||постійно|||||||||нетерплячий L'ambassadeur perdait régulièrement de petites sommes à sept heures d'argent et semblait impatient. Посол стабильно проигрывал небольшие суммы по семь с серебром и казался нетерпеливым. 大使在七银子的位置上不断输掉小笔钱,而且似乎不耐烦。 Probably waiting for Jason to begin playing seriously. Вероятно, ждет, когда Джейсон начнет играть серьезно. He smiled and strolled on slowly. |||гуляв|| |||paseó|| Он улыбнулся и медленно пошел дальше. 他微笑着,慢慢地走着。

Jason settled on the dice table as he usually did. ||||кубики для гральних ігор||||| Джейсон, как обычно, уселся на стол для игры в кости. It was the surest way to make small winnings. |||найнадійніший||||| Это был самый верный способ сделать небольшой выигрыш. And if I feel it tonight I can clean this casino out! Et si je le sens ce soir, je peux nettoyer ce casino ! И если я почувствую это сегодня вечером, я смогу очистить это казино! That was his secret, the power that won for him steadily—and every once in a while enabled him to make a killing and move on quickly before the hired thugs came to get the money back. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||hired enforcers|||||| |||||||||||||||||дозволяла й||||||||||||найняті|найманці|||||| ||||||||||constantemente|||de vez en cuando||||||||||||||||||||||| C'était son secret, le pouvoir qui le gagnait régulièrement – et de temps en temps, il lui permettait de tuer et d'avancer rapidement avant que les voyous embauchés ne viennent récupérer l'argent. В этом был его секрет, сила, которая неуклонно побеждала его — и время от времени позволяла ему совершать убийства и быстро двигаться дальше, прежде чем наемные головорезы придут за деньгами обратно. 这就是他的秘诀,这种力量使他稳步获胜——并且偶尔能让他大赚一笔,并在被雇佣的暴徒来抢回钱之前迅速离开。

The dice reached him and he threw an eight the hard way. ||||||||double four||| |кубики|||||||||| Les dés l'atteignirent et il lança un huit à la dure. Кости дошли до него, и он бросил восьмерку с трудом. 骰子到了他面前,他艰难地扔出了一个八。 Betting was light and he didn't push himself, just kept away from the sevens. Ставки были легкими, и он не загонялся, просто держался подальше от семерок. 赌注很轻,他没有强迫自己,只是远离七人制。 He made the point and passed a natural. Il a fait le point et a réussi un naturel. Он сделал точку и прошел естественный. 他阐明了这一点,并顺利通过了考试。 Then he crapped out and the dice moved on. ||lost his turn|||||| ||накакала|||||| Puis il a chié et les dés ont continué. Затем он облажался, и кости пошли дальше. 然后他就拉屎了,骰子继续前进。

Sitting there, making small automatic bets while the dice went around the table, he thought about the power. Funny, after all the years of work we still don't know much about psi. |||||||||||||psychic phenomena |||||||||||||псіхічні явища Забавно, после стольких лет работы мы до сих пор мало что знаем о пси. 有趣的是,经过多年的工作,我们仍然对 psi 知之甚少。 They can train people a bit, and improve skills a bit—but that's all. Они могут немного обучать людей, немного повышать квалификацию — но не более того. He was feeling strong tonight, he knew that the money in his pocket gave him the extra lift that sometimes helped him break through. |||||||||||||||||boost in confidence|||||| Il se sentait fort ce soir, il savait que l'argent dans sa poche lui donnait le coup de pouce supplémentaire qui l'aidait parfois à percer. Сегодня вечером он чувствовал себя сильным, он знал, что деньги в его кармане давали ему дополнительный подъем, который иногда помогал ему прорваться. With his eyes half closed he picked up the dice—and let his mind gently caress the pattern of sunken dots. |||||||||||||||gently explore||||| |||||||||||||||пестити||візерунок||втиснуті|крапки Les yeux mi-clos, il ramassa les dés et laissa son esprit caresser doucement le motif des points enfoncés. С полузакрытыми глазами он взял кости и позволил своему разуму нежно погладить узор из впавших точек. 他半闭着眼睛拿起骰子,任由思绪轻轻抚摸着上面凹陷的圆点图案。 Then they shot out of his hand and he stared at a seven. ||вистрілити|||||||||| Puis ils ont tiré de sa main et il a regardé un sept. Затем они выстрелили из его руки, и он уставился на семерку.

