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CrashCourse: Media Literacy, Introduction to Media Literacy: Crash Course Media Literacy #1

Introduction to Media Literacy: Crash Course Media Literacy #1

Hey there everybody, I'm Jay Smooth and this is Crash Course Media Literacy.

For the next few weeks we're going to take a deep dive into media – how we consume it, how we create it, and how it impacts our everyday lives.

Before we get started, do me a favor and think: how many hours did you spend consuming media today?

Don't worry, I'll wait.

What'd you come up with? 2 hours? 3? 5?

If you're the average U.S. adult, today you spent upwards of 10 hours watching TV, listening to the radio, surfing the web, scrolling through your phone, or checking out awesome educational video series on YouTube.

That's over 40% of your day!

If you're a teen or tween, you spent a little less time – maybe 6 to 9 hours.

Never before in history have humans spent so many waking hours consuming media.

Since it's taking up more and more of our time each year, it's important that we understand its influence on everything we do.

[Theme Music]

Now when I say “media” I'm talking about a couple different things.

The literal definition of “media” is the plural of medium, or multiple mediums, so to speak.

And a medium is a substance or a method in which something is communicated.

It's the vehicle for a message.

Books, films, paintings, songs, TV shows, poems, video games, magazines, podcasts, music videos, newspapers, web forums, coupons, email newsletters,

Tweets, straight-to-DVD sequels, receipts, traffic signs, both good and bad street art, Snapchat stories, those word of the day calendars your aunt always buys you,

protest signs, embarrassing but cute childhood photos you post on #throwbackthursday, breaking news push notifications that give you a mini heart attack,

sex ed pamphlets about your changing body, and my Bluray copy of the second highest grossing film of all time, Titanic – those are all media.

When you think about it that way, it makes sense that we spend so much time consuming media.

Whether you're at work or school or just hanging out, chances are you're almost always interacting with some sort of artifact of communication.

As a culture we often stick a “the” in front of “media” to refer collectively to mass communication.

It's an umbrella term we use to talk about the widely distributed newspapers, TV channels,

websites, radio stations, movie studios, and more that create or distribute information

– like CNN, The New York Times, NPR, Disney, or YouTube.

Whether you're talking about media as in multiple mediums or “the media,” and during this course we'll be talking about both,

the ability to navigate the media is a powerful and crucial skill.

Media scholars refer to this skill as media literacy.

As a field of study, media literacy comprises and overlaps many different theories and subjects, from critical thinking and psychology to linguistics and ethics in technology.

In this series, we'll be using the definition of media literacy that's used by the National Association of Media Literacy Educators.

And it describes media literacy as “the ability to Access, Analyze, Evaluate, Create and Act using all forms of communication.”

Now, with this definition in mind, think back to the media you spent your time with today.

What kind of content were you absorbing, and how did you get to it?

Were you making sense of its messages?

Were you aware that each message was created by someone with their own goals and opinions?

When you create media, like a blog post or an Instagram, what is your responsibility to those who view it?

Finally, what do you do with all that info you just received?

With media literacy skills, you'll have the power to think through each of these important questions every time you pick up your phone or flip on the radio.

It'll be like putting on a pair of glasses for the first time: so eye opening you'll never want to take them off.

Which is great, because you won't actually be able to take them off – it'll be hard to look at media the same way.

So, actually I guess media literacy is more like laser eye surgery.

But way cheaper.

OK. Media Literacy Lesson #1: understanding the difference between media messages and media effects.

Media messages are the values and ideas that are promoted by the media, the things that get put into them.

Media effects are their influences and consequences on audiences.

But talking about media in terms of these inputs and outputs is way, way too simple.

Media doesn't just broadcast one easy to understand message straight into our brains.

And readers and viewers don't just agree with whatever they say and move on with their lives.

The creator's experiences and environment affect everything they create.

Their messages are filled with tons of baggage.

And we consumers have our own baggage, too, which determines how we react to and interpret messages.

Media scholars, cultural critics, and plenty of other very smart academic types have long understood that we need to think about messages and effects in a far more nuanced way.

For instance, take British sociologist Stuart Hall's theory of encoding and decoding, popularized in 1973.

Hall wrote that before a message is distributed, it is “encoded” by the creator during its production.

The message the creator wants to send is written in a code of sorts,

using a host of pre-understood meanings, symbols, and definitions that they think or hope the recipient will understand.

But the recipient (that's you) has their own mental dictionary full of meanings, symbols, and definitions.

When someone interprets a message, they “decode” it by applying their knowledge and experience to decipher its meaning.

When I say “encode” and “decode,” I don't just mean a secret code you use to talk to your friends, or Morse code.

As Hall would say, all language is “coded.”

Let's go to the Thought Bubble to break this down:

Say you're texting your significant other about where to go for dinner.

You just heard about this fancy French restaurant that's supposed to be super romantic and perfect for a date.

You're doing a little encoding here.

So you say, Let's do Maison de L'amour *kissy face emoji*

You use the restaurant's name instead of “fancy French restaurant” because it sounds more impressive and makes you look cool for knowing a little French.

You throw in a kissy face emoji to turn up the flirtatiousness.

But also notice, you say “do” instead of “go to” because, since you're already talking about where to eat, the activity you're doing at Maison de L'amour is implied.

Done. Send.

They respond, Ok *crying laughing emoji*

Wait, what does that mean?!

Did you say something wrong? Do they not want to go?

Are they just so stoked for this restaurant that they're...laughing maniacally?

Do they want to break up? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

Here, you're trying to decode this mysterious message using what you know about the English language, emoji, and your significant other.

Maybe some social anxiety is working its way in, too.

Either way, you're thinking that clearly your romantic gesture was poorly received.

But perhaps all they meant by the crying laughing emoji was they'd love to go, despite your super cheesy taste in restaurants.

They encoded their message, too, but something got lost in the decoding.

Thanks Thought Bubble.

Hall's theory of encoding and decoding is a rejection of what's known as textual determinism,

or the idea that a message's meaning is inevitably sent and received in its entirety, just as intended, every time.

Hall gave way more credit to the consumer than many theorists before him, who often thought of most communication as a one-way street.

The significance of this theory is that, as a media consumer, you're not just a helpless sponge, absorbing all kinds of messages without a second thought.

You interpret messages in a unique way, which means you also have the ability to see what messages are being thrown at you –

and decide whether you want to catch them, pass ‘em on, or drop them completely.

