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Thomas Frank Study Tips, I Replaced My Breakfast with This Ultra Healthy Smoothie

I Replaced My Breakfast with This Ultra Healthy Smoothie

- Everyday for about the past three months,

I have been replacing either my breakfast

or my lunch with one of these smoothies.

It takes me literally less than five minutes to make this,

including cleanup, it's super nutritious

and nutritionally complete and it actually

tastes pretty good.

And ever since I posted about it on my Instagram

a couple of months ago, people have been asking me

to go through the process of making it

and asking me what's in it, so that is what I want to do

for you guys today.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself

this isn't a nutrition channel, this is a channel

about how to do better in school

and how to be more productive,

so what's a video like this doing on the channel

and you're right, I don't talk a whole lot

about nutrition, but I would like to change that

because this is a channel about enhancing

your cognitive performance and becoming more productive

and I think the foundational level

of doing both those things is improving your health

and when it comes to improving your health,

there's kind of a trifecta of sorts,

so you have your sleep, your exercise and your nutrition,

and on this channel, we've talked a good bit

about sleep, we've talked about how to get up early

in the morning if that's what you want to do,

we've talked about how to get to bed on time consistently

and we've also talked about how to improve

the quality of your sleep.

We've also done a video or two about how to

build an exercise routine and to become more fit,

but we haven't done a whole lot about nutrition

and I'd like to start changing that.

Now, when it comes to nutrition,

I am an anti-perfectionist, I'm a lot more concerned

with building a consistent routine

that you're actually going to stick to

rather than building the perfect diet.

And I'm also looking for ways to, on a consistent basis,

cut down the time, energy and effort required

to follow a good diet and as I've found

over the past few months, making this smoothie

every morning is a great way to do that.

So, without further ado, I'm gonna guide you through

the process of making it and then we'll come back here

to answer a few quick questions about it.

(upbeat music)

Welcome to my kitchen.

There ar many like it, but this one is mine.

Here we have all the ingredients.

I'll just quickly go through them

and then we're gonna make this.

So, we got, back here, some strawberries,

I have a spinach and kale mix,

got some blueberries, which we are almost out of,

raspberries, blackberries.

Also, flax seed and chia seeds, these both have

a lot of nutrients in them, I'll talk a little bit

about that later.

Silk, unsweetened vanilla almond milk.

You got your plain old gold standard

optimum nutrition whey protein

to get that, I don't know, to get swole, right?

Natural Jif peanut butter, I know I could do

actual natural peanut butter, but I like this stuff

quite a bit.

We got our Quaker oats.

Last, but not least, good old bananas.

So, like I said in the intro,

this does not take very long to make,

so let's go ahead and make it

and the blender that I'm using to make this guy

is the NutriBullet 900 series.

If you have a regular blender at home,

that's gonna do just fine.

The main benefit of a NutriBullet, in my opinion,

is that you can drink right out of the serving sized

shaker cup here, which I do and that really reduces

the cleanup that I need to do afterwards.

But, if you have a regular blender

and you want to just dump it into a yeti rambler

or a glass or whatever you have laying around,

then no need to buy this thing

and I'm probably gonna have to replace it

in the future anyway 'cause I put

a lot of ingredients in my shake.

Alright, so the first thing I always do,

get my self a spoon and do what I think

is roughly a cup of the spinach and kale mix.

So, I just kind of spoon it in

until it's roughly at a point that looks pretty good,

around a cup's worth.

So, about that much, you can do a lot less,

this is how much I do.

And then we'll move onto the strawberries.

I know you can open it from the bottom,

it's kind of like a life hack I've written about before,

or read about, but I just do this.


And that works pretty well, too.

This is not very ripe, but it will work.

And the nice thing is if you have ingredients

that aren't perfectly ripe or you have things

that don't necessarily taste amazing on their own,

they're pretty good in the smoothie,

so I do about half of a small to medium sized banana.

And then, strawberries next.

Usually four to five strawberries,

they're a big volume item, so I don't try to go overboard

on those guys.

And then we'll do other berries.

So, blackberries, generally about four to five of those,

raspberries, pretty much the same story

and finally, our blueberries.

So, we have the fruit base, we have the veggies,

now let's do the rest of it.

I like to do a single serving of flax seed,

which is two tablespoons.

The one thing I would warn you about

is that flax is high in fiber

and a lot of people don't get enough fiber

and if you introduce a whole ton of fiber

into your diet really, really quickly,

you're gonna have some gastrointestinal difficulties.

So, maybe start with like half a tablespoon of this stuff

and work your way up slowly.

I've gotten to the point where I'm pretty used to it.

Chia seeds.

I don't think there's as much of a warning

I have to put on these guys, so I usually do

two tablespoons of these, as well.

Both the flax and the chia contain omega-3 fatty acids,

they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals

and they also are decently calorie dense

and also add some protein to the shake,

so if you're an athlete or you like to work out

and you're trying to put on some weight

or gain some muscle, they're pretty good sources

of protein and calories.

For calories, I also put in Quaker oats,

I don't really think that there's a whole lot

of other benefits to the oats that you couldn't get

from other ingredients, but again,

I'm trying to make this like a true meal replacement

and something to give me a lot of energy

when I go to the gym, so I will do

just like four tablespoons of oats in there.