It was there. Это было там.

Stronger than he had felt it in years. Сильнее, чем он чувствовал это за многие годы. The stiff weight of those million-credit notes had done it. |жорсткий||||||||| Le poids raide de ces millions de notes de crédit l'avait fait. Жесткий вес этих миллионных кредитных банкнот сделал это. 那些百万信用票据的沉重重量已经做到了这一点。 The world all around was sharp-cut clear and the dice was completely in his control. |||||precise|||||||||| Le monde tout autour était clair et net et les dés étaient complètement sous son contrôle. Мир вокруг был предельно ясен, и кости были полностью в его власти. He knew to the tenth-credit how much the other players had in their wallets and was aware of the cards in the hands of the players behind him. |||||||||||||||||обізнаний||||||||||| Il savait au dixième crédit combien les autres joueurs avaient dans leur portefeuille et était au courant des cartes dans les mains des joueurs derrière lui. Он с точностью до десятого кредита знал, сколько у других игроков в кошельках, и знал о картах в руках игроков позади него.

Slowly, carefully, he built up the stakes. ||він||||ставки Lentement, prudemment, il accumula les enjeux. Медленно, осторожно он наращивал ставки.

There was no effort to the dice, they rolled and sat up like trained dogs. ||||||||||||||obedient creatures |||зусилля||||||||||| Il n'y avait aucun effort pour les dés, ils roulaient et se redressaient comme des chiens dressés. Кости не прилагали никаких усилий, они катились и садились, как дрессированные собаки. Jason took his time and concentrated on the psychology of the players and the stick man. ||||||||||||||casino dealer| Jason a pris son temps et s'est concentré sur la psychologie des joueurs et de l'homme au bâton. Джейсон не торопился и сосредоточился на психологии игроков и человека с клюшкой. 杰森不慌不忙,专心研究球员和球杆手的心理。 It took almost two hours to build his money on the table to seven hundred thousand credits. Потребовалось почти два часа, чтобы довести свои деньги на столе до семисот тысяч кредитов. Then he caught the stick man signaling they had a heavy winner. ||||||indicating||||| Тоді||||палиця||||||| Затем он поймал человека с палкой, сигнализирующего о том, что у них есть крупный победитель. He waited until the hard-eyed man strolled over to watch the game, then he smiled happily, bet all his table stakes—and blew it on one roll of the dice. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||os dados |||||||прогулявся||||||||||||||||програв||||кидання|||кубики Il attendit que l'homme aux yeux durs s'approche pour regarder le match, puis il sourit joyeusement, misa toutes les mises de sa table et les fit sauter sur un coup de dés. Он подождал, пока мужчина с суровыми глазами подошел посмотреть на игру, затем счастливо улыбнулся, поставил все свои ставки за столом — и проиграл на одном броске костей. 等到那个目光锐利的男人走过来观看比赛,他才开心地笑了,把赌桌的赌注全部押上——然后一掷骰子就输了。 The house man smiled happily, the stick man relaxed—and out of the corner of his eye Jason saw Kerk turning a dark purple. Хозяин счастливо улыбнулся, человек с палкой расслабился — и краем глаза Джейсон увидел, как Керк стал темно-фиолетовым. 管家高兴地笑了,棍子人放松了——杰森用眼角的余光看到柯克变成了深紫色。

Sweating, pale, his hand trembling ever so slightly, Jason opened the front of his jacket and pulled out one of the envelopes of new bills. suando|pálido||||||||||||||||||||||| Потіючи|блідий|||тремтячою|||трохи||||||||||||||||| Вспотевший, бледный, его рука слегка дрожала, Джейсон расстегнул перед своей куртки и вытащил один из конвертов с новыми счетами. Breaking the seal with his finger he dropped two of them on the table. ||печатку||||||||||| Сломав печать пальцем, он уронил две из них на стол.