This also leaves plenty of room for miscommunication, and messages getting lost in translation.

Of course, scholars, educators, parents, and consumers have always debated to what degree media really affects its consumers.

Questions of whether media can truly harm or benefit us has led to media literacy education in schools,

media regulations (like movie ratings and the labeling of advertisements), and tons of research into media effects.

Plus, these days, when two-thirds of U.S. adults get news from social media – and some of that can be “fake” news – we constantly have to ask:

What information can I truly trust?

The answers to questions like these aren't always obvious.

Luckily, media literacy gives you the tools you need to find the answers.

Whether you're feeling skeptical of social media's role in your political views, questioning the power of tech companies to control your newsfeeds,

or just trying to get your message out into the world, learning how to navigate the media landscape is tough, but possible with the right skill set.

Now, let's be honest with each other.

If you're watching this video, you're probably already pretty media savvy, or at least very interested in being so.

You clearly love learning and found us here on the interwebs, so you've got some great skills already.

Critics might even say we're just preaching to the choir.

Well, guess what? If you're in the choir, we want you singing!

This is our official request that you sing to everyone you know about media literacy.

OK, maybe not literally sing. That might get annoying.

But in all seriousness, media literacy education is only effective when we're all on the same page.

And those who need the most help learning how to swim in the media deep end are also the least likely to seek out videos like this.

So we need you to pass along these skills to friends, family, high school acquaintances you only talk to on Facebook –

anyone who won't come across these lessons themselves.

We're all in this together.

As Academy Award-winning actress Kate Winslet says in 1997 hit film, Titanic: You jump, I jump, Jack.

Here's how we're going to help.

During the first half of this course, we're going to dive into the history of the field (spoiler alert: media literacy is not a new problem);

learn how to find trusty sources of information; discover how media and your mind interact;

and explore creating media and the responsibilities that come with it.

In the second half of the course we'll use this theory to look at how media works in the world:

we'll discover how it's regulated (the policies and the economics of it all);

the dark side of the media, like propaganda and misinformation; the lure of advertising;

how the big tech companies are changing the media landscape; plus we'll take a look at where the field is headed.

Throughout the course, we'll return to the core principles of media literacy – to build a framework with which to approach our everyday, media-filled lives.

I hope you'll join me on this journey.

Until next time, I'm Jay Smooth for Crash Course.

We'll see you next week!

Crash Course Media Literacy is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Studio in Missoula, MT,

It's made with the help of all of these nice people and our animation team is Thought Cafe.

Crash Course is a Complexly production.

If you wanna keep imagining the world complexly with us, check out some of our other channels, like SciShow, Animal Wonders, and The Art Assignment.

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Introduction to Media Literacy: Crash Course Media Literacy #1 Einführung in die Medienkompetenz: Crashkurs Medienkompetenz #1 Introduction to Media Literacy: Crash Course Media Literacy #1 Introducción a la alfabetización mediática: Curso acelerado de alfabetización mediática nº 1 メディア・リテラシー入門:クラッシュコース メディア・リテラシー#1 Introdução à literacia mediática: Curso rápido de literacia mediática #1 Введение в медиаграмотность: Краткий курс медиаграмотности #1 Introduktion till mediekunskap: Crash Course Mediekunskap #1 Medya Okuryazarlığına Giriş: Crash Course Medya Okuryazarlığı #1 Вступ до медіаграмотності: Прискорений курс медіаграмотності #1 媒体素养简介:媒体素养速成课程#1

Hey there everybody, I'm Jay Smooth and this is Crash Course Media Literacy. Halo semua, saya Jay Smooth dan ini adalah Crash Course Media Literacy (Kecakapan Bermedia) Olá pessoal, meu nome é Jay Smooth e este é o Curso Intensivo de Alfabetização Midiática.

For the next few weeks we're going to take a deep dive into media – how we consume it, how we create it, and how it impacts our everyday lives. Untuk beberapa minggu ke depan kita akan membahas secara mendalam tentang media - Pelas próximas semanas nós iremos mergulhar fundo nas mídias - como a consumimos, como a criamos, e como ela influencia nosso dia-a-dia.

Before we get started, do me a favor and think: how many hours did you spend consuming media today? Sebelum kita mulai, coba jawab: berapa jam yang kamu habiskan untuk mengkonsumsi media hari ini? Antes de começarmos, pense por mim por favor: quantas horas você passou consumindo mídias hoje?

Don't worry, I'll wait. Jangan khawatir, saya tunggu jawabannya. Não se preocupe, eu espero.

What'd you come up with? 2 hours? 3? 5? Jadi berapa lama? 2 jam? 3? 5? No que você pensou? 2 horas? 3? 5?

If you're the average U.S. adult, today you spent upwards of 10 hours watching TV, listening to the radio, surfing the web, scrolling through your phone, or checking out awesome educational video series on YouTube. Misalkan kamu adalah warga negara A.S. dewasa kebanyakan, dalam satu hari kamu menghabiskan waktu sampai dengan 10 jam, Se você é o adulto médio norte americano, hoje você passou ao menos 10 horas vendo TV, ouvindo o rádio, navegando na net, mexendo no celular ou checando séries de videos educacionais fantásticas no YouTube.

That's over 40% of your day! Itu lebih dari 40% waktu seharian kamu! Isso é mais de 40% do teu dia!

If you're a teen or tween, you spent a little less time – maybe 6 to 9 hours. Kalau kamu masih usia remaja, kamu menghabiskan waktu lebih sedikit - sekitar 6 sampai 9 jam. Se você é um adolescente ou pré-adolescente, você talvez tenha passado menos tempo - talvez 6 a 9 horas.

Never before in history have humans spent so many waking hours consuming media. Belum pernah dalam sejarah, manusia menghabiskan begitu banyak waktu untuk mengkonsumsi media. 歴史上、人間がメディアを消費するのにこれほど多くの時間を費やしたことはありません。 Nunca antes na história humanos gastaram tantas horas despertas consumindo mídia.

Since it's taking up more and more of our time each year, it's important that we understand its influence on everything we do. Karena semakin banyak waktu yang kita habiskan setiap tahun nya, Já que está tomando mais e mais de nosso tempo a cada ano, é importante que possamos entender sua influência em tudo que fazemos.

