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Easy Stories in English, The Deepest Love - Easy Stories in English

The Deepest Love - Easy Stories in English

Welcome to Easy Stories in English, the podcast that will take your English from OK to Good, and from Good to Great.

I am Ariel Goodbody, your host for this show. Today's story is for advanced learners. The name of the story is The Deepest Love. You can find a transcript of the episode at easystoriesinenglish.com/love. That's easystoriesinenglish.com/love. This contains the full story, as well as my conversation before it.

I want to start today by apologising for the audio quality in some of the earlier episodes. This is my first time podcasting. I've done video editing and things like that before, but I'm not that experienced with audio editing. So one of the mistakes I made was I put my mouth too close to the microphone. So, it caused some popping sounds and things like that. So I'm further away now, so it should be better.

I actually also had to rerecord this entire episode because there was a strange noise, like a crackling noise, the first time I recorded it. So it was some problem with my microphone that I've managed to fix now by moving it around.

But in future, you know, I've been thinking of getting a more expensive microphone and if this problem continues, I may just do it. I wanted to say, ‘OK, so I'll only buy myself this expensive microphone once I've got fifty episodes, or twenty episodes, or something like that.' Because then I can show to myself that I am dedicated to the show, that I am gonna continue it. And that the microphone would be a worthwhile investment.

But I don't want all of you to have to keep suffering with poor audio quality, so if there are continuing problems with microphone and recording and sound quality, then I will absolutely put in the money to get a better one.

So with regards to the quality of the earlier episodes, I would've noticed the problem sooner, but I actually, I record the episodes in batches. So I record usually two or three episodes at once. So I recorded the first three episodes before I edited any of them, so I wasn't aware of the problem until I actually started editing. So that's why it's taken a bit of time.

Today's story is a bit dark. So I want to warn all of you. This podcast will never have sexually-explicit language, it will never have extremely violent scenes, and it will never have swearing, but it may have content that is uncomfortable for some people. Especially for younger listeners.

So today's episode, again, doesn't contain any sexual language, but it does contain suggestions of sexual activity. So, if you are not interested in that… Don't listen! I guess is the solution. It's not hardcore erotica or anything like that. You know, it's quite a manageable level, I think. But just be warned.

Today's story is about vampires. And I have to say, I actually really love vampires. I didn't realise this for a long time, but over the last few years I've realised I just have an affinity for them. And often when I start writing, it often just sort of naturally turns into a vampire story without me thinking about it.

But I realised that I haven't actually read or watched a lot of the “classics” of vampires. From the really popular things like Twilight, to the popular but probably more well-written things like Anne Rice. I haven't seen Interview with the Vampire, or anything like that. So that's a problem I'm actually working on fixing at the moment.

So I think the reason I like vampires so much, that I'm so interested in them, is because when I was younger there was a series of very popular books in the United Kingdom called The Darren Shan Chronicles. So the author was called Darren Shan, and the main character was called Darren Shan. And when you're reading it as a kid, you really did think, like, “Ooh, maybe the author really was a vampire and he's writing about his real life story and pretending it's fiction.” Or, at least I thought that. Maybe other people were just like, ‘No, this is clearly made up.'

But it was very, you know… It wasn't high art, by any means, but I really enjoyed it, and I think maybe that's what got me into vampires so much.

I actually also recently read the classic, Bram Stoker's Dracula. So, the original mass-market vampire novel. And it's really interesting reading it in the present day, having been through so many modern versions of vampires.

There are certain elements of the vampire lore, so the qualities and limitations and powers that vampires have, that are really quite different in the original book to modern vampires. The one that shocked me the most is that Dracula can just go in the sun. Now, when he's in the sun he's very limited. He can't transform into a bat or anything like that. But he just walks around in the sunshine in London, which by modern standards seems ridiculous.

There's this whole thing of, he has to carry these boxes of dirt from his homeland, Romania, to London and sleep in them, I believe. That element was actually kept in the film Nosferatu, which is, again, another one of the classics that I have actually seen before.

There are also just lots of abilities that Dracula has, like being able to summon wolves and turn into a bat… The bat thing is more common. Hypnotising, all these kind of, just a really long list of abilities. So the battle against Dracula is actually quite calculated because they have to work around all his abilities. But he also has limitations, such as he's unable to pass running water during the daytime. So he has to wait till the night to cross, like, rivers and things like that, which I thought was interesting.

It's actually really funny in parts because, like, the first time we meet Dracula in the book, the main character describes him. And it's like, ‘Well, he was a very tall man. He was bald. He had long, pointed ears. He had very sharp teeth that hung off the edge of his lips. He had red eyes.' And it's just like, any modern viewer would be like, ‘OK, that's a vampire!' Like, that's just a vampire! Like, there's no hiding. But of course, this was before vampires were really a widespread thing.

And it's based on a Romanian legend, which I think maybe most people know, but maybe not everyone is aware of. So, Dracula in the original Bram Stoker story, comes from Romania, which I think is really interesting, because I did learn Romanian for a bit, and I kind of wanna go to Transylvania. I think we did drive through there once as a family, actually. So, need to go back and get some spooky things.

There's also a Transylvanian restaurant in the city where I live. It's like, Dracula themed and they have all these gothic decorations, and the food is Romanian, and I need to go there as well.

There's a lot of vampire stuff just around me at the moment, and I'm kind of loving it.

I'm also watching The Vampire Diaries at the moment. And again, I know it's, like, that came out in, what, 2007? And I'm really behind the times. But I loved it, or I am loving it. I'm actually still on the first season. You know, it's a perfect balance between, like, high-school teenage drama and serious, like, life-threatening vampire stuff. And it's got a romantic element but it's actually much more heavily-focussed on, like, the plot twists, and the drama and things like that. And I'm really, really enjoying it. More than I thought I really would.

So, today's story is another one that I originally wrote in Esperanto. You're probably sick of me saying that. I don't know what it is, but sometimes I feel like I'm more creative when I'm writing in a foreign language. It's almost like it opens up new connections in my brain? I dunno.

If any of you have thoughts on that, I'd love to hear it. And actually, if any of you do write in English, feel free to email your work to me at Ariel@EasyStoriesInEnglish.com, because I'd love to read it, and maybe it could even go on the podcast. Who knows?

So, the original title of the story in Esperanto was Ampiro, which is a pun. So the word for “vampire” in Esperanto is “vampiro”, and “am-” means “love”. So it's like, “lovepire”, “love vampire”. The pun doesn't really translate into English, so I changed the title to The Deepest Love, which is referenced in the story, as you will find out.

So, I'm really interested to hear what you think about this story. So, if you want to leave a comment, please go to EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/love. That's EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/love. And of course, you can find the full transcript there as well. So, head on over, read the transcript, and leave a comment. I'd love to hear it.

So, listen and enjoy!

The Deepest Love ‘You do realise that you're giving away your soul to me for eternity, don't you?' The gentleman leaned his head over the luxurious seat. His long neck moved like a snake, underlining the question.

‘Obviously. Everyone knows about you.'

‘Yes, yes. The people gossip. But do you believe them?'

Zara cast a glance around the room and shrugged.

‘Everything fits in with the rumours.'

‘And are you ready to work as my faithful servant?'

‘I'm ready to work.'

The monster stood up and his lips contorted into an unreadable expression. Whether it was a smile or a grimace, Zara didn't know, but she didn't care, either. She took his outheld hand.

‘No, no. We'll do it the old-fashioned way, like the foolish men in the backwater villages. Didn't you bring a knife?'

She raised an eyebrow. He went to a nearby table and searched through the piles of antiques, papers, and animal bones, until he clicked his fingers and pulled out of a drawer a long, elegant knife. Without hesitation he cut his palm, and scarlet blood dripped onto the carpet.

‘Do you want me to do it for you, little girl, or can you do it yourself?'

Zara grabbed the knife and copied him. She ignored the disgust she felt when the old thing put its hand on hers, joining their lives and souls through that ancient ritual.

‘I think we're going to do good work together,' he said.


They drank the life of everything and everyone. No place was too sacred for their activity. In chuches, in graveyards, in shops and offices, even in conferences where people spoke strange languages and discussed the meaning of life, they crawled in the shadows and feasted on the lifeforce of humanity. People didn't feel it, of course, apart from a piercing cold, or a prickly déjà-vu.

The easiest victims were the businessmen and marketers. They had built up a wealthy, comfortable life with numbers and deals, and no longer needed to keep the old superstitions and gods alive, those backwater things. So when the monstrous gentleman and his assistant visited their huge buildings and smoky caves, they hardly noticed that something was sucking the most intimate and important aspect of their beings from them.

Zara always believed love was special before, but now she understood it better. It was abundant and cheap. Banal, even. She guzzled it greedily, and her master clearly valued that in her. He had finally found someone with as few scruples as him.

For his part, the master was also very content. With such a capable partner he began to push his limits more and more, chasing after bigger prey, winning in larger arenas, drinking his full at funerals and weddings. He wanted things to stay this way forever, but he understood that fate was a fickle beast, so when Zara invited him to her room one evening, the change in habit did not perturb him.

She was spread out on the bed like a piece of good gossip in the countryside, and her nudity, alongside her sad expression, awoke a strange feeling in him. Compassion? No, he never felt that. Sympathy, perhaps.

‘What do you want?' he said finally.

‘You. I can't lie any longer. I have eaten my full during the past months, grew fat on the passion and pathos of humanity. I never guessed that such a range of love existed, expressed in such a variety of ways! I feel I can die happily now.'

‘Your words make me sad. Why must you speak of death, when we live in an Eden of joy?'

She smiled flirtatiously. No, not flirtatiously. Something in her was different. She was above all those human traits now, like an angel. He was a child in her presence.

‘Don't be sad. I'm offering myself up to you, and I am happy to do so. You should be happy, too. I already gave my soul away to you, so all that rests is my emotions… Eat them, and I will leave this world happier than I ever was upon it.'

The master couldn't bear it any longer. So touched he was by her purity of heart, her deep, sincere love. He tore off his clothes and leapt into the bed next to her, wrapped himself around her body as if she was the fountain of life itself.