"Could we have a no-limit game?" «Можем ли мы сыграть в безлимитную игру?» he asked, "I'd like to—win back some of my money." The stick man had trouble controlling his smile now, he glanced across at the house man who nodded a quick yes . |||||||||||||||||кивнув||| They had a sucker and they meant to clean him. |||жертва|||||| 他们有一个吸盘并且想要清理他。 He had been playing from his wallet all evening, now he was cracking into a sealed envelope to try for what he had lost. ||||||гаманець||||||відкриваючи|||запечатаного конверта|||||||| Il avait joué avec son portefeuille toute la soirée, maintenant il craquait dans une enveloppe scellée pour essayer de récupérer ce qu'il avait perdu. A thick envelope too, and probably not his money. Not that the house cared in the least. ||||переживала||| To them money had no loyalties. |||||лояльності The play went on with the Casino in a very relaxed mood. ||продовжила||||||||| Игра продолжалась, и Казино пребывало в очень расслабленном настроении.

Which was just the way Jason wanted it. He needed to get as deep into them as he could before someone realized they might be on the losing end. Il devait les approfondir autant qu'il le pouvait avant que quelqu'un se rende compte qu'ils pourraient être du côté des perdants. Ему нужно было проникнуть в них как можно глубже, прежде чем кто-то поймет, что может оказаться в проигрыше. The rough stuff would start and he wanted to put it off as long as possible. |грубий|||||||||||||| Les choses difficiles allaient commencer et il voulait repousser ça le plus longtemps possible. Начинались неприятные вещи, и он хотел оттянуть их как можно дольше. 艰难的事情即将开始,他想尽可能地将其推迟。 It would be hard to win smoothly then—and his psi power might go as quickly as it had come. ||||||||||psychic ability||||||||| Тогда было бы трудно выиграть гладко, а его пси-сила могла исчезнуть так же быстро, как и пришла. That had happened before. Это случалось раньше.

He was playing against the house now, the two other players were obvious shills, and a crowd had jammed solidly around to watch. |||||||||||||decoy players||||||||| ||||||||||гравці|||шахраї|||натовп||заповнений|щільно||| Il jouait contre la maison maintenant, les deux autres joueurs étaient des compères évidents, et une foule s'était solidement rassemblée pour regarder. After losing and winning a bit he hit a streak of naturals and his pile of gold chips tottered higher and higher. ||||||||||||||||||wobbled||| |||||||||серія||природних чис|||стос золота|||фішки|похитнувся||| Après avoir perdu et gagné un peu, il a atteint une séquence de naturels et sa pile de jetons d'or a vacillé de plus en plus. There was nearly a billion there, he estimated roughly. ||||мільярд|||оцінював| The dice were still falling true, though he was soaked with sweat from the effort. |||||||||промоклий||піт||| Betting the entire stack of chips he reached for the dice. |||весь стек фішок||||||| Pariant toute la pile de jetons, il a atteint les dés. Поставив всю стопку фишек, он потянулся за костями. 下注整个筹码,他伸手去拿骰子。 The stick man reached faster and hooked them away. ||||||зачепив|| L'homme au bâton a atteint plus vite et les a accrochés. Человек-палка потянулся быстрее и зацепил их. 火柴人伸手更快,把他们钩走了。

"House calls for new dice," he said flatly. |||||||without emotion |||||||різко — Хаус требует новых костей, — категорично сказал он. Jason straightened up and wiped his hands, glad of the instant's relief. |випрямив|||витирав||||||мить|полегшення This was the third time the house had changed dice to try and break his winning streak, it was their privilege. ||||||||||||||||переможна сер||||привілей C'était la troisième fois que la maison changeait de dés pour tenter de briser sa séquence de victoires, c'était leur privilège. The hard-eyed Casino man opened his wallet as he had done before and drew out a pair at random. ||||||||||||||витягнув|||пара|| 目光锐利的赌场男,像之前一样打开钱包,随意抽出一双。 Stripping off their plastic cover he threw them the length of the table to Jason. |||||||||entire distance across||||| знімання|||||||||довжину||||| Enlevant leur couverture en plastique, il les lança le long de la table à Jason. They came up a natural seven and Jason smiled.