[Theme Music] [Musik] [Música tema]

Now when I say “media” I'm talking about a couple different things. Saat saya berkata "media", saya sedang berbicara tentang beberapa hal. Agora, quando eu digo "mídia" eu me refiro a uma porção de coisas diferentes.

The literal definition of “media” is the plural of medium, or multiple mediums, so to speak. Secara harfiah, definisi "media" adalah bentuk jamak dari medium (sarana), atau berarti "beberapa sarana" (mediums). A definição literal de "media" (no inglês) é o plural de medium, ou múltiplos mediums, por assim dizer.

And a medium is a substance or a method in which something is communicated. Dan sebuah medium (sarana) adalah substansi atau metode untuk mengkomunikasikan sesuatu; E um medium (ou meio) é uma substância ou um método no qual algo é comunicado.

It's the vehicle for a message. Medium adalah penggerak sebuah pesan メッセージを伝える乗り物です。 É o veículo para a mensagem.

Books, films, paintings, songs, TV shows, poems, video games, magazines, podcasts, music videos, newspapers, web forums, coupons, email newsletters, Buku, film, lukisan, lagu, acara TV, puisi, video game, majalah, podcast, video klip, surat kabar, forum web, kupon, suratkabar email Livros, filmes, pinturas, músicas, programas de TV, poemas, video games, revistas, podcasts, vídeos de música, jornais, fóruns de internet, coupons, noticiários de email,

Tweets, straight-to-DVD sequels, receipts, traffic signs, both good and bad street art, Snapchat stories, those word of the day calendars your aunt always buys you, twit, straigt-to-DVD sequels, resep, rambu lalu lintas, seni mural baik yang bagus atau jelek, snapchat stories, kalender word of the day yang selalu dibelikan oleh tante kamu, mensagens no tweeter, lançamentos diretos no DVD, contas, sinais de trânsito, artes de rua boas e ruins, stories do Snapchat, aqueles calendários com a palavra do dia que sua tia sempre te compra,

protest signs, embarrassing but cute childhood photos you post on #throwbackthursday, breaking news push notifications that give you a mini heart attack, papan protes, foto masa kecil yang memalukan tetapi lucu yang kamu pajang di #throwbackthursday, notifikasi breaking news yang bikin sesak nafas, placas de manifestações, fotos constrangedoras porém fofas da infância que você posta com #quintadanostalgia, notícias notificações de notícias urgentes que te dão mini ataques do coração,

sex ed pamphlets about your changing body, and my Bluray copy of the second highest grossing film of all time, Titanic – those are all media. pamflet pendidikan sex tentang perubahan tubuh, dan Bluray dari film dengan penjualan terbesar kedua di dunia, Titanic yang saya miliki - itu semua adalah media あなたの体の変化についての性教育のパンフレット、そして史上 2 番目に高い興行収入を上げた映画、タイタニックのブルーレイ コピー – これらはすべてメディアです。 panfletos de educação sexual sobre suas mudanças corporais e minha cópia em Bluray da segunda maior bilheteria do cinema de todos os tempos, Titanic - tudo isso é mídia.

When you think about it that way, it makes sense that we spend so much time consuming media. Kalau dirunut kembali, maka masuk akal jika kita menghabiskan banyak waktu mengkonsumsi media Quando você pensa sobre isso dessa forma, faz sentido que a gente passe tanto tempo consumindo mídia.

Whether you're at work or school or just hanging out, chances are you're almost always interacting with some sort of artifact of communication. apakah kamu sedang di tempat kerja atau sekolah atau sekedar nongkrong, 職場でも学校でも、ただぶらぶらしていても、ほとんどの場合、何らかのコミュニケーション アーティファクトとやり取りしている可能性があります。 Seja se você está no trabalho ou na escola ou apenas de bobeira, é bem provável que você esteja interagindo com algum tipo de veículo de comunicação.

As a culture we often stick a “the” in front of “media” to refer collectively to mass communication. Kita sering menyebut "the media" untuk mengacu pada media sebagai komunikasi massa 文化として、私たちは「メディア」の前に「the」を付けて、マスコミュニケーションをまとめて指すことがよくあります。 Culturalmente nós muitas vezes colocamos um "grande" em frente a "mídia" para nos referirmos coletivamente a meios de comunicação em massa.

It's an umbrella term we use to talk about the widely distributed newspapers, TV channels, |||масс-медиа||||||||||| Itu merupakan istilah umum yang kita gunakan untuk media yang tersebar luas seperti surat kabar, stasiun TV, これは、広く配布されている新聞、テレビ チャンネル、 É um termo geral que usamos para nos referir a jornais, canais de TV, estações de rádio,

websites, radio stations, movie studios, and more that create or distribute information situs web, stasiun radio, studio film, dan lainnya yang membuat atau menyalurkan informasi estúdios de cinema e mais de ampla distribuição, que criam ou distribuem informação

– like CNN, The New York Times, NPR, Disney, or YouTube. - seperti CNN, The New York Times, NPR, Disney, atau YouTube - como a CNN, o New York Times, o NPR (National Public Radio), a Disney ou o YouTube.

Whether you're talking about media as in multiple mediums or “the media,” and during this course we'll be talking about both, Apakah kita sedang membicarakan media dalam arti sarana atau "the media", dalam kursus ini kita akan membicarakan keduanya, メディアについて話しているのが複数のメディアまたは「メディア」のどちらであるかに関係なく、このコースでは両方について話します。 Seja se você está falando sobre a mídia como múltiplos mediums ou "a mídia", ao longo desse curso nós falaremos de ambos,

the ability to navigate the media is a powerful and crucial skill. kemampuan untuk mengarungi media adalah ketrampilan yang sangat bisa diandalkan dan sangat penting a habilidade de navigar a mídia é poderosa e crucial.

Media scholars refer to this skill as media literacy. Para ahli media menyebut ketrampilan ini sebagai literasi media (kecakapan bermedia) Estudiosos da mídia se referem a essa habilidade como alfabetização midiática.

As a field of study, media literacy comprises and overlaps many different theories and subjects, from critical thinking and psychology to linguistics and ethics in technology. Sebagai bidang studi, literasi media mengandung dan meliputi berbagai macam teori dan subyek, dari berpikir kritis dan psikologi hingga linguistik dan etika pada teknologi. Como campo de estudo, a alfabetização midiática se compõe de e mistura muitas teorias e temas diferentes, de pensamento crítico e psicologia a linguística e ética da tecnologia.