Zara moaned and accepted him, drank the flow of emotions which gushed from his skin. She caressed him slowly with her tongue, absorbed his sadness and joy, tasted and devoured his love.

The monstrous gentleman discovered too late what was really going on. He shook, tried to detach himself from her, but her arms held him like a snake swallowing a rabbit. She devoured everything: his feelings, her lost soul, even his. She was an insatiable beast, who drained his body of every last drop of its essence.

She rolled over on the bed, discarding the now empty body like an apple core, and burped loudly. Previously, she would've claimed she couldn't possibly feel more fulfilled, more complete than she felt working with her master. But now she knew better.

The deepest love is always hidden beside you, hunting its prey like a savage beast.

THE END I hope you enjoyed the story. You can support the podcast by leaving a review on iTunes. Search for Easy Stories in English, give us a star rating, and say what you like about the show. It would really help us grow. Thank you for listening, and until next week.

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The Deepest Love - Easy Stories in English O|||||| الحب العميق - قصص سهلة باللغة الإنجليزية The Deepest Love - Snadné příběhy v angličtině Die tiefste Liebe - Einfache Geschichten auf Englisch The Deepest Love - Εύκολες ιστορίες στα αγγλικά The Deepest Love - Easy Stories in English El amor más profundo - Cuentos fáciles en inglés L'amour le plus profond - Histoires faciles en anglais L'amore più profondo - Storie facili in inglese The Deepest Love - イージーストーリーズ・イン・イングリッシュ 가장 깊은 사랑 - 쉬운 영어 이야기 De diepste liefde - Makkelijke verhalen in het Engels Najgłębsza miłość - łatwe historie po angielsku O amor mais profundo - Histórias fáceis em inglês Самая глубокая любовь - Легкие истории на английском языке En Derin Aşk - İngilizce Kolay Hikayeler Найглибше кохання - легкі історії англійською мовою 最深的爱 - 英语简单故事 最深的愛 - 簡單的英語故事

Welcome to Easy Stories in English, the podcast that will take your English from OK to Good, and from Good to Great. |||||||Podcast|||||||||||||| ||||||||o||||||||||||| Welcome to Easy Stories in English, the podcast that will take your English from OK to Good, and from Good to Great. Добро пожаловать в Easy Stories на английском языке, подкаст, который поднимет ваш английский от нормального до хорошего и от хорошего до отличного.

I am Ariel Goodbody, your host for this show. |||||Gastgeber||| ||Ariel Goodbody|||||| Jsem Ariel Goodbody, váš hostitel této show. I am Ariel Goodbody, your host for this show. Today's story is for advanced learners. The name of the story is The Deepest Love. |||||||最深的| |||||||Tiefste| |||||||El nombre de la historia es El Amor Más Profundo.| اسم القصة هو الحب الأعمق. You can find a transcript of the episode at easystoriesinenglish.com/love. ||||Abschrift||||||| |||||||||kolay hikayeler|| Вы можете найти расшифровку эпизода на easystoriesinenglish.com/love. That's easystoriesinenglish.com/love. C'est easystoriesinenglish.com/love. This contains the full story, as well as my conversation before it. Toto obsahuje celý příběh, stejně jako můj rozhovor před ním. Dies enthält die ganze Geschichte sowie mein Gespräch davor. Ceci contient l'histoire complète, ainsi que ma conversation précédente. 여기에는 전체 이야기와 대화가 포함됩니다. Здесь содержится полная история, а также мой разговор перед ней.

I want to start today by apologising for the audio quality in some of the earlier episodes. ||||||道歉|||||||||| ||||||sich entschuldigen|||||||||| ||||||özür dileyerek||||||bazı|bazı||| Chci dnes začít tím, že se omluvím za kvalitu zvuku v některých dřívějších epizodách. Ich möchte heute damit beginnen, mich für die Audioqualität in einigen der früheren Folgen zu entschuldigen. 오늘 시작된 일부 에피소드에서 오디오 품질에 대해 사과함으로써 오늘 시작하고 싶습니다. This is my first time podcasting. |||||录制播客 |||||Podcasting machen |||||podcast yapma |||||haciendo un pódcast Toto je můj první podcasting. Dies ist das erste Mal, dass ich einen Podcast mache. Ovo je moj prvi podcast. 이번이 처음으로 팟 캐스팅입니다. I've done video editing and things like that before, but I'm not that experienced with audio editing. |||Bearbeitung||||||||||||| ||video|düzenleme||||||||||||| Ich habe schon Videoschnitt und so etwas gemacht, aber mit der Audiobearbeitung habe ich nicht so viel Erfahrung. J'ai déjà fait du montage vidéo et des choses du même genre, mais je n'ai pas l'expérience du montage audio. Prije sam se bavio uređivanjem videozapisa i sličnim stvarima, ali nisam toliko iskusan s uređivanjem zvuka. Я раніше займався відеомонтажем і подібними речами, але не настільки досвідчений в аудіомонтажі. So one of the mistakes I made was I put my mouth too close to the microphone. ||||||||||||||||Mikrofon لذا فإن أحد الأخطاء التي ارتكبتها هو أنني وضعت فمي بالقرب من الميكروفون. Takže jednou z chyb, které jsem udělal, bylo, že jsem dal pusu příliš blízko k mikrofonu. Eines der Fehler, die ich gemacht habe, war, dass ich meinen Mund zu nah am Mikrofon hatte. So one of the mistakes I made was I put my mouth too close to the microphone. そのため、私が犯した間違いの 1 つは、口をマイクに近づけすぎたことです。 So, it caused some popping sounds and things like that. ||||爆裂声||||| ||||knackende Geräusche||||| ||||chasquidos||||| ||||estalos||||| ||||tiếng nổ||||| Dadurch entstanden einige Knallgeräusche und so weiter. So I'm further away now, so it should be better. ||weiter|weiter weg|||||| Ich bin jetzt also weiter weg, also sollte es besser sein. Así que ahora estoy más lejos, así que debería ser mejor. Donc je suis plus loin maintenant, alors ça devrait être mieux. 그래서 나는 지금 더 멀어 졌으므로 더 좋을 것입니다.

I actually also had to rerecord this entire episode because there was a strange noise, like a crackling noise, the first time I recorded it. |||||перезаписать||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||estalido||||||| |||||ghi lại||toàn bộ||||||||||tiếng nổ l||||||| |||||nochmal aufnehmen||gesamte||||||||||knisterndes Geräusch||||||| |||||||||||||||||patırtı||||||| |||||重新录制||||||||||||噼啪声||||||录制| |||||volver a grabar||||||||||||ruido crepitante||||||| Vlastně jsem také musel znovu nahrát celou tuto epizodu, protože jsem ji poprvé nahrál, protože tam byl zvláštní zvuk, jako praskání. Ich musste auch die gesamte Folge neu aufnehmen, weil bei der ersten Aufnahme ein seltsames Geräusch zu hören war, eine Art Knistern. En fait, j'ai également dû réenregistrer tout cet épisode, car il y avait un bruit étrange, comme un craquement, la première fois que je l'ai enregistré. So it was some problem with my microphone that I've managed to fix now by moving it around. |||||||||||||||bewegen|| لذلك كانت هناك مشكلة في الميكروفون الخاص بي والتي تمكنت من إصلاحها الآن عن طريق تحريكها. Es war also ein Problem mit meinem Mikrofon, das ich jetzt durch Umstellen beheben konnte. Il y avait donc un problème avec mon microphone que j'ai réussi à résoudre maintenant en le déplaçant. 그래서 마이크를 움직여서 고칠 수 있었던 것은 마이크에 문제가있었습니다.

But in future, you know, I've been thinking of getting a more expensive microphone and if this problem continues, I may just do it. |||||||||einen zu kaufen|||||||||fortbesteht||||| لكن في المستقبل ، كما تعلم ، كنت أفكر في الحصول على ميكروفون أكثر تكلفة وإذا استمرت هذه المشكلة ، فقد أفعل ذلك. Aber für die Zukunft habe ich mir überlegt, ein teureres Mikrofon anzuschaffen, und wenn das Problem weiter besteht, werde ich das vielleicht tun. しかし、将来的には、私はもっと高価なマイクを手に入れることを考えていました。この問題が続く場合は、それを行うかもしれません。 그러나 앞으로는 더 비싼 마이크를 구할 생각을하고 있었는데이 문제가 계속되면 그냥 할 수 있습니다. Але в майбутньому, знаєте, я думаю придбати дорожчий мікрофон, і якщо ця проблема не вирішиться, можливо, я так і зроблю. I wanted to say, ‘OK, so I'll only buy myself this expensive microphone once I've got fifty episodes, or twenty episodes, or something like that.' Chtěl jsem říct: 'Dobře, takže si tento drahý mikrofon koupím, až když budu mít padesát epizod nebo dvacet epizod nebo něco podobného.' Ich wollte sagen, 'Also kaufe ich mir nur dieses teure Mikrofon, wenn ich fünfzig Folgen, oder zwanzig Folgen, oder so etwas erreicht habe.' Je voulais dire: «D'accord, je ne m'achèterai donc ce microphone coûteux qu'une fois mes cinquante épisodes, ou vingt, ou quelque chose du genre. Because then I can show to myself that I am dedicated to the show, that I am gonna continue it. ||||||||||cống hiến||||||||| ||||||||||engagiert||||||||| Denn dann kann ich mir selbst zeigen, dass ich dem Podcast gewidmet bin, dass ich ihn weiterführen werde. Because then I can show to myself that I am dedicated to the show, that I am gonna continue it. Parce qu'alors je peux me montrer que je suis dédié au spectacle, que je vais le continuer. そうすれば、自分がショーに専念していることを自分自身に示すことができるので、それを続けるつもりです。 그런 다음 쇼에 전념하고 계속 진행하겠다고 스스로에게 보여줄 수 있기 때문입니다. And that the microphone would be a worthwhile investment. |||||||đáng giá| |||||||lohnende Investition|Investition |||||||worthwhile| |||||||valiosa| Und dass das Mikrofon eine lohnende Investition wäre.