When he scooped them up the smile slowly faded. ||забрав||||||зникла Quand il les ramassa, le sourire s'effaça lentement. The dice were transparent, finely made, evenly weighted on all sides—and crooked. ||||||||||||dishonest or rigged |||прозорі|тонко виготовлен||однаково|зважені|||||криві Les dés étaient transparents, finement faits, uniformément pondérés de tous les côtés et tordus. Кости были прозрачные, искусно сделанные, с одинаковым весом со всех сторон — и кривые.

The pigment on the dots of five sides of each die was some heavy metal compound, probably lead. |||||||||||||||сполука|ймовірно|свинець Le pigment sur les points de cinq côtés de chaque matrice était un composé de métal lourd, probablement du plomb. The sixth side was a ferrous compound. |||||iron-containing| |||||залізний| They would roll true unless they hit a magnetic field—that meant the entire surface of the table could be magnetized. ||||||||магнітний|||||||||||| Ils rouleraient vrai à moins qu'ils n'atteignent un champ magnétique, ce qui signifiait que toute la surface de la table pouvait être magnétisée. He could never have spotted the difference if he hadn't looked at the dice with his mind. ||||помітив|||||||||||| 如果他不用头脑观察骰子,他永远无法发现其中的差异。 But what could he do about it? Mais que pouvait-il y faire ?

Shaking them slowly he glanced quickly around the table. Трясти|||||||| There was what he needed. Il y avait ce dont il avait besoin. An ashtray with a magnet in its base to hold it to the metal edge of the table. |Magnetic ashtray holder|||||||||||||||| |попільниця|||||||||||||||| Un cendrier avec un aimant dans sa base pour le maintenir au bord métallique de la table. 烟灰缸底部带有磁铁,可将其固定在桌子的金属边缘上。 Jason stopped shaking the dice and looked at them quizzically, then reached over and grabbed the ashtray. |||||||||with curiosity|||||||No translation needed |||||||||з недовірою||||||| Jason arrêta de secouer les dés et les regarda d'un air interrogateur, puis tendit la main et attrapa le cendrier. He dropped the base against his hand. |||foundation or bottom||| Il laissa tomber la base contre sa main. Он уронил базу на руку.

As he lifted the ashtray there was a concerted gasp from all sides. ||||||||unified, collective reaction|||| ||||||||узгоджений|захоплене|||сторони Alors qu'il soulevait le cendrier, il y eut un halètement concerté de tous les côtés. Когда он поднял пепельницу, со всех сторон раздался дружный вздох. 当他举起烟灰缸时,四面八方齐齐倒吸一口凉气。 The dice were sticking there, upside down, box cars showing. |||||долілиць|||| Les dés étaient collés là, à l'envers, des wagons couverts. Кости торчали вверх ногами, показывая товарные вагоны. 骰子贴在那里,上下颠倒,车厢出现。

"Are these what you call honest dice?" he asked.