That is only half a serving,

so it adds maybe 75 calories,

but you can't get this shaker cup too full

and some, not naming names, but some would believe

that I already make it too full.

But, hey.

So, with the NutriBullet, there is,

as my camerawoman is explaining,

there's a max line on the cup here

and I'm using the bigger cup because I'm a monster

and eat a thousand calorie shake every morning.

You want to fill it up to the max line with liquid.

You can do all kinds of liquids.

You can do regular milk, you can do almond milk,

you can do soy milk, you can do water,

I like doing the almond milk.

I found that it tastes really good,

it is not as high calorie or sugar dense as regular milk

and it still tastes really good.

And then, this is the real calorie packer here.

So, if you wanted to make a lower calorie shake,

you would probably just want to leave out

the peanut butter or do a lot less of it,

but again, it's almost like a mass gainer for me,

so I will do probably about two servings

of peanut butter in there and I love peanut butter.

This is the guilty pleasure in here

and I guess maybe the flavored protein shake is, too,

but it's so good.

And finally, we got our standard

optimum nutrition whey protein.

This is the vanilla ice cream flavored

and I'm just do a single serving of that,

plop it in and we are good to go.

You want to make sure that your lid,

which is also the blade, is on real tight

and then it would probably be a good idea

if I plugged the blender in.

Now, this is really loud,

but luckily I have the magic of editing,

so it won't be for you.

(upbeat music)

Probably good.

Oh yes, check out our delicious cup of pinkish grayish slop.

There it is.

I don't have to put it in a cup

because this is literally a cup.

I think it's best to drink it through a straw

and because plastic straws are horribly bad

for the environment and you throw them away

all the time, I got just some glass straws from Amazon.

There are also stainless steel straws,

but I've heard that those can get a lot colder

and be bad for sensitive teeth,

so I got the glass ones, I think they're a bit thicker,

they don't transfer that cold quite as much,

could be bro science, but these work for me, so.

Bon appetite, my friends.

Let's answer a few questions about the smoothie

that the whole process of making it

probably didn't answer.

First and foremost, how does it taste?

I actually think that this smoothie

tastes really freaking good, especially given the fact

that it has a ton of ingredients in it

and I kind of almost feel like I hit upon

a really good recipe really early on

because I didn't have to do a whole lot of experimentation

with this and compared to a lot of the smoothies

I've gotten from places like Jamba Juice

and like grocery stores that make smoothies,

I actually like the taste of this one better.

It's probably a lot of the fruits mixed with

the peanut butter, you kind of can't go wrong

with that combination, but the fact that

it tastes really good and it tastes good enough

for me to look forward to drinking it every single morning

is a real benefit because it's nutritionally complete,

but it's not something that I dread in the morning.

Now, of course we have to answer the questin

could you make it healthier?

Yes, of course you could.

I'm sure there are gonna be plenty of people

down in the comments suggesting changes

or telling me that I am completely idiotic

for including ingredient X or ingredient Y in here.

But, yeah, you could totally make it healthier

and if this is something you're gonna start doing,

making smoothies in the morning,

I would encourage you to experiment

with different ingredients and to try to make it healthier

and try to vary it up from time to time.

Now, to get specific, the peanut butter

that I put in my smoothie is, number one, peanut butter

and peanuts aren't the healthiest nut out there

and also, it's Jif peanut butter,

so there's a little bit of added sugar in there.

So, if you wanted to make things even healthier,

you could go to completely raw peanut butter,

literally just peanuts and salt,

or you could switch it out for something

like an almond butter.

You could also, instead of using a flavored protein,

use a non-flavored protein, just pure whey protein

or even go to a vegan protein or you could use

a different protein source all together.

And, of course, you could change up

the fruit to vegetable ratio,

putting more greens in there and less fruit

if you wanted to lower the sugar content even more.

But, again, and I really want to emphasize this,

sustainability is the name of the game.

I'm not aiming for perfection here,

I'm aiming for something that's a lot better

than I would otherwise eat, but that I really want to eat

on a daily basis, so I'm consistent in my good diet.

Now, because some of you may be curious,

I do want to dig a little bit into

the actual nutritional profile of this smoothie.

Now, I don't claim to be an expert here and

there are probably ingredients and vitamins and minerals

that aren't listed on the nutritional facts

of each ingredient, but I did do a little bit of research

by looking at the nutritional labels

for the things that have them and then using a site

called fooducate.com to look up nutrition content

of the fruit and vegetables that didn't have labels

on the packaging and I came up with some data

and I'm gonna have a link to a Google sheet

that I created in the description below,

which I will start flushing out in the future

to add different smoothie recipes to over time,

so you may want to bookmark it.

Though, I do want to mention that drinking one of these,

no matter what you put in it, is not a panacea,

you also need to worry about the other parts of your diet.

So, if you're just thinking that you can create

a nutritionally complete smoothie every single day

and then eat nothing but Nabisco crackers and pizza rolls

for the rest of your meals, then you may want to

rethink that plan.

And on that note, I would love to explore

different nutritional ideas in the future,

particularly ideas that cut down, again,

on the time and energy required.

