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Owen in China, The pollution in Beijing, moving to Kunming and an unusual marathon.

The pollution in Beijing, moving to Kunming and an unusual marathon.

Hi there, my name is Owen and this is my podcast for Friday 7th November, 2014. If you listen to Gerry's Diary, you may know my name. I'm Gerry's son and I live in China. I would like to welcome you all to the first episode of my new podcast, Owen in China. I'm going to tell you all about my life and experiences in China. And what it's like to be a foreigner here. Today I am going to talk about the pollution [1] in Beijing, my move from Beijing to Kunming, and the sort of work you can find as a foreigner in China.


For three years I lived and worked in Beijing, the capital of China. But I decided recently that it was time for a change. One of the reasons I wanted to move is the pollution in Beijing. In recent years the capital of China has regularly made headlines [2] for its poor air quality. It is a big problem. Lots of locals [3] as well as expats [4], foreigners like me, are leaving the city because of the pollution. The reasons for the air pollution are not only the heavy traffic and heavy industry but also the unfortunate geographical position of the city. The city lies in a low, very dry area, like a desert, and all the pollution just hangs over it. When I lived in Beijing there were days when I could only see a few hundred metres. I sometimes woke up in the morning and coughed up grey dust. When I went to work in the morning my eyes would burn. And in the afternoon all I could taste was pollution. In the evenings cigarette smoke could sometimes feel like fresh air. Cigarettes actually tasted healthy in Beijing! There are also no rules there about smoking in public. Beijing is a smokers' paradise, one could say. But it's not all bad news about pollution in Beijing. The city had some of its lowest air pollution counts [5] this summer. A friend of mine wrote on a social networking site: "I will have to park my scooter [6] in my living room and leave the engine running! All the fresh air is making me feel dizzy [7].“ The air pollution is, of course, a big concern for everyone who lives in the city. Especially for those people with a child. For a country that is changing so quickly, it is a big challenge to continue to grow in an environmentally friendly way. China is facing many problems and the environment is one of the biggest.

This was perhaps a rather negative introduction to the city that was my home for three years. I fell in love with Beijing. I promise you will hear all about Beijing and what makes it such a great place in future podcasts from China. Things improve. And I'm sure the air in Beijing will too.


My new home is in the south-west of China. The name of the place is Kunming. Kunming is actually a twin city [8] of Zurich. Kunming is the capital of the Yunnan province. The Yunnan province has borders with Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. Kunming is also known as ‘The City of Eternal Spring' because of its pleasant climate. I can't confirm that it has a pleasant climate yet because it's rained every day since I arrived. It reminds me of a warm North Wales - big showers followed by bright sunshine. Kunming does, however, lie at nearly 2000 metres, so the air is a little thinner here than you would expect in North Wales. To the west the province stretches into the Himalayan foothills. Yunnan is just under ten times the size of Switzerland. It is a varied and beautiful province. Yunnan is popular with tourists because it is home to many minorities [9]. Kunming - with just under seven million people - isn‘t one of the big cities in China. And compared to Beijing there are not many foreigners. This means I get quite a lot of locals staring [10] and pointing fingers at me. They also like to shout ‘dà húxu! ', which means ‘big beard'.

A few weeks ago the Yunnan province was hit by a large earthquake. The centre of the earthquake was north of Kunming on the border to the Sichuan province. We also felt the earthquake here in Kunming. But there were no reports of damage or any casualties [11] in the city. The following weekend there was a fundraiser in Kunming for the people affected by the earthquake. A fundraiser is an event to raise money for a good cause. It was held in a live music venue [12] here in the city. There were a number of local bands playing lots of different styles of music. A lot of the bands played western styles of music, though. There was also a raffle. A raffle is a type of lottery where there are a number of prizes to be won. The prizes included vouchers [13] for local restaurants and fancy hotels. The whole event was a great success and they managed to raise a large amount of money for the victims of the earthquake. For me it was also a great opportunity to meet some new people and to listen to some of the local bands. The crowd was a mix of Chinese and foreigners. And the bands were also a mix.