The man who had thrown out the dice reached quickly for his hip pocket. L'homme qui avait jeté les dés attrapa rapidement sa poche de hanche. Человек, выбросивший кости, быстро потянулся к заднему карману. Jason was the only one who saw what happened next. Джейсон был единственным, кто видел, что произошло дальше. He was watching that hand closely, his own fingers near his gun butt. Он внимательно следил за этой рукой, его собственные пальцы возле приклада. As the man dived into his pocket a hand reached out of the crowd behind him. Alors que l'homme plongeait dans sa poche, une main sortit de la foule derrière lui. Когда мужчина нырнул в карман, из толпы позади него протянулась рука. From its square-cut size it could have belonged to only one person. De par sa taille carrée, il aurait pu appartenir à une seule personne. Судя по квадратному размеру, он мог принадлежать только одному человеку. 从它的方形尺寸来看,它很可能只属于一个人。 The thick thumb and index finger clamped swiftly around the house man's wrist, then they were gone. ||палець||вказівний||затиснуті|швидко|||||зап'яст|||| Le pouce et l'index épais se sont serrés rapidement autour du poignet de l'homme de la maison, puis ils ont disparu. Толстые большой и указательный пальцы быстро сомкнулись на запястье домработницы и исчезли. 粗大的拇指和食指迅速夹住男主人的手腕,然后就消失了。 The man screamed shrilly and held up his arm, his hand dangling limp as a glove from the broken wrist bones. |||in a high-pitched manner||||||||hanging loosely|lifeless or weak|||||||| |||пронизливо||||||||звисаючи|млявий|||рукавица||||| L'homme poussa un cri strident et leva le bras, sa main pendante molle comme un gant des os du poignet cassés. Мужчина пронзительно закричал и поднял руку, на которой болтались сломанные кости запястья. 男人尖声尖叫,举起手臂,断腕骨上的手像手套一样软软地晃来晃去。

With his flank well protected, Jason could go on with the game. ||side||||||||| ||бік||захищений||||||| Avec son flanc bien protégé, Jason pouvait continuer le match. Хорошо защищенный фланг позволил Джейсону продолжить игру. "The old dice if you don't mind," he said quietly. Dazedly the stick man pushed them over. In a daze|||||| Замислено|той|палиця|||| 木棍人茫然地把他们推倒了。 Jason shook quickly and rolled. |трясти||| Jason trembla rapidement et roula. Before they hit the table he realized he couldn't control them—the transient psi power had gone. ||||||||||||тимчасова|||| Avant qu'ils n'atteignent la table, il réalisa qu'il ne pouvait pas les contrôler – la puissance psi transitoire avait disparu. End over end they turned. Ils se sont retournés bout à bout. And faced up seven. 并面对七。

Counting the chips as they were pushed over to him he added up a bit under two billion credits. En comptant les jetons au fur et à mesure qu'ils lui étaient remis, il totalisait un peu moins de deux milliards de crédits. Подсчитывая фишки, которые ему подбрасывали, он насчитал чуть меньше двух миллиардов кредитов. 当筹码被推到他面前时,他数了数,加起来不到二十亿积分。 They would be winning that much if he left the game now—but it wasn't the three billion that Kerk needed. Ils gagneraient autant s'il quittait le jeu maintenant, mais ce n'était pas les trois milliards dont Kerk avait besoin. Well, it would have to be enough. Eh bien, cela devrait suffire. Ну, этого должно быть достаточно. As he reached for the chips he caught Kerk's eye across the table and the other man shook his head in a steady no . 当他伸手去拿筹码时,他看到了桌子对面柯克的目光,对方坚定地摇摇头表示“不”。 "Let it ride," Jason said wearily, "one more roll." |||||tiredly||| Нехай||крутити|||втомлено||ще одну| "Laissez-le rouler," dit Jason avec lassitude, "un rouleau de plus." "Оставь это, - устало сказал Джейсон, - еще один рулон". “让它骑,”杰森疲倦地说,“再滚一圈。” He breathed on the dice, polished them on his cuff, and wondered how he had ever gotten into this spot. |подихнув||||||||рукав|||||||||| Il souffla sur les dés, les polit sur sa manchette et se demanda comment il était arrivé à cet endroit. Он дышал на игральные кости, полировал их на манжете и думал, как он вообще попал в это место. Billions riding on a pair of dice. Des milliards à cheval sur une paire de dés. That was as much as the annual income of some planets. The only reason there could be stakes like that was because the planetary government had a stake in the Casino. ||||||інтереси||||||||||інтерес||| He shook as long as he could, reaching for the control that wasn't there—then let fly. Il trembla aussi longtemps qu'il le put, cherchant le contrôle qui n'était pas là, puis lâcha son envol. Everything else had stopped in the Casino and people were standing on tables and chairs to watch. ||||||||||||||стілець|| There wasn't a sound from that large crowd. The dice bounced back from the board with a clatter loud in the silence and tumbled over the cloth. |||||||||loud rattling sound||||||rolled over|||fabric covering surface |||||||||дзвін|гучний|||||каталися|||на столі Les dés rebondirent sur le plateau avec un bruit sourd dans le silence et tombèrent sur le tissu.