But I don't want all of you to have to keep suffering with poor audio quality, so if there are continuing problems with microphone and recording and sound quality, then I will absolutely put in the money to get a better one. |||||||||||受苦|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||auf jeden Fall||||||||| لكني لا أريدكم جميعًا أن تستمروا في المعاناة من جودة الصوت الرديئة ، لذلك إذا كانت هناك مشاكل مستمرة مع الميكروفون والتسجيل وجودة الصوت ، فسأستثمر المال للحصول على صوت أفضل. Aber ich möchte nicht, dass ihr alle weiterhin mit schlechter Audioqualität zu kämpfen habt. Wenn es also weiterhin Probleme mit dem Mikrofon und der Aufnahme- und Tonqualität gibt, werde ich auf jeden Fall das Geld für ein besseres Mikrofon investieren. Але я не хочу, щоб всі ви продовжували страждати від поганої якості звуку, тому якщо проблеми з мікрофоном, записом і якістю звуку триватимуть, то я обов'язково вкладу гроші, щоб отримати кращу якість.

So with regards to the quality of the earlier episodes, I would've noticed the problem sooner, but I actually, I record the episodes in batches. ||||||||||||||||||||||||groups ||||||||||||||||||||||||lotes ||||||||||||||||||||||||nhóm ||Hinsichtlich||||||||||||||||||||||Chargen ||||||||||||||||||||||||gruplar halinde ||||||||||||||||||||||||批次 ||||||||||||||||||||||||партії ||con respecto a||||||||||||||||||||||lotes فيما يتعلق بجودة الحلقات السابقة ، كنت سألاحظ المشكلة عاجلاً ، لكنني في الواقع ، أسجل الحلقات على دفعات. Was die Qualität der früheren Episoden angeht, so hätte ich das Problem schon früher bemerkt, aber ich nehme die Episoden ja stapelweise auf. Entonces, con respecto a la calidad de los episodios anteriores, me habría dado cuenta del problema antes, pero en realidad, grabo los episodios en lotes. Donc, en ce qui concerne la qualité des épisodes précédents, j'aurais remarqué le problème plus tôt, mais en fait, j'enregistre les épisodes par lots. Što se tiče kvalitete ranijih epizoda, prije bih primijetio problem, ali ja zapravo snimam epizode u serijama. 따라서 이전 에피소드의 품질과 관련하여 문제가 더 빨리 나타 났지만 실제로는 에피소드를 일괄 적으로 기록합니다. Щодо якості попередніх серій, то я б помітив проблему раніше, але взагалі-то я записую епізоди пакетами. So I record usually two or three episodes at once. |||||||||auf einmal 그래서 보통 한 번에 두세 개의 에피소드를 녹화합니다. So I recorded the first three episodes before I edited any of them, so I wasn't aware of the problem until I actually started editing. ||||||||||||||||consciente de|||||||| Alors, j’ai enregistré les trois premiers épisodes avant d’en éditer, je n’étais donc pas au courant du problème avant d’avoir commencé à l’éditer. So that's why it's taken a bit of time. Takže to zabralo trochu času. Deshalb hat es ein wenig gedauert. 그래서 시간이 조금 걸립니다.

Today's story is a bit dark. Сегодняшняя||||| ||||etwas|düster Die heutige Geschichte ist ein wenig düster. Сьогоднішня історія трохи похмура. So I want to warn all of you. Takže vás chci všechny varovat. Deshalb möchte ich euch alle warnen. 그래서 여러분 모두에게 경고하고 싶습니다. Тому я хочу попередити всіх вас. This podcast will never have sexually-explicit language, it will never have extremely violent scenes, and it will never have swearing, but it may have content that is uncomfortable for some people. ||||||sexually explicit||||||||graphic depictions||||||profanity||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||palavrões||||||||||| ||||||tình dục rõ r||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||sexuell anstößig|explizit||||||||||||||Fluchen||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||küfür||||||||||| |||||性方面|||||||||场景||||||脏话||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||palabrotas||||||||||| ||||||jawny||||||||||||||przekleństwa||||||||||| Tento podcast nikdy nebude mít sexuálně explicitní jazyk, nikdy nebude mít extrémně násilné scény a nikdy nebude obsahovat nadávky, ale může mít obsah, který je pro některé lidi nepříjemný. Dieser Podcast wird niemals sexuell explizite Sprache enthalten, er wird niemals extrem gewalttätige Szenen haben und er wird niemals fluchen, aber er könnte Inhalte enthalten, die für einige Menschen unangenehm sind. Este podcast nunca tendrá un lenguaje sexualmente explícito, nunca tendrá escenas extremadamente violentas y nunca tendrá malas palabras, pero puede tener contenido que sea incómodo para algunas personas. Ce podcast n'aura jamais de langage sexuellement explicite, il n'aura jamais de scènes extrêmement violentes et il n'aura jamais de jurons, mais il se peut que son contenu soit inconfortable pour certaines personnes. このポッドキャストには、露骨な性的表現、極端に暴力的なシーン、悪口は一切含まれませんが、一部の人にとって不快な内容が含まれる可能性があります。 Especially for younger listeners. Besonders für jüngere Zuhörer.

So today's episode, again, doesn't contain any sexual language, but it does contain suggestions of sexual activity. |||||||||||||||性行为| |||||||sexuell||||||||| ||||does not|||||||||||| Also enthält die heutige Episode wiederum keine sexuelle Sprache, aber sie enthält Andeutungen sexueller Aktivitäten. So today's episode, again, doesn't contain any sexual language, but it does contain suggestions of sexual activity. Entonces, el episodio de hoy, nuevamente, no contiene ningún lenguaje sexual, pero sí contiene sugerencias de actividad sexual. したがって、今日のエピソードには性的な言葉は含まれていませんが、性的行為の示唆は含まれています。 So, if you are not interested in that… Don't listen! I guess is the solution. |Ich vermute|||Lösung Myslím, že je řešení. Ich denke ist die Lösung. Je suppose que c'est la solution. 나는 해결책이라고 생각한다. Я думаю, що це рішення. It's not hardcore erotica or anything like that. ||cực kỳ|tiểu thuyết|||| |||Erotik|||| |||эротика|||| ||explícito|erótica explícita|||| ||硬核||||| Není to žádná hardcore erotika nebo něco podobného. Ce n'est pas de l'érotisme hardcore ou quelque chose comme ça. You know, it's quite a manageable level, I think. |||||可管理的||| |||ziemlich||handhabbar||| Víte, myslím, že je to docela zvládnutelná úroveň. Du weißt, es ist ein ziemlich überschaubares Level, denke ich. Vous savez, c'est un niveau assez gérable, je pense. Znate, mislim da je to prilično podnošljiva razina. 알다시피, 그것은 꽤 관리 가능한 수준이라고 생각합니다. But just be warned. Ale buďte upozorněni. Aber sei einfach gewarnt. 그러나 경고하십시오.

Today's story is about vampires. Die heutige Geschichte handelt von Vampiren. And I have to say, I actually really love vampires. |||||||||吸血鬼 A musím říct, že upíry opravdu miluji. I didn't realise this for a long time, but over the last few years I've realised I just have an affinity for them. ||||||||||||||||||||склонность|| ||||||||||||||||||||connection|| ||||||||||||||||||||sự đồng cảm|| ||||||||||||||||||||eine Affinität|| ||||||||||||||||||||亲和力|| ||||||||||||||||||||спорідненість|| ||||||||||||||||||||sympatię|| Dlouho jsem si to neuvědomoval, ale během posledních let jsem si uvědomil, že k nim mám prostě blízko. Lange Zeit war mir das nicht bewusst, aber in den letzten Jahren habe ich gemerkt, dass ich einfach eine Vorliebe für sie habe. And often when I start writing, it often just sort of naturally turns into a vampire story without me thinking about it. |||||||||||||||ma cà rồng|||||| |||||||oft||irgendwie|||wird||||||||| Und oft, wenn ich anfange zu schreiben, wird es ganz natürlich zu einer Vampirgeschichte, ohne dass ich darüber nachdenke. そして、書き始めると、何も考えずに自然に吸血鬼の話になってしまうことがよくあります。 그리고 글을 쓸 때 종종 생각하지 않고 자연스럽게 뱀파이어 이야기로 변합니다.

But I realised that I haven't actually read or watched a lot of the “classics” of vampires. Ale uvědomil jsem si, že jsem ve skutečnosti nečetl ani nesledoval spoustu „klasiky“ upírů. Aber mir wurde klar, dass ich tatsächlich nicht viel von den „Klassikern“ der Vampire gelesen oder gesehen habe. From the really popular things like Twilight, to the popular but probably more well-written things like Anne Rice. ||||||Сумерки|||||||||||| ||||||Twilight||||||besser geschrieben|besser||||| ||||||Alacakaranlık|||||||||||Anne Rice| ||||||Crepúsculo|||||||||||| Od skutečně populárních věcí, jako je Stmívání, po oblíbené, ale pravděpodobně lépe napsané věci, jako je Anne Rice. Von den wirklich populären Dingen wie Twilight bis zu den beliebten, aber wahrscheinlich besser geschriebenen Dingen wie Anne Rice. 트와 일 라잇과 같은 인기있는 것부터 앤 라이스와 같은 인기 있지만 아마도 더 잘 작성된 것까지. I haven't seen Interview with the Vampire, or anything like that. لم أشاهد مقابلة مع مصاص الدماء أو أي شيء من هذا القبيل. Neviděl jsem Interview with the Vampire, ani nic podobného. Ich habe Interview mit einem Vampir nicht gesehen oder so etwas. 뱀파이어와의 인터뷰 또는 그와 비슷한 것을 보지 못했습니다. So that's a problem I'm actually working on fixing at the moment. ||||||||beheben|||im Moment ||||||||arreglar||| Das ist also ein Problem, an dessen Lösung ich im Moment arbeite. C'est donc un problème que je travaille actuellement à résoudre. 이것이 실제로 수정 작업을하고있는 문제입니다.