In this series, we'll be using the definition of media literacy that's used by the National Association of Media Literacy Educators. Pada seri ini, kita akan menggunakan definisi literasi media yang digunakan oleh National Association of Media Literacy Educators. Nesta série, nós usaremos a definição de alfabetização midiática usada pela Associação Nacional de Educadores de Alfabetização Midiática.

And it describes media literacy as “the ability to Access, Analyze, Evaluate, Create and Act using all forms of communication.” Literasi media didekripsikan sebagai "kemampuan untuk Mengakses, Menganalisa, Menilai, Membuat dan Bertindak menggunakan seluruh bentuk komunikasi." E ela descreve a alfabetização midiática como "a habilidade de acessar, analisar, avaliar, criar e agir usando todas as formas de comunicação."

Now, with this definition in mind, think back to the media you spent your time with today. Sekarang, dengan setelah kita mengetahui definisi ini, coba diingat kembali media yang menghabiskan waktu kamu hari ini. Agora, com essa definição em mente, pense em toda a mídia com a qual você passou seu tempo hoje.

What kind of content were you absorbing, and how did you get to it? Jenis konten apa yang kamu serap, dan bagaimana kamu bisa sampai ke konten tersebut? Que tipo de conteúdo você esteve absorvendo, e como você chegou até a ele?

Were you making sense of its messages? Apakah kamu mengerti pesan yang dibawanya? Você estava se dando conta de suas mensagens?

Were you aware that each message was created by someone with their own goals and opinions? Apakah kamu sadar bahwa setiap pesan tersebut dibuat oleh seseorang dengan tujuan dan opini masing-masing? Você estava ciente de que cada mensagem foi criada por alguém com seus próprios objetivos e opiniões?

When you create media, like a blog post or an Instagram, what is your responsibility to those who view it? Saat kamu membuat media, seperti tulisan blog atau instagram, apa tanggung jawab kamu terhadap orang-orang yang melihatnya? Quando você cria mídia, como um post num blog ou um Instagram, qual a tua responsabilidade para aqueles que veem isso?

Finally, what do you do with all that info you just received? Dan terakhir, apa yang kamu lakukan dengan seluruh informasi yang baru saja kamu terima? Finalmente, o que você faz com toda essa informação que acaba de receber?

With media literacy skills, you'll have the power to think through each of these important questions every time you pick up your phone or flip on the radio. Dengan ketrampilan literasi media, kamu akan memiliki kekuatan untuk memikirkan tiap-tiap pertanyaan penting setiap kali kamu melihat handphone atau mendengarkan radio. Com habilidades de alfabetização midiática, você terá o poder de refletir todas essas importantes questões toda vez que você pegar o celular ou ligar o rádio.

It'll be like putting on a pair of glasses for the first time: so eye opening you'll never want to take them off. Seperti saat memakai kacamata untuk pertama kali nya: sangat membuka mata sampai-sampai kamu tidak akan mau melepasnya. それは、初めてメガネをかけるようなものです。そのため、目が開いていると、メガネを外したくなくなります。 Será como colocar um par de lentes pela primeira vez:abre tanto os olhos que você nunca mais vai querer tirar elas. İlk kez bir gözlük takmak gibi olacak: o kadar göz açıcı ki asla çıkarmak istemeyeceksiniz.

Which is great, because you won't actually be able to take them off – it'll be hard to look at media the same way. Dan itu bagus, karena kamu tidak akan bisa melepaskannya - akan sangat sulit untuk memandang media dengan sudut pandang-mu yang lama. メディアを同じように見るのは難しいでしょう。 O que é ótimo, porque você não irá ser capaz de tirar elas de novo na verdade - vai ser difícil olhar para a mídia do mesmo jeito.

So, actually I guess media literacy is more like laser eye surgery. Jadi, sepertinya literasi media lebih mirip operasi laser pada mata. つまり、実際には、メディア リテラシーはレーザー眼科手術に似ていると思います。 Então, acho que na verdade a alfabetização midiática é mais como cirurgia de olhos a laser.

But way cheaper. Tapi jauh lebih murah. Mas bem mais barata.

OK. Media Literacy Lesson #1: understanding the difference between media messages and media effects. OK. Pelajaran Literasi Media #1: memahami perbedaan antara pesan-pesan media dan efek-efek media. Ok, Lição #1 de Alfabetização Midiática: entender a diferença entre mensagens de mídia e efeitos de mídia.

Media messages are the values and ideas that are promoted by the media, the things that get put into them. Pesan-pesan media adalah nilai-nilai dan ide-ide yang dipromosikan oleh media, hal-hal yang dimasukkan ke dalam nya. メディア メッセージとは、メディアによって宣伝される価値観やアイデアであり、メディアに組み込まれるものです。 Mensagens de mídia são os valores e idéias promovidos por ela, as coisas que são colocadas nelas. Medya mesajları, medya tarafından teşvik edilen değerler ve fikirlerdir, bunların içine yerleştirilen şeylerdir.

Media effects are their influences and consequences on audiences. Efek-efek media adalah pengaruh dan konsekuensi-konsekuensi pada penyimaknya. メディア効果とは、視聴者に対するメディアの影響と結果です。 Efeitos de mídia são suas influências e consequências nas audiência.

But talking about media in terms of these inputs and outputs is way, way too simple. Namun membicarakan tentang media dalam hal masukan dan keluarannya saja itu sangat, terlalu simpel. しかし、これらの入力と出力の観点からメディアについて話すことは、あまりにも単純すぎる. Mas falar sobre a mídia em termos dessas entradas e saídas de informação é simples demais.

Media doesn't just broadcast one easy to understand message straight into our brains. Media tidak hanya menyiarkan satu pesan yang langsung mudah dicerna otak kita. メディアは、わかりやすいメッセージを 1 つだけ私たちの脳に直接ブロードキャストするだけではありません。 A mídia não simplesmente divulga uma mensagem fácil de compreender diretamente para nossos cérebros. Medya, beynimize doğrudan anlaşılması kolay tek bir mesaj yayınlamaz.

And readers and viewers don't just agree with whatever they say and move on with their lives. Dan pembaca dan penonton tidak begitu saja setuju dengan apa yang dikatakan dan membiarkannya berlalu. そして、読者と視聴者は、自分の言うことに同意して、自分の人生を歩むだけではありません。 E leitores e pessoas assistindo não simplesmente concordam com qualquer coisa que dizem e seguem com suas vidas.