My next steps in Kunming will be to find some work. I taught English in Beijing and I hope to find teaching work here also. There is a great demand for English teachers. But I want to take my time to find a good school or university. An important concept in China is ‘guanxi' which translated means ‘connections and relationships'. People in China often use their network of family and friends to help them. I have to meet some more people here in Kunming first to see what is possible for me. Luckily, the Chinese are usually very friendly and helpful towards foreigners. On one of my first days here I was invited into a jewellery [14] maker's studio for a cup of tea. Tea drinking seems to be how people like to socialise in Kunming. Everywhere you go people are sitting around drinking little cups of tea. So when I sat down for tea in the jewellery maker's studio, there was a small group of locals there. Most of them were about my age. We introduced ourselves and started chatting. They immediately wanted to help me find a job through the many friends they have. They said things like: ‘A friend of my friend's cousin who has a school is looking for teachers.'

In the meantime there are lots of unusual ways of making easy money as a foreigner in China. Just a couple of weeks ago I was asked to take part in a marathon. After I told you about smoking in Beijing you can probably guess that I'm not a great runner. But that is not why they asked me. This marathon took place a few hours from Kunming and the organisers advertised [15] it as an international marathon. The problem for the organisers was that they only had Chinese runners. So the organisers paid a group of professional runners from Kenya in Africa to fly to China and compete in the race. But that wasn't international enough, so then they paid foreigners from Kunming like me to run in the marathon as well. Well, to tell you the truth, we didn't have to actually run. We just had to stand at the starting line next to the professional Kenyans and look like runners. Imagine the picture: a group of very tall and slim Kenyans surrounded by a bunch [16] of white people, not very sporty, not always very slim - and then thousands and thousands of Chinese behind us. There was a Pakistani man who didn't even have any running shoes. He was wearing a pair of black leather boots. Then there was a French girl smoking cigarettes and wearing a pair of cut-off jeans. There was also a rather overweight Israeli girl. And me, Big Beard. In the end both the male and female winners were Kenyans. And the white foreign runners? I don't think many ran more than two kilometres. Why? Because that is where our hotel was located [17]… and our well-earned money!

Can you call this work? I don't know. We call this sort of paid activity for foreigners in China ‘monkey show'. The kind of work you get just for being foreign, most of the time for being white. It's more common in Kunming than Beijing, I've noticed.


And that brings us to the end of my first podcast from China. Thank you very much for listening. I hope you enjoyed it. My father, Gerry, will be back with a new podcast in 2 weeks. And you will hear from me again on December 5th. Just go to www.podclub.ch and click on ‘Owen in China' to listen to me then. I will tell you about life in Beijing. I will also talk about the Chinese national holiday. In October everyone in China gets a week off. I took the opportunity to explore a very remote [18] and quiet part of the country. Have a wonderful month! Until next time.

Glossaire: Owen in China [1] pollution: here: air pollution, dirty air

[2] made headlines: was in the news (in the newspapers, on television, etc.)

[3] locals: here: Chinese people from Beijing

[4] expats: people who are not living in their country, people who are living in a foreign country for a period of time (short form for: expatriates)

[5] counts: here: numbers, figures, measurements

[6] scooter: here: small motorbike, e.g. a Vespa

[7] dizzy: a feeling that the world is turning round you and that you are going to fall down

[8] twin city: partner city

[9] minorities: here: ethnic groups that are not Han Chinese (the main ethnic group in China)

[10] staring: looking hard, intensively (at something)

[11] casualties: people who were hurt/injured or killed

[12] venue: a place where something happens (Example: We need to find a venue for our wedding next year.)

[13] vouchers: pieces of paper that you can exchange for something; for example you can buy things in the Migros with a Migros voucher

[14] jewellery: decorative things, for example rings or necklaces, usually made out of metal such as gold or silver that you can wear on your body or your clothes

[15] advertised: publicised, told everybody through posters, newspapers, etc.