So, I want to dig into to things like batch cooking,

like slow cooker cooking, things like that.

Things that give you meals that you can just

put in the fridge and have for days on end

instead of having to cook every single night.

And I would love to hear your ideas on that front,

so definitely leave some ideas down in the comments below

for videos that I should do on the nutritional front

in the future.

But, until then, if you haven't tried making

a smoothie like this before, definitely give it a try.

Again, it's super quick to do, the cleanup is minimal

and once I've made it in the morning,

it's really easy to just sit down and read a book

or watch a video or do something that helps me

learn something new.

And while we're on the subject of learning new things,

if you enjoy my channel and you're looking

for more educational content here on YouTube,

you may also want to check out the Cheddar channel.

I just finished watching one of their videos

on how one bad business decision completely tanked

Sega's hardware division back in the 1990s

and I found that to be a really fascinating video.

And beyond that, they have lots of videos and topics

like business and technology without all the boring parts.

So, definitely go check out that video

by clicking the link in the description down below

and if you like that, consider checking out

some of their other videos and subscribing

to their channel.

I want to give a big thanks to Cheddar

for sponsoring this video and being in support

of my channel and as always, guys,

thank you so much for watching.

If you liked this video, definitely give it a thumbs up

and I would love to hear your recipe modifications

to my smoothie in the comments below

if you do happen to change things up.

Otherwise, you can subscribe to this channel

to get new videos every single week right there

or click right there, you'll get a free copy of my book

on how to earn better grades.

Thanks again for watching and I will see you

in next week's video.

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I Replaced My Breakfast with This Ultra Healthy Smoothie ||||||ultragesund||Ultra-gesunder Smoothie ||||||||스무디 Ich habe mein Frühstück durch diesen ultra-gesunden Smoothie ersetzt Sustituí mi desayuno por este batido ultrasaludable J'ai remplacé mon petit-déjeuner par ce smoothie ultra-sain Ho sostituito la mia colazione con questo frullato ultra-salutare 朝食をこの超ヘルシー・スムージーに置き換えてみた Zastąpiłam śniadanie tym ultra zdrowym smoothie Substituí o meu pequeno-almoço por este batido ultra-saudável Я заменила свой завтрак этим ультраздоровым смузи Jag ersatte min frukost med denna extremt hälsosamma smoothie Kahvaltımı Bu Ultra Sağlıklı Smoothie ile Değiştirdim 我用这种超级健康的冰沙代替了我的早餐

- Everyday for about the past three months, - Täglich für etwa die letzten drei Monate,

I have been replacing either my breakfast |||대체하고 있다|어느 한쪽|| Ich habe entweder mein Frühstück ersetzt Eu tenho substituído meu café da manhã Jag har ersatt antingen min frukost

or my lunch with one of these smoothies. |||||||Smoothies |||||||스무디 중 하나 |||||||frullati |||||||スムージー oder mein Mittagessen mit einem dieser Smoothies. eller min lunch med en av dessa smoothies.

It takes me literally less than five minutes to make this, |||exactly||||||| Es dauert buchstäblich weniger als fünf Minuten, um dies zu machen,

including cleanup, it's super nutritious |einschließlich Aufräumen|||nahrhaft |청소하기|||영양가 있는 |pulizia||| ||||very healthy einschließlich Aufräumen, es ist super nahrhaft incluindo limpeza, é super nutritivo

and nutritionally complete and it actually |nährstoffreich|||| |영양적으로||||

tastes pretty good.

And ever since I posted about it on my Instagram

a couple of months ago, people have been asking me

to go through the process of making it

and asking me what's in it, so that is what I want to do

for you guys today.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself

this isn't a nutrition channel, this is a channel

about how to do better in school

and how to be more productive,

so what's a video like this doing on the channel

and you're right, I don't talk a whole lot |||||||granché|

about nutrition, but I would like to change that

because this is a channel about enhancing ||||||improving ||||||miglioramento porque este é um canal para melhorar

your cognitive performance and becoming more productive

and I think the foundational level ||||grundlegende| ||||基礎的な|

of doing both those things is improving your health

and when it comes to improving your health,

there's kind of a trifecta of sorts, ||||세 가지 조합|| ||||eine Art Dreifaltigkeit|| ||||three-part combination||of a kind ||||三つ組み|| ||||trifecta di sorta|| ある種の三連単があり、

so you have your sleep, your exercise and your nutrition,

and on this channel, we've talked a good bit e neste canal, conversamos um pouco

about sleep, we've talked about how to get up early sobre o sono, falamos sobre como acordar cedo

in the morning if that's what you want to do,

we've talked about how to get to bed on time consistently ||||||||||regularly nós conversamos sobre como chegar na cama de forma consistente

and we've also talked about how to improve

the quality of your sleep.

We've also done a video or two about how to

build an exercise routine and to become more fit,

but we haven't done a whole lot about nutrition mas não fizemos muito sobre nutrição

and I'd like to start changing that. e eu gostaria de começar a mudar isso.