The creator's experiences and environment affect everything they create. Pengalaman dan lingkungan dari pembuat berita mempengaruhi semua yang mereka buat. クリエイターの経験と環境は、彼らが作成するすべてのものに影響を与えます。 As experiências e o contexto do criador de conteúdo afetam tudo que é criado.

Their messages are filled with tons of baggage. Pesan-pesan mereka dipenuhi oleh barang-barang pribadi 彼らのメッセージは大量の荷物でいっぱいです。 Suas mensagens são cheias com um monte de bagagem.

And we consumers have our own baggage, too, which determines how we react to and interpret messages. Dan kita sebagai konsumen juga memiliki barang-barang pribadi kita masing-masing, E nós consumidores temos nossa própria bagagem também, que determina como interpretamos e reagimos a mensagens.

Media scholars, cultural critics, and plenty of other very smart academic types have long understood that we need to think about messages and effects in a far more nuanced way. Para ahli media, kritikus budaya, dan akademisi lainnya メディア学者、文化評論家、その他多くの非常に頭の良い学者たちは、メッセージと効果についてもっと微妙な方法で考える必要があることを長い間理解してきました。 Estudiosos da mídia, críticos culturais e muitos outros tipos acadêmicos muito inteligentes já a muito entendem que é preciso pensar sobre mensagens e efeitos com muito mais nuance.

For instance, take British sociologist Stuart Hall's theory of encoding and decoding, popularized in 1973. たとえば、1973 年に一般化された、英国の社会学者スチュアート ホールの暗号化と解読の理論を考えてみましょう。 Por exemplo, peguemos a teoria do sociólogo britânico Stuart Hall de codificação e decodificação, popularizada em 1973.

Hall wrote that before a message is distributed, it is “encoded” by the creator during its production. Hall menulis bahwa sebelum pesan didistribusikan, pesan tersebut "encoded" (dikodekan) oleh pembuatnya pada saat produksi. ホールは、メッセージが配布される前に、作成中に作成者によって「エンコード」されると書いています。 Hall escreveu que antes de uma mensagem ser distribuída, ela é "codificada" pelo criador durante sua produção.

The message the creator wants to send is written in a code of sorts, Pesan sang pembuat yang ingin dikirimkan tertulis dalam macam-macam kode, 作り手の伝えたいメッセージはある種の暗号で書かれており、 A mensagem que o criador quer mandar é escrita em um tipo de código,

using a host of pre-understood meanings, symbols, and definitions that they think or hope the recipient will understand. menggunakan sejumlah istilah-istilah yang telah dimengerti sebelumnya, simbol-simbol, dan definisi yang mereka pikir atau diharapkan bisa dimengerti oleh orang-orang. 受信者が理解できると考えている、または望んでいる、事前に理解されている多くの意味、記号、および定義を使用します。 usando uma variedade de significados, símbolos e definições pré-compreendidos, que ele acredita ou espera que o recipiente irá entender.

But the recipient (that's you) has their own mental dictionary full of meanings, symbols, and definitions. Tapi orang lain (penerima) memiliki kamus mental sendiri yang penuh dengan arti-arti, simbol-simbol, dan berbagai definisi. しかし、受信者 (それはあなたです) は、意味、記号、および定義でいっぱいの独自の心の辞書を持っています。 Mas o recipiente (este é você) tem seu próprio dicionário mental cheio de significados, símbolos e definições.

When someone interprets a message, they “decode” it by applying their knowledge and experience to decipher its meaning. Ketika seseorang mengartikan pesan, mereka "decode" pesan itu dengan menerapkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman mereka untuk menafsirkan artinya. Quando alguém interpreta a mensagem, a mensagem é "decodificada" aplicando o próprio conhecimento e experiência para decifrar seu significado.

When I say “encode” and “decode,” I don't just mean a secret code you use to talk to your friends, or Morse code. Saat Aku bilang "encode" dan "decode," maksudnya bukan seperti kode rahasia yang kamu gunakan dengan teman-teman kamu, atau kode Morse. Quando eu digo "codificar" e "decodificar", eu não quero dizer um código secreto que você usa pra falar com os amigos, ou código Morse.

As Hall would say, all language is “coded.” Seperti apa yang Hall katakan, semua bahasa "terkode." Como diria Hall, toda linguagem é "codificada".

Let's go to the Thought Bubble to break this down: Mari kita simak Thought Buble untuk menjabarkannya lebih lanjut: Vamos para o Balão de Pensamento pra quebrar isso direitinho:

Say you're texting your significant other about where to go for dinner. Katakan kamu mengirim pesan ke belahan jiwa-mu tentang tempat untuk makan malam 夕食に行く場所について、大切な人にテキストメッセージを送っているとしましょう。 Imagine que esteja mandando uma mensagem para teu ou tua parceiro(a) sobre onde ir para o jantar.

You just heard about this fancy French restaurant that's supposed to be super romantic and perfect for a date. Kamu baru saja mendengar tentang restoran Perancis mewah yang super romantis dan sempurna untuk tempat kencan. とてもロマンティックでデートに最適なこのおしゃれなフレンチ レストランについて聞いたばかりです。 Você acaba de ouvir a respeito desse restaurante chique francês que parece super romântico e perfeito para um encontro.

You're doing a little encoding here. ここで少しエンコードを行っています。 Você está fazendo um pouco de codificação aqui.

So you say, Let's do Maison de L'amour *kissy face emoji* Jadi kamu bilang, Ayo coba Maison de L'amour *emoji cium* Então você diz "Vamos Maison de L'amour *emoji de beijinho*"

You use the restaurant's name instead of “fancy French restaurant” because it sounds more impressive and makes you look cool for knowing a little French. Kamu menggunakan nama restoran tersebut dibanding "restoran Prancis mewah" 「おしゃれなフレンチ レストラン」の代わりにレストランの名前を使用します。より印象的で、少しフランス語を知っているとクールに見えるからです。 Você usa o nome do restaurante ao invés de "restaurante chique francês", porque soa mais impressionante e te faz parecer mais legal por saber um pouco de francês.

You throw in a kissy face emoji to turn up the flirtatiousness. Kamu memasang emoji cium untuk menambahkan kesan genit. キス顔の絵文字を追加して、軽薄さを高めます。 Você manda um emoji de beijinho pra indicar um começo de flerte.