[16] bunch: group

[17] located: situated

[18] remote: far away, distant

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The pollution in Beijing, moving to Kunming and an unusual marathon. |Загрязнение воздуха|||переходящий|||||| |||||||||inhabituel| The|air quality issues||China's capital|relocating to|relocating to|city in China|||out of the ordinary|long-distance race |||||||||incomum| A(z)|szennyezés|A pekingi szennyezés|Peking|költözés|||és|egy|szokatlan|maraton التلوث في بكين ، الانتقال إلى كونمينغ وماراثون غير عادي. Die Umweltverschmutzung in Peking, der Umzug nach Kunming und ein ungewöhnlicher Marathon. Η ρύπανση στο Πεκίνο, η μετακόμιση στο Κουνμίνγκ και ένας ασυνήθιστος μαραθώνιος. The pollution in Beijing, moving to Kunming and an unusual marathon. La contaminación en Pekín, el traslado a Kunming y un maratón insólito. La pollution à Pékin, le déménagement à Kunming et un marathon inhabituel. L'inquinamento di Pechino, il trasferimento a Kunming e un'insolita maratona. 베이징의 오염, 쿤밍으로의 이동, 그리고 특이한 마라톤. De vervuiling in Beijing, verhuizen naar Kunming en een ongewone marathon. Zanieczyszczenie w Pekinie, przeprowadzka do Kunming i niezwykły maraton. A poluição em Pequim, a mudança para Kunming e uma maratona invulgar. Загрязнение Пекина, переезд в Куньмин и необычный марафон. Pekin'deki kirlilik, Kunming'e taşınma ve alışılmadık bir maraton. Ô nhiễm ở Bắc Kinh, di chuyển đến Côn Minh và một cuộc chạy marathon bất thường 北京的污染,转移到昆明,还有一场不同寻常的马拉松。 北京的污染,转移到昆明,还有一场不同寻常的马拉松。

Hi there, my name is Owen and this is my podcast for Friday 7th November, 2014. |||||Owen||this podcast|represents|||||| Szia|ott|az én|név|van|||||||||| مرحبًا ، اسمي أوين وهذا هو البودكاست الخاص بي ليوم الجمعة 7 نوفمبر 2014. Olá, o meu nome é Owen e este é o meu podcast de sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2014. 大家好,我叫欧文,这是我 2014 年 11 月 7 日星期五的播客。 If you listen to Gerry's Diary, you may know my name. ||||Gerry's|||||| ||||ゲリーの|||||| |||||Napló|ha te|||| إذا استمعت إلى مذكرات جيري ، فقد تعرف اسمي. Se ouvires o Gerry's Diary, talvez conheças o meu nome. 如果你听过《格里的日记》,你可能知道我的名字。 I'm Gerry's son and I live in China. أنا ابن جيري وأعيش في الصين. Sou o filho do Gerry e vivo na China. Tôi là con trai của Gerry và tôi sống ở Trung Quốc. 我是格里的儿子,我住在中国。 I would like to welcome you all to the first episode of my new podcast, Owen in China. |szeretném|||||mindannyiótokat||||||||||| أود أن أرحب بكم جميعًا في الحلقة الأولى من البودكاست الجديد الخاص بي ، أوين في الصين. Gostaria de vos dar as boas-vindas ao primeiro episódio do meu novo podcast, Owen in China. 欢迎大家收看我的新播客《欧文在中国》的第一集。 I'm going to tell you all about my life and experiences in China. |about to|||||||||experiences|| سأخبركم كل شيء عن حياتي وخبراتي في الصين. 我将向大家讲述我在中国的生活和经历。 And what it's like to be a foreigner here. |what it’s||||||non-native resident| وماذا يعني أن تكون أجنبيًا هنا. Y cómo es ser extranjero aquí. E o que é ser um estrangeiro aqui. 以及在这里作为外国人是什么感觉。 Today I am going to talk about the pollution [1] in Beijing, my move from Beijing to Kunming, and the sort of work you can find as a foreigner in China. |||||||||||||||||и|||||||||||| |||||speak about|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||o tipo|||||||||| سأتحدث اليوم عن التلوث [1] في بكين ، وانتقالي من بكين إلى كونمينغ ، ونوع العمل الذي يمكن أن تجده كأجنبي في الصين. Hoy voy a hablar de la contaminación [1] en Pekín, de mi traslado de Pekín a Kunming y del tipo de trabajo que se puede encontrar como extranjero en China. 今天我要谈谈北京的污染[1],我从北京搬到昆明,以及外国人在中国可以找到什么工作。