Now, when it comes to nutrition, Agora, quando se trata de nutrição,

I am an anti-perfectionist, I'm a lot more concerned ||||Anti-Perfektionist||||| |||anti-perfezionista|||||| ||||完璧主義||||| Sou anti-perfeccionista, estou muito mais preocupado

with building a consistent routine |||reliable|

that you're actually going to stick to

rather than building the perfect diet. |||||eating plan

And I'm also looking for ways to, on a consistent basis, E também estou procurando maneiras de, de forma consistente,

cut down the time, energy and effort required

to follow a good diet and as I've found

over the past few months, making this smoothie during|||||||

every morning is a great way to do that.

So, without further ado, I'm gonna guide you through |||delay||||| ||더 이상|지체 없이||||| |||前置き||||| Então, sem mais delongas, eu vou guiá-lo através

the process of making it and then we'll come back here

to answer a few quick questions about it.

(upbeat music) beschwingt|

Welcome to my kitchen.

There ar many like it, but this one is mine.

Here we have all the ingredients.

I'll just quickly go through them

and then we're gonna make this.

So, we got, back here, some strawberries, ||||||Erdbeeren Отже, у нас тут трохи полуниці,

I have a spinach and kale mix, |||Ich habe eine Spinat- und Grünkohlmischung.||Grünkohl| |||시금치||케일| |||||ケール| |||||kale| У мене є суміш шпинату та капусти,

got some blueberries, which we are almost out of, ||블루베리|||||| dostaliśmy trochę borówek, które już prawie się skończyły, tem alguns mirtilos, dos quais estamos quase sem, отримав трохи чорниці, яка майже закінчилася,

raspberries, blackberries. Himbeeren|Brombeeren 라즈베리|블랙베리 ラズベリー|ブラックベリー raspberries| maliny, jeżyny. малина, ожина.

Also, flax seed and chia seeds, these both have |Leinsamen|||Chiasamen|||| |아마씨|||치아|||| |亜麻|||チア|||| ||||semi di chia|||| Além disso, sementes de linho e sementes de chia, ambas têm Також є насіння льону та насіння чіа

a lot of nutrients in them, I'll talk a little bit в них багато поживних речовин, розповім трохи

about that later.

Silk, unsweetened vanilla almond milk. |ungesüßt||Mandel| Silk brand|||| |무가당||아몬드| |Non zuccherato||| ||バニラ|| Seda, leite de baunilha sem açúcar e amêndoa.

You got your plain old gold standard Você tem o seu padrão ouro velho e simples Ви отримали свій простий старий золотий стандарт

optimum nutrition whey protein ||Molkenprotein| best||protein| ||유청| 最適||ホエイ| proteína de soro de leite ótima nutrição оптимальне харчування сироватковий білок

to get that, I don't know, to get swole, right? ||||||||근육질이 되| ||||||||muskulös werden| ||||||||muscular or buff| ||||||||筋肉質になる| ||||||||diventare muscoloso| żeby się tak, no nie wiem, rozpłynąć, tak? para conseguir isso, eu não sei, para ficar bem, certo? щоб отримати це, я не знаю, отримати swole, так?

Natural Jif peanut butter, I know I could do |Jif||||||| |지프||||||| ||ピーナッツ||||||

actual natural peanut butter, but I like this stuff manteiga de amendoim natural, mas eu gosto dessas coisas

quite a bit.

We got our Quaker oats. ||||귀리 |||Quaker|Haferflocken |||brand|oatmeal |||Quaker|fiocchi d'avena ||||オートミール Mamy nasz owies Quaker.

Last, but not least, good old bananas. ||||||Bananen

So, like I said in the intro, ||||||Einleitung ||||||イントロで

this does not take very long to make,

so let's go ahead and make it

and the blender that I'm using to make this guy ||der Mixer||||||| ||kitchen appliance||||||| ||frullatore||||||| e o liquidificador que estou usando para fazer esse cara

is the NutriBullet 900 series. ||NutriBullet 900 Serie| ||너트리불렛|

If you have a regular blender at home,

that's gonna do just fine. Isso vai dar certo.

The main benefit of a NutriBullet, in my opinion,

is that you can drink right out of the serving sized é que você pode beber diretamente da porção de tamanho

shaker cup here, which I do and that really reduces Shaker-Becher||||||||| 쉐이커|||||||||

the cleanup that I need to do afterwards. |||||||later on a limpeza que eu preciso fazer depois.

But, if you have a regular blender

and you want to just dump it into a yeti rambler ||||||||||borraccia Yeti |||||hineinwerfen||||Yeti-Becher|Yeti-Becher |||||쏟아||||예티 램블|램블러 |||||||||イエティ|ランブラー |||||pour|||||insulated tumbler i chcesz po prostu wrzucić go do Yeti Ramblera e você quer apenas despejá-lo em um caminhante yeti і ви хочете просто скинути це в Yeti Rambler

or a glass or whatever you have laying around, |||||||lying| ou um copo ou o que você tem por aí,

then no need to buy this thing

and I'm probably gonna have to replace it

in the future anyway 'cause I put

a lot of ingredients in my shake.

Alright, so the first thing I always do,

get my self a spoon and do what I think kupię sobie łyżkę i zrobię to, co myślę взяти собі ложку і робити те, що я думаю

is roughly a cup of the spinach and kale mix. |circa|||||||| to mniej więcej filiżanka mieszanki szpinaku i jarmużu.