So I think the reason I like vampires so much, that I'm so interested in them, is because when I was younger there was a series of very popular books in the United Kingdom called The Darren Shan Chronicles. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Даррен Шан|Даррен Шан|Хроники Даррена Шана ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Chroniken ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Darren Shan|Shan|Kronikleri Takže si myslím, že důvod, proč mám upíry tak rád, že se o ně tak zajímám, je ten, že když jsem byl mladší, byla ve Spojeném království série velmi populárních knih s názvem The Darren Shan Chronicles. So the author was called Darren Shan, and the main character was called Darren Shan. And when you're reading it as a kid, you really did think, like, “Ooh, maybe the author really was a vampire and he's writing about his real life story and pretending it's fiction.” Or, at least I thought that. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||vortäuschen||||zumindest|zumindest||| Und wenn man es als Kind las, dachte man wirklich: "Oh, vielleicht war der Autor wirklich ein Vampir und er schreibt über seine wahre Lebensgeschichte und tut so, als sei sie erfunden." Zumindest dachte ich das. Et quand vous le lisez en tant qu'enfant, vous pensiez vraiment: «Ooh, peut-être que l'auteur était vraiment un vampire et qu'il écrivait sur sa vraie vie en prétendant que c'était de la fiction." Ou, du moins, je le pensais. Maybe other people were just like, ‘No, this is clearly made up.' |||||||||eindeutig|erfunden|ausgedacht Vielleicht sagten andere Leute nur: 'Nein, das ist eindeutig erfunden'. Tal vez otras personas decían: 'No, esto está claramente inventado'. Peut-être que d'autres personnes ont juste dit: "Non, c'est clairement inventé." 아마도 다른 사람들은 '아니요, 분명히 구성되어 있습니다.'

But it was very, you know… It wasn't high art, by any means, but I really enjoyed it, and I think maybe that's what got me into vampires so much. |||||||||||||||||||||||was mich|brachte mich dazu|mich|in||| Pero fue muy, ya sabes ... No era arte de alto nivel, de ninguna manera, pero realmente lo disfruté, y creo que tal vez eso es lo que me metió tanto en los vampiros. Mais c'était très, tu sais… Ce n'était pas du grand art, loin de là, mais j'ai vraiment apprécié, et je pense que c'est peut-être ce qui m'a fait aimer tellement les vampires.

I actually also recently read the classic, Bram Stoker's Dracula. |||||||Брэма Стокера|Стокера|Дракулу Брэма Стокера |||kürzlich|||||Stokers| |||||||Bram|| Ich habe vor kurzem auch den Klassiker Dracula von Bram Stoker gelesen. So, the original mass-market vampire novel. |||Massenmarkt|||Roman Also der ursprüngliche Massenmarkt-Vampir-Roman. Donc, le roman vampire original grand public. And it's really interesting reading it in the present day, having been through so many modern versions of vampires. Und es ist wirklich interessant, es heute zu lesen, nachdem es so viele moderne Versionen von Vampiren durchgemacht hat. Et c'est vraiment intéressant de le lire de nos jours, après avoir essayé tant de versions modernes de vampires.

There are certain elements of the vampire lore, so the qualities and limitations and powers that vampires have, that are really quite different in the original book to modern vampires. |||||||фольклор о вампирах|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||vampire mythology|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||conhecimento|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Überlieferung der Vampire|||||||Kräfte|||||||ganz|||||||| |||||||mitolojisi|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||限制||||||||||||||||| |||||||міфологія|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||mitología de vampiros|||||||||||||||||||||| Es gibt bestimmte Elemente der Vampir-Überlieferung, also die Qualitäten, Einschränkungen und Kräfte, die Vampire haben, die sich im ursprünglichen Buch wirklich von modernen Vampiren unterscheiden. The one that shocked me the most is that Dracula can just go in the sun. 저에게 가장 큰 충격을 준 것은 드라큘라가 햇볕에 들어갈 수 있다는 것입니다. Now, when he's in the sun he's very limited. ||||||||eingeschränkt Wenn er jetzt in der Sonne ist, ist er sehr begrenzt. 지금, 그는 햇볕에있을 때 매우 제한되어 있습니다. He can't transform into a bat or anything like that. ||变身||||||| |||||Fledermaus|||| |||||murciélago|||| But he just walks around in the sunshine in London, which by modern standards seems ridiculous. |||||||||||||标准|| |||||||||||||||lächerlich |||||||||||||||ridiculous Aber er spaziert einfach in der Sonne in London herum, was nach modernen Maßstäben lächerlich erscheint. Mais il se promène simplement sous le soleil de Londres, ce qui semble ridicule selon les normes modernes.

There's this whole thing of, he has to carry these boxes of dirt from his homeland, Romania, to London and sleep in them, I believe. |||||||||||||||祖国||||||||| ||ganze|Sache|||||transportieren|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||tierra natal||||||||| ||||||||||||||||Румыния|||||||| Er muss diese Kisten mit Dreck aus seinem Heimatland Rumänien nach London tragen und darin schlafen, glaube ich. That element was actually kept in the film Nosferatu, which is, again, another one of the classics that I have actually seen before. ||||||||Носферату|||||||||||||| ||||beibehalten||||Nosferatu|||||||||||||| ||||||||Nosferatu|||||||||||||| Dieses Element wurde tatsächlich in dem Film Nosferatu beibehalten, der wiederum ein weiterer Klassiker ist, den ich zuvor gesehen habe.

There are also just lots of abilities that Dracula has, like being able to summon wolves and turn into a bat… The bat thing is more common. ||||||||||||||призывать|волков||||||||||| ||||||Fähigkeiten||||||fähig sein zu||beschwören||||||||||||häufiger ||||||||||||||çağırmak|kurtlar||||||||||| ||||||||||||||召唤|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||invocar|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||przywoływać|||||||||||| Hypnotising, all these kind of, just a really long list of abilities. Гипнотизирующий||||||||||| hypnotisierend|||Art von|||||||| hipnotize eden||||||||||| |||||||||||能力 Hypnotisieren, all diese Art von, nur eine wirklich lange Liste von Fähigkeiten. Hypnotisant, tout ça, une très longue liste de capacités. 이 모든 종류의 최면술은 정말 긴 능력 목록입니다. So the battle against Dracula is actually quite calculated because they have to work around all his abilities. ||||||||рассчитанный||||||||| Der Kampf gegen Dracula ist also ziemlich kalkuliert, weil sie alle seine Fähigkeiten umgehen müssen. Donc la bataille contre Dracula est en fait assez calculée car ils doivent contourner toutes ses capacités. 드라큘라와의 싸움은 실제로 모든 능력을 다루어야하기 때문에 상당히 계산됩니다. But he also has limitations, such as he's unable to pass running water during the daytime. |||||wie zum Beispiel|wie||||überqueren|fließendes Wasser|||| Er hat aber auch Einschränkungen, wie zum Beispiel, dass er tagsüber kein fließendes Wasser passieren kann. しかし、日中は水道が通れないなどの制約もある。 그러나 낮에는 흐르는 물을 흘리지 못하는 등의 한계가 있습니다. So he has to wait till the night to cross, like, rivers and things like that, which I thought was interesting. |||||||||überqueren||||||||||| 그래서 그는 밤이 될 때까지 강과 그와 같은 것들을 건너야한다고 생각했습니다.

It's actually really funny in parts because, like, the first time we meet Dracula in the book, the main character describes him. |||lustig||Teilen|||||||||||||||| Es ist in Teilen wirklich sehr lustig, weil die Hauptfigur ihn beschreibt, wenn wir Dracula zum ersten Mal in dem Buch treffen. C'est en fait très amusant en partie parce que, comme lors de la première rencontre avec Dracula dans le livre, le personnage principal le décrit. And it's like, ‘Well, he was a very tall man. Et c'est comme: «C'était un homme très grand. He was bald. ||Он был лысым. ||Er war kahl. ||kel ||лисий Er hatte eine Glatze. Il était chauve. 그는 대머리였다. He had long, pointed ears. |||spitz| Er hatte lange, spitze Ohren. 그는 귀가 길고 뾰족했다. He had very sharp teeth that hung off the edge of his lips. |||||||||Rand||| |||keskin|||||||||dudaklarının Il avait des dents très pointues qui pendaient au bord de ses lèvres. 그는 입술의 가장자리에 매달린 매우 날카로운 이빨을 가지고있었습니다. He had red eyes.' And it's just like, any modern viewer would be like, ‘OK, that's a vampire!' ||||||Zuschauer||||||| ||||||espectador moderno||||||| Und jeder moderne Zuschauer würde sagen: 'OK, das ist ein Vampir!' Et c'est comme si tout spectateur moderne se disait: "OK, c'est un vampire!" Like, that's just a vampire! Ce n'est qu'un vampire ! Like, there's no hiding. |||прятаться нельзя |||Verstecken Es gibt kein Versteck. Comme, il n'y a pas de cachette. 숨어있는 것이 없습니다. But of course, this was before vampires were really a widespread thing. ||||||||||广泛的| ||||||||||weit verbreitet| ||||||||||generalizado| Mais bien sûr, c'était avant que les vampires ne soient vraiment répandus.

And it's based on a Romanian legend, which I think maybe most people know, but maybe not everyone is aware of. |||||rumänische||||||||||||||| Et il est basé sur une légende roumaine, que la plupart des gens savent peut-être, mais que tout le monde ne sait peut-être pas. 그리고 그것은 대부분의 사람들이 알고 있지만 모든 사람이 알지 못하는 루마니아의 전설을 기반으로합니다. So, Dracula in the original Bram Stoker story, comes from Romania, which I think is really interesting, because I did learn Romanian for a bit, and I kind of wanna go to Transylvania. ||||||Стокера||||||||||||||||||||||||||Трансильвания |||||||||||||||||||||||||||irgendwie||möchte gerne||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Transilvanya Also, Dracula in der ursprünglichen Bram Stoker-Geschichte kommt aus Rumänien, was ich wirklich interessant finde, weil ich ein bisschen Rumänisch gelernt habe und irgendwie nach Siebenbürgen gehen möchte. Ainsi, Dracula, dans l'histoire originale de Bram Stoker, vient de Roumanie, ce qui me semble très intéressant, car j'ai appris le roumain pendant un moment et je voudrais en quelque sorte aller en Transylvanie. 그래서 오리지널 브람 스토커 이야기의 드라큘라는 루마니아에서 왔는데, 루마니아어를 조금 배웠기 때문에 트란실바니아로 가고 싶습니다. I think we did drive through there once as a family, actually. Ich glaube, wir sind dort einmal als Familie durchgefahren. Je pense que nous y sommes déjà passés une fois en famille. 우리는 실제로 가족으로서 한 번 운전을했다고 생각합니다. So, need to go back and get some spooky things. ||||||||神秘的| ||||||||straszne| ||||||||жахливі| Ich muss also zurückgehen und ein paar gruselige Dinge besorgen. Alors, faut y retourner et avoir des choses qui font peur. 따라서 돌아가서 무시 무시한 것들을 얻어야합니다.