*** *

For three years I lived and worked in Beijing, the capital of China. В течение|||||||||||| For three|||||||||||| لمدة ثلاث سنوات عشت وعملت في بكين ، عاصمة الصين. Durante tres años viví y trabajé en Pekín, la capital de China. 我在中国首都北京生活和工作了三年。 But I decided recently that it was time for a change. ||решил|||||||| لكنني قررت مؤخرًا أن الوقت قد حان للتغيير. Mas decidi recentemente que era altura de mudar. 但我最近决定是时候做出改变了。 One of the reasons I wanted to move is the pollution in Beijing. أحد أسباب رغبتي في التحرك هو التلوث في بكين. Una de las razones por las que quería mudarme es la contaminación de Pekín. In recent years the capital of China has regularly made headlines \[2\] for its poor air quality. ||||||Китай||||заголовки новостей||||| ||||||||||news stories||||| ||||||||||prime pagine||||| ||||||||||manchetes||||| في السنوات الأخيرة ، تصدرت عاصمة الصين عناوين الصحف بانتظام [2] بسبب رداءة نوعية الهواء فيها. En los últimos años, la capital de China ha aparecido periódicamente en los titulares por la mala calidad de su aire. Nos últimos anos, a capital da China tem feito regularmente manchetes \[2\] pela sua má qualidade do ar. It is a big problem. Lots of locals [3] as well as expats [4], foreigners like me, are leaving the city because of the pollution. ||||||外籍人士||||||||||| ||||||foreign residents||||||||||| ||||||espatriati||||||||||| ||||||os expatriados||||||||||| ||||||||||являются||||||| الكثير من السكان المحليين [3] وكذلك المغتربين [4] ، الأجانب مثلي ، يغادرون المدينة بسبب التلوث. Muchos lugareños [3] y expatriados [4], extranjeros como yo, abandonan la ciudad a causa de la contaminación. Wielu mieszkańców [3], a także ekspatów [4], obcokrajowców takich jak ja, opuszcza miasto z powodu zanieczyszczenia. Muitos habitantes locais [3] e expatriados [4], estrangeiros como eu, estão a abandonar a cidade por causa da poluição. The reasons for the air pollution are not only the heavy traffic and heavy industry but also the unfortunate geographical position of the city. ||||||||||||||промышленность|||||географическое положение|||| |||||||||||||||||||location-based|||| ||||||||||intenso||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||infeliz||||| أسباب تلوث الهواء ليست فقط ازدحام المرور والصناعات الثقيلة ولكن أيضًا الموقع الجغرافي المؤسف للمدينة. Przyczyną zanieczyszczenia powietrza jest nie tylko duży ruch uliczny i przemysł ciężki, ale także niefortunne położenie geograficzne miasta. As razões para a poluição do ar não são apenas o tráfego pesado e a indústria pesada, mas também a posição geográfica infeliz da cidade. 造成空气污染的原因除了交通繁忙和重工业之外,还有该城市不幸的地理位置。 The city lies in a low, very dry area, like a desert, and all the pollution just hangs over it. Город|||||||||||||||загрязнение воздуха|||| ||si trova|||bassa|||||||||||||| ||está situada|||||seca||||||||||paira|sobre| La ciudad se encuentra en una zona baja y muy seca, como un desierto, y toda la contaminación se cierne sobre ella. A cidade situa-se numa zona baixa e muito seca, como um deserto, e toda a poluição paira sobre ela. When I lived in Beijing there were days when I could only see a few hundred