But also notice, you say “do” instead of “go to” because, since you're already talking about where to eat, the activity you're doing at Maison de L'amour is implied. Tapi perhatikan, kamu bilang "coba" bukan "ke" karena kamu sedang membicarakan tentang mau makan di mana, aktifitas yang dilakukan di Maison de L'amour sudah tersirat. Mas note também que no caso você deixou de indicar a ação, ao invés de dizer "vamos ao", dado que já que vocês já está falando sobre onde comer, a atividade que você estará fazendo no Maison de L'amour está implícita.

Done. Send. Selesai. Kirim. Pronto. Enviar.

They respond, Ok *crying laughing emoji* Dia membalas, Ok *emoji tertawa menangis* A pessoa responde "Ok *emoji chorando de rir*"

Wait, what does that mean?! Tunggu, apa artinya ya?! Pera, o que isso quer dizer?!

Did you say something wrong? Do they not want to go? Apa kamu mengucapkan sesuatu yang salah? Apa dia tidak mau pergi? Você disse algo errado? A pessoa não quer ir?

Are they just so stoked for this restaurant that they're...laughing maniacally? Apakah dia sangat ingin mencoba restoran ini sehingga dia... tertawa seperti orang gila? Será que ele está tão entusiasmado pelo restaurante que está... rindo maniacamente?

Do they want to break up? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Apakah dia minta putus? APA ARTINYA INI? 彼らは別れたいですか?これは何を意味するのでしょうか? Ele quer separar? O QUE ISSO QUER DIZER?

Here, you're trying to decode this mysterious message using what you know about the English language, emoji, and your significant other. Saat ini, kamu sedang berusaha memecahkan kode dari pesan misterius ini menggunakan apa yang kamu ketahui tentang bahasa, emoji, dan belahan jiwa-mu. Aqui você está tentando decodificar essa mensagem misteriosa usando o que você sabe sobre a tua língua, emojis e teu ou tua parceiro (a).

Maybe some social anxiety is working its way in, too. Semuanya bikin kamu tambah cemas. 社会不安も影響しているのかもしれません。 Talvez um pouco de ansiedade social esteja em jogo também.

Either way, you're thinking that clearly your romantic gesture was poorly received. Kamu berpikir jelas bahwa kamu baru saja salah langkah. いずれにせよ、あなたのロマンチックなジェスチャーは明らかに受け入れられなかったと考えています. De todo modo, você está pensando que claramente teu gesto romântico foi mal recebido.

But perhaps all they meant by the crying laughing emoji was they'd love to go, despite your super cheesy taste in restaurants. Atau mungkin yang dia maksud dengan emoji tawa menangis adalah dia mau, しかし、泣いて笑っている絵文字が意味するのは、レストランでのあなたの超安っぽい味にもかかわらず、彼らが行きたいということだけだったのかもしれません. Mas talvez tudo que foi dito com o emoji chorando de rir foi que a pessoa adoraria ir, apesar de teu gosto super cafona pra restaurantes.

They encoded their message, too, but something got lost in the decoding. Dia mengkodekan pesannya juga, namun ada yang hilang pada proses pemecahan kodenya. メッセージも暗号化しましたが、解読中に何かが失われました。 A pessoa também codificou sua mensagem, mas algo se perdeu na decodificação.

Thanks Thought Bubble. Terima kasih Thought Bubble. Obrigado, Balão de Pensamento.

Hall's theory of encoding and decoding is a rejection of what's known as textual determinism, Teori encoding dan decoding Hall adalah penolakan dari apa yang dikenal sebagai determinisme tekstual, ホールの符号化と復号化の理論は、テキスト決定論として知られているものを拒否しています。 A teoria de Hall sobre codificar e decodificar é uma rejeição do que é conhecido como determinismo textual,

or the idea that a message's meaning is inevitably sent and received in its entirety, just as intended, every time. atau pemikiran bahwa arti sebuah pesan tidak lain dari apa yang dikirim dan diterima setiap saat, sesuai seluruhnya. または、メッセージの意味は、意図したとおりに毎回、必然的に完全に送受信されるという考え。 ou a idéia de que o significado de uma mensagem é inevitavelmente enviado e recebido em sua inteireza, assim como pretendido, todas as vezes.

Hall gave way more credit to the consumer than many theorists before him, who often thought of most communication as a one-way street. Hall memberikan banyak kredit pada konsumen dibandingkan ahli-ahli teori sebelumnya, yang lebih sering berpikir bahwa komunikasi hanya berlaku satu arah. ホールは、ほとんどのコミュニケーションを一方通行と考えていた彼以前の多くの理論家よりも、消費者に多くの信用を与えました。 Hall deu muito mais crédito ao consumidor que muitos teóricos antes dele, que muitas vezes pensavam que a maioria das comunicações era uma rua de mão única.

The significance of this theory is that, as a media consumer, you're not just a helpless sponge, absorbing all kinds of messages without a second thought. Teori ini menyatakan bahwa sebagai konsumen media, kamu bukan seperti sebuah spons yang tak berdaya, この理論の重要な点は、メディアの消費者は、何も考えずにあらゆる種類のメッセージを吸収する無力なスポンジではないということです。 A significância dessa teoria é que, como consumidor de mídia, você não é apenas uma esponja indefesa, absorvendo todo tipo de mensagens sem pensar duas vezes.

You interpret messages in a unique way, which means you also have the ability to see what messages are being thrown at you – メッセージを独自の方法で解釈します。つまり、どのようなメッセージが自分に投げかけられているかを確認することもできます。 Você interpreta mensagens de uma forma única, o que significa que você também tem a habilidade de ver que mensagens foram mandadas para você -

and decide whether you want to catch them, pass ‘em on, or drop them completely. dan memutuskan apakah kamu mau menerimanya, menyebarkannya atau mengabaikannya sama sekali. そして、それらをキャッチするか、渡すか、完全にドロップするかを決定します。 e decidir se você quer agarrá-las, passá-las adiante ou ignorá-las completamente.

This also leaves plenty of room for miscommunication, and messages getting lost in translation. Tapi Ini juga berarti bakal banyak kemungkinan terjadi miskomunikasi, dan pesan-pesan yang salah diterjemahkan. これにより、誤解の余地が多くなり、メッセージが翻訳で失われます。 Isso também deixa bastante espaço para falhas de comunicação, e mensagens se perdendo na tradução.