So, I just kind of spoon it in Então, eu meio que coloco

until it's roughly at a point that looks pretty good, até chegar a um ponto que parece muito bom, до тих пір, поки воно не досягне точки, яка виглядає досить добре,

around a cup's worth. ||etwa eine Tasse|ungefähr eine Tasse ||컵의| 一杯分くらい。 em torno de um copo vale.

So, about that much, you can do a lot less,

this is how much I do. é isso que eu faço.

And then we'll move onto the strawberries.

I know you can open it from the bottom,

it's kind of like a life hack I've written about before, |||||ライフ||||| ||||||trucco di vita|||| To trochę jak life hack, o którym pisałem wcześniej, é como um truque de vida sobre o qual escrevi antes,

or read about, but I just do this. |reading|||||| ou ler sobre, mas eu apenas faço isso.

(crunching) <knirschend>

And that works pretty well, too.

This is not very ripe, but it will work. ||||reif|||| Isso não está muito maduro, mas funcionará.

And the nice thing is if you have ingredients E o legal é que se você tem ingredientes

that aren't perfectly ripe or you have things |||mature|||| que não estão perfeitamente maduras ou você tem coisas

that don't necessarily taste amazing on their own, które niekoniecznie smakują niesamowicie same w sobie, que não necessariamente têm um sabor incrível por conta própria,

they're pretty good in the smoothie,

so I do about half of a small to medium sized banana. |||||||||||halbe Banane então eu faço cerca de metade de uma banana pequena e média.

And then, strawberries next.

Usually four to five strawberries,

they're a big volume item, so I don't try to go overboard |||||||||||übertreiben ||||||||||과하게 하다|과하게 하다 |||||||||||esagerare |||||||||||excessive eles são um item de grande volume, então eu não tento exagerar

on those guys. на тих хлопців.

And then we'll do other berries. |||||베리들 |||||E poi faremo altre bacche. E depois vamos fazer outras frutas.

So, blackberries, generally about four to five of those, ||typically|||||| |more di rovo|||||||

raspberries, pretty much the same story lamponi, più o meno|||||

and finally, our blueberries. |||e infine, i nostri mirtilli.

So, we have the fruit base, we have the veggies, |||||||||Gemüse |||||||||채소 |||||||||verdure

now let's do the rest of it.

I like to do a single serving of flax seed, ||||||eine Portion|||

which is two tablespoons. |||Esslöffel |||大さじ que são duas colheres de sopa.

The one thing I would warn you about A única coisa que eu gostaria de avisar

is that flax is high in fiber jest to, że len jest bogaty w błonnik é que o linho é rico em fibras

and a lot of people don't get enough fiber ||||||||繊維 e muitas pessoas não recebem fibra suficiente

and if you introduce a whole ton of fiber ||||||Menge|| ||||||una tonnellata|| а якщо ввести цілу тонну клітковини

into your diet really, really quickly,

you're gonna have some gastrointestinal difficulties. ||||Magen-Darm| ||||위장관의| ||||消化器系| ||||digestive| będziesz miał problemy żołądkowo-jelitowe.

So, maybe start with like half a tablespoon of this stuff |||||||Esslöffel|||

and work your way up slowly. |働いて|||| e suba devagar.

I've gotten to the point where I'm pretty used to it. Cheguei ao ponto em que estou bastante acostumado.

Chia seeds.

I don't think there's as much of a warning Eu não acho que haja tanto aviso

I have to put on these guys, so I usually do

two tablespoons of these, as well.

Both the flax and the chia contain omega-3 fatty acids, ||||||||fetthaltige Säuren|Fettsäuren ||||||||지방산|

they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals

and they also are decently calorie dense |||||kalorienreich| ||||fairly||high in calories |||||칼로리| e eles também são decentemente densos em calorias і вони також пристойно калорійні

and also add some protein to the shake,

so if you're an athlete or you like to work out

and you're trying to put on some weight i próbujesz przybrać na wadze

or gain some muscle, they're pretty good sources

of protein and calories.

For calories, I also put in Quaker oats,

I don't really think that there's a whole lot Eu realmente não acho que há muito

of other benefits to the oats that you couldn't get de outros benefícios para a aveia que você não conseguiu

from other ingredients, but again,

I'm trying to make this like a true meal replacement |||||||||Ersatzmahlzeit Estou tentando fazer isso como um verdadeiro substituto de refeição

and something to give me a lot of energy e algo para me dar muita energia

when I go to the gym, so I will do

just like four tablespoons of oats in there. assim como quatro colheres de sopa de aveia lá.

That is only half a serving, Isso é apenas meia porção,

so it adds maybe 75 calories,

but you can't get this shaker cup too full mas você não pode obter esse copo shaker muito cheio

and some, not naming names, but some would believe |||이름을 언급||||| |||fare nomi||||| a niektórzy, nie wymieniając nazwisk, ale niektórzy uwierzyliby e alguns, sem nomear nomes, mas alguns acreditariam

that I already make it too full. ||||||troppo pieno que eu já o deixo cheio demais.