A five and a one. Six. He still had to make his point. Il devait encore faire valoir son point de vue. Он все еще должен был донести свою точку зрения. Scooping up the dice Jason talked to them, mumbled the ancient oaths that brought luck and threw again. |||||||||||sacred promises|||||| збираючи кубики|вгору||||говорив|||прошептав||давні|клятви|||||| Ramassant les dés, Jason leur parla, marmonna les anciens serments qui portaient chance et jeta à nouveau.

It took five throws before he made the six. |||attempts||||| 他投了五次才投进六次。

The crowd echoed his sigh and their voices rose quickly. La foule fit écho à son soupir et leurs voix s'élevèrent rapidement. He wanted to stop, take a deep breath, but he knew he couldn't. Winning the money was only part of the job—they now had to get away with it. Gagner de l'argent n'était qu'une partie du travail - ils devaient maintenant s'en tirer. It had to look casual. Il devait avoir l'air décontracté. A waiter was passing with a tray of drinks. ||||||піднос|| Jason stopped him and tucked a hundred-credit note in his pocket. ||||поклав||||||| Jason l'arrêta et glissa une note de cent crédits dans sa poche.

"Drinks are on me," he shouted while he pried the tray out of the waiter's hands. ||||||||forcefully removed||||||| |||||закричав|||вибивав||||||| "Les boissons sont sur moi", a-t-il crié en arrachant le plateau des mains du serveur. Well-wishers cleared the filled glasses away quickly and Jason piled the chips onto the tray. Ну||прибрали||||||||склав||||| Les sympathisants ont rapidement enlevé les verres remplis et Jason a empilé les chips sur le plateau. Доброжелатели быстро убрали наполненные стаканы, а Джейсон выложил чипсы на поднос. 祝福者们迅速收拾好杯子,杰森则把筹码堆在托盘上。 They more than loaded it, but Kerk appeared that moment with a second tray. Ils l'ont plus que chargé, mais Kerk est apparu à ce moment-là avec un deuxième plateau. Его более чем загрузили, но в этот момент появился Керк со вторым подносом. 他们不仅装满了它,但那一刻柯克带着第二个托盘出现了。

"I'll be glad to help you, sir, if you will permit me," he said. ||||||||||дозволите||| 他说:“先生,如果您允许的话,我很乐意帮助您。” Jason looked at him, and laughed permission. ||||||дозволу Jason l'a regardé, et a ri la permission. 杰森看着他,笑着表示同意。 It was the first time he had a clear look at Kerk in the Casino. C'était la première fois qu'il avait un regard clair sur Kerk au Casino. He was wearing loose, purple evening pajamas over what must have been a false stomach. |||вільний|||піжама|||||||| Il portait un pyjama de soirée ample et violet sur ce qui devait être un faux ventre. The sleeves were long and baggy so he looked fat rather than muscular. |||||loose-fitting||||||| ||||||||||швидше|| Les manches étaient longues et amples donc il avait l'air gros plutôt que musclé. It was a simple but effective disguise. ||||||camouflage |||проста|||маскування

Carefully carrying the loaded trays, surrounded by a crowd of excited patrons, they made their way to the cashier's window. |||||||||||customers|||||||| ||||таця||||||збуджених|відвідувачі|||||||| The manager himself was there, wearing a sickly grin. |||||||forced or unhealthy|forced smile |||||||хворобливий|посмішка Even the grin faded when he counted the chips. |||зникла|||||фішки