There's also a Transylvanian restaurant in the city where I live. |||трансильванский||||||| |||transsilvanisch||||||| |||特兰西瓦尼||||||| In der Stadt, in der ich wohne, gibt es auch ein transsylvanisches Restaurant. Il y a aussi un restaurant transylvanien dans la ville où je vis. It's like, Dracula themed and they have all these gothic decorations, and the food is Romanian, and I need to go there as well. |||||||||готический стиль|||||||||||||| |||thematisch gestaltet||||||gotisch|||||||||||||auch| |||temática de Drácula|||||||||||||||||||| Es hat ein Dracula-Thema und diese ganze gotische Dekoration, und das Essen ist rumänisch, da muss ich auch mal hin. C'est comme, Dracula a pour thème et ils ont toutes ces décorations gothiques, et la nourriture est roumaine, et je dois y aller aussi.

There's a lot of vampire stuff just around me at the moment, and I'm kind of loving it. ||||||||||||||||喜欢| ||||||||||||||irgendwie||| Im Moment gibt es eine Menge Vampirkram um mich herum, und das gefällt mir irgendwie. Il y a beaucoup de choses sur les vampires juste autour de moi en ce moment, et j'aime assez ça.

I'm also watching The Vampire Diaries at the moment. |||||吸血鬼日记||| ||||||||im Moment |||||Günlükleri||| Je regarde aussi The Vampire Diaries pour le moment. And again, I know it's, like, that came out in, what, 2007? Et encore une fois, je sais que c'est, comme, qui est sorti, quoi, 2007? 그리고 다시, 나는 그것이 2007 년에 나온 것과 같은 것을 알고 있습니다. And I'm really behind the times. |||hinterher|| Et je suis vraiment en retard. 그리고 나는 시대에 뒤쳐져 있습니다. But I loved it, or I am loving it. Mais je l'ai aimé ou je l'aime. I'm actually still on the first season. ||||||erste Staffel Je suis encore sur la première saison. 나는 여전히 첫 번째 시즌에 있습니다. You know, it's a perfect balance between, like, high-school teenage drama and serious, like, life-threatening vampire stuff. ||||||||||||||||lebensbedrohlich|| Vous savez, c'est un équilibre parfait entre, par exemple, un drame pour adolescents au lycée et des histoires sérieuses, comme des vampires mettant la vie en danger. And it's got a romantic element but it's actually much more heavily-focussed on, like, the plot twists, and the drama and things like that. |||||||||||更侧重于||||||情节转折||||||| |||||||||||stark|fokussiert auf||||Handlung|Wendungen||||||| |||||||||||intensamente|||||trama|giros argumentales||||||| Und es hat ein romantisches Element, aber es ist eigentlich viel stärker auf die Wendungen der Handlung und das Drama und solche Dinge konzentriert. Et il y a un élément romantique, mais en réalité, il est beaucoup plus axé sur les rebondissements de l'intrigue, le drame, etc. And I'm really, really enjoying it. More than I thought I really would. Mehr als ich wirklich dachte. 내가 생각했던 것보다 더 많이.

So, today's story is another one that I originally wrote in Esperanto. |||||||||||эсперанто |||||||||||Esperanto-Sprache |||||||||||Esperanto 오늘의 이야기는 제가 에스페란토에서 처음 썼던 이야기입니다. You're probably sick of me saying that. ||zmęczony|||| Vous en avez probablement marre que je dis ça. 당신은 아마 내가 말하는 것을 아프게 할 것입니다. I don't know what it is, but sometimes I feel like I'm more creative when I'm writing in a foreign language. لا أعرف ما هو ، لكن في بعض الأحيان أشعر أنني أكثر إبداعًا عندما أكتب بلغة أجنبية. It's almost like it opens up new connections in my brain? 그것은 내 두뇌에 새로운 연결을 여는 것과 거의 같습니까? I dunno. |Не знаю. |Weiß nicht. |nie wiem |No sé. |不知道 Ich weiß nicht. Je ne sais pas.

If any of you have thoughts on that, I'd love to hear it. And actually, if any of you do write in English, feel free to email your work to me at Ariel@EasyStoriesInEnglish.com, because I'd love to read it, and maybe it could even go on the podcast. |||||||schreiben||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Und tatsächlich, wenn jemand von euch auf Englisch schreibt, fühlt euch frei, eure Arbeit an mich zu mailen unter Ariel@EasyStoriesInEnglish.com, denn ich würde es gerne lesen, und vielleicht könnte es sogar im Podcast vorkommen. 実際、英語で書いている人がいる場合は、お気軽に Ariel@EasyStoriesInEnglish.com 宛てにメールを送ってください。ぜひ読んでみたいですし、ポッドキャストに載せることもできるかもしれません。 Who knows? Wer weiß?

So, the original title of the story in Esperanto was Ampiro, which is a pun. ||||||||||Ампиро|||| ||||||||||||||trocadilho ||||||||Esperanto||Ampiro||||Wortspiel ||||||||||Ampiro|||| ||||||||||||||гра слів ||||||||||Ampiro||||juego de palabras Also, der Originaltitel der Geschichte auf Esperanto war Ampiro, was ein Wortspiel ist. 에스페란토에서 이야기의 원래 제목은 말장난 인 암 피로였습니다. So the word for “vampire” in Esperanto is “vampiro”, and “am-” means “love”. ||||||||вампир|||| ||||||||Vampir|||| Das Wort für "Vampir" auf Esperanto ist also "vampiro", und "am-" bedeutet "Liebe". So it's like, “lovepire”, “love vampire”. |||любовный вампир|| |||Liebesvampir|| |||Vampiro del amor|| |||爱吸血鬼|| Also ist es wie "Liebeloss", "Liebesvampir". Donc, c'est comme "lovepire", "love vampire". The pun doesn't really translate into English, so I changed the title to The Deepest Love, which is referenced in the story, as you will find out. ||||||||||||||||||提到|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||erwähnt|||Geschichte|wie|||| ||||||||||||a|||||||||||||| Der Wortwitz lässt sich nicht wirklich ins Englische übersetzen, daher habe ich den Titel in "Die tiefste Liebe" geändert, was im Text erwähnt wird, wie Sie herausfinden werden. Le jeu de mots ne traduit pas vraiment en anglais, alors j'ai changé le titre en The Deepest Love, qui est référencé dans l'histoire, comme vous le découvrirez. 말장난은 실제로 영어로 번역되지 않으므로 제목을 이야기에서 참조되는 The Deepest Love로 변경했습니다.

So, I'm really interested to hear what you think about this story. So, if you want to leave a comment, please go to EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/love. That's EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/love. And of course, you can find the full transcript there as well. Und|von|Und natürlich||||||Abschrift||| Und natürlich findest du dort auch das vollständige Transkript. So, head on over, read the transcript, and leave a comment. |Geh rüber|vorbei|hinüber||||||| Also, schau vorbei, lies das Transkript und hinterlasse einen Kommentar. Alors, rendez-vous, lisez la transcription et laissez un commentaire. 그러니 계속 가서 성적표를 읽고 의견을 남기십시오. I'd love to hear it. Ich würde mich freuen, davon zu hören.

So, listen and enjoy!

The Deepest Love ‘You do realise that you're giving away your soul to me for eternity, don't you?' |||||||||||||||forever|| ||||||||dando|para mim|||||||| |||||||||||||||die Ewigkeit|| |||||||||||||||sonsuzluk için|| |||||||||||||||永恒|| |||||||||||||||wieczność|| Die tiefste Liebe 'Du merkst doch, dass du mir deine Seele für die Ewigkeit schenkst, nicht wahr?' L'amour le plus profond "Vous réalisez que vous me donnez votre âme pour l'éternité, n'est-ce pas?" 가장 깊은 사랑 '당신은 당신이 영원 토록 당신의 영혼을 나눠주고 있다는 것을 알고 있습니까?' The gentleman leaned his head over the luxurious seat. ||наклонил|||||| ||lehnte|||||| ||eğdi|||||| Der Herr lehnte seinen Kopf über den luxuriösen Sitz. Le monsieur a penché sa tête sur le siège de luxe. His long neck moved like a snake, underlining the question. |||||||подчеркивая|| |||||||hervorhebend|| ||boynu||||||| |||||||subrayando|| |||||||强调了|| Sein langer Hals bewegte sich wie eine Schlange und unterstrich die Frage. Son long cou bougeait comme un serpent, soulignant la question. 그의 긴 목은 뱀처럼 움직여 질문을 강조했다.

‘Obviously. Очевидно. Offensichtlich. Offensichtlich. Everyone knows about you.' Alle kennen dich.'

‘Yes, yes. ‚Ja, ja. The people gossip. ||Die Leute tratschen. Die Leute tratschen. But do you believe them?' Aber glaubst du ihnen?

Zara cast a glance around the room and shrugged. Зара бросила взгляд|бросила взгляд|||||||пожала плечами |||olhar|||||deu de ombros Zara|warf||Blick|||||Zara warf einen Blick durch den Raum und zuckte mit den Schultern. Zara|||bir bakış||||| |||一眼||||| |||mirada rápida|||||se encogió de hombros Zara warf einen Blick durch den Raum und zuckte mit den Schultern. 자라는 방 주위를 한눈에 으 rug하며 어깨를 으 ged했다.