metres. Cuando vivía en Pekín había días en los que sólo podía ver a unos cientos de metros. Kiedy mieszkałem w Pekinie, zdarzały się dni, kiedy widziałem tylko na kilkaset metrów. Quando vivia em Pequim, havia dias em que só conseguia ver algumas centenas de metros. I sometimes woke up in the morning and coughed up grey dust. |||||||и|кашлял|||пыль ||||||||tossei||| ||||||||咳嗽||| Por vezes, acordava de manhã e tossia pó cinzento. When I went to work in the morning my eyes would burn. |||||||||||刺痛 朝仕事に行ったとき、目が焼けました。 Quando ia para o trabalho de manhã, os meus olhos ardiam. And in the afternoon all I could taste was pollution. ||||всё||||| |||||||sabor|| そして午後には、汚染しか味わえなかった。 E, à tarde, só sentia o sabor da poluição. In the evenings cigarette smoke could sometimes feel like fresh air. ||вечерами|||||||| |||||||parecer||| 夕方には、たばこの煙が新鮮な空気のように感じることがあります。 À noite, o fumo do cigarro podia por vezes parecer ar fresco. Cigarettes actually tasted healthy in Beijing! Сигареты||||| ||saboravam|saudáveis|| Em Pequim, os cigarros tinham mesmo um sabor saudável! 北京的香烟味道居然很健康! There are also no rules there about smoking in public. Beijing is a smokers' paradise, one could say. ||||天堂||| capital of China||||||| |||||можно сказать|| Pode dizer-se que Pequim é o paraíso dos fumadores. But it's not all bad news about pollution in Beijing. Mas nem tudo são más notícias sobre a poluição em Pequim. The city had some of its lowest air pollution counts [5] this summer. |||некоторые|||||||| ||||||least||||| ||||||mais baixas|||níveis|| Este verão, a cidade registou alguns dos valores mais baixos de poluição atmosférica [5]. 今年夏天,该市的空气污染指数[5]是最低的。 A friend of mine wrote on a social networking site: "I will have to park my scooter [6] in my living room and leave the engine running! Друг мой написал||||||||||Я|буду вынужден||||||||||и|||| ||||||||social media||||||||||||||||| ||||||||rede social||||||estacionar||moto elétrica||||||||| ||||||||||||||||滑板车||||||||| Um amigo meu escreveu numa rede social: "Vou ter de estacionar a minha scooter [6] na minha sala de estar e deixar o motor a trabalhar! All the fresh air is making me feel dizzy [7].“ The air pollution is, of course, a big concern for everyone who lives in the city. Весь||||||||головокружение|||||||свежий воздух||||||||| ||||||||lightheaded|||||||||||||||| ||||||||tonto|||||||||preocupação||||||| Todo este ar fresco faz-me sentir tonturas [7]". A poluição atmosférica é, evidentemente, uma grande preocupação para todos os que vivem na cidade. Especially for those people with a child. For a country that is changing so quickly, it is a big challenge to continue to grow in an environmentally friendly way. |||||||||||большой||||||в||экологически|| |||||||||||||||||||eco-friendly|| |||||||||||||||||||環境に優しい|| |||||mudando|||||||um grande desafio|||||||de forma ambiental|| Para um país que está a mudar tão rapidamente, é um grande desafio continuar a crescer de uma forma amiga do ambiente. 对于一个变化如此之快的国家来说,继续以环境友好的方式发展是一个巨大的挑战。 China is facing many problems and the environment is one of the biggest. ||enfrentando|||||o meio ambiente|||||