But, hey.

So, with the NutriBullet, there is,

as my camerawoman is explaining, ||wie meine Kamerafrau|| ||카메라맨|| ||カメラマン|| jak wyjaśnia moja kamerzystka, como minha camerawoman está explicando,

there's a max line on the cup here há uma linha máxima no copo aqui

and I'm using the bigger cup because I'm a monster

and eat a thousand calorie shake every morning. ||||Kalorien||| e comer mil calorias shake todas as manhãs.

You want to fill it up to the max line with liquid.

You can do all kinds of liquids. Você pode fazer todos os tipos de líquidos.

You can do regular milk, you can do almond milk, ||||||||almond|

you can do soy milk, you can do water, |||Soja||||| |||두유|||||

I like doing the almond milk.

I found that it tastes really good,

it is not as high calorie or sugar dense as regular milk ||||||||밀도|||

and it still tastes really good.

And then, this is the real calorie packer here. |||||||Kalorienbombe| ||||||칼로리|| |||||||riempicalorie| |||||||source of calories|

So, if you wanted to make a lower calorie shake,

you would probably just want to leave out você provavelmente iria querer deixar de fora

the peanut butter or do a lot less of it, a manteiga de amendoim ou faça muito menos,

but again, it's almost like a mass gainer for me, |||||||Massezunahmeprodukt|| |||||||체중 증가제|| ||それは|||||増量サプリ|| |||||||weight gain supplement|| ale dla mnie to prawie jak odżywka na masę, mas, novamente, é quase como um ganho de massa para mim,

so I will do probably about two servings |||||||Portionen |||||||인분

of peanut butter in there and I love peanut butter.

This is the guilty pleasure in here |||罪悪感のある||| Este é o prazer culpado aqui

and I guess maybe the flavored protein shake is, too, |||||aromatisierte|||| |||||맛이 나는|||| i myślę, że może smakowy shake proteinowy też jest,

but it's so good.

And finally, we got our standard

optimum nutrition whey protein.

This is the vanilla ice cream flavored

and I'm just do a single serving of that, |||||||の|

plop it in and we are good to go. rein damit|||||||| Mettilo dentro.|||||||| ポンと|||||||| colocá-lo e estamos prontos para ir.

You want to make sure that your lid, |||||||Deckel |||||||lid |||||||coperchio Você quer ter certeza de que sua tampa,

which is also the blade, is on real tight ||||Klinge||||fest angezogen ||||blade|||| ||||lama|||| który jest również ostrzem, jest naprawdę ciasny que também é a lâmina, está bem apertado

and then it would probably be a good idea

if I plugged the blender in. ||connected||| ||collegassi||| gdybym podłączył blender. se eu conectar o liquidificador.

Now, this is really loud,

but luckily I have the magic of editing, |aber zum Glück|||||| |||||||montaggio

so it won't be for you. então não será para você.

(upbeat music)

Probably good.

Oh yes, check out our delicious cup of pinkish grayish slop. ||||||||||mushy mixture ||||||||||Matsch ||||||||분홍빛의|회색빛의|죽 같은 것 ||||||||rosato-grigiastro|grigiastro|pappa informe ||||||||ピンクがかった|灰色がかった|おかゆ O tak, sprawdź naszą pyszną filiżankę różowawo-szarej papki. Ah, sim, confira nossa deliciosa xícara de suco rosado acinzentado. О так, подивіться на нашу смачну чашку рожево-сірих помиїв.

There it is.

I don't have to put it in a cup Não tenho que colocar em um copo

because this is literally a cup. ponieważ jest to dosłownie kubek. porque isso é literalmente um copo.

I think it's best to drink it through a straw Myślę, że najlepiej pić go przez słomkę Eu acho que é melhor beber com um canudo

and because plastic straws are horribly bad |||Plastikstrohhalme||| |||빨대들||| |||プラスチックストロー||| |||||extremely| e porque canudos de plástico são terrivelmente ruins

for the environment and you throw them away para o meio ambiente e você jogá-los fora

all the time, I got just some glass straws from Amazon. o tempo todo, recebi apenas alguns canudos de vidro da Amazônia.

There are also stainless steel straws, |||rostfrei|| |||스테인리스|| |||acciaio inossidabile||Cannucce di acciaio inox Também existem canudos de aço inoxidável,

but I've heard that those can get a lot colder ale słyszałem, że te mogą być dużo zimniejsze mas ouvi dizer que esses podem ficar muito mais frios

and be bad for sensitive teeth, e seja ruim para dentes sensíveis,

so I got the glass ones, I think they're a bit thicker, |||||||||||più spesse |||||||||||もっと厚い więc kupiłem szklane, myślę, że są trochę grubsze,

they don't transfer that cold quite as much, eles não transferem tanto o frio,

could be bro science, but these work for me, so. ||Kumpel||||||| ||형||||||| かもしれない||友達||||||| może to być nauka bro, ale te działają dla mnie, więc.

Bon appetite, my friends. Guten Appetit, meine Freunde.||| 맛있게 드세요|||

Let's answer a few questions about the smoothie

that the whole process of making it

probably didn't answer.