‘Everything fits in with the rumours.' |соответствует|||| |||||Gerüchte „Alles passt zu den Gerüchten.“ '모든 것이 소문에 맞습니다.' «Все сходится с слухами».

‘And are you ready to work as my faithful servant?' ||||||||忠诚的| ||||||||treuer|Diener ||||||||sadık|hizmetçi |||||||||sługa ||||||||fiel| "Und bist du bereit, als mein treuer Diener zu arbeiten?" Et êtes-vous prêt à travailler comme mon fidèle serviteur? «И ты готов работать как мой преданный слуга?».

‘I'm ready to work.' «Я готов работать».

The monster stood up and his lips contorted into an unreadable expression. |||||||исказились|||| |||||||verzerrten|||unleserlich| O monstro se levantou e seus lábios se contorceram em uma expressão ilegível.||||||||||| |||||||扭曲|||| Das Monster stand auf und seine Lippen verzogen sich zu einem unlesbaren Ausdruck. 괴물은 일어 섰고 그의 입술은 읽을 수없는 표정으로 뒤 틀렸다. Whether it was a smile or a grimace, Zara didn't know, but she didn't care, either. |||||||鬼脸|||||||| Ob|||||||Grimasse|||||||sich kümmern|auch nicht |||||||surat asması|||||||| |||||||mueca|||||||| se|||||||careta|||||||| Ob es ein Lächeln oder eine Grimasse war, wusste Zara nicht, aber es war ihr auch egal. Que ce soit un sourire ou une grimace, Zara ne le savait pas, mais elle s'en fichait. 웃음이든 얼굴을 찡 그리 든 Zara는 몰랐지만 신경 쓰지 않았습니다. She took his outheld hand. |||протянутую| |||segurou| |||ausgestreckte| |||uzatılmış| |||伸出的| |||протягнута| |||Extendida| Sie nahm seine ausgestreckte Hand. Elle prit sa main cachée. 그녀는 그의 손을 잡았다.

‘No, no. We'll do it the old-fashioned way, like the foolish men in the backwater villages. |||||||||||||глухие деревни| |||||||||||||aldeias isoladas| |||||||||||||Hinterwäldler-Dörfer|Dörfer |||||||||||||偏远村庄| |||||||||tontos||||aldeas remotas| |||||||||||||zapadłych wios| Wir werden es auf die altmodische Weise tun, wie die dummen Männer in den Backwater-Dörfern. 우리는 역류 마을의 어리석은 사람들처럼 구식으로 할 것입니다. Didn't you bring a knife?' ||принести|| Hast du kein Messer mitgebracht?' 칼을 가져 오지 않았습니까? ' Ты не принес нож?

She raised an eyebrow. |||眉毛 |hob||Sie zog eine Augenbraue hoch. |||Levantó una ceja. |||sobrancelha Sie hob eine Augenbraue. 그녀는 눈썹을 올렸다. Она подняла бровь. He went to a nearby table and searched through the piles of antiques, papers, and animal bones, until he clicked his fingers and pulled out of a drawer a long, elegant knife. ||||||||||кучи||антиквариат|||||||||||||||выдвижной ящик|||| ||||nahegelegenen||||||Stapel||Antiquitäten|||||||||||herauszog||||Schublade|||| ||||||||||yığınlar||||||||||||||||||||şık| |||||||||||||||||||chasqueó||||||||cajón|||| ||||||||||一堆|||||||||打了个响指||||||||抽屉|||优雅的| Er ging zu einem nahe gelegenen Tisch und durchsuchte die Stapel von Antiquitäten, Papieren und Tierknochen, bis er mit den Fingern schnippte und aus einer Schublade ein langes, elegantes Messer zog. 그는 근처 테이블로 가서 골동품, 종이, 동물 뼈 더미를 찾아 손가락을 클릭하여 길고 우아한 칼로 서랍에서 꺼 냈습니다. Он подошел к ближайшему столу и просматривал кучи антиквариата, бумаг и костей животных, пока не щелкнул пальцами и не вытащил из ящика длинный, элегантный нож. Without hesitation he cut his palm, and scarlet blood dripped onto the carpet. |毫不犹||||手掌||||||| |ohne Zögern||||Handfläche||scharlachrotes||tropfte|auf||Teppich |tereddüt||||avuç içi||||||| |||||palma||||pingou|sobre|| |sin dudar||||||||||| Ohne zu zögern schnitt er sich in die Handfläche, und scharlachrotes Blut tropfte auf den Teppich. 주저없이 손바닥을 자르고 주홍 피가 카펫에 떨어졌습니다.

‘Do you want me to do it for you, little girl, or can you do it yourself?' „Willst du, dass ich es für dich mache, kleine Maus, oder schaffst du es selbst?"

Zara grabbed the knife and copied him. |griff||||| |||||imitou| |chwyciła||||| Zara griff nach dem Messer und ahmte ihn nach. Zara는 칼을 잡고 그를 복사했습니다. She ignored the disgust she felt when the old thing put its hand on hers, joining their lives and souls through that ancient ritual. |忽视了||厌恶|||||||||||她的|||||||||仪式 |||Ekel||||||||||||verbindend|||||||uralt| |||||||||старик|||||||||||||| Sie ignorierte den Ekel, den sie empfand, als das alte Ding seine Hand auf ihre legte und sich durch dieses alte Ritual mit ihrem Leben und ihrer Seele verband. 그녀는 오래된 것이 그녀에게 손을 얹었을 때 느끼는 혐오감을 무시하고, 고대 의식을 통해 그들의 삶과 영혼에 합류했습니다.

‘I think we're going to do good work together,' he said. „Ich denke, wir werden gut zusammenarbeiten", sagte er. '나는 우리가 함께 좋은 일을 할 것이라고 생각한다.

*** *

They drank the life of everything and everyone. |beberam|||||| Sie tranken das Leben von allem und jedem. Ils ont bu la vie de tout et de tout le monde. 그들은 모든 사람과 모든 사람의 삶을 마 셨습니다. No place was too sacred for their activity. ||||священный||| ||||heilig||| ||||święty||| ||||神圣||| Kein Ort war zu heilig für ihr Treiben. Aucune place n'était trop sacrée pour leur activité. 그들의 활동으로 인해 성스러운 곳은 없었습니다. In chuches, in graveyards, in shops and offices, even in conferences where people spoke strange languages and discussed the meaning of life, they crawled in the shadows and feasted on the lifeforce of humanity. |церквях|||||||||||||||||||||||||||пировали|||жизненная сила|| |candies|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Kirchen||Friedhöfen||||||||||||||||||||krochen|||||labten sich an|||Lebenskraft der Menschheit|| |||||||||||||||||||||||süründüler|||||||||| |糖果|||||||||会议||||||||||||||||||享用|||生命力||人类 |słodycze||cmentarzach|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |tiendas de dulces||cementerios|||||||||||||||||||||||||se alimentaban|||fuerza vital humana|| In Kirchen, auf Friedhöfen, in Geschäften und Büros, sogar auf Konferenzen, wo Menschen in fremden Sprachen sprachen und über die Bedeutung des Lebens diskutierten, krochen sie im Schatten und labten sich an der Lebenskraft der Menschheit. Dans les écoles, les cimetières, les magasins et les bureaux, même lors de conférences où les gens parlaient des langues étranges et discutaient du sens de la vie, ils rampaient dans l'ombre et se régalaient de la force de vie de l'humanité. 教会、墓地、店やオフィス、人々が奇妙な言語を話し、人生の意味について話し合う会議でさえ、彼らは影に忍び寄り、人類の生命力を味わいました. 사람들은 이상한 언어를 사용하고 삶의 의미를 논의하는 회의에서도 교회, 묘지, 상점 및 사무실에서, 그림자 속에서 기어 다니면서 인류의 생명력을 향한 잔치를했습니다. Em chuches, em cemitérios, em lojas e escritórios, até mesmo em conferências onde as pessoas falavam línguas estranhas e discutiam o significado da vida, eles rastejavam nas sombras e festejavam com a força vital da humanidade. People didn't feel it, of course, apart from a piercing cold, or a prickly déjà-vu. |||||||||||||колючее чувство дежавю|| |||||||||cortante||||espinhoso|| ||||||abgesehen von|||durchdringende|Kälte||||déjà-vu|déjà-vu |||||||||deliciği||||tüyler ürpert|| |||||||||||||刺痛的|| |||||||||penetrante||||escalofriante|| Die Menschen spürten es natürlich nicht, abgesehen von einer durchdringenden Kälte oder einem prickelnden Déjà-vu. Les gens ne le sentaient pas, bien sûr, mis à part un froid glacial ou un déjà-vu piquant. 물론 사람들은 찌르는듯한 추위 나 의욕적 인 데자뷰 외에는 그것을 느끼지 못했습니다.