This was perhaps a rather negative introduction to the city that was my home for three years. ||возможно||довольно||введение|||||||||| ||talvez|||||||||||||| Esta foi talvez uma introdução bastante negativa à cidade que foi a minha casa durante três anos. 这也许是对这座城市的一个比较负面的介绍,而这座城市曾是我三年的家。 I fell in love with Beijing. Я||||| I promise you will hear all about Beijing and what makes it such a great place in future podcasts from China. |||||||||что именно||||||||||| Prometo que ouvirá tudo sobre Pequim e o que faz dela um lugar tão fantástico em futuros podcasts da China. Things improve. Дела улучшаются.| And I'm sure the air in Beijing will too.


My new home is in the south-west of China. A minha nova casa fica no sudoeste da China. The name of the place is Kunming. Kunming is actually a twin city [8] of Zurich. ||на самом деле||||| |||||||Zurich Kunming é, de facto, uma cidade gémea [8] de Zurique. 昆明实际上是苏黎世的双子城[8]。 Kunming is the capital of the Yunnan province. ||||||Yunnan province|state The Yunnan province has borders with Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. ||||||Burma|Lao People's Democratic Republic|| ||||||ミャンマー||| Kunming is also known as ‘The City of Eternal Spring' because of its pleasant climate. |||||«Город»|||вечной||||его|приятный| Kunming é também conhecida como "A Cidade da Eterna primavera" devido ao seu clima agradável. I can't confirm that it has a pleasant climate yet because it's rained every day since I arrived. Ainda não posso confirmar que tem um clima agradável porque choveu todos os dias desde que cheguei. It reminds me of a warm North Wales - big showers followed by bright sunshine. |||||тёплый|||большие ливни|ливни|||| |||||caldo|||||||| Faz-me lembrar o calor do Norte do País de Gales - grandes aguaceiros seguidos de sol radioso. Kunming does, however, lie at nearly 2000 metres, so the air is a little thinner here than you would expect in North Wales. |||находится|||||этот||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||northern region| |||||||||||||più rarefatta|||||||| No entanto, Kunming situa-se a quase 2000 metros de altitude, pelo que o ar é um pouco mais rarefeito do que seria de esperar no Norte do País de Gales. To the west the province stretches into the Himalayan foothills. |на||||простирается||||предгорья Гималаев |||||extends out||||mountain foothills |||||"si estende"||||pendici himalayane A oeste, a província estende-se até aos contrafortes dos Himalaias. 该省向西延伸至喜马拉雅山麓。 Yunnan is just under ten times the size of Switzerland. |||менее чем|||||| Yunnan é um pouco menos de dez vezes maior do que a Suíça. 云南的面积不到瑞士的十倍。 It is a varied and beautiful province. |||разнообразная||| |||diverse||| Yunnan is popular with tourists because it is home to many minorities [9]. |||||||||||меньшинства Yunnan é popular entre os turistas porque é o lar de muitas minorias [9]. Kunming - with just under seven million people - isn‘t one of the big cities in China. |с населением||||||не является|||||||| |||||||ではない|||||||| And compared to Beijing there are not many foreigners. ||||||||non-residents 而且和北京相比,外国人并不多。 This means I get quite a lot of locals staring [10] and pointing fingers at me. ||||||много|||||||| Isto significa que os habitantes locais olham para mim [10] e apontam o dedo para mim. 这意味着很多当地人都盯着我[10]并对我指手画脚。 They also like to shout ‘dà húxu! |||||big|big shout |||||大|大声 Também gostam de gritar "dà húxu! ', which means ‘big beard'. ', que significa "barba grande".

A few weeks ago the Yunnan province was hit by a large earthquake. ||||||провинция Юньнань||||||землетрясение The centre of the earthquake was north of Kunming on the border to the Sichuan province. ||||||||||||||Sichuan province| We also felt the earthquake here in Kunming. But there were no reports of damage or any casualties [11] in the city. Но|||||||||пострадавшие||| 但没有关于该市遭受破坏或人员伤亡的报告[11]。 The following weekend there was a fundraiser in Kunming for the people affected by the earthquake. ||||||благотворительное мероприятие|||||люди|||| ||||||fundraising event||||||||| ||||||raccolta fondi||||||||| ||||||募金活動||||||||| No fim de semana seguinte, houve uma angariação de fundos em Kunming para as pessoas afectadas pelo terramoto. A fundraiser is an event to raise money for a good cause. ||||||||||благую| 筹款活动是为慈善事业筹集资金的活动。 It was held in a live music venue [12] here in the city. Это|||||||концертная площадка|||| |||||||music location|||| |||||||locale di musica dal vivo|||| |||||||音乐场所|||| Realizou-se num local de música ao vivo [12] aqui na cidade. 活动在该市的一个现场音乐表演场地 [12] 举行。 There were a number of local bands playing lots of different styles of music. A lot of the bands played western styles of music, though. No entanto, muitas das bandas tocavam estilos de música ocidentais. There was also a raffle. ||||抽奖 ||||prize drawing event ||||C'era anche una lotteria. ||||抽選会 Houve também um sorteio. 现场还有抽奖活动。 A raffle is a type of lottery where there are a number of prizes to be won. |Lotteria a premi||||||||||||||| Uma rifa é um tipo de lotaria em que há vários prémios a ganhar. The prizes included vouchers [13] for local restaurants and fancy hotels. |||||||и|| |||buoni regalo|||||| |||割引券|||||| Os prémios incluíam vales [13] para restaurantes locais e hotéis de luxo. 奖品包括当地餐馆和高级酒店的代金券 [13]。 The whole event was a great success and they managed to raise a large amount of money for the victims of the earthquake. ||||||||они смогли|||||||||для||пострадавшие||| |||||||||||||||||||those affected||| Todo o evento foi um grande sucesso e conseguiram angariar uma grande quantidade de dinheiro para as vítimas do terramoto. 整个活动非常成功,他们为地震灾民募集到了大量善款。 For me it was also a great opportunity to meet some new people and to listen to some of the local bands. The crowd was a mix of Chinese and foreigners. Толпа|||||||| And the bands were also a mix.