Of course, scholars, educators, parents, and consumers have always debated to what degree media really affects its consumers. ||учёные||||||||||||||| Tentu saja, para ahli, guru-guru, orang tua dan konsumen selalu berdebat sampai sejauh mana media benar-benar mempengaruhi konsumennya. もちろん、学者、教育者、保護者、消費者は、メディアが実際に消費者にどの程度影響を与えるかについて常に議論してきました。 É claro, estudiosos, educadores, pais e consumidores sempre debateram sobre até que ponto a mídia realmente afeta seus consumidores.

Questions of whether media can truly harm or benefit us has led to media literacy education in schools, Pertanyaan-pertanyaan mengenai apakah benar media bisa merusak atau menguntungkan kita telah mengarahkan pendidikan literasi media di sekolah-sekolah, Questões sobre se a mídia pode realmente trazer danos ou benefícios a nós levou à educação sobre alfabetização midiática em escolas,

media regulations (like movie ratings and the labeling of advertisements), and tons of research into media effects. peraturan media (seperti penilaian film dan pelabelan iklan), dan berton-ton riset pada efek-efek media. メディア規制 (映画の評価や広告のラベル付けなど)、メディア効果に関する膨大な研究。 regulações de mídias (como classificações indicativas de filmes e classificação de propagandas) e muita pesquisa a respeito dos efeitos da mídia.

Plus, these days, when two-thirds of U.S. adults get news from social media – and some of that can be “fake” news – we constantly have to ask: Ditambah akhir-akhir ini, dua pertiga orang dewasa A.S. mendapatkan berita dari media sosial Além disso, atualmente, quando dois terços dos adultos dos EUA recebem notícias por mídias sociais - e parte delas podem ser notícias "falsas" - temos de nos perguntar constantemente:

What information can I truly trust? Apa informasi yang bisa benar-benar saya percaya? Em que informação eu realmente posso confiar?

The answers to questions like these aren't always obvious. Jawaban dari pertanyaan seperti ini tidak pernah pasti. As respostas a questões como essa não são sempre óbvias.

Luckily, media literacy gives you the tools you need to find the answers. Untungnya, literasi media memberikan peralatan yang kamu butuhkan untuk mendapatkan jawabannya. Por sorte, a alfabetização midiática te dá as ferramentas que você precisa para encontrar as respostas.

Whether you're feeling skeptical of social media's role in your political views, questioning the power of tech companies to control your newsfeeds, Apakah kamu merasa skeptis terhadap peran media sosial dalam pandangan politik kamu, Seja se você está se sentindo cético acerca da função da mídia em tua percepção política, questionando o poder das companhias de tecnologia de controlar teus feeds de notícia,

or just trying to get your message out into the world, learning how to navigate the media landscape is tough, but possible with the right skill set. atau sekedar mencoba menyampaikan pesan kamu kepada dunia, ou apenas tentando passar tua mensagem para o mundo, aprender como navegar a paisagem da mídia é difícil, mas possível com a combinação correta de habilidades.

Now, let's be honest with each other. Sekarang, mari kita jujur terhadap diri sendiri. Agora, sejamos honestos um com o outro.

If you're watching this video, you're probably already pretty media savvy, or at least very interested in being so. Jika kamu menonton video ini, kemungkinan kamu seorang yang mengerti media, atau setidaknya sangat tertarik untuk mengerti. Se você está vendo este vídeo, você provavelmente já saca um bom tanto de mídia, ou ao menos é bem interessado em sacar.

You clearly love learning and found us here on the interwebs, so you've got some great skills already. Jelas kamu suka belajar dan menemukan kami di internet, jadi kamu sudah punya ketrampilan yang bagus. Você claramente adora aprender e nos achou aqui na internet, então você já tem ótimas habilidades.

Critics might even say we're just preaching to the choir. Kritikus mungkin berkata kami hanya berkotbah pada kor. (meyakinkan orang yang sudah yakin) Os mais críticos poderiam até dizer que estamos chovendo no molhado. Eleştirmenler sadece koroya vaaz verdiğimizi bile söyleyebilir.

Well, guess what? If you're in the choir, we want you singing! Jadi, coba tebak? Jika kamu dalam kor, kami ingin kamu bernyanyi! Bem, mas saca só, se você já está molhado, queremos que você dance nessa chuva!

This is our official request that you sing to everyone you know about media literacy. Ini adalah permintaan resmi dari kami agar kamu bernyanyi tentang literasi media kepada semua yang kamu kenal. これは、メディア リテラシーについて知っているすべての人に向けて歌ってほしいという、私たちの公式の要請です。 Este é nosso pedido oficial para que você cante a todos que você conhece sobre a alfabetização midiática.

OK, maybe not literally sing. That might get annoying. OK, mungkin tidak benar-benar bernyanyi. Itu akan membuat jengkel. OK, talvez não cantar literalmente. Isso pode acabar ficando chato.

But in all seriousness, media literacy education is only effective when we're all on the same page. Kembali ke topik, pendidikan literasi media hanya efektif ketika kita semua berada pada pemahaman yang sama. Mas com toda seriedade, a alfabetização midiática só é eficiente quando estamos todos na mesma página.

And those who need the most help learning how to swim in the media deep end are also the least likely to seek out videos like this. Dan mereka yang paling membutuhkan bantuan untuk belajar berenang di kedalaman media また、メディアのディープ エンドで泳ぎ方を学ぶ手助けを最も必要としている人は、このような動画を探す可能性も最も低いです。 E aqueles que mais precisam de ajuda em aprender como nadar nos cantos profundos da mídia são também os que menos provavelmente viriam procurar vídeos como este.

So we need you to pass along these skills to friends, family, high school acquaintances you only talk to on Facebook – Jadi kami membutuhkan kamu untuk menyebarkan keterampilan ini pada teman-teman, keluarga, kenalan SMA yang cuma kamu ajak bicara lewat Facebook - したがって、これらのスキルを友人、家族、Facebook でしか話さない高校の知人に伝える必要があります。 Então nós precisamos que você passe essas habilidades adiante para amigos, família, escola, conhecidos que você só fala no Facebook -

anyone who won't come across these lessons themselves. siapapun yang tidak akan sampai ke video ini dengan sendirinya. qualquer um que não vá vir até estas lições sozinho.