The easiest victims were the businessmen and marketers. ||受害者|||||市场营销人员 |||||||Vermarkter |||||||comerciantes |||||||marketeiros |||||||маркетологи Die einfachsten Opfer waren die Geschäftsleute und Vermarkter. 最も簡単な犠牲者は、ビジネスマンとマーケティング担当者でした。 가장 쉬운 희생자는 사업가와 마케팅 담당자였습니다. They had built up a wealthy, comfortable life with numbers and deals, and no longer needed to keep the old superstitions and gods alive, those backwater things. |||||富裕的|||||||||||||||迷信||神明|||| |||||||||||Geschäfte|||||||||Aberglauben||Götter|am Leben||Hinterwäldlerische Dinge| |||||rico||||||acuerdos||||||||||||||| |||||rico||||||||||||||||||||lugares remotos| ||||||||||||||||||||суеверия и боги|||||захолустные вещи| Sie hatten sich ein wohlhabendes, komfortables Leben mit Zahlen und Deals aufgebaut und brauchten die alten Aberglauben und Götter nicht mehr am Leben zu erhalten, diese rückständigen Dinge. Ils avaient construit une vie riche et confortable avec des chiffres et des ententes, et ils n'avaient plus besoin de garder en vie les vieilles superstitions et dieux, ces choses en arrière-plan. 그들은 숫자와 거래로 풍부하고 안락한 삶을 살았으며, 더 이상 과거의 미신과 신들을 살려 줄 필요가 없었습니다. So when the monstrous gentleman and his assistant visited their huge buildings and smoky caves, they hardly noticed that something was sucking the most intimate and important aspect of their beings from them. |||||||||||||дымные|пещеры|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||esfumaçado||||||||sugando||||||||||| |||Ungeheuerlich||||Assistent|||||||Höhlen||kaum|||||aussaugte|||intimste|||||||| |||||||||||||dumanlı||||||||||||||||||| |||可怕的||||||||||烟雾弥||||||||吸取||||||||||| |||||||||||||llenos de humo||||||||absorbiendo||||||||||| Also, als der monströse Herr und sein Assistent ihre riesigen Gebäude und rauchigen Höhlen besuchten, bemerkten sie kaum, dass etwas das intimste und wichtigste Wesen von ihnen absaugte. Ainsi, lorsque le monstrueux monsieur et son assistant ont visité leurs immenses bâtiments et leurs grottes enfumées, ils ont à peine remarqué que quelque chose leur absorbait l’aspect le plus intime et le plus important de leur être. 그래서 괴물 같은 신사와 그의 조수가 거대한 건물과 연기가 자욱한 동굴을 방문했을 때, 그들은 무언가가 그들로부터 존재의 가장 친밀하고 중요한 측면을 빨아 들이고 있음을 거의 알지 못했습니다.

Zara always believed love was special before, but now she understood it better. Zara hat immer geglaubt, dass Liebe etwas Besonderes sei, aber jetzt verstand sie es besser. Zara는 항상 사랑이 특별하다고 믿었지만 이제는 더 잘 이해했습니다. It was abundant and cheap. ||обильный|| ||Es war reichlich und billig.|| ||obfite i tan|| ||丰富且便宜|| Es war reichlich und billig. C'était copieux et pas cher. 풍부하고 저렴했습니다. Banal, even. Банально, даже.| Banal, sogar.| Trivial, incluso.| Banal, sogar. 바나나도 She guzzled it greedily, and her master clearly valued that in her. |жадно выпила||жадно|||||||| |engoliu||vorazmente|||||valorizava||| |verschlang||gierig||||offensichtlich|||| |||açgözl|||||||| |狼吞虎咽||贪婪地|||||重视||| |pożerała||chciwie|||||||| |bebió ávidamente||con avidez|||||||| Sie schlung es gierig hinunter, und ihr Meister schätzte das offensichtlich an ihr. Elle l'a avalé goulûment et son maître l'a clairement appréciée. 그녀는 그것을 탐욕스럽게 쏟아 부었고, 그녀의 주인은 그녀에게 그것을 분명히 평가했습니다. Она облизывала это жадно, и её хозяин очевидно ценил это в ней. He had finally found someone with as few scruples as him. ||||||||моральные принципы|| ||||||||Skrupel|| ||||||||escrúpulos|| ||||||||escrúpulos|| ||||||||良心不安|| Er hatte endlich jemanden gefunden, der so wenige Skrupel wie er hatte. 그는 드물게 그와 같은 수세미를 가진 사람을 찾았습니다. Наконец-то он нашёл кого-то с таким же малым количеством совести, как и у него.

For his part, the master was also very content. ||||||||доволен |||||||sehr|zufrieden Der Meister seinerseits war auch sehr zufrieden. 그의 입장에서, 주인은 또한 매우 만족했습니다. С его стороны, хозяин также был очень доволен. With such a capable partner he began to push his limits more and more, chasing after bigger prey, winning in larger arenas, drinking his full at funerals and weddings. |||capaz|parceiro||||||||||perseguindo|||presa||||arenas|||||funerais||casamentos |solch einen|||||||seine Grenzen erweitern||||||to chase|||Beute|||||drinking||||Beerdigungen|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||düğünlerde ||||||||||极限|||||||||||场合|||||葬礼|| |||||||||||||||||zdobyczy|wygrywając|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||presa más grande||||arenas||||||| Mit einem so fähigen Partner begann er, immer mehr an seine Grenzen zu gehen, größere Beute zu jagen, in größeren Arenen zu gewinnen und sich auf Beerdigungen und Hochzeiten auszutrinken. そのような有能なパートナーと一緒に、彼はますます限界を押し広げ始め、より大きな獲物を追いかけ、より大きな闘技場で勝利し、葬式や結婚式で一杯飲みました。 그러한 유능한 파트너와 함께 그는 더 큰 먹이를 쫓고 더 큰 경기장에서 승리하며 장례식과 결혼식에서 자신의 술을 마시면서 한계를 점점 더 밀기 시작했습니다. He wanted things to stay this way forever, but he understood that fate was a fickle beast, so when Zara invited him to her room one evening, the change in habit did not perturb him. |||||||||||||||непостоянный||||||||||||||||||беспокоить| ||||||||||||destino|||inconstante|criatura|||||||||||||||||perturbar| ||||||||||||Schicksal|||launisch|Bestie||||einlud||||||||Änderung|||||stören| |||||||||||||||değişken|canavar|||||||||||||||||rahatsız etmedi| |||||||||||||||变化无常||||||||||||||||||打扰| ||||||||||||destino|||Caprichoso|bestia caprichosa|||||||||||||||||perturbar| Er wünschte sich, dass es für immer so bleiben würde, aber er wusste, dass das Schicksal ein wankelmütiges Biest war, und als Zara ihn eines Abends in ihr Zimmer einlud, beunruhigte ihn die Änderung der Gewohnheiten nicht. Il voulait que les choses restent ainsi pour toujours, mais il comprit que le destin était une bête inconsistante. Ainsi, quand Zara l'invita dans sa chambre un soir, le changement d'habitude ne le perturba pas. 彼は物事がこのまま永遠に続くことを望んでいましたが、運命が気まぐれな獣であることを理解していたので、ある晩ザラが彼を彼女の部屋に招待したとき、習慣の変化は彼を動揺させませんでした. 그는 이런 식으로 영원히 머무르기를 원했지만 운명은 변덕스러운 짐승이라는 것을 이해했습니다. 그래서 Zara가 어느 날 저녁 그를 방으로 초대했을 때 습관의 변화는 그를 방해하지 않았습니다.

She was spread out on the bed like a piece of good gossip in the countryside, and her nudity, alongside her sad expression, awoke a strange feeling in him. ||||||||||||||||||裸体|与她的||||||||| ||ausgebreitet||||||||||||||||Nacktheit|||||erweckte||||| ||||||||||||||||||desnudez|||||||||| ||espalhada|exposta||||||||||||campo|||nudez|ao lado||||||||| Sie lag auf dem Bett ausgebreitet wie ein gutes Stück Klatsch und Tratsch auf dem Lande, und ihre Nacktheit und ihr trauriger Gesichtsausdruck weckten in ihm ein seltsames Gefühl. Elle était étendue sur le lit comme un bon potin à la campagne et sa nudité, à côté de son expression triste, éveillait un sentiment étrange en lui. 彼女は田舎のいい噂話のようにベッドに広げられ、彼女の裸体は彼女の悲しい表情と並んで、彼に奇妙な感情を呼び起こした. 그녀는 시골에서 좋은 가십처럼 침대에 퍼져 있었고, 그녀의 슬픈 표정과 함께 과도한 노출이 그에게 이상한 감정을 일으켰습니다. Compassion? Сострадание Şefkat mi compaixão No, he never felt that. Sympathy, perhaps.

‘What do you want?' he said finally.

‘You. I can't lie any longer. ||Ich kann nicht länger lügen.|| ||mentir|| Je ne peux plus mentir. I have eaten my full during the past months, grew fat on the passion and pathos of humanity. |||||||||разжирел||||||страсти и патетики|| |||||||vergangenen||wurde|dick|||||Leidenschaft und Pathos|| |||||||||||||||pathos de humanidad|| |||||||||cresci||||paixão||pathos|| |||||||||||||||情感|| Ich habe in den letzten Monaten mein volles gegessen, bin durch die Leidenschaft und das Pathos der Menschheit fett geworden. J'ai mangé à fond au cours des derniers mois, je me suis nourri de passion et de pathos de l'humanité. 私は過去数ヶ月間、満腹になり、人類の情熱と哀愁で太りました。 나는 지난 몇 달 동안 내 음식을 다 먹었고, 인류의 열정과 길에서 뚱뚱해졌습니다. Eu comi muito durante os últimos meses, engordei com a paixão e o pathos da humanidade. Я наелся по полной за прошедшие месяцы, откормился на страсти и пафосе человечества. I never guessed that such a range of love existed, expressed in such a variety of ways! ||||||||||表现出|||||| ||geahnt||solch||Bandbreite||||expressed = communicated|||||| ||poderia supor||||variedade|||||||||| Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass eine solche Vielfalt an Liebe existiert, ausgedrückt auf so vielfältige Weise! Je n'ai jamais deviné qu'une telle gamme d'amour existait, exprimée de manière si diverse! こんなに多様な方法で表現された愛の範囲が存在するとは思いもしませんでした。 나는 그러한 다양한 사랑이 존재한다는 것을 결코 추측하지 못했습니다. Никогда не догадывался, что существует такое множество видов любви, выраженных таким разнообразным способом! I feel I can die happily now.' Ich fühle, dass ich nun glücklich sterben kann.' Мне кажется, я могу умереть счастливо сейчас.'

‘Your words make me sad. Deine Worte machen mich traurig. Why must you speak of death, when we live in an Eden of joy?' |||||||||||Эдемский сад|| 우리가 기쁨의 에덴에 살 때 왜 죽음에 대해 말해야합니까? '

She smiled flirtatiously. ||Она улыбнулась кокетливо. ||verführerisch ||coquetamente ||de forma sedutora 그녀는 서투르게 웃었다. No, not flirtatiously. ||调情地 ||não, não de forma sedutora Something in her was different. Etwas in ihr war anders. 그녀의 무언가가 달랐습니다. She was above all those human traits now, like an angel. ||||||человеческие черты|||| ||||||Eigenschaften|||| ||||||rasgos humanos|||| ||||||características|||| Sie war nun über all diesen menschlichen Eigenschaften, wie ein Engel. 彼女は今、天使のように、それらすべての人間の特徴を超えていました. 그녀는 천사처럼 모든 인간의 특성보다 우선했습니다. He was a child in her presence. Er war ein Kind in ihrer Gegenwart. 彼女の前では彼は子供だった。 그는 그녀의 존재에있는 아이였다.