My next steps in Kunming will be to find some work. ||||||||найти|| I taught English in Beijing and I hope to find teaching work here also. There is a great demand for English teachers. But I want to take my time to find a good school or university. Mas quero ter tempo para encontrar uma boa escola ou universidade. An important concept in China is ‘guanxi' which translated means ‘connections and relationships'. |важный|||||||||связи и отношения|| ||||||connections and relationships|||||| ||||||関係|||||| People in China often use their network of family and friends to help them. Na China, as pessoas recorrem frequentemente à sua rede de familiares e amigos para as ajudar. I have to meet some more people here in Kunming first to see what is possible for me. ||||||||||сначала||||||| Primeiro, tenho de conhecer mais pessoas aqui em Kunming para ver o que é possível para mim. Luckily, the Chinese are usually very friendly and helpful towards foreigners. ||||||||полезны|| Felizmente, os chineses são normalmente muito simpáticos e prestáveis para com os estrangeiros. On one of my first days here I was invited into a jewellery [14] maker's studio for a cup of tea. |||||||||||||jewelry|||||| |||||||||||||作家の|||||| Num dos meus primeiros dias aqui, fui convidada a entrar no atelier de um joalheiro [14] para uma chávena de chá. Tea drinking seems to be how people like to socialise in Kunming. |пить чай|||||||||| |||||||||interact socially|| Everywhere you go people are sitting around drinking little cups of tea. So when I sat down for tea in the jewellery maker's studio, there was a small group of locals there. |||||||||gioielleria|||||||||| Most of them were about my age. We introduced ourselves and started chatting. Apresentámo-nos e começámos a conversar. They immediately wanted to help me find a job through the many friends they have. They said things like: ‘A friend of my friend's cousin who has a school is looking for teachers.'

In the meantime there are lots of unusual ways of making easy money as a foreigner in China. ||||||||||зарабатывать||||||| Entretanto, há muitas formas invulgares de ganhar dinheiro fácil como estrangeiro na China. 同时,作为外国人,在中国也有很多不同寻常的轻松赚钱方式。 Just a couple of weeks ago I was asked to take part in a marathon. ||||||Я|||||||| Há apenas duas semanas, pediram-me para participar numa maratona. After I told you about smoking in Beijing you can probably guess that I'm not a great runner. ||||||||тебе||||||||| Depois de vos ter contado que fumei em Pequim, devem ter adivinhado que não sou um grande corredor. But that is not why they asked me. Но||||||| This marathon took place a few hours from Kunming and the organisers advertised [15] it as an international marathon. |||||||||||event coordinators|||||| The problem for the organisers was that they only had Chinese runners. 组织者面临的问题是,他们只有中国选手。 So the organisers paid a group of professional runners from Kenya in Africa to fly to China and compete in the race. 于是,主办方花钱从非洲肯尼亚请了一批专业选手飞到中国参赛。 But that wasn't international enough, so then they paid foreigners from Kunming like me to run in the marathon as well. Well, to tell you the truth, we didn't have to actually run. Bem, para dizer a verdade, não tivemos de correr. We just had to stand at the starting line next to the professional Kenyans and look like runners. |||||||||||||runners from Kenya|||| |||||||||||||ケニア人|||| Só tínhamos de nos colocar na linha de partida ao lado dos quenianos profissionais e parecer corredores. 我们只需要站在起跑线上,站在专业的肯尼亚人旁边,看起来像跑步者。 Imagine the picture: a group of very tall and slim Kenyans surrounded by a bunch [16] of white people, not very sporty, not always very slim - and then thousands and thousands of Chinese behind us. |||||||||thin|||||||||||athletic||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||gruppo di persone||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||スポーティな||||||||||||| Imaginem a imagem: um grupo de quenianos muito altos e magros rodeados por um grupo [16] de brancos, não muito desportivos, nem sempre muito magros - e depois milhares e milhares de chineses atrás de nós. 想象一下画面:一群非常高大苗条的肯尼亚人被一群 [16] 白人包围,他们不是很运动,也不总是很苗条——然后是成千上万的中国人在我们身后。 There was a Pakistani man who didn't even have any running shoes. |||from Pakistan|||||||| |||パキスタンの|||||||| Havia um homem paquistanês que nem sequer tinha ténis de corrida. 有一个巴基斯坦人连跑鞋都没有。 He was wearing a pair of black leather boots. Calçava um par de botas de couro pretas. 他穿着一双黑色皮靴。 Then there was a French girl smoking cigarettes and wearing a pair of cut-off jeans. |||||||||||||обрезанные джинсы|| Depois, havia uma rapariga francesa que fumava cigarros e vestia umas calças de ganga justas. 然后是一个法国女孩,她抽烟,穿着一条剪裁牛仔裤。 There was also a rather overweight Israeli girl. Havia também uma rapariga israelita com bastante peso. 还有一个相当超重的以色列女孩。 And me, Big Beard. In the end both the male and female winners were Kenyans. No final, tanto os vencedores masculinos como os femininos foram quenianos. 最后,男性和女性的获胜者都是肯尼亚人。 And the white foreign runners? 白人外国跑步者呢? I don't think many ran more than two kilometres. Não creio que muitos tenham corrido mais de dois quilómetros. 我不认为很多人跑了超过两公里。 Why? 为什么? Because that is where our hotel was located [17]… and our well-earned money! Потому что||||||||и|||| Porque era aí que se situava o nosso hotel [17]... e o nosso dinheiro bem ganho! 因为我们的旅馆就在那里[17]......还有我们的血汗钱!