"Could you come back in the morning," he said, "I'm afraid we don't have that kind of money on hand." "What's the matter," Kerk shouted, "trying to get out of paying him? « Qu'est-ce qui se passe, cria Kerk, en essayant de ne pas le payer ? You took my money easy enough when I lost—it works both ways!" Tu as pris mon argent assez facilement quand j'ai perdu, ça marche dans les deux sens !" Ти досить легко забрав мої гроші, коли я програв - це працює в обидва боки!" The onlookers, always happy to see the house lose, growled their disagreement. |||||||||voiced their displeasure|| |глядачі||||||||прошипіли||незгода Les badauds, toujours heureux de voir la maison perdre, grognèrent leur désaccord. Глядачі, які завжди радіють, коли будинок програє, бурчали про свою незгоду. Jason finished the matter in a loud voice. Jason termina l'affaire d'une voix forte.

"I'll be reasonable, give me what cash you have and I'll take a check for the balance." There was no way out. Il n'y avait pas moyen de sortir. Выхода не было. Under the watchful eye of the gleeful crowd the manager packed an envelope with bills and wrote a check. ||пильному||||радісний|||||||||||| Sous l'œil attentif de la foule joyeuse, le directeur a rempli une enveloppe avec des factures et a fait un chèque. Jason took a quick glimpse at it, then stuffed it into an inside pocket. ||||quick look||||||||| ||||погляд||||||||| With the envelope under one arm he followed Kerk towards the door.

Because of the onlookers there was no trouble in the main room, but just as they reached the side entrance two men moved in, blocking the way. À cause des spectateurs, il n'y avait aucun problème dans la pièce principale, mais juste au moment où ils atteignaient l'entrée latérale, deux hommes entrèrent, bloquant le passage.

"Just a moment—" one said. He never finished the sentence. Kerk walked into them without slowing and they bounced away like tenpins. |||||||||||bowling pins |||||||||||кеглі Kerk entra sans ralentir et ils rebondirent comme des quilles. Then Kerk and Jason were out of the building and walking fast.

"Into the parking lot," Kerk said. ||парковка|парковка|| "I have a car there." When they rounded the corner there was a car bearing down on them. |||||||||що мчить||| When they rounded the corner there was a car bearing down on them. Quand ils tournèrent au coin de la rue, une voiture fonça sur eux. Когда они завернули за угол, на них надвигалась машина. Before Jason could get his gun clear of the holster Kerk was in front of him. |||||||||кобура|||||| Avant que Jason ne puisse dégager son arme de l'étui, Kerk était devant lui. His arm came up and his big ugly gun burst through the cloth of his sleeve and jumped into his hand. Son bras s'est levé et son gros pistolet laid a traversé le tissu de sa manche et lui a sauté dans la main. A single shot killed the driver and the car swerved and crashed. |||||||||changed direction abruptly|| |||||||||завернув|| Un seul coup de feu a tué le conducteur et la voiture a fait une embardée et s'est écrasée. The other two men in the car died coming out of the door, their guns dropping from their hands. Les deux autres hommes dans la voiture sont morts en sortant de la porte, leurs armes tombant de leurs mains.

After that they had no trouble. Kerk drove at top speed away from the Casino, the torn sleeve of his pajamas whipping in the breeze, giving glimpses of the big gun back in the holster. |||||||||||||||flapping||||||||||||| ||||||||||порваний|||||підганяючи|||вітер||промінчики||||||||поясній к Kerk s'éloigna du Casino à toute vitesse, la manche déchirée de son pyjama fouettant dans la brise, laissant entrevoir le gros canon de retour dans l'étui.

"When you get the chance," Jason said, "you'll have to show me how that trick holster works." "Quand tu en auras l'occasion," dit Jason, "tu devras me montrer comment fonctionne cet étui à trucs." “当你有机会的时候,”杰森说,“你必须向我展示那个诡计皮套是如何工作的。” "When we get the chance," Kerk answered as he dived the car into the city access tube. "Quand nous en aurons l'occasion", a répondu Kerk en plongeant la voiture dans le tube d'accès à la ville.