First and foremost, how does it taste? ||most importantly|||| Przede wszystkim, jak smakuje?

I actually think that this smoothie Na verdade, acho que esse smoothie

tastes really freaking good, especially given the fact ||verdammt||||| ||very|||||

that it has a ton of ingredients in it

and I kind of almost feel like I hit upon e eu quase sinto que me deparei і я начебто відчуваю, що натрапив на

a really good recipe really early on uma receita muito boa muito cedo

because I didn't have to do a whole lot of experimentation ||||||||||viel ausprobieren ||||||||||실험 ||||||||||testing porque eu não tive que fazer muita experimentação

with this and compared to a lot of the smoothies

I've gotten from places like Jamba Juice |||||Jamba Juice| |||||잠바 주스| Eu recebi de lugares como Jamba Juice

and like grocery stores that make smoothies, e como supermercados que fazem smoothies,

I actually like the taste of this one better.

It's probably a lot of the fruits mixed with

the peanut butter, you kind of can't go wrong a manteiga de amendoim, você meio que não pode dar errado

with that combination, but the fact that

it tastes really good and it tastes good enough tem um gosto muito bom e tem um gosto bom o suficiente

for me to look forward to drinking it every single morning para mim ansioso para beber todas as manhãs

is a real benefit because it's nutritionally complete, é um benefício real porque é nutricionalmente completo,

but it's not something that I dread in the morning. ||||||fear||| ||||||temere||| mas não é algo que eu tema de manhã.

Now, of course we have to answer the questin ||||||||Frage beantworten ||||||||질문

could you make it healthier? você poderia torná-lo mais saudável?

Yes, of course you could.

I'm sure there are gonna be plenty of people Tenho certeza que haverá muitas pessoas

down in the comments suggesting changes w komentarzach sugerujących zmiany

or telling me that I am completely idiotic |||||||foolish |||||||바보 같은 |||||||完全に馬鹿

for including ingredient X or ingredient Y in here. |||ingredient X|||ingredient Y|| por incluir o ingrediente X ou o ingrediente Y aqui.

But, yeah, you could totally make it healthier Mas, sim, você poderia torná-lo totalmente mais saudável

and if this is something you're gonna start doing,

making smoothies in the morning,

I would encourage you to experiment

with different ingredients and to try to make it healthier

and try to vary it up from time to time. i od czasu do czasu staram się je urozmaicać.

Now, to get specific, the peanut butter

that I put in my smoothie is, number one, peanut butter

and peanuts aren't the healthiest nut out there ||||gesündeste|Nuss|| |땅콩|||||| e amendoim não são a porca mais saudável lá fora

and also, it's Jif peanut butter,

so there's a little bit of added sugar in there. então há um pouco de açúcar adicionado lá.

So, if you wanted to make things even healthier,

you could go to completely raw peanut butter, |||||non lavorato|| można przejść na całkowicie surowe masło orzechowe,

literally just peanuts and salt,

or you could switch it out for something

like an almond butter.

You could also, instead of using a flavored protein,

use a non-flavored protein, just pure whey protein

or even go to a vegan protein or you could use |||||veganen Proteinquelle||||| |||||비건||||| |||||ビーガン|||||

a different protein source all together.

And, of course, you could change up E, claro, você pode mudar

the fruit to vegetable ratio, ||||Frucht-Gemüse-Verhältnis ||||rapporto frutta-verdura a proporção de frutas para vegetais,

putting more greens in there and less fruit ||verdure a foglia||||| umieszczenie tam więcej zieleni i mniej owoców

if you wanted to lower the sugar content even more. |||||||level|| jeśli chcesz jeszcze bardziej obniżyć zawartość cukru.

But, again, and I really want to emphasize this, |||||||stress this| Mas, novamente, e eu realmente quero enfatizar isso,

sustainability is the name of the game. Nachhaltigkeit ist entscheidend.|||||| 지속 가능성|||||| sustainability|||||| Zrównoważony rozwój to nazwa gry.

I'm not aiming for perfection here, Nie dążę tutaj do perfekcji, Não estou buscando a perfeição aqui,

I'm aiming for something that's a lot better

than I would otherwise eat, but that I really want to eat |||in other circumstances|||||||| do que eu comeria de outra maneira, mas eu realmente quero comer

on a daily basis, so I'm consistent in my good diet. diariamente, por isso sou consistente com minha boa dieta.

Now, because some of you may be curious, Teraz, ponieważ niektórzy z was mogą być ciekawi,