We're all in this together. Kita semua satu dalam kebersamaan. 私たちは皆、一緒にいます。 Estamos todos nessa juntos.

As Academy Award-winning actress Kate Winslet says in 1997 hit film, Titanic: You jump, I jump, Jack. ||награда|||||||||||||| Seperti yang dikatakan aktris pemenang Academy Award 1997 dalam film tenar, Titanic, Kate Winslet: "Kamu lompat, Aku lompat, Jack." Como disse a atriz ganhadora do Prêmio da Academia Kate Winslet em seu filme de 1997, Titanic: "Se você pular, eu pulo Jack."

Here's how we're going to help. Ini bagaimana cara kita menolong. これが私たちがどのように役立つかです。 É assim que iremos ajudar.

During the first half of this course, we're going to dive into the history of the field (spoiler alert: media literacy is not a new problem); Dalam paruh pertama dari kursus ini, kita akan menyelami sejarah media (spoiler: literasi media bukan merupakan masalah baru); Durante a primeira metade deste urso, nós vamos mergulhar fundo na história desta área (alerta de spoiler: alfabetização midiática não é um problema novo);

learn how to find trusty sources of information; discover how media and your mind interact; belajar bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan sumber informasi terpercaya; menemukan bagaimana media dan pikiran kamu berinteraksi; aprender como encontrar fontes confiáveis de informação, descobrir como a mídia e a tua mente interagem;

and explore creating media and the responsibilities that come with it. dan jelajahi pembuatan media dan tanggung jawab yang terdapat pada nya. e explorar a criação de mídias e as responsabilidades que vem com isso.

In the second half of the course we'll use this theory to look at how media works in the world: ||||||||||||изучать||||||| Pada paruh kedua kursus, kita akan menggunakan teori ini untuk melihat bagaimana media bekerja di dunia: Na segunda metade do curso nós usaremos essa teoria para olhar como a mídia funciona no mundo.

we'll discover how it's regulated (the policies and the economics of it all); kita akan menjelajah bagaimana media diatur (kebijakan-kebijakan dan ekonomi dibalik itu semua); それがどのように規制されているかを発見します(すべての政策と経済学)。 Nós descobriremos como ela é regulada (as políticas e a economia disso tudo);

the dark side of the media, like propaganda and misinformation; the lure of advertising; sisi gelap dari media, seperti propaganda dan misinformasi; umpan-umpan dari iklan; o lado sombrio da mídia, como propagandas manipuladoras e desinformação; as tentações da publicidade;

how the big tech companies are changing the media landscape; plus we'll take a look at where the field is headed. bagaimana perusahaan teknologi mengubah wajah media; plus kita akan melihat kemana bidang ini menuju. 大手テクノロジー企業がメディア環境をどのように変えているか。さらに、この分野がどこに向かっているのかを見ていきます。 como as grandes companhias de tecnologia estão mudando as paisagens midiáticas; e ainda daremos uma olhada em pra onde o campo está seguindo.

Throughout the course, we'll return to the core principles of media literacy – to build a framework with which to approach our everyday, media-filled lives. Sepanjang kursus ini, kita akan kembali pada prinsip inti dari literasi media - コース全体を通じて、メディア リテラシーのコア原則に戻り、メディアに満ちた日常生活に取り組むためのフレームワークを構築します。 Ao longo deste curso, nós retornaremos aos princípios fundamentais da alfabetização midiática - para criar uma estrutura para lidar com nossa vida cotidiana e cheia de mídias.

I hope you'll join me on this journey. Aku harap kamu akan ikut dengan saya pada perjalanan ini. Eu espero que você vá se juntar a mim nessa jornada.

Until next time, I'm Jay Smooth for Crash Course. Sampai waktu berikutnya, Saya Jay Smooth untuk Crash Course. 次回まで、Crash Course の Jay Smooth です。 Até a próxima, eu sou Jay Smooth para o Curso Intensivo.

We'll see you next week! Kita bertemu minggu depan! Nos vemos semana que vem!

Crash Course Media Literacy is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Studio in Missoula, MT, Crach Course Media Literacy difilmkan di Studio Dr. Cheryl CC. Kinney di Missoula, MT, O Curso Intensivo em Alfabetização Midiática é filmado no Estúdio Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney em Missoula, MT,

It's made with the help of all of these nice people and our animation team is Thought Cafe. Dibuat dengan bantuan dari orang-orang baik ini dan tim animasi kami adalah Thought Cafe. これらの素敵な人々の助けを借りて作られています。私たちのアニメーションチームはThought Cafeです. Ele é feito com a ajuda de todas essas boas pessoas e nossa equipe de animação é o Thought Cafe.

Crash Course is a Complexly production. Crash Course diproduksi oleh Complexly. クラッシュコースは複雑な制作です。 Crash Coursh é uma produção da Complexly.

If you wanna keep imagining the world complexly with us, check out some of our other channels, like SciShow, Animal Wonders, and The Art Assignment. Jika kamu mau terus berimajinasi di dunia secara kompleks dengan kami, silakan cek beberapa channel kami lain nya, seperti SciShow, Animal Wonders, dan The Art Assignment. 私たちと一緒に世界を複雑に想像し続けたい場合は、SciShow、Animal Wonders、The Art Assignment などの他のチャンネルをチェックしてください。 Se você quer continuar imaginando o mundo de forma complexa conosco, visite nossos outros canais, como SciShow, Animal Wonders e The Art Assignment.

If you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can support the series at Patreon, a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support the content you love. Jika kamu ingin Crash Course selalu gratis untuk semuanya, selamanya, kamu bisa mendukung seri ini melalui Patreon, sebuah platform crowdfunding yang memungkinkan kamu untuk mendukung konten yang kamu sukai. クラッシュ コースをすべての人に永久に無料で提供したい場合は、お気に入りのコンテンツをサポートできるクラウドファンディング プラットフォームである Patreon でシリーズをサポートできます。 Se você gostaria de manter o Crash Course gratuito para todos para sempre, você pode apoiar a série no Patreon, uma plataforma de crowdfunding que te permite apoiar o conteúdo que você ama.

Thank you to all of our patrons for making Crash Course possible with their continued support. Terima kasih kepada semua patron kami yang membuat Crash Course ada dengan dukungannya. Obrigado a todos nossos patronos por fazer o Crash Course possível com seu contínuo apoio.