‘Don't be sad. I'm offering myself up to you, and I am happy to do so. Ich biete mich dir an und ich tue das gerne. 나는 당신에게 나 자신을 제공하고 있으며, 나는 그것을 기쁘게 생각합니다. You should be happy, too. Du solltest auch glücklich sein. I already gave my soul away to you, so all that rests is my emotions… Eat them, and I will leave this world happier than I ever was upon it.' |||||||||||剩下的|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||darauf| ||||||||então||||||||||||||||||||| Ich habe dir bereits meine Seele gegeben, also bleiben nur noch meine Emotionen... Iss sie und ich werde diese Welt glücklicher verlassen, als ich je darauf war.' 私はすでに私の魂をあなたに捧げたので、残っているのは私の感情だけです...それらを食べてください、そして私はこれまで以上に幸せにこの世界を去ります. 나는 이미 내 영혼을 너에게 줬다. 그래서 쉬는 모든 것은 나의 감정이다… 그들을 먹으면, 나는이 세상을 그 어느 때보 다 더 행복하게 떠날 것이다. ' Já entreguei minha alma a você, então tudo o que resta são minhas emoções ... Coma-as e deixarei este mundo mais feliz do que nunca.

The master couldn't bear it any longer. |||ertragen||| |||suportar||| Der Meister konnte es nicht länger ertragen. Le maître n'en pouvait plus. 主人はもう我慢できませんでした。 주인은 더 이상 견딜 수 없었습니다. So touched he was by her purity of heart, her deep, sincere love. |Тронут|||||чистота сердца|||||| ||||||Reinheit|||||aufrichtige| |tocado|||||pureza|||||| So berührt war er von ihrer Reinheit des Herzens, ihrer tiefen, aufrichtigen Liebe. 彼女の心の純粋さ、深く誠実な愛に、彼はとても感動しました。 그래서 그는 그녀의 순결한 마음, 깊고 진지한 사랑에 감동했습니다. Tão tocado ele estava por sua pureza de coração, seu amor profundo e sincero. He tore off his clothes and leapt into the bed next to her, wrapped himself around her body as if she was the fountain of life itself. |撕掉||||||||||||||||||||||生命之泉||| |riss ab|||||sprang|||||||umschlang||||||||||Quelle des Lebens||| |se arrancó||||||||||||||||||||||fuente de vida||| |rasgou|||||saltou|||||||abraçou||||||||||fonte||| Er riss seine Kleider ab und sprang neben ihr ins Bett, schlang sich um ihren Körper, als ob sie selbst die Quelle des Lebens wäre. Il déchira ses vêtements et sauta dans le lit à côté d'elle, s'enroulant autour de son corps comme si elle était la fontaine de la vie elle-même. 彼は服を脱ぎ捨て、彼女の隣のベッドに飛び込み、まるで彼女が生命の泉であるかのように彼女の体を包み込んだ. 그는 옷을 찢고 옆에있는 침대로 뛰어 들어 마치 마치 마치 생명의 샘인 것처럼 몸을 감쌌다.

Zara moaned and accepted him, drank the flow of emotions which gushed from his skin. |застонала||||||||||хлынули||| |stöhnte||accepted||||||||strömten heraus||| |Gimió||||||||||brotaron||| |gemeu||||||||||jorravam||| |呻吟||||||||||涌出||| Zara stöhnte und akzeptierte ihn, trank den Strom der Gefühle, der aus seiner Haut strömte. Zara gémit et l'accepta, but le flot d'émotions qui jaillissait de sa peau. ザラは呻きながら彼を受け入れ、彼の肌から湧き出る感情の流れを飲み干した。 Zara는 신음하고 그를 받아 들였고 그의 피부에서 쏟아지는 감정의 흐름을 마셨다. Zara gemeu e o aceitou, bebeu o fluxo de emoções que jorrou de sua pele. She caressed him slowly with her tongue, absorbed his sadness and joy, tasted and devoured his love. |ласкала||||||||||||||| |streichelte||||||assorbito|||||||verschlang|| |acarició||||||||||||||| |acariciou||||||absorveu||tristeza|||||devorou|| |轻抚|||||||||||||吞噬了|| Sie streichelte ihn langsam mit ihrer Zunge, nahm seine Traurigkeit und Freude auf, kostete und verschlang seine Liebe. 彼女は舌でゆっくりと彼を愛撫し、彼の悲しみと喜びを吸収し、彼の愛を味わい、むさぼり食った。 그녀는 혀로 천천히 그를 애무하고 슬픔과 기쁨을 흡수하고 그의 사랑을 맛보고 삼켰습니다. Ela o acariciou lentamente com a língua, absorveu sua tristeza e alegria, saboreou e devorou seu amor.

The monstrous gentleman discovered too late what was really going on. |Ungeheuerlich||entdeckte||||||| Der monströse Gentleman entdeckte zu spät, was wirklich passierte. 괴물 같은 신사는 실제로 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 너무 늦게 발견했습니다. He shook, tried to detach himself from her, but her arms held him like a snake swallowing a rabbit. |Вздрогнул||||||||||||||||| |zitterte|||sich lösen||||||||||||verschlingende|| ||||desprenderse de ella||||||||||||tragándose|| |agiu|||se desvencilhar|||||||seguravam|||||engolindo|| ||||脱离||||||||||||吞噬|| Er zitterte, versuchte sich von ihr zu lösen, aber ihre Arme hielten ihn fest wie eine Schlange, die ein Kaninchen verschlingt. Il trembla, essaya de se détacher d'elle, mais ses bras le retinrent comme un serpent avalant un lapin. 彼は震え、彼女から離れようとしたが、彼女の腕はまるでウサギを飲み込むヘビのように彼を抱きしめた. Ele estremeceu, tentou se desprender dela, mas os braços dela o seguraram como uma cobra engolindo um coelho. She devoured everything: his feelings, her lost soul, even his. |поглотила|||||||| |devoured|||||||| Sie verschlang alles: seine Gefühle, ihre verlorene Seele, sogar seine. 彼女はすべてをむさぼり食った:彼の気持ち、彼女の失われた魂、彼のさえ 그녀는 그의 감정, 잃어버린 영혼, 심지어 그의 모든 것을 삼켰습니다. Ela devorou tudo: seus sentimentos, sua alma perdida, até mesmo a dele. She was an insatiable beast, who drained his body of every last drop of its essence. |||ненасытная||||||||||||сущность |||unersättlich|||aussaugte||||||Tropfen|||essence ||||||agotó||||||||| |||insaciável|||drenou||||||||| |||无法满足的|||榨取||||||||| Sie war ein unersättliches Tier, das seinen Körper bis zum letzten Tropfen seiner Essenz aussaugte. 彼女は飽くことのない獣であり、体の本質を最後の一滴まで排出しました。 그녀는 참을 수없는 짐승이었고, 그의 본질의 모든 마지막 방울에서 그의 몸을 배출했습니다. Ela era uma besta insaciável, que drenou seu corpo até a última gota de sua essência.

She rolled over on the bed, discarding the now empty body like an apple core, and burped loudly. ||||||抛弃||||||||||打了个嗝| |sich drehte|||||wegwerfend||||||||||rülpste laut| ||||||||||||||corazón de manzana||eructó ruidosamente| |rolou|||||descartando||||||||miolo||arroto|em voz alta ||||||||||||||||рыгнула громко| Sie rollte sich im Bett um, warf den jetzt leeren Körper wie einen Apfelkern weg und rülpste laut. Elle se retourna sur le lit, rejetant le corps maintenant vide comme un trognon de pomme, et cria fort. 彼女はベッドの上に転がり、空っぽになった体をりんごの芯のように捨て、大きなげっぷをした。 그녀는 침대에서 넘어져서 지금은 빈 몸을 사과 코어처럼 버리고 크게 소리 쳤다. Ela rolou na cama, descartando o corpo agora vazio como um caroço de maçã, e arrotou ruidosamente. Previously, she would've claimed she couldn't possibly feel more fulfilled, more complete than she felt working with her master. ||бы сказала|утверждала||||||||||||||| Zuvor|||behauptet||||||fulfilled||||||||| |||afirmado||||||realizada||||||||| anteriormente|||||||||realizada||||||||| Früher hätte sie behauptet, dass sie sich nicht erfüllter und vollständiger fühlen könnte, als sie es tat, als sie mit ihrem Meister arbeitete. 以前なら、彼女は主人と一緒に仕事をする以上に充実感や完全さを感じることはできないと主張していたでしょう。 이전에는 그녀는 자신의 주인과 함께 일하는 것보다 더 성취되고 더 완벽하다고 느낄 수 없다고 주장했을 것입니다. Anteriormente, ela teria alegado que não poderia se sentir mais realizada, mais completa do que se sentia trabalhando com seu mestre. But now she knew better. ||ona|| Aber jetzt wusste sie es besser. 그러나 이제 그녀는 더 잘 알았습니다. Mas agora ela sabia melhor.

The deepest love is always hidden beside you, hunting its prey like a savage beast. |||||||||||||野兽| ||||||||jagend||Beute|||wilde Bestie| |mais profundo|||||ao lado|||||||selvagem| Die tiefste Liebe verbirgt sich immer neben dir, jagt ihre Beute wie ein wildes Tier. L'amour le plus profond est toujours caché à côté de vous, chassant sa proie comme une bête sauvage. 猛獣のように獲物を狩る、深い愛はいつもあなたのそばに隠されています。 가장 깊은 사랑은 항상 당신 옆에 숨겨져 야만인 짐승처럼 먹이를 사냥합니다. O amor mais profundo está sempre escondido ao seu lado, caçando sua presa como uma besta selvagem.

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