I do want to dig a little bit into ||||eintauchen in|||| ||||explore|||| |||||voglio approfondire||| Chcę trochę zagłębić się w Eu quero cavar um pouco

the actual nutritional profile of this smoothie. ||영양적||||

Now, I don't claim to be an expert here and |||pretendere di essere|||||| Agora, não pretendo ser um especialista aqui e

there are probably ingredients and vitamins and minerals

that aren't listed on the nutritional facts ||표기된||||

of each ingredient, but I did do a little bit of research de cada ingrediente, mas eu fiz um pouco de pesquisa кожного інгредієнта, але я трохи дослідив

by looking at the nutritional labels |||||영양 성분표 |||||etichette nutrizionali patrząc na etykiety z wartościami odżywczymi olhando os rótulos nutricionais дивлячись на харчові етикетки

for the things that have them and then using a site

called fooducate.com to look up nutrition content |Fooducate.com aufrufen|||||| |푸드유케이트|||||| wywołał stronę fooducate.com, aby sprawdzić zawartość odżywczą

of the fruit and vegetables that didn't have labels

on the packaging and I came up with some data

and I'm gonna have a link to a Google sheet |||||||||spreadsheet e eu vou ter um link para uma planilha do Google

that I created in the description below,

which I will start flushing out in the future ||||구체화하다|||| ||||ausarbeiten|||| ||||eliminating|||| ||||elaborare meglio|||| ||||明らかにする|||| które zacznę wypłukiwać w przyszłości que eu vou começar a corar no futuro який я почну змивати в майбутньому

to add different smoothie recipes to over time, ||||Smoothie-Rezepte hinzufügen|||

so you may want to bookmark it. |||||Lesezeichen setzen| |||||북마크| więc warto dodać ją do zakładek. então você pode marcar como favorito.

Though, I do want to mention that drinking one of these, No entanto, quero mencionar que beber um desses,

no matter what you put in it, is not a panacea, ||||||||||만병통치약 ||||||||||Allheilmittel ||||||||||cure-all ||||||||||rimedio universale ||||||||||万能薬ではない bez względu na to, co w nim umieścisz, nie jest panaceum,

you also need to worry about the other parts of your diet.

So, if you're just thinking that you can create

a nutritionally complete smoothie every single day

and then eat nothing but Nabisco crackers and pizza rolls |||||Nabisco|Cracker||Pizza-Rollen| |||||나비스코|크래커|||

for the rest of your meals, then you may want to pelo resto de suas refeições, convém

rethink that plan. Ripensare a quel piano.|| repensar esse plano.

And on that note, I would love to explore І на цій ноті я хотів би дослідити

different nutritional ideas in the future,

particularly ideas that cut down, again, particularmente idéias que reduzem, novamente,

on the time and energy required. no tempo e energia necessários.

So, I want to dig into to things like batch cooking, |||||||||일괄 조리| Chcę więc zagłębić się w takie rzeczy jak gotowanie wsadowe, Então, eu quero explorar coisas como cozinhar em lotes, Отже, я хочу заглибитися в такі речі, як приготування їжі,

like slow cooker cooking, things like that. ||Langsamkocher|||| como cozinhar lentamente, coisas assim.

Things that give you meals that you can just Coisas que lhe dão refeições que você pode apenas

put in the fridge and have for days on end coloque na geladeira e tenha por dias a fio

instead of having to cook every single night.

And I would love to hear your ideas on that front,

so definitely leave some ideas down in the comments below

for videos that I should do on the nutritional front

in the future.

But, until then, if you haven't tried making

a smoothie like this before, definitely give it a try. um smoothie como esse antes, definitivamente tente.

Again, it's super quick to do, the cleanup is minimal |||||||||minimaler Aufwand Ponownie, jest to bardzo szybkie do zrobienia, sprzątanie jest minimalne

and once I've made it in the morning,

it's really easy to just sit down and read a book

or watch a video or do something that helps me

learn something new.

And while we're on the subject of learning new things,

if you enjoy my channel and you're looking

for more educational content here on YouTube,

you may also want to check out the Cheddar channel. ||||||||Cheddar-Kanal| ||||||||체더|

I just finished watching one of their videos

on how one bad business decision completely tanked |||||||ruinierte komplett |||||||망쳤다 |||||||ruined o tym, jak jedna zła decyzja biznesowa całkowicie zatankowała sobre como uma decisão de negócios ruim foi completamente prejudicada про те, як одне невдале бізнес-рішення повністю провалилося

Sega's hardware division back in the 1990s Segas|Hardware-Abteilung||||| 세가의|||||| Dział sprzętowy firmy Sega w latach 90-tych XX wieku

and I found that to be a really fascinating video. ||||||||captivating| ||||||||매우 매력적인|

And beyond that, they have lots of videos and topics

like business and technology without all the boring parts.

So, definitely go check out that video Então, definitivamente, confira o vídeo

by clicking the link in the description down below

and if you like that, consider checking out

some of their other videos and subscribing ||||||Abonnieren alguns dos outros vídeos e se inscrever

to their channel.

I want to give a big thanks to Cheddar Quero agradecer ao Cheddar

for sponsoring this video and being in support

of my channel and as always, guys,

thank you so much for watching.

If you liked this video, definitely give it a thumbs up |||||||||thumbs up| Se você gostou deste vídeo, definitivamente dê um joinha

and I would love to hear your recipe modifications ||||||||Rezeptänderungen ||||||||변경 사항 ||||||||changes

to my smoothie in the comments below

if you do happen to change things up. se você mudar as coisas.

Otherwise, you can subscribe to this channel Caso contrário, você pode se inscrever neste canal

to get new videos every single week right there para conseguir novos vídeos a cada semana

or click right there, you'll get a free copy of my book

on how to earn better grades. jak zdobywać lepsze oceny.

Thanks again for watching and I will see you ||||e||||

in next week's video. ||다음 주의|