Can you call this work? Pode chamar a isto trabalho? 你能说这是工作吗? I don't know. We call this sort of paid activity for foreigners in China ‘monkey show'. Chamamos a este tipo de atividade remunerada para estrangeiros na China "monkey show". 我们把外国人在中国的这种有偿活动称为 "猴戏"。 The kind of work you get just for being foreign, most of the time for being white. ||||||||||большую часть времени|||||| O tipo de trabalho que se obtém apenas por ser estrangeiro, na maior parte das vezes por ser branco. 你只是因为是外国人,大多数时候因为是白人,才会得到这样的工作。 It's more common in Kunming than Beijing, I've noticed. Это|||||||я заметил| 我注意到,这种情况在昆明比在北京更常见。


And that brings us to the end of my first podcast from China. E assim chegamos ao fim do meu primeiro podcast da China. Thank you very much for listening. I hope you enjoyed it. My father, Gerry, will be back with a new podcast in 2 weeks. ||my father||||||||| And you will hear from me again on December 5th. Just go to www.podclub.ch and click on ‘Owen in China' to listen to me then. ||||podcast platform|||||||||||| I will tell you about life in Beijing. I will also talk about the Chinese national holiday. In October everyone in China gets a week off. I took the opportunity to explore a very remote [18] and quiet part of the country. |воспользовался||||||||||||| Aproveitei a oportunidade para explorar uma zona muito remota [18] e tranquila do país. Have a wonderful month! Tenham um ótimo mês! Until next time.

Glossaire: Owen in China [1] pollution: here: air pollution, dirty air Glossary||||||||polluted|

[2] made headlines: was in the news (in the newspapers, on television, etc.) |made news||||||||||

[3] locals: here: Chinese people from Beijing

[4] expats: people who are not living in their country, people who are living in a foreign country for a period of time (short form for: expatriates) |||||||||||||||||||||||||expats |||||||||||||||||||||||||海外在住者

[5] counts: here: numbers, figures, measurements |||цифры|измерения ||||quantitative data [5] contagens: aqui: números, cifras, medidas

[6] scooter: here: small motorbike, e.g. a Vespa |scooter brand |バイク

[7] dizzy: a feeling that the world is turning round you and that you are going to fall down головокружение||||||||||||||||| stordito|||||||||||||||||

[8] twin city: partner city

[9] minorities: here: ethnic groups that are not Han Chinese (the main ethnic group in China) ||cultural||||||||||||

[10] staring: looking hard, intensively (at something)

[11] casualties: people who were hurt/injured or killed

[12] venue: a place where something happens (Example: We need to find a venue for our wedding next year.)

[13] vouchers: pieces of paper that you can exchange for something; for example you can buy things in the Migros with a Migros voucher ||||||||||||||||||Migros supermarket|||| ||||||||||||||||||ミグロス||||

[14] jewellery: decorative things, for example rings or necklaces, usually made out of metal such as gold or silver that you can wear on your body or your clothes |ornamental|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||collane||||||||||||||||||||

[15] advertised: publicised, told everybody through posters, newspapers, etc. |made known|||||| |公表された|||||| [15] publicitado: divulgado, comunicado a toda a gente através de cartazes, jornais, etc.

[16] bunch: group

[17] located: situated

[18] remote: far away, distant [18] remoto: